Free Training Week
Free Training Week
Free Training Week
Warm Up
With an empty barbell, 1x10 reps of each:
Snatch grip Jefferson curl
Good morning
Muscle snatch from the hip
BTN snatch grip strict press
Paused overhead squat
Narrow grip paused overhead squat
With a light load, 2x5 reps of each
Hang power snatch
Low hang power snatch
Hang squat snatch
Low hang squat snatch
(PRIORITY- This is always the main focus of the day)
A1: Hang power snatch + low hang power snatch, 1+1 EMOM x 6 minutes
A2: Hang squat snatch + low hang squat snatch, 1+1 EMOM x 6 minutes
A3: Choose your weakest lift of the 4 above, 2 reps EMOM x 6 minutes
Notes: For A1 and A2 you can build slightly over the sets but focus more on movement than load.
For A3 use about 85% of your heaviest lift of the movement you choose. You can rest 2-3 minutes
between A1, A2 and A3 as you change the load.
C: ‘First Cut’
4 Rounds for time:
Run 400m
3 legless rope climbs
7 Squat snatch 185/130lbs
Time cap: 20 minutes
Games athletes: Do not do this workout again, make up your own weakness workout with a
smiler time frame.
Sanctional athletes: As above
RX athletes: 2 LL rope climbs + 7 squats snatch @ 135/95lbs
Beginner athletes: 3 rope climbs + 7 squat snatch @ 115/85lbs
Notes: I know that there are a bunch of you that fancy a go at this workout to see how you stack
up. Remember, the athletes at the games were using slightly thicker ropes and because they
started on a crash mat it was very hard to jump to start your rep. Choose an appropriate scale so
that you can get through at least 3 rounds in 20 minutes.
Strict ring muscle ups, 1-4 reps x 5-10 sets (do not exceed 20 reps)
Notes: Focus on a very clear lockout at the bottom and top position, make them look ‘Instagram
perfect’. Beginners should use the low rings for banded reps.
Ring false grip hang, 3x0:20
Ring support hold, 3x0:30
(Optional- Add to your main training for strength bias athletes)
B2: 4 Rounds of:
Reverse lunge step with 2x DB in suitcase hold x 12 reps (6/6)
Alternating jumping deficit lunge (front foot on 12” block) x 12 reps (6/6)
Rest 60s
(Optional- Add to your main training for fitness bias athletes)
Mixed Conditioning
3 Rounds of:
Run 1000m @ 10k pace
C2 Bike 5000m @ 80% FTP
Notes: FTP = functional threshold power (your 20 minute max average watts) If you do not know
yours I have put some guidelines below for you to base your % off:
Games: 330/250w
Sanctional: 280/200w
RX: 260/180
Beginner: 230/150w
(If you can get outside and do this on a actual bike then that would be even better!)
(Optional- To supplement your main training session)
Core Smash!
Superset 3 rounds of:
15s Straddle up hold
30s Pike up hold
45s Hollow Hold
60s Arch (superman) hold
Rest as needed
Body Maintenance
Hold each pose for 3 minutes:
Couch stretch left leg
Couch stretch right leg
Lizard stretch left leg
Lizard stretch right leg
Frog stretch
Warm Up
Assault bike 10 minutes:
50 on : 10 off x 2
40 on : 20 off x 2
30 on: 30 off x 2
20 on : 40 off x 2
10 on : 50 off x 2
(PRIORITY- This is always the main focus of the day)
A1: Squat clean
3 reps EMOM x 7 minutes @ 70%
2 reps EMOM x 7 minutes @ 80% (first minute can be 75%)
1 rep EMOM x 7 minutes @ 90% (first minute can be 85%)
Notes: Maintain the same weight for each block of lifts (If the % increase is too big jump you can
use the first minute of the new block to make a smaller increase) The % here are just a guideline
so go up or down 5% if needed.
Notes: There shouldn’t be too much need to scale here. Treat each part as a new workout and go
as hard as you can. We are looking at our work:recovery ability here.
(Optional- Add to your main training)
1: Strict HSPU, 2-8 reps every 30s x 10 rounds
2: Kipping HSPU, 5x5 from a max deficit (if you can use 8” or higher then reduce the deficit and
add a weighted vest)
(Optional- Add to your main training for strength bias athletes)
3 Rounds of:
10 Sandbag to platform
100ft Sandbag bear hug carry
4 Rounds of:
50ft Forward sled push
50ft backwards sled drag
Suggested sandbag weight is 200/150lbs to a 48/44” platform (scale down if needed)
Sled weight should be very heavy but an unbroken 50ft walk.
(Optional- Add to your main training for fitness bias athletes)
Mixed Conditioning
Notes: Scale the reps as needed so that you are working for 45-50s
(Optional- To supplement your main training session)
Scap Jacked!
Superset 3 rounds of:
KB windmills x 10 reps (5/5)
100ft single arm overhead KB carry p/arm
Banded/cable reverse flys x 20 reps
Body Maintenance
Hold each pose for 3 minutes:
Pigeon stretch left
Pigeon stretch right
Standing straddle stretch
Double pigeon stretch
Warm Up
Move through 3 rounds of:
50ft single arm OH lunge (light DB)
14 Alternating box step ups (light DB)
45s moderate effort assault bike
(PRIORITY- This is always the main focus of the day)
A1: Romanian (stiff leg) Deadlift from 2” deficit
3x8 reps @ 50% DL max
3x6 reps @ 60% DL max
Rest 60s between all sets
Deadlift weight should be roughly 40-45-50-55-60% of DL max
Scale the box jump height if needed
B: ’18.3’
2 Rounds for time:
100 Double unders
20 Overhead squats 115/85lbs
100 Double unders
12 Ring muscle ups
100 Double unders
20 Alternating DB snatch 50/35lbs
100 Double unders
12 Bar muscle ups
Time cap: 14 minutes
Notes: This workout was one of the hardest CF Open workouts to complete. This is a great
chance to retest and see where you are at with such a high skill workout. Beginners should scale
movements where needed to allow them to advance and get a better overall workout.
(Optional- Add to your main training)
(Do not do this work before 18.3)
(Optional- Add to your main training for strength bias athletes)
C1: Split jerk (from rack or blocks)
2 reps every 75 seconds x 10 rounds, building weight across sets
C2: Split press, 5x5 reps with a 3s hold overhead on each rep
C3: Seated alternating DB strict press, 4x20 reps (10/10), rest 60s between sets
(Optional- Add to your main training for fitness bias athletes)
Row Conditioning
Notes: Be sure to pace the 750m efforts so that you can be consistent across all 5 sets. The
250m you can push hard and should be about 10s per 500m faster than the 750m efforts.
(Optional- To supplement your main training session)
Rotate More!
Superset 3 rounds of:
Banded woodchoppers high to low x 20 reps (10/10)
Lateral ball slams to wall x 20 reps (10/10)
Plate halos x 20 reps (10/10)
Body Maintenance
Hold each pose for 3 minutes:
Barbell assisted pec stretch
Band assisted lat stretch right
Band assisted lat stretch left
Lacrosse ball pec/lat roll right
Lacrosse ball pec/lat roll left
Swim Session
Warm Up:
100m Freestyle
100m Catch up
100m Kick
100m Pull
Main Set:
1: 4 Rounds of:
100m Freestyle @ 100% effort
200m Freestyle easy swim recovery
Rest as needed
2: 6 Rounds of:
25m Freestyle @ 100% effort
75m Freestyle easy recovery swim
Rest as needed
Notes: Beginner level swimmers should complete just 2 sets of part 1 and 3 sets of part 2.
Swim Down:
200m easy pace breaststoke or backstroke
Warm Up
Move through 3 rounds of:
Barbell Jefferson curl x 8 reps
KB windmill x 10 reps (5/5)
Turkish get up x 4 reps (2/2)
(PRIORITY- This is always the main focus of the day)
A1: DB overhead squats, 3x10 reps per arm, rest as needed between sets.
Notes: Choose from an option below depending on how good your mobility is. Do not move to a
more advanced version if you can not perform the ‘easier’ version with solid technique. Athletes
that are not restricted by mobility can add heavier load to each set.
Easy: Single arm DB OH squat
Moderate: Single arm DB OH squat with a second DB in the front rack position
Hard: Dual DB overhead squat
3 Rounds for time:
10 Bar facing burpees
12 Thrusters 100/70lbs
After the third round, rest 60s then:
50/35 Calorie Assault bike
Rest 6 minutes
Repeat for 3 total sets.
Notes: I can already hear the complaints as I sit and type this workout! You need to push hard on
this but not so hard that you ‘red line’ in set 1 and can not maintain a decent level of consistency.
You should have 6 scores to note from this workout, 3 sets of the thruster/burpee couplet and 3
sets of the bike.
(Optional- Add to your main training)
1: 10-15 Minutes handstand walk ‘skill play’
Set up a distance of HSW that you can complete every 60,75 or 90s. If you can perform sets of
50ft well then you can add in obstacles or a change of direction to increase the difficulty.
(Optional- Add to your main training for strength bias athletes)
A2: Front squat, build to a heavy single
A3: Front squat, 3x3 @ 80% of A2
(Optional- Add to your main training for fitness bias athletes)
Bike Conditioning
Notes: FTP = Functional threshold power (20 minutes max watts) If you do not know yours I have
put some guidelines below for you to base your % off:
Games: 330/250w
Sanctional: 280/200w
RX: 260/180
Beginner: 230/150w
(Optional- To supplement your main training session)
Boulder Shoulders!
Superset 3 rounds of:
Lateral plate raise x 12 reps
Front plate raise x 12 reps
KB upright row x 12 reps
Body Maintenance
Hold each pose for 3 minutes:
Dead hang from rig (with straps)
Box assisted tricep/lat stretch
Pancake stretch
Seated pike stretch
Warm Up
Hanging KB push press, 3x5 reps
Hanging KB OHS, 2x5 reps
(PRIORITY- This is always the main focus of the day)
A1: Push press EMOM x 10 minutes: 5-5-3-3-3-2-2-2-2-2
increase the load each round so that you finish with 5x2 reps @ 80-85%
B: ‘2007’
For time:
Row 1000m
Then 5 rounds of
25 Pull ups
7 Shoulder to overhead 135/95lbs
(Optional- Add to your main training)
1: Strict HSPU, 6x 4-8 reps
Notes: Draw a mark around your hands at your usual HSPU width, then make an additional mark
2 inches wider and 2 inches more narrow. Complete 2 sets with your hands in each of the 3
positions (6 sets total)
A5: GHR, 4x8-12 reps, rest 60s between sets (use band assistance if needed)
(Optional- Add to your main training for fitness bias athletes)
Mixed Conditioning
Notes: This workout is ideally done on an Assault runner or similar piece of equipment. If you do
not have one then switch the workout around and run 400m the AMRAP distance ski.
(Optional- To supplement your main training session)
Posterior Pump!
40-30-20-10 of:
Banded hamstring curls
Russian KB swings
Body Maintenance
Hold each pose for 3 minutes:
Box assisted hamstring stretch right
Box assisted hamstring stretch left
Box assisted glute stretch right
Box assisted glute stretch left