Fisiologia Digestiva
Fisiologia Digestiva
Fisiologia Digestiva
Iof ruminants:
NVITEd : Applied nutrition
Fermentation and
digestive physiology1
C. R. Krehbiel,2 PAS
Department of Animal Science, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater 74078
ABSTRACT our understanding of the importance of that allows digestion of fibrous mate-
microbial communities within the rumen rials, allowing survival without energy
Since the first observation of the 4 and the microbial diversity under dif- or protein for several days. In harvest-
chambers and subsequent identification ferent dietary environments. Enhanced ing forage, the ruminant uses the larg-
of its microbial population, the rumen understanding of these changes in micro- est carbohydrate source in the world
has been investigated for its role in bial communities could result in methods (i.e., cellulose and hemicellulose),
nutrient digestion and to manipulate its to enhance microbial growth rates and and produces food and other useful
microbial ecosystem to increase animal enzyme secretions in the rumen, result- products for man (Church, 1988). The
performance and efficiency. Ruminants ing in increased digestibility, nutrients utilization of fiber by ruminants is a
have the ability to digest plant poly- delivered to the small intestine, and im- result of enzymes generated by the
saccharides through substrate-specific proved animal production and efficiency. anaerobic (and facultative) bacteria,
enzyme activities of the highly specific In addition, increased understanding of protozoa, and fungi in the rumen.
population of ruminal bacteria, proto- molecular-level adaptation of ruminal Anaerobic fermentation, as occurs in
zoa, and fungi. A synergistic relation- epithelia and gastrointestinal mucosa the rumen, is often viewed as being
ship provides these microorganisms with could provide the physiological basis for inefficient because only 2 to 6 ATP
nutrients, desirable ambient temperature, their role in regulation of ruminal pH are generated per mole of glucose
and a buffered environment to enhance and nutrient transport. Recent advances fermented as opposed to 38 ATP
microbial growth, and the microbes and continued research in the area of from aerobic metabolism. Nonethe-
provide the host animal with B vitamins, ruminal fermentation and digestive less, because the system is anaerobic,
VFA, and microbial protein. Microbial physiology have the potential to positively the microbes extract oxygen from
populations are not static and fluctuate affect animal production, health, and the substrates and excrete energy-rich
with changes in the ruminal environment environment. compounds that provide the majority
and diet, resulting in changes in VFA of the metabolizable energy for the
composition and concentration. Recent Key words: digestive physiology, host animal. Therefore, the microbes
research using terminal restriction ruminal fermentation, ruminant nutri- extract enough energy to grow and
fragment length polymorphism analy- tion ferment and still leave energy for the
sis, 16S ribosomal DNA libraries, and animal to use for physiological pro-
metagenomic approaches has increased
INTRODUCTION cesses. Pregastric fermentation offers
some unique advantages to the host
Ruminant production systems and animal: 1) it provides energy from
Presented at the American Registry of
diets fed to ruminants are diverse. fibrous materials; 2) the microbes
Professional Animal Scientists (ARPAS)
Symposium: Applied Nutrition of
Understanding form and function of synthesized provide amino acids; and
Ruminants—Current Status and Future the rumen is important because ru- 3) microbial fermentation provides
Directions, July 10, 3013, ADSA/ASAS Joint men dynamics are ultimately respon- B-complex vitamins. There are also
Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana. sible for providing nutrients to the disadvantages associated with pregas-
Corresponding author: clint.krehbiel@ host animal. In adaptive terms, the tric fermentation: 1) readily available ruminant animal has a digestive tract substrates such as starch, sugar, and
130 Krehbiel
proteins are used less efficiently than more irregular and resides dorsal to of variable size on the dorsal ruminal
in the small intestine; 2) biologi- the liver, left kidney, omasum, aboma- sac. There is a relatively large area of
cal value of high-quality proteins is sum, pancreas, aorta, and posterior fibrous attachment to the sublumbar
decreased; and 3) fermentation is not vena cava. Peritoneum and connective muscles and the diaphragm, which
always well-controlled, resulting in the tissue firmly attach this organ to the allows for the contraction of the unat-
potential for metabolic dysfunction diaphragm and sublumbar muscles. tached dorsal sac. There are 3 layers
(e.g., ruminal acidosis). The reticulum rests against the dia- to all compartments: 1) outer—serous
It is interesting to note that similar phragm on the left side of the median membrane; 2) middle—muscular tunic
to our domestic production systems, plane and is connected to the omasum containing thin superficial and thick
ruminants in nature can be divided by a short narrow neck called the deep muscle (these 2 layers run in op-
into 3 groups based on their feeding reticulo-omasal orifice. The omasum posite directions); and 3) inner—epi-
preferences—concentrate selectors, is spherical and lies on the right side thelial membrane.
intermediate feeders, and bulk and of the median plane. The abomasum The reticulum is easily distinguished
roughage eaters (Hofmann, 1988). is an elongated sac that lies chiefly internally by its unique honeycomb
These 3 main categories depict dif- on the abdominal floor, ventral to the structure. The reticular epithelia are
ferences between general food types, frontal plane. raised into folds forming tissue of 4, 5,
whereas divisions within the bulk and The grooves on the outside of the or 6 sides. The epithelia are arranged
roughage eaters are made according reticulo-rumen separate the organ into in intersecting crests that separate
to water availability in the forage. sacs. These grooves correspond to pil- cellulae reticuli. Small, vestigial papil-
Cattle are the most developed and lars internally. The most conspicuous lae are present in this honeycomb
the most unselective grazers, perhaps is the groove separating the reticulum structure. The dorsal portion of the
because the temperate plants cattle from the cranial portion of the ru- reticular epithelia blends through the
consumed during their evolution are men. Dorsally there is no separation reticulo-rumen. The rumen does not
less differentiated than tropical plants between them, and they join at the contain honeycomb structures but
grazed by more selective ruminants. entrance of the esophagus to form the rather numerous papillae of various
This paper provides a review of the cardia. Although the reticulo-ruminal shapes and sizes. These ruminal papil-
anatomy of the ruminant stomach groove is prominent, the opening be- lae can be defined as organs of ab-
compartments and its components. A tween the 2 is large and makes the re- sorption. The papillae are particularly
discussion of animal, diet, and micro- ticulum resemble an anterior pouch of well developed in the ventral sac and
bial factors involved in rumen func- the rumen. The reticulum and rumen in the floor of the caudo-dorsal blind
tion and dysfunction follows. together form a large functionally in- sac, as well as on the cranial groove
tegrated sac filled with microbes and and adjacent surfaces. In all rumi-
digesta. The interior of the reticulo- nants, the papillae are most numerous
COMPONENTS OF THE ruminal compartments also contains and longest in the cranial sac followed
RUMINANT STOMACH structures that aid in the functioning by the caudo-dorsal blind sac. Papil-
of each part. These pillars, men- lae are typically 1 to 2 mm in length
Anatomy tioned earlier, are muscles that aid in the dorsal sac and 1 cm in length
in movement and contraction of the in the ventral sac. Size, number, and
The stomach of the ruminant rumen, which promote mixing and distribution are related to feeding
animal is composed of the reticulum, physical breakdown of food particles. behavior and diet selection. The great
rumen, omasum, and abomasum When contracted, the pillars are well absorptive surface provided by these
(Hofmann, 1988). The reticulum and defined, but when relaxed they are papillae permits ready movement of
rumen are joined by a fold of tissue not visually prominent. The cardia is solutes able to traverse the epithelial
called the reticulo-ruminal fold. The the terminal end of the esophagus and cells separating the stomach contents
reticulo-rumen is a large fermentation is also the beginning of the ventricu- from the blood supply.
vat that houses 109 to 1011 bacteria, lar (or reticular) groove. The groove The omasum is also called the
104 to 107 protozoa, and 103 to 105 begins at the cardia and extends 18 to manyplies because of the numer-
fungi per milliliter of ruminal fluid 20 cm (7 to 8 in) in cattle, ending at ous parallel sheets of tissue within it
(Qi et al., 2011; Krause et al., 2013). the reticulo-omasal orifice. (Becker et al., 1963). These omasal
The reticulo-rumen occupies most leaves (Laminae omasi) are of various
(>3/4) of the left side of the ab- Structure of the 4 sizes and bend to the wall of the oma-
dominal cavity, except a small area Compartments sum. The free edges of the leaves ex-
occupied by the spleen and small tending to the channel lie against the
intestine. The left side resides dorsal The outer surface of all 4 stomach muscular pillar of the omasal groove,
to the diaphragm, abdominal wall, compartments is coated by visceral an extension of the ventricular groove,
and spleen, whereas the right side is serosa with the exception of an area along the lesser curvature of the oma-
Ruminal fermentation and digestive physiology 131
sum from the reticulo-omasal orifice layers seem to merge into each other gastric artery, which branches to the
to the opening into the abomasum. without distinct boundaries. At the omasum and abomasum.
The free edges of the leaves contain ultrastructural levels, however, only Blood flow from the reticulo-rumen
conical papillae. The omasum is much the middle layers are indistinct with is by the right and left ruminal veins
larger in grazing animals than in con- clear definition of the stratum basal that drain into the gastrosplenic and
centrate selectors, and the omasum is and stratum corneum. Cells of the gastroduodenal veins. The gastro-
the bottleneck for food passage from stratum basal have large numbers of splenic and gastroduodenal veins also
the reticulo-rumen. It lies slightly to ribosomes, mitochondria, and Golgi receive blood from the omasal-aboma-
the right of the reticulo-rumen in the vesicles, as well as ovoid nuclei. These sal and reticular veins. Volatile fatty
abdominal cavity and extends caudal cells are perpendicular to the base- acids and other water-soluble nutri-
from the 7th to the 11th rib. The ment membrane. Also evident in these ents (e.g., ammonia) absorbed from
omasum connects the reticulo-omasal cells are free ribosomes and rough en- the rumen are transported directly
orifice to the omasal-abomasal orifice. doplasmic reticulum, which together to the liver. The hepatic portal vein
The omasal-abomasal orifice is 3 to 4 with the mitochondria and other cell contributes approximately 80% of the
times larger than the reticulo-omasal organelles are involved with assimila- blood flowing to the liver.
orifice. The function of the omasum is tion and metabolism of products (e.g.,
not well understood. It is known that VFA) absorbed from the rumen. Nerve Supply
the Laminae omasi provide an absorp- Ruminal parakeratosis can be
tive surface for H2O, Na+, K+, and defined as incomplete keratinization. The vagus nerve supplies the gastro-
some VFA (Engelhardt and Hauffe, Parakeratosis results from increased intestinal tract. Cattle have 12 cranial
1975). Fifteen percent of the water proliferation and outward migration nerves with the vagus being the 10th
that enters the omasum is absorbed of the cells of the stratum basale and one. The vagus nerve originates from
there. The omasum also catches and has been associated with clumping of the medulla oblongata. The dorsal
separates particles, thereby regulat- the epithelial cells. This can ultimate- trunk of the vagus serves the rumen,
ing passage of particles entering this ly decrease the surface area available whereas the ventral trunk serves the
compartment. for nutrient absorption. Parakeratosis omasum, abomasum, and reticulum.
The tubular abomasum has an in- is often attributed to increased VFA The vagus aids in controlling gut
ternal surface of folded spiraled ridges or low ruminal pH. motility by regulating muscle contrac-
that are flaps composed of epithelial tion.
tissue. This organ is different from the Blood Supply and Motility
previous 3 in that it contains secre- RUMINAL CONTENTS
tory tissue. The glandular gastric Blood supply to and from the ru-
mucosa is supplied with specialized men is extremely important physi- As indicated, the microbial popu-
secretory cells that produce mucus, ologically because of the tremendous lation in the rumen consists of the
pepsinogin, and HCl. The fundus absorption that takes place in this prokaryotic bacteria and archaebac-
is the initial portion that contains organ. Blood flow and surface area of teria (methane producers) and the
gastric glands (HCl-producing pari- the rumen determine absorption rate. eukaryotic protozoa and fungi (Qi et
etal cells). The pyloric region con- Blood flow of nutrients is not unidi- al., 2011; Krause et al., 2013). Bac-
tains thick glandular mucosa and the rectional. For example, urea diffuses teria are grouped according to their
pepsin-secreting chief cells. The histol- from the blood to the rumen when cell-wall ultrastructure (gram negative
ogy and physiology in the abomasum ruminal concentrations of ammonia and gram positive), their 3 main mor-
is similar to that of the nonruminant are low. The ruminant stomach com- phologies (cocci, rods, and spirilla),
stomach. plex receives its entire arterial supply and according to their size (generally
from the celiac-cranial mesenteric from 0.3 to 50 μm). They are also
Cell Types trunk, which arises from the common grouped according to the type of sub-
trunk of the abdominal aorta in sheep strate fermented, including plant-cell-
The cells that line the reticulo- or separate branches of the aorta in wall degraders (cellulolytics, xylano-
rumen and the omasum are keratin- cattle. The 4 major branches of the lytics, pectinolytics), starch degraders
ized, stratified, squamous epithelium. celiac artery are 1) common hepatic (amylolytics), protein degraders
They are not glandular nor do they artery, which services the pancreas, (proteotylics), lipid degraders (lipolyt-
produce mucus. Four cell layers can liver, gall bladder, and branches into ic), lactate users, methanogens, and
be distinguished in ruminal epithelia: the gastroduodenal artery; 2) right detoxifiers. Most species of bacteria
stratum basal, stratum spinosum, ruminal artery, which branches to are capable of fermenting more than
stratum granulosum, and stratum the pancreas and omentum; 3) left one substrate (Russell, 1984). Isolat-
corneum (Steven and Marshall, 1970; ruminal artery, which branches to the ing and culturing ruminal microor-
Graham and Simmons, 2005). These reticulum and esophagus; and 4) left ganisms has traditionally been used
132 Krehbiel
to study the ruminal ecosystem (e.g., tozoa, similar to bacteria and fungi, rumen epithelial cells or to protozoa.
Bryant and Burkey, 1953; Hungate, also contribute to fiber digestion. The These microorganisms include facul-
1966; Stewart and Bryant, 1988). protozoa actively ingest bacteria as a tative microbes that digest urea or
More recently, culture-independent source of N, and thereby are respon- protein from sloughed epithelial cells.
molecular methods (whole-genome se- sible for intraruminal N recycling Ruminal contents are highly vari-
quencing, pyrosequencing, proteomics, (Firkins and Yu, 2006). Protozoa able in particle size and composition.
and transcriptomics) have been used are an integral part of the microbial Different particle lengths and densi-
to study the rumen microbiome and population and have a marked effect ties are found in different areas in the
their functional genes (Krause et al., on the fermentation; however, their rumen. The dorsal rumen consists of a
2013). Molecular procedures show benefit to the ruminant is still con- gas dome. Typical gases found in the
promise for characterizing the rumen troversial, especially when high-grain rumen include hydrogen, 0.2%; oxy-
microbiome as influenced by ani- diets are fed. gen, 0.5%; nitrogen, 7.0%; methane,
mal, diet, and the environment and The anaerobic fungi are the most 26.8%; and carbon dioxide, 65.5%
thereby enhancing our understanding recently recognized group of rumen (Sniffen and Herdt, 1991). Long hay
of the complexity of this ecosystem microbes (Orpine, 1993; Stewart et particles, which are typically lower in
(Krause et al., 2013). al., 1995). Six genera have been iden- density than water, tend to float and
The methane-producing bacteria tified, accounting for 8 to 20% of the form a mat or raft layer above the
(archaebacteria) are responsible for total rumen microbial biomass (103 liquid layer and under the gas dome.
regulating the overall fermentation to 105 zoospores/mL) when animals Smaller particles will be suspended in
in the rumen. They remove hydrogen are fed a high-forage diet. Anaerobic the liquid layer and can be entrapped
gas by reducing carbon dioxide to fungi have been shown to degrade in the mat. Heavier particles, such
form methane. Producing methane cellulose and xylans (Krause et al., as grain, tend to sink to the ventral
keeps the partial pressure of hydro- 2013) and contribute substantially to rumen.
gen in the rumen low, which allows fiber degradation in the rumen. They
methanogenic bacteria to promote colonize plant material by penetrat- RUMEN FUNCTION
the growth of other bacterial species ing their mycelia deep inside particles
and provides for a more efficient fer- and they possess a range of hydrolytic The importance of ruminal fermen-
mentation (Janssen and Kirs, 2008). polysaccharidase and complementary tation for supplying nutrients to the
The effective removal of hydrogen by glycosidase activities (Stewart et al., host animal has long been recognized.
these methanogenic species encour- 1995). They colonize lignified regions Many attempts have been made to
ages hydrogen-producing species to of the plant cell wall, which facilitates biologically or mathematically model
produce more hydrogen and thus alter bacterial colonization. these processes (Baldwin et al., 1987;
their metabolism toward higher yield- There are 4 interactive compart- Dijkstra et al., 1992; Sauvant et al.,
ing pathways. These higher yielding ments in which the microbes are lo- 1996; Bannink et al., 1997; Huhtanen
pathways result in the synthesis of cated in the rumen (Cheng and McAl- et al., 2006). Although none of these
more microbial cells, which increases lister, 1997). The first is defined as models are perfect, they allow for crit-
microbial cell protein available to the the adherent compartment, where the ical evaluation of the current concepts
ruminant. microbial groups are attached to feed and available data and identification
The protozoa in the rumen are and degrade insoluble polysaccharides, of areas for needed research. Models
influenced by feeding practices, and as well as the less-soluble proteins. are built using inputs and outputs
the effects of defaunation have been The second compartment consists of from data involving rumen physiol-
reviewed by Jouany et al. (1988). the microorganisms that are associat- ogy. For example, rumen metabolism
Both ciliated and flagellated protozoa ed with feed particles. These microor- depends on the input (i.e., intake) of
exist in the rumen (Bohatier, 1991), ganisms degrade oligopolymers of car- nutrients, such as carbohydrates, pro-
but the majority of the protozoa are bohydrate and protein. Compartments teins, minerals, and vitamins. Carbo-
ciliates (104 to 106 cells/mL), with 1 and 2 compose approximately 75% hydrate sources include soluble sugars,
over 100 species from about 25 genera of the microbial mass. The third com- starch, pectin, cellulose, and hemicel-
represented (Williams, 1986; Qi et al., partment is the fluid compartment, lulose, whereas protein sources consist
2011). Different types of diets seem to where free-floating microbial groups of NPN, soluble protein, degradable
encourage different genera of proto- in ruminal fluid feed on monomers of intake protein, and undegradable in-
zoa. For example, the population of soluble carbohydrates (e.g., glucose) take protein. In the rumen, microbial
some protozoa are greater when diets and protein (e.g., ammonia and amino pools representing the 3 major types
contain large amounts of soluble sug- acids). This compartment makes up of microorganisms can be distin-
ars (e.g., holotrichs), whereas other 25% of the microbial mass. The final guished by their substrate preference,
types predominate with high-starch compartment (<1%) consists of the as previously discussed. Outputs from
diets (e.g., entodiniomorphs). Pro- microbes that are attached to the the rumen include absorption of end
Ruminal fermentation and digestive physiology 133
products and passage through the Animal Factors characteristics of the feeds, such as
reticulo-omasal orifice. The follow- moisture content, NDF content, and
ing paragraphs briefly discuss these Several experiments (Grenet, 1989; particle size determine the amount of
factors and other components that are Sauvant et al., 1996) have demon- saliva produced daily. The amount of
involved in rumen function. strated a positive relationship be- saliva added to concentrates dur-
tween rate of intake within meals ing eating is much lower (0.76 to
Diet Factors and daily voluntary DMI. Sauvant et 1.12 mL of saliva/g of DM) than for
al. (1996) estimated potential intake forages (3.40 to 7.23 mL of saliva/g
Diet characteristics affecting ru- rate (PIR) as PIR = [16.8 − 0.14 × of DM; Bailey, 1961; Beauchemin et
minal function include chemical and NDF × proportion of large particles al., 2008). In addition, among for-
physical characteristics that ultimate- in feed (PLPF)] × palatability. The ages there is about a 3-fold difference
ly influence intake, digestion, and rate product of NDF and PLPF results in saliva production between silage
of passage. In the model of Dijkstra et from a theoretical consideration of the and hay on an as-is but not on a DM
al. (1992), the amount of dietary nu- interaction between cell-wall content basis (Beauchemin et al., 2008). Feed
trients entering the ruminal pool was and particle size. Data summarized by characteristics influence total daily
derived from the chemical description Sauvant et al. (1996) showed a posi- salivary secretion mainly by affecting
of the diet and the amount consumed tive curvilinear relationship between time spent eating and ruminating,
by the animal. In addition to the car- the percentage of large particles in rather than the salivation rate (mL/
bohydrate and N fractions, the model the diet and the percentage of large min) directly. Greater ensalivation of
also included lipids and organic acids particles in the masticate. In other feed occurs as eating time and rumi-
(lactate, acetate, propionate, butyr- words, as particle length in the diet nation increase (Beauchemin et al.,
ate, and valerate). Organic acids were increased, particle length in the mas- 2008). Considerably less saliva is pro-
included to accommodate fermented ticate increased at a diminishing rate, duced when cattle are fed grain diets
feeds such as silage (Dijkstra et al., suggesting more comminution during compared with forage-based diets.
1992). The soluble and insoluble, chewing. This might be important for Mixing Cycles. Ruminant animals
degradable and undegradable compo- subsequent rumination and the rate depend on several mixing cycles for
nents of dietary protein and carbohy- at which particles exit the reticulo- normal rumen function. The cycles
drates can be determined by the ny- rumen. are important for mixing contents
lon-bag, in situ technique (Nocek and It is generally believed that only (primary cycle), eructation of fermen-
Grant, 1987; Tamminga et al., 1990). enough chewing is done initially to tation gases (secondary contractions),
During the in situ method, feed is mix the food with saliva. The food rumination, and passage of contents
incubated in small porous bags in the and saliva mixture form a bolus, through the reticulo-omasal orifice.
rumen of ruminally cannulated cattle, which is projected down the esopha- Normal and abnormal motor function
and DM and component disappear- gus and deposited in the reticulum. associated with these cycles has been
ance from the bags is measured over The form, weight, and consistency of extensively reviewed (Ruckebusch,
time (Vanzant et al., 1998; Ørskov, the bolus depend on the type of food 1988; Constable et al., 1990a,b).
2000). The time course usually spans being eaten. Boluses made from for- Primary contractions are denoted by
from a zero-time measurement to age material will float in water, which 2 contractions of the reticulo-ruminal
determine initial solubility to a final aids in their regurgitation. Boluses fold followed by a wave of contrac-
measurement at 48 or 72 h for rapidly from grain or concentrate feeds are tions that pass caudally over the
digested components (e.g., sugar and heavier and have a tendency to sink rumen. Different environmental and
soluble N) and 72 or 96 h for slowly in the ruminal fluid. During initial physiological situations affect ruminal
digested components (e.g., fiber) to chewing, mixed saliva (contains both motility (Ruckebusch, 1988). Rate of
estimate the indigestible fraction serous and mucous types of saliva) is ruminal contractions during sleeping
(Nocek and English, 1986). Rate of secreted, which aids in lubrication and are lower than resting states but are
passage (kp) is determined in vivo by protection of the mouth and esopha- still apparent and readily distinguish-
calculating recovery of an external gus. During rumination, more serous able. Eating causes an increase in the
or internal marker, and is reported saliva is secreted (parotid gland). rate of ruminal contraction. Cattle
as the outflow from the rumen (g/h, This saliva serves as a bicarbonate, that were fed increased the rate of
mL/h) divided by pool size (total phosphate buffer with the 2 anions contraction from 60 to 105 cycles/h,
mL or g) in the rumen. Passage rates comprising more than 90% of total whereas sheep showed increases to 3
and ruminal volume as influenced by anion content and is strongly buffered cycles/min after feeding.
diet can be estimated using single- or against acid production; however, Secondary contractions are usually
multicompartmental models. These amounts of bicarbonate and phos- associated with eructation and may or
models have been discussed in detail phate secreted are often not sufficient may not occur after primary con-
by others (Owens and Goetsch, 1986; to buffer acids produced during grain tractions (Ruckebusch, 1988). They
Mertens, 1993; Ellis et al., 1994). fermentation. Physical and chemical generally involve contraction of the
134 Krehbiel
dorsal coronary pillar, contraction of pressure in the cardial area of the mainly serves to weaken the cell-wall
the caudo-dorsal blind sac and dorsal rumen. Then a sharp contraction of structure so that particle breakdown
sac, and relaxation of the caudo- the diaphragm causes a negative pres- during rumination is facilitated.
ventral blind sac. The longitudinal sure that aspirates reticular contents. Therefore, digestion of the fiber
and cranial pillars are probably also The aspirated slurry is moved up the does not decrease particle size per
involved. The contraction lasts about esophagus by antiperistaltic contrac- se but does make the cell wall more
30 s. The normal ratio of primary to tions (100 cm/s). The rapid contrac- fragile and break down more easily
secondary contractions in domesticate tions take place because unlike many when chewed. Rumination also helps
ruminants is 1:1. Variations of 2:1 to other mammals, the esophagus of the maintain a more uniform amount of
1:2 can be found within a population ruminant contains striated muscle. ingesta in the gastrointestinal tract
of animals. Receptors for these con- Rumination does not seem to be over a 24-h period. It might also help
tractions are located in the reticulo- triggered by VFA, urea, or pH in maintain a stable microbial popu-
rumen complex. The tension receptors ruminal fluid but is more closely re- lation because of a more constant
are located in the contractile elements lated to the bulk of the diet. Grinding source of substrates.
of the muscle layers, particularly in forages effectively mimics rumination Passage Through the Reticulo-
the reticulum and the cranial sac of in that it decreases the mean reten- Omasal Orifice. The proportion of
the rumen. Their densest distribution tion time spent in the rumen, and feed digested is hypothesized to be a
is in the area of the reticular groove. hence there is a decrease in DM, OM, balance between digestion rate and
The reticular tension receptors have and NDF digestibility. This does not the passage of undigested feed from
an overall excitatory effect on the mean that rumination is a negative the reticulo-rumen (Waldo and Smith,
rate, amplitude, and form of primary effect, but rather a positive effect on 1972). This implies that both micro-
contractions. They are associated rumen emptying, rate of passage, and bial and animal factors are involved.
with nerve fibers having a mean con- increasing intake. This phenomenon Particulate passage rate has a nega-
duction velocity of 12.5 m/s. These is very critical on low-quality forage tive relationship with extent of diges-
receptors might also be concerned diets. Increasing removal of materi- tion and in many cases total-tract
with reflex-induced salivation and als from the rumen allows greater digestibility (i.e., the faster the mate-
with monitoring ruminal fill. Other intake of low-quality roughages that rial passes, the less thoroughly it is
receptors have been identified in the enables an animal to maintain itself digested). In contrast, there is a posi-
reticulum, cranial sac, around the on a poor-quality diet. This could be tive relationship between particulate
cranial and longitudinal pillars, and a mechanism of preservation (Welch, passage rate and fluid dilution rate
other parts of the rumen. The recep- 1982). Rumination could be a preser- (i.e., as passage rate increases, fluid
tors are located near the basement vation mechanism in another sense. dilution rate increases). Forage intake
membrane of the ruminal epithelia. Ruminants can eat rapidly during by ruminants has been reported to be
The epithelial receptors are excited by the daylight hours and chew leisurely affected by the proportion of indigest-
acids, alkalis, hyper- and hypoosmotic at night. This means the animal will ible fiber and rate of passage from
solutions, and distension. The effi- spend less time grazing out in the the reticulo-rumen and resistance of
ciency of stimulation by acids seems open where predators have an advan- large particles to breakdown to small
related to its strength (dissociation tage and can chew its food at a later particles within the reticulo-rumen
constant), molecular, and titratable time at a safe place. (Hungate, 1966). Rate of passage of
acidity but not to pH. The lower-mo- Rumination is the only way particle digesta through the digestive tract in-
lecular-weight organic acids are more size is decreased in the rumen. Mas- creases with feed intake, which allows
effective. tication during eating and rumina- the animal to increase its energy in-
Rumination and Eructation. tion differs. Chewing during eating take, even though ruminal and total-
Rumination or regurgitation is initi- is primarily responsible for preparing tract digestibility might be decreased
ated by an extrareticular contraction food for swallowing, releasing soluble (Firkins et al., 1998). Retention of
that precedes a primary and second- constituents, and damaging plant tis- undigested fiber allows ruminants to
ary contraction (Ruckebusch, 1988). sues for microbial digestion, whereas increase ruminal fiber digestion, but
The contraction produces measurable rumination decreases particles so that extended ruminal retention times of
pressure changes in the reticulum. material can pass from the reticulo- the retained fiber can decrease feed
These contractions are thought to rumen (Ulyatt et al., 1986). There- intake because of ruminal distention
respond to pressure changes in the fore, rumination, and not chewing, (i.e., filling effect; Allen, 1996).
rumen. Rumination is composed is the principle means of decreasing Okine et al. (1998) reviewed the
of regurgitation, swallowing regur- food particle size. Although microbial literature and concluded that in
gitated liquids, remastication of a digestion in the rumen contributes to addition to physical and chemical
bolus, reinsalivation, and reswallow- decreasing the dry weight of particles, properties of the feed, physiological
ing the bolus. The reticular contrac- its direct contribution to decreasing and metabolic state of the animal
tion causes a marked increase in fluid particle length is small (<20%). It influence digesta passage and that
Ruminal fermentation and digestive physiology 135
ruminants have some control over have been reviewed (Jouany et al., (Krause et al., 2013). This symbiotic
digesta passage from the reticulo- 1988). Engulfed microbial protein can relationship prevents the accumula-
rumen. Regulation of the relaxation of be incorporated into protozoal cells, tion of digestive end products and
the reticulo-omasal orifice coordinated fermented to VFA and ammonia, accelerates the digestive process. If a
with muscular contractions of the or released into ruminal fluid. The microorganism is to be stably main-
reticulo-rumen might be important amount of engulfed bacterial pro- tained in the rumen, the growth rate
for controlling digesta passage from tein incorporated into protozoal cells of that microorganism must exceed
the reticulo-rumen, and thus rumen depends on the availability of energy. 0.69 (i.e., ln = 2) of the passage rate
fill and voluntary intake (Okine and Other factors influencing growth of of rumen digesta. One of the most
Mathison, 1991). microorganisms in the rumen include common problems encountered by
A theory of control of digesta pas- substrate preference (Russell and nutritionists involves sudden changes
sage through the reticulo-omasal Baldwin, 1978), maximum growth in the diet of the ruminant to include
orifice was outlined by Deswysen rates (Russell and Baldwin, 1979a), large amounts of readily fermentable
(1987). Briefly, immediately after the growth factors (branched-chain VFA), carbohydrates. Feeding diets of this
second phase of reticular contraction, substrate affinities (Russell and type results in a succession of changes
synchronized contractions of the oma- Baldwin, 1979b), maintenance energy in the rumen microbial population
sal canal and omasal body (between requirements of the microbes, and during the adaptation period, specifi-
the leaves) occur. Contractions of the uncoupled fermentation. cally in those bacteria that produce
omasal body are very slow and de- Ruminal pH is one of the most vari- and use lactate. During this process,
liberate. Reticular contractions come able factors, and it can influence the acid-sensitive lactate users can be re-
in 2 phases. The first phase serves to microbial population and the levels placed by acid-tolerant lactate users.
distribute forage in the rumen and of VFA produced. The ruminal pH at Lactic acidosis can result from too
push the hay mat into the rumen. which certain functions are optimized abrupt of a shift to a high-concentrate
The lips of the ventricular groove can differ. Fibrolytic microorgan- diet (see below).
close the reticular-omasal orifice to isms are most active at a pH of 6.2 to
prevent large particles from enter- 6.8. Cellulolytic bacteria and metha- DIGESTION KINETICS
ing the omasum. During the second nogenic bacteria can be decreased
phase, fine feed particles are pushed when the pH begins to fall below 6.0. The digestive process in ruminants
up and enter the omasum. Several Amylolytic microorganisms prefer a is complex, with the animal, dietary,
factors contribute to decreased escape more acidic environment, a pH of 5.2 and management factors discussed
of digesta from the rumen. Particles to 6.0. Certain species of protozoa can interacting to affect rate and extent of
sequestered within the hay mat have be greatly decreased when pH falls feed digestion in the rumen and total
a decreased probability of leaving the below 5.5. To accommodate all these digestive tract. Nutrient supply to
rumen. As particles are decreased needs, normal feeding practices should the animal is influenced by nutrient
in size through digestion and rumi- maintain a pH range between 5.6 and digestibility, and therefore the ability
nation, fermentation gases are re- 6.5. to measure site and extent of diges-
leased, functional-specific gravity is The diet fed to ruminants influences tion is important. Feed components
increased, and particles sink to the the number and relative proportions vary in the rate and extent they are
ventral rumen. This allows particles of the different microbial species digested in the rumen and digestive
to be moved by ruminal contractions in the rumen. The final composi- tract. For example, sugar and soluble
toward the reticulo-ruminal orifice tion of the ruminal microflora is a cell-wall carbohydrates (e.g., betaglu-
where they are more likely to pass direct reflection of the physiology cans, pectins) are almost completely
from the rumen (Sutherland, 1987; of the microorganisms present. No degraded in the rumen (Van Soest,
Faichney, 1993). single organism is responsible for the 1994), whereas digestion of starch in
complete degradation of complex feed the rumen is variable depending on
Microbial Factors substrates in the rumen. Digestion feed source and processing method.
of feed is accomplished by a myriad Nonetheless, total-tract digestion of
Several factors influence the relative of complementary organisms that starch is typically greater than 80%
proportions of microbial species with- produces an array of enzymes needed. as a result of extensive postruminal
in the rumen. For example, Jouany et Complex feedstuffs are colonized and digestion (Firkins et al., 2001). In
al. (1988) suggested that recycling of broken into oligomers and eventually contrast to starch, digestion of fiber
microbial matter via protozoa pre- tri-, di-, or monomers of each compo- in the rumen depends on the physical
dation can significantly affect both nent, which are in turn used by other and chemical attributes of the fiber
energy and protein utilization in the members of the microbial population consumed and the microbial popu-
rumen and subsequent nutrient supply to produce VFA, B vitamins, or cofac- lation, with fiber escaping ruminal
to the animal. The factors involved tors needed by other microorganisms digestion only partially degraded in
136 Krehbiel
the hind-gut (Huhtanen et al., 2006). succinate, are also formed. In addi- acid across the rumen wall to the
Typically less than 10% of NDF di- tion, ammonia, CO2, and H2 gas are blood produces systemic acidosis and
gestion occurs in the hindgut of cattle produced. Long-chain fatty acids are associated metabolic problems (see
(Huhtanen et al., 2006). released from lipids, and many other below).
The balance of rate of microbial di- end products result from microbial
gestion of feed and the rate at which degradation of minor components of RUMEN DYSFUNCTION
feed passes from the rumen deter- the feed. Hydrogen gas produced dur-
mines the digestion of fiber in rumi- ing microbial fermentation of feed is Ruminal Acidosis
nants. For example, a faster passage used by Archaea (i.e., methanogens)
rate or a slower digestion rate will in a syntrophic process known as Owens et al. (1998) reviewed the
decrease ruminal digestion, whereas a interspecies H2 transfer. The methano- literature pertaining to the effect of
slower passage rate or a faster diges- gens reduce CO2 with H2 to produce the overconsumption of high-grain
tion rate will increase ruminal diges- CH4, which is removed from the ru- diets by ruminants. Acute acidosis
tion. Most diet components in feeds men by eructation and respiration. is an overt illness caused by cattle
that are not part of the cell wall are Volatile fatty acids are passively consuming an excessive quantity of
rapidly digested, with rates that are absorbed through the ruminal wall. readily fermentable carbohydrate
3 to 10 times faster than rates of pas- This continuous removal of VFA by (e.g., starch), which increases total
sage (Mertens, 1993). In contrast, rate absorption from the reticulo-rumen acid concentration (including lactic
of plant-cell-wall digestion is generally is important for maintaining a stable acid) in the rumen. This results in
similar to rate of passage, although ruminal pH. Removal of acid products ruminal pH falling below 5.2. Absorp-
rate of plant-cell-wall digestion is is also important for the continued tion of acids into portal blood leads
highly variable depending on plant growth of cellulolytic organisms. Vola- to systemic acidosis, stiffness of legs,
species (e.g., grasses vs. legumes) tile fatty acids in digesta can flow to laminitis and founder, severe rumi-
and maturity of the forage (Mertens, the omasum and are absorbed. Rate nal lesions, and sometimes death.
1993). Retention time in the rumen of VFA absorption from the rumen Other signs of acute acidosis include
increases extent of fiber digestion but is influenced by the chain length of abdominal kicking, decreased rumen
lowers DMI because of rumen fill. individual acids (butyrate > propio- motility, anorexia, shallow breathing,
Total-tract DM digestibility ranges nate > acetate) and by ruminal pH. increased heart rate, profuse diar-
from 40 to 50% for low-quality forages Lower pH and the resultant increases rhea, gurgling gas in the rumen, and
(Waiss et al., 1972; Horton, 1978) in the proportion of the acids in the visual observation that cattle overate
to 75 to 90% for high-starch grain rumen favor more rapid absorption. high-concentrate feed. In addition
diets fed to feedlot cattle (Zinn, 1990; Amino acids, oligopeptides, and am- to affecting the animal, low rumi-
Beauchemin et al., 2001; Corona et monia released by microbial degrada- nal pH has been shown to alter the
al., 2006). tion of proteins and NPN compounds rumen microbiome (Nagaraja and
are used by microorganisms and Titgemeyer, 2007) in a manner that
decreases the rate and extent of fiber
RUMINAL FERMENTATION converted to microbial cell protein.
digestion. Furthermore, low pH (<5.6)
The microbial protein and ingested
Volatile fatty acids and microbial plant proteins supply the animal with can damage the ruminal epithelia
protein are produced as a result of ru- dietary amino acids. The microbes, leading to decreased barrier function
minal digestion. The VFA provide ap- undigested feed particles, and com- (Penner and Beauchemin, 2010) and
proximately 80% of the metabolizable pounds dissolved in the rumen fluid associated animal health issues (e.g.,
energy needs of the animal. Propor- can be used by the animal when they lameness, rumenitis, liver abscesses,
tions of ruminal VFA usually range exit the rumen and enter the aboma- acute-phase inflammatory response).
from 50 to 70% of the total VFA for sum and lower digestive tract. Subacute acidosis is more difficult to
acetate, 15 to 35% for propionate, Lactic acid does not normally ac- detect, but it is usually associated
and 10 to 12% for butyrate. Butyrate cumulate in the rumen. If gradual with decreased or erratic feed intake
is largely converted to ketones during introduction of grains is practiced, and lower animal performance. In
absorption through the rumen epithe- the lactate-using bacteria will develop subacute acidosis, increased acid load
lium, and β-hydroxy-butyrate ac- and permit only a transient increase results in a ruminal pH of approxi-
counts for more than 80% of ketones. in lactic-acid accumulation follow- mately 5.6.
The proportion of VFA is greatly ing ingestion of a diet high in readily The increase in VFA and lactate
influenced by diet (forage:concentrate fermentable carbohydrates. Problems production and decreased ruminal pH
ratio) and the status of the methano- arise when large amounts of starch associated with acidosis imposes a
genic microbial population in the ru- or cereal concentrates are fed. Total challenge to the metabolism and the
men. Although the main end products lactate in acute acidosis can compose regulation of intracellular pH homeo-
of fermentation, VFA, branched-chain 50 to 90% of the rumen acids. The stasis of ruminal epithelia (Penner
VFA, formate, ethanol, lactate, and absorption of large amounts of lactic et al., 2011). The ruminal epithelia
Ruminal fermentation and digestive physiology 137
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