Spss Zona Hambat
Spss Zona Hambat
Spss Zona Hambat
95% Confidence Interval for
Std. Std. Mean
N Mean Deviation Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
1 X 24 F1 3 16,5000 1,80278 1,04083 12,0217 20,9783 14,50 18,00
Jam F2 3 16,6667 1,52753 ,88192 12,8721 20,4612 15,00 18,00
F3 3 16,8333 1,75594 1,01379 12,4713 21,1953 15,00 18,50
K+ 3 23,0000 ,50000 ,28868 21,7579 24,2421 22,50 23,50
Total 12 18,2500 3,13702 ,90558 16,2568 20,2432 14,50 23,50
2 x 24 F1 3 8,8333 1,04083 ,60093 6,2478 11,4189 8,00 10,00
Jam F2 3 8,3333 1,52753 ,88192 4,5388 12,1279 7,00 10,00
F3 3 8,8333 ,76376 ,44096 6,9360 10,7306 8,00 9,50
K+ 3 34,0000 1,00000 ,57735 31,5159 36,4841 33,00 35,00
Total 12 15,0000 11,49901 3,31948 7,6939 22,3061 7,00 35,00
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Zona Hambat Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
1 X 24 Jam F1 ,276 3 . ,942 3 ,537
F2 ,253 3 . ,964 3 ,637
F3 ,204 3 . ,993 3 ,843
K+ ,175 3 . 1,000 3 1,000
2 x 24 Jam F1 ,292 3 . ,923 3 ,463
F2 ,253 3 . ,964 3 ,637
F3 ,253 3 . ,964 3 ,637
K+ ,175 3 . 1,000 3 1,000
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
1 X 24 Jam Between Groups 90,417 3 30,139 13,520 ,002
Within Groups 17,833 8 2,229
Total 108,250 11
2 x 24 Jam Between Groups 1444,500 3 481,500 385,200 ,000
Within Groups 10,000 8 1,250
Total 1454,500 11
Sig < 0,05 ada perbedaan
Multiple Comparisons
Mean 95% Confidence Interval
Dependent (I) Zona (J) Zona Difference (I- Std. Lower Upper
Variable Hambat Hambat J) Error Sig. Bound Bound
1 X 24 Jam F1 F2 -,16667 1,21906 ,895 -2,9778 2,6445
F3 -,33333 1,21906 ,791 -3,1445 2,4778
K+ -6,50000 *
1,21906 ,001 -9,3112 -3,6888
F2 F1 ,16667 1,21906 ,895 -2,6445 2,9778
F3 -,16667 1,21906 ,895 -2,9778 2,6445
K+ -6,33333* 1,21906 ,001 -9,1445 -3,5222
F3 F1 ,33333 1,21906 ,791 -2,4778 3,1445
F2 ,16667 1,21906 ,895 -2,6445 2,9778
K+ -6,16667 *
1,21906 ,001 -8,9778 -3,3555
K+ F1 6,50000* 1,21906 ,001 3,6888 9,3112
F2 6,33333 *
1,21906 ,001 3,5222 9,1445
F3 6,16667 *
1,21906 ,001 3,3555 8,9778
2 x 24 Jam F1 F2 ,50000 ,91287 ,599 -1,6051 2,6051
F3 ,00000 ,91287 1,000 -2,1051 2,1051
K+ -25,16667* ,91287 ,000 -27,2718 -23,0616
F2 F1 -,50000 ,91287 ,599 -2,6051 1,6051
F3 -,50000 ,91287 ,599 -2,6051 1,6051
K+ -25,66667 *
,91287 ,000 -27,7718 -23,5616
F3 F1 ,00000 ,91287 1,000 -2,1051 2,1051
F2 ,50000 ,91287 ,599 -1,6051 2,6051
K+ -25,16667* ,91287 ,000 -27,2718 -23,0616
K+ F1 25,16667 *
,91287 ,000 23,0616 27,2718
F2 25,66667 *
,91287 ,000 23,5616 27,7718
F3 25,16667 *
,91287 ,000 23,0616 27,2718
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Zona Hambat Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
F1 1 x 24 Jam ,276 3 . ,942 3 ,537
2 x 24 Jam ,292 3 . ,923 3 ,463
F2 1 x 24 Jam ,253 3 . ,964 3 ,637
2 x 24 Jam ,253 3 . ,964 3 ,637
F3 1 x 24 Jam ,204 3 . ,993 3 ,843
2 x 24 Jam ,253 3 . ,964 3 ,637
K+ 1 x 24 Jam ,175 3 . 1,000 3 1,000
2 x 24 Jam ,175 3 . 1,000 3 1,000
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
Group Statistics
Zona Hambat N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
F1 1 x 24 Jam 3 16,5000 1,80278 1,04083
2 x 24 Jam 3 8,8333 1,04083 ,60093
F2 1 x 24 Jam 3 16,6667 1,52753 ,88192
2 x 24 Jam 3 8,3333 1,52753 ,88192
F3 1 x 24 Jam 3 16,8333 1,75594 1,01379
2 x 24 Jam 3 8,8333 ,76376 ,44096
K+ 1 x 24 Jam 3 23,0000 ,50000 ,28868
2 x 24 Jam 3 34,0000 1,00000 ,57735