Advanced Method For Sewage Water Treatment
Advanced Method For Sewage Water Treatment
Advanced Method For Sewage Water Treatment
Abstract - Sewage is waste water carrying wastes removed from residences, institutions, and commercial and industrial
establishments, together with such groundwater, surface water, and storm water as may be present. It is more than 99.9% pure water
and is characterized by its volume or rate of flow its physical condition, its chemical constituents, and the bacteriological organisms
that it contains.
Increasing volumes of domestic, hospital and industrial wastewater are being produced in cities around the world. Cities in
developing countries lack resources to treat wastewater before disposal. Even where expensive wastewater treatment plants are
installed, only a small percentage of the total wastewater volume is treated before discharge resulting in rivers, lakes and aquifers
becoming severely contaminated. So there is great need to treat waste water.
We can treat such water by various methods. The contaminants in wastewater are removed by physical, chemical, and biological
means. The individual methods usually are classified as physical unit operations, chemical unit processes, and biological unit
processes, Although these operations and processes occur in a variety of combinations in treatment systems, it has been found
advantageous to study their scientific basis separately because the principles involved do not change.
We can achieve desire results with the help of PLC. Using PLC we want to develop an automated continuous process system for
treating the waste water. Though the process seems to be simple but degree of automation is higher for proper operation
of a system. In this paper we are discussing how we are going to develop this system, what is the basic theme of this
system and how our ideas will be applicable to the theme. We have designed a control system particularly a batch
resources to treat wastewater before disposal.
Institutional support and legislation for pollution control
1.1 Sewage: It is essentially the water supply of the is weak. Even where expensive wastewater treatment
community after it has been fouled by a variety of uses. plants are installed, only a small percentage of the total
From the standpoint of sources of generation, waste wastewater volume is treated before discharge resulting
water may be defined as a combination of the liquid (or in rivers, lakes and aquifers becoming severely
water) carrying wastes removed from residences, contaminated. Only 4000 of 17,600 MLD waste water
institutions, and commercial and industrial generated in India is treated. Approximately 30,000
establishments, together with such groundwater, surface MLD of pollutants enter India's rivers, 10,000 million
water, and storm water as may be present. Sewage is liters from industrial units alone.
water-carried wastes, in either solution or suspension
According to the Central Pollution Control Board
that is intended to flow away from a community. Also
(CPCB), 16,000 MLD of wastewater is generated from
known as waste water flows, sewage is the used water
class 1 cities (population > 100,000), and 1600 MLD
supply of the community. It is more than 99.9% pure
from class 2 cities (population 50,000 - 100,000). Of the
water and is characterized by its volume or rate of flow
45,000 km length of Indian rivers, 6,000 km have a bio-
its physical condition, its chemical constituents, and the
oxygen demand (BOD) above 3mg/l (milligrams per
bacteriological organisms that it contains. Depending on
liters), making the water unfit for drinking. Wastewater
their origin, waste water can be classed as sanitary,
treatment involves breakdown of complex organic
commercial, industrial, agricultural or surface runoff.
compounds in the wastewater into simpler compounds
1.2 Need of sewage water treatment: that are stable and nuisance-free, either physico-
chemically and/or by using micro-organisms (biological
Increasing volumes of domestic, hospital and treatment).
industrial wastewater are being produced in cities
around the world. Cities in developing countries lack
International Journal of Advanced Technology in Civil Engineering, ISSN: 2231 –5721, Volume-1, Issue-2, 2012
Advanced Method For Sewage Water Treatment
1.3 Unit Operations in Sewage Treatment 1. The removal of suspended and floatable material
from wastewater.
The contaminants in wastewater are removed by
physical, chemical, and biological means. 2. The treatment of biodegradable organics (BOD
1.3.PhysicalOperations: Among the first treatment
methods used were physical unit operations, in which 3. The elimination of disease-causing pathogenic
physical forces are applied to remove contaminants. micro-organisms
Today, they still form the basis of most process flow
systems for wastewater treatment. Some of the basic
physical operations are given below: Screening, The CWA requires that municipal wastewater
Comminuting, Flow equalization, Sedimentation etc. treatment plant discharges meet a minimum of
'secondary treatment'. Over 30 percent of the wastewater
1.5.2 Chemical Operations: Treatment methods in which
treatment facilities today produce cleaner discharges by
the removal or conversion of contaminants is brought
providing even greater levels of treatment than
about by the additions of chemicals or by other chemical
reactions are known as chemical unit processes.
Precipitation and adsorption are the most common
examples used in wastewater treatment. In Chemical 3: HARDWARE DETAILS
precipitation, treatment is accomplished by producing a 3.1 Introduction
chemical precipitate that will settle..
In sewage treatment we are using different process.
1.5.3BiologicalOperations: Neutralization process is heart of our project. Here we
Treatment methods in which the removal of are using 4 tanks, 8 solenoid switches and 7 level
contaminants is brought about by biological activity are switches which will help to control the flow of treated
and untreated water. For Neutralization process we are
known as biological unit processes. Biological treatment
is used primarily to remove the biodegradable organic using one acid and base tank whose flow will be control
substances (colloidal or dissolved) in wastewater. with the help of fine valve.-Sewage treatment is a
continuous process based on PLC. It includes four
Basically, these substances are converted into gases that
can escape to the atmosphere and into biological cell process which are given below in brief:-
tissue that can be removed by settling. Biological 3.1.1 Screening: As per P&I diagram, reservoir tank is
treatment is also used to remove nutrients (nitrogen and the source of sewage. So with the help of pump, sewage
phosphorus) in wastewater. fluid is pumped into tank 1. Tank1 is provided with LH1
(Level High) & LL1 (Level Low) switches. As soon as
high level is reached, LH1 is switched off through
Before the late 1800s, the general means of controller. After some delay, SV1 (Solenoid Valve) is
disposing human excrement was the outdoor privy while opened through which the sewage water from tank 1 is
the major proportion of the population used to go for allowed to flow in tank2. Here we are using iron net
open defecation. Sewage treatment systems were which is use to eliminate small solid particles, plastics,
introduced in cities after Louis Pasteur and other covers etc. from sewage water. In this process water is
scientists showed that sewage born bacteria were allow to stay for some time.
responsible for many infectious diseases. The Early
attempts, in the 900s, at treating sewage usually 3.1.2Sedimentation
consisted of acquiring large farms and spreading the As soon as sufficient water from tank 1 is taken in
sewage over the land, where it decayed under the action the tank 2 i.e. up to LH2 SV1 will close. Here we are
of micro-organisms. It was soon found that the land using stirrer which is operating on motor. This stirrer is
became 'sick'. Later attempts included the discharge of moving very slowly at the top of the water in order to
wastewater directly into the water bodies, but it resulted collect all the floating solids which is not removed in
in significant deterioration of the water quality of such screening process. Here it slows down and the
bodies. These attempts relied heavily on the self- suspended solids gradually sink to the bottom. This
cleansing capacities of land and water bodies and it was mass of solids is called primary sludge. Various
soon realized that nature couldn't act as an indefinite methods have been devised to remove primary sludge
sink. from the tanks. As water remains in the tank for some
In general from about 1900 to the early 1970s time sludge get settle down at the bottom of the tank.
treatment objectives were concerned with:- After some time SV4 get open and settled sludge is
taken to the drain. After a certain delay SV3 get open
and Water goes into Tank3.
International Journal of Advanced Technology in Civil Engineering, ISSN: 2231 –5721, Volume-1, Issue-2, 2012
Advanced Method For Sewage Water Treatment
3.1.3 Chlorination: 4. Software Details:
Water from tank comes into tank 3 through SV2. In 4.1 Introduction: Control engineering has evolved
tank 3, we treat this water by alum and chlorine water. over time. In the past humans were the main methods
As we can see in the diagram there are two small tanks for controlling a system. More recently electricity has
above the tank3 which contain alum and chlorine, get been used for control and early electrical control was
controlled by SV3 and SV4. As water enters into tank 4 based on relays. These relays allow power to be
according to the value of the pH of the water, particular switched on and off without a mechanical switch. It is
amount of alum and chlorine get added into tank. Alum common to use relays to make simple logical control
helps to settle the sludge at bottom so water gets clean decisions. The development of low cost computer has
and chlorine is used as purifying agent which kills the brought the most recent revolution, the Programmable
bacteria in the water. As soon as alum and chlorine Logic Controller (PLC). The advent of the PLC began in
starts adding stirrer in tank starts rotating. Stirrer is used the 1970s, and has become the most common choice for
in order to mix the mixture properly. Stirrer rotates till manufacturing controls. PLCs have been gaining
SV4 is close. Once the SV4 get open Stirrer stops popularity on the factory floor and will probably remain
rotating. After certain amount of delay SV5 gets opened predominant for some time to come. Most of this is
and water from tank 3 is transfer into tank 4. As water because of the advantages they offer. In our system the
moves sludge into tank 3 is removed by the manually PLC program is going to control the valve i.e. is amount
operated tank. Tank 3 is also provided with limit of acid or base is to be add into treated water. It also
switches which controls the limit of the tank. controls the positions of all the levels of the different
tanks in the process. This will help to control the system
3.1.4 Neutralization: smoothly.
Separate tank (tank 4) is used to carry out 4.2 Basic Elements of PLC
neutralization which is also provided with LH4 & LL4 PLC mainly consists of a CPU, memory areas and
switches to carry necessary conditions .This is very appropriate circuits to receive input/output data. We
important process for sewage water . First of all pH of actually consider the PLC to be a box full hundreds and
the sewage water is measured with the help of signal thousands of relays, counters, timers and data storage
conditioning of pH meter and then transmitted to PLC locations. They don’t physically exist but rather they are
controller so that it can give further control to adjust the simulated and can be considered as software counters,
pH of sewage water by addition of acid (through SV6) timers, etc. Each components of PLC has specific
or base (through SV67) to the water coming from tank 2 function.
.While addition of acid or base the stirrer provided in
this tank is continuously operated with duty cycle of Languages in PLC
5sec .Here as soon as acid or base starts adding in the
tank stirrer starts rotating. As level reaches at LL4 stirrer 1. Ladder Diagram
stops rotating. Tolerance Band of 6 to 8 pH is 2. Functional Block Diagram
considered as neutral for these process.
3. Structural text
3.1.5 Treated Water:
4. Instruction List
After neutralizing the process fluid the neutralized 5. Sequential functional chart
fluid is transferred to another tank (tank 4) through
which it can be used as per domestic applications .Tank Of the above five languages we are using the
4 which consist of neutralized or treated water is ladder diagram for our programming. A brief
provided with LH4 & LL4 to avoid excess flow of description of Ladder diagram is as follows:
liquid from tank 3.As soon as LH 4 is reached the whole
processed is stopped whatever may be the level in tank 3 Ladder Diagram
for safety conditions .SV7 is used for drain out of
treated water as per the requirements. The ladder diagram has and continues to be the
traditional way of representing electrical sequences of
The whole process is controlled through PLC & all operations. These diagrams represent the
SV & level switches are operated through controller. interconnection of field devices in such a way that the
activation, or turning ON, of one device will turn ON
another device according to a predetermined sequence
International Journal of Advanced Technology in Civil Engineering, ISSN: 2231 –5721, Volume-1, Issue-2, 2012
Advanced Method For Sewage Water Treatment
of events. Figure 1-15 illustrates a simple electrical • 2AI: -20~20mA range (-1000~+1000)
ladder diagram. • 10DO: 1.5A/1point
4.3 Specification of PLC • 2AO: -20~20mA range(-2000~+2000).
International Journal of Advanced Technology in Civil Engineering, ISSN: 2231 –5721, Volume-1, Issue-2, 2012
Advanced Method For Sewage Water Treatment
International Journal of Advanced Technology in Civil Engineering, ISSN: 2231 –5721, Volume-1, Issue-2, 2012