Module 6

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Senior HighHigh

Senior School

Research 2
Quarter 2 - Module 6
Research Conclusion and Recommendation

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Lesson 1 Drawing Conclusions

A conclusion is an important part of your research study. It wraps up your writing by summarizing the
main idea for your readers. It usually starts answering the specific moving to the general inquiry.

Guidelines in Writing Your Research Conclusion

1. State your conclusion in a clear and simple language.
Emphasize the purpose of your study then relate your findings differ other studies.
2. Do not just reiterate the discussion of your results.
Provide a synthesis of arguments presented in the paper to show how these converge to address the
research problem and the overall objectives of your study.
3. Indicate opportunities for future research.
Highlighting the need for further studies provides the reader with that evidence that you have an in-
depth awareness of the research problem.

Examples of Conclusions
1. Here is an example showing the connection between research questions and conclusions of the study
entitled “Research Writing Ability of Senior High School Students As Perceived by Teachers of
Sampled Schools in Quezon City by Precy M. Paurillo of Holy Spirit National High School, Quezon City,
Philippines Metro Manila College, Quezon City Philippines. Source:

Research Questions

Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions:

3.1 How may the respondents be described in terms of the following:
3.1.1 Preparedness on the rudiments of basic research,
3.1.2 Research culture of respondents, and
3.1.3 Research teaching strategies?
3.2 How may the teacher respondents describe the Grade 12 students’ ability to write research paper in
terms of:
3.2.1 Punctuation, 3.2.2 Grammar,
3.2.3 Word choice, 3.2.4 Spelling,
3.2.5 Syntax, 3.2.6 Citation,
3.2.7 Paraphrasing, and 3.2.8 Organization?
3.3 What challenges are encountered by the respondents in teaching research and how are these


In light of the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

6.1 Research Teachers are generally prepared on the Rudiments of Basic Research. Their Practical
readiness to teach the subject is based on their educational background which is Implication
manifested by their experience in their undergraduate supplemented by units earned and
diploma in a master’s degree and their units and a diploma in a Doctorate program. More so, they have been
constantly updating their qualifications by attending pieces of training related to research writing and they are
encouraged to conduct research.
6.2 Students are normally familiar and knowledgeable in most of the essentials of research writing such as
punctuation, grammar, word choice, spelling, syntax, citation, paraphrasing, and organization.
6.3 Challenges met by the teachers in teaching research vary from the rudiments of writing which include
syntax, citation, and paraphrasing among many others to the insufficient teaching
strategies in research. This clearly emphasized that teachers need to
extensively employ varied strategies, task-based motivational activities, and fun-
tasks as noted by (Takeuchi &Vaala, 2014).
Lesson 2 Formulating Recommendations
Recommendations. Your recommendations should point specific actions to be addressed. An
excellent recommendation will guide those who are affected in the situation to take serious action regarding
to what must be done to address the problem or uplift thesituation.

Guidelines in Writing Your Recommendations (Barrot, 2017):

1. Write your recommendations based from your conclusions and limitations of your study. Align it to
the purpose and scope of your research.
2. Write a practical and doable recommendations. Be specific.
3. Make it concise and clear.
4. Avoid recommendations that are easy to address

Example 1

Title of Study: “Research Writing Ability of Senior High School Students As Perceived by Teachers of Sampled
Schools in Quezon City by Precy M. Paurillo of Holy Spirit National High School, Quezon City, Philippines
Metro Manila College, Quezon City Philippines. Source:

In light of the findings and the conclusions derived from this study, the researcher
recommends the following:
7.1 To the teachers in the Senior High School:
7.1.1 They must continue to enhance their skills by attending pieces of training and
seminars that showcase the newest trends in academic writing and by finishing a
Master’s and a Doctorate degree.
7.1.2 They need to be trendier and more experimental in the presentation of the lessons
in Research Writing.
7.1.3 They have to assure the transfer of learning through the use of more engaging
techniques and strategies.
7.2 To the School Administrators:
7.2.1 They must consider the teaching loads vis-à-vis teaching hours of teachers handling
Research subjects to give way to a more in-depth treatment of the lesson and ample
time to check the outputs.
7.3 To the Curriculum Planners:
7.3.1 They must confirm the inclusion of research subjects in the Junior High School
starting from Grade 7 with the consideration of the degree of difficulty; Grade 7 – Focus:
Chapter 1, Grade 8 – Focus: Chapter 2, Chapter 9-Focus: Chapter 3, and Grade 10 –
Focus: Chapter 4. This is to prepare the students in the complex world of research
writing as they reach Senior High School.
7.4 To Future Researchers:
7.4.1 They can make most of the findings of this study and conduct similar research with
students as respondents. This will enable the future researchers to analyze and
recommend a new perspective on the bases of the students’ response and performance
since the respondents of this study are the teachers.

Example 2
Title of Study: Interest and Confidence in Mathematics and Science: Precursors in Choosing the STEM
Strand by AizaDumapias and Victor T. Tabuzo (March 19, 2018)

With the conclusions presented from this study, the following recommendations are hereby

1. For Policy Makers

The Department of Education must provide necessary teaching-learning materials that will enhance
the interest of the students. These materials should never be a burden for the teachers alone. Many
materials are being developed through research and DepEd can utilize these to foster interest and
confidence in math and science and thus increase the interest in pursuing the STEM field. With this,
it can be expected that STEM enrollment will increase in the succeeding years.

2. For the Teachers

With the big role teachers play inside and outside the classroom, it is important that they themselves
recognize the existing interest of the learners in mathematics and in science. Their teaching
strategies, activities, and even their personalities must promote, develop and sustain interest in their
students. Proper encouragement and words of wisdom must be part of their lessons and not just
mere content teaching. Once interest is sustained, learners will be confident and will be interested in
pursuing the STEM strand.

3. For the School Administrators

Schools must implement more math and science related programs that can stimulate the interest
and confidence of the students. Math and science camps must be conducted regularly. Competitions
must be open not only for the advanced but also for those who are not that confident. When they
experience the feeling of participating in competitions, their interest and confidence may develop
and their STEM interest may increase.

4. For the Parents

The influence of the family, parents in particular, was highlighted in this study. So it is important that
parents recognize and perform their role to the fullest in guiding and encouraging their children to
pursue the STEM career. Parents should develop a positive atmosphere at home regarding the
career path of the students especially towards STEM.
5. For Future Researchers
Further studies may be conducted and investigations may focus on the academic performance of
those who wish to pursue STEM. This is to see whether they are doing good in math and science that
is why they are pursuing STEM or not. In addition, further investigations may be done concerning the
factors behind the low STEM enrollment.

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