Lesson Plan Rar802 2021-2022
Lesson Plan Rar802 2021-2022
Lesson Plan Rar802 2021-2022
Mode of Submission:
Slide Presentation along with videos
and samples of materials,
Report on A2 size sheets.
2nd Week Module-2 Water Proofing Compounds Various waterproofing compounds -
Neoprene, Butyl, EPDM (Ethylene
Objective: propylene diene monomer), PVC (Poly
To introduce and familiarize Vinyl Chloride), Polyurethane.
the students with the various
Assignment – 1b
water proofing compounds Study and present Seminar and submit
used in construction works. Site visit, Market / Factory Survey Report
on Water Proofing Compounds under
the following heads-
Constituents: factors affecting choice of
materials, materials/ingredients used
Manufacturing process
Properties: appearance, density, moisture
content & movement, jointing, thermal
movement & resistance to moisture, fire
Characteristics- advantages /
Types & Special types
Sizes and Forms
Tools and Workmanship
Types of finishes
Construction details
Handling and Storage
Defects and remedies
Mode of Submission:
Slide Presentation along with videos
and samples of materials,
Report on A2 size sheets.
3rd Week Module-3 Plastics and Rubber Thermoplastics - Polythene, Polyvinyl
chloride, Poly-propylene, Polymethyl
Objective: methacrylate, Acrylonitrile butadiene
To introduce and familiarize styrene.
the students the usage of Thermosetting Plastics – Phenol
various Plastics and Rubbers formaldehyde, Urea formaldehyde,
in construction works. Melamine formaldehyde,
Polyurethane, Silicone resin.
Assignment – 1c
Study and present Seminar and submit
Site visit, Market / Factory Survey Report
on Plastics and Rubber under the
following heads-
Constituents: factors affecting choice of
materials, materials/ingredients used
Manufacturing process
Properties: appearance, density, moisture
content & movement, jointing, thermal
movement & resistance to moisture, fire
Characteristics- advantages /
Types & Special types
Sizes and Forms
Tools and Workmanship
Types of finishes
Construction details
Handling and Storage
Defects and remedies
Mode of Submission:
Slide Presentation along with videos
and samples of materials,
Report on A2 size sheets.
Objective: Assignment - 2
To familiarize the student To construct the examples of partitions
with the advanced building and false ceilings.
construction practices on
site/yard Mode of Submission:
Practice along with videos and samples of
examples followed by Report on A2 size
5th Week Module-5 Site Exposure Exposure to advanced building
construction practices on site of various
items of work from foundation to roof and
Objective: finishes.
To familiarize the student
with the advanced building Assignment - 3
construction practices on site. To survey construction work on site and
submit report.
Mode of Submission:
Report on A2 size sheets.
6th Week Module-6 Partitions & False Ceilings Construction details of Metal Stud
(Gypsum Board) Partition (single layer).
Objective: Assignment - 7
To introduce and familiarize CONSTRUCTION PLATE-1. To
the students with the usage of understand the application of gypsum
various metal/gypsum board board in metal stud partitions in building.
partitions construction works.
Mode of Submission:
Lecture feedback test,
Submit construction details on sheet.
Minor Assignment: TEST-1
7th Week Module-6 Partitions & False Ceilings Construction details of Suspended
(Gypsum Board) Ceilings
Objective: Assignment - 8
To introduce and familiarize CONSTRUCTION PLATE-2. To
the students with the usage of understand the application of gypsum
various metal/gypsum board board in suspended / false ceilings in
false ceilings construction building.
Mode of Submission:
Lecture feedback test,
Submit construction details on sheet.
8th Week Module-7 Water Proofing Works Basements, Toilets, Kitchens, Terrace
gardens. Expansion joints.
To introduce and familiarize Assignment - 9
the students with the various CONSTRUCTION PLATE-3. To
water proofing compounds understand the application of water
used in construction works. proofing works in building.
Mode of Submission:
Lecture feedback test,
Submit construction details on sheet.
9th Week Module-8 Joints Special Construction joints, Seismic
To introduce and familiarize Assignment - 10
the students with advanced CONSTRUCTION PLATE-4. To
and building techniques. understand the application of construction
The understanding for the and seismic joints in building.
system to be adopted for the
construction of large span & Mode of Submission:
multi storey structures. Lecture feedback test,
Submit construction details on sheet.
Minor Assignment: TEST-2
10th Week Module-9 Doors & Windows (P. V. C.) Door Frame and Shutters. Windows
Frames and Shutters.
To introduce and familiarize Assignment - 11
the students with advanced CONSTRUCTION PLATE-5. To
and speedy building understand the application of PVC Doors.
Mode of Submission:
Lecture feedback test,
Submit construction details on sheet.
11th Week Module-10 Defects and Remedies The study of various defects in
buildings and their remedies, Defects
Objective: caused by dampness, applied forces and
To study the causes and changes in size.
remedies of various defects in
existing and new Assignment - 12
construction. Present a detailed study of all the relevant
The understanding for the building defects in existing and new
system to be adopted for the construction works. This would include
construction of large span & their causes, prevention and remedies.
multi storey structures.
Each defect should be dealt with under
the headings of:
Diagnosis and causes
Remedial work
Design and prevention
Mode of Submission:
Presentation along with Report on A2 size
Lecture feedback test.
12th Week Module-5 Site Exposure Exposure to advanced building
construction practices on site of various
items of work from foundation to roof and
Objective: finishes.
To familiarize the student
with the advanced building Assignment - 4
construction practices on site. To survey construction work on site and
submit report.
Mode of Submission:
Report on A2 size sheets.