Engg Econ Lecture 3.4 - Annual Worth
Engg Econ Lecture 3.4 - Annual Worth
Engg Econ Lecture 3.4 - Annual Worth
Lesson 3
Basic Economy Study Methods
Sullivan, et al. (2015). Engineering Economy, 16th ed., Chapter 5 (pp. 186-239)
1. The Minimum Attractive Rate of Return
2. The Present Worth Method
3. The Future Worth Method
4. The Annual Worth Method
5. The Internal Rate of Return Method
6. The External Rate of Return Method
7. The Payback Period
8. The Benefit/Cost Ratio Method
Engineering Economics
Lecture 3.4
The Annual Worth Method
Sullivan, et al. (2015). Engineering Economy, 16th ed., pp. 197-202
The Annual Worth (AW) Method
• The of a project is an equal annual series of peso amounts, for a
stated study period, that is equivalent to the cash inflows and
outflows at an interest rate that is generally the MARR.
• Hence, the of a project is annual equivalent revenues or savings ()
minus annual equivalent expenses (), less its annual equivalent
capital recovery () amount, which is defined in Equation (5-5).
• An annual equivalent value of , , and is computed for the study
period, , which is usually in years.
AW vs PW vs FW
• In equation form, the , which is a function of , is