NSuns 5-3-1 LP PPL With BBB
NSuns 5-3-1 LP PPL With BBB
NSuns 5-3-1 LP PPL With BBB
Enter your 1 Rep Maxes in the top row, your training maxes will be calculated at 90% of your true max.
Each week, increase your training max if you were able to complete all the reps
You will have to manually enter your new Training Max, which will overwrite the formula (that is okay!)
Assistance work is done with bodybuilding sets/reps, and can be changed to fit your needs
How much you will increase your TM each week is based on how you perform in the AMRAP(+) set each day
If you get 0-1 reps, do not increase your TM If you get 2-3 Reps, increase your TM by 5lb
If you get 4-5 reps, increase your TM 5-10lb If you get more than 5 Reps, increase your TM by 10-15lb
Lb or Kg? Lb
The 1RM/TM values here are used for ALL WEEKS. When you adjust 1
1RM's: 100 100 100
n-Suns 531 LP Squat: Bench Deadlift
TM's 90 90 90
Monday (Push)
Barbell BP 60 x5 70 x5 75 5+
OHP 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10
Assistance: 3x8-12 InclineDB | 3x8-12 PushDowns / SS Lat Raises | 3x8-12 Overhead Extensions / SS Lat Ra
Tuesday (Pull)
Deadlift 60 x5 70 x5 75 x5+
Barbell Row 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10
Assistance: 3x8 PullUps | 3x8-12 Seated Cable Rows | 5x15-20 FacePulls | 4x8-12 HammerCurls | 4x8-12 DB
Wednesday (Legs)
Back Squat 60 x5 70 x5 75 x5+
Back Squat 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10
Assistance: 3x8-12 Leg Press | 3x8-12 Leg Curls | 5x8-12 Calf Raises
Thursday (Push)
OHP 60 x5 70 x5 75 x5+
Barbell BP 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10
Assistance: 3x8-12 InclineDB | 3x8-12 PushDowns / SS Lat Raises | 3x8-12 Overhead Extensions / SS Lat Ra
Friday (Pull)
Barbell Row 65 x5 75 x5 85 x5+ 65 x5 65 x5
Sumo Deadlift 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10
Assistance: 3x8 PullUps | 3x8-12 Seated Cable Rows | 5x15-20 FacePulls | 4x8-12 HammerCurls | 4x8-12 DB
Saturday (Legs)
Front Squat 60 x5 70 x5 75 x5
Back Squat 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10
Assistance: 3x8-12 Leg Press | 3x8-12 Leg Curls | 5x8-12 Calf Raises
90% of your true max.
all the reps
formula (that is okay!)
to fit your needs
e AMRAP(+) set each day
our TM by 5lb
crease your TM by 10-15lb
WEEKS. When you adjust 1RM, always do it here! All Weeks will update.
100 100 100
Press F. Squat Row
90 90 90
alf Raises
alf Raises
Enter your 1 Rep Maxes in the top row, your training maxes will be calculated at 90% of your true max.
Each week, increase your training max if you were able to complete all the reps
You will have to manually enter your new Training Max, which will overwrite the formula (that is okay!)
Assistance work is done with bodybuilding sets/reps, and can be changed to fit your needs
How much you will increase your TM each week is based on how you perform in the AMRAP(+) set each day
If you get 0-1 reps, do not increase your TM If you get 2-3 Reps, increase your TM by 5lb
If you get 4-5 reps, increase your TM 5-10lb If you get more than 5 Reps, increase your TM by 10-1
Lb or Kg? Lb
Adjust 1RM values on 'Week 1' Sheet - new va
Monday (Push)
Barbell BP 65 x3 70 x3 80 3+
OHP 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10
Assistance: 3x8-12 InclineDB | 3x8-12 PushDowns / SS Lat Raises | 3x8-12 Overhead Extensions / SS Lat
Tuesday (Pull)
Deadlift 65 x3 70 x3 80 x3+
Barbell Row 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10
Assistance: 3x8 PullUps | 3x8-12 Seated Cable Rows | 5x15-20 FacePulls | 4x8-12 HammerCurls | 4x8-12
Wednesday (Legs)
Back Squat 65 x3 70 x3 80 x3+
Back Squat 50 x10 50 x10 50 x10 50 x10 50 x10
Assistance: 3x8-12 Leg Press | 3x8-12 Leg Curls | 5x8-12 Calf Raises
Thursday (Push)
OHP 65 x3 70 x3 80 x3+
Barbell BP 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10
Assistance: 3x8-12 InclineDB | 3x8-12 PushDowns / SS Lat Raises | 3x8-12 Overhead Extensions / SS Lat
Friday (Pull)
Barbell Row 65 x5 75 x5 85 x5+ 65 x5 65 x5
Sumo Deadlift 50 x10 50 x10 50 x10 50 x10 50 x10
Assistance: 3x8 PullUps | 3x8-12 Seated Cable Rows | 5x15-20 FacePulls | 4x8-12 HammerCurls | 4x8-12
Saturday (Legs)
Front Squat 65 x5 70 x5 80 3+
Back Squat 50 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10
Assistance: 3x8-12 Leg Press | 3x8-12 Leg Curls | 5x8-12 Calf Raises
d at 90% of your true max.
ete all the reps
the formula (that is okay!)
ged to fit your needs
n the AMRAP(+) set each day
ase your TM by 5lb
eps, increase your TM by 10-15lb
Enter your 1 Rep Maxes in the top row, your training maxes will be calculated at 90% of your true max.
Each week, increase your training max if you were able to complete all the reps
You will have to manually enter your new Training Max, which will overwrite the formula (that is okay!)
Assistance work is done with bodybuilding sets/reps, and can be changed to fit your needs
How much you will increase your TM each week is based on how you perform in the AMRAP(+) set each day
If you get 0-1 reps, do not increase your TM If you get 2-3 Reps, increase your TM by 5lb
If you get 4-5 reps, increase your TM 5-10lb If you get more than 5 Reps, increase your TM by 10-15lb
Lb or Kg? Lb
Adjust 1RM values on 'Week 1' Sheet - new value
Monday (Push)
Barbell BP 70 x5 75 x3 85 1+
OHP 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10
Assistance: 3x8-12 InclineDB | 3x8-12 PushDowns / SS Lat Raises | 3x8-12 Overhead Extensions / SS Lat Ra
Tuesday (Pull)
Deadlift 70 x5 75 x3 85 x1+
Barbell Row 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10
Assistance: 3x8 PullUps | 3x8-12 Seated Cable Rows | 5x15-20 FacePulls | 4x8-12 HammerCurls | 4x8-12 DB
Wednesday (Legs)
Back Squat 70 x5 75 x3 85 x1+
Back Squat 50 x10 50 x10 50 x10 50 x10 50 x10
Assistance: 3x8-12 Leg Press | 3x8-12 Leg Curls | 5x8-12 Calf Raises
Thursday (Push)
OHP 70 x5 75 x3 85 x1+
Barbell BP 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10
Assistance: 3x8-12 InclineDB | 3x8-12 PushDowns / SS Lat Raises | 3x8-12 Overhead Extensions / SS Lat Ra
Friday (Pull)
Barbell Row 65 x5 75 x5 85 x5+ 65 x5 65 x5
Sumo Deadlift 50 x10 50 x10 50 x10 50 x10 50 x10
Assistance: 3x8 PullUps | 3x8-12 Seated Cable Rows | 5x15-20 FacePulls | 4x8-12 HammerCurls | 4x8-12 DB
Saturday (Legs)
Front Squat 70 x5 75 x5 85 1+
Back Squat 50 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10
Assistance: 3x8-12 Leg Press | 3x8-12 Leg Curls | 5x8-12 Calf Raises
90% of your true max.
all the reps
formula (that is okay!)
to fit your needs
e AMRAP(+) set each day
our TM by 5lb
crease your TM by 10-15lb
alf Raises
alf Raises
Enter your 1 Rep Maxes in the top row, your training maxes will be calculated at 90% of your true max.
Each week, increase your training max if you were able to complete all the reps
You will have to manually enter your new Training Max, which will overwrite the formula (that is okay!)
Assistance work is done with bodybuilding sets/reps, and can be changed to fit your needs
How much you will increase your TM each week is based on how you perform in the AMRAP(+) set each day
If you get 0-1 reps, do not increase your TM If you get 2-3 Reps, increase your TM by 5lb
If you get 4-5 reps, increase your TM 5-10lb If you get more than 5 Reps, increase your TM by 10-15lb
Lb or Kg? Lb
Adjust 1RM values on 'Week 1' Sheet - new value
Monday (Push)
Dumbbell Bench 35 x5 45 x3 55 1+
OHP 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10 55 x10
Assistance: 3x8-12 InclineDB | 3x8-12 PushDowns / SS Lat Raises | 3x8-12 Overhead Extensions / SS Lat Ra
Tuesday (Pull)
Deadlift 35 x5 45 x3 55 x1+
Barbell Row 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10
Assistance: 3x8 PullUps | 3x8-12 Seated Cable Rows | 5x15-20 FacePulls | 4x8-12 HammerCurls | 4x8-12 DB
Wednesday (Legs)
Squats 35 x5 45 x3 55 x1+
Front Squats 35 x10 35 x10 35 x10 35 x10 35 x10
Assistance: 3x8-12 Leg Press | 3x8-12 Leg Curls | 5x8-12 Calf Raises
Thursday (Push)
OHP 35 x5 45 x3 55 x1+
Dumbbell Bench 65 x10 65 x10 65 x10 65 x10 65 x10
Assistance: 3x8-12 InclineDB | 3x8-12 PushDowns / SS Lat Raises | 3x8-12 Overhead Extensions / SS Lat Ra
Friday (Pull)
Barbell Row 40 x5 50 x5 60 x5+ 60 x5 60 x5
Sumo Deadlift 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10
Assistance: 3x8 PullUps | 3x8-12 Seated Cable Rows | 5x15-20 FacePulls | 4x8-12 HammerCurls | 4x8-12 DB
Saturday (Legs)
Front Squat 35 x5 45 x5 55 1+
Back Squat 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10 45 x10
Assistance: 3x8-12 Leg Press | 3x8-12 Leg Curls | 5x8-12 Calf Raises
90% of your true max.
all the reps
formula (that is okay!)
to fit your needs
e AMRAP(+) set each day
our TM by 5lb
crease your TM by 10-15lb
alf Raises
alf Raises