Lesson 8 Engineering Ethics

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Engineering Ethics
Module 8
Learning Outcomes:
1. Introduce and explain basic concepts of engineering ethics
2. Cite and describe different moral issues and dilemmas in engineering
3. Relate and differentiate ethics in engineering profession and
4. Identify and explain the code of ethics
5. Explain the 10 computer commandments
Engineering Ethics - Introduction

Engineering is the process of developing an Ethics are the principles accepted by the

efficient mechanism which quickens and eases society, which also equate to the moral
the work using limited resources, with the help of standards of human beings. An engineer with
technology.  ethics, can help the society in a better way.

Engineering Ethics is the study of decisions, policies and

values that are morally desirable in engineering practice
and research.

•Being good to Morals are the principles or habits with respect to right or •Having chastity
everyone wrong of one’s own conduct. They are not imposed by •Avoid cheating
•Speaking only the truth •Being a nice
•Going against what
anyone. Morals are what you think is good and bad
human being.
you know is wrong personally.

Morals are always defined by one’s own personality. Morals can be changed according to one’s beliefs as they are completely
dependent on one’s perception towards the ethical values.
The word “Ethics” originates from the Greek word “ethos”
meaning “character”.

are set of rules or principles that are generally considered as standards or good
and bad or right and wrong, which are usually imposed by an external group or
a society or a profession

  is the philosophy which explains that the happiness or pleasure of a
greatest number of people in the society is considered as the greatest good.
According to this philosophy, an action is morally right if its consequences
leads to happiness of the people and wrong if the action leads to their
this theory moves beyond the scope of one’s own interests and takes into
account the interests of others.
Not only an engineer, but everyone has to follow a set of morals in order to keep
away from getting morally degraded.

Our behavior should include the following

• Respecting others and ourselves.
• Respecting the rights of others.
• Keeping promises.
• Avoiding unnecessary problems to others.
• Avoiding cheating and dishonesty.
• Showing gratitude towards others and encourage them to
to Deal
Skills to sort out the problem

• Moral Awareness 
One should be able to recognize the moral problems and •Moral Reasonableness − The ability and willingness to be morally
issues that occur in Engineering. The analysis on the problem is
reasonable that one should have while dealing such issues. Unless one is willing and
necessary in order to differentiate and judge according to ethics improve such ability, justice cannot be done.
or according to the rules to follow.
• Cogent Moral Reasoning  •Respect for Persons − The persons involved in the issue, should be
In order to come to a conclusion on an issue, the argument has to be assessed treated with genuine concern by one. Such concern should also be there with oneself
and comprehended. The argument on both sides has to be considered with all along with being there for others.
the probabilities and the nature of the argument should be logical and moral.
Important •Tolerance of diversity − One should have a broader perspective
• Moral Coherence  Skills for towards ethnic and religious differences that the people have. Every person differs with
After having gone through all the logical and moral facts, consistent and Ethical another when compared on grounds of moral reasoning. The acceptance of those
comprehensive view points are to be formed based upon a consideration of Reasoning differences is really important.
relevant facts.
• Moral Imagination  •Moral hope − The moral conflicts can be resolved by using better
The moral issues and the practical issues have to be dealt separately. communication and having rational dialogue which is evident-based and open-ended
Alternative responses are to be found out for dealing with moral issues while which is acceptable and appreciable by both the parties.
creative solutions should be found out for practical difficulties.
•Integrity − The moral integrity has to be maintained. Being honest and having
• Moral Communication  strong moral principles helps one to resolve an issue in an efficient manner. An individual
also needs to consider other’s professional life and personal convictions while solving a
The language to communicate about one’s moral views should be so precise problem.
and clear, that the expression or words should not alter the original meaning.
Engineering Ethics - Moral Issues

“Moral issue is a working definition of an issue of moral concern and is presented as any
issue with the potential to help or harm anyone, including oneself.”
Types of Moral Issues
Micro-ethics Macro-ethics
This approach stresses more on the problems that occur This approach deals with social problems which are unknown.
on a daily basis in the field of engineering and its practice by However, these problems may unexpectedly face the heat at both
engineers. regional and national levels.

The issues can be

resolved by following an
investigation procedure,
step by step in order to have
a clear understanding
towards the issue. refers to the description that
refers to the description of the help to provide the facts for
describes what one ought to
meaning of concepts, understanding and
do under a specific circumstance. finding solutions to the
This is the expected ideal principles and issues related to
response, which might differ from engineering ethics. The ethics that an value based issues. The
what one believes to be right or engineer should possess to protect engineer has to conduct factual
wrong. the safety, health and welfare of the inquiries by using scientific
public techniques.
Engineering Ethics - Moral Dilemmas

At times, the situations occur where one cannot make immediate decisions as the moral reasons
come into conflict. The moral reasons can be rights, duties, goods or obligations, which make the
decision making complex.

This refers to the condition where the
doubt lies in whether the action refers
to good or bad. This is just like having
a thought that following the rules is Conflicting reasons
mandatory. This sometimes includes When you know about the solutions you
the unwritten rules like being loyal, have, the making of better choice
having respect, maintaining among the ones you have, will be the
confidentiality, etc. internal conflict. Fixing the priorities
When there are two or more solutions and none
depends upon the knowledge and the
among them is mandatory, the final solution
moral values one has. The reason why
selected should be best suitable under existing
the particular choice is being made,
and the most probable conditions. The
makes sense.
interpretation regarding the moral reasons
behind the choice and analysis should be made
keeping in mind whether this is the better or the
worse solution in the probable aspects.

Types of Complexities
Whenever a person is faced with a moral dilemma, the issue is to be solved with a stepwise approach as this will generate a
better output. The steps include the following −

Steps in 1. Identification
Facing The step of identification involves the following −

Moral •The issue has to be thoroughly understood.

•The duties and the responsibilities of the persons involved are to be clearly known.
•The moral factors related to the issue are to be understood.
•The conflicting responsibilities, the competing rights and the clashing ideas involved are to be identified.

2. Ranking 3. Inquiries 4. Discussions 5. Final Solution

The considerations in the The inquiry of details Discussions are to be After analyzing different
issue are to be listed involved in the issue is to made with other perspectives and
down. Then they have to be completely made. All members, as different considering the facts
be ranked according to the facts related to the minds look at the issue and reasons on the
the priorities. The moral issue are brought into in different views to give basis of truths and
aspect has to be light. Considering the different solutions. The understanding the flaws
considered to rank the alternative courses of complete analysis of a which lead to the issue,
issues. The advantages action for resolving and problem gives chances a final solution has to
of a single person should tracing, full implications to different viewpoints, be drawn out. This
never be given any are also needed. perspectives and solution will add value
importance unless any opinions from which a to the whole analysis, in
moral reason is there better solution can be all aspects.
behind it. No partiality is drawn.
Engineering Ethics - Moral Autonomy

acting independently without
Moral Autonomy is the philosophy which is self-governing or self-determining the influence or distortion of

“is concerned with independent attitude of a person related

to moral/ethical issues.”

Ability to relate the problems with the problems of law, economics and religious principles 

Skill to process, clarify and understand the arguments against the moral issues 

Ability to suggest the solutions to moral issues on the basis of facts 

Must have the imaginative skill to view the problems from all the viewpoints 

Tolerance while giving moral judgment, which may cause trouble 

Tolerance while giving moral judgment, which may cause trouble 

Professions and Professionalism

means a job or an occupation, that helps a person earn his living
main criteria of a profession involves

•Advanced expertise 
•Public good −

A person who is paid for getting involved in a particular profession
in order to earn a living as well as to satisfy the laws of that

“Engineers are professionals when they attain standards of achievement in

education, job performance or creativity in engineering and accept the most
basic moral responsibilities to the public as well as employers, clients,
colleagues and subordinates.” - Mike martin and Ronald Schinzinger
Models of Professional Engineers

• Savior 
• Guardian 
An engineer who is a
professional, has • Bureaucratic Servant 
some tasks to
perform by which he • Social Servant 
acts • Social Enabler or Catalyst 
• Game Player 
The art of Professionalism can
be understood as the practice of Maintaining a sense of community with faith and hope within the
doing the right thing, not society and being generous by extending time, talent and money
because how one feels but to professional societies and communities, an engineer can
regardless of how one feels. maintain the public-spirited virtue

A. Professional Ideals and Virtues These refer to the virtues followed in the profession according to
the talent and intellect of an engineer. The moral values that
•Public spirited virtues include this virtue are competence and diligence.
•Proficiency virtues
•Team work virtues
These include cooperative nature along with loyalty and respect
•Self-governance virtues
towards their organization, which makes the engineers motivate
the team professionals to work towards their valuable goals

These virtues are concerned with moral responsibilities which

represent integrity and self-respect of the person
Engineering Ethics - Social Experimentation

Experimentation is the main aspect of designing process

Engineers as Experimenters Responsibility in Experimentation
• In the process of developing a
•To maintain the safety of human beings.
product, an engineer generally learns
through experimentation •To procure their rights of consent.
• An engineer should always be ready
•To keep them aware regarding the experimental nature
for the unexpected output.

• The improvement of current prototype

of the project.
will lead to some change which may or •To warn them about the probable safety hazards.
may not be fruitful.
•Should monitor the results of the experiment

1. Conscientiousness continuously.
•Having autonomy in conducting experiments.
2. Informed Consent
•Accepting accountability for the results of the project.
3. Moral Autonomy
•Exhibiting their technical competence and other
4. Accountability
characteristics of professionalism.
Codes of Ethics
The codes of ethics play at least eight important roles such as the following −
•Serving and protecting the public − Engineers are in a responsible position where trust and trustworthiness, both are essential. A code of ethics
functions as a commitment by the profession as a whole that engineers will serve the public health, safety and welfare.
•Guidance − Codes are written in brief yet prove effective in offering general guidance to the engineers. More specific directions may be given in
supplementary statements or guidelines, which tell how to apply the code. If needed, the assistance is obtained for further specification.
•Inspiration − Codes of ethics, which specify a collective commitment towards a profession, help in motivating the engineers towards ethical conduct.
Actually, these codes make one feel really responsible and proud to be a professional thus motivating towards the commitment one should have towards
one’s profession.
•Shared Standards − The standards established should be applicable to all individuals, in their particular professions. With the codes of ethics, the public
is assured of engineers with minimum standard of excellence and the professionals are provided a fair way to compete.
•Support for Responsible Professionals − The professionals who act ethically have more positive support through these codes. A professional
engineer who has the intention to stand by the codes of ethics, can have no harm from immoral professional obligations, as he can reject smoothly yet
formally. As well, these codes can provide legal support for engineers criticized for living up to work-related professional obligations.
•Education and Mutual understanding − The codes which are widely circulated and officially approved by professional societies, promote a shared
understanding among professionals, the public and government organizations about the moral responsibilities of engineers. These codes prompt discussion
and reflection on moral issues.
•Deterrence and Discipline − The professionals who fail to follow the codes exhibit unethical conduct, which is evident from the disobedience towards
their profession. Such an investigation generally requires paralegal proceedings designed to get at the truth about a given charge without violating the
personal rights of those being investigated. This might lead to expulsion of those whose professional conduct has been proven unethical, which also leads to
loss of respect from colleagues and the local community.
•Contributing to the Profession’s Image − Codes project the engineers as the professionals of ethically committed profession, which inspires them
to work with great commitment and more effectively to serve the public. It can also win greater powers of self-regulation for the profession itself, while
lessening the demand for more government regulation.
Advantages of Codes of Ethics
The codes
• Set out the ideals and responsibilities of the profession.
• Exert a de facto regulatory effect protecting both clients and professionals.
• Improve the profile of the profession.
• Motivate and inspire practitioners, by attempting to define their raison d’etre.
• Provide guidance on acceptable conduct.
• Raise awareness and consciousness of issues.
• Improve quality and consistency.
Engineering Ethics - Responsibility for Safety

Safety and Risk

The terms of safety and risk are inter-related. It is amazing to know that what may be safe enough for one person may not be for
someone else. It is because of either different perceptions about what is safe or different predispositions to harm.

Safety Risk
According to William W Lowrance, the famous Any work which might lead to harm us and is not considered
consultant of those times, Safety was defined as “A safe, can be understood as a risk. According to a popular
thing is safe if its risks are judged to be acceptable.” definition, “A risk is the potential that something unwanted
and harmful may occur.” According to William D
Rowe, potential for the realization of unwanted
consequences from impending events.
Lowrance in his definition observed safety as acceptable risk. Risk is a broad concept covering many different types of
Let us relate to this and further see the definition by William D. unwanted occurrences. When it comes to technology, it can
equally well include dangers of bodily harm, of economic loss
Rowe, “a risk is acceptable when those or of environmental degradation. These in turn can be caused
affected are generally no longer by delayed job completion, faulty products or systems or
apprehensive about it”. economically or environmentally injurious solutions to
Influential factors that lead to such apprehension are − technological problems.

•Whether the risk is accepted voluntarily.

•The effects of knowledge on how the probabilities of harm (or benefit) are known or perceived.
•If the risks are job-related or other pressures exist that cause people to be aware of or to overlook
•Whether the effects of a risky activity or situation are immediately noticeable or are close at hand.
•Whether the potential victims are identifiable beforehand.
Responsibilities of Engineers

A. Loyalty B. Collegiality
Loyalty is the faithful adherence to an
organization and the employer Collegiality is the term that describes a work
environment where responsibility and
authority are shared among the colleagues.
C. Respect for Authority
The main factors that help in maintain
harmony among members at a
D. Collective Bargaining workplace are −
It is the responsibility of an organization to look into
the welfare of the section of people working in it. •Commitment
Engineering Ethics - Rights of Engineers

Professional Rights Employee Rights

The rights that engineers have as An employee right can be any right, moral or legal,
professionals that involves the status of being an employee.

•The basic right of professional conscience. a. Privacy

This is a basic right which explains that the decisions taken while carrying on The right to privacy refers to the right of having a private life, off
with the duty, where they are taken in moral and ethical manner, cannot be the job. It is the right to control the access to and the use of
opposed. The right of professional conscience is the moral right to exercise information about oneself.
professional judgement in pursuing professional responsibilities.

b. Equal Opportunity – Non-discrimination

•The right of conscientious refusal. The demeaning of a person based on trivial factors such as one’s
The right of conscientious refusal is the right to refuse to engage in unethical sex, race, skin color, age or political or religious outlook can be
understood as Discrimination. Such a discrimination should never
behavior. This can be done solely because it feels unethical to the doer.
be allowed at any workplace; this is where everyone has to be

•The right of professional recognition

An engineer has a right to the recognition of one’s work and accomplishments.
An engineer also has right to speak about the work one does by maintaining
confidentiality and can receive external recognition. The right for internal
recognition which includes patents, promotions, raises etc. along with a fair
remuneration, are also a part of it.
Engineering Ethics - Global Issues

Computer Ethics Environmental Ethics Business Ethics

Computers with Internet raise a host of difficult moral issues,
many of them connected with basic moral concerns such as free
speech, privacy, respect for property, informed consent and harm.
To evaluate and deal with these issues, a new area of applied
ethics called Computer Ethics has come up.

The ten commandments of Computer Ethics, created •To use/ copy a software you didn’t pay for (like illegal
in 1992 by the Computer Ethics Institute consists of downloads and usages)
the following − •To use or copy other’s software without compensations
One should never use a computer − (illegal pirated versions)
•To harm the people (anti-social activities) •To use other’s intellectual output inappropriately (violating
•To interfere with other’s work (illegal manipulations) IPR)
•To snoop into other’s files (malware) •Doing without thinking of social consequences of the
program being written (libeling)
•To steal a computer/data (hacking)
•Always use a computer ensuring consideration and
•To bear false witness (manipulation and morphing) respect towards fellow beings.
Engineers as Managers

Managing Conflicts
A conflict is a result of differences in opinions. Conflicts generally
arise where the work is shared among more than one members. In
fact, the situations of conflicts should be tolerated with patience,
understood impartially and resolved by the participation by all the
When a project is distributed among a few members, the conflicts that generally
occur are −
• The schedule based conflicts might occur at different levels of execution of
a project, depending upon the priorities and limitations at each level.
• The prioritizing of projects or departments which can be arrived from end
requirements may change from time to time.
• The deficiency of personnel availability for certain project completion in due
time may also lead to a conflict.
• Conflicts that occur over technical, economic, and time factors such as
cost, time, and performance level.
• Conflict arising in administration such as authority, responsibility,
accountability, and logistics required.
• Conflicts of personality, human psychology and ego problems.
• Conflict over expenditure and its deviations.
Engineering Ethics - Moral Leadership

Moral leaders, are the individuals who direct, motivate,

organize, creatively manage, or in other ways move groups towards
morally valuable goals. Leaders might be in position of authority within
a corporation, or they might not be. Leadership can be shown by
individuals participating at all levels of organizations.

Morally creative leaders

Participation in Professional Societies

Leadership in Communities

Ideals of Voluntary service

Sample Code of Conduct
The professional societies for engineers have formulated few codes of ethics which are
expected to be followed by an engineer of the particular discipline. Following are a few societies
that look into the discipline in Engineering −
• NSPE − National Society of Professional Engineers
• IEEE − The Institute of Electrical and Electronics engineering
• AIChE − American Institute of Chemical Engineers
• ASCE − American Society of Civil Engineers
• ASME − American Society of Mechanical Engineers
• ACM/IEEE/CS − Joint Task Force on Software Engineering Ethics and Professional
All these societies have proposed different codes of ethics expecting adherence from the Engineers, to the
highest standard of ethical conduct. This not only helps the societies but also the Engineers.

The NSPE (National Society of Professional Engineers) has formulated codes as engineering has a direct
and vital impact on the quality of life for all the people. Accordingly, the services provided by engineers require
honesty, impartiality, fairness and equity and must be dedicated to the protection of the public health, safety and
The fundamental things to be kept in mind, while engineers fulfill their professional duties are the following −
• Hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public.
• Perform services only in area of their competence.
• Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
• Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.
• Avoid deceptive acts.
• Conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically and lawfully so as to enhance the honor, reputation
and usefulness of the profession.

All the other societies have proposed the code of ethics to be followed in their respective disciplines, by the
engineers. The professional ethics should be accompanied by moral concerns, in acting responsibly towards the
profession while being in ethical limits.
1. Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns
2. Cultural Issues in Design and Technology
3. Information Technology: Contemporary Technology Issues

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