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Adopted Research Questionnaire on “Graduate Students Satisfaction on

Flexible Learning Modality during the COVID-19 Pandemic in a
Philippine State University”

Name: Age: Sex:


Your Course/Program:
I. Student- related Factor
Direction: Please check () and rate yourself honestly based on what
you actually do give statements using the following scales.
5- Very high level of satisfaction
4- High level of satisfaction
3- Moderate level of satisfaction
2- Low level of satisfaction
1- Very low level of satisfaction

A. Interaction 5 4 3 2 1
1. A flexible learning session keeps me always
alert and focused
2. Interaction is adequately maintained with the
lecturer when he/she is on the other side of the
flexible learning classroom.
3. Having students from opposite gender on the
other side of the flexible learning classroom
listening to what I say might restrict participation
4. A flexible learning course makes it more
important for students to visit the lecturer during
5. I cannot interrupt the lecturer to ask a question
when he/she is on the other side of the blended
learning classroom.
6. I am satisfied with the quality of interaction
between all involved parties.
7. I am dissatisfied with the process of
collaboration activities during the course.
8. I am satisfied with the way I interact with other
9. I am satisfied with my participation
B. Instruction
1. The use of flexible learning technology in this
course encourages me to learn independently.
2. My understanding is improved compared to
similar courses I studied before.
3. My performance in exams is improved
compared to similar courses I studied before.
4. I am satisfied with the level of effort this course
5. I am dissatisfied with my performance in this
6. I believe I will be satisfied with my final grade in
the course.
7. I am satisfied with how I am able to apply what I
have learned in this course
8. If I had known this was going to be a flexible
learning class, I would not have taken it.
9. I am willing to take another course using
flexible learning.
10. I am satisfied enough with this course to
recommend it to others.
11. Compared to face-to-face course setting, I am
satisfied with this learning experience.
12. I enjoy working on assignments by myself.
C. Instructor
1. The instructor makes me feel that I am a true
member of the class.
2. I am dissatisfied with the accessibility and
availability of the instructor.
3. The instructor uses flexible learning
technology appropriately.
4. Class assignments were clearly
communicated to me
5. Feedback on evaluation of tests and other
assignments was given in a timely manner.
D. Course Management
1. Discipline is highly observed when the lecturer
is on the other side of the flexible learning
2. The lecturer/supervisor always takes
3. I attended video conferencing classes the
same way I attend face-to-face classes.
E. Technology
1. The instructor’s voice is audible
2. Course content shown or displayed on the
smart board is clear.
3. The microphone is in good working condition.
4. The video image is clear and comprehensive
when the lecturer is on the other side of the
flexible learning classroom.
5. The availability of Internet Connection
6. Technical problems are not frequent and they
do not adversely affect my understanding of the
7. Technology used for flexible learning is

Part II. Challenges

A. Enablers in terms of connectivity

1. Do you have access to internet connection at home?

 Yes
 No

2. The type of accessible internet connection at home?

 Broadband (through a cable company hotspot)
 DSL (through the phone company)
 Cellular Service
 No internet access
3. How often do you connect to the internet?
 Every day
 Once a week
 Once a month
 Almost Never
 Never

Enablers in terms of (Gadgets)

4. What type of gadgets do you usually use in flexible learning?
(Check all that apply)
 Desktop PC
 Laptop
 iPad
 Android Tablet
 Chrome book
 Smart phone
 Other (please specify)

5. If you use any of these devices, would you say they are:
 Essential
 Somewhat Essential
 Not Essential
6. How satisfied are you in using this gadgets for schoolwork’s
 Very Satisfied
 Satisfied
 Not Satisfied at all

Enablers in terms of (Platforms)

1. What type of platforms do you use in virtual learning
(Check all that apply)
 Google Meet
 Zoom Cloud Meeting
 Facebook
 Messenger
 Gmail
 Others please specify

2. How satisfied are you in using this platforms in your virtual learning
 Very Satisfied
 Satisfied
 Not Satisfied at all
3. How will you rate the use of the online platforms in virtual learning
 Very Good
 Good
 Bad

Barriers (Connectivity)

1. What is your most common access to the internet?

 Own Computer
 Friends Computer
 Computer Shop
 Personal gadget (android cellphone, etc)
 Others
Please Specify:

2. How reliable do you find your internet connection?

 Very reliable, the connection never drops
 Speed varies from time to time, but the connection never
 Speed varies considerably and the connection regularly
 Very poor connection, which drops out all the time
3. How effective is virtual flexible learning modality with that kind of
internet connection to you?
 Extremely effective
 Very effective
 Moderately effective
 Slightly effective
 Not effective
Barriers (Meeting Schedule)
1. Is your regular class schedule conducted with professor and total
number of hours completed?
 Yes
 No
2. If scheduled classes not conducted during the period, what options do
you take?
 Choose to write and submit an individual assignment
based on course guide
 Re-schedule a make-up class
 Choose to write and submit a reflective essay on the next
topic based on course guide
 Choose to extend classes on an agreed schedule with the
presence of professor
 Others, (specify) _______________________________
3. What common situations prevent you to hold scheduled classes?
 Bad weather that affects internet connectivity
 Scheduled or unscheduled power interruptions
 Unscheduled meetings of professors with management
 Presenter is absent
 Others, (Specify)________________________________
4. How satisfied are you with the time you spend talking to your
 Extremely Satisfied
 Very Satisfied
 Slightly Satisfied
 Not Satisfied at all
5. As a student of the ESSU Graduate School, how satisfied are you with
the time utilization of scheduled class meetings with your professor?
 5
 4
 3
 2
 1

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