Module 6
Module 6
Module 6
Senior School
Research 2
Quarter 2 - Module 6
Research Conclusion and Recommendation
A conclusion is an important part of your research study. It wraps up your writing by summarizing the
main idea for your readers. It usually starts answering the specific moving to the general inquiry.
Examples of Conclusions
1. Here is an example showing the connection between research questions and conclusions of the study
entitled “Research Writing Ability of Senior High School Students As Perceived by Teachers of
Sampled Schools in Quezon City by Precy M. Paurillo of Holy Spirit National High School, Quezon City,
Philippines Metro Manila College, Quezon City Philippines. Source:
Research Questions
Example 1
Title of Study: “Research Writing Ability of Senior High School Students As Perceived by Teachers of Sampled
Schools in Quezon City by Precy M. Paurillo of Holy Spirit National High School, Quezon City, Philippines
Metro Manila College, Quezon City Philippines. Source:
In light of the findings and the conclusions derived from this study, the researcher
recommends the following:
7.1 To the teachers in the Senior High School:
7.1.1 They must continue to enhance their skills by attending pieces of training and
seminars that showcase the newest trends in academic writing and by finishing a
Master’s and a Doctorate degree.
7.1.2 They need to be trendier and more experimental in the presentation of the lessons
in Research Writing.
7.1.3 They have to assure the transfer of learning through the use of more engaging
techniques and strategies.
7.2 To the School Administrators:
7.2.1 They must consider the teaching loads vis-à-vis teaching hours of teachers handling
Research subjects to give way to a more in-depth treatment of the lesson and ample
time to check the outputs.
7.3 To the Curriculum Planners:
7.3.1 They must confirm the inclusion of research subjects in the Junior High School
starting from Grade 7 with the consideration of the degree of difficulty; Grade 7 – Focus:
Chapter 1, Grade 8 – Focus: Chapter 2, Chapter 9-Focus: Chapter 3, and Grade 10 –
Focus: Chapter 4. This is to prepare the students in the complex world of research
writing as they reach Senior High School.
7.4 To Future Researchers:
7.4.1 They can make most of the findings of this study and conduct similar research with
students as respondents. This will enable the future researchers to analyze and
recommend a new perspective on the bases of the students’ response and performance
since the respondents of this study are the teachers.
Example 2
Title of Study: Interest and Confidence in Mathematics and Science: Precursors in Choosing the STEM
Strand by AizaDumapias and Victor T. Tabuzo (March 19, 2018)
With the conclusions presented from this study, the following recommendations are hereby