Episode 1 - To Print
Episode 1 - To Print
Episode 1 - To Print
At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to explore the different ways of
establishing a safe and conducive on-line or virtual learning environment.
Unlike the traditional face-to-face classroom environment, online or virtual
environment is a bit difficult to manage. It is because Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
is imaginary and nit in the physical sense. It has no corners or walls and it can be set up
with the support of technology.
(Based on the study entitled “How to Design a Virtual Classroom: 10 Easy Steps
to Follow!”)
Step 1 - Assess the needs and the necessary conditions to satisfy them.
The main purpose of this step is to assure the existence of a need for the proposed
virtual classroom and the basic infrastructure to develop it. Simply you assess 'what is',
current state of conditions, available system, etc., and 'what ought to be,' desired output.
By assessing what is and what ought to be, you have assessed the need and figured out a
gap to be bridged.
Step 2 - Estimate the development cost, effort, and implications
The main purpose of the step is to reach a clear, accurate, quantitative estimate of
the overall cost of developing the virtual classroom. How long is it going to take develop
the virtual classroom? Which tools will be needed? How much will they cost? Which
equipment will they require? How many people with which specific will be needed?
Step 3 - Plan the virtual classroom
Includes the educational goals, ways to accomplish the goals, identify which goal
possibly not be accomplished and approaches used to a certain goal.
Step 4 - Design the virtual classroom
Identify how the HTML pages will be structured, what should be the layout for a
typical course page, and how fancy should the pages be. What is the related
hardware/software/ technology impact.
Step 5 - Prepare and distribute contents
Identify the authoring tools that will be used such as import, create and edit
images, videos, sounds, graphics and animations.
Step 6 - Enable communication
Considers what form of communication is utilize such as synchronous and
asynchronous communication tools.
Step 7 - Implement online student assessment methods
Considers evaluation and assessments and identify how will assignments, tests,
etc. be submitted, graded, and returned to students.
Step 8 - Implement class management procedures
Determine which type of class management information is relevant and tools that
can be used to perform tasks,
Step 9 - Set up the system
Identifying which hardware and software components are necessary and What is
needed to install, configure, and protect the virtual classroom contents.
Step 10 - Maintain and update the virtual classroom
As with any other computer-based information system, the virtual classroom
requires maintenance and frequent updates to retain its usefulness. Considers the media,
software, and policies for backup, software and hardware upgrades and maintenance.
How did the students show their active participation in the lesson?
• Students exhibit active involvement in the lesson by being on time for an online
virtual class and participating in the class at all times by raising their hands,
nodding their heads, answering yes or no, or even showing an emotion even
though they are only within the four corners of their phone or laptop screen.
• They also pay careful attention. When a student pays attention to what the teacher
is discussing, it means that the student is interested in the topic.
• Students ask probing questions to clarify topics or points that are too broad. Some
ask to deepen their knowledge and understanding of a specific topic.
• Students actively participate in all activities and are able to pass on time.
Which of the following is/are your analysis of on-line learning environment? Check one
or more.
______ It was difficult to observe the physical behavior of the students.
______ It takes time for students to learn how to use the platform.
______ Students who are alone in their home space find difficulty to make responses.
______ Internet connectivity is a great factor to support a conducive environment.
As a future teacher I fell that the on-line learning environment can be safe if all
teachers and students are internet and computer literate. They have the (1) knowledge
and ability to use computers and related technologies efficiently, (2) handle unlawful and
harmful information on the Internet responsibly, (3) communicate correctly on the
Internet, and (4) safeguard their privacy and conduct security measures.
I think that teaching in a virtual learning environment is /will be fascinating and
engaging for me since I will be able to conduct my lessons utilizing a range of computer
applications and internet resources. I will be able to supply continual information to my
students since, in addition to books, information on the internet will be readily accessible.
Identify the problems brought about by the on-line learning environment
Computer Illiteracy
Lack of Communication
Time Mismanagement
Poor Internet Connectivity
How would you solve this problem?
Computer Illiteracy
Get helped from authorities – You should approach appropriate authorities to
know the programs run by government for this segment. Government is trying
very hard for the rural literacy in every regard and thus the help rendered by
authorities may make your approach even more strong and effective.
Practice what you know. A great way to enhance your current computer skills is
to practice them regularly. The more you use what you already know, the easier it
becomes to perform these tasks often. Once you’ve become more confident in
these current skills, learning new computer skills will become easier and less
Lack of Communication
Provide Timely Feedback. Because your online students are learning from a
distance, it is important that they receive timely and consistent feedback regarding
their progress in the class. If a student asks you a question regarding an
assignment, you should first provide that student a personal response to their
question and then if you feel that their question is important to the rest of the class,
you should address the question with the rest of the class and thank the student
for bringing it to your and the class’s attention.
Ask for students’ opinion. Asking your students what they think adds another
personal touch to your communications. I have observed that students appear
more interested in the class when the teacher use surveys or short opinion polls
to get a feel of how they think things are going in the class. Students like to give
their personal opinion and their feedback helps me improve the course content for
future students.
Call Regularly. During this time of distance learning, students may feel isolated or
lonely. Contacting them as often as you can — by email, comments on their work
or phone — can make a huge difference, especially for those students without
internet access. When in doubt over-communicate, but also maintain boundaries
to avoid burnout.
Time Mismanagement
As a teacher, teach your students in terms of
Goal setting. Inform students about short-term goals and long-term goals and
encourage students to create their own goals. Students who set exciting goals
invest their time in ways that lead to achieving those goals.
Organization. Once priorities are set, it’s important to have a plan for getting
them done. Some people are naturally well-organized, and others need some help.
Strategies like maintaining an up-to-date calendar and keeping a tidy study
environment help. There are many useful software programs and apps to aid
Managing stress. Students need healthy ways to manage the pressures of study
while maintaining productivity. Getting enough sleep and exercising are all great
ways to keep stress at bay and actually make learning more efficient.
Have a backup plan. Because online learning might feel isolated, it is critical to
schedule time for open discussion among your students. Giving students
worksheets or sample problems to work on jointly via live chat, interactive
quizzes, and discussion boards can encourage peer-to-peer interactions and active
learning. Many of these web-based programs may be operated on your phone or
tablet and act as the default "plan B" in the event that your main computer fails
during a lesson.
What initial plan do you intend to do to solve the problem?
The most essential thing is to stay in touch with learners and to keep them
informed of what is happening. Teachers should be accommodating and flexible,
specifically for those who have poor internet connections, even if it means using video
class sessions as a backup. The teacher should urge students to do their best and stay
away from distractions. They should avoid online or personal things or activities that can
impede their learning. To prevent missing online lectures or sessions, set a break time
and stick to your study schedule. Recognize where you can seek assistance from your
local area, as well as any technical concerns with software and gadgets for engaging
learning. Students must have access to services that enable them to assist them in
investigating particular difficulties through the phone, email, or live chat. A teacher must
be creative and have backup plans so when anything unexpected may happen, such as
technical problems and connectivity, the teacher can still provide meaningful learning.
Self-Learning Activities
B. Direction: Choose the appropriate answer.
1. What is common among the following learning environments: (a) remote
learning, (b) virtual learning, (c) on-line learning?
A. Presence of a teacher
B. Use if cyberspace
C. Asynchronous delivery
D. Use of module
2. If your co-teacher asks you to borrow your email address password for an urgent
concern, which action should you take as a safety measure? A. deny your friend’s
request because of privacy.
B. Open your email yourself and print your friend’s email
C. Quickly share your password to your friend.
D. None of the A, B, C
4. In a virtual synchronous class, when a students would like to talk, which of the
following actions should be done?
A. Mute the microphone
B. Open the camera
C. Raise hand
D. Send message to chat box