Group 4-Cylinder Block

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Cylinder Block 4-1

Group 4 The cylinder block manual consist of cylinder block,

cylinder liners, crankshaft, main and connecting rod
bearings, vibration damper, connecting rods,
pistons, rear cover, camshaft, gear housing and gear

Cylinder Block
Cylinder Block by pitting. Discard block if area cannot be
cleaned, or if area is distorted and cannot be
Inspection repaired by sleeving. See “ Parts Replacement
and Repair ”.
Before any parts are discarded or used again,
a careful inspection must be performed. The
inspection should include wearing surfaces and Camshaft Bushings
general over-all conditions. Inspection and
machining of the cylinder block must be Use dial bore gauge to measure camshaft
performed with oil pan rail on a flat surface to bushing inside diameter, Fig. 4-2. Mark
prevent distortion. Do not leave bolted to engine bushings for replacement if worn larger than
stand. 2.1295 inch [54.098 mm] or chipped, scored
or scratched. If bushings have turned in block
Using Dye Penetrants to Locate Flaws bore, check block bore size and replace
bushings. If bore is larger than 2.555 inch
Use dye penetrant for locating cracks, porosity, [57.290 mm], sleeve bore as described in “
leaks, etc. Clean suspected area with grease- Parts Replacement and Repair “. Make certain
removing cleaner. oil passages between bushings and block oil
holes are properly aligned. If replacement is
Apply dye penetrant allowing time for it to necessary, see “Parts Replacement and
dissolve or enter into the defect (usually about Repair ”.
fifteen minutes). Do not “ force “ dry

Remove all excess penetrant and apply Cylinder Liner Counterbore

developer so defect will stand out. Cracks
usually show up as a solid or dotted line; 1. The top (head) surface of block should be
however, caution must be observed as this can checked for flatness. Refinish block (see
be a non-damaging forging lap. Porosity usually “Top Surface Refinishing”) if damaged or
shows up as dots in local area. The wider the distorted beyond 0.002 inch [0.05 mm] from
area spreads, the larger the defect. true. Use a straight edge and 0.002 inch
[0.05 mm] feeler gauge.
2. Check upper liner counterbore and
Corrosion most frequently occurs on portions remove burrs, dirt, etc. so liner will enter
of block nearest cylinder liners and is evidenced without distortion. If counterbore diameter
4-2 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

Fig. 4-2. Measuring camsh’aft bushing Fig. 4-4. Checking counterbore depth

meter (A, Fig. 4-3)-exceeds 6.5635 inch b. Counterbore must not slope downward
[166.713 mm], or if counterbore depth (B, toward the center of the bore.
Fig. 4-3) exceeds 0.41 1 inch [10.44 mm],
mark counterbore for sleeving. c. Counterbore must not slope upward
more than 0.0014 inch [0.036 mm]
toward the center of the bore.

d. Counterbore must be free of nicks,

scratches, and dents.

4. If counterbore does not require machin-

ing or sleeving, or if it has been repaired,
check liner for proper protrusion by either
of the methods described in Steps 5 and 6

Fig. 4-3. Cylinder liner counterbore dimension

3. The counterbore may be remachined to the

limits in Step 2. Remachine if any of the
following conditions are not met.

a. Depth of counterbore must be equal

within 0.001 inch [0.03 mm] when
measured at four equidistant points.
Measure at edge of liner bore (Fig. 4-4)
with ST-547 Fig. 4-5. Location of cylinder liner flange thickness
Cylinder Block 4-3

Fig. 4-6. Measuring cylinder liner flange Fig. 4-7. Checking cylinder liner protrusion

5. The most accurate method of checking and 6. A second method may save time :
adjusting protrusion is as follows :
a. Measure liner flange with micrometer.
a. Install liner in block with the approximate Do not include bead on top of liner
number of liner shims beneath the flange in taking measurement, Figs.
flange. Do not use packing rings or 4-5 and 4-6.
crevice seals. Shims are available in
b. Measure block counterbore depth with
thicknesses of 0.007, 0.008, 0.009,
dial indicator depth gauge or ST-547
0.020, 0.031, and 0.062 inch [0.18,
Gauge Block. Always measure
0.20, 0.34, 0.51, 0.79, and 1.57 mm] counterbore depth on ledge at the edge
Use ST-1184 Cylinder Liner Hold-Down of liner bore, Fig. 4-4.
Tool. Tool should be spaced so even
load will be applied. Torque to 50 ft-lb c. Subtract counterbore depth from liner
[68 N«m]. flange thickness to determine amount
of shims or depth of counterbore cut that
Note : Shims should not be used unless must be used to provide 0.004 to 0.006
counterbore has been resurfaced. inch [0.10 to 0.15 mm] liner protrusion.

b. Use ST-547 Gauge Block and check d. Check as described in Step 5 above.
liner protrusion above the cylinder block
at four equidistant points outside the Cylinder Liner Lower Bore
bead, Fig. 4-7. Add or remove shims
1. Install a new cylinder liner in the block
from beneath the liner flange as needed
without packing rings or crevice seal.
to reach 0.004 to 0.006 inch [0.10 to
Secure with ST-1184 and torque to 50ft. Ib.
0.15 mm] protrusion.
c. With liner installed, check for out-of- 2. Clearance between liner and block must
round as described under “Cylinder not exceed 0.008 inch [0.20 mm]. Liner
Liner Lower Bore ”. contact with block is permissible as long
4-4 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

as it does not cause liner out-of-round, permissible to have up to 0.003 inch

Fig. 4-8. [0.08 mm] out-of-round.

Fig. 4-8. Checking cylinder liner to block clearance Fig. 4-8. Checking cylinder liner to block clearance

3. Check liner bore for roundness, Figs. 4-9 2) At other points, each about 2 inches
and 4-10. [50.8 mm] lower than preceding
depth, out-of-round must not exceed
a. Check with precision dial bore gauge. 0.002 inch [0.05 mm].

b. Micrometer readings to be taken as near 4. If clearances do not fall within limits,

points at C, D, E, F, and G along axis A- recheck after counterboring. Limits do
A and B-B as possible. not apply with cylinder counterboring.
Limits do not apply with cylinder head
1) At point “C”, approximately 1 inch
installed and tightened to operating
[25.4 mm] below top of liner, it is
torque. If clearance is not correct, check
lower block packing ring bore inside

5. Lower liner bore concentricity should be

checked with ST-1252. If a piston seizure
has occurred or the cylinder block has
been counterbored, check the counter-
bore to lower cylinder liner bore
concentricity. Liner bore should be
concentric with 0.005 inch [0.13 mm] total
indicator reading.

Counterbore Concentricity

Check the cylinder liner counterbore to

Fig. 4-9. Checking cylinder liner out-of-round lower bore concentricity with ST-1252.
Cylinder Block 4-5

1. Place gauge flat on top deck of cylinder operating position. Tighten capscrews as
block with bumper pins against counter- shown in Table 1.
bore inside diameter.
Table 1: Main Bearing Capscrew Torque —
2. Raise or lower bar to position indicator in Ft-Lb[N•m]
area of lower bore to be checked.
Minimum Maximum

3. Holding gauge bumper pins firmly against Step 1 Tighten to 200 [271] 210 [ 285 ]
Step 2 Advance to 410 [556] 420 [570]
counterbore inside diameter, zero indicator. Step 3 Loosen completely
Step 4 Tighten to 200 [271] 210 [285]
4. Release pressure, reposition gauge to Step 5 Advance to 420 [570] 460 [624]
check indicator reading. Rezero indicator if Breakway torque in direction of tightening must be 420
necessary. to 490 ft-lb [ 570 to 666 N•m ].

5. Place gauge 180 degrees from original 2. Gauge main bearing bores horizontally,
setting position, hold bumper pins firmly vertically and diagonally with dial bore
against counterbore inside diameter, record gauge, Fig. 4-11. Bore must not exceed
indicator reading. 6.0965 inch [154.851 mm].

6. Move gauge 90 degrees and repeat

procedure. Lower bore must be concentric
within 0.005 inch [0.13 mm] total indicator

Note :Total indicator reading is two (2) times

actual shift of bore. (Example : Indicator
reading — 0.002 inch [0.05 mm]. Actual
shift from center of bore — 0.001 inch
[0.03 mm].)

Main bearing Caps

Caps must have 0.002 to 0.004 inch [0.05 to Fig. 4-11. Checking main bearing bore
0.10 mm] interference fit in block. Check if
engine has experienced bearing failure. Milled ST-1177 Boring Tool may also be used to
faces of cap must always rest on mating portion check main bearing bore alignment, see
of block to prevent distortion during tightening. “Parts Replacement and Repair”. If it is
definitely determined that a main bearing
Replacement caps are available as service cap has been distor ted, mark block for
parts. See “ Parts Replacement and Repair” reboring.

Main Bearing Bore Water Passages

1. Assemble main bearing caps to block in. 1. Check all water passages to make sure
4-6 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

they are open and check for eroded Parts Replacement and Repair
water holes which may prevent proper
seating of head gasket or grommet Up to this point we have discussed inspection
retainers. procedures. Now we will discuss some of the
more complex repair procedures and the use
2. Water holes not eroded more than 1/16 of necessary Service Tools.
inch [ 1.59 mm] from edge of hole can be
sleeved. See “Parts Replacement and
Repair”. Idler Gear Shaft

Replace idler shaft only if worn smaller than

3. Check for erosion within .1/32 to 3/32
1.9965 inch [50.711 mm] or damaged.
inch [0.79 to 2.38 mm] from liner
counterbore. Block must clean up before
1. Remove outer lockscrew from left side of
removing a maximum of 0.010 inch [0.25
idler shaft (shaft) boss and setscrew which
mm] material. See “Top Surface
Refinishing”. secures shaft in block. Lockscrew and
setscrew are in the same hole.

Tappet Bore 2. Using a suitable puller, pull shaft from block.

1. Measure tappet bores with a small bore 3. Place new shaft in block bore and drive
gauge, Fig. 4-12. shaft in block until it seats on shoulder.

4. Install setscrew to secure idler shaft in block

and lockscrew in boss.

Oil Control Valve Replacement

The oil control valve in the front of cylinder block

maintains oil pressure at idle. Low oil pressure
at idle may indicate a weak or broken spring.

1. Remove expansion plug (4, Fig. 4-13) from

oil control valve housing (1).
Fig. 4-12. Checking tappet bore 2. By-pass disc (2) spring (3) and plug (4) may
be replaced after block oil passages have
2. Tappet bores must not be out-of-round been cleaned. See Table 2 for spring
more than 0.0015 inch [0.038 mm]. specifications.
Valve tappet bores must not exceed
1.190 inch [30.21 mm] and injector tappet 3. If housing must be pulled, a slide hammer
bores must not exceed 1.627 inch with a “L” shaped or hooked head may be
[41.33 mm]. If these conditions are not used. Do not allow hook to extend into
met, replace block. block.
Cylinder Block 4-7

3. Cut piece of 2-1/2 inch [63.50 mm] outside

diameter (O.D.) seamless steel tubing with
1/8 inch [3.17 mm] wall thickness to length
of bore in block. Chamfer O.D. of one end
to facilitate installation. Bore hole in tubing
to align with oil hole in block.

4. Measure O.D. of tubing.

5. Perform boring operation. Bore must be

0.002 to 0.005 inch [0.05 to 0.13 mm]
smaller than tubing O.D. to provide press
Fig. 4-13. Oil control valve
6. Remove boring bar and carefully clean
block to remove all shavings.
Table 2: Oil Control Valve Spring
Specifications—Inch [mm] 7. Apply a thin coat of Permatex to tubing
O.D. and block bore to prevent galling
Working Force at Working during installation and to provide a tighter
Free Length Length Length (Lb. [N]) press fit.

1.520 to 1.680 0.800 10.1 to 12.3 8. Install tubing with shor t mandrel to
[38.61 to42.67] [20.32] [44.9 to 57.2] prevent collapsing. Oil holes in tubing
must align with oil hole in block.
Mandrel must have shoulder on drive
4. Align scribe mark on body with scribe mark end.
on block and drive valve housing into block.
Body must be flush to 0.020 inch [0.51 mm] 9. Pin sleeve with 1/16 inch-27 NPTF x 1
below block face. inch Salsbury pipe plug or soft steel
pipe plug through side wall of block or
5. Check hole alignment. If correct, install by- through camshaft bushing bore.. Stake
pass disc and spring. Coat expansion plug plug.
with sealant with SJ-1053 Plug Driver. Plug
should be flush with body. 10. Reinstall boring bar and bore sleeve
to 2.2535 to 2.2545 inch [57.239 to
Sleeve Camshaft Bushing Bore in Block 57.264 mm] I.D. Remove bar and clean
all shavings from block.
1. If camshaft bushing bore in block is
damaged, first determine the cause of 11. Install bushings.
damage and correct it. Bore may then be
repaired by installing sleeve.
Camshaft Bushing Replacement
2. Pilot boring bar in two good camshaft
bushing bores either in front of or behind 1. Begin at front of block. Drive bush-
one being repaired. ings from front four camshaft bushings
4-8 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

bores with ST-1228. Eight bushings will be engagement. It must be flush or below
removed from each bank. surface of cap.

2. Drive new bushings into place in reverse c. Secure in position by driving “Kees”
order. Rearmost bushing in number four down flush with cap surface by lightly
bore must be installed first. Bushings should tapping on tool.
be nearly flush and must not protrude from
bores. Split in bushing must locate toward 5. Inspect cap to insure no nicks or burrs are
top of block. on any machined surface. Correct as
3. From rear of block, drive out remaining old
bushings. Main Bearing Cap Replacement

4. Again, drive new bushings in reverse order. Replacement main bearing caps (except No.
Split must face top of block. 7 cap) require only boring 0.015 inch [0.38 mm]
excess material from bore. Other dimensions
5. Inspect new bushings to make sure oil hole are the same as finished main bearing cap
in block is not covered. (caps). No. 7 replacement cap does not have
cap-to-block dowel holes and must be
Main Bearing Cap Sidebolt Hole Repair machined to cylinder block (block) width.
Replacement caps provide the correct 0.004
Note : This procedure cannot be followed to 0.007 inch [0.10 to 0.18 mm] interference fit
unless holes are centered. Off center holes in block.
create thin walls which weaken main bearing
caps. 1. If the cap is No. 7.

1. Drill out stripped or damaged threads with a. Machine thrust faces of cap so that
53/64 inch drill to 1.000 to 1.150 inch [25.40 holes center over threaded hole and so
to 29.21 mm] deep. that cap width is the same as block
thrust surface width.
2. Countersink 0.885 to 0.895 inch [22.48 to
22.73 mm] diameter by 86 degrees b. Remove locating dowels from block.
included angle. Locate cap so thrust faces of cap and
block are flush. Use Prussian Blue on
3. Tap hole with 7/8-14 UNC-2B tap to 0.800 block surface to locate dowel holes in
to 0.900 inch [20.32 to 22.86 mm] deep. cap.
4. Install “Keensert” insert Kirloskar Cummins c. Remove cap, drill dowel holes, Fig.
Part No. 203299. 4-14. Reinstall cap, ream dowel holes,
to the smallest permissible oversize.
a. Screw in insert finger tight, “Kees”
Install dowels in block.
(locking tangs) will automatically stop
insert at proper depth.
2. Install all caps on block and ream bore with
b. Visually check insert for proper ST-1177.
Cylinder Block 4-9

through centering rings rotating slowly. Bar

should spin free. Slide bar out one end until
appropriate checking ring can be installed
on bar. Oil outside diameter of checking

5. Using light finger pressure against checking

ring on both sides of bar, push checking
ring through each bore. Bar must be turned
during this check.

a. Check bore for burrs if checking ring will

not pass through bore.
Fig. 4-14. Drilling main bearing cap dowel hole
b. A 0.003 inch [0.08 mm] feeler gauge
(not over 1/2 inch [12.70 mm] wide) can
Main Bearing Bore Checking and Machining be used in detecting irregularities in the
ST-1177 Main Bearing Boring Tool is designed
to perform both the boring and checking c. Attempt to insert feeler gauge between
functions. Before boring operation, allow tool bore and slip ring. Run gauge
and block to stabilize to room temperature. completely around slip ring on each side
of bore. Evaluate as follows :

Assembly to Block 1) Gauge does not enter at any point,

bar rotates freely—standard bore.
1. Remove two undamaged main bearing
caps, preferably one from each end of block 2) Gauge enters on one side and not
or as far apart as possible. on opposite—slight misalignment.
No problem if bar rotates freely.
2. Insert proper centering rings in two (2)
bores and tap top of centering ring with 3) Gauge loose—oversize bore.
plastic hammer to seat.
4) Gauge enters on front and not on
3. Reinstall main bearing caps and torque to rear of bore—tapered bore.
required specifications following steps in
6. Mark bores to be salvaged.
Table 1.

Note : If centering ring must be installed in Assembling Micrometer Tool Bit

journals which have had caps replaced by
semi-finished caps, limit torque to 10 ft-lb Setting Gauge and Tool Bit
[14 N•m].
1. Place micrometer base shaft (ST-1177-46)
4. Oil centering ring bores and boring bar, through bore of micrometer bracket
install boring bar (ST-1177-16, Fig. 4-15) (ST-1177-45) and thread into micro-
4-10 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

Fig. 4-15. Exploded view of ST-1177 boring tool

meter base (ST-1177-44). Tighten 4. Remove centering ring and install

securely. appropriate cutter holder over micrometer
2. Tighten the socket head screw (ST-1177-
29) in the micrometer bracket until the 5. Align tool bit hole in cutter holder with hole
bracket is tight on the micrometer base through micrometer base shaft and tighten
shaft; micrometer hole in micrometer cutter holder socket head screws. Scribed
bracket must be in alignment with cutting lines are used on the base shaft and cutter
tool hole in micrometer base shaft. holder for this purpose. Keep even gaps
3. Install centering ring (ST-1 177-42) over between two (2) halves of cutter holder.
micrometer base shaft and micrometer,
6. Insert appropriate cutting bit in tool holder.
Tool must be short enough so it does not
a. Adjust micrometer thimble to value extend into the bore of the tool holder. When
stamped on centering ring. adjusting micrometer or tool cutter, be
careful to just contact tool to prevent
b. Hold micrometer spindle against damage.
centering ring and tighten socket head
screw in micrometer bracket. Check 7. With cutter key (ST-1177-49) adjust tool
to see that micrometer spindle turns bit against micrometer spindle and
free. tighten tool bit retaining screw in cutter
Cylinder Block 4-11

holder, back off micrometer and check tool tighten snug against cylinder block to
bit setting. stabilize torsion assembly.

Note : Do not tighten micrometer spindle 6. Turn plastic knob on drive assembly one-
against tool bit point or carbide may be chipped. fourth turn until pin seats in groove.
Do not sweep micrometer spindle across
carbide cutter; for it will chip cutting edge. 7. Install adapter (ST-1 177-31) in other end
of boring bar with the 1/2 inch square drive
8. Back off micrometer and remove cutter out. Lock with socket head set-screw.-
holder from micrometer base shaft.
8. Lock swivel joint (ST-1 177-27) in a 1/2 inch
Cutting Main Bearing Bores drill chuck. These instructions assume use
of a right hand rotation drill.
1. Install bore feed assembly (ST-1177-17) in
one end of boring bar and tighten socket 9. Install tool bit holder on boring bar, next to
head screw, ST-1 177-32. journal to be cut. When operating, boring
bar will feed toward feed asembly. Make
2. Install torsion bar (ST-1177-33), threaded sure tool cutting edge is turned in direction
end first, through bore feed assembly (ST- of drill rotation.
1 177-17), start threads into end hole of
torsion bracket (ST-1177-34). The flats on 10. With swivel joint on boring bar adapter, bore
bar can be used to secure it to bracket. the journal. Keep boring bar well lubricated
during all boring operations.
3. Locate tapped hole in end of block and
secure torsion bracket to block with a Caution : Do not use drill rated less than
suitable capscrew and washer. 10 amperes or over 450 rpm.

4. Pull out on plastic knob of feed assembly 11. To cut next journal :
until pin is free of slot and turn one-fourth
turn, then pull complete feed assembly back a. Remove cutter holder from- boring bar.
all the way to the knob and tighten wing
setscrew in feed assembly to secure on b. Pull out on plastic knob on feed
torsion bar. assembly and turn one-fourth turn.

Note : Later models of ST-1177 have a feed c. Push in on feed shaft (the knob) until it
engagement lever on the side of the bore feed stops against feed assembly.
assembly (ST-1177-17) in place of the plastic
d. Turn plastic knob one-fourth turn, until
engagement knob. Position lever to “open” to
pin seats in slot.
adjust feed assembly; position lever to “close”
to engage feed mechanism. e. Repeat Steps 9 and 10.

5. Install square head set bolt in second

threaded hole of torsion bracket end and 12. Clean block and check size of bore with
4-12 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

a dial bore gauge and alignment with into cylinder head capscrew hole,
checking ring. Fig. 4-16.

Use of the Bridges

The bridges and bearings are intended for

additional support of boring bar and are
designed to compensate for any distortion of
block oil pan surface. It is not necessary to use
bridges if centering rings are located equally

1. Assemble bearing bar (ST-1177-22) on

bearing bridge (ST-1177-21) with hexagon
head capscrew (ST-1177-23) finger tight.
Fig. 4-16. Reaming eroded water hole
2. Slide bearing over boring bar at point where
support is needed. Allow room for cutter 2. Position tool on top surface of cylinder block
holder, if next to journal being cut. with reamer guide hole over water hole to
be repaired.
3. Lower line bore bridge (ST-1177-18) over
bearing bar and secure to oil pan rails. 3. Insert tool hold-down capscrew into holder
assembly and tighten finger tight.
4. Tighten socket head screw (ST-1 177-25)
4. Insert locating pin into eroded hole and
in bearing until bearing is snug on boring
tighten hold-down ‘capscrew to 50 ft-lb [68
bar; do not restrict bar from turning.
5. Tighten hexagon head capscrew (ST-1 177- 5. To set depth of 0.5625 inch [14 mm] reamer
25) in bearing bar and socket head assembly, insert assembly in guide. Place
capscrew (ST-1 177-19) in bridge. gauge block between holder assembly and
reamer adjustable stop collar. Insert 0.005
6. Turn boring bar to see that it is free. inch [0.13 mm] feeler gauge between
bushing and adjustable collar; tighten
Sleeving Eroded Water Holes setscrew.

The cylinder block surface around the water

Caution : Take care not to use too large a
holes must be free of any erosion, pits, reamer; avoid getting head gasket grommet
scratches or blemishes which are more than over cylinder liner flange.
0.003 inch [0.08 mm] deep in the area 1/16 to
5/32 inch [1.59 to 3.97 mm] from edge of water
holes. Repair as follows : 6. Attach drive adapter to half-inch drill check
and place grooved end of drive adapter into
1. Insert hold-down adapter of ST-1010 reamer assembly.
Cylinder Block 4-13

7. Ream out eroded water hole until collar 3. Check distance from centerline of main
bottoms against tool. bearing bore to top of block, (1, Fig. 4-17).
Distance after finishing must not be less
8. Remove drill, reamer assembly, holder than 18.994 inch [482.45 mm].
assembly and hold-down adapter.

9. Drive bushing into reamed hole with driver.

Bushing should protrude about 0.003 to
0.005 inch [0.08 to 0.13 mm].

10. If block is to be resurfaced, see “Top Surface

Refinishing”. If not to be resurfaced, file
bushing flush with surface using a wide, flat
mill file.

a. Be careful not to damage surface when

filing sleeves.

b. Thoroughly clean block water passages

to remove all cutting and filings. Fig. 4-17. Location to check cylinder block height

11. If proper bushing is not available, heavy- 4. An alternate method of measuring block
wall copper tubing may be used. Tubing height is
must provide 0.002 to 0.005 inch [0.05 to
0.13 mm] press fit. Overall length should a. Remove block from milling machine or
be approximately 1/2 inch [12.7 mm]; inside surface grinder.
diameter must be 7/16 inch [11.13 mm] to
allow proper water flow through cylinder b. Install main bearing caps, tighten as
head. described in Table 1, Page 4-4.

c. Using clean engine lubricating oil, coat

Top Surface Refinishing outside surface of ST-1177-15 Checking
Ring. Insert checking ring into main
If necessary, a cylinder block may be salvaged bearing bore (checking ring must pass
by removing a maximum of 0.010 inch [0.25 through bore freely).
mm] of material from the top surface.
d. Allow checking ring to protrude
1. Use either a milling machine or large approximately half way from main
surface grinder; locate block on main bearing bore, measure distance from
bearing pads. top surface of block to checking ring.
Distance must not be less than
2. Remove dowels from cylinder head 16.948 inch [430.48 mm] after
mounting surface and make light cuts of finishing.
0.001 to 0.003 inch [0.03 to 0.08 mm] deep,
removing only enough material to make e. Repeat Steps c and d for each main
block usable. bearing.
4-14 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

5. Finish surfaces to 125A.A.

6. Resurface counterbore to obtain proper

liner protrusion. Check cylinder liner to block
contact in crevice seal area.

Machining Lower Bore Entry Chamfer

If the lower bore or the lower bore entry

chamfer is beyond the tolerances, pitted, or
eroded, one of the following operations may
be performed to salvage the cylinder block. If
the erosion has occurred only on the entry
chamfer and not in the packing ring sealing Fig. 4-18. Sleeve and block boring dimensions
area, the chamfer may be “built-up” by the use
of a plastic steel compound such as Devcon
Plastic Steel, Type “A”. The manufacturer’s to 6.363 inch [161.57 to 161.62 mm]
directions should be followed for this salvage diameter, to block deck (1) is 8.565 to
procedure. Check the chamfer depth after this 8.585 inch [217.55 to 218.06 mm].
operation and resurface the chamfer if beyond
acceptable tolerance. b. The 20 degrees chamfer (5) in block is
0.010 to 0.020 inch [0.25 to 0.51 mm].
Lower Liner Packing Ring Bore Repair
2. Clean all chips from block.
It is very important that dimensions given be
duplicated. Depth and diameter dimensions
must be held within tolerances given so cylinder 3. Mix sealer of three parts glycerine to one
liner packing rings and crevice seals will seal part litharge to a smooth paste.
4. Wipe bore with a clean cloth and apply
Installation of Brass Sleeve Using Boring sealer.
5. Sleeve is larger than top bore. Place O.D.
The O.D. of 163401 Brass Sleeve is of sleeve against top of bench and press
approximately 0.012 inch [0.30 mm] larger than out-of-round just enough to push through
recommended bore. This press fit is sufficient bore.
interference to hold sleeve in place.
6. Turn sleeve in cylinder bore so O.D. chamfer
Caution : The following instructions do not
is down.
apply when ST-1287 or cast iron sleeve Part
No. 195778 is to be used.
7. Provide a driver which closely pilots sleeve
1. Bore cylinder block as shown in Fig. and with clearance flats on outside
4-18 and to dimensions as follows : diameter.

a. Bottom of block bore (1 1) is 6.361 8. Index driver so flats will allow it to pass
Cylinder Block 4-15

through top bore and place driver on diameter 6.250 to 6.260 inch
sleeve. [158.75 to 159.00 mm].

9. Turn so driver is on bottom and press e. Sleeve (9) bore diameter is 6.124 to
sleeve over driver by using a wooden 6.125 inch [155.55 to 155.60mm] to a
hammer handle or equivalent. This is (10) depth of 8.850 to 8.875 inch
slightly difficult due to limited space. [224.79 to 225.42 mm].

10. Coat O.D. of sleeve with sealer. 16. Remove boring bar from bore. Use fine
emery cloth to break sharp corners in
11. Position sleeve in chamfered edge of bore. entrance of bore so rubber packing rings
will not be damaged when cylinder liners
12. Place driver extension in driver; make sure are installed.
sleeve is centered in bore and tap lightly
17. Clean bore thoroughly to remove all emery
on extension to seat driver in sleeve and
dust and boring chips. Blow dry with
start sleeve into bore.
compressed air and coat machined
surfaces with engine lubricating oil.
13. Drive sleeve into bore of block with a heavy
hammer or hydraulic ram until it bottoms 18. After boring and sleeve installation check
in the bore. alignment as described under
“Counterbore Concentricity”.
14. Should driver stick in sleeve due to
interference, a cylinder liner puller can be Installation of Cast Iron Sleeve Using
used to pull driver. ST-1287 Boring Tool

15. Bore sleeve inside diameter as shown in 1. Cylinder to be bored should be in vertical
Fig. 4-18 and to dimensions as follows : position.

a. Bottom of sleeve (8) 20 degrees 2. Clean cylinder block surface to remove

chamfer to (2) block deck is 7.314 to gasket material, dirt, burrs, etc. The cylinder
7.326 inch [185.78 to 186.08 mm]. block surface must be clean and smooth.

3. Preset tool bit with micrometer set block.

b. Top of sleeve 20 degrees chamfer to
(3) block deck is 7.265 to 7.285 inch a. Check the micrometer with the
[184.53 to 185.04mm]. “Standard” included.with the tool. The
micrometer should read five (5) inch
c. Bottom of sleeve (7) 0.040 to 0.060 [127 mm] when measuring the
inch [1.02 to 1.52 mm] radius to block “Standard”. If calibration is off, loosen
(4) deck is 7.187 inch [ 182.55 mm] the socket head capscrew and move
maximum. the micrometer in or out as required.
When the micrometer reads five (5) inch
d. Top of sleeve (7) radius is 0.040 to [127 mm] tighten the socket head
0.060 inch [1.02 to 1.52 mm] (6) capscrew.
4-16 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

b. Place the tool bit in the set block. Loosen

the set screw in the tool bit. Depress
plunger as required to be in general
range. Preset the micrometer to the
proper value. See Table 3. Loosen
setscrew allowing plunger to contact
micrometer. Tighten setscrew securely,
Fig. 4-19.

Fig. 4-20. Installing centering ring

Fig. 4-19. Adjusting tool bit with set block

Table 3: Lower Bore Sleeve and Boring Data

Repair Sleeve Boring Diameter in Block

Part No. Inch [mm]
Fig. 4-21. Installing o-ring into groove
ST-1287-41 6.250/6.251 [158.755/158.775]
ST-1287-42 6.300/6.301 [160.020/160.045]
195778 6.361/6.363 [161.569/161.620]

c. Back off micromefer and readjust as


4. Select proper centering ring. Remove o-ring

and install centering ring onto tool with taper
towards cutter, Fig. 4-20. Install o-ring into
groove to prevent centering ring from
coming off tool, Figs. 4-21 and 4-22.

5. Place tool bit in tool holder until it bottoms

against drive shaft, Fig. 4-23. Fig. 4-22. Centering ring and o-ring installed
Cylinder Block 4-17

collar with the proper line on the gauge rod

(1). Tighten setscrew in depth collar, (2),
Fig. 4-25.

Fig. 4-23. Inserting tool bit

a. Snug the holding screw gently to secure

the tool flat in the tool holder.

Caution : Only slight tightening is required.

This screw contains a spring loaded check
ball to maintain contact with the tool. Be
certain that the ball is in contact with the
tool. Do not overtighten this screw.

b. Tighten the setscrews (1, Fig. 4-24)

Fig. 4-25. Adjusting depth collar
securing the tool bit in the tool holder.

7. Attach gauge rod to bottom side of

baseplate with capscrew provided, (1),
Fig. 4-26.

Fig. 4-24. I igntenmg holding screw

6. Adjust the depth collar on the depth

gauge rod to the proper depth for the engine
model to be bored. Align the bottom of the Fig. 4-26. ST-1287 Boring tool
4-18 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

a. Loosen the round drive engagement automatic feed mechanism. Rotate shaft
knob on top of the tool (2). Push the by hand to be sure it rotates freely.
splined drive shaft (3) down until the
tool bit touches the preset depth collar 15. Install flexible coupling drive in a heavy
on the gauge rod. duty drill. Recommend drill size is 1/2 to
3/4 inch, 10 amperes or more, 450 RPM.
b. Slide the depth set coller (4) on the
splined drive shaft down the drive shaft 16. Place drill and flex coupling on drive shaft.
until it bottoms out on the top of the Bore until stop collar “ bottoms out”. (A
tool. Tighten the setscrew. This allows noticeable change in drill speed will be
the drive shaft to cut to the proper observed.)
depth as adjusted on the gauge rod.
17. Loosen round knob, pull drive shaft all the
Note : Gauge rod is not marked for 195778 way up. Tighten knob.
Sleeve. This sleeve is approximately 0.100 inch
[2.54 mm] shorter than ST-1287-41 and 42. If 18. Remove boring bar.
195778 Sleeve is used, adjust stop collar as
required to avoid boring too deep. Caution : Do not allow tool bit holder to
strike block during removal.
8. Remove gauge rod.
19. Inspect bore, measure bore. Clean
9. Pull upward on round knob to raise
thoroughly and remove rough edges with
boring bar all the way up.
emery cloth.
10. Remove all nicks or burrs from counter-
Install Repair Sleeve Into Cylinder Block
bore in block. Clean thoroughly. Deck must
be flat and free from rough area that would 1. Thoroughly clean bore area with
cause machine misalignment with lower
compressed air; wipe clean.
2. Clean the block bore and outside diameter
11. Install tool in counterbore, lower unit into
of the sleeve with Loctite Primer. Apply
counterbore with tapered centering ring
narrow band of Loctite bushing Mount, or
engaging counterbore.
equivalent, completely around the sleeve
12. Secure base plate to block with cap- outside diameter.
screws and spacers. Tighten securely to
approximately 50 ft-lb [68 N«m]. 3. Set repair sleeve on top of counterbore.

13. Push downward on round knob slowly until 4. Push sleeve through upper bore.
tool bit touches lower bore area. Raise up
boring bar approximately 1 inch [25.4 mm]. 5. Install proper sleeve drive into sleeve.
(Inside diameter chamfer of sleeve must be
14. Tighten round knob; this engages the positioned upward toward top deck.)
Cylinder Block 4-19

6. Install upper locator over drive handle and Note : Two chamfer tool bits are included. The
into counterbore. 15 degree angle tool is used for all engines
except the V-903.
7. Tap gently on driver handle to position sieve
in bore. 3. Place locating plate (1, Fig. 4-28) on main
8. With suitable hammer (preferred rawhide
mallet) drive sleeve into place. When sleeve
is positioned, sleeve driver should rotate
freely for removal; remove tool.

9. Wipe clean excess Loctite compound from

around sleeve entrance.

Sleeve Chamfering Tool

ST-1318 Chamfer Tool provides a crevice seal

entry chamfer. This tool must be used when
ST-1287-39, 40, 41 or 42 sleeve is used. The
chamfer tool will “ blend in “ the entry chamfer
of sieve to the block. Fig. 4-28. ST-1318 chamfer tool

1. Select the proper cutter plate for the block.

4. Place cutter plate (3) on main shaft (2).
2. Place chamfer tool bit in position in cutter Install flatwasher (4) and nut (5). Tighten
plate. Cutter should be positioned with lower nut, Fig. 4-28.
edge of tool bit angle recessed slightly
below the pilot diameter. Tighten clamping 5. Place tool in block.
screws, Fig. 4-27.
6. Holding the T-handle, loosen the socket
head capscrew on the adjusting collar and
lower the cutting plate until the cutter makes
contact with the upper part of the repair
sleeve to be chamfered.

7. Turning the T-handle clockwise and

pushing down gently, cut the chamfer to
the desired depth. When the desired
depth is reached, tighten the socket head
capscrew on the adjusting collar. This
establishes the depth for cutting the
remaining chamfers.

8. Turn the socket head capscrew in the

Fig. 4-27. Tool bit installed top collar clockwise into the notch on
4-20 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

the lower collar until a 1/4 inch [6.4 mm] plate. Correct positioning prevents cutting
gap is between the two collars. counterbore inside diameter oversize.

9. Place, the chamfer tool into the next bore 5. Back off adjusting collars to lower tool
to be chamfered. holder to counterbore ledge. Turn bar
clockwise with even downward pressure
10. Gradually turn the setscrew counter- and continue to back off adjusting collar
clockwise and continue turning T-handle until predetermined depth is reached. Each
unltil the two collars meet. This is the mark on collars represents 0.001 inch [0.02
previously set desired chamfer depth. mm]. At this point, adjust top screw. This
will allow all counterbores to be cut the
11. Continue this procedure on the remaining same depth throughout the block as
sleeves to be chamfered. required.

Cylinder Liner Counterbore Cylinder Head Capscrew Thread Salvage

Resurface cylinder liner (liner) counterbore if If cylinder head capscrew threads in the
block has been resurfaced, if ledge is uneven, cylinder block are stripped or thread area is
or where liner protrusion is incorrect. ST-1255 cracked slightly, block may be repaired by
is used for this operation. using a special (solid bushing-type) thread
inser t and appropriate tools to insure
1. Select proper cutter plate. Preset tool bit
alignment and location. Special thread insert,
by using 0.010 to 0.015 inch [0.25 to 0.38
ST-1272-15, is threaded internally and
mm] feeler stock wrapped around area of
externally and also features a counterbore on
tool bit slot. Push tool bit out to touch feeler
one end same as capscrew hole in the
stock. Tighten in position, then recheck.
block. Internal threads are same size as
2. Install tool holder to boring bar. Tighten original threads in the block. Operations may
securely. be performed “ in frame “ with minimum effort
on part of mechanic using ST-1272. See
3. Position unit in cylinder block bore by Fig. 4-29.
lowering tool holder in counterbore to
“center” tool. Secure adapter plate to block 1. Base Plate
with cylinder head capscrews (or other 2. Reamer Guide
suitable capscrews) and spacers or 3. Capscrew (standard 5/8-18X3)
washers as required. 4. Flatwasher (standard 5/8 I.D.)
Note : Approximate depth may be set by 5. Locator
setting collar before starting cutting operation. 6. Reamer - Special
The proper thickness feeler gauge between 7. Tap - Special
the collar and tool body may be used as a 8. Flex Drive Adapter
9. Stop Collar
4. Rotate boring bar clockwise to see that it is 10. Nut - Special
centered and rotates freely. If not, reposition 11. Chip Remover
Cylinder Block 4-21

4. I nstall flex-drive adapter (8) into heavy duty

1/2 or 5/8 inch electric drill, 10 amperes or
more, 450 RPM.

5. Ream hole until reamer “ bottoms out “.

Remove reamer and remove shaving with
special cup remover (11).

6. Reinstall reamer (6) to insure reamer “

bottoms out “ in bore.

7. Remove reamer. Install special tap in

pilot bushing. Tap will set on top of
Fig. 4-29. ST-1272 repair kit
block, Fig. 4-30. Place thread inser t
between pilot bar and stop collar on tap.
12. Loctite Retaining Compound Adjust stop collar to test on top of insert
and secure collar.
13. Loctite Primer (Grade T)
14. (2) Spacers (standard 4 inches long)
15. (10) Threaded Inserts

Notes :

1. To order additional thread inserts, detail 15

contains ten thread inserts. If 20 inserts are
desired order two detail 15 thread inserts,

2. Details 3, 4 and 14 are not available for

service replacement, use local standard
hardware source.

General Instructions Fig. 4-30. Adjusting stop collar

1. Assemble reamer guide bar (2) to base

plate (1). Secure base plate to block with 8. Using electric drill and swivel, tap hole
capscrews and spacers included. until stop collar is 1/8 to 1/4 inch [3.18 to
6.35 mm] from “ bottoming out “ on pilot
2. Place tapered locator stem (5) through bar.
guide bar into hole to be salvaged. Tighten
capscrew (3) securing guide bar to base 9. Remove tap (7), clean all shavings from
plate. hole, Fig. 4-31. Reinstall tap to 1/8 to 1/4
inch [3.18 to 6.35 mm] from bottom. Tap
3. Remove tapered locator. Use a 23/32 size remainder of depth with tap handle or
drill to remove excess stock before reaming. suitable wrench until stop collar (9) bottoms
Install special reamer (6) in pilot bushing. out.
4-22 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

15. Hold head bolt and back off nut 1/4 turn.
Remove bolt from insert.

16. If required, file off any excess stock so

insert is flush with block.

Block Counterbore Salvage

St-1168 Cylinder Liner Counterbore Salvage

Tool is used to enlarge damaged counterbores
for the installation of Part No. 202226 Salvage
Sleeve or bores that have been reworked to
Fig. 4-31. Removing shavings maximum depth.
10. Remove tap and tool. Thoroughly clean
hole. Assembly of Tool
11. Install special nut on standard head cap- 1. Assemble and secure adapter plate (ST-1
168-28, Fig. 4-33) to main body.
12. Install thread insert on cylinder head
2. Assemble tool holder (ST-1168-39) on shaft
capscrew against special nut, Fig. 4-32.
of main body (1168) and secure with nut
(ST-1 168-33) and washer, ST-1168-34.

Machining the Block

1. Remove cutting tool from (ST-1 168-39)

Holding Plate.

2. Place boring machine on cylinder block

above bore to be cut and hand start
mounting capscrews. Capscrew spacers
(ST-1 168-29 or 40) must be on cap-screws.

Fig. 4-32. Installing thread insert 3. Lower tool holder into bore by pulling up
on orifice retractor knob (ST-1 168-14)
13. Clean external threads of insert with
while pushing down on depth collar,
Loctite Primer T Cleaner to remove all
foreign material. Allow to dry. ST-1168-12.

14. Apply light coat of Loctite Sealer to 4. Tool holder lower diameter is used to
external threads and install in block until center machine in Counterbore inside
insert is flush with block top surface. diameter. Push tool holder lower locating
Cylinder Block 4-23

Fig. 4-33. ST-1168 boring tool

diameter into counterbore and tighten four 9. As a further check, back off thimble on
(4) mounting capscrews alternately to 25 micrometer and recheck tool bit length
to 35 ft-lb [34 to 48 N«m] torque. again.

5. Retract tool holder by pulling up on orifice 10. Inser t tool bit into tool holder and
retractor knob, ST-1 168-14. tighten lockscrew (ST-1 168-20). Tool bit
must be held all the way in against tool
6. Loosen setscrew (ST-1 168-23) in back holder.
end of tool bit and push adjustable set pin
11. Turn tool holder until tool bit recess is at
(ST-1 168-21) all the way in. Lock
large opening in (ST-1 168-28) Adapter
7. Adjust micrometer (ST-1 168-25) to 6.750 12. Place a 0.004 inch [0.10 mm] feeler gauge
inch [171.45 mm]. between block and tool bit and lower tool
bit onto feeler gauge by pulling up on
8. Place tool bit (ST-1 168-19) in tool bit retractor knob while pushing down on set
gauge and hold firmly against stop and collar.
hardened pad (ST-1 168-27). Loosen
setscrew and allow adjustable set pin to 13. Loosen set collar setscrew and back off
come out against micrometer spindle. collar counterclockwise until salvage
Lock setscrew. sleeve can be placed between collar and
4-24 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

boring machine main body as a depth 4. The salvage sleeve is designed to be 0.005
indicator. Tighten setscrew in set collar. to 0.010 inch [0.13 to 0.25 mm] above
Remove feeler gauge. required counterbore depth. Check depth
and cut to a depth of from 0.350 to 0.351
Note : This spaces the set collar to cut a depth inch [8.89 to 8.91 mm].
0.004 inch [0.10 mm] less than total height of
salvage sleeve to be used. Cylinder Liners

14. Place 1/2 inch drive Universal joint (ST-1 Cummins cylinder liners (liners) form
168-48) in a 1/2 or 3/4 inch heavy duty combustion chamber walls and are in direct
(10 amperes or more) hand drill. contact with coolant for efficient cooling.
Coolant is sealed in cylinder block (block) by
Caution : Do not use drill rated less than 10 accurately machined surfaces at liner flange
amperes or over 450 rpm. and by packing rings and crevice seal at lower
end of liner.
15. With drill on half inch drive of boring tool
(ST-1168-3), bore hole until drill Inspection
freewheels. About half way down during
cut, tool bit begins cutting out old 1. Check for cracks in cylinder liners just under
counterbore ledge, operator should have top flange, at bottom of liner, or above top
a firm grip on drill to be prepared for seal ring groove as follows :
increased load on drill from added metal
being cut. Stop immediately when drill a. Magnetic Method,
b. Dye Penetrants.
16. Retract tool holder by pulling up on
retractor knob. Remove tool bit from tool 2. Discard any liner with excessive corrosion
holder. Remove boring tool. Clean away or erosion and pits 1/16 inch [1.6 mm] deep
all shavings and deburr bore with emery or more, or if dents, pitting or fretting on
cloth. underside of liner flange cannot be
removed by lapping.
Installing Salvage Sleeve
3. Check worn liners with dial bore gauge.
1. Clean bore thoroughly with a nonpetro- Replace if worn larger than 5.505 inch
leum base solvent or cleaner. [139.83 mm].

2. Coat outside of sleeve lightly with a suitable Crankshaft

sealant and drive sleeve into bore with
driver until it bottoms (see ST-1 168-36 Crankshafts are steel forgings with
through 46). A solid sound can be heard accurately machined and hardened main
when sleeve bottoms. and connecting rod journals. Each shaft is
balanced for proper wight distribution to
3. The sleeve will protrude above the top block insure even forces during rotation. For
by 0.004 inch [0.10 mm] and must be filed complete crankshaft inspection and
even with the top of block. Remove all burrs reconditioning information, see Bulletin
with emery cloth. No. 3379092.
Cylinder Block 4-25

Cleaning 2. Apply 75 to 100ft-lb [102 to 136N»m] on

puller screw.
1. All plugs must be removed and the
crankshaft steam cleaned. 3. Heat gear with heating torch — not a cutting
torch — to 400°F [205°C]. The gear will
2. Clean the crankshaft oil holes (Fig. 4-34) expand, making it easier to pull. Remove
with a stiff-bristle brush that does not gear key.
shatter. If necessary, follow with cleaning
solvent and air. If a steel bristle brush is 4. Inspect crankshaft-for scratches, nicks,
used, follow with air and magnet. cracks and obvious wear pattern and
measure crankshaft journals with micro-
meters. See Fig. 4-35 and Table 4.

Fig. 4-34. Blind oil drilling in crankshaft

Note : Apply special attention in cleaning of Fig. 4-35. Measuring crankshaft connecting rod journal

“blind” holes, these act as dirt collectors.

Table 4 : Crankshaft Journal Specifications —
3. Use a small magnet which can be inserted Inch [mm]
into the oil holes to remove metallic
Connecting Rod Main Bearing
Under- Maxi- Mini- Maxi- Mini-
4. Visual inspection of all drillings must be size mum mum mum mum
made to assure removal of all dirt.
Standard 3.750 3.7485 5.750 5.7485
[95.25] [95.212] [146.05] [146.012]
Disassembly and Inspection 0.010 3.740 3.7385 5.740 5.7385
[94.99] [94.957] [145.79] [145.758]
Note : Remove and replace crankshaft gear
0.020 3.730 3.7285 5.730 5.7285
only if chipped, cracked, broken or worn.
[94.74] [94.704] [145.54] [145.504]
3375840 Crankshaft Gear Puller Set may be
used for this operation. 0.030 3.720 3.7185 5.720 5.7185
[94.49] [94.45] [145.29] [145.250]
1. Attach a circular-type puller behind the 0.040 3.710 3.7085 5.710 5.7085
crankshaft gear. [94.23] [94.196] [145.03] [144.996]
4-26 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

5. Check crankshaft for out-of-round condition. ring location must be included in stamp-
Crankshafts should be reground if main ing as shown in Fig. 4-37. For example :
bearing or crankpin journals are worn out- Front-Std. and rear-0.010 inch
of-round more than 0.002 inch [0.05 mm] assembly.
or if worn smaller than minimum dimensions
given in Table 4.

Note : Main bearing shells and connecting rod

bearing shells are available in 0.010, 0.020,
0.030 and 0.040 inch and thrust rings in 0.010
and 0.020 extra thickness-over standard size.

6. Carefully examine crankshaft thrust flange

at No. 7 main bearing. If surfaces are scored
or scratched, crankshaft thrust surfaces
sh’ould be reground and oversize thrust
rings installed.

7. Reground crankshafts or those used with

undersize rod and main bearings and/or Fig. 4-37. Oversize thrust bearing marking
oversized thrust rings should be marked so
correct bearing shells and thrust rings can
be installed in proper position, Figs. 4-36 9. Install crankshaft gear, if removed.
and 4-37.
Note : Check parts catalog for correct gear part

a. Install key in shaft.

b. Heat gear in preheated oven at 400°F

[204°C] for minimum of one hour.

c. Lubricate flange with high pressure

grease and drive gear onto shaft with
piece of tubing.


Fig. 4-36. Undersize main and connecting rod markings

Main and connecting rod bearings (or shells)
are two-piece units. Upper main bearing
shells contain oil holes for lubrication.
8. The marking for undersize rod and main Connecting rod bearings shells both contain
bearings should be on front counter- oil holes for lubrication and are interchange-
weight, oversize thrust ring size on rear able. Thrust rings are used at No. 7 main
counterweight. Both thrust ring size and bearing.
Cylinder Block 4-27

Inspect Bearing Shells thrust rings and thrust flange is the

crankshaft and clearance check.
1. Gauge shell with ball point micrometer (Fig.
4-38) dial indicator thickness gauge, or 1. With thrust bearings installed, place dial
comparator. Discard shells that are indicator as shown. Move crankshaft to rear
chipped, flaked or scored. Discard bearing of engine.
shells worn thinner than dimensions given
in Table 5. 2. Zero indicator and move crankshaft forward.
Reading must not exceed 0.018 inch [0.46
mm] If clearance is excessive, crankshaft
may need reconditioning. See Manual
Bulletin No. 3379092, Crankshaft

3. Oversize thrust rings are available; be sure

to use same size (thickness) half-ring on
both upper and lower portions. Stamp
crankshaft rear counterweight indicating
size used if other than standard.

Note : Allowable amount of wear on thrust ring

depends upon wear of crankshaft surfaces.
Fig. 4-38. Measuring bearing shell Installed in a cylinder block, crankshaft end
clearance must not exceed 0.018 inch [0.46
mm] at rebuild, Fig. 4-39.
2. Total worn maximum oil clearance
should not vary more than 0.002 inch
[0.05 mm] between adjacent main bear-
ings. Maximum main bearing oil clearance
should not exceed 0.010 inch [0.25 mm]
and maximum rod bearing oil clear-
ances should not exceed 0.0085 inch
[0.216 mm].

Note : Under no. circumstances scrape

bearing shells, nor should they be lapped or
filed to increase oil clearances. A properly
fitted bearing will appear dull gray after a
reasonable period of service, indicating it is
running on an oil film. Bright spots indicate Fig. 4-39. Checking crankshaft end clearance
metal-to-metal contact and black spots
indicate excessive clearance.
Vibration Dampers
Crankshaft Thrust Rings
V-1710 engines use rubber member dam-
The best measurement of wear on crankshaft pers which are tuned to the engine’s natural
4-28 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

system frequency. These are made of metal

units separated by rubber compound material.


Rubber dampers should be cleaned in

household detergent.

Table 5: Bearing Shell Thickness — Inch [mm]

Connecting Rod Main

Undersize Minimum Minimum

Standard 0.1232 0.1692

[3.129] [4.298]
0.010 0.1282 0.1742
[3.256] [4.425]
0.020 0.1332 0.1792
[3.383] [4.552]
0.030 0.1382 0.1842
[3.510] [4.679]
Fig. 4-40. Rubber cavity depth of vibration damper
0.040 0.1432 0.1892
[3.637] [4.806]
damper hub and inertia member, Fig. 4-41.
If out of alignment more than 1/16 inch [1.59
Caution : Use of solvent or degreasing mm], discard damper.
compounds will cause deterioration of
rubber. Note : Paint should be removed to complete
Steps 3 and 4.


1. Inspect damper for cracks. Inspect rubber

member for deterioration that will impair its

a. If the cavity depth (1, Fig. 4-40) exceeds

1/8 inch [3.18 mm] all the way around,
the damper must be considered failed.

b. If the cavity depth (2) exceeds 3/8 inch

[9.5 mm] all the way around the damper,
the damper must be considered failed.

2. Check for alignment of index marks on Fig. 4-41. Vibration damper alignment marks
Cylinder Block 4-29

3. Vibration dampers that become damaged Note : Be sure rod and cap are kept mated at
“wobble” during operation, indicating loss all times.
of effectiveness. Check for damper wobble
a. Check rods for cracks with 1800 ampere
on inner ledge of inertia (outer) member. current AC equipment or 1500 ampere
Wobble must not exceed 0.009 inch [0.23 current DC or rectified AC equipment
mm] per inch [25.4 mm] of radius. longitudinally between plates.

4. Measure eccentricity on outer ledge of b. Check rods for cracks with 3000 to 3400
inertia member, it should not exceed 0.006 ampere-turns with AC equipment or
inch [0.15 mm] per inch [25.4 mm] of 2600 to 2800 ampere-turns with DC or
damper radius. rectified AC equipment in a coil. Pay
particular attention to shaded critical
Repair areas shown in Fig. 4-42.

Dampers are not subject to field repair. If

inspection shows them to be defective, install
a new damper.

Vibration Damper Mounting Adapter

1. Check damper mounting capscrew hole

threads in crankshaft.

2. Maximum eccentricity of the mounting

adapter, measured on the outside diameter
of the pilot, must not exceed 0.004 inch
[0.10 mm] total indicator reading. Fig. 4-42. Connecting rod specifications

3. Wobble of the flange, measured at 2-3/4

Note : Ampere-turns is defined as the
inch [69.85 mm] radius, must not exceed
amperage flowing through the coil, multiplied
0.003 inch [0.08mm].
by the number of turns in the coil. Most Coils
contain four (4) turns and therefore only 700
4. The above readings are to be taken after
amperes need to be applied with DC
assembly on the engine.
equipment, or 850 amperes with AC
Caution : Crankshaft must be kept to front
or rear thrust limit while wobble is checked. c. Apply one and one-half percent wet
solution while current is on. Make
Connecting Rods Inspection visual inspection after each application
of current.
1. Magnaflux all connecting rods, caps and
bolts; discard if cracks are detected. 2. Assemble cap to rod and alternately
4-30 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

tighten nuts to operating tension as b. If connecting rod bolts have been

described in Table 6. tightened excessively, they may be
permanently stretched in which case
3. Check crankpin bore with a dial bore gauge.
they must be discarded. Discard bolt if “
Correct size is important to provide correct
smallest diameter is less than 0.540
bearing crush. Inside diameter after rod cap
inch [13.72 mm].
is removed and reinstalled is 4.0018 to
4.0028 inch [101.646 to 101.671 mm] c. Check bolt pilot O.D. Discard bolt if pilot
except within 30 degrees of parting line.
is smaller than 0.6245 inch [15.862mm].
Within 30 degrees of parting line, maximum
dimension may increase to 4.0033 inch d. Discard all bolts and nuts that have
[101.684mm]. distorted threads.
4. Check piston pin bushing diameter with ST- e. Check bolt hole diameter. If diameter
205 Plug Gauge or with dial bore indicator.
exceeds 0.6249 inch [15.872 mm],
Replace Bushing if worn larger Than
discard rod.
2.0025 inch [50.863 mm], Fig. 4-43.
f. Check bolt pad radius. See Restore

Calibrate Checking Fixture for Rod Size

1. Select a new rod that has been checked

for correct absolute center to center
(2, Fig. 4-42) length, 12 inch [304.80
mm] between centers. (Production rods
may vary from 11.998 to 12 inch
[304.75 to 304.80 mm]).

2. Assemble cap to rod. Select fit bolts for a

Fig. 4-43. Checking connecting rod piston pin bushing light press fit (5 Ib. [22 N] minimim) in the
rod. Lubricate threads of bolts and nuts with
5. Use ST-561 Checking Fixture and Locating engine lubricating oil and tighten as
Mandrel to check rod alignment. specified in Table 6.
Note : Difference in reading should not
3. Insert piston pin mandrel, furnished in
exceed 0.015 inch [0.38 mm].
ST-563 Mandrel Set, in piston-pin bore.
6. Check connecting rod bolts, bolt holes and
4. Insert and tighten (“ snug “ only) expand-
bolt pads.
ing arbor ST-758 in crankpin bore. Locating
a. The bolt head must rest squarely on pin must be down in cap on center line of
milled surfaces of rod. rod.
Cylinder Block 4-31

Table 6: Connecting Rod Torquing Procedure — Check Rod Alignment

Measurements read directly from dial indicator
Minimum Maximum indicate comparative length and misalignment
of bores. Measurements apply with or without
Step 1 Tighten to 70 [ 95 ] 80 [ 108 ]
bushing installed.
Step 2 Advance to 140 [190] 150 [ 203 ]
1. Assemble mandrels in rod to be checked.
Step 3 Loosen completely Be sure pin in mandrel is down and locked
in position in center line of rod.
Step 4 Tighten to 70 [ 95 ] 80 [ 108 ]

Step 5 Advance to 140 [ 190 ] 150 [ 203 ]

2. Set rod in calibrated fixture.

Breakaway torque 140 [ 190 ] 180 [ 244 ] 3. Record readings from right and left dial
indicators to determine length and bend.

5. Set rod in fixture, Fig. 4-44. a. To determine length, add right and left
indicator reading (noting plus and minus
readings) and divide by two (2). This
gives the amount shorter or longer than
the master rod.

b. To determine bend, subtract the smaller

reading from the larger (again noting
plus and minus readings).

4. Length must be no longer than the master

rod and not more than 0.002 inch [0.05 mm]
shorter. Bend must not exceed 0.004 inch
[0.10mm] without bushing or 0.0015 inch
[0.038mm] with bushing installed.
Fig. 4-44. Checking rod bore alignment
5. Measure rod twist with a feeler gauge
6. Move dial holder so dials indicate on piston between piston pin and dial holding plate,
pin. Fig. 4-45.

7. Zero dial indicators. Connecting rod twist when rod does not
contain piston pin bushing must not exceed
8. Lift rod, arbor and pin assembly from fixture; 0.020 inch [0.51 mm]. Twist must not
turn horizontally 180 degrees; set back in exceed 0.010 inch [0.25 mm] with bushing
fixture. in place and bored to size.

9. Readjust dial indicators to read halfway Check Centerline of Rod

between second readings and zero. Fixture
is now calibrated. 1. Attach a Starrett No. 196 indicator so it
4-32 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

Note : Rod must measure 12.000 inch [304.80

mm] in length to remove 0.009 inch [0.23 mm]
from mating surfaces of cap and rod face.

a. Parts must be clamped securely during

operation to insure proper contact of
entire mating surfaces and proper
alignment of bores for rod bolts when
asembled. Bolt holes must remain
perpendicular to machined mating

b. Use surface plate and lapping

compound to lap rod and cup mating
Fig. 4-45. Checking rod twist
surfaces. After grinding and lapping, “
blue “ surfaces; seating or flatness
will contact the side milled surface of piston pattern must show a minimum 75
pin end or rod. percent contact. Still-blued area must
not bejn area outside boltcenterline
2. Slide crankshaft end of connecting rod (area farthest from bore centerline); this
sideways to contact ST-561 on same side area should indicate 100 percent
as indicator gauge. See Step 1. seating, Fig. 4-46.]

3. Zero indicator gauge on milled surface.

4. Turn rod 180 degrees and repeat Steps 2

and 3. Difference in reading must not
exceed 0.015 inch [0.38 mm].

Repair Operations

Resize Crankpin Bore

Resize only if crankpin bore is outside limits

given previously in “ Inspection ”.

1. Remove old piston pin bushing with ST-870 Fig. 4-46. Areas of flanges
or ST-1242 Mandrel and Block. Install cap
c. Place mating rod and cap surfaces
and tighten nuts to prescribed torque. See
together and check closely for evidence
Table 6.
of out-of-flat.
2. Recheck rod length on ST-561 Checking
Fixture. If rod length is 11.991 inch [304.57 3. The rod cap must be reassembled to rod
mm] or less, rod cannot be resized and and tightened to operating tension. See
must be discarded. Table 6.
Cylinder Block 4-33

Note : When placing rod in boring machine, 6. Install and bore new heavy-wall piston pin
place numbered side of rod in if spacer bars bushing as described under “ Replace
are not used. Install rod with numbered side Piston Pin Bushing “ Bore piston pin
out if spacer bars are used. bushing offcenter to restone rod to original
11.998 to 12.00 inch [304.75 to 304.80mm]
4. Line bore or grind crankpin bore to 4.0020 length.
to 4.0025 inch [101.651 to 101.664 mm]. A
fixture is required to maintain alignment of
Restore Fillet
1. A dimension of 0.080 to 0.090 inch [2.03
Note : The above mentioned measurement is
to 2.29 mm] (1, Fig. 4-48) fillet radius must
boring dimension before rod and cap
be present at all corners where rod is milled
separation. After rod and cap separation and
for bolt head.
rod cap is retorqued to rod, dimensions
must be 4.0018 to 4.0028 inch [101.645
to 101.671 mm] in an area beyond 30
degrees on either side of par ting line,
Fig. 4-47. Dimensions within 30 degrees of
parting line must be 4.0018 to 4.0033 inch
[101.645 to 101.684mm].

Fig. 4-48. Connecting rod radius specifications

2. Remove nicks and dents which are less

than 1/16 inch [1.59 mm] deep by grind-
ing or filing with a half-round file. Radius
must be 1/2 inch [12.70 mm] or more.
Blend radii at ends of cut. Scrap rod if dents
Fig. 4-47. Connecting rod bore check points are deeper than 1/16 inch [1.59 mm] (3),
Fig. 4-42.
5. Check alignment on 6T-561. See “ Check
Rod Alignment “. Chamfer Piston Pin Bore
Note : ST-294 Boring Machine is not suitable 1. ST-861 Chamfering Tool is used to
for this job. Use ST-526, a milling machine or chamfer piston pin bushing bore, if not
cylinder grinder with a precision fixture. chamfered.
Finished surface must be 75 micro-inch A.A.
or better to insure proper contact with 2. Install proper bushing tool detail by use of
connecting rod bearing shells. flat-head screw.
4-34 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

3. Set the guide screw holder in position. assemble Detail 5 sleeve piston pin bush-
There are three notches so guide screw ing and Detail 6 guide sleeve, Fig. 4-49.
will follow face of bore.

4. Adjust tool bit until point just clears guide

screw and tighten in piston with two set

5. Install unit into bore.

6. Adjust the guide screw (up or down) until

tool bit just engages bore.

Note : A slight pressure is required against

guide screw. To obtain this pressure, tighten
set screw in end of holder against guide screw.
Fig. 4-49. Installing piston pin bushing
7. Insert drive ratchet and turn tool one
complete turn to clean up edge of bore. Caution : If one piece bushing is being used,
be sure to line up oil hole in bushing and
8. Loosen guide screw and again turn tool rod.
one or more complete turns to give a clean
cut. 2. Mount connecting rod in ST-526 Tobin-Arp
Boring Machine, Fig. 4-50.
Note : Repeat until a uniform chamfer of 0.040
to 0.060 inch [1.02 to 1.52 mm] depth is

9. Remove tool from bore, turn rod over and

chamfer other side of bore.

10. With both sides chamfered, remove tool.

11. Use emery cloth to remove any sharp

edges which may have been left on

12. Wash rod which is ready for bushing Fig. 4-50. _ Boring piston pin bushing
3. Assemble the mandrel with all compo-
nents listed in Step 1 into the connecting
Replace Piston Pin Bushing rod bushing bore.

1. To install standard size bushings in rods; 4. Line up mark on Detail 5 with middle of
use ST-1242 or Detail 2 of ST-870, boss on rod.
Cylinder Block 4-35

5. Using an arbor press, push bushing into 7. Check all dimensions on rebushed and
bore until Detail 5 contacts side of rod pin rebored rods on ST-561 Checking Fixture
boss. as previously described.

6. Remove assembly and place rod on

Detail 7 block so installed bushing half is Piston and Piston Rings
down. Piston Rings
7. Using same tools less Detail 6 guide sieve, New rings should be checked in cylinder liner
press second half-bushing in the rod flush in which they are to be used to make sure the
with rod surface. gaps are correct.
8. To install thick-walled bushings in rods 1. Insert each nng in mating cylinder liner.
which have been resized at crankpin end, Position with head of piston so it is seated
install in same manner as Step 1, except squarely in right travel area of liner.
use smaller inside diameter Details 3, 9 and
10 instead of Details 2, 5 and 6. 2. Measure ring gap with a feeler gauge. Gap
should fall within limits given in Table 7. See
Fig. 4-51.
Bore Rod Piston Pin Bushing

1. Fill lubricating holes with soap to keep out


2. Mount connecting rod in ST-526 Tobin-Arp

Boring Machine, Fig. 4-50.

Note : Lower mandrel should have only the

two horizontal blades in place to properly
locate the side position of the piston pin end of

3. See instruction booklet furnished with ST-

526 for operating procedure.

4. Bore bushings to 2.001 to 2.0015 inch Fig. 4-51. Measuring piston ring gap in liner
[50.825 to 50.838 mm] I.D. (1, Fig. 4-49).
(Remove rod from ST-526 and check size
with ST-205 Plug Gauge.) 3. Never file or stone chrome-plated rings.

5. Remove Sharp edges with a scraper. 4. Check current parts catalogs to assure use
of proper ring/piston combination. Chrome-
6. Remove shavings and soap, wash in plated top and intermediate compression
mineral spirits and dry with compressed rings must be installed in proper piston ring
air. grooves.
4-36 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

Pistons with segment of a new ring and a feeler

Cleaning and Inspection
a. Hold ring in groove, flush with land and
Remove and discard inserts from teflon pad • insert 0.006 inch [0.15 mm] feeler
type pistons. Pad should be replaced at each gauge.
rebuild. Do not reuse button type pistons.
b. If gauge enters groove without forcing
or disengaging ring, wear is excessive
1. Clean pistons in a solvent cleaning bath that and piston should not be reused.
will not attack aluminium.
5. Measure piston skir t diameter with
micrometer at right angle to piston pin
Caution : Piston skirts are coated with a
bore (A, Fig. 4-52) for barrel-ground
plating that may blister if overheated. We
pistons. Measure at 70°F [21°C].
recommend that water boiling point not be
Replace pistons if worn smaller than
5.483 inch [139.27mm].

Table 7: Piston Ring Gap — Inches [mm]

Part No. Maximum* Minimum

147670 0.033 0.023

[0.84] [0.58]

132880 0.029 0.019

[0.74] [0.48]

214730 0.029 0.019

[0.74] [0.48]

218732 0.025 0.010

[0.64] [0.25]
Fig. 4-52. Piston check points
*Add 0.003 inch [0.08 mm] for each 0.001 inch [0.03
mm] wear on used cylinder liners inside diameter.
6. Piston pin bore check at 70°F [21°C]
should be between 1.9985 inch [50.762
2. After cleaning, check top and second ring mm] and 2.000 inch [50.800 mm]. Add
grooves with ST-560 Ring Groove Wear 0.0005 inch [0.013 mm] per 10°F [6°C]
Gauge. upto90°F [32°C].

7. Check piston pin outside diameter with

3. Shoulders of gauge must not touch ring micrometer. Pins should not be reused if
groove lands if piston is to be reused. If out-of-round more than 0.001 inch [0.03
shoulders touch, discard piston. mm] or worn smaller than 1.9978 inch
[50.744 mm]. Do not rebore piston and use
4. If ST-560 is not available, check wear oversize piston pin.
Cylinder Block 4-37

Piston-To-Connecting Rod Assembly Camshaft

1. Pistons are machined to a very close weight Inspection

tolerance. Therefore, as long as the same
part number piston is used throughout the Check camshaft bearing journals with
engine, piston balancing is unnecessary. micrometers, Fig. 4-53. Replace camshaft if
journals are worn smaller than 2.120 inch
2. Be sure rod and cap are stamped with [53.85 mm] or if scuffed or scored.
cylinder number from which removed
before disassembly to prevent mixing parts.

3. Install one piston pin snap ring in piston

pin bore.

4. Heat aluminum pistons in boiling water

or in an overn at or below 210°F [97°C]
for approximately 15 minutes. Install pin
through piston and connecting rod pin
bore before piston cools. At 70°F [21 °C]
the pin fit is 0.005 inch [0.013 mm] press
fit to 0.002 inch [0.056 mm] slip fit.
This prevents pin assembly untess
piston is heated. Secure pin with second Fig. 4-53. Measuring camshaft journal
snap ring in groove at opposite end of pin
bore. Replace camshafts that have scuffed, scored,
pitted, or craked injector or valve lobes. Check
by magnetic inspection for possible cracks.
Kirloskar Cummins Limited does not
Caution : Never drive piston pin in pistons. recommened regrinding of camshaft lobes.
Driving may cause distortion of piston, Following inspection, install 1/8 inch socket
causing piston seizure in cylinder liner. head pipe plug in the gear end of camshaft.
Torque to 15ft-lb [20 N•m].

Rear Cover
1. Remove gear if chipped, cracked or visibly
The rear cover is a unit subject to replacement worn or if thrust bearing must be replaced.
of seals only. Damaged housings require Gear is press-fit on camshaft.
replacement by a new assembly or installation
of a thread insert for stripped threads; these 2. Place camshaft in a press between
are the only items of repair. V-blocks. Heat gear with heating torch to
300° to 400°F [148° to 204°C] if to be
A dual lip rear oil seal is available for use in discarded.
place of two single lip oil seals used in “ Wet
Type “ clutch aplications. Caution : Never support gear on outer gear
4-38 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

surfaces. Always support hub area with Gear Cover

V-blocks or equivalent spacers.
Accessory Drive Bushing
3. Press camshaft from gear and remove
1. Inspect bushing for wear. Install new
bushing if worn larger than dimensions
4. Heat camshaft gear in an oven preheated given to Table 10. Shaft to bushing
to 400°F [204°C] for a minimum of one clearance must be 0.002 to 0.0075 inch
[0.05 to 0.191 mm]. Be sure oil hole is
indexed, Fig. 4-54
5. Note type of key used. Refer to Table 8 and
2. Undersize inside diameter bushings are
9 for key offset when changing keys,
available for use where air compressor
camshafts, or gears. crankshaft or fuel pump drive is worn or
ground undersize. See Table 10. Shaft to
Note : Camshaft key part number is stamped
bushing clearance should be maintained
on key for identification purpose.
between 0.002 to 0.0075 inch [0.05 to 0.191
6. Coat camshaft gear hub area with high
pressure lubricant.
Generator Drive Bore (Bushing)
7. Place camshaft in press. Install new thrust
washer and insert new key in camshaft. 1. Inspect bushing for wear, install new
Press on camshaft gear while hot. Smooth bushing if worn larger than 1.3205 inch
side of thrust washer must be toward [33.541 mm]. Shaft to bushing clearance
engine block. must be 0.002 to 0.0075 inch [0.51 to
0.0191 mm].
Note : Always check timing when a new
2. Align oil holes and press in new bushing,
camshaft or gear is installed in an engine.
Fig. 4-55. New bushing inside diameter is
1.316 to 1.319 inch [33.43 to 33.50 mm]
Gear Housing after assembly.

1. Inspect for cracks, breaks or burrs. Repair 3. Press bushing (Part No. 161201) over
as necessary. machined trunnion with chamfered side of
bushing toward gear case.
2. Replace studs if threads are damaged.
4. Install oil seals only when gear cover is
3. Inspect threads and repair with thread ready to be assembled to engine. This
inserts if damaged. prevents collection of dirt which could get
into bearings, etc.
4. If dowels are damaged, replace or bore out
for next oversize. Inspection

5. Remove pipe plugs, clean oil passages, 1. If not previously removed, remove all oil
and replace pipe plugs. seals.
Cylinder Block 4-39

Table 8: Injector Timing Specifications

Engine *Key Arrow Crank Angle Piston Push Tube

Model Part No. Direction Degrees Travel Travel ln.[mm]
Inches [mm] Nominal Fast Slow
V-1710-460, 500 200722 To Rear 19 deg. BTC -0.2032 -0.034 -0.032 -0.036
V-1710-L [5.161] [-.0086] [-0.81] [0.91]
V-1710-500M, 200712 To Front 19 deg. BTC -0.2032 -0.030 -0.028 -0.032
GS, GC, PG [5.161] [-0.76] [-0.71] [-0.81]
VT-1710-635, 700 202600 To Rear 19 deg. BTC -0.2032 -0.045 -0.042 -0.047
VT-1710-L, M,GS, [-5.161] [-1.14] [-1.07] [-1.19]
VTA-1710-800 200707 To Front 19 deg. BTC -0.2032 -0.0525 -0.050 -0.055
VTA-1710-L, M, [-5.161] [-1.333] [-1.27] [-1.40]
VTA12-800-GS/GC 200713 To Rear 19 deg. BTC -0.2032 -0.0745 -0.071 -0.076
VTA-1710-PGC, 800 [-5.161] [-1.892] [-1.85] [-1.93]
’These keys are normally used to get the required timing; however, due to stack-ups it may be necessary to
use another key.

Table 9: Camshaft Key Tabulation

Key Amount of Offset Change in Push Tube Travel Angle of

Part No. Inch [mm] Inch [mm] Offset

200707 0.0115 [0.2921] 0.0037 [0.0939] 0° 38'

200712 0.0075 [0.1905] 0.0024 [0.0609] 0° 23'
200713 0.0185 [0.4699] 0.0061 [0.1549] 1° 2'
200722 0.0060 [0.1524] 0.0019 [0.0482] 0° 20'
200723 0.0255 [0.6477] 0.0084 [0.2133] 1° 26'
202600 0.0390 [0.9906] 0.0128 [0.3251] 2° 29'
208746 0.0310 [0.7874] 0.0102 [0.2590] 0° 59'
3012307 0.051 [1.2954] 0.0168 [0.4267] 3° 14'
Arrow toward front- Advances Timing
Arrow toward rear- Retards Timing
On L.H.rotation engines reverse arrow for same timing effect.

Table 10 : Accessory Drive Bushing Dimensions

- Inch [mm]

Undersize Part No. Minimum Maximum

2. Check bushings, remove and discard if
Standard 132770 1.565 1.569 rough or worn.
[39.75] [39.853]

0.010 132771 1.555 1.559

3. Check trunnion and/or bushing for wear.
[39.50] [39.599] Replaceable bushing is available to
“rebuild” outside diameter of trunnion
0.020 132772 1.545 1.549 which was not originally equipped with
[39.24] [39.345] bushing.
4-40 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

Fig. 4-54 : Fuel pump/accessory drive bushing location.

Fig. 4-55 : Auxiliary/generator drive bushing location.

Cylinder Block 4-41

Parts Replacement and Repair mm] at any location or if cracked or

1. Press new bushing or bearings into cover The following service tools or tools of equal
as required. quality are considered necessary or
desirable to repair and/or rebuild the
cylinder block as outlined in this manual.
2. If gear trunnion on cover is to be bushed;
machine gear case trunnion to 6.247 to SERVICE TOOLS REQUIRED
6.250 inch [158.67 to 158.75 mm] outer
diameter, Fig. 3-56. Service
Number Tool Name

ST-1177 Boring Tool (Main Bearing Bore)

ST-1252 Concentricity Gauge
ST-1228 Camshaft Bushing Drive Kit
3375116 Boring Machine


ST-205 Plug Gauge

ST-547 Gauge Block
ST-561 Checking Fixture (Connecting Rod)
ST-563 Locating Mandrel Set (Connecting Rod)
ST-758 Locating Mandrel Set (Connecting Rod)
ST-598 Bushing Mandrel (Gear Cover)
ST-861 Chamfering Tool (Connecting Rod)
ST-899 Connecting Rod Ring Gauge
ST-1116 or Puller (Main Bearing Cap)
ST-1171 Bushing Mandrel (Accessory Drive)
ST-1184 Cylinder Liner Hold Down Tool
ST-1189 Tappet Guide Screw Salvage Kit
ST-1272 Salvage Tool
3375840 Gear Puller
ST-1318 Lower Bore Chamfer Tool
Fig. 4-56. Gear case cover and trunnion.
Standard Tools — Obtain Locally

CAMSHAFT SUPPORT Dial Bore Indicators

1/2 Inch Electric Drill

1. Clean support in a solvent not harmful to


2. Be sure oil drain holes are open.

3. Discard support if inside diameter is

worn larger than 1.757 inch [44.653
4-42 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

Specifications and Usable Parts Limits-lnch[mm]

Measurement Usable Limit New Minimum New Maximum

4 Cylinder Block

–1 Camshaft Bore 2.2555 2.2535 2.2545

[57.290] [57.239] [57.264]

–2 Camshaft Bushing I. D. Installed 2.1295 2.1245 2.1283

[54.089] [53.962] [54.059]

–3 Cylinder Liner Counterbore Diameter 6.5615 6.5635

[166.662] [166.713]

–4 Cylinder Liner Counterbore Depth 0.411 0.350 0.352

[10.44] [8.89] [8.94]

–6 Cylinder Block Lower Liner Bore 6.124 6.126

[155.55] [155.60]

–7 Liner-To-Block Diametrical Clearance

.1 Lower Bore 0.002 0.006
[0.05] [0.15]

–8 Cylinder Liner
.1 I.D. 5.505 5.4995 5.5010
[139.83] [139.69] [139.73]
.2 Press Fit O.D.
.1 Flange 6.564 6.566
[166.73] [166.78]

.3 Flange Thickness 0.355 0.356

[9.02] [9.04]

.4 Installed Out-Of-Round
.1 Press Fit Area 0.003

.2 Packing Ring Area 0.002


–9 Cylinder Liner Protrusion 0.004 0.006

[0.10] [0.15]

.1 Liner Protrusion Variation under Same Head [0.001]


–10 Main Bearing Bore 6.0965 6.095 6.096

[154.851] [154.81] [154.84]
Cylinder Block 4-43

Measurement Usable Limit New Minimum New Maximum

4 Cylinder Block (Cont’d.)

–11 Main Bearing Cap Interference Fit 0.002 0.004

[0.05] [0.10]

–13 Block Height

.1 From Top of Alignment Bar 15.9457 15.9565 15.958
[405.021] [405.295] [405.33]

.2 From Main Bearing Bore Centerline 18.994 19.004 19.006

[482.45] [492.70] [482.75]

.3 Variance End-To-End Maximum 0.002


.4 Flatness Maximum 0.004


.5 Waviness Maximum [0.0007]


–14 Tappet Bores in Block

.1 Injector 1.627 1.6245 1.6265
[41.33] [41.262] [41.313]

.2 Valve 1.1895 1.187 1.189

[30.213] [30.15] [30.20]

–15 Idler Shaft Bore in Block 1.7485 1.7505

[44.44] [44.46]

–16 Idler Shaft Pilot Diameter 1.7520 1.7525

[44.501] [44.514]

–17 Idler Shaft Diameter 1.997 1.9975 1.998

[50.72] [50.797] [50.75]

–18 Bearings
.1 Main Thickness 0.1692 0.1705 0.1712
[4.298] [4.331] [4.348]

.2 Connecting Rod Thickness 0.1232 0.1245 0.125

[3.129] [3.162] [3.175]

–19 Bearing Journal Clearance

.1 Main 0.010 0.0026 0.006
[0.25] [0.066] [0.152]

.2 Connecting Rod 0.0085 0.0018 0.0053

[0.216] [0.046] [0.135]
4-44 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

Measurement Usable Limit New Minimum New Maximum

4 Cylinder Block (Cont’d.)

–20 Crankshaft Thrust Ring Thickness

.1 Standard 0.245 0.247

[0.22] [6.27]

.2 0.010 Oversize 0.255 0.257

[6.48] [6.53]

.3 0.020 Oversize 0.265 0.267

[6.73] [6.78]

–21 Crankshaft End Clearance 0.018 0.006 0.013

[0.46] [0.15] [0.33]

–22 Crankshaft

.2 Main Bearing Journal 5.7465 5.7485 5.750

[145.961] [146.012] [146.05]

.2 Connecting Rod Journal 3.747 3.7485 3.750

[95.17] [95.212] [95.25]

.3 Main and Rod Journal Out-Of-Round 0.002


.4 Gear Area

.1 Front 3.812 3.813

[96.82] [96.85]

.5 Seal Area

.1 Front 3.750 3.751

[95.25] [95.28]

.2 Rear 7.248 7.250

[184.10] [184.15]

–23 Vibration Damper

.1 Alignment Mark 1/16 1/16

[1.6] [1.6]

.2 Eccentricity 0.030 0.030

[0.76] [0.76]

.3 Wobble 0.055 0.055

[1.40] [1.40]
Cylinder Block 4-45

Measurement Usable Limit New Minimum New Maximum

4 Cylinder Block (Cont’d.)

–24 Conecting Rods

.1 Crankpin Bore 4.0018 4.0028

[101.646] [101.671]

.2 Out-of-Round 0.00.1

.3 Piston Pin Bushing I.D. Installed 2.0025 2.001 2.0015

[50.864] [50.83] [50.838]

.4 Rod Length Center-To-Center 11.998 12.000

[304.749] [304.800]

.5 Rod Bore Alignment

.1 Without Bushing 0.008


.2 With Bushing 0.004


.6 Rod Twist

.1 Without Bushing 0.020


.2 With Bushing 0.010


.7 Rod Bolt

.1 Smallest O.D. 0.540


.2 Pilot O.D. 0.6245 0.6247 0.6252

[15.862] [15.867] [15.880]

.3 Press Fit in Rod 5 Ibs. 5 Ibs.

[22 N] [22 N]

.8 Rod -Bolt Hole

.1 Pilot I.D.Rod 0.6249 0.6243 0.6248

[15.872] [15.857] [15.870]

.2 Pilot I.D. Cap 0.6249 0.6243 0.6248

[15.872] [15.857] [15.870]

.9 Side Clearance

.1 Rod-To-Rod-To-Crankshaft 0.008 0.022

[0.21] [0.56]
4-46 V-1710 Engine Shop Manual

Measurement Usable Limit New Minimum New Maximum

4 Cylinder Block (Cont’d.)

–25 Piston and Piston Rings

.1 Piston Skirt Diameter

.1 214770, 214710 5.480 5.4830 5.4840

[139.19] [139.268] [139.294]

.2 175760, 195250, 199619, 3003175, 5.483 5.4870 5.4880

3003176 [139.268] [139.370] [139.395]

.3 Piston Pin Bore 2.000 1.9985 1.9989

[50.80] [50.762] [50.772]

.4 Piston Pin Diameter 1.9978 1.9988 1.999

[50.744] [50.770] [50.77]
.5 Piston Ring Gap

.1 Top (147670) 0.023 0.033

[0.58] [0.84]

.2 Intermediates (214730, 132880) 0.019 0.029

[0.48] [0.74]

.3 Oil (218732) 0.010 0.025

[0.25] [0.64]

6. Padded Piston Pad-To-Pad Diameter 5.0445 5.0470

(between flats) [128.130] [128.194]

.7 Pad Thickness 0.223 0.225

[5.66] [5.72]

–26 Camshaft

.1 Journal Diameter 2.120 2.122 2.123

[53.85] [53.90] [53.92]

.2 Thrust Plate Thickness 0.093 0.098

[2.36] [2.49]

.3 End Clearance 0.010 0.015

[0.25] [0.38]

.4 O.D. At Front Support 1.745 1.747 1.748

[44.32] [44.37] [44.40]

.5 Outboard Bearing Support

.1 I.D. 1.757 1.751 1.754

[44.63] [44.48] [44.55]

.2 O.D. 2.616 2.618

[66.45] [66.50]
Cylinder Block 4-47

Measurement Usable Limit New Minimum New Maximum

4 Cylinder Block (Cont’d.)

–27 Gear Cover

.1 Accessory Drive Bushing I.D.

.1 Standard 1.5705 1.565 1.569

[39.891] [39.751] [39.853]

.2 0.010 Undersize 1.5605 1.555 1.559

[39.637] [39.497] [39.599]

.3 0.020 Undersize 1.5505 1.545 1.549

[39.383] [39.243] [39.345]

.2 Generator Drive Bushing I.D. 1.3205 1.316 1.319

[33.541] [33.426] [33.503]

–28 Gear Cover

.1 Seal Bore I.D. 8.123 8.127

[206.32] [206.43]

–29 Gear Train

.1 End Clearance

.1 Idler Gear 0.020 0.001 0.016

[0.51] [0.03] [0.41]

.2 Gear-To-Gear-Backlash 0.010 0.006 0.010

[0.25] [0.15] [0.25]
Fig. 5-1. Cylinder head – exploded view

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