Chapter 5

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Lecture guide material adopted from Solomon Alemu (PhD) and Habite A.


Chapter Five

Sample Design and Sampling Procedures

5.1 Definition of terms

 Population: Is the theoretically specified aggregation of survey elements from
which the survey sample is actually selected. A finite group is called population
whereas a non-finite (infinite) group is called universe
 Sampling Frame: Is the list of elements from which the sample is drawn
 Sample: A subset or some part of a larger population
 Sample design: Is a definite plan for obtaining a sample frame
 Sampling: Is the process of using a small number or part of a larger population
to make conclusion about the whole population.
 Element: Is unit from which information is collected and which provides the
basis of analysis
 Statistic: Is a characteristic of a sample
 Parameter: Is a characteristic of a population.
E.g., when we work out certain measurement like, mean from a sample they are called
statistics. But when such measure describe the characteristic of the population, they are
called parameter(s)
 Population mean () is a parameter
 Whereas the sample mean (x) is a statistics

Need for sampling

1. Budget and time Constraints (in case of large populations

2. Physical impossibility of checking all elements

3. Destructive nature of some census

By Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) Page 1

Lecture guide material adopted from Solomon Alemu (PhD) and Habite A. (MBA)

4. Adequacy of sample results: High degree of accuracy and reliability (if sample is
representative of population)

Steps involved in sample planning (Sampling procedure)

The first thing that the sample plan must include is a definition of the population to be
investigated. This involves the following procedure

Defining population

Census Vs Sample

Sampling Design

Sample Size

Estimate Cost of Planning

Execute Sampling Process

Essentials of an ideal sample

An ideal sample should fulfill the following four basic characteristics.
 Representative-ness: An ideal sample must represent adequately the whole
population. It should not lack a quality found in the whole population.
 Independence: Each unit should be free to be included in the sample
 Adequacy: The number of units included in the sample should be sufficient to
enable derivation of conclusion applicable for the whole population. A sample
having 10% of the whole population can be considered.

By Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) Page 2

Lecture guide material adopted from Solomon Alemu (PhD) and Habite A. (MBA)

 Homogeneity: The element included in the sample must bear likeness with
other element.

Sample size determination

A researcher is worried about sample size because of the fact that sample size (number
of elements in sample) and precision of the study are directly related. The larger the
sample size the higher is the accuracy. The sample size determination is purely
statistical activity, which needs statistical knowledge. There are a number of sample size
determination methods.
Personal judgments: The personal judgment and subjective decision of the researcher in
some cases can be used as a base to determine the size of the sample.
Budgetary approach is another way to determine the sample size. Under this approach
the sample size is determined by the available fund for the proposed study.
E.g., if cost of surveying of one individual or unit is 30 birr and if the total
available fund for survey is say 1800 birr , the sample size then will be
determined as,
Sample size (n) = total budget of survey /Cost of unit survey, accordingly, the
sample size will be 60 units (1800 / 30 = 60 units)
Traditional inferences: This is based on precision rate and confidence level. To estimate
sample size using this approach we need to have information about the estimated
variance of the population, the magnitude of acceptable error and the confidence
 Variance or heterogeneity of the population: It refers to the standard deviation of
the population parameter. The sample size depends up on the variance of the
population. If the population is similar (homogenous) small sample size can be
E.g., Predicting the average age of college students Vs predicting average
age of people visiting a given supermarket at a given day.
If information about variance is not available a researcher is expected to estimate it.
Estimation of the variance or standard deviation is not an easy undertaking. The

By Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) Page 3

Lecture guide material adopted from Solomon Alemu (PhD) and Habite A. (MBA)

researcher can carry out either pilot study for the purpose of estimating the population
standard deviation or he can use the rule of the thumb. According to the rule of the
thumb standard devotion is one-sixth of the range
E.g., If the households yearly average income is expected to range
between 1500 and 24000 birr, using the rule of the thumb the standard
deviation will be 1/6(22500) = 3750 hence range equal 22500 (24000-1500)
 Magnitude of acceptable error: The magnitude of error (range of possible error)
indicates how precise the study must be. It is acceptable error for that study. The
researcher makes subjective judgment about the desired magnitude of error.
E.g., to estimate the average income of household one may allow an error
says  50
 Confidence interval: In most case (research) 95% confidence level is used. That is,
it is assumed that 95 times out of 100 the estimate from sample will include the
population parameter.
Once the above concepts are understood and determined the size of sample is quite
simple to determine. It is determined based on the following relationship.
i) For mean n = (ZS/E)2 and
ii) For proportion n = Z2 p.q /e2
Where Z represents standardization value indicating a confidence level
E represents acceptable magnitude of error  an error factor
S represents sample SD or an estimate of the population SD
p and q are proportion and n represent sample size
E.g., the household yearly income expected to range from 1000 – 25000. The SD based
on rule of thumb, range = 24000 *1/6 = 4000
Suppose we want to study the household monthly expenditure on food.
 We wish to have a 95% confidence level
 Acceptable range of error of no less than 20 birr.
 And the estimated value of the SD is 200
I.e. Z1 = 1.96
µ= X
± 1.96 σ ÷ √ n at 95% confidence level. Where, µ = Population Mean , X* = Sample Mean,

By Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) Page 4

Lecture guide material adopted from Solomon Alemu (PhD) and Habite A. (MBA)

E = 20
S = 200
n = (ZS/E)2 = (1.96 *200/20)2 = 384.16 or 385
If the range of error (E) is reduced to 10-sample size will increase.

Choice of sample size is governed by:

1. the confidence you need to have in your data and thereby the findings

2. the margin of error that you can tolerate – that is, the accuracy you require for
any estimates made from your sample;

3. Variability observed in the target population, and to lesser extent

σ = Standard Deviation, n = Sample size, √ = square root.

Also, Z= 2.58 at 99%, Z= 1.96 at 95%, Z = 1.65 at 90%.

By Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) Page 5

Lecture guide material adopted from Solomon Alemu (PhD) and Habite A. (MBA)

4. the types of analyses you are going to undertake

5. the size of the total population from which your sample is being drawn


o sample size is almost always a matter of judgement as well as of calculation

o a minimum number of 30 for statistical analyses (central limit theorem)

Sample Size for Estimating Population Mean

Sample Size to Estimate Population proportion

Sampling Techniques
Sampling techniques are basically of two types namely, non-probability sampling and
probability sampling.

A. Probability sampling

o the chance, or probability, of each case/element being selected from the

population is known and is usually equal for all cases

o Probability sampling is often associated with survey and experimental research


By Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) Page 6

Lecture guide material adopted from Solomon Alemu (PhD) and Habite A. (MBA)

o The process of probability sampling can be divided into four stages:

1. Identify a suitable sampling frame based on your research question(s) or


2. Decide on a suitable sample size.

3. Select the most appropriate sampling technique and select the sample.

4. Check that the sample is representative of the population

Identification of Sampling Frame

• The sampling frame for any probability sample is a complete list of all the
cases/elements in the population from which your sample will be drawn.


o student telephone directory (for the student population),

o the list of companies on the stock exchange,

o the directory of medical doctors and specialists,

o the yellow pages (for businesses)

1. Simple random sampling

It involves you selecting the sample at random from the sampling frame using either
random number tables or lottery system

To do so,

o Number each of the cases in your sampling frame with a unique


o Select cases using random numbers until your actual sample size is

By Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) Page 7

Lecture guide material adopted from Solomon Alemu (PhD) and Habite A. (MBA)

2. Systematic sampling

Systematic sampling involves you selecting the sample at regular intervals from the
sampling frame. To do this you:

1. Number each of the cases in your sampling frame with a unique number.

2. Select the first case using a random number.

3. Calculate the sampling fraction.

4. Select subsequent cases systematically using the sampling fraction to determine

the frequency of selection.

If the population contains N ordered elements, and sample size of n is required or

desired to select, then we find the ratio of these two numbers, i.e., N/n to obtain the
sampling interval.
E.g., Say the population size N= 600 and the desired sample size is 60 (n =
60), then the sample interval will be 600/60 = 10
Random number at the 10 interval will be selected, i.e., if the researcher
starts from the fourth element then 4 th, 14th, 24th etc, elements will be

3. Stratified random sampling

It involves dividing the population into two or more relevant and significant strata
based on one or a number of attributes. To do so, you

1. Choose the stratification variable or variables.

2. Divide the sampling frame into the discrete strata

3. Number each of the cases within each stratum with a unique number, as
discussed earlier

By Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) Page 8

Lecture guide material adopted from Solomon Alemu (PhD) and Habite A. (MBA)

Select your sample using either simple random or systematic sampling, as discussed

4. Cluster sampling

Cluster sampling is similar to stratified sampling as you need to divide the population
into discrete groups prior to sampling

o The groups are termed clusters in this form of sampling and can be based on any
naturally occurring grouping

o For cluster sampling your sampling frame is the complete list of clusters rather
than a complete list of individual cases within the population

Non Probability sampling

o the probability of each case being selected from the total population is not

o It is impossible to answer research questions or to address objectives that

require you to make statistical inferences about the characteristics of the

o limited resources or the inability to specify a sampling frame

o No appropriate statistical techniques for measuring random sampling error

o Often used in qualitative researches


1. Identify a suitable sampling frame based on your research question(s) or


2. Decide on a suitable sample size.

3. Select the most appropriate sampling technique and select the sample.

By Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) Page 9

Lecture guide material adopted from Solomon Alemu (PhD) and Habite A. (MBA)

4. Check that the sample is representative of the population

Identification of Sampling Frame

o generally used when there is no suitable sampling frame

o In ability or any other plausible reason to prepare sampling frame

o the issue of sample size, except for quota sampling, is ambiguous

Deciding on a suitable sample size

o unlike probability sampling, there are no rules

o the logical relationship between your sample selection technique and the
purpose and focus of your research is important

o your sample size is dependent on your research question(s) and objectives – in


o what you need to find out,

o what will be useful,

o what will have credibility and

o what can be done within your available resources

Selecting the most appropriate sampling technique and the sample

Non -probabilistic sampling techniques:

1. Quota sampling

 Based on the premise that your sample will represent the population as the
variability in your sample for various quota variables is the same as that in the

 Selection of cases within strata is entirely non-random.

By Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) Page 10

Lecture guide material adopted from Solomon Alemu (PhD) and Habite A. (MBA)

 Procedures:

1. Divide the population into specific groups.

2. Calculate a quota for each group based on relevant and available data.

3. Combine the data collected by interviewers to provide the full sample

2. Purposive sampling

o Purposive or judgemental sampling enables you to use your judgement to select

cases that will best enable you to answer your research question(s) and to meet
your objectives.

3. Snowball sampling

 Snowball sampling is commonly used when it is difficult to identify members of

the desired population, for example people who are working while claiming
unemployment benefit Procedures:

1. Make contact with one or two cases in the population.

2. Ask these cases to identify further cases.

3. Ask these new cases to identify further new cases (and so on).

4. Stop when either no new cases are given or the sample is as large as is

By Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) Page 11

Lecture guide material adopted from Solomon Alemu (PhD) and Habite A. (MBA)

6 Self-selection sampling

• Self-selection sampling occurs when you allow each case, usually individuals, to
identify their desire to take part in the research. You therefore:

1. Publicise your need for cases, either by advertising through appropriate

media or by asking them to take part.

2. Collect data from those who respond

• Publicity for convenience samples can take many forms: articles and
advertisements in magazines, postings on appropriate Internet newsgroups and
discussion groups

• Cases that self-select often do so because of their feelings or opinions about the
research question(s) or stated objectives

• Often appropriate when the purpose of the investigation is just exploratory.

4. Convenience sampling

 Convenience sampling (or haphazard sampling) involves selecting haphazardly

those cases that are easiest to obtain for your sample

 The sample selection process is continued until your required sample size has
been reached.

Sampling theory
Sampling theory is the study of the relationship existing between a population and
sample drawn from the population. Sample theory is applicable only to random
samples. The theory of sampling is concerned with estimating the property of the
population from those of the samples and also with gauging the precision of the

By Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) Page 12

Lecture guide material adopted from Solomon Alemu (PhD) and Habite A. (MBA)

This sort of movement from particular (sample) towards general (population) is what is
known as statistical induction or statistical inference. In simple word from the sample
we attempt to draw inference concerning the population.
In order to be able to follow this inductive method, we first follow a deductive
argument that is we imagine a population and investigate the behavior of the sample
drawn from this population applying the law of probability
The methodology dealing with all this is known as sampling theory. Sampling theory is
design to attain one or more of the following objectives
 Statistical estimation: Sampling theory helps in estimating unknown
population parameters from knowledge of statistical measurement on sample
studies. In other words, to obtain an estimate of parameter from statistic is the
main objective of sample theory (estimate can be point or interval)
 Testing of hypothesis: It enables us to decide whether to accept or to reject the
stated hypothesis. That is, observed differences are actually due to chance or
whether they are really significant.
 Statistical inference: Sampling theory helps in making generalization about the
population from the studies based on samples drawn from it. It also helps in
determining the accuracy of such generalization

By Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA) Page 13

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