Reviewer Applied Economics
Reviewer Applied Economics
Reviewer Applied Economics
Or Facts:
1. The sign is important in considering the
income elasticity, whether positive or
Types of Elasticity negative.
a. Elastic – coefficient is greater than 1 2. A good is superior or normal if for an
(absolute value) instance, our income increases, quantity
b. Inelastic – coefficient is less than 1 (absolute demanded will increase. If our income
value) decreases, quantity demanded will also
c. Unitary – coefficient is equal to 1 (absolute decrease (direct relationship). You will buy
value) more of the product if your income increase,
d. Perfectly Elastic – coefficient is equal to 0 and you will buy less if your income
e. Perfectly Inelastic – coefficient is infinite decreases.
3. A good is inferior if for an instance, our
Facts: income increases, quantity demanded will
1. Law of demand and supply should always be decrease. If our income decreases, quantity
considered whether to use price elasticity of demanded will increase (indirect
demand or supply. relationship). You will buy more if your
2. Greater % change in quantity compared to income decreases, and you will buy less if
price would result to an elastic product your income increases.
3. Greater % change in price compared to
quantity would result to an inelastic product.
4. Price elasticity of demand is always negative, Cross-price Elasticity - measures the
price elasticity of supply is always positive. responsiveness in the quantity demanded of
5. A business would always consider selling an one good when the price for another good
elastic product since it is more sensitive to changes.
price changes, thus maximizing profit.
b. Considered as price makers or setters
c. Scale and legal barriers are present
d. Maximizes profit (medium profit)
e. Product can be the same, with some degree
of differentiation
f. Has a limited market power over consumers
Q2A – Q1A g. Tendency to be involved in cartel: the illegal
Q1A agreement of the sellers to set the price of
Or =
P2B – P1B their products to maximize profit.
P1B h. Examples can be gasoline business,
telecommunications, car manufacturers,
television networks.
Products in Cross-price elasticity
Monopolistic Competition or Imperfect
a. Substitute products – if the coefficient is positive
Competition – many sellers or retailers of several
b. Complementary products – if the coefficient is
brands wherein there are many consumers.