BM1352 Radiological Equipment
BM1352 Radiological Equipment
BM1352 Radiological Equipment
Unit – 1
Two marks:
16 marks:
Two marks:
1. What is radiography
2. Define angiography
3. Define fluoroscopy
4. What are the uses of fluoroscopy
5. Mention the application of radiography
6. What is the contrast material used in fluoroscopy
7. Give the components used in fluoroscopy
8. List the advantage and disadvantages of fluoroscopy
9. Differentiate flat panel detectors over image intensifier
10. What are the uses of angiography
11. How is angiography performed
12. Give the application of angiography
13. What is multi section radiography
14. Give the benefits and risk of angiography
16 marks:
Two marks:
16 marks:
Two marks:
16 marks:
1. Draw the block diagram of gamma camera and explain its components
2. Write short notes on
a. GM counter
b. Radiation therapy
c. Nuclear angiogram
3. List the properties of alpha, beta and gamma rays
4. Explain the principle involved in gamma camera
5. Explain the principle of radiation therapy
6. List the various isotopes used in radiation therapy
7. Write short notes on ionization chamber and scintillation detector
8. With neat diagram explain rectilinear dot scanner in detail.
Two marks:
16 marks: