Medical Students' Advisory

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Embassy of India

In response to the various queries received from Indian students, aspiring for
medical studies in Georgia, the following are the few answers provided by the
Georgian authorities, for information of all concerned:

i) What is the duration of the Undergraduate Medical (MD) Program

in Georgia for Indian students?

Ans: Following national regulations for programs in medicine and Medical

Sector Benchmarks, which is mandatory to be fulfilled in order to get state
accreditation, the duration of undergraduate MD programs in Georgia is 6

ii) What is the duration of Internship/Clinical rotations in the

medical course (MD)?

Ans: Up to 3rd course, the students take pre-clinical subjects, acquire

clinical skills in simulation centers. Starting from the 4th course, MD
students start mandatory clinical rotations. Usually, the 5th and 6th
semesters are almost entirely dedicated to such rotations in clinical setting,
amounting to roughly 120 ECTS on the span of the last 4 semesters.

iii) Do medical universities in Georgia provide internships in the same

medical university hospitals and Indian Students (MD students) allowed
to do internship in Georgia?

Ans: Some of the HEIs do have their own university clinics in Georgia, and
those who do not own the clinic/hospital, usually sign the MoUs with several
clinics. Such agreements shall indicate the medical directions to be served,
number of students to enroll on traineeship, duration of internship, etc. All
in all, HEIs provide internships/rotations either at their own or affiliated
clinics. Indian students and other foreign nationals have the same right as
Georgians to take these clinical courses following and fulfilling the general
curriculum of the program. If they wish to undergo extra clinical
activities/internships at various clinics, this can be facilitated in agreement
with the HEI and clinics themselves and it always helps if the students know
the local language in order to communicate with the patients. Most of the MD
programs do offer the Georgian language courses within their study plan.

iv) Are Indian medical students allowed to touch the patients and
practice during the internship/clinical rotations?
Ans: Students in Georgia, regardless of their nationality, are allowed to touch
and physically examine the patients under the supervision of their instructor
and by the consent of the patient;

v) Does an Indian (MD) student get registered under any professional

regulatory body or otherwise under any institution that is competent to
grant a license at par to the citizens of Georgia?

Ans:. MD students, regardless of their nationality, do not get registered under

any regulatory body, as they are not allowed to perform any independent
medical practice. Once they finish with the program, students usually take a
national post-diploma qualification exam, which allows the graduates to
continue with postgraduate studies/residency at the clinics/hospitals that
are accredited by the Ministry of Health to provide such residency programs
(in specialized fields of medicine). The national post-diploma qualification
exam for MD graduates is administered by the Medical and Pharmaceutical
Regulation Agency, operating under the guidance of the Ministry of Health.
The test is in Georgian and there is no specific rule that prohibits Indian
students to take it.

vi) Does an Indian (MD) student allowed to get a license to practice in

Georgia as a medical practitioner? If yes, what is the process?

Ans.: That an Indian student completes the MD program, passes the PDQE
successfully, gets on the track of specialized residency program and
accomplishes the residency successfully, they are allowed to pursue a job in
the medical/clinical sphere locally and run independent practice with the
limits of law.



15 September 2022

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