3.1 Sampling Concept

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Sampling is the process of selecting units (e.g. people,
organizations) from a population of interest so that by
studying the sample, we may fairly generalize our
results back to the population from which they were

Sample means representation of the universe selected
for the study.

Sample is choosing which subjects to measure in a
research project. Usually, the subjects are people, but
subjects could also be organisations, cities, even

Population: it is the set of people or entities to which
findings are to be generalized.
Census: it is the collection of data from every person or
entity in the population
The sampling frame: is the list of ultimate sampling
entities, which may be people, households,
organizations, or other units of analysis. The list of
registerd students may be the sampling frame for a
survey of the student body at university. FOR
EXAMPLE, Telephone directories are often used as
sampling frames.
Significance: it is the percent chance that a relationship
found in the data is just.
Confidence intervals: these are directly related to
coefficients of significance.
The design effect: it is a coefficient which reflects how
sampling design affects the significance levels
compared to simple random sampling.

Economy: the sampling technique is less expensive, less
time consuming than the census technique.
Reliability: if the choice of sample units is made with due
care, it becomes reliable.
Detailed study: since the number of sample units is fairly
small, these can be studied intensively and elaborately
and can be examined from multiple viewpoints.
Scientific base: the conclusion derived from the study of
various units can be verified from other units.
Greater suitability in most situations: most of the survey
are made by the technique of sample survey, the
examination of few units suffices as is the case in the
majority of situations.

Less accuracy: in comparison to census technique,
the conclusions derived from sample are more liable
to error.
Changeability of units: if the units in the field of
survey are liable to change or if these are not
homogeneous, the conclusion derived from one set
of sample can not be extended to another set of
Misleading conclusions: id due care is not taken in
the selection of samples, the conclusions derived
from them will become misleading.
Need for specialized knowledge: it can be successful
only if a competent and able scientist makes the
When sampling si not possible: in some situations, it
is very difficult to use the sampling technique.

Determining the sample size
A frequently asked question is How many people should I sample?
It is an extremely good question, although unfortunately there is no
single answer! In general, the larger the sample size, the more
closely your sample data will match that from the population.
However in practice, you need to work out how many responses will
give you sufficient precision at an affordable cost.
Calculation of an appropriate sample size depends upon a number
of factors unique to each survey and it is down to you to make the
decision regarding these factors. The three most important are:
- How accurate you wish to be
- How confident you are in the results
- What budget you have available
Determining the Sample Size
The temptation is to say all should be as high as possible. The
problem is that an increase in either accuracy or confidence (or
both) will always require a larger sample and higher budget.
Therefore a compromise must be reached and you must work out
the degree of inaccuracy and confidence you are prepared to accept.
There are two types of figures that you may wish to estimate in your
Market Research project: values such as mean income, mean height
etc. and proportions (the percentage of people who intend to vote
for party X). There are slightly different sample size calculations for
The required formula is: s = (z / e)2

s = the sample size
z = a number relating to the degree of confidence you wish to have in the result. 95%
confidence* is most frequently used and accepted. The value of z should be 2.58 for 99%
confidence, 1.96 for 95% confidence, 1.64 for 90% confidence and 1.28 for 80% confidence.
e = the error you are prepared to accept, measured as a proportion of the standard deviation
For example, imagine we are estimating mean income, and wish to know what sample size to
aim for in order that we can be 95% confident in the result. Assuming that we are prepared to
accept an error of 10% of the population standard deviation (previous research might have
shown the standard deviation of income to be 8000 and we might be prepared to accept an
error of 800 (10%)), we would do the following calculation:
s = (1.96 / 0.1)2
Therefore s = 384.16
In other words, 385 people would need to be sampled to meet our criterion.
Although we are doing the same thing here, the formula is different:
s = z2(p(1-p))
???????? e2
s = the sample size
z = the number relating to the degree of confidence you wish to have in the result
p = an estimate of the proportion of people falling into the group in which you are interested in the population
e = the proportion of error we are prepared to accept
As an example, imagine we are attempting to assess the percentage of voters who will vote for candidate X. If we assume that
we wish to be 99% confident of the result i.e. z = 2.85 and that we will allow for errors in the region of +/-3% i.e. e = 0.03.
But in terms of an estimate of the proportion of the population who would vote for the candidate (p), if a previous survey had
been carried out, we could use the percentage from that survey as an estimate. However, if this were the first survey, we
would assume that 50% (i.e. p = 0.05) of people would vote for candidate X and 50% would not. Choosing 50% will provide
the most conservative estimate of sample size. If the true percentage were 10%, we will still have an accurate estimate; we
will simply have sampled more people than was absolutely necessary. The reverse situation, not having enough data to make
reliable estimates, is much less desirable.
In the example:

s = 2.582(0.5*0.5)

???????? 0.032
Therefore s = 1,849
This rather large sample was necessary because we wanted to be 99% sure of the result and desired and desired a very
narrow (+/-3%) margin of error. It does, however reveal why many political polls tend to interview between 1,000 and 2,000
Sampling vs Non-Sampling Error
Sampling error: This error arises when a sample is not
representative of the population.
Non-sampling error: This error arises not because a sample is
not a representative of the population but because of other reasons.
Some of these reasons are listed below:
Plain lying by the respondent.
The error can arise while transferring the data from the questionnaire to the
spreadsheet on the computer.
There can be errors at the time of coding, tabulation and computation.
Population of the study is not properly defined
Respondent may refuse to be part of the study.
There may be a sampling frame error.

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