PPG Activity Sheet Week 23

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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Zamboanga del Sur
Molave East District


NAME: _____________________ Grade Level:_____________
Date:_____________________ Section:________________

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) # ___2 & 3____

Background Information for students:

An ideology is more a coherent set of ideas that direct
or organize a specific political action. It consists of belief
and value systems, a discussion of existing power
relationship, an exploration of how political change is
achieved in line with these power relations and an
illustration of a desired future.

The following are several definitions of political ideology:

 A political belief system.
 An action-oriented set of political ideas.
 The ideas of the ruling party.
 The world-view of a particular social class or social
 Political ideas that embody or articulate class or social
 Ideas that propagate false consciousness amongst
the exploited or oppressed.
 Ideas that situate the individual within a social context
and generate a sense of collective belonging.
 An officially sanctioned set of ideas used to legitimize
a political system or regime.
 An all-embracing political doctrine that claims a
monopoly of truth.
 An abstract and highly systematic set of political
Before focusing on the major political ideologies, it is
important to present first the spectrum of political
attitudes. Whether an individual is radical, liberal,
moderate, conservative or reactionary is largely
represented by his or her political values and beliefs in
political change.
Radical Liberal Moderate Conservative Reactionary
Left Right

Status quo

Each of these is an advocate of a particular political

value and possesses a political attitude about changing
the status quo or the existing conditions. To be
considered a leftist means supporting the causes of those
on the left of the spectrum, where the radicals and the
liberals are located. These group advocate changes in the
status quo. The reactionaries like the conservative are
reluctant to progressive change. And they are supportive
to the status quo. Therefore, the farther one is from the
status quo the more dissatisfied he or she is with it and
hence more likely to be supportive of fundamental
changes. The closer a person to the status quo the less
likely he or she is going to call for change.
Regarding values, people on the left of the spectrum
emphasize political liberty, social change, human equality
and human rights while those on the right revere authority,
tradition, elitism and property rights.
Political ideologies are so powerful that they do not
only direct individual behavior. They also shape the
structure of a government, a political system and an entire
Major Key Tenets
Liberalism  Belief in individualism underscores the
importance of the human individual
compared to any other group.
 Liberty of the individual must be
protected. An individual has freedom
when he/ she is able to act as he or she
 Reason can lead individuals to make wise
judgment, which could solve issues or
 Equality implies that individuals are born
equal at least in moral terms. Equal right
and entitlements are at its core. It must
be noted however that liberals do not
endorse social equality or equality of
 Tolerance is the willingness of individuals
to allow others to think and behave in
ways they do not approve. It is a
guarantee of individual liberty.
 Authority and social relationship must
also be based on agreement or consent.
Conservatism  Tradition must be conserved. These
traditions include established customs,
institutions and ways of doing things that
have endured through time.
 The belief in pragmatism highlights the
limits of human reason. As a belief,
pragmatism emphasizes that action
should be shaped by practical
circumstances and goals.
 Human imperfection presents the
pessimistic view of conservatives on the
individuals. Accordingly, individuals are
morally corrupt and are therefore the
sources of crime and disorder. Order
could thus be achieved through a strong
 Conservatives believe that society is an
organic whole and is a living entity, more
than being an artefact of human
ingenuity. This belief is known as

 Conservatives also believe that social
position and status are only natural. With
this hierarchy is thought to be inevitable.
 Authority must be exercised from above.
Leadership is provided to guide and
support those lack of knowledge and
education and those who have little
capacity to act for their own interest.
 Conservatives look at property as
significant because it is the individual’s
source of security and independence
from the government.
Socialism  Belief in the community highlights the
degree to which the individuals is
connected with others. Identity is
therefore a product of social interaction
more than innate qualities.
 Brotherhood or fraternity speaks of a
shared common humanity. Socialists thus
prefer cooperation rather than
competition and collectivity rather than
 Socialists put primacy on social equality
over other values. This is believed to be
the basis for social stability and cohesion.
 Socialists look at society in terms of
differences in the distribution of income
or wealth. Social class is believed to be
an important social cleavage, which
divided societies. The interests of the
working class and the oppressed should
be upheld. With this, eradicating
economic and social inequalities is
deemed as the primary goal of socialism.
 Common ownership is also central to
socialist thought. Common ownership is
a means to harness materials resources
for the common good.

Marxism  Historical materialism or the materialist
conception of history provides that the
economy (mode of production)
conditions all other aspects of social life –
including the law, government, politics
education, etc.
 The dialectic, a process of interaction
between competing forces, drives change
and leads to a higher stage of
development. Historical change is
therefore a consequence of
contradictions in the mode of production
as reflected in class conflict.
 The exploitation of the proletariat
(workers) by the capitalist (owners of the
means of production) would develop class
consciousness among the former, hence
ushering a proletarian revolution which
will facilitate the creation of communist
 A communist society one that is classless
and stateless will arise when class
antagonism fade.
Social  Social democrats stand for a balance
Democracy between the market and the state and
between the individual and the
 This ideology promotes compromise
between the acceptance of capitalism
and the distribution of wealth according
to moral, rather than market principles.
 Social democratic thought is concerned
with the weak, the vulnerable and the
 Compassion, common humanity,
freedom, equal opportunities, paternal
duty and care are among the values social
democracy recognizes.

Fascism  Fascism is an ultranationalist ideology. As
such, it subscribes to the idea of a
supreme race, whose members should
enjoy the natural resources. It is by
nature exclusive as it excludes non-
members of the race.
 Fascism was manifested during
Mussolini’s fascist dictatorship in Italy and
Hitler’s Nazi dictatorship in Germany.
 Common values upheld are struggle,
leadership, power, heroism and war.
 The “ new Man” or a hero who is
motivated by duty, honor and self-
sacrifice; and gives unrelenting obedience
to the supreme leader is a fascist ideals.
 Fascism has an anti-character;
antiliberalism, anti-individualism,
anticapitalism, etc.
 Fascists believe in a unified national
community or strength through unity. As
such, individual identity is not as
important as that of the social group or
Anarchism  The state, or any political authority is
seen as both evil and unnecessary.
 Anarchists prefer a stateless society.
Individuals can best manage their own
affairs through voluntary agreement and
 Anarchism is thus at the intersection of
liberalism and socialism.

Feminism  Feminism is diverse but its unifying theme is

the desire to enhance the social role of
 Society is characterized by sexual or gender
 The structure of male power must be

overturned, hence the belief in gender
 Its strands include liberal feminism, socialist
feminism and radical feminism. There are
also “new feminisms’ that emerged.
GreenPoli  This ideology is linked with the emergence of
tics/ environmental movement. It also rose as
Ecologism revolt against industrialization.
 It is concerned with the damages brought by
economic development and by the declining
quality of human existence.
 Conventional ideologies are a vehicle of
ecologism. Ecosocialism looks at the
destruction of the environment due to
capitalism; ecofeminism traces this crisis to
male power; and ecoconservatism links the
cause of conservation to the desire to
preserve tradition and institutions.
Cosmopoli  Ideological expression of globalization.
tanism  It is a belief in a cosmopolis or a world state.
It is thus associated with the project of world
 Modern cosmopolitanism tends to have
moral or a cultural character, believing that
the world constitutes a single moral
 Cosmopolitanism focuses on the idea that all
other people in the world have obligations to
each other regardless of nationality,
ethnicity and the like.

Learning competency with Code:

Differentiate the political ideologies. HUMSS_PG12-lb-

Activity 1: The Headline of the day!
Present any national or local political news in the

Activity 2: Think it over!

Directions: Supply the word(s) that correspond to the


Marxism Fascism Cosmopolitanism

Feminism Ecologism Liberalism
Conservatism Socialism Social Democracy
1. Gina Lopez was so attached to her
advocacy to rehabilitate and reforestation
of the Lamesa Dam.
2. Members of the LGBTQ+ community
rally in front of Batansang Pambansa to
raise their voice for equal rights for their
3. Hon. Mario wants to become a

governor because he believes that such
is needed in a society.
4. United Nations
5. Lia believes that every person has the
right to excel on his or her own sphere
6. Mark in his speech emphasized that a
society can be productive if no private
property and all resources should be
shared to all.
7. Any hierarchy and political authority is
8. A society should lead by one race and
no one else.
9. Authority should be agreed upon by the
10. The distribution of wealth should be in
accordance of morality.


Activity 3: Venn Diagram
List down different characteristics of chosen Political
Ideologies in the diagram. In the space where the two
cricles meet, write their similar characteristics.


Activity 3: Opinion and Reaction

1. After learning some of the key principles of different

political ideologies, which of them do you agree most and

2. On a more general level, how are these political

ideologies reflected in the Philippine society?


5 Answer is appropriate to the question, supporting points are presented in a logical
progression and no major grammatical or spelling errors.
4 Answer is appropriate to the question but content may have 1 or 2 factual error(s) and no
more than major grammatical or spelling errors
3 Content relates non-essential to the question and significant factual error; question is
partially answered and some major errors but they don’t impair communication.
2 Content unrelated to question; lack of clear organization plan and errors; impair

(Source: Philippine Poltics and Governance DIWA)

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