Matheus 2021

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Received: 17 March 2021 Accepted: 29 July 2021

DOI: 10.1111/jfb.14868


Morphological and histochemical features of the digestive tract

of Leiarius marmoratus (Gill, 1870)

Valquiria Aparecida Matheus1 | Claudemir Kuhn Faccioli2 |

3 4
Renata Alari Chedid | José Augusto Senhorini |
Irene Bastos Franceschini-Vicentini3,5 | Carlos Alberto Vicentini3,5

Department of Biochemistry and Biology
Tissue, Institute of Biology, University of Abstract
Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil Leiarius marmoratus, a freshwater catfish from Pimelodidae family, shows great bio-
Department of Human Anatomy, Institute of
logical and commercial relevance because of its geographic distribution and adapta-
Biomedical Sciences, Federal University of
Uberlândia (UFU), Uberlândia, Brazil tion to fish-farm. The knowledge of the morphological characteristics of the digestive
Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biological tract is fundamental to the understanding of fish physiology and nutrition, which
Sciences, S~ao Paulo State University (UNESP),
Bauru, Brazil helps in the planning of diets to provide better management and success in fish farm-
National Center for Research and ing. Thus, this work described the morphology and histochemistry of the digestive
Conservation of Continental Aquatic
tract of L. marmoratus adults. After euthanasia, the animals were dissected for analy-
Biodiversity ICMBio/CEPTA, Pirassununga,
Brazil sis of the digestive tract. The oesophagus is a short and distensive organ with longitu-
Aquaculture Center of UNESP, S~ao Paulo dinal folds that allow the passage of large food, e.g., other fishes. Oesophageal
State University (UNESP), Jaboticabal, Brazil
mucosa layer shows a stratified epithelium with goblet cells and club cells. The secre-
Correspondence tion of goblet cells is composed of neutral and acidic mucins that are anchored in the
Valquiria Aparecida Matheus, Department of
Biochemistry and Biology Tissue, Institute of
epithelium luminal face by epithelial cells fingerprint-like microridges, lubricating the
Biology, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), surface to facilitate the food sliding. Club cells have protein secretion that can be
Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz – Bar~ao
Geraldo, Campinas – SP, 13083-970, Brazil.
involved in alarm signals when epithelium is damaged and in immunological defence.
Email: [email protected] The saccular stomach is highly distensible to store large food. Gastric mucosa layer is

Funding information
composed of epithelial cells with intense secretion of neutral mucin to protect
Fundaç~ao de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de against self-digestion of gastric juice. Cardiac and fundic regions of stomach show
S~ao Paulo, Grant/Award Number: 2011/
well-developed gastric glands composed of oxynticopeptic cells. These cells have
numerous mitochondria, highlighting their intense activity in the synthesis of acid
and enzymes. The intestine is divided into three regions: anterior, middle and poste-
rior. Although it is a short tube, intestine shows longitudinal folds and microvilli of
enterocytes to increase the contact surface. These folds are higher in the anterior
region of the intestine, highlighting their function in digestion and absorption. Intesti-
nal goblet cells have acidic and neutral mucins that lubricate the epithelium and aid in
digestive processes. These cells increase in number towards aboral, and they are
related to the protection and lubrication to expulsion of faecal bolus.

anatomy, histochemistry, histology, mucin, mucous cells, ultrastructure

J Fish Biol. 2021;1–10. © 2021 Fisheries Society of the British Isles. 1

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N (oesophagus, stomach and intestine). Fragments of oesophagus, stom-

ach (cardiac, fundic and pyloric regions) and intestine (anterior, middle
The digestive tract is anatomically formed by a long hollow tube with and posterior) were fixed in appropriate solutions for each study as
associated glands. Functionally, this tube has distinct regions special- described below: gross anatomy, histology, histochemistry and ultra-
ized in the processes of digestion, absorption and transport of ions structure. This study is in agreement with the ethics principles in ani-
(Ray & Ringø, 2014). Histologically, the digestive tract has four distinct mal experimentation, adopted by the Animal Experimentation Ethics
layers: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and serosa (Pawlina & Committee of the National Center for Research and Conservation of
Ross, 2021). The mucosa layer is in constant contact with the luminal Continental Aquatic Biodiversity ICMBio/CEPTA, Pirassununga – SP,
content. For this reason, in addition to participating in the processes Brazil.
of digestion, absorption and ionic regulation, the mucosa layer plays
an important role as a selective barrier defining the luminal content of
the individual's internal environment (Cao & Wang, 2009; 2.2 | Gross anatomy
Shephard, 1984; Sundh et al., 2010).
The mucosa layer also acts as an immune barrier (Grove et al., 2006; The digestive tract was dissected and photographed. Then, fragments
McGuckin et al., 2011; Ringø et al., 2003). Specialized mucosal cells syn- of oesophagus, stomach and intestine were removed and fixed in 10%
thesize and secrete mucins related to the individual's defence against formalin to describe the macroscopic features. The photo-
pathogens. Mucins also perform other essential functions for homeosta- documentation was performed with a Leica IC80HD camera attached
sis such as lubrication, protection against digestive enzymes and osmo- to a Leica M50 stereo microscope.
regulation (Cao & Wang, 2009; Leknes, 2015; Petrinec et al., 2005). In
this context the morphological analysis of the digestive tract is relevant
to the understanding of fish nutrition, in the identification of pathological 2.3 | Histology
or physiological changes, contributing to better fish management and
 n et al., 2006; Wilson & Castro, 2010).
conservation (Carrasso Tissue fragments of digestive tract were fixed in Karnovsky's solution
Leiarius marmoratus (Gill, 1870) is a freshwater catfish from (2.5% glutaraldehyde, pH 7.2, 0.1 M phosphate buffer and 8% para-
Pimelodidae family distributed in the basins of the Amazon, Essequibo formoldehyde). After 24 h, the samples were washed in 70% ethanol,
and Orinoco rivers, which shows omnivorous habit but with adaptations dehydrated in graded ethanol series and embedded in historesin (His-
for each basin (Ramírez-Gil & Ajíaco-Martínez, 2011). This is reflected in toresin embedding kit, Leica). Histological sections of 3 μm thick were
the ease of handling it in captivity, and the species ability to assimilate obtained using an automated microtome (Leica RM 2265, Germany).
pelleted food (Cruz-Casallas et al., 2010). According to Sánchez et Subsequently, the sections were stained with 1% toluidine blue,
al. (2009), L. marmoratus has great gastronomic value because of the haematoxylin and eosin, and Masson's trichrome (Suvarna et
quality of its meat (light colour, mild flavour and the presence of few al., 2018). The images were taken using the Olympus BX40f4 photo-
intramuscular bones), in addition to great commercial relevance, as it is microscope attached with an Olympus DP12 camera.
a species widely used to obtain hybrids (Bernardes et al., 2016; Fortes-
Silva et al., 2017; Oliveira-Almeida et al., 2015; Paulino et al., 2020). In
the search for a better understanding of the digestive and nutritional 2.4 | Histochemistry
characteristics of L. marmoratus, this work aims to describe the morpho-
logical and histochemical characteristics of the different segments of For histochemical analysis, the samples were fixed in Bouin's solution.
the digestive tract of L. marmoratus, because it is the mucosa layer that After fixation, fragments were washed in 70% ethanol, dehydrated in
is in constant contact with the luminal contents. graded ethanol series and embedded in Paraplast Plus (McCormick Scien-
tific; 39503002, Leica, Germany). Histological sections 7 μm thick were
cut using the American Optical microtome. The sections were prepared
2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS for the detection of mucin by submerging them in histochemical reagents.
The periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) technique was performed for the detection
2.1 | Fish samples of neutral mucins and the Alcian blue (AB) technique pH 1.0 and 2.5 for
acidic mucins (Cao & Wang, 2009; Suvarna et al., 2018; Vidal et al., 2020).
Ten adult male specimens of L. marmoratus were obtained from the The photomicrographs were obtained using an Olympus BX40f4 micro-
National Center for Research and Conservation of Continental scope attached with an Olympus DP12 camera.
Aquatic Biodiversity ICMBio/CEPTA, Pirassununga – SP. The fish
were raised in earthen pond. Two days before euthanasia, they were
acclimated in plastic tanks and deprived of food deprivation. The ani- 2.5 | Ultrastructure
mals were euthanized with a saturated benzocaine solution (10 g L ).
Then, a longitudinal incision was made in the ventral region of the ani- Fragments of the digestive tract were fixed in Karnovsky's solution, at
mals for analysis and removal of the digestive tract organs 4 C for 24 h. Then, the samples were post-fixed for 2 h in 1% osmium

tetroxide (pH 7.4), dehydrated in a graded acetone series and embed- density in TEM and PAS-positive and AB pH 2.5-positive in histo-
ded in Araldite resin. Resin polymerization was completed in an oven chemical technique (Table 1) (Figure 2e-g).

at 60 C for 48 h. Ultra-thin sections (60 and 80 nm) were mounted on Club cells are located in the basal region of the oesophageal epi-
copper grids and contrasted with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. The thelium (Figure 2a,c). These are the largest cells of epithelium, show-
analysis and photodocumentation were performed using a Philips ing a homogeneous cytoplasm and a central euchromatic nucleus
CM100 transmission electron microscope (TEM). (Figure 2c). Few organelles, the mitochondria mainly, were observed
near the nucleus. As observed in epithelial cells, club cells membrane
shows many interdigitations. These cells show no opening to the
3 | RESULTS oesophageal lumen and no reaction to histochemical technique (Fig-
ure 2e-g). Oesophageal mucosa layer also shows connective tissue of
The digestive tract of L. marmoratus extends ventrally along the body lamina propria that is continuous with the submucosa because of the
cavity (Figure 1a,b). The oesophagus is a short tubular organ with lon- absence of muscularis mucosae (Figure 2a). Muscularis layer consists
gitudinal high folds (Figure 1c). The stomach has a saccular shape, is of striated muscle and is divided into inner longitudinal and outer cir-
richly vascularized and is divided macroscopically into cardiac, fundic cular layers. A serosa layer coats the oesophagus externally.
and pyloric regions (Figure 1c). The cardiac and fundic regions con- The gastric mucosa layer is lined by simple columnar epithelium
tained thick longitudinal folds. The pyloric region has a thicker wall (Figure 3a-c). The columnar cells have a centro-basal nucleus that shows
and a developed musculature forming a pyloric sphincter. The intes- euchromatin predominance and evident nucleoli (Figure 3c,d). In the
tine shows three regions: anterior, middle and posterior. Along its cytoplasm around the nucleus, well-developed rough endoplasmic retic-
length, loops or curvatures are observed, mainly in the middle region ulum was observed (Figure 3d). In the apical portion, columnar cells
(Figure 1a,b). Intestinal folds are longitudinal. In anterior intestine, the have elongated electron-dense granules (Figure 3c,f). In histochemical
folds are numerous, thin and tall, becoming less numerous and thicker testing, these granules show a strongly positive reaction (Figure 3e).
in posterior direction (Figure 1d-h). In the cardiac and fundic regions, the mucosa layer contains gastric
The oesophageal mucosa layer of L. marmoratus consists of a glands, which open into the gastric crypts (Figure 3b). These tubular
stratified epithelium, composed of three distinct cell types: epithelial glands are composed of oxynticopeptic cells with a pyramid shape with
cells, goblet cells and club cells (Figure 2a). Epithelial cells occur in all a rounded euchromatic nucleus and evident nucleolus (Figure 3g,h).
strata of epithelium showing a columnar shape in the basal portion Several mitochondria of different shapes, well-developed rough endo-
and became squamous in the apical portion. The plasma membrane of plasmic reticulum and golgi complex are observed in the cytoplasm (Fig-
all cells of oesophageal epithelium showed many interdigitations and ure 3g,h). Oxynticopeptic cells have many spherical and electron-lucent
desmosomes (Figure 2b). In squamous epithelial cells, plasma mem- granules and a tubulovesicular system in apical region (Figure 3g,h).
brane presents fingerprint-like microridges on the luminal face (Figure Stomach shows a lamina propria of connective tissue and a
2b). These squamous cells contain heterochromatic nucleus, and the muscularis mucosae of longitudinal smooth fibres separating from con-
cytoplasm contains many small mitochondrial organelles and electron- nective tissue of submucosa (Figure 3a). Muscularis layer consists of
lucent vacuoles (Figure 2b). smooth muscle divided into inner circular and outer longitudinal layers.
Goblet cells are located in the apical region of the oesophageal Inner circular layer is well developed in pyloric, forming the sphincter.
epithelium, distributed among the squamous epithelial cells, which The serosa layer constitutes both connective tissue and mesothelium.
open into the oesophageal lumen (Figure 2a,c-g). Basal nucleus pre- The intestinal mucosa layer is composed of simple columnar epi-
sents a predominance of euchromatin (Figure 2d). Around the nucleus, thelium that has two predominant cell types: absorptive cells or
well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and golgi complex were enterocytes and goblet cells (Figure 4a,b). Enterocytes present numer-
observed, but the cytoplasm is occupied almost entirely by secretion ous microvilli on their apical surface (Figure 4d-f). The oval basal
granules (Figure 2c,d). Secretory granules show different electron nucleus shows predominance of euchromatin and evident nucleolus

TABLE 1 Histochemical reactions of mucin in the mucosa layer of the digestive tract of Leiarius marmoratus

Staining Stomach Stomach Stomach Anterior Middle Posterior

technique used Oesophagus Oesophagus cardic fundic piloric intestine intestine intestine

PAS +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ ++

AB pH 1.0 + + + +
AB pH 2.5 +++ +++ +++ ++
AB pH 2.5 + PAS +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ ++
Cell types “club” cell Goblet cell Columnar Columnar Columnar Goblet cell Goblet cell Goblet cell
cell cell cell

Note. Staining intensity: ( ) negative, (+) weak; (++) moderate; (+++), strong.
AB: Alcian blue; PAS: periodic acid-Schiff.

F I G U R E 1 Anatomical characteristics of the digestive tract of Leiarius marmoratus. (a) Fresh digestive tract; (b) digestive tube fixed in bouin;
(c) cut of the stomach showing the cardiac (ca), fundic (fd), pyloric (py) and muscle layers (arrow); cross section of the anterior intestine (d) and the
posterior intestine (e), showing the muscular layer (arrow with two heads) and intestinal folds (*). (f, g, h) Anterior, medium and posterior intestinal
folds (*), respectively. AI: anterior intestine; ES: oesophagus; MI: medium intestine; PI: posterior intestine; RT: direct; ST: stomach. Scale bars: (a),
(b) and (c) 1 cm; (d) and (e) 0.125 cm; (f) 2 mm; (g) 1 mm; (h) 500 μm

F I G U R E 2 Histological, histochemical and ultrastructural characteristics of the oesophagus of Leiarius marmoratus. (a) Photomicrograph of
stratified glandular epithelium composed of epithelial cells (ec), goblet cells (gc) and club cells (cc), and the underlying lamina propria and the
submucosa (lp/sm); (b) electron micrograph of epithelial cell with emphasis on desmosomes (arrowhead), interdigitations (i) and microcrystals
(arrows); (c) electron micrograph of the basal portion of the oesophageal epithelium with emphasis on club cells (cc) and goblet cells (gc); (d)
electron micrograph of the endoplasmic reticulum (rer) close to the nucleus of goblet cells; (e, f, g) photomicrograph of goblet cells (gc). Stains and
reactions: (a) haematoxylin–eosin, (e) periodic acid-Schiff (PAS), (f) Alcian blue (AB), (g) combined PAS + AB reaction. Scale bars: (a) 30 μm; (b)
5 μm;(c) 5 μm; (d) 500 nm; (e) 30 μm; (f) 20 μm; (g) 30 μm

(Figure 4d). Plasma membrane presents junctional complexes, formed continuous with the submucosa (Figure 4a-c). Muscularis layer
by the tight junctions, communicating junctions and desmosomes consists of smooth muscle divided into innercircular and outer longi-
observed by TEM (Figure 4e). Several elongated or rounded mito- tudinal layers (Figure 4c). The serosa layer constitutes both connective
chondria are evident in the cytoplasm of enterocytes (Figure 4e). tissue and mesothelium (Figure 4c).
Intestinal goblet cells increase in number towards aboral direction.
Goblet cells show a basal nucleus with predominance of euchromatin.
Cytoplasm is filled by numerous granules (Figure 4f). Granules show 4 | DI SCU SSION
content of homogeneous electron density in TEM and positive reac-
tion to PAS and AB in the histochemical technique (Figure 4g-i). L. marmoratus is an omnivorous species (Cruz-Casallas et al., 2010),
Intestinalmucosa layer also shows connective tissue of lamina propria but it shows a classical digestive tract as described for carnivorous

F I G U R E 3 Histological, histochemical and ultrastructural characteristics of the stomach of Leiarius marmoratus. (a) Photomicrograph of the
stomach of L. marmoratus with emphasis on the muscularis mucosa (mm) between the lamina propria (lp) and the submucosa (sb); (b)
photomicrograph of the stomach showing the epithelium e composed of mucous cells and the tubular gastric glands (gg) immersed in the lamina
propria (lp); (c) electron micrograph of the apical portion of the stomach with an emphasis on granules of secretion (arrowhead); (d) electron
micrograph of the endoplasmic reticulum (rer) close to the nucleus (n) of the mucous epithelial cells; (e) photomicrograph of the lining epithelium
of the stomach with strongly positive periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) cells (arrowhead); (f) electromicrograph of mitochondria; (g, h) electron
micrography with emphasis on oxyntic cells of pyramid shape (ox) that have a nucleus with de-densified chromatin with mitochondria dispersed in
the cytoplasm (*) and spherical and electron-lucent granules (★). Stains and reactions: (a) Masson's trichrome; (b) haematoxylin–eosin; (e) PAS.
Scale bars: (a) 200 μm; (b) 60 μm; (c) 5 μm; (d) 500 nm; (e) 30 μm; (f) 500 nm; (g) 5 μm; (h) 1 μm

and piscivorous teleosts, consisting of: a short distensible oesophagus, contrary, this species does not have pyloric caeca, structures that
a saccular distensible and richly vascularized stomach, and a short have been associated with carnivorous fish (Layman et al., 2005),
intestine (Faccioli et al., 2014; Wilson & Castro, 2010). On the although they are related to phylogeny and not eating habits.

F I G U R E 4 Histological, histochemical and ultrastructural characteristics of the intestine of Leiarius marmoratus. (a, b) Photomicrograph of the
intestinal lining epithelium composed of columnar epithelial cells (enterocytes – e) with elongated nucleus (n) located in the basal region, goblet
cells (*) and the lamina pro pria (lp); (c) Longitudinal section of the intestine with emphasis on the muscular layer; (d, e, f) Electron micrograph of
enterocytes showing the brush border (arrows) formed by microvilli, mitochondria (m) and tight junctions (arrowhead). (g, h, i) Goblet cells (*)
dispersed throughout the intestinal epithelium (e). Stains and reactions: (a, b) Toluidine blue, (c) Masson's trichrome, (g) periodic acid-Schiff (PAS),
(h) Alcian blue (AB), (i) PAS + AB. Scale bars: (a) 60 μm; (b) 20 μm; (c) 200 μm; (d) 5 μm; (e) 2 μm; (f) 5 μm; (g) 20 μm; (h) 30 μm; (i) 30 μm

The short oesophagus shows longitudinal folds that allow great similar to other species (Cao & Wang, 2009; Gosavi et al., 2019;
distensibility to facilitate the passage of large food, like fish (Faccioli et Suvarna et al., 2018; Vidal et al., 2020). Neutral mucins have an impor-
al., 2014; Mello et al., 2019; Rodrigues & Cargnin-Ferreira, 2017; Vidal tant role in protecting the gastric epithelium against proteolytic degra-
et al., 2020). Oesophageal epithelium of studied species is composed dation of enzymes secreted by the gastric glands, as well as a
of epithelial cells, goblet cells and club cells. All these cells have many buffering effect on high stomach acidity (Domeneghini et al., 2005). In
interdigitations and desmosomes, as observed in fish oesophagus that addition to the protective function, the presence of neutral mucins is
eat large food and so are in constant distension and abrasion (Faccioli involved in the absorption and transport of macromolecules across
et al., 2014). the membrane (Pedini et al., 2005). The secretion granules of colum-
The oesophageal epithelium of L. marmoratus shows large amount nar epithelial cells are strongly electron-dense in TEM, which may
of goblet cells with neutral and acidic mucins secretion for the organ indicate the presence of lipids that get electron-dense after fixation in
lubrication. Mucins are anchored in the luminal face of epithelium by osmium tetraoxide. According to Kao and Lichtenberger (1987), sur-
fingerprint-like microridges of squamous epithelial cells, forming a gel face-active phospholipids are essential component of the protective
on the oesophageal surface (Faccioli et al., 2016a). Functionally, neu- hydrophobic lining stomach, synthesized by the gastric epithelial cells.
tral mucins lubricate the luminal surface (Kalhoro et al., 2019), may Gastric mucosa layer of studied specie has numerous tubular
indicate pre-gastric digestion (Cao & Wang, 2009) and are related to glands in the cardiac and fundic regions. These glands are composed
emulsification of food in chyme (Hopperdietzel et al., 2014; Humbert of oxynticopeptic cells, which secrete hydrochloric acid and pepsino-
et al., 1984; Leknes, 2015). Acidic mucins increase the viscosity of gen (Ostos Garrido et al., 1993; Wilson & Castro, 2010). These cells
secretions that are associated with protecting the tissue against path- show electron-lucent euchromatic nucleus and large amount of mito-
ogens and trapping water-soluble particles (Schauer, 2004; chondria. According to Faccioli et al. (2018), oxynticopeptic cells are
Tibbetts, 1997). As observed in Hemisorubim platyrhynchos (Faccioli et highly active and require high energy demand. Moreover, the stomach
al., 2014), there is a predominance of carboxylated acidic mucins over of L. marmoratus was the only organ of digestive tract with an evident
sulphated ones, in the oesophagus of L. marmoratus. Carboxylated muscularis mucosae. This structure composed of longitudinal smooth
acidic mucins are involved in lubrication and sulphated acidic mucins fibres can help the movement of the mucosa layer to promote the
to protect against microorganisms and increase secretion viscosity secretion of gastric juice. The muscularis layer promotes bolus move-
(Cao & Wang, 2009; Tibbetts, 1997). ment for mixing with enzymes and the pyloric sphincter keeps food in
L. marmoratus oesophageal epithelium also shows club cells. It is the stomach until it is digested (Pawlina & Ross, 2021).
possible that these cells are typical of the oesophagus of Neotropical The intestine of L. marmoratus is short, but it presents longitudinal
Siluriformes, because these cells have been described in the oesopha- folds to increase the contact surface (Kalhoro et al., 2019; Wilson &
gus of Trachelyopterus striatulus (Santos et al., 2015), H. platyrhynchos Castro, 2010). Anterior intestine has many tall folds, highlighting its
(Faccioli et al., 2014), Pimelodus maculatus (Santos et al., 2007), function as the main area of digestion and absorption of the intestine
Pseudoplatystoma coruscans (Cal, 2006) and Trichomycterus brasiliensis (Løkka et al., 2014; Faccioli et al., 2016b). Along the intestine,
(Ribeiro & Fanta, 2000). In turn, they are absent in the oesophagus of enterocytes have microvilli that react to PAS, indicating neutral
Siluriformes from other regions of the world, such as Pelteobagrus glycoconjugates that promote emulsification of food into chyme and
fulvidraco of Asia (Cao & Wang, 2009). Club cells are found in the skin absorption of nutrients (Clarke & Witcomb, 1980; Stroband et
of other teleost species, as Cyprinus carpio (Iger et al., 1994), Liobagrus al., 1979).
mediadiposalis (Park et al., 2003) and Arius tenuispinis (Al-Banaw et The secretion of intestinal goblet cells of L. marmoratus has sev-
al., 2010). Club epidermal cells may be related to the release of sub- eral functions and histochemistry allowed its characterization into
stances involved in alarm signals when they are damaged by a preda- acidic and neutral mucins. Acidic mucins protect the intestinal epithe-
tor attack (Reverter et al., 2018). Another possible function of these n et al., 2006). Sulphated acidic
lium against degradation (Carrasso
cells may be immunological, because they increase in number when mucins increase secretion viscosity (Cao & Wang, 2009), although the
exposed to pathogens (James et al., 2009; Nakamura et al., 2001). mucus produced in the intestine is less viscous than the other regions
According to Lauriano et al. (2020), club cells may be involved with of the digestive tract, which maintains intestinal transport with
photoprotective function. Although some functions of epidermal club greater fluidity (Tibbetts, 1997). Such observations corroborate the
cells have been described, the presence of these cells in the weak reaction of goblet cells of L. marmoratus with AB (pH 1.0). In
oesophageal epithelium is still poorly understood. Nonetheless, club turn, neutral mucins combined with alkaline phosphatase contribute
cells may be associated with protection against epithelial damage cau- to the digestion providing cofactors for enzymatic breakdown and
sed by the intake of large food, as seen in carnivorous fish (Faccioli et assisting in the absorption of macromolecules (Murray et al., 1996).
al., 2014). In this sense, L. marmoratus oesophagus also shows a thick Cao and Wang (2009) relate the large amount of neutral mucins in the
connective tissue constituting the lamina propria and submucosa, and anterior intestine of P. fulvidraco to a large activity of digestion and
a thick muscularis composed of striated fibres, enabling great distensi- absorption functions. L. marmoratus shows a strong reaction of neutral
bility and the apprehension of live prey, respectively. mucins in the anterior and middle regions of intestine, confirming that
The stomach of L. marmoratus is lined by a simple columnar epi- these regions are the main sites of digestion and absorption. On the
thelium composed of epithelial cells with neutral mucins secretion, contrary, the increase in the number of goblet cells towards aboral

side observed in L. marmoratus is related to the protection and lubrica- Cal, J. A. (2006) Histologia do trato digesto rio de Surubim-pintado
tion of the digestive tract for expulsion of faecal bolus (Murray et (Pseudoplatystoma coruscans – Agassiz – 1829), (Masters thesis,
Universidade de S~ao Paulo), Available from USP Library:
al., 1996; Petrinec et al., 2005).
In conclusion, although some authors classify the species L. mar- Cao, X. J., & Wang, W. M. (2009). Histology and mucin histochemistry of
moratus as omnivorous, the results obtained in the current study indi- the digestive tract of yellow catfish, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco. Journal of
cate that the species has a digestive tract with remarkable Veterinary Medicine Series C: Anatomia Histologia Embryologia, 38(4),
morphological characteristics of carnivorous fish. These features include
Carrasso  n, M., Grau, A., Dopazo, L. R., & Crespo, S. (2006). A histological,
oesophagus with tall longitudinal folds and well-developed musculature histochemical and ultrastructural study of the digestive tract of Dentex
to swallow large prey and many goblet cells and club cells for epithelial dentex (Pisces, Sparidae). Histology and Histopathology, 21(4–6),
lubrication and protection, a distensible saccular and glandular stomach 579–593.
Clarke, A. J., & Witcomb, D. M. (1980). A study of the histology and mor-
to stock and digest large food and short and convoluted intestine with
phology of the digestive tract of the common eel (Anguilla anguilla).
longitudinal folds to digest and absorb easily digestible food and many Journal of Fish Biology, 16(2), 159–170.
goblet cells in posterior region for expulsion of faecal bolus. Cruz-Casallas, N. E., Marciales-Caro, L. J., Díaz-Olarte, J. J., Pacheco, R. M., &
Medina-Robles, V. M. (2010). Desempeño productivo del yaque (Leiarius
marmoratus Gill, 1870) bajo diferentes densidades de siembra en estanques
en tierra. Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias, 23, 325–335.
The authors thank the Laboratory of Morphology of Aquatic Organ-
Domeneghini, C., Arrighi, S., Radaelli, G., Bosi, G., & Veggetti, A. (2005).
isms, School of Sciences, Bauru, SP, the Center for Electronic Micros- Histochemical analysis of glycoconjugate secretion in the alimentary
copy of the School of Biosciences, Botucatu, SP, and the National canal of Anguilla anguilla L. Acta Histochemica, 106(6), 477–487.
Center for Research and Conservation of Continental Aquatic Biodi- Faccioli, C. K., Chedid, R. A., Amaral, A. C., Franceschini Vicentini, I. B., &
Vicentini, C. A. (2014). Morphology and histochemistry of the diges-
versity ICMBio/CEPTA, Pirassununga – SP for technical assistance
tive tract in carnivorous freshwater Hemisorubim platyrhynchos
and obtaining samples. This work was funded by grants from FAPESP (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae). Micron, 64, 10–19.
(Grant# 2011/23055-0, Brazil). Faccioli, C. K., Chedid, R. A., Mori, R. H., Amaral, A. C., Franceschini
Vicentini, I. B., & Vicentini, C. A. (2016a). Acid and alkaline phospha-
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Ramírez-Gil, H., & Ajíaco-Martínez, R. E. (2011). Leiarius marmoratus (Gill
R. A., Senhorini, J. A., Franceschini-Vicentini, I. B., & Vicentini,
1870). In C. A. Lasso, E. Agudelo-Co  rdoba, L. F. Jiménez-Segura, H.
Ramírez-Gil, M. Morales-Betancourt, R. E. Ajiaco-Martínez, et al. (Eds.), C. A. (2021). Morphological and histochemical features of the
Catálogo de recursos pesqueros continentales de Colombia (pp. 451– digestive tract of Leiarius marmoratus (Gill, 1870). Journal of
454). Colombia: Instituto de Investigaciones de Recursos Biolo  gicos Fish Biology, 1–10.
Alexander von Humboldt.

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