E571-98 EC Nickel Alloy Tubes
E571-98 EC Nickel Alloy Tubes
E571-98 EC Nickel Alloy Tubes
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
E 571
5.2 The response from natural discontinuities can be signifi-
cantly different than that from artificial discontinuities, such as
drilled holes or notches. For this reason, sufficient work should
be done to establish the sensitivity level and setup required to
detect natural discontinuities of consequence to the end use of
the product.
5.3 Some indications obtained by this method may not be
relevant to product quality; for example, an irrelevant indica-
tion may be caused by minute dents or tool chatter marks,
which are not detrimental to the end use of the product.
Irrelevant indications can mask unacceptable discontinuities.
Relevant indications are those which result from discontinui-
ties. Any indication that exceeds the rejection level shall be
treated as a relevant indication until it can be demonstrated that
it is irrelevant.
5.4 Generally, eddy-current testing systems are not sensitive
to discontinuities adjacent to the ends of the tube (end effect).
5.5 Discontinuities such as scratches or seams that are
continuous and uniform over the full length of the tube may not
always be detected with differential encircling coils or probes
scanned along the tube length.
5.6 For material that is magnetic, a strong magnetic field
shall be placed in the region of the examining coil. A magnetic
field may also be used to improve the signal-to-noise ratio in
tubing that exhibits slight residual magnetism.
6. Basis of Application
6.1 The following criteria may be specified in the purchase
specification contractual agreement, or elsewhere, and may
require agreement between the purchaser and the supplier.
6.1.1 Acceptance criteria.
FIG. 1 Encircling-Coil and Probe-Coil Techniques for
Electromagnetic Testing of Tubular Products
6.1.2 Type, dimensions, and number of artificial disconti-
nuities to be placed in the reference standard.
magnetic material to exhibit sufficiently small magnetic char- 6.1.3 Extent of inspection; that is, full circumference of
acteristics of permeability, hysteresis, etc., so that the material outside or inside diameter, or both, or weld only, if welded.
under examination is effectively rendered nonmagnetic. When 6.1.4 Operator qualifications, if required.
achieved, this condition allows an eddy-current system to 6.1.5 Calibration intervals.
measure and detect electrical resistivity and geometrical varia- 6.1.6 If specified in the contractual agreement, personnel
tions (including defects) independent of concurrent variations performing examinations to this practice shall be qualified in
in magnetic properties. accordance with a nationally recognized NDT personnel quali-
fication practice or standard such as ANSI/ASNT-CP-189,
NOTE 2—Practice E 309 may be used for strongly magnetic materials.
SNT-TC-1A, MIL-STD-410E, NAS-410, ASNT-ACCP, or a
4.2.1 During the testing of slightly magnetic tubing the similar document and certified by the certifying agency as
signals resulting from the variation of magnetic permeability applicable. the practice or standard used and its applicable
can mask the signals resulting from small imperfections. A revision shall be identified in the contractual agreement be-
magnetic saturation technique can be used to reduce this tween the using parties.
interference to an acceptable level.
NOTE 3—MIL-STD-410 is canceled and has been replaced with NAS-
5. Significance and Use 410, however, it may be used with agreement between contracting parties.
5.1 Eddy-current testing is a nondestructive method of 6.1.7 If specified in the contractual agreement, NDT agen-
locating discontinuities in metallic materials. Signals can be cies shall be qualified and evaluated in accordance with
produced by discontinuities originating on either the external Practice E 543. The applicable edition of Practice E 543 shall
or internal surfaces of the tube or by discontinuities totally be specified in the contractual agreement.
contained within the wall. Since the density of eddy currents
decreases nearly exponentially with increasing distance from 7. Apparatus
the surface nearest the coil, the response to deep-seated defects 7.1 Electronic Apparatus—The electronic apparatus shall
decreases correspondingly. Phase changes are also associated be capable of energizing the encircling coils or probes with
with changes in depth, allowing the use of phase analysis alternating current of suitable frequencies and shall be capable
techniques. of sensing changes in impedance of the encircling coils or
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
E 571
probes. Equipment may include any appropriate signal pro- 8.1.2 Hole—The holes shall be drilled radially partially or
cessing circuits such as a phase discriminator, filter circuits, completely through the tube wall without causing permanent
etc., as required for the particular application. distortion of the tube wall.
7.2 Encircling Coil Assembly—The encircling coil assem- 8.1.3 Hole size and notch configuration (type, orientation,
bly shall consist of one or more electrical coils which encircle length, depth, size, etc.) influence the eddy-current response.
the article being examined. The inside geometry of the coils These factors, plus the method and tolerances used in their
should closely approximate the surface geometry of the speci- measurement, shall be as specified in the agreement between
men so that when the specimen is passed through the coils all the supplier and the purchaser.
points on the outer circumference of the specimen are effec-
tively equidistant from, and in close proximity to, the inner 9. Adjustment and Standardization of Apparatus
surfaces of the examining coils. Sensitivity
7.3 Probe Assembly—The probe coil assembly normally 9.1 Select the apparatus, examining frequency, coil or probe
contains an exciting coil and a sensor, although in some cases configuration or both, magnetic saturation system if used,
the exciter and the sensor are one and the same. The sensor phase discrimination, and other circuitry, as well as speed of
may consist of one or more electrical coils or a semiconductor examination. Demonstrate the system capability for detecting
device that responds to variations in electromagnetic flux artificial discontinuities of the size and type of interest at
density. Good examination practices require that the spacing production speed.
between the probe coil assembly and the tube being tested be 9.2 Fabricate the applicable reference standard in accor-
both small and uniform. dance with the agreement between the purchaser and the tubing
7.4 Driving Mechanism—The mechanical device capable of supplier. Discard and replace the tube used as the reference
passing the tube through the examining coil or past the probe standard when erroneous signals are produced from mechani-
shall operate at a uniform speed with minimum vibration of cal, metallurgical or other damage to the reference standard.
coil, probe, or tube and shall maintain the article being 9.3 Rotate the reference standard in either 90 or 120°
inspected in proper register or concentricity with the probe or increments to determine the location of the electrical center in
coil. Where required, the mechanism shall be capable of the examining coil. Mechanically adjust the position of the
rotating the tube or probe with a uniform rotational speed. tube within the coil to obtain nearly equal responses from the
artificial discontinuities regardless of their circumferential
8. Reference Standard
8.1 The standard used to adjust the sensitivity of the 9.4 The length of tubing not examined due to the end effect
apparatus shall be free of interfering discontinuities and of the may be determined by selecting a tube of low background
same nominal alloy, temper, and nominal dimensions as the lot noise and making a series of holes or notches at appropriate
of tubes to be examined on a production basis. It shall be of intervals near the end of this special tube. See Fig. 3. Pass the
sufficient length to permit the spacing of artificial discontinui- tube through the test setup at the production test speed with the
ties to provide good signal resolution, and to be mechanically artificial discontinuities end first, and then with the artificial
stable while in the examining position in the apparatus. discontinuities end last. Determine the distance from the tube
Artificial discontinuities placed in the tube shall be of the end to the point at which the signal response from successive
following types (see Fig. 2): discontinuities is uniform with a recording device such as a pen
8.1.1 Notch—Longitudinal or transverse notches, or both, recorder or memory oscilloscope. A signal suppression method
may be produced by milling, filing, EDM (Electric Discharge (photo relay, mechanical switches, or proximity devices are
Machine) or other suitable means. Notches may be placed on commonly used) may be used to permit examination only when
the outer, inner, or both surfaces of the reference standard. the length of tubing exhibiting uniform signals is within the test
NOTE 4—Longitudinal notch standards are normally used when testing coil. The section of tube passing through the test coil repre-
with rotating probe systems. senting the end effect is not examined.
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
E 571
9.5 As an option to 9.4, the length of tubing representing the 10.4 Tubes may be tested at the finish size before or after the
end effect may be determined by selecting a tube of low final anneal or heat treatment, unless otherwise agreed upon by
background noise and making a hole or notch at a point 6 to 8 the supplier and the purchaser.
in. (152 to 203 mm) from the tube end. Pass the tube through
the test coil at the production test speed with the artificial 11. Supplemental Information
discontinuity end first and then with the artificial discontinuity
end last. If the artificial discontinuity is not detected, make 11.1 The response to subsurface discontinuities decreases as
another artificial discontinuity farther from the end. If it is the distance from the surface increases. This is because the
detected, cut off 0.5-in. (12.7-mm) increments from the end of density of the eddy currents decreases nearly exponentially
the tube until the artificial discontinuity is no longer detected. with distance from the coil.
The length from the tube end to the artificial discontinuity that 11.2 In preparing a reference standard for welded tubing,
can be detected is that length of tubing representing the end artificial discontinuities should be placed in both the weld
effect. metal and the parent metal if both are to be examined. If the
NOTE 5—It is intended that the extent of the end effect region be welded tube is cold worked and recrystallized, or if the weld
determined only once for each diameter, wall thickness, speed, and test exhibits the same electrical properties as the parent metal (that
frequency and need not be repeated for each run or during the periodic is, those metal properties that affect the response of the
calibration check. eddy-current system), the artificial discontinuities may be
NOTE 6—Any other suitable means of determining the end effect may
placed in either weld metal or parent metal. Then adjust the
be used.
apparatus to obtain an optimum signal-to-noise ratio.
10. Procedure 11.3 When examining only the weld bead, place the discon-
10.1 Electrically center the tubing in the test coil at the start tinuities only in the weld bead.
of the test run. The reference standard may be used, or a 11.4 When choosing the examining speed, consider the
separate tube may be prepared for this purpose in accordance examination frequency and the type of apparatus being used.
with 8.1.1 and 8.1.2. Pass the tube through the test system and Certain types of equipment can detect discontinuities at very
mechanically adjust its position in the test coil such that the slow speeds, or statically, while other types require a certain
requirements of 9.3 are satisfied. minimum speed. The examining speed may need to be linked
10.2 Standardize the test system at the start and end of each to the speed at which the material is being processed at the
shift. Restandardize at the intervals specified in the agreement point of examination.
between the purchaser and the supplier; whenever improper
functioning occurs, resulting in a loss of apparatus sensitivity, 11.5 Magnetic Saturation System—The magnetic saturation
restandardize the system in accordance with Section 9 and system shall consist of a suitable method of applying a strong
retest all tubes tested since the last standardization. d-c magnetic field to the region of the tube adjacent to the coil
10.3 After standardization, pass the tubes through the test or probe coil assembly so as to render that region of the tube
system, as described in Section 9. essentially nonmagnetic. Typical systems employ either per-
10.3.1 Accept those tubes that produce output signals con- manent magnets or controllable electromagnets.
forming to the limits in the applicable product specification.
10.3.2 Tubes that produce output signals not conforming to 12. Keywords
the limits in the applicable specification may, at the option of 12.1 discontinuities; eddy-current; electrical resistivity;
the manufacturer, be set aside for retest. Upon retest, accept electromagnetic; encircling coil; magnetic saturation; nickel;
those tubes whose output signals are either within acceptable
nickel alloy; pipe (see Note 1); probe; probe coil; tubes; tubular
limits (10.3.1), or are demonstrated by other means to be
products; welded tubing
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COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services