David Wong
David Wong
David Wong
People say Education is a greatest treasure that can achieve. Education is all
around us. Education is everywhere. It is not just about the lesson that can get in schools
and textbooks; its also about the lessons of life. It gives us knowledge and changes
into something better. It builds the character of a person. Excellent education leads to
The learners cannot learn simply by being told what to do or by watching others,
they have to practice and practice frequently. Successful students employ time
management systems to create study patterns that work and use active learning
methods to add meaning and interest to their study time and maintaining their motivation
by connecting reasons for study to their life goals and values. Learners must develop
and established good study habits in doing school work, which can raised their
academic performance.
It is a common knowledge that many students fail in studying; even those who
work hard often study in ways considered unproductive. Several others are just
contented with barely passing grades, never developing their skills and abilities to the
highest level attainable. What to study, where to study and how to study are
indispensable to every student in class. In fact, proper study habits are the tool for
behaviors, skills, values, or preferences and may involve synthesizing different types of
Today, a lot of students dropping and failing their subjects. These may be
occurring due of lack of study skills. Study skills play a major role to get and maintain a
high grades. Moreover, it is a key to cope up easily with the discussions, sharpens your
mind and improve your time management. There are many factors which may affect
study skills. Study skills can be affected by the environment in which the student studies.
The amount of time used for studying is another affecting factor. Good study skills
The researcher believes to achieve a good study skills, one must have a desire
to learn and to improve. Motivation and persistence is very essential in learning because
Through the mission and vision of Naujan Academy, the researchers aims to
helps the students for enable to explore topics in a deeper and more expansive way,
incorporating creative and expressive modes into their learning, and developing deeper
insights into the complex connections between the subjects they are studying and as a
result. Students have a vital personal model for intellectual inquiry and growth and the
faculty enjoys a continuously challenging and changing teaching environment, and the
of Naujan Academy.
Theoretical Framework
elements) connected by inputs and outputs. Information or material objects flow through
a series of task or activities based on a set of rules or description points. Flow charts
and process diagrams are often used to represent the process. What goes in is the
input; what causes the change is the process; what comes out is the output. Figure 1
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework is a set of coherent ideas or concepts organized in a
manner that makes it easy for them to communicate with each other. It uses an IPO
model that shows how the data is bringing together in order to be processed and provide
a certain output. The IPO includes requirements that are needed for the study.
Figure 1 shown for the input, the researchers sought for the profiles of the
students: gender, and year level. It also includes the level of study skills of the students
Reading. The process included the collection of data through used of survey
questionnaires, analysis and interpreting of data. The output of the study is to assess
the current level of study skills of the students. Improvement of study skills and excellent
This study sought assessed the levels study skills of Senior High School students
in Naujan Academy
1. What are the profiles of the respondents in terms of the following demographic:
1.1 gender
2. What is the level of study skills of the students according to the following:
2.1 concentration
2.5 reading
The study seeks to determine the factors that affect the study skills among Senior
High School students The researcher will give a self-evaluation questionnaire that is
required to answer by Senior High School students of Naujan Academy regarding with
their study skills in terms of: Concentration, Time management, Note taking, and Test
preparation. The study is largely dependent on the honesty, sincerity, and integrity of
the respondents.
The researchers believe that following will be benefited from the findings of this
Naujan Academy. The study may also be guided in the formulation of future
delivery of learning.
Teacher. The study will also be help in understanding better the diversity of
learning of their students. As such, it is hoped that they could develop more effective
Students. The study will benefits students most specially the Institute of
Technology will be given information on how study skills affect their academic
performance. The result of the study will make them aware of the common study skills
Parents/Guardian. The study will help the parents in encouraging their children
Future Researcher. The study may be able to use the result of the study in farther
For the purpose of definiteness and in order to avoid confusion and ambiguity, the
Study skills. It is the process of organizing and taking in new information, retaining
study for school or college or even for the next day lesson.
Motivation. It refers to the drive that gives the student to perform better and further
The purpose of the review of related literature and studies is to give several ideas
Foreign Literature
In conformity with Mcknight (2006) he explained that habits are formed through
repetition. Once formed, habits are difficult to break. And it is formed when we are young
and are likely to stay with us in all our lives. It requires experiences whether they may
bad or may be good. Sometimes, it may refer also as a routine of a person as he or she
lives his or her life. Habits are being chosen and not hut something that happens without
a reason. As for the study habit specifically, it has to be processed and developed in
order to come up with a good one. It is not easy for students especially those who are
not consistent with what they are doing to develop their study habit because it requires
consistency and persistence in order to let ones study habit stay in our lives. Attaining
Mark Crilly (2000) said that Successful students are able to balance social
activities with good study habits. A diversion from studies will alleviate stress and help
prevent from becoming fatigued. He said that a student should make sure that he must
take a break for an hour after studies to meet with friends, to play some cards, work out
at the gym, or to gab with anew acquaintance. For this way, that student will find
develop a healthy social life, develop routine study habits. After supper, lug your books
and homework to the library, find a comfortable and quiet niche, and study for two or
three hours, taking intermittent 10 minute breaks every 45 minutes or so. Making
friends with whom you share similar study habits, and share a table or a study space
with them would be a best way in developing study habits as what Mark said.
Frank Pogue (2000) did a research project to determine why students fail. What
he founds to be true in that study habits survey was that more than 30 years ago still
rings true today-students fail because they do not know how to study. The best advice
he can give is to develop sound study skills. He said that a student should make sure
that he/she has a good study environment, a good desk, a sturdy chair, good light,
comfortable room temperature and a quiet atmosphere. That means he/she should
eliminate all external and internal distractions. Second, get a good overview of the
assignment before starting the work. Know what skills, facts and ideas that are expected
to master and the ground that are expected to cover. Start with most difficult subjects
In terms of age, Andrew (2006) stated that the older the respondent, the better
grade he gains, expecting that results of this study will yield more older respondents
enhances the way of thinking and gains a sharper view for studying. Age surely doesnt
matter but when it comes to thinking, it does. Critical thinking and understanding are
From a reliable source (Abderisak, 2007), students cannot study properly without
considering the time as the main factor of study habit. It is most certainly a study
technique in itself. The schedule given in each student should guide them in how to
allocate the available time among the academe works, extracurricular activities and
social life. Time is the most important element of studying. It must be properly observed
According to Palm Beach Community College (PBCC, 2008), they recommend that
students study should have at least three hours out of class for every hour spent in
class. They also said that a student must have a special place to study with plenty to
work. And students should not be cramped. They presupposes that study time will go
better if a learner take a few minutes at the stat to straighten things up. A desk and
straight-backed chair usually best. Dont get comfortablea bed is a place to sleep,
not to study as what they said. A student must have everything close at hand (book,
pencil coffee, dictionary, computer, calculator, tape recorder, etc.) before starting to
study. Students are not suggested to on time jumping up and down to get things. The
PBCC suggested also that distracting noise should be minimized however they said that
there are some people need sound and some like silence. In this case, a learner must
find what work for him or her. Culprits are family and friends. Consider a Do not disturb
and turning your answering machine is the way also to have better study habits
Fielden (2004) states that good study habits help the student in critical reflection
Fieldens study was slightly opposed by the work of Gladen (2008) who mentioned that
there is no definite way to define good study skills. As every student is different and
Nneji (2002) states that study habits are learning tendencies that enable students
work private. The best thing students should be doing is self-testing and self-
monitoring, Van Blerkom says. So many students read over the material and say, Ive
got this. Maybe this worked with high school tests. However, when they study by
reading over the material for their college exams, they are surprised when they do not
In accordance, Kelly (2000) explains that learning is very significant on the study
habits of students. If no learning takes place, studies are useless. The study is
somehow a general term and in fact, it is being measured by learning. When a student
study, it means they will be learning something. And the quality of their study habits
whether they may be bad or good depends on the learning that they have acquired
because the mere fact in here is that if the students learn a lot, it means that they have
applied the a sound study habits. The more the learning that a student learns, the better
large tasks into smaller ones. In this way, students may limit their allotted tie for
studying. Dividing large tasks into smaller ones is one of the few ways to lessen the
time for studying and also organizes the material for studying.
As it is said in the study of Crede and Kuncel (2008), study habit, skill, and attitude
inventories and constructs were found to rival standardized tests and previous grades
predicting academic performance. Study motivation and study skills exhibit the
strongest relationships with both grade point average and grades in individual classes.
Academic specific anxiety was found to be an important negative predictor of
Study groups help solve the problem of forgetfulness. Studying one hour
material as several hours a few days later. Studies show that as much as 80% of
Simmons (2003) said. professors in the developing countries said that the
undergraduate students should be fully equip with high level of analytical skills, the
capacity for critical reasoning, self-reflection and conceptual grasp and ability to learn
autonomously and exercise flexibility of mind. Study habits are said to be improving
because of the advent and wide use of the Internet, hypertext, and multimedia resources
University of Western Ontario, noted that habits of study, which are formed in school
have greater significance and students must realize the need to acquire these effective
study habits. Effective studying will help students to prepare schoolwork in less time
and achieve greater degree of mastery of the lesson. Students who study effectively
and efficiently make use of methods of learning which provide gaining in the acquisition,
retention, application of knowledge, facts and information from textbook and class
discussion, lectures and other resources. While Bolivar Pascual MD, a psychiatrist,
stated that study skills/habits or study strategies are approaches applied to learning.
They are generally critical to success in school, are considered essential for acquiring
good grades, and are useful for learning throughout one's life. There are arrays of study
skills, which may tackle the process of organizing and taking in new information,
retaining information, or dealing with assessments. They include mnemonics, which aid
well as efficient note taking. Acquiring effective study habits are often left up to the
student and their support, however there is and evidence that they increasingly taught
Li (2009) explained that students dont need to study for a long period of time but
Local Literature
students acquisition of rational capacities and skills. It has been scientifically confirmed
that family upbringing, neighborhood culture, schooling experience, and the national
It is believed that good study habits and positive attitude towards learning proven
in many studies enhance the process of learning skills, including reasoning skills. Good
study habits lead to enhancement in learning, as ability improves and sharpens through
need for students to acquire reasoning skills that would enable them to think critically
students are most successful when learning a target language are those who are like
the people that speak the language, admire the culture, and have desire to become
familiar with or even integrated into the society in which the language is used.
In the local setting specifically in Davao City, Nacito (2006) and Azarcon, et.al.
(2004) found that Grade Six students enrolled in Piedad District of Toril S.Y. 2005-2006
as well as the freshmen students of Erico T. Nograles National High School both need
to improve their study habits due to their low academic performance. In addition, college
parents first at home. The school will later on guide the students on studying their
the students how to learn on their own. The quotation on the side margin stresses this.
It is vital that students acquire the skills of how to learn; and that these skills enable
them to learn not just while they are in school but for a lifetime. This entails a deeper
awareness of how one processes information, the ability to evaluate his own thinking
and to think of ways to make his own learning process more effective. Proficiency in
objective one may be selected as the most appropriate for learning episode but may not
be suited for the same objective in another learning engagement. The teachers decision
in choosing one is crucial. Each of teaching approaches and strategies will be discussed
The cause of this drastic decrease in the performance of the students was
supported by a study conducted by Acido (2010) who identified students in public high
Manila Bulletin (2011).The point of having good study habits is to be effective and
efficient. Effective: retaining, understanding, and having a good grasp of the subject
matter. Efficiency: maximizing the time you study in order to spend as little of it as
possible. Having good study habits helps greatly in achieving one's goals in college.
Lee-Chua (2011). He believes that the most common problem of students is not
bullying, cheating or drug abuse. Those three are insidious, but procrastination may be
Teachers must always motivate their students to submit the assignments on time
and have the regular consultation of students who need more assistance and guidance.
Teachers must treat the students equally even the slow learners and give them proper
attention to develop the appropriate way of study habits and practices inside and outside
the classroom. Parents must keep away their children from watching television most
assignments. Teachers must also explain or discuss clearly all the topics being
discussed and they must consume the complete hours allotted for the subject. It is
recommended that guidance services where affective behavior of students can be
academic foundation and facilitate the achievement of the objective of the universal
Field, Tiffany; Diego, Miguel; Pelaez, Martha; Deeds, Osvelia; Delgado, Jeannette
(2012) Says that a breakup affects students' perceived academic performance including
Foreign Studies
Crede and Kuncel (2008) found that non-cognitive factors like study habit, skill
and study motivation, among other attitudinal constructs, accounted for incremental
Moreover, a literature review by Nagaraju (2004) pointed out that for good academic
A substantial amount of research has examined the role of students study habits
and their attitudes to study on academic performance. The study of Osa-Edoh and Alutu
(2012) which examined the usefulness of imbibing in the students study habit, as a
study habits and students academic performance. This suggests that it is only when
students imbibe or cultivate proper study habits that their academic performance can be
improved upon.
De Escobar (2009) stated that if students are a college student, high school
student or in elementary school students still need good study habits in order to perform
better and succeed in school. Good study habits for students start at home, however
we learn the most of them by practicing them and through trial and error. For instance
students should start with taking notes in class. Write down what the teachers says but
only what students think is important and could be on your next test. Use colors and
high light the most important things because this will help you study better and in less
time for your next test. Pay attention in class. Sometimes we go to class and start
thinking about who knows what. You know what I am talking about right? Well, try to
actually listen to what is going on in class, what the professor is saying and other
people's questions as well. Another good study habits for students is to do homework
at school. This is very rewarding for anyone because by the time you get home you will
have more than enough time to enjoy what you like to do most without worrying about
your assignment for the next day. Studying for tests and exams ahead of time is also a
very good habit. If one knows a test is approaching the way then start going through
ones notes today, read little by little every day so when the time comes one is prepared
and ready to take on it. The above examples are only a few good study habits one could
busiest moments in our lives. Recitations, assignments, projects, and exams are the
things that make students feel exhausted. Aside from that, there are work commitments
and social events that they would like to attend. All of these competing demands
influence time management. If the students do not have any idea about budgeting time
and keeping a schedule they can easily spin out of control, get stressed out and fall into
bad practices such as cramming or doing 'all-nighters. This gives rise to the importance
of time management for students. Here are some positive benefits to learning student
Firstly, academic time management can help the student better learn new
material. By taking a steady and consistent approach he/she absorbs the material in
small chunks so that he/she is better prepared when exam time comes around.
Secondly, student time management also helps one for class preparation. Often
concepts that are introduced in a previous class need to be properly understood in order
to build a new understanding of concepts that are introduced. By allocating time to study
material as one learns, one can improve class absorption rate and efficiency. Thirdly,
properly scheduling requirements, one can avoid running into competing demands. This
can happen if one is disorganized. Next, time management also allows setting aside
time for leisure and social events. If one has priorities to attend to, one won't find the
position of having to skip social events that one has been looking forward to. Moreover,
student time management is a proactive approach to making best use of all available
time. By knowing when to have breaks between classes one can set aside that time to
attend to study commitments. By setting up a schedule this way one can get to take
control of the day to day student requirements. This can help avoiding falling into the
trap of 'goofing off' between classes and frees time at night for other activities. Getting
started on student time management is often the most difficult task. Taking the time to
learn this skill will pay dividends throughout college life and will also be a valuable skill
one can take forward for managing life. Be prepared and learn is needed to know early
students-impact of study time and study habits in which they found that some study
habits had a positive direct relationship on student performance but others had a
Hassanbeigi et al. (2011), in their study of the relationship between various study
skills and academic performance of university students, noted that the study skills scores
of students with GPA of 15 and above (out of 20) were statistically higher than those
students with GPA of less than 15 in all of the seven skills (time management and
procrastination, concentration and memory, study aids and note-taking, test strategies
and test anxiety, organizing and processing information, motivation and attitude, and
According to Menzel, cited by Rana and Kausar (2011), many students fail not
because they lack ability but because they do not have adequate study skills. Students
who have difficulty in college frequently do not have adequate study habits that affect
their academic achievement. A central problem noted was that many of these students
had not learned how to take effective notes and manage time for studying (cited by
Mutsotso S.N. & Abenga E.S., 2010). Moreover, a study by Nagaraju (2004) found that
students usually do not devote sufficient time to their studies and seldom have proper
study habits.
individual's amount of caffeine consumption during his/her study session and the
individual's study habits showed that the main effect of drinking caffeine on exam
preparation was not significant There were participants, 20 male and 58 female college
students (N=78), answered self-ratings on their personal consumption of caffeine as well
as their study habits when preparing for a test/exam. It was hypothesized that the more
caffeine a student consumes while studying, the more accurately his or her study habits
habits were operationally defined as low scores on amount of time per study session,
time (in days) when preparation began, and amount of information the participants
believed they had retained. High scores on anxiety level were included in 'unhealthy'
consumed while studying and the individual's effectiveness of studying and preparation.
Local Studies
According to Muega (2003), students need to acquire reasoning skills that would
enable them to think critically and to make the right decisions claims on issues.
what he reads. It is from reading and reasoning one gets to extend his knowledge
The Filipino females under study are more likely to procrastinate and they are
expected to be the helper of the husband, and support the family with their income after
school or marriage. These conforming to these roles easily, they tend to put off doing
or performing them instead. Males on the other hand, are tensed-afraid type of
Enhancement Program: Its Effectiveness, it states that the Study Habits Enhancement
promote awareness in improving their learning styles. The researches formulated the
program based on the students baseline data which was gathered from their given
Specifically, the researchers were able to obtain data from their selected students as
profile: sex and grade. As revealed in the survey, the researchers were able to discover
and identify the problems the students have. These are delayed attention, learning
(2005), the University of the Philippines greatest failure is in mathematics. It is also said
that repetition in mathematics is common among UP students that almost one out of
three repeat a mathematics course. Cabahug and Ladot (2005) also said that the faculty
of the UP Cebu Natural Science and Mathematics Division or NSMD has felt the
declining performance of students in basic mathematics. It is also stated that the attitude
2004-2005 also showed that 44% of the students who were under the Bridge Program
spend more time in studying rather than of playing. 79.14% out of the 302 respondents
can be considered healthy for the reason that they do not get sick or ill often. This
contributes to a result of a high percent of 94.04% respondents who attend their class
Based on the study of Alexis D. Tan (2010) majority of the students often gets
percent of college graduates in the country failed and, last year, only 125,419 of the
345,182 or 36.3 percent college and technical school graduates passed their respective
professional eligibility examinations, as per PRC records. This statistics were based on
the results of licensure examinations for 45 groups of professionals. Among the lowest
number of passing rates were posted by: elementary teachers (15.4 percent);
secondary teachers (23.3 percent); electronic engineers (23.5 percent); and registered
based on the theory of confluent education which can improve the study habits and
The study of Cadosales (2013) reveals that the first year students have the skills
in organizing and planning their work, preparing assignments or projects, and note-
taking and reading. The students skills in organizing and planning ones work; working
with others and utilizing resources and feedback; note-taking and reading; and
students academic performance is note-taking and reading. First year college students
need to develop the habit of studying their lessons, reading, and taking down notes to
Each literature and studies are come from articles, thesis/dissertation and journals
Each literature and studies are come from articles, thesis/dissertation and journals
According to the study of Borro (2010) the common reason of drastic decrease of
academic performance of the student is a weak study habit. In the present study the
researcher seeks for the factors that affect the study habits of a student; the factors that
Fielden (2004) once stated that a good study habits have a good effects towards
The present study finds similarities to the study of Jabonete (2004), wherein the