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Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 2 – Place value – 4-digit numbers (2)

Unit 2 – Place value – 5. 4,501

4-digit numbers (2) 4,997

1 Number line to 10,000 Reflect

The previous multiple of a thousand has the same
➜ pages 32–34
1,000s digit as the number itself and the next
multiple of a thousand has one more thousand
1. a) 6,000
than the number.
b) 4,700
c) 3,250
2. a) 940 950 960 970 980 990 1,000 1,010 3 Estimate on a number line
b) 1,996 1,997 1,998 1,999 2,000 2001 2,002 2,003
c) 1,560 1,570 1,580 1,590 1,600 1,610 1,620 1,630
to 10,000
d) 2,500 2,600 2,700 2,800 2,900 3,000 3,100 3,200
➜ pages 38–40
3. a) 5,000 5,100 5,200 5,300 5,400 5,500
5,600 5,700 5,800 5,900 6,000 1. Children’s answers may vary but should be close to
b) 1,100 1,110 1,120 1,130 1,140 1,150 these approximations:
1,160 1,170 1,180 1,190 1,200
a) approximately: 400  3,800 7,100 9,900
c) 8,990 8,991 8,992 8,993 8,994 8,995
b) approximately: 2,160 2,420 2,690 2,920
8,996 8,997 8,998 8,999 9,000
2. a) 3,500 half-way between 3,000 and 4,000
4. a) 8,000 mm
4,100 just after 4,000
b) 6,000 mm
4,900 just before 5,000
c) 9,000 mm
7,500 half-way between 7,000 and 8,000
5. a) 4,800 5,000 5,200 5,700 6,000 7,600 just after half way between 7,000 and 8,000
b) 7,020 7,050 7,090 8,010    8,030 b) 1,050 half-way between 1,000 and 1,100
6. 700 ml is added (1,900 – 1,200) 1,190 just before 1,200
1,500 on 1,500
1,550 half-way between 1,500 and 1,600
Reflect 1,750 between 1,700 and 1,800
Children should explain that Max has counted in 1s so 1,790 just before 1,800
the final interval is incorrect. The count is in 10s. c) 6,201 just after 6,200
6,210 on 6,210
6,245 half-way between 6,240 and 6,250
2 Between two multiples 6,272 just after 6,270
6,289 just before 6,290
➜ pages 35–37 3. a) Half-way between 1,000 ml and next marker up
b) Just under 2,000 ml
1. A: 3 numbers between 1 and 999 c) Just over half-way between 1,000 ml and the
B: 3 numbers between 2,001 and 2,999 marker below it
C: 3 numbers between 9,001 and 9,999 d) Just above the half-way marker between 1,000 ml
2. A: 3 numbers between 1,101 and 1,199 and 2,000 ml
B: 3 numbers between 1,501 and 1.599 4. a) Approximately 6,500 g
C: 3 numbers between 1,901 and 1,999 b) Approximately 2,500 g
3. A: 3 numbers between 4,601 and 4,609 5. a) 1,500 g is half-way between 1,000 g and 2,000 g.
B: 3 numbers between 4,661 and 4,669 As each interval is 200g, this will be half-way
C: 3 numbers between 4,681 and 4,689 between the 1,400 g and 1,600 g markers.
4. a) 4,000 4,916 5,000 d) 0    820 1,000 b) This should be left of centre.
2,000 2,837 3,000 5,000 5,630 6,000 6. Children’s answers may vary but should be close to
9,000 9,201 10,000 0 16      1,000 these approximations:
b) 4,900 4,916 5,000 e) 900 990      1,000 a) approximately 7,500 mm
2,800 2,837 2,900 1,000 1,040 1,100 b) approximately 5,900 mm
9,200 9,201 9,300 0 99 100 c) approximately 6,400 mm
c) 4,910 4,916 4,920 f) 890    894     900
2,830 2,837 2,840 9,990 9,999 10,000
9,200 9,201 9,210 0    1      10

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Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 2 – Place value – 4-digit numbers (2)

4. a) Marks should be either side of the 1,000 marker

Reflect representing between 500 and 1,499.
b) Marks should be either side of the 5,000 marker
Children should realise that once they have said their
representing between 4,500 and 5,499.
first number, keeping the 1,000s digit the same will
make it harder for their partner to get three in a row. 5. Isla: any of the digits 0–9
The first player has the advantage. Zac: any of the digits 5–9
Aki: 5
4 Compare and order numbers
to 10,000 Reflect
Children should refer to the 100s digit and to the
➜ pages 41–43 previous and next multiple of a thousand.
A 100s digit of 4 or less rounds down to the previous
1. a) 5,015
multiple of a thousand. A 100s digit of 5 or more rounds
b) 6,751
up. 500 rounds up to the next thousand.
c) 4,781
d) 1,003
e) 9,248
f) 3,162
6 Round to the nearest 100
2. a) 3,560 < 3,650 ➜ pages 47–49
b) 2,886 < 2,888
c) 2,846 < 2,848 1. a) 515 rounded to the nearest 100 is 500.
d) 3,560 < 3,660 b) 538 rounded to the nearest 100 is 500.
e) 2,686 < 2,886 c) 560 rounded to the nearest 100 is 600.
f) 2,848 < 2,851 d) 581 rounded to the nearest 100 is 600.
3. Various answers are possible, such as: e) 1,725 rounded to the nearest 100 is 1,700.
a) 4,578 < 4,592, 100s digit is 5 or less. f) 1,746 rounded to the nearest 100 is 1,700.
b) 7,819 < 7,824, 10s digit in the first number is less g) 1,754 rounded to the nearest 100 is 1,800.
than the 10s digit in the second number. h) 1,798 rounded to the nearest 100 is 1,800.
c) 5,041 < 5,042, 1,000s digit is less than 5. 2. a) 300 320 400
4. 6,421 6,536 6,541 b) 300 350 400
c) 1,200 1,290 1,300
5. a) 4,502 kg 4,314 kg 4,099 kg 3,821 kg d) 2,400 2,447 2,500
b) 8,120 m 8,032 m 7,909 m 7,830 m 812 m e) 4,000 4,005 4,100
6. a) Max swam the furthest. 3. a) 768 rounds up to 800
b) Richard ran the second fastest. b) 402 rounds down to 400
c) 7,850 m 7,855 m 7,995 m c) 199 rounds up to 200
7. 4,326 4,335 4,344 d) 84 rounds up to 100
e) 951 rounds up to 1,000
f) 12 rounds down to 0
Reflect g) 420 rounds down to 400
Children should generate at least four numbers and h) 1,001 rounds down to 1,000
order then greatest to smallest. 4. Children should explain that, according to the rules of
rounding, for the nearest 100, 50 and above rounds
5 Round to the nearest 1,000 up so neither Richard nor Bella is correct.
5. 453 (rounds up) or 534, 543 (rounds down)
➜ pages 44–46 6. 4,453, 4,345 or 4,354

1. a) 2,345 rounded to the nearest 1,000 is 2,000.

b) 7,480 rounded to the nearest 1,000 is 7,000. Reflect
c) 2,800 rounded to the nearest 1,000 is 3,000.
Children should explain that when rounding to the
2. a) next nearest 100, the 10s digit is the important digit. A 10s
b) previous digit of 4 or less rounds down to the previous hundred
c) next and a 10s digit of 5 or more rounds up to the next
3. Paris: 9,000 hundred. Children may also refer to the 2-digit number
Sydney: 9,000 made by the 10s and 1s digits, saying that 49 or less
Pisa: 5,000 rounds down and 50 and above rounds up.
New York: 4,000

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Year 4 Practice Book 4A  Unit 2 – Place value – 4-digit numbers (2)

7 Round to the nearest 10 3. 32 rounds to 30

198 rounds to 200
➜ pages 50–52 2,425 rounds to 2,430
4. 8 10 0 0
1. 132 rounds to 130 to the nearest 10. 988 990 1,000 1,000
137 rounds to 140 to the nearest 10. 1,899 1,900 1,900 2,000
2. a) 50 57 60 9,999 10,000 10,000 10,000
b) 10 12 20 5. a) smallest 8,500 greatest 9,499
c) 130 136 140 b) smallest 1,350 greatest 1,449
d) 500 502 510 c) smallest 815 greatest 824
3. a) 18 to the nearest 10 is 20. d) smallest 5,450 greatest 5,454
b) 28 to the nearest 10 is 30. 6. Any number from 1,995 to 2,004 inclusive.
c) 81 to the nearest 10 is 80. 7. 8,341: 8,000 8,300 8,340
d) 82 to the nearest 10 is 80. 6,892: 7,000 6,900 6,890
e) 124 to the nearest 10 is 120.
Any number between 8,570 and 8,979 which has
f) 126 to the nearest 10 is 130.
7 tens: the nearest 100 and 10 will depend on the
g) 368 to the nearest 10 is 370.
chosen number.
h) 995 to the nearest 10 is 1,000.
Any number between 5,451 and 5,459: the nearest
4. a) 41, 102, 333, 902, 981 round down to the nearest
1,000 and 10 will depend on the chosen number.
15, 78, 209, 457, 765 round up to the nearest 10. 6,097 or 6,107: 6,000 6,100 6,100
b) Any two 4-digit numbers that round down to the
nearest 10 and any two 4-digit numbers that round Reflect
up to the nearest 10.
Children should refer to the relevant digits for each
5. a) 76 80 176 180 376 380
rounding, explaining that 5 or above rounds up, 4 and
b) 1,024 1,020 1,124 1,120 1,324 1,320
below rounds down.
c) 1,715 1,720 2,715 2,720 3,715 3,720
d) 1,704 1,700 5,704 5,700 8,704 8,700 To round to the nearest 10, look at the 1s digit (9).
So 3,539 rounds up to 3,540.
6. a) 78 or 81.
b) 78 or 81. To round to the nearest 100, look at the 10s digit (3).
So 3,539 rounds down to 3,500.
7. 4 rounds to 0 to the nearest 10.
5 rounds to 10 to the nearest 10. To round to the nearest 1,000, look at the 100s digit (5).
45 or 54 rounds to 50 to the nearest 10. So 3,539 rounds up to 4,000.
543 rounds to 540 to the nearest 10.
5,445 or 5,454 rounds to 5,450 to the nearest 10.
My journal
Reflect ➜ page 56
Children should explain that if the 10s digit is 9 and the
1s digit is 5 or above, then the 100s digit could change 1. When rounding to the nearest 1,000, you need to
too. In extreme examples such as 9,996, then rounding to focus on the 100s column.
the nearest 10 results in 10,000 so all the digits change. 2. When rounding to the nearest thousand, the 1,000s
column either stays the same or goes up or down
by 1. All other digits after the 1,000s are replaced
8 Round to the nearest 1,000, by zeros. For example, 6,435 rounded to the nearest
100 or 10 1,000 is 6,000.

➜ pages 53–55
Power play
1. Potatoes: 9,451 9,000
➜ page 57
Carrots: 9,050 9,000
Parsnips: 5,500 6,000
This game can produce a wide variety of answers,
Turnips: 3,900 4,000
depending on the roll of the dice. Some children may
2. Manchester: 8,498 8,500 need their answers checking in order to score points.
Leeds: 7,849 7,800
Birmingham: 8,805 8,800

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