CV Mantilla2022

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D. Catalina Mantilla

D. Catalina Mantilla
[email protected]


01/2022 – 05/2022 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Temple University (Philadelphia, PA,



2017 – 2021 Ph.D. in Biology, Temple University (Philadelphia, PA, USA)

Advisor: Dr. Tonia Hsieh
Thesis: “Kinematics and Dynamics of running up granular slopes”
2012 – 2016 Master of Science in Biology, Florida International University
Advisor: Dr. Phil Stoddard
Thesis: “Kinematics of incline running when using claws and toepads in Caribbean
anole lizards”
2005 – 2010 Bachelor of Science in Biology, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota,
Colombia, SA
Advisor: Dr. Julio Mario Hoyos


06/2016 - 08/2016 Research in Dr. Tonia Hsieh’s Laboratory at Temple University.

Trained in kinematics data collection and Matlab programming. Collected preliminary
data for Master’s thesis.
03/2011 - 03/2012 Young Researcher at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogota,
Colombia). Development of the phase II of a phylogeny project based on morphological
characters (muscular) of the fore and hind limbs of frogs from the Unistrigatus group.
Project Title: “Phylogenetic analysis within the Pristimantis unistrigatus
(Anura,Starbomantidae) group from Colombia based on hand and foot muscles and
external characters”
09/2010 - 09/2010 Sampling of Bogota’s (Colombia) northern herpetofauna for a project
of the Universidad Nacional (Bogota, Colombia).
01/2010 - 06/2010 Internship in the Herpetology Laboratory of PUJ, in which research
about morphological and anatomical publications of reptiles, specifically lizards was
done as well as the arrangement, organization and identification of the herpetological
08/2009- 12/2009 Undergraduate Thesis “Descripción Miológica de la Unidad Mecánica
pie-pierna del lagarto Anolis antonii (Boulenger, 1908) (Squamata), (Polychrotidae)”
Advisor: Dr. Julio Mario Hoyos
08/2008 Undergraduate Research (PUJ): Provided research support in morphological and
anatomical studies of reptiles, specifically in lizards.
Organization of the lab’s herpetological collection by identifying the specimens and
banking them in the collection.
D. Catalina Mantilla 2

Used Adobe Illustrator CS5 to elaborate morphological (muscle and bone) drawings.


06/2019 6 days of collection of individuals of lizard species at the Mojave Desert, CA.
04/2008 6 days of development of experimental design projects in “Parque Nacional
Natural Chingaza”, Cundinamarca, Colombia.
Course: Fundamentals of Scientific Research, PUJ
04/2008 6 days of reptiles and amphibians sampling and monitoring in Puerto Lopez,
Meta, Colombia.
Course: Herpetology, PUJ
10/2007 6 days of vertebrate sampling and monitoring (Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians,
Fish, Bats) in Restrepo, Meta, Colombia.
Course: Vertebrate Zoology, PUJ
04/2007 7 days of arthropods and marine invertebrates sampling and monitoring in
Capurganá, Chocó, Colombia.
Course: Invertebrate Zoology, PUJ
03/2007 4 days of cryptogamic plants sampling in “Parque Ecológico Matarredonda”,
Choachí, Cundinamarca, Colombia.
Course: Cryptogamic Botanics, PUJ


01/2022 Speaker and assistant in the “Society for the Integrative and Comparative
Biology” Annual Meeting. Virtual presentation: “Subsurface foot flexibility and
positioning may improve running performance on granular slopes”. Phoenix, Arizona.
01/2020 Speaker and assistant in the “Society for the Integrative and Comparative
Biology” Annual Meeting. Presentation: “Sand specialists and non-specialists use similar
kinematic strategies when running on incline granular media”. Austin, Texas.
01/2019 Speaker and assistant in the “Society for the Integrative and Comparative
Biology” Annual Meeting. Presentation: “Kinematics of specialist and generalist lizards
running on level and incline granular media”. Tampa, Florida.
12/2018 Speaker and assistant in the “V Congreso Colombiano de Zoología”
Presentation: “Cinemática de Lagartos Especialistas y Generalistas Corriendo Sobre
Material Granular Horizontal e Inclinado”. Bogota, Colombia.
08/2018 Teaching Assistant Orientation Facilitator. Temple University. Philadelphia,
06 - 07/2018 Fellowship at The Franklin Institute. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
06/2018 Teaching in Higher Education Certificate. Center for the Advancement of
Teaching. Temple University. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
04/2018 Assistant and co-author of work presented at the “Greater Philadelphia Women’s
Studies Consortium Student Research on Gender, Women, and Sexualities” Annual
Meeting, co-hosted by the Greater Philadelphia Women’s Studies Consortium and
Villanova’s Gender and Women’s Studies program. Presentation: “Bodies Moving and
Moving Bodies: The Importance of Gender Competency in Health”. Villanova,
D. Catalina Mantilla

02/2017 Speaker and assistant in the BioSymposium of the Biology Department at

Florida International University. Presentation: “The Role of Claws and Adhesive toepads
in anole lizard Running Performance”. Miami, Florida.
Won third place for best oral presentation.
01/2017 Speaker and assistant in the “Society for the Integrative and Comparative
Biology” Annual Meeting. Presentation: “Evaluating the role of Claws and Toepads
during running in Anole lizards”. New Orleans, Louisiana.
01/2013 Speaker and assistant in the “Society for the Integrative and Comparative
Biology” Annual Meeting. Presentation: “Miology of the Foot-Leg Mechanical Unit of
Anolis antonii (Boulenger, 1908) (Squamata, Polychrotidae)”. San Francisco, California.
09/2011 Assistant to the “XI Congreso de la Investigacion en la Pontificia Universidad
Javeriana”. Bogota, Colombia.
11/2010 Speaker and assistant in the “III Congreso Colombiano de Zoología”
Presentation: “Descripción Miológica de la Unidad Mecánica pie-pierna del lagarto
Anolis antonii (Boulenger, 1908) (Squamata, Polychrotidae)”. Medellin, Colombia.
Computer Skills: Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Power Point, Microsoft Office
Excel, Adobe Illustrator CS5, R, MATLAB®, Blender, Fusion360, LIGGGHTS®.


Teaching in Higher Education

Temple University, 2017

Trips & Falls: Premises Liability and Human Factors

Webinar, Rimkus, 2022


Biology Travel Funding, Florida International University, January 2013, $300,

American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) Collection Study Grant, 03/2014
Biology Travel Funding, Florida International University, March 2014, $300
Biology Travel Funding, Florida International University, March 2015, $300
Dissertation Evidence Acquisition (DEA) Fellowship, Florida International University,
Summer 2016, $4,000
Biology Travel Funding, Florida International University, January 2017, $300
Fellowship of Graduate Student Travel (FGST), The Society for the Integrative and
Comparative Biology (SICB), January 2019, $2,000
Sigma Xi Grants in Aid of Research (GIAR), Sigma Xi The Scientific Research Honor
Society, June 2019, $1,000
Doctoral Dissertation Completion Grant, Temple University, August 2021, $11,000

D. Catalina Mantilla 4

Fall 2012 Teaching Assistant, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Florida International

Spring 2013 Teaching Assistant, General Biology II, Florida International University.
Summer 2013 Teaching Assistant, General Biology II, Florida International University.
Fall 2013. Teaching Assistant, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Florida International
Summer 2014 Teaching Assistant, General Biology II, Florida International University.
Fall 2014. Teaching Assistant, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Florida International
Summer 2015 Teaching Assistant, General Biology II, Florida International University.
Spring 2016 Teaching Assistant, General Biology II, Florida International University.
Fall 2016 Head Teaching Assistant, General Biology II, Florida International University
Spring 2017 Head Teaching Assistant, General Biology II, Florida International
Summer 2017 Head Teaching Assistant, General Biology II, Florida International
Fall 2017 Teaching Assistant, General Biology I, Temple University
Spring 2018 Teaching Assistant, General Biology II, Temple University
Fall 2018 Teaching Assistant, General Biology I, Temple University
Spring 2019 Teaching Assistant, General Biology II, Temple University
Fall 2019 Teaching Assistant, General Biology I, Temple University
Spring 2020 Head Teaching Assistant, General Biology II, Temple University


Hoyos, J.M., Mantilla, D.C., Galindo, D, Salgar, L. 2014. Phylogenetic analysis within
the Pristimantis unistrigatus (Anura, Craugastoridae) group based on morphological characters.
Caldasia. 36(1):107-124
Mantilla, D.C., Morales, S.D., Parra-Medina, R., Stroud, J.T. 2019. Histopathology of
large epidermal cysts on the invasive Puerto Rican crested anole (Anolis cristatellus) in Miami,
Florida USA. Anolis Newsletter VII, p. 154-157. Eds. Stroud, J.T., Geneva, A.J., Losos, J.B.
Washington University, St. Louis MO. 
Chang, B., Greenwood, A., Mantilla, C., Hsieh, T. Granular Media Force Response Due
to Angled Instrusions and Angled Substrates. In prep.
Mantilla, D.C., Tucker, E.L., Chang, B., Hsieh, T. Surface kinematics of sand specialist
and non-specialist lizards running on level and incline granular media. In prep.

Samuel David Morales Naranjo
MD Pathologist-Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia
Pathologist and Assistant Instructor-Hospital Universitario Infantil de San José-
Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud
Pathologist-Instituto Nacional de Cancerología E.S.E.
D. Catalina Mantilla

Bogota, Colombia
Cell phone number: (+57) 301-767-17-52

Philip Stoddard
MSc. PhD.
Biology Department
Florida International University
Phone number: 305-348-0378
e-mail: [email protected]
Nicole Mazouchova
MSc. PhD.
Safety and Reliability Engineer
Pratt & Whitney
Phone number: 678-544-8034
e-mail: [email protected]

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