Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Interpretation and Reporting the Research Result

After collecting and analyzing the data, the researcher has to accomplish the task of drawing
inferences followed by the report writing. Interpretation has to be done carefully so that
misleading conclusion will not be drawn and the whole purpose of doing research will not be
violated .
It is through interpretation that the researcher can expose relations and processes that underline
his findings. If hypotheses are tested and upheld (confirmed), the researcher may arrive at
But in case the researcher had no hypothesis to start with; he would try to explain his findings on
the basis of some theory.
All the analytical information and consequential inferences may well be communicated,
preferably through research report, to the consumers of research results who may be either an
individuals or groups or some public or private organization.
N.B. In research report, you make claim (any sentences that asserts something that may be
true or false and so needs support), back with reasons based on evidence, acknowledge and
respond to others views, and sometimes explain your principles of reasoning.
Every written argument is built out of the answers for five questions that the researcher
must ask on behalf of his/ her readers?
i. What do you claim?
ii. What reasons support that claim?
iii. What evidence supports those reasons?
iv. Do you acknowledge this alternative/ objections and how do you respond?
v. What principle (warrants) justifies connecting your reason’s to your claim?
A piece of research to be judged as ‘objective’, it has to be both reliable and valid.
Reliability: is meant the extent to which a measurement procedure yields the same answer
whenever it is carried out. It is about consistency, i.e. your research would be reliable if,
when repeated, using the same method, it brings the same result.
In qualitative research, validity specially refers to the extent to which the data reflect the
thoughts, views, actions, and experience of the subject in accurate manner.

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

Reliability of the data is the main concern of the scientific community because if the data
are not reliable, the conclusion reached on their basis will be quite useless.
Validity: the extent to which a measurement gives the correct answer. Or it is the extent to
which the data provide the true measurement of the social reality.
Triangulation: refers to the use of multiple methods for assessing the validity of the
research data. (It could be methodological and theoretical)

9.1 Meanings and Technique of interpretation of interpretation

Interpretation refers to the task of drawing inferences from the collected facts after analytical or
experimental study.
The task of interpretation has two parts or has two major aspects
1) The effort to establish continuity in research through linking the results of a given study with
those of others.
2) The establishment of explanatory concept.
In one sense, interpretation is concerned with relationships within the collected data, partially
overlapping analysis.
Interpretation also extends beyond the data of the study to include the results of other research,
theory hypothesis.

Why interpretation?
Interpretation is considered as a basic component of research process because of the following
reasons: It is through interpretation that the researcher can well understand the abstract principle
that works beneath (beyond) his findings.
It will lead to the establishment of explanatory concepts that can serve as a guide for further
research study. It opens new avenues of intellectual adventure and stimulates the quest for more
Researcher can only be better appreciated only through interpretation why his findings are what
they are and can make others to understand the real significance of his research findings. The
interpretation of exploratory research often results into hypothesis for experimental research.

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

Technique of interpretation
The task of interpretation is not an easy job. Rather it requires a good skill on the part of
researcher. Interpretation is an art that one learns through practice and experience. The
researcher may, at times, seek the guidance from experts for accomplishing the task of
There are no existing rules to guide the researcher about how to interpret the data.
However, the following suggested steps could be helpful.
1) Researcher must give reasonable explanation of the relation, which he has found and he must
interpret the lines of relationship in terms of the underlying processes and must try to find
out the thread of uniformity that lies under the surface layer of his diversified research
2) Extraneous information, if collected during the study, must be considered while interpreting
the final result of research study, for it may prove to be a key factor in understanding the
problem under consideration.
3) It is advisable, before embarking upon final interpretation, to consult someone having insight
into the study and who is frank and honest and will not hesitate to point out omissions and
errors in logical argumentation. Such a consultation will result in correct interpretation and,
thus, enhance the utility of research result.
4) Researcher must accomplish the task of interpretation only after considering all relevant
factors affecting the problem to avoid false generalization.
He must not be in hurry while interpreting results, for quite often the conclusion, which appear to
be all right at the beginning, may not at all be accurate.

Precaution in interpretation
Researcher must pay attention to the following points for correct interpretation.
 At the outset, researcher must invariably satisfy himself that: the data are appropriate,
trust worthy and adequate for drawing inferences. The data reflect good homogeneity (no
extreme) and proper analysis has been done through statistical or any other methods.
 The researcher must remain cautious about the errors that can possibly arise in the
process of interpreting results. Error can arise due to

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

 False generalization and/or due to wrong interpretation of statistical measures,

 The application of findings beyond the rang of observation
 Identification of correlation with causation and the like
 He should be well equipped with and must know the correct use of statistical measures
for drawing inferences concerning his study.
 Broad generalization must be avoided, because the coverage restricted to a particular time, a
particular area and particular condition. Such restriction, if any, must invariably be specified
and the result must be framed within their limit.

 The researcher must remember that there should be constant interaction between initial
hypothesis and, empirical observation and theoretical conceptions. It is exactly in this area of
interaction between theoretical orientation and empirical observation that opportunity for
originality and creativity lies. (V. Young, 1849)

9.2. Reporting the research result

Writhing report is the last step in a research study and requires a set of skills somewhat different
from those called for in research of the earlier stages of research. This task should be
accomplished by the researcher with at most care. He may also seek the assistance and guidance
of experts for the purpose. The research task remains incomplete till the report has been
presented and/or written.
Even the most brilliant hypothesis, well-designed and conducted research study, and the most
striking generalization and findings are of little importance unless they are effectively
communicated to others.
The purpose of research is not well served unless the findings are made known to others.

Layout of research report

Layout of the report means as to what the research report should contain and look like. A
comprehensive layout of the research report should comprise
 Preliminary pages
 The main text
 The end matter

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

1) Preliminary pages
In this part the report should carry
 Title
 Acknowledgment (this can be in the form of preface and forward, in larger study)
 Table of content
 List of tables (figures) 1
2) Main text
The main text provides the complete outline of the research report along with all details. Title of
the research is repeated at the top followed by abstract and then follows the other details on
pages numbered consecutively beginning with second page. Each main section of the report
should begin on a new page.

Main text can have the following sections

 Introduction
o Background of the study
o Rationale
 Objectives
 Literature Review
 Material and Methodology
o Data (or material)
o Methodology used,
o Limitation of the study
 Results and discussion (in some cases, Empirical Analysis)
 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation or
o Concluding comment or

Since, some of the main sections of the report have been explained in some detail in chapter four
section two, here attempts were made to explain only selected parts of the report, which need
special attentions.

Preliminary pages are commonly numbered by Roman numbers

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

Introduction: the major subdivisions of this part are generally the ones shown in the proposal:
statement of the problem, significance of the study, and the organization of the study. This part
of the study should be lucid complete and concise. It has to be written in a lively and stimulating
manner in order to arouse the interest of the reader to go through the report.
Literature Review: this is a section for documentation with insight theoretical and empirical
investigation that had been carried out as related to the study at hand
Material and Methodology or Data and Methodology: this part includes detailed description
of the manner in which decision have been made about the type of data needed for the study, the
tools and approaches used for their collection and the method by which they have been collected,
justification of the selection of the particular method of data collection. Definition of the
population, the sampling techniques used to select sample elements with its full justification, the
size of the sample and the rational for the size, statistical tools used to analyze the data the
rational for using them will be dealt in detail in this section.
Limitations: No report is perfect, so it is important to indicate its implications. If there were
problems with non-response errors, or sampling procedures, they should be discussed.
The discussion of limitation should avoid overemphasizing the weakness, though
Its aim should be to provide a realistic basis for assessing the results.
Result and Discussion: A detailed presentation of the findings of the study (the results of the
data analysis) with supporting data in the form of tables and charts together with a validation of
results. In other words in this section the data is presented in tables and figures followed by
narrative discussion and justifications. Two things may require special attention while writing
this part of the report.
 Tables that are too lengthy may better be placed in the appendix
 Tables and figures should be explained. As tables and figures are expected to be self-
explanatory, the textual discussion should not be a duplicate of the table. Only
important facts that lead to generalization will be discussed.
This section generally comprises the body of the report, extending over several sub-sections.
It should contain statistical summaries and reductions of the data rather than the raw data. All
results should be presented in logical sequences and divided into readily identifiable sections.
All relevant results must find a place in the report.

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

Summary and Conclusion: Toward the end of this section, the researcher should again put
down the results of his research clearly and precisely. This part begins with a brief restatement of
the problem, the hypothesis, description of the problem and discussion of findings and
conclusion of the study. Most readers skip other details of the report and may prefer to read only
this part in order to get an overview of the study and judge its relevance. Thus, it should be
written with maximum diligence, clarity and brevity. Moreover, this section must focus attention
 Announce the acceptance or the rejection of the stated hypothesis.
 Simply unanswered question that were raised in due course of the study and which
required further investigation in there are relevant to this part.
A researcher should also state the implication that flows from the results the study for the general
reader is interested in the implication that for understanding the human behavior.
Such implication may have three aspects as stated below:
 A statement the inferences drawn from the present study which may be expected to apply
in similar circumstances
 The condition of the present study, which may limit the extent of the legitimate
generalization of the inferences drawn from the study.
 The relevant questions that still remain unanswered or new questions rose by the study
along with suggestion for the kind of research that would provide answer for them.
Generally, it is considered as a good practice to finish the report with a short conclusion, which
summarize and recapitulates the main points of the study. The conclusion drawn from the study
should be clearly related to the hypothesis or the problem that are stated in the introductory
At the same times, a forecast of the problem future of the subject and indication of the kind of
research, which needs to be done in those particular fields, is useful and desirable. Conclusions
are opinion based on the results, whereas recommendations are suggestions for action.
Recommendation: In accordance with the result of the outcome of the research work a
researcher may forward (suggest) possible solution that may alleviate the problem in question.
The recommendation to be acceptable it should meet the following requirements;
 Should be clear an unambiguous
 Need to be realistic, plausible and operational

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

 Should point out the responsible body to translate the suggested solution into practice
 Should be modest than assertive
3) End matter:
Here belong sections like: References (bibliography): It should be based on alphabetical
listing of names and Appendix

(Alterative reading)


A written format of a research work is known as thesis or research report. All such works may differ
considerably in scope of treatment and details of presentation. Even then all types of research reports are
expected to follow a general uniform, common pattern of format, style and structure. The general format
of research report is evolved and it has become a tradition in academic area. A research report or thesis is
an organized format of research work done. It is viewed in three major categories:
A. Preliminaries,
B. Textual Body, and
C. References.
Each category has been outlined further as follows:
A. Preliminary Section
1. Title page
2. Preface or acknowledgements
3. Table of content
4. List of tables (if any)
5. List of figures (if any).
6. Acronyms
B. Main Body of Report or Textual Body
1. Introduction
1.1. Statement of the problem
1.2. Objectives of the study
1.3. Research questions/Hypotheses to be tested
1.4. Significance of the study
1.5. Assumptions and delimitations.

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

1.6 Definitions of Important terms used.

2. Review of related literature.
3. Design of the study
3.1. variables of the study
3.2. Research Strategies
3.3. Sources of data
3.4. Methods of sampling
3.5. Methods of Data Collection
3.6. Methods of Data processing and analysis.
4. Analysis and presentation of data
(a) Analysis of data
(b) Tables and interpretation
(c) Figures and interpretation.
5. Conclusions
(a) Discussion of results
(b) Main Findings and inferences
(c) Implication of the findings and limitations
(d) Suggestions for further studies.
C. Reference Section
1. Bibliography
2. Appendices (if any)
3. Index or glossary (if any).

By: Daniel Beyera Tujo (MA and MBA)

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