Kahlers Traits
Kahlers Traits
Kahlers Traits
Hijack comes Loss of control low Being rejected or Little to do time to Exposing weaknesses Being told “you’re not
from standards blamed think Being vulnerable trying”
When pushed tends Wears heart on sleeve Silence When others are in Criticism
to erupt Needs everyone to like Needs constant control Not knowing who is
them feedback the leader
Stress behaviour Task rather than Unable to say no Frenetic activity Quiet and reluctant May sulk
people orientated Rescues people Demands on others to communicate Becomes Reactive
Can be easily upset Unable to complete Compulsive worker Rebellious -
Feels let down if jobs – on to the next unexpectedly
others don’t meet big thing
high expectations
Kahler’s T ( 1975). Drivers : The Key to Process Script. Transactional Analysis Journal , 5