Rpa QB

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RPA Question Bank for all Modules

Module 1
1. Discuss the flavours of RPA in detail.
2. Explain the RPA viewpoint with respect to various RPA software companies
3. Explain the Benefits of RPA.
4. Discuss the history of RPA.
5. Discuss the comparison of RPA with BPO.
6. List and explain the downsides of RPA
7. Discuss the OCR skill in RPA
8. Discuss the On-premise vs. cloud RPA skill.
9. Explain the database and API skills in RPA.
10. Discuss the DevOps in RPA.
11. Explain the AI Skill in RPA
12. Discuss the flowchart in RPA
13. Discuss Consumer Willingness for Automation

Module 2
1. Discuss about the process can be automated
2. List all the process should be automated?
3. Discuss the different techniques of automation.
4. Discuss some benefits of using RPA according to UiPath.
5. Explain the components of RPA in UiPath.
6. Discuss the benefits of using RPA according to UiPath.
7. Explain the UiPath RPA components in detail.
8. Discuss the industries that are benefited with RPA technology.
9. Explain the types of robots available in UiPath.
10. List and explain the different panels available in UiPath blank screen.
11. Discuss the different types of task recordings in UiPath.
12. Explain the process of emptying Recycle Bin with process flow diagram and activities.
13. Discuss emptying of spam folder in Gmail with process flow diagram.

Module 3
1. Discuss the types of projects supported by UiPath Studio
2. Explain different types of control flow activities
3. Explain building data table
4. Explain building data table dynamically.
5. Discuss excel file operation activities.
6. Explain Data Scraping.
7. Explain while, do-while and switch activities.
8. Discuss assign, delay, and for-each activities.
9. List all the activities for Reading an Excel file and creating a data table by using data from
the Excel file.
10. Write down the activities required for Creating a data table and then writing all its data to an
Excel file

Module 4
1. Discuss Attach Window activity in detail.
2. List and explain any five activities that helps in finding the controls.
3. Explain any five finding control activities.
4. Discuss different techniques available for waiting for a control.
5. Summarize mouse activities in UiPath Studio.
6. Discuss about keyboard activities.
7. Discuss different types of events in UiPath Studio.
8. Explain Screen Scraping in UiPath.
9. Discuss the types of OCR in detail.
10. Explain different entities available to tackle failure points in UiPath.

Module 5
1. Define exception. Explain exception handling in UiPath using try-catch technique.
2. Discuss different types of common exception in UiPath RPA.
3. Explain client/server logging
4. Discuss various techniques for debugging in UiPath.
5. Discuss error-reporting in UiPath RPA.
6. Discuss about attended automation
7. Explain Scaling of RPA
8. Explain hype factor
9. Discuss chatbots
10. Explain some of the interesting use cases for AI and RPA
11. Discuss Consolidation and IPOs in RPA
12. Discuss Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Open Source with respect to RPA
13. Explain privacy and ethics in RPA.

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