Q1 - Wk5-Tle9-Agri Tool and Safety
Q1 - Wk5-Tle9-Agri Tool and Safety
Q1 - Wk5-Tle9-Agri Tool and Safety
The learner demonstrates understanding of concepts, underlying theories and principles in the preparation of farm materials, tools
A. Content Standard
and equipment and occasional health and safety operation in crop production.
B. Performance Standard The learner independently uses farm materials, tools, and equipment and applies occupational health and safety in crop production based
on required task.
A. References
III. PROCEDURES Daily Routine before the classes begin: Prayer, Greetings, Checking of Attendance and Cleaning of Classroom (optional)
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Remind the Present the objective of the lesson
Present the objective of the lesson
learners The students will conduct pre-
● Conduct pre-operation check-up
● Identify materials, tools and equipment for about the operation check-up by group, on
in line with the manufacturer’s
horticultural production work safety and the school farm tools – specially
precautions the tractor. Ask them to share
● Describe the specific uses of each tools and in their observation.
● Identify faults in farm equipment
equipment; gardening. and facilities.
C. Presenting examples/Instances of the Share your observation on how farm equipment is Enumeration: Causes of Machinery
new lesson being used. Breakdown
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Conduct an interactive activity with the class. One Q & A Portion (10 minutes
new skills # 1 group will tell farm operation and the other group
● Teacher shows 5 questions to
will tell which farm tools/equipment to use and ● Each group is given 5mins. to
vice-versa. The group with the highest score will answer the questions.
be the winner.
● After five minutes, they present
their answers in the class.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing Students will be asked to draw from the box Gallery Walk (20 minutes)
new skills # 2 containing the pictures of farm implements and
equipment and will explain how it will be used in The teacher will divide the learners
accomplishing the job. into 9 groups into their specific area
within the school. At their area, they
will be given a task to do. Ask the
learners to present their work in the
class on Conducting Pre- Operation
F. Developing mastery A.If you are the farm manager of the Bersamin Agro-
Integrated School and you are tasked to prepare the
(leads to Formative Assessment 3) five-year equipment acquisition plan, make a list of ● What is the importance of having
the priority equipment needed, state their uses and Pre- Operation Check-Up?
why it is very important to acquire them.
● What have you learned in your
Why it is activity?
List of priority Use of the
important to
equipment equipment ● How can you relate Conducting
For smoothing out to break lumps Pre- Operation Check-Up in your
and breaking up of soil in order to daily lives?
Example the surface of the produce a good
1.Harrow soil soil structure
suitable for
G. Finding practical application of concepts Garden tools, materials and
and skills in daily living equipment are probably the most
B.If you are a subsistence farmer and you don’t have neglected. We use them, abuse
enough budgets to provide farm tools and them, and put them away dirty and
equipment, what do you think can be best alternative wet only to see them rust and lose
to use for farming? their effectiveness over time. But
with proper maintenance and a little
List of Possible Use of the
time spent, your tools, materials
equipment alternative Equipment
and equipment can last and be
Helps to break
Grab-hoe hard topsoil. It effective for many years to come.
is also used to
crush hard soil
H. Making generalizations and abstractions What is After selecting farm tools, materials
about the lesson your and equipment checking of these
realization implements are very essential.
C. What is the importance of having the right from our
tool in doing farm works? exploratory Check – it is the term used to
? distinguished whether the tool,
material and equipment is
functional or not.
I. Evaluating learning FLASHCARD: Name and identify the use of the farm Enumeration: Causes of Machinery
hand tool, implement and equipment shown in the Breakdown Post-Assessment/ Quiz
flashcard. Write your answer on a ¼ sheet of paper.
J. Additional activities for application or Bring any tool or alternative tool that can be used Conduct Pre- Operation Check-Up
remediation in farming. Particularly in weeding and plowing. in your tools at home.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
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