HBSE Drill
HBSE Drill
HBSE Drill
1. According to Piaget, this is the stage when children demonstrate intelligence thru
motor activity. (Sensorimotor stage)
2. A key concept in concept in Freud’s theory of psychosexual development which
ensues if certain issues are not resolved at the appropriate stage. (Fixation)
3. He believed in the introversion and extroversion is integral in the study of personality
types. (Carl Jung)
4. This is the core concept of the social learning theory. (Learning thru observation)
5. Who among the ff. theorist did not come up with stage of development? (d. none of
6. According to Freud, this stage is important in the development if social and
communication skills and confidence. (Latency period)
7. At this stage of moral development, children follow rules when it is in his immediate
interest. What is good is what brings pleasant result. (Individualism, Instrumental
purpose, and exchange)
8. The child’s judgements on this stage are based on sources of authority who are
close by and superior to himself- usually the parents. The child relies on the physical
consequences o some actions to decide whether it is right or wrong. (Punishment
and Obedience Orientation)
9. This stage of moral development is focused on the living up social expectations and
roles . there is an emphasis on conformity, being “nice” and consideration of how
choices influence relationships. (good boy-good girl orientation)
10. People at this stage focus on doing their duty, respecting authority, following rules
and laws. The emphasis is less on what is pleasing to a particular people (compared
to stage 3) and more adhering on to complex of set of regulation. (Law and Social
11. At this stage, people begin to account for the differing of values, opinions and beliefs
of other people. Rules of laws are important. (Legalistic Social Contract)
12. The final level on moral reasoning id based upon universal ethical principles and
abstract reasoning. At this stage, people follow these internalized principles of
justice, even if they conflict with the laws and rules. (Universal ethical principles)
13. In this level of moral development, children shift judgments based on external
consequences and personal gain to judgments based on rules or norms of a group
to which the child belongs whether that group is family, friends, church of notion.
(Convention Mortality)
14. In this level moral development, a new kind of personal authority emerges in which
individual choices are made with individual judgments based on self-chosen
principles. (Conventional Morality)
15. What are the two basic needs of a child according to Carl Rogers. (Positive Regard
and Self Worth)
16. This is “a discrepancy between the actual experience of the organism and the self-
picture of the individual insofar as it represents that experiences.” (Incongruence)
17. This is a concept in which the child realizes that things continue to exist even when
no longer present to the sense. (Object Permanence)
18. In the three concept of self, this is what we think about ourselves. Rogers believed
that this developed in early childhood and were formed from the interaction of the
child with the mother and father. (Self-Worth)
19. This is the image who we would like to be. It consists of our goals and ambitions in
life, and is dynamic- i.e. forever changing. (Ideal Self)
20. This method involves removing obstacles so the client can move forward, freeing
him of her for normal growth and development. It emphasizes being fully present
with the client and helping the latter truly feel his or her own feelings, desires, etc.
21. The central idea of this approach is that if the practitioner is empathetic , accepts the
client with unconditional positive regard, and is genuine in his/her respect for the
client, positive change will occur. (Rogerian Approach)
22. Being warm and caring client-social worker relationship is the cornerstone of social
work practice. This is central influence to social work values. (Carl Roger)
23. Revoking in the client reaction of “Yes, that’s exactly it.” A concept of person-
centered approach. (Empathy)
24. In question to his theory, researcher suggests that young children are competent in
many cognitive tasks earlier and have more conceptual ability that the stage theory
predicts. (Jean Piaget)
25. He believed that a person’s development was affected by everything in their
surrounding environment. He divided the person’s environment into five different
levels. (Uri Bronfenbrenner)
26. This system is the closest to the person and the one in which they have direct
contact. This is the most influential level of the ecological systems theory.
27. It consists of the interactions between the different parts of the person’s
microsystem. (Mesosystem)
28. It refers to a setting that does not involve the person as an active participant, but still
affects them. An example would be a child being affected by a parent losing their job
or receiving a promotion at work. (Exosystem)
29. One of the issues of today is that there is an existing “gay genes”, which explains
that gays are actually born that way just like that aggressive behaviour causing
abuse can be justified “behavioural genes.” This concept is linked on what theory?
(Nature theory)
30. It holds that genetic influence over abstract traits may exist; however, the
environmental factors are the real origins of our behaivior. (Nurture theory)
31. Mary has an argument with her boss, but remains calm while at work. When she
gets home that evening, she yells at her children and spouse. Which defense
mechanism is Mary displaying? (Displacement)
32. Adopting beliefs, attitudes, and feelings contrary to what you really believe. When
you say you’re not angry when you really are is an example of what defense
mechanism? (Reaction Formation)
33. Redirecting unacceptable, instinctual drives into personally and socially acceptable
channels. (Sublimation)
34. The unconscious blocking of unacceptable thoughts, feelings and impulses. The key
is that people do it unconsciously, so they often have very little control over it.
35. It is a social construction of what is feminine and masculine in terms if bahavior,
roles and qualities. (Gender)
36. In terms of trade and industry, the ff is a truism. (Philippines is import oriented
and export dependent)
37. One of the deleterious effects of child labor from the social work point of view is that
it inevitably deprives the child of: (Opportunities for play)
38. OFW in the olden times are considered “Happy slaves” but now they are our “new
day heroes”. How the meaning attached to OFW changed is the concern of:
39. Oppressors utilize any of the following means EXCEPT: (negative ang uban
40. In the pedagogy of the oppressed, the purpose of the dominant elites is: (To
maintain status quo)
41. Advocacy means: (Acting on behalf of a client)
42. The principle in social analyst emphasizes that there is no single element in the
society that can be explain in the isolation of others. (Social Reality is integral)
43. The community that is classified as having the same problems or needs to be acted
on by the people is categorized under the: (Functional point of view)
44. The utilization of the other persons for selfish ends. (Exploitation)
45. The essential purpose of health education is to: (Instruct the public medical
46. In what period did the nature of social welfare existed? (Pre-colonial Period)
47. Who initiated the medical services for the poor in Manila and started the concept of
the isolation of the sick? (Fr. Juan Clemente)
48. In 1885 the _____ as asylum for girls was established. (Asilo de San Vicente de
49. The first school established? (Parochial School of Cebu)
50. The governance exist during the Spanish regime? (Chief Leader)
51. This theory maintains that the Philippines is a transitional society dominated on one
side traditional culture and on the other side by the modern culture. (Cultural
52. The customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social
group. (Culture)
53. Who is the main author of the Filipino Psychology or famously known as
Sikolohiyang Pilipino? (Virgilio Enriquez)
54. Who said that deviance is defined as a violation of established contextual, cultural or
social norms whether folkways, mores or codified law? (William Graham Sumner)
55. “Deviant behaviour cannot be answered in a straightforward manner, whether an act
is labelled deviant or not depends on many factors, including location, audience and
the individual committing the act.” This statement was made by? (Becker)
56. Sanctions are means of enforcing the rules and these sanction occur in a face-to-
face interactions. (Informal sanctions)
57. Perspective of deviance that is conceptualized as a norm violation. (Objectivist)
58. This perspective of deviance is conceived as a social definition. (Subjectivist)
59. This theory states that deviance is an inherent part of social functioning and says
that access to socially acceptable goals plays a part in determining whether a
person conforms of deviates. (Strain Theory)
60. Proponent of 8 stages of family (Betty Carter, Monica Goldrick and Carr)