First Aid Risk Assessment

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First Aid Risk Assessment

First Aid Risk Assessment For:

Job Number
Person Conducting Assessment

Review Date:

Likely or actual frequency Potential

1 less than annually 1 Minor injury, but no time off work
2 Annual 2 Injury causing up to 3 days’ absence
3 2 - 3 times a year 3 Injury causing more than 3 days’ absence
4 Monthly 4 Long term absence
5 Weekly 5 Death

Location / Task being Roofing refurbishment project to Foundry Roof.


1. Underlying Risk of Injury and Ill health

Using knowledge of the general level of accidents and illnesses suffered by McConnell staff
undertaking this type of work in this kind of environment, allocate a value to
Frequency of accidents or illness at work
Typical severity of accident or illness (not necessarily worst case)
Add both figures together
2. Specific Tasks
Using Knowledge of specific tasks to be undertaken, is the risk of injury
or illness increased because of Hazardous Substances, Dangerous
Tools, Vehicle
Likelihood Movement
of accident or Dangerous
or injury at work Loads
Realistic Severity of Accident or illness

Add both figures together

3. Number of People involved (most typical figure)

Lone Worker 5 Insert total figure

2 - 50 2
51 or more 5

4. Vulnerable People Yes

Are their inexperienced people or with disabilities
or special health problems?
Insert figure here 5

5. Remoteness Within 3 miles 1

Document owner: Craig Hartley HSF019 First Aid Assessment V: 3

Issued 08/09/2021 Document valid until 08/09/2022 Page 1 of 4

First Aid Risk Assessment
5.1 How far away is the nearest hospital with a 3 - 50 miles 3
24hr accident and emergency
51 miles or 5
Insert figure here 3

5.2 Is there vehicle access available nearby Yes 1

Usually 3

No 5

Insert figure 1
5.3 Is emergency telephone communication Yes 1
available No 5

Insert figure 1

Add the numbers that have been inserted in the Insert value 10
seven boxes. If the value is 18 or less then the and risk here.
level of risk is low, if the value is greater than 18
but less than 21 then the risk is medium and if the
value is 21 or higher the level of risk is high

Note: Any activity at height or in a confined space shall be classified as

high risk unless a thorough risk assessment has been carried out and
found otherwise.

Appointed Person
The nominated individual with specific responsibilities for checking that
first aid equipment is maintained and in a state of readiness and taking
charge of any medical emergencies by calling for an ambulance.

First Aider
Someone who has successfully passed a three day First Aid at Work
(FAW) training course or a one day Emergency First Aid course
(EFAW). Note both courses are to be approved by the Health and
Safety Executive.

Full First Aider

Someone who has successfully completed a full three day First Aid at
work (FAW) training course approved by the Health and Safety
Executive and had subsequent refresher training as required.

Emergency First Aid

Someone who has successfully completed a one-day Emergency First
Aid at Work (EFAW) training course approved by the Health and Safety
Executive and had subsequent refresher training as required.

Low Risk requirements

Document owner: Craig Hartley HSF019 First Aid Assessment V: 3

Issued 08/09/2021 Document valid until 08/09/2022 Page 2 of 4

First Aid Risk Assessment
Maximum number of people Minimum Number of First Minimum number of.
working Aiders Appointed Persons
1 and 25 At least one appointed 1
Between 25 and 50 At least one Emergency 1
first aid at work (EFAW)
More than 50 At least one full first aider 1
for every 50 people

Medium Risk Requirements

Maximum number of people Minimum Number of First Minimum number of

working Aiders Appointed Persons
Fewer than 5 At least one appointed 1
Between 5 and 25 At least one Emergency 1
first aid at work EFAW
More than 50 At least one full first aider 1
for every 50 people (or part

High Risk

Maximum number of people Minimum Number of First Minimum number of

working Aiders Appointed Persons
Fewer than 5 At least one Emergency 1
first aid at work EFAW

Between 5 and 25 At least one Emergency 1

first aid at work EFAW
More than 50 At least one full first aider 1
for every 50 people (or part

Note: Any activity at height or in a confined space shall be classified as

high risk unless a thorough risk assessment has been carried out and
found otherwise.

First Aiders onsite

Emergency First aider(s) Name Expiry Date

Andrew Smith

Full First Aider

Document owner: Craig Hartley HSF019 First Aid Assessment V: 3

Issued 08/09/2021 Document valid until 08/09/2022 Page 3 of 4

First Aid Risk Assessment
Full aider(s) Name Expiry Date
Andrew Smith

First Aid kits

Each vehicle will be issued with a first aid kit; there will also be a 10
man first aid kit on-site. The Site Manager will nominate a first aider
to undertake weekly checks on all first aid kits.
The First Aid Kit will be kept within the McConnell site office.

Document owner: Craig Hartley HSF019 First Aid Assessment V: 3

Issued 08/09/2021 Document valid until 08/09/2022 Page 4 of 4

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