Industrial Pollution Prevention: Project
Industrial Pollution Prevention: Project
Industrial Pollution Prevention: Project
A range of pollution prevention opportunities have been identified and are
currently being implemented by Misr Company for Dairy and Food in
Mansoura, Egypt. To date, this has involved a total investment of LE113,250
and resulting in annual savings of LE 309,250.
A summary of how these improvements were identified and the underlying
problems solved, follows.
This factory is one of nine owned by the public sector company Misr for Dairy
and Food and is one of the largest producers of dairy products in Egypt. The
Mansoura factory was built in 1965 and has a workforce of around 420.
The factory annually processes an average of 7,200 tons of milk, producing
mainly pasteurised milk, white cheese, blue cheese and mish. Yoghurt, sour
cream, ghee and processed cheese are also produced.
Process Description
Outline of Main Processes
The main process units present in the factory are outlined below:
Milk Receivi ng, Preparation and Storage - raw milk is delivered from
collection centres to the factorys reception area where it is tested and graded.
If it is of a suitable quality it is then accepted and refrigerated prior to use.
Project Milk Pasteurisation - the received milk is pasteurised by being rapidly heated
and cooled. It is then either sent for packaging or for further processing.
White Cheese Manufacturing - white cheese is produced from the milk
concentrate produced by the ultra-filtration of pasteurised milk, which is then
curded, packaged and sold.
Ghee Manufacturing - initially, cream is separated from the raw milk and
blended with artificial ghee and salt and then cooked. This mixture is then
incubated for a day and then packed. Morta is a generated as a by-product of
this process (0.05%), which is also packed and sold.
Roquefort Cheese Manufacturing - the pasteurised milk is placed in basins,
where it is curded, incubated, and refrigerated, followed by punching. It is
stored for one month to allow the blue colour to develop and then packed and
stored for dispatch. 20% of the milk used in this process is lost as whey.
Processed Cheese Manufacturing - Quark and Roquefort cheese are minced
and cooked with skimmed milk, whey protein and some additives such as salts
and emulsifiers, followed by cooling and packing.
Yoghurt and Sour Cream Manufacturing - milk and fixing agents are mixed
to produce yoghurt, which is then automatically packed in small cartons,
incubated and refrigerated for dispatch.
Mish (Salty Cheese Mix) Manufacturing - this is produced using dairy
products rejects. These are mixed, ground and filtered to separate the solids
from the whey. Preservatives are added and the product is packaged.
June 1998
Service Units 4. Oils used in the car and truck maintenance facilities was
Factory service units include tin can manufacturing, drained to factory sewers, encouraging drain blockage and
refrigeration and storage, a boiler station, a quality control consequent development of foul odours.
laboratory, a warehouse and maintenance workshops. 5. Excessive consumption of mazot in the boiler house,
Water Consumption due to poorly tuned boilers. This also resulted in
excessive air emissions (mainly smoke and carbon
The factory uses about 37,080 m3/year of water from the
monoxide) being discharged from the boiler stacks.
Mansoura City potable water supply;
v Processing - 2,880 m3/year. CLEANER PRODUCTION APPLICATIONS
v Equipment and floor washing - 20,160 m3/year. During the audit stage, particular attention was paid to
those improvements which could be carried out at low or
v Boiler feed and cooling water - 6,840 m3/year.
no cost to the factory. These were given a high priority
v Domestic use - 7,200 m3/year .
as they are easy to implement and often entail significant
Wastewater Characteristics savings.
v Volume: 30,240 m3/year of industrial wastewater The measures which have already been implemented by
from different factory streams, the factory or under implementation through the Cleaner
v BOD: 13,160ppm,
Production Demonstration Projects of the SEAM Project
are briefly outlined below.
v COD: 18,800ppm,
v TSS: 10,640ppm.