Rules Summary
Rules Summary
Rules Summary
Operations (No Germans on map; if EVENT, check RE column, place marker if paragraph read)
- Any actions, no movement points, groups can move
- Check each hex entered (not if event marker is present; if sighting ref, only read if sighting has not occurred yet)
- Ignore red paragraph numbers (German movement directions)
- Actions LOS (trace into blocking but not through)
o Stance change (after paragraph check) blocked by:
- intermediate elevation
o Exchange equipment
o Drag inactive soldier (1 empty port, if incap roll 1d10/move=0 death) - embankment hex side (high xxx, but
not next to higher see 8/2
o Prepare weapon - crest hex side
o Clear jam - forest, brush, rubble, rough
o Move captured German - 1 hex past a non-adj aperature
- Activation check: 1d6 ≤Activation Level then activate (add modifiers to AL)
- Condition change (remove all event markers, paragraph check for each US locale (lowest to highest hex number),
ignore EVENT checks (but place markers), IF German activated, stop checking hexes)
(Action) Rounds
- If condition change during round, see 6-11
- Command radius (out to 2 hexes: stay in command, give others a turn, and make others aware)
- Check each new hex entered (ignore EVENTs in paragraph checks, but place marker)
1. U.S. Awareness Wounded:
o Round 1: Only soldiers that can see German make PC checks - only 1 turn/round
o Round 2: All unaware soldiers make PC check - -2 ws in assault
o Round 3: All soldiers made aware - -2 for grenade, satchel
- -1 firing
2. Event (skipped first round, 2d10, check RE) - Only 1 port box
3. Action phase - MPA=2
a. Roll for advantage: each roll 1d10, ties go to Germans - No free stance change
b. Place AR markers according to rolls in (a)
i. Wounded can only have 1 turn
ii. Red numbers: U.S. only, check command for panic first (add IN for each soldier in hex, if ≥5 then in
command, Commander adds IN out to 2 hexes)
iii. PANIC result, regardless of command status
c. Roll new German Action Number each turn. German movement: move in letter order (except with crew
weapons), check mission sheet: when a German must move (follow red numbers), Special Reaction (re-roll
Action Number, stay SR until rescinded), Self-Preservation (marked S, when adjacent to U.S. hex)
d. Actions (1 action/soldier/turn, advantage first):
o 1 free stance change (otherwise 1 MP; only after a paragraph check)
Combat Movement
o Aimed fire o Move (by MP, but crawling = 1 hex)
o Snap fire twice (even different targets) o Move crew weapon
o Aimed fire w/ crew weapon (requires 2 soldiers) o Move/snap fire (1/2 MP only, any order)
o Snap crew fire (1 soldier, once | soldier, twice) o Move/charge assault (1/2 MP only, move first)
o Assault (in hex with enemy) o Drag inactive soldier 1 hex (1 port box empty, if
o Prepare satchel (crouching or standing) incap roll 1d10, 0=death)
o Throw satchel (standing, up to 3 hexes)
o Prep and throw grenade (crouching or standing, 6 Miscellaneous
hexes standing, 3 crouching) o Exchange equipment (crouching or standing,
o Prepare bazooka German equipment = 1 round, -1 ws)
o Clear jam (crouching or standing) o Vehicle movement (can’t enter building, rubble,
o Remove live grenade (out of turn, crouching or crater, river, and large vehicles can’t enter
standing, PC check first) woods)
o Prepare crew weapon
Firing: (1) target, (2) snap or aimed, (3) JAM d100, (4) range, (5) Base hit + modifiers + ws, (6) 1d10 ≤ hit chance, (7) 1d10
damage, (8) d100 ammo usage