Otago Medicine
Otago Medicine
Otago Medicine
Changing lives
Medicine is the general term used to describe what doctors (also known
I am the sort of person who loves as physicians) do to assist you to care for your health and wellbeing.
having lots of options. Medicine Medical doctors prevent, diagnose, treat, and cure illness, injury, and
combines science, public health, disease, and provide healthcare whenever required. Doctors choose to
work in one role or a combination of many roles including clinical medicine
ethics, social science, and human (patient care in general practice, surgery, psychiatry, paediatrics, and
biology its so wide-ranging. You many more), medical research, teaching, and administration (in hospitals,
can combine your interests in medical schools, and government ministries). There is no denying the
hours worked by doctors are long and the need for continuing study is
everything you do. demanding. But the role of a doctor is rewarding and there is potential for
Leehe Vardi MB ChB great personal satisfaction.
Leehe Vardi already knew she was going to Leehe especially enjoyed the clinical experience
become a doctor when she moved to in hospitals during her degree. It gives you
New Zealand, from Israel ten years ago. a window to your future, she explains, and
allows you gradual contact with patients and
I am the sort of person who loves having lots the medical system. Leehe also found learning
of options. Medicine combines science, public about complete biological systems in second-
health, ethics, social science, and human and third-year anatomy exciting, and enjoyed
biologyits so wide-ranging. You can combine her visits to rural medical centres in Central
your interests in everything you do. Otago and the West Coast.
Leehe chose to study at Otago for a number Now a registrar at Dunedin Hospital, Leehe
of reasons. Coming from a small community thoroughly enjoys her interaction with patients
in Israel, Dunedins size appealed, as did the on a daily basis and the opportunity they give
Universitys integration with daily life of the city. her to learn something new every day. Leehes
So what was studying Medicine at Otago like? medical degree has allowed her to bring her
life experience into her chosen career, and
It was a real experience! Leehe says, Fun, taught her the importance of self-directed and
interesting, but never easy! Initially, I found continuous learning in a field that is endlessly
integrating and being a mature student a evolving.
challenge but the medical school gave me a lot
For questions about
of support.
April 2015