WuDe The 14 Virtues of Shaolin
WuDe The 14 Virtues of Shaolin
WuDe The 14 Virtues of Shaolin
For the same reason, the great Bodhidharma, the founder and
first patriarch of Zen Buddhism, gave his disciples in Shaolin
Temple, the monks and novices of the Order, almost 1,500 years
ago: The virtues of martial arts (Shàolín Wǔ Dé).
纪律 • Discipline
⾃制 • Self-control
謙虛 • Modesty
慈悲 • Benevolence
謙遜 • Humility 意愿 • Will
尊敬 • Respect 忍耐 • Perseverance
正义 • Righteousness 毅⼒ • Persistence
信⽤ • Trust 耐⼼ • Patience
忠誠 • Loyalty 勇敢 • Courage
Are there any missing virtues that you think a person should
develop in today’s world?
Which virtues would most likely bring benefit to your life at this
moment in time and why?
“It is better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in war.”
What is the relevance of this sentence in relation to the Shaolin virtues?
When a thought comes up, ask yourself: Is it based upon the virtue?
When you're about to go into action: Is it based upon the virtue?
When you speak: Are your words based upon the virtue?
Today, you've set up your mind in the direction to a happy and fulfilled life!
We hope you understand now that it is not about fame or money,
but more about becoming a happy and honorable human being so
that others and yourself can rely on.
We wish you all the best on your journey to Self-Mastery
- May all beings be blessed at all times!