Empathetic Leadership Guide

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Empathetic Leadership

Tips on how to support you and your team members

Empathetic leadership means having the ability to understand the needs of others and being aware of
their feelings and thoughts and at its core is about trust and respect. Practicing empathy is important to
establishing strong and mutual connections and understanding and being present.

What is Empathy: Empathy at work:

The ability to perceive and relate to the thoughts,
Being skilled in empathetic leadership is
emotions, or experience of others. understanding a situation from another
person’s perspective and reacting with

Love Empathy at work means that your people
Caring are able to establish true, empathetic
EMPATHY connections with one another. It is the social
Relating Understanding
and emotional glue of good relationships.

The impact of being an empathetic

Communication leader provides greater awareness of the
needs of team members, creates open lines
of communication, better problem solve
and validate whatever they might going

Demonstrating Empathy:
Develop self-empathy Reflect Be Curious Be Kind

• Practice forgiveness for • Reflect to improve • Spend time with team • Lead with kindness. It
yourself. Accept you are not understanding of the context members you may not know empowers people to lead
perfect and be gentle with you work in, transform as well. Ask them about with positivity, purpose, and
yourself. perspectives, and deepen themselves and how they are. an open-mindedness that
your understanding. embraces new ideas.
• Employ a growth mindset. • Talk to team members about
Embrace rather than avoid • Take time and ask yourself, the important things in their • Consider others needs.
challenges, and don’t give up “What causes me to react the lives. Make the needs and
on yourself. way I do in certain considerations of others a
• Recognize similarities you top priority.
• Be mindful. Strive to always situations?” share with others and be
be in the moment and to be • Provide space for yourself interested, without judgment, • Find common
aware of what is happening and ask yourself “How am I in the differences. ground. Come together
right now, without judgment feeling?” and “How do I want through kindness; use kind
and labeling. to feel?” words and actions.

4 ways to show empathy:

Listen Empathically Consider Other Perspectives Watch for Crisis Fatigue Take Action
• Give your full attention and • Examine your own attitude • Crisis fatigue is real. • Demonstrate empathy.
listen generously and and keep an open mind; Separating work and home There is no one "right way" to
carefully to what someone is avoid making assumptions coupled with external show it.
trying to tell you. about others. stressors is becoming even • Model individualization
• Model silence to encourage • Agreement is not required; more challenging. based on unique situation.
more thought leadership. by respecting someone else’s • Create a culture of caring • Take action by providing
• Ask follow-up questions to perspective you build trust by offering ways to connect space for team members to
show you are listening and to and respect. and prioritize team member ground themselves.
ensure understanding. • Continue to practice wellbeing. • Provide a safe space for
• Respect team members patience in understanding of • Revisit the Crisis Fatigue them to share and help them
who may not want to share all situations to minimize Guide. prioritize their workload to
their perspectives. That is different degrees of stress. best manage stress.
okay. • Review our Grounding

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