MC 2021-2267
MC 2021-2267
MC 2021-2267
1. No motor vehicle shall be allowed to either cross or park into bicycle lanes
or pedestrian lanes. Bicycle lanes are for the sole use. of cyclists, Non-
motorized Transport (NMT) users and Light Mobility Vehicle (LMV) or
Personal Mobility Devices (PMD) users. Motor vehicles, with their weight and
potential speed, will endanger the other users of bicycle lanes when they enter
bicycle lanes.
2. Give sufficient clearance and watch your speed when passing. Motor
vehicle users are advised to give cyclists and NMT, LMV and PMD users the
same clearance given to any other vehicle when passing, i.e. one car's width or
two (2) meters, as a safe standard and one (1) meter's width as a minimum.
When overtaking, pass slowly and smoothly, avoid using the vehicle's horn.
Speeding up or blowing horns at cyclists when passing can unnerve or startle
cyclist into accidents.
4. Open doors with care. The driver must scan side mirrors to make sure there
are no cyclists, NMT users or LMV/PMD users approaching from behind. It is
recommended to use the hand farthest away from the door to open it (uOutch
reach"); this forces your upper body to turn to face the door and to check for any
bicycles approaching from behind.
5. Check blind spots. Drivers must be aware at all times of cyclists, cars,
motorcycles and other vehicles that could be approaching from any direction.
Further, the abovementioned rules shall be included in all modules used in the
prescribed driver education standards.
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MAY 2 7
WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 125-A mandates the Department of Transportation (OOTr) to
Formulate and recommend national policies and guidelines for the preparation and
implementation of integrated and comprehensive transportation and communications systems
at the national, regional and local levels;
WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 125-A mandates the DOTR to establish and prescribe the
corresponding rules and regulations for the enforcement of laws governing land transportation
Including the penalties for violations thereof, and for the deputation of appropriate Jaw
enforcement agencies in pursuance thereof;
WHEREAS, The DOTr is mandated to take part in the implementation of the National Transport
Policy (NTP) issued by the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) in 2017, wherein
the promotion of inclusive and people-oriented mobility throtlgh the prioritization of active
transportation in the overall framework of the transport policy by way of developing and
implementing facilities and policies that will enable the efficient and safe utilization of non-
motorized transportation.
Non-motorized transport (NMT), particularly cycling, has been identified as one of the key
priorities of the government as highlighted in the National Transport Policy (NTP) and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). The NTP highlights this through the prioritization of
active transportation in the overall transport policy framework by way of developing facilities
that will enable the efficient and safe utilization of non-motorized transportation.
Further, pursuant to Section 9 of Executive Order No. 774, s. 2008, the new paradigm in the
movement of people and goods must follow a simple principle: "Those who have less in wheels
must have more in road." In this regard, the transport system shall favor non-motorized
locomotion and collective transportation systems (walking. bicycling, and personal mobility
In view of the foregoing, the Department, together with the Land Transportation Office (LTO)
Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB), Metro Manila Development
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Authority (MMDA), Department of Publlc Works and Highways (DPWH), Department of Interior
and Local Government (DILG), Department of Health (DOH) and Local Government Units (LGUs)
are committed to re-design our transportation systems and issue policies under the new normal
that promote Inclusive and safe mobility for all, especially the cyclists and Light Mobility Vehicle
(LMV) users. Hence, to encourage the greater use of bicycles and LMVs/personal mobillty devices
(PMDs), the following road safety and health protocols for motor vehicles, cyclists and users of
PMD are hereby prescribed by the Department: ·
Pedestrians and cydists have the same right to use the road as a motor vehicle In
accordance with the existing regulations in place. It should be noted that pedestrians and
cyclists are vulnerable road users with little to no protection compared to a more
protective private motor vehicle going at a high speed. Motor vehicles are advised to slow
down and give way when they are In the vicinity of any pedestrian or cyclist Take the
same precautions when you approach cyclists as you would for any motor vehicle.
2. Give cyclists sufficient clearance and watch your speed when passing. Motor
vehicle users are advised to give cyclists and PMD users the same clearance when
passing given to any other vehicle /.e one car's width or two (2) meters, as a safe
standard and one (1) meter's width as a minimum. When overtaking. pass slowly
and smoothly, avoid using the vehicle's horn. Speeding up or blowing horns at
cyclists when passing can unnerve or startle cyclists Into accidents.
4. Open doors with care. The driver must scan side mirrors to make sure there are
no cyclists, NMT users or L~MD users approaching from behind. It is
recommended to use the han( ~est away from the door to open It ("Dutch
reach,.); this forces your upper body to turn to face the door and to check for any
bicycles approaching from behind.
S. Check blind spots. Drivers must be aware at all times of cyclists, cars,
motorcycles and other vehicles that could be approaching from any direction.
Adminislrahve Rules and Regula11ons I
MAY 2 7 2021
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1. Use of personal safety gears/ equipment. To ensure the safety of all the cyclist
and PMD users, the following equipment shall be utilized:
Figure 2. Ideal Safety Gears and Equipment for Bike Lane Users
Required Equipment:
a. Lamps and r eflectors (e.g., headlight, a tail light, reflectors, or other
reflective materials). Such devices, either attached on the bicycle, LMV/PMD,
or on the helmet, shoes, arms, legs and torso, are required during night or
early morning rides to illuminate the path. It shall be visible from a di.stance
of SO meters from all sides to advise other road users of the rider's presence
pursuant to Section 34(i) ofRepublic Act No. 4136.
Recommended Equipment:
Adm1nistra11ve Rules and Regulations
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a. Rear·view mirror. This allows the rider to keep an eye on the other vehicles
(cars, bicycles, LMV/PMD, et.c.), and easily notice vehicles overtaking or
vehicles nearby when making a tum;
b. Rear and/or front rack This will help the rider carry items such as an office
bag, shopping bag, or other unexpected items:
c. Water bottle cages (and water bottle). This will help the rider avoid
dehydration by regularly drinking water throughout the trip;
d Audible signal devices (e.g., horn, bell, etc.). This will help the rider signal
the other cyclists or LMV/PMD users, and even pedestrians when requesting
to overtake or to pass.
1. Always strictly obey traffic regulations, traffic signs, and traffic signals;
2. Wear safety gear and protective equipment all through the ride;
3. Plan routes before beading out to your destination. Identify possible routes
and ask for help in planning which roads to pass if necessary. Knowing the route
ahead will prevent cyclists and LMV/PMD users from getting lost or stopping
7. Hand signals. Use hand signals to indicate what the bike Jane users Intend to do
shall be practiced (e.g. left or right turns, s1owlng or stopping). Cyclists and PMD
may also use hand signals to warn other road users of approaching obstacles by
pointing in the direction of the hazard;
Admonislrahve Rules and Regulaltons
9. As much as possible, travel In a straight line with head up, looking one and a
half to two blocks forward .
10. Take a rest or breather when feeling tired. Cyclist and LMV/PMD users shall
not over-exhaust their bodies. Take a couple of minutes to take a break between
trips to avoid overfatigue. Bringing a bottle of water is recommended in order to
rehydrate and ensure that the cyclist/LMV/PMD user is fit to fin ish the trip.
11. Disinfect bicycle/ PMD. Regularly disinfect blcycles/LMVs/PMDs after each use
or upon reaching your destination.
12. Avoid biking/ PMD use in the rain. Cycling or LMV/PMD use in strong rain Is
not advised. Seek shelter and wait out the rain before resuming, or make sure to
use complete safety gear and reduce speed.
13. In unprotected/unsegregated bicycle lanes, ride at least 3 feet from parked cars
when the road condition permits and always watch out for the unexpected
opening of parked car doors;
14. Watch out for any obstacle such as potholes or drainage covers when using
the bike lanes. Warn other road users of hazard;
15. Always look over the shoulder (both sides) before making turns;
17. Be extra cautious when riding close to a vehicle especially those with high
seat position such as trucks, as they have limited line of sight for objects near
their vehicle;
1. Always ride on the right, in the same direction as other traffic, but ride no
closer than one (1) meter from parked cars to avoid being hit by an opening door.
3. Making a left turn. There are three (3) main ways of making a left tum on a
bicycle or LMV /PMD:
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4. Making a U·tum. cyclists and LMV/PMD users are advised to stop and dismount
their bicycle or LMV/PMD, then cross safely by using the pedestrian lane or
overpass (I.e. cross the Intersection on the walk signal);
Figure 8. Guide for making a U·turn when Using the Bike lanes
5. Passing on the left. When overtaking a slower moving traffic, pass on their left
and allow at least one (1) meter of clearance. When passing other cyclists, warn
them in advance by voice or bell.
6. Passing on the right. When passing vehicles on the right between Intersections,
cyclists and LMV/PMD users should check over their shoulders first, then move
into the middle of the lane and line up with the rest of traffic.
Adminisl!al•ve Rules and Regulaoons
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,. •• U.P. LAW CENTER -
Adm•nislrallve Rules ano Regufa11ons
7. Use extra caution when traveling in traffic with large vehicles such as buses
and trucks. Avoid riding in their blind spots and be prepared for wide turns.
8. Riding in National Roads and Highways. Cyclists and LMV/PMD users who will
utilize major local roads and national roads must be at least 16 years old.
Underage cyclists and LMV/PMD users must be accompanied by an adult when
using major local roads and national roads.
1. Bike lanes can only be utilized by bicycles and LMVs1/PMDs weighing not more
than 100 kg.
2. Speed. The recommended maximum speed in bike lanes is 25km/hour;
3. Counte1·flowing is prohibited on a one-way bike Jane.
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The DILG Memorandum Circular 2020-100 mandated the LGUs to enforce policies
relating to active transportation and LMV use to ensure the safety of all the road users and
pedestrians. Further, MMDA shall aid in the enforcement of the said policies in the
National Capital Region especially in national roads.
If any part or provision of this Department Order is held unconstitutional or invalid, other
parts of provisions which are not affected shall continue to remain in full force and effect.
Existing orders, circulars, memoranda, and other prior issuances and administrative
regulations that are inconsistent with the provisions of this Order, if any, are hereby
amended, modified, superseded, or repealed accordingly.
This Order shall take effect immediately following the completion of its publication In the
Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation and the filing of three (3) copies
hereof with the UP Law Center pursuant to Memorandum Circular dated 09October1992
of_the Office of the President
- - - Forwarded message - -
From: Daniel Bayona Ill <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Apr 27, 2021, 4:15 PM
Subject: Related Documents on Including Acti-.e Transportation to LTO Policies and Programs
To: <[email protected]>
Cc: Martin Suarez <[email protected]>, Eldon Joshua Dionisio <[email protected]>
Good day!
Respectfully forwarding some of the related documents that can be used as a reference in harmonizing LTO
policies and programs with Actiw Transportation This also as a follow-up coordination with our
initial meeting last April 12, 2021 .
Please let us know if you haw any questions related to our discussion. Thank you -.ery much!
Best regards ,
RA 11494
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Adm•n1s1r~11ve Rules and Regulailcns
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