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Design of Thrust Block: G Q in Degrees

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Design of Thrust Block

Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project

Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
3 plate thickness = 8.8 mm
4 inside lining = 9 mm
5 outside coating = 40 mm
6 Outer Dia meter of Pipe 1215.6 mm
7 Density of concrete = 2400 kg/m3
8 Density of Cement mortar coating 2200 kg/m3
9 Density of outer coating 2200 kg/m3
10 Density of Steel = 7850 kg/m3
11 Degree of Angle of bend a in degrees = 90 O
12 Working Pressure in the pipe line (WP) = 8.58 Kg/cm2
13 Test pressure in the pipe line (TP) = 12.87 Kg/cm2
14 Factor of safety adopted (over Testing pressure) Sf = 1
15 Grade of concrete = M 15
16 Grade fo steel = Fe 415
17 Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil (Sb) 8 T/m2
18 Earth cover above bend = 1m
19 Density of soil g s = 1850 Kg/m3
20 Angle of Internal friction of soil q in degrees = 30 O
21 Friction Fcator m = 0.4
22 Soil Cohesion Cs = 0
Dimensions of Thrust block
1 Length of thrust block L = 5.00
2 Width of thrust block away from pipe B1 = 5.00
3 Width of Thrust Block at Pipe B2 = 1.7
4 Height of thrust block away from pipe H1 = 2.70
5 Height of thrust block pipe H2 = 1.70
6 Height of pipe centre from bottom h = 0.75
7 Restraint Length required for Lrestrained = 107.86 m
Check for SBC = 105.59/(5.00*2.70) 7.82 <8 OK
Factor of Safety = 1.48 1.48 >1 OK
Dimensions OK
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
Wp = = 12.87 Kg/cm2
a = = 90 O
Internal dia of Pipe = = 110 cm
Effective dia = = 121.56 cm
Friction factor = = 0.4
Angle of internal friction = = 30 O
X-section Area of pipe A = 11605.70 cm2 = 1.16 Sqm.
Thrust = 2 p A sin(a/2) = 211178 Kg
TH = 211.18 T
As per CPHEEO Manual Clause No. 6.16.18 Pg. 161 about 50 % thrust will be taken by the longitudinal
stress in the pipes.
So remaining thrust may be resisted by concrete block
105.59 T
Thrust Block Design by Bearing area method
Bearing area required at the trench wall= (TH / SbxSf) 13.20 m2
Let the size of Block be as shown in figure
Ratio of Width/Height B1/H 1.85
Width B1 at Trench Wall ROUNDUP(1.85*(13.20/1.85)^0.5,1) 5.00
Width B2 at Pipe ROUNDUP( 1.7,1) 1.7
Height H ROUNDUP((13.20/1.85)^0.5,1) 2.70
length L 5.00 5.00
Average Area of Thrust Block proposed = 5.00*(5.00+ 1.7)/2 16.750
Friction between thrust block and soil
Earth Cover = 0.05
((1/3*5.00*( 1.7^2+5.00*2.70+
(( 1.7^2)*(5.00*2.70))^0.5))* 2400/1000)-
i) Weight of Concrete Thrust Block (((3.14/4)*( 1215.6/1000)^2)* 2400/1000) 87.76
3.14*(( 1100+2* 9+ 8.8)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(ii) Wt. of pipe resting on thrust block 7850/1000*(5.00+ 1.7)/2 0.84
3.14*(( 1100+ 9)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(iii) Wt. of lining of pipe resting on thrust block 2200/1000*(5.00+ 1.7)/2 0.23
3.14*(( 1100+2*( 8.8+ 9)+
40)/1000)*( 40/1000)* 2200/1000*(5.00+
(iv) Wt. of outer coating of pipe resting on thrust block 1.7)/2 1.09
(v) Weight of water in pipeing on thrust Block 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*( 1.7)*10 16.16
(vi) Weight of earth on top of thrust block ( 1850/1000)* 1*16.750 30.99
Total weight = W= SUM(87.76 to 30.99) 137.06
a) Total Force available considering frictional resistence of soil
= m*W .4*137.06 54.8241
b) Lateral Resistence of soil against the block
= g s(H /2)B1(1+sinq)/(1-sinq)

= ( 1850/1000)*(2.70^2/2)*5.00*(1+SIN( 30*3.14/180))/(1-SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 101.15

c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free to yield away from the soil mass
g s*h*((1-sinq)/(1+sinq))

( 1850/1000)*(0.05+ 1215.6/1000)*(1-SIN( 30*3.14/180))/

= (1+SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 0.779
Total Resistence = 101.15+54.8241+0.779 156.75
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm

Check for SBC = 105.59/(5.00*2.70) 7.82

Factor of Safety = 156.75/105.59 1.48 >1
Provide Reinforcement tor 8 mm bars
@ 150 mm c/c on all faces.

To match C.G. of thrust block and pipe

Equating Weight of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. 50% of total wt = 43.880
of Thrust block
Volume of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. = 18.283 m3
Location of pipe should be such that C.G. of pipe should match the C.G. of Thrust Block. Therefore,
Height of pipe centre from bottom of thrust block 'h' = 1.14 m

Restaining Method -Friction between Soil and Pipe

(i) Unit Weight of contained water in pipe Ww= 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*10 9.50 T/m

(ii) Unit weight of prism of soil over the pipe We= ( 1850/100)* 1* 1215.6/1000 22.49 T/m
(iii) Unit weight of pipe Wp = 0.639 T/m

As per force balance equation in the direction of the pipe leg M11 Pg. No. 148 Clause No. 13.8
L1 = Sf ((PA(1-cos(θ))]/μ[We+Wp+Ww]

= ( 1*(8.58*100)*1.16*(1-COS(RADIANS( 90)))/(( .4*(9.50+22.49+0.639)))) 76.27 M

As per the force balance equation in the direction of the resultant unbalnced thrust force
Pp= ( 1850/100)* 1*(TAN((45- 30/2)*3.14/180))^2+( 0*TAN((45-26/2)*3.14/180)) 6.17
L2 = Sf[ PA sinθ/2]/μ[We+Wp+Wp+Ww]
= 1*(12.87*100*1.16*SIN(RADIANS( 90/2)))/(0.3*(9.50+22.49+0.639)) 107.86 M
So maximum of two i.e. 107.86 m on both side of the bend is required to be restrained.

1 As per CPHEEO manual Clause No.6.16.18 Pg.161 it is evident that Where steel pipes with welded joints are used,
full anchorage is not generally necessary, since the longitudinal continuity of the pipe is capable of distributing the
forces into the ground.

2 About half the thrust will be taken by the weight of the concrete and the remainder by the longitudinal stress in the

3 As per AWWA M11 Clause No.13.8 Pg. 148 it is mentioned that Restrained or harnessed Joints may be used to
resist thrust forces through the development of friction forces between pipe and the soil surrounding it.

4 An undisturbed section of trench wall adjacent to the fitting and centered in the direction of thrust shall be excavated
to dimensions providing the minimum bearing area calculated from the formula given above.

5 Thrust block excavations shall be keyed a minimum of 300mm into undisturbed soil.
6 The thrust blocks shall be of concrete M15 or grade as specified in IS 456, cast on site with surface reinforcement of
5 kg/m2.
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm

B2=1700mm B1=5000mm



Ht Ht=2747.8mm



Section AA
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
3 plate thickness = 8.8 mm
4 inside lining = 9 mm
5 outside coating = 40 mm
6 Outer Dia meter of Pipe 1215.6 mm
7 Density of concrete = 2400 kg/m3
8 Density of Cement mortar coating 2200 kg/m3
9 Density of outer coating 2200 kg/m3
10 Density of Steel = 7850 kg/m3
11 Degree of Angle of bend a in degrees = 75 O
12 Working Pressure in the pipe line (WP) = 8.58 Kg/cm2
13 Test pressure in the pipe line (TP) = 12.87 Kg/cm2
14 Factor of safety adopted (over Testing pressure) Sf = 1
15 Grade of concrete = M 15
16 Grade fo steel = Fe 415
17 Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil (Sb) 8 T/m2
18 Earth cover above bend = 1m
19 Density of soil g s = 1850 Kg/m3
20 Angle of Internal friction of soil q in degrees = 30 O
21 Friction Fcator m = 0.4
22 Soil Cohesion Cs = 0
Dimensions of Thrust block
1 Length of thrust block L = 4.30
2 Width of thrust block away from pipe B1 = 4.30
3 Width of Thrust Block at Pipe B2 = 1.7
4 Height of thrust block away from pipe H1 = 2.70
5 Height of thrust block pipe H2 = 1.70
6 Height of pipe centre from bottom h = 0.75
7 Restraint Length required for Lrestrained = 92.86 m
Check for SBC = 90.90/(4.30*2.70) 7.83 <8 OK
Factor of Safety = 1.44 1.44 >1 OK
Dimensions OK
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
Wp = = 12.87 Kg/cm2
a = = 75 O
Internal dia of Pipe = = 110 cm
Effective dia = = 121.56 cm
Friction factor = = 0.4
Angle of internal friction = = 30 O
X-section Area of pipe A = 11605.70 cm2 = 1.16 Sqm.
Thrust = 2 p A sin(a/2) = 181807 Kg
TH = 181.81 T
As per CPHEEO Manual Clause No. 6.16.18 Pg. 161 about 50 % thrust will be taken by the longitudinal
stress in the pipes.
So remaining thrust may be resisted by concrete block
90.90 T
Thrust Block Design by Bearing area method
Bearing area required at the trench wall= (TH / SbxSf) 11.36 m2
Let the size of Block be as shown in figure
Ratio of Width/Height B1/H 1.60
Width B1 at Trench Wall ROUNDUP(1.60*(11.36/1.60)^0.5,1) 4.30
Width B2 at Pipe ROUNDUP( 1.7,1) 1.7
Height H ROUNDUP((11.36/1.60)^0.5,1) 2.70
length L 4.30 4.30
Average Area of Thrust Block proposed = 4.30*(4.30+ 1.7)/2 12.900
Friction between thrust block and soil
Earth Cover = 0.0278
((1/3*4.30*( 1.7^2+4.30*2.70+
(( 1.7^2)*(4.30*2.70))^0.5))* 2400/1000)-
i) Weight of Concrete Thrust Block (((3.14/4)*( 1215.6/1000)^2)* 2400/1000) 67.02
3.14*(( 1100+2* 9+ 8.8)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(ii) Wt. of pipe resting on thrust block 7850/1000*(4.30+ 1.7)/2 0.75
3.14*(( 1100+ 9)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(iii) Wt. of lining of pipe resting on thrust block 2200/1000*(4.30+ 1.7)/2 0.21
3.14*(( 1100+2*( 8.8+ 9)+
40)/1000)*( 40/1000)* 2200/1000*(4.30+
(iv) Wt. of outer coating of pipe resting on thrust block 1.7)/2 0.98
(v) Weight of water in pipeing on thrust Block 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*( 1.7)*10 16.16
(vi) Weight of earth on top of thrust block ( 1850/1000)* 1*12.900 23.87
Total weight = W= SUM(67.02 to 23.87) 108.97
a) Total Force available considering frictional resistence of soil
= m*W .4*108.97 43.5895
b) Lateral Resistence of soil against the block
= g s(H /2)B1(1+sinq)/(1-sinq)

= ( 1850/1000)*(2.70^2/2)*4.30*(1+SIN( 30*3.14/180))/(1-SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 86.99

c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free to yield away from the soil mass
g s*h*((1-sinq)/(1+sinq))

( 1850/1000)*( .0278+ 1215.6/1000)*(1-SIN( 30*3.14/180))/

= (1+SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 0.767
Total Resistence = 86.99+43.5895+0.767 131.34
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm

Check for SBC = 90.90/(4.30*2.70) 7.83

Factor of Safety = 131.34/90.90 1.44 >1
Provide Reinforcement tor 8 mm bars
@ 150 mm c/c on all faces.

To match C.G. of thrust block and pipe

Equating Weight of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. 50% of total wt = 33.510
of Thrust block
Volume of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. = 13.963 m3
Location of pipe should be such that C.G. of pipe should match the C.G. of Thrust Block. Therefore,
Height of pipe centre from bottom of thrust block 'h' = 1.12 m

Restaining Method -Friction between Soil and Pipe

(i) Unit Weight of contained water in pipe Ww= 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*10 9.50 T/m

(ii) Unit weight of prism of soil over the pipe We= ( 1850/100)* 1* 1215.6/1000 22.49 T/m
(iii) Unit weight of pipe Wp = 0.639 T/m

As per force balance equation in the direction of the pipe leg M11 Pg. No. 148 Clause No. 13.8
L1 = Sf ((PA(1-cos(θ))]/μ[We+Wp+Ww]

= ( 1*(8.58*100)*1.16*(1-COS(RADIANS( 75)))/(( .4*(9.50+22.49+0.639)))) 56.53 M

As per the force balance equation in the direction of the resultant unbalnced thrust force
Pp= ( 1850/100)* 1*(TAN((45- 30/2)*3.14/180))^2+( 0*TAN((45-26/2)*3.14/180)) 6.17
L2 = Sf[ PA sinθ/2]/μ[We+Wp+Wp+Ww]
= 1*(12.87*100*1.16*SIN(RADIANS( 75/2)))/(0.3*(9.50+22.49+0.639)) 92.86 M
So maximum of two i.e. 92.86 m on both side of the bend is required to be restrained.

1 As per CPHEEO manual Clause No.6.16.18 Pg.161 it is evident that Where steel pipes with welded joints are used,
full anchorage is not generally necessary, since the longitudinal continuity of the pipe is capable of distributing the
forces into the ground.

2 About half the thrust will be taken by the weight of the concrete and the remainder by the longitudinal stress in the

3 As per AWWA M11 Clause No.13.8 Pg. 148 it is mentioned that Restrained or harnessed Joints may be used to
resist thrust forces through the development of friction forces between pipe and the soil surrounding it.

4 An undisturbed section of trench wall adjacent to the fitting and centered in the direction of thrust shall be excavated
to dimensions providing the minimum bearing area calculated from the formula given above.

5 Thrust block excavations shall be keyed a minimum of 300mm into undisturbed soil.
6 The thrust blocks shall be of concrete M15 or grade as specified in IS 456, cast on site with surface reinforcement of
5 kg/m2.
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm

B2=1700mm B1=4300mm



Ht Ht=2727.8mm



Section AA
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
3 plate thickness = 8.8 mm
4 inside lining = 9 mm
5 outside coating = 40 mm
6 Outer Dia meter of Pipe 1215.6 mm
7 Density of concrete = 2400 kg/m3
8 Density of Cement mortar coating 2200 kg/m3
9 Density of outer coating 2200 kg/m3
10 Density of Steel = 7850 kg/m3
11 Degree of Angle of bend a in degrees = 60 O
12 Working Pressure in the pipe line (WP) = 8.58 Kg/cm2
13 Test pressure in the pipe line (TP) = 12.87 Kg/cm2
14 Factor of safety adopted (over Testing pressure) Sf = 1
15 Grade of concrete = M 15
16 Grade fo steel = Fe 415
17 Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil (Sb) 8 T/m2
18 Earth cover above bend = 1m
19 Density of soil g s = 1850 Kg/m3
20 Angle of Internal friction of soil q in degrees = 30 O
21 Friction Fcator m = 0.4
22 Soil Cohesion Cs = 0
Dimensions of Thrust block
1 Length of thrust block L = 3.70
2 Width of thrust block away from pipe B1 = 3.70
3 Width of Thrust Block at Pipe B2 = 1.7
4 Height of thrust block away from pipe H1 = 2.60
5 Height of thrust block pipe H2 = 1.70
6 Height of pipe centre from bottom h = 0.75
7 Restraint Length required for Lrestrained = 76.27 m
Check for SBC = 74.66/(3.70*2.60) 7.76 <8 OK
Factor of Safety = 1.40 1.40 >1 OK
Dimensions OK
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
Wp = = 12.87 Kg/cm2
a = = 60 O
Internal dia of Pipe = = 110 cm
Effective dia = = 121.56 cm
Friction factor = = 0.4
Angle of internal friction = = 30 O
X-section Area of pipe A = 11605.70 cm2 = 1.16 Sqm.
Thrust = 2 p A sin(a/2) = 149325 Kg
TH = 149.33 T
As per CPHEEO Manual Clause No. 6.16.18 Pg. 161 about 50 % thrust will be taken by the longitudinal
stress in the pipes.
So remaining thrust may be resisted by concrete block
74.66 T
Thrust Block Design by Bearing area method
Bearing area required at the trench wall= (TH / SbxSf) 9.33 m2
Let the size of Block be as shown in figure
Ratio of Width/Height B1/H 1.40
Width B1 at Trench Wall ROUNDUP(1.40*(9.33/1.40)^0.5,1) 3.70
Width B2 at Pipe ROUNDUP( 1.7,1) 1.7
Height H ROUNDUP((9.33/1.40)^0.5,1) 2.60
length L 3.70 3.70
Average Area of Thrust Block proposed = 3.70*(3.70+ 1.7)/2 9.990
Friction between thrust block and soil
Earth Cover = 0.0678
((1/3*3.70*( 1.7^2+3.70*2.60+
(( 1.7^2)*(3.70*2.60))^0.5))* 2400/1000)-
i) Weight of Concrete Thrust Block (((3.14/4)*( 1215.6/1000)^2)* 2400/1000) 49.85
3.14*(( 1100+2* 9+ 8.8)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(ii) Wt. of pipe resting on thrust block 7850/1000*(3.70+ 1.7)/2 0.68
3.14*(( 1100+ 9)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(iii) Wt. of lining of pipe resting on thrust block 2200/1000*(3.70+ 1.7)/2 0.19
3.14*(( 1100+2*( 8.8+ 9)+
40)/1000)*( 40/1000)* 2200/1000*(3.70+
(iv) Wt. of outer coating of pipe resting on thrust block 1.7)/2 0.88
(v) Weight of water in pipeing on thrust Block 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*( 1.7)*10 16.16
(vi) Weight of earth on top of thrust block ( 1850/1000)* 1*9.990 18.48
Total weight = W= SUM(49.85 to 18.48) 86.23
a) Total Force available considering frictional resistence of soil
= m*W .4*86.23 34.4911
b) Lateral Resistence of soil against the block
= g s(H /2)B1(1+sinq)/(1-sinq)

= ( 1850/1000)*(2.60^2/2)*3.70*(1+SIN( 30*3.14/180))/(1-SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 69.41

c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free to yield away from the soil mass
g s*h*((1-sinq)/(1+sinq))

( 1850/1000)*( 6.78000000000001E-02+ 1215.6/1000)*(1-

= SIN( 30*3.14/180))/(1+SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 0.791
Total Resistence = 69.41+34.4911+0.791 104.69
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm

Check for SBC = 74.66/(3.70*2.60) 7.76

Factor of Safety = 104.69/74.66 1.40 >1
Provide Reinforcement tor 8 mm bars
@ 150 mm c/c on all faces.

To match C.G. of thrust block and pipe

Equating Weight of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. 50% of total wt = 24.926
of Thrust block
Volume of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. = 10.386 m3
Location of pipe should be such that C.G. of pipe should match the C.G. of Thrust Block. Therefore,
Height of pipe centre from bottom of thrust block 'h' = 1.06 m

Restaining Method -Friction between Soil and Pipe

(i) Unit Weight of contained water in pipe Ww= 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*10 9.50 T/m

(ii) Unit weight of prism of soil over the pipe We= ( 1850/100)* 1* 1215.6/1000 22.49 T/m
(iii) Unit weight of pipe Wp = 0.639 T/m

As per force balance equation in the direction of the pipe leg M11 Pg. No. 148 Clause No. 13.8
L1 = Sf ((PA(1-cos(θ))]/μ[We+Wp+Ww]

= ( 1*(8.58*100)*1.16*(1-COS(RADIANS( 60)))/(( .4*(9.50+22.49+0.639)))) 38.14 M

As per the force balance equation in the direction of the resultant unbalnced thrust force
Pp= ( 1850/100)* 1*(TAN((45- 30/2)*3.14/180))^2+( 0*TAN((45-26/2)*3.14/180)) 6.17
L2 = Sf[ PA sinθ/2]/μ[We+Wp+Wp+Ww]
= 1*(12.87*100*1.16*SIN(RADIANS( 60/2)))/(0.3*(9.50+22.49+0.639)) 76.27 M
So maximum of two i.e. 76.27 m on both side of the bend is required to be restrained.

1 As per CPHEEO manual Clause No.6.16.18 Pg.161 it is evident that Where steel pipes with welded joints are used,
full anchorage is not generally necessary, since the longitudinal continuity of the pipe is capable of distributing the
forces into the ground.

2 About half the thrust will be taken by the weight of the concrete and the remainder by the longitudinal stress in the

3 As per AWWA M11 Clause No.13.8 Pg. 148 it is mentioned that Restrained or harnessed Joints may be used to
resist thrust forces through the development of friction forces between pipe and the soil surrounding it.

4 An undisturbed section of trench wall adjacent to the fitting and centered in the direction of thrust shall be excavated
to dimensions providing the minimum bearing area calculated from the formula given above.

5 Thrust block excavations shall be keyed a minimum of 300mm into undisturbed soil.
6 The thrust blocks shall be of concrete M15 or grade as specified in IS 456, cast on site with surface reinforcement of
5 kg/m2.
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm

B2=1700mm B1=3700mm



Ht Ht=2667.8mm



Section AA
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
3 plate thickness = 8.8 mm
4 inside lining = 9 mm
5 outside coating = 40 mm
6 Outer Dia meter of Pipe 1215.6 mm
7 Density of concrete = 2400 kg/m3
8 Density of Cement mortar coating 2200 kg/m3
9 Density of outer coating 2200 kg/m3
10 Density of Steel = 7850 kg/m3
11 Degree of Angle of bend a in degrees = 45 O
12 Working Pressure in the pipe line (WP) = 8.58 Kg/cm2
13 Test pressure in the pipe line (TP) = 12.87 Kg/cm2
14 Factor of safety adopted (over Testing pressure) Sf = 1
15 Grade of concrete = M 15
16 Grade fo steel = Fe 415
17 Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil (Sb) 8 T/m2
18 Earth cover above bend = 1m
19 Density of soil g s = 1850 Kg/m3
20 Angle of Internal friction of soil q in degrees = 30 O
21 Friction Fcator m = 0.4
22 Soil Cohesion Cs = 0
Dimensions of Thrust block
1 Length of thrust block L = 3.75
2 Width of thrust block away from pipe B1 = 3.75
3 Width of Thrust Block at Pipe B2 = 1.7
4 Height of thrust block away from pipe H1 = 2.00
5 Height of thrust block pipe H2 = 1.70
6 Height of pipe centre from bottom h = 0.75
7 Restraint Length required for Lrestrained = 58.38 m
Check for SBC = 57.14/(3.75*2.00) 7.62 <8 OK
Factor of Safety = 1.50 1.50 >1 OK
Dimensions OK
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
Wp = = 12.87 Kg/cm2
a = = 45 O
Internal dia of Pipe = = 110 cm
Effective dia = = 121.56 cm
Friction factor = = 0.4
Angle of internal friction = = 30 O
X-section Area of pipe A = 11605.70 cm2 = 1.16 Sqm.
Thrust = 2 p A sin(a/2) = 114289 Kg
TH = 114.29 T
As per CPHEEO Manual Clause No. 6.16.18 Pg. 161 about 50 % thrust will be taken by the longitudinal
stress in the pipes.
So remaining thrust may be resisted by concrete block
57.14 T
Thrust Block Design by Bearing area method
Bearing area required at the trench wall= (TH / SbxSf) 7.14 m2
Let the size of Block be as shown in figure
Ratio of Width/Height B1/H 1.00
Width B1 at Trench Wall ROUNDUP(1.00*(7.14/1.00)^0.5,1) 2.70
Width B2 at Pipe ROUNDUP( 1.7,1) 1.7

Height H ROUNDUP((7.14/1.00)^0.5,1) 2.70

length L 3.75 3.75
Average Area of Thrust Block proposed = 3.75*(2.70+ 1.7)/2 8.250
Friction between thrust block and soil
Earth Cover = 0.4978
((1/3*3.75*( 1.7^2+3.75*2.00+
(( 1.7^2)*(3.75*2.00))^0.5))* 2400/1000)-
i) Weight of Concrete Thrust Block (((3.14/4)*( 1215.6/1000)^2)* 2400/1000) 42.35
3.14*(( 1100+2* 9+ 8.8)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(ii) Wt. of pipe resting on thrust block 7850/1000*(3.75+ 1.7)/2 0.68
3.14*(( 1100+ 9)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(iii) Wt. of lining of pipe resting on thrust block 2200/1000*(3.75+ 1.7)/2 0.19
3.14*(( 1100+2*( 8.8+ 9)+
40)/1000)*( 40/1000)* 2200/1000*(3.75+
(iv) Wt. of outer coating of pipe resting on thrust block 1.7)/2 0.89
(v) Weight of water in pipeing on thrust Block 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*( 1.7)*10 16.16
(vi) Weight of earth on top of thrust block ( 1850/1000)* 1*8.250 15.26
Total weight = W= SUM(42.35 to 15.26) 75.52
a) Total Force available considering frictional resistence of soil
= m*W .4*75.52 30.2099
b) Lateral Resistence of soil against the block
= g s(H /2)B1(1+sinq)/(1-sinq)

= ( 1850/1000)*(2.70^2/2)*2.70*(1+SIN( 30*3.14/180))/(1-SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 54.62

c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free to yield away from the soil mass
g s*h*((1-sinq)/(1+sinq))

( 1850/1000)*( .4978+ 1215.6/1000)*(1-SIN( 30*3.14/180))/

= (1+SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 1.057
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
Total Resistence = 54.62+30.2099+1.057 85.89

Check for SBC = 57.14/(3.75*2.00) 7.62

Factor of Safety = 85.89/57.14 1.50 >1
Provide Reinforcement tor 8 mm bars
@ 150 mm c/c on all faces.

To match C.G. of thrust block and pipe

Equating Weight of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. 50% of total wt = 21.176
of Thrust block
Volume of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. = 8.823 m3
Location of pipe should be such that C.G. of pipe should match the C.G. of Thrust Block. Therefore,
Height of pipe centre from bottom of thrust block 'h' = 0.89 m

Restaining Method -Friction between Soil and Pipe

(i) Unit Weight of contained water in pipe Ww= 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*10 9.50 T/m

(ii) Unit weight of prism of soil over the pipe We= ( 1850/100)* 1* 1215.6/1000 22.49 T/m
(iii) Unit weight of pipe Wp = 0.639 T/m

As per force balance equation in the direction of the pipe leg M11 Pg. No. 148 Clause No. 13.8
L1 = Sf ((PA(1-cos(θ))]/μ[We+Wp+Ww]

= ( 1*(8.58*100)*1.16*(1-COS(RADIANS( 45)))/(( .4*(9.50+22.49+0.639)))) 22.34 M

As per the force balance equation in the direction of the resultant unbalnced thrust force
Pp= ( 1850/100)* 1*(TAN((45- 30/2)*3.14/180))^2+( 0*TAN((45-26/2)*3.14/180)) 6.17
L2 = Sf[ PA sinθ/2]/μ[We+Wp+Wp+Ww]
= 1*(12.87*100*1.16*SIN(RADIANS( 45/2)))/(0.3*(9.50+22.49+0.639)) 58.38 M
So maximum of two i.e. 58.38 m on both side of the bend is required to be restrained.

1 As per CPHEEO manual Clause No.6.16.18 Pg.161 it is evident that Where steel pipes with welded joints are used,
full anchorage is not generally necessary, since the longitudinal continuity of the pipe is capable of distributing the
forces into the ground.

2 About half the thrust will be taken by the weight of the concrete and the remainder by the longitudinal stress in the

3 As per AWWA M11 Clause No.13.8 Pg. 148 it is mentioned that Restrained or harnessed Joints may be used to
resist thrust forces through the development of friction forces between pipe and the soil surrounding it.

4 An undisturbed section of trench wall adjacent to the fitting and centered in the direction of thrust shall be excavated
to dimensions providing the minimum bearing area calculated from the formula given above.

5 Thrust block excavations shall be keyed a minimum of 300mm into undisturbed soil.
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
6 The thrust blocks shall be of concrete M15 or grade as specified in IS 456, cast on site with surface reinforcement of
5 kg/m2.
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm

B2=1700mm B1=3750mm



Ht Ht=2497.8mm



Section AA
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
3 plate thickness = 8.8 mm
4 inside lining = 9 mm
5 outside coating = 40 mm
6 Outer Dia meter of Pipe 1215.6 mm
7 Density of concrete = 2400 kg/m3
8 Density of Cement mortar coating 2200 kg/m3
9 Density of outer coating 2200 kg/m3
10 Density of Steel = 7850 kg/m3
11 Degree of Angle of bend a in degrees = 22.5 O
12 Working Pressure in the pipe line (WP) = 8.58 Kg/cm2
13 Test pressure in the pipe line (TP) = 12.87 Kg/cm2
14 Factor of safety adopted (over Testing pressure) Sf = 1
15 Grade of concrete = M 15
16 Grade fo steel = Fe 415
17 Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil (Sb) 8 T/m2
18 Earth cover above bend = 1m
19 Density of soil g s = 1850 Kg/m3
20 Angle of Internal friction of soil q in degrees = 30 O
21 Friction Fcator m = 0.4
22 Soil Cohesion Cs = 0
Dimensions of Thrust block
1 Length of thrust block L = 2.00
2 Width of thrust block away from pipe B1 = 2.00
3 Width of Thrust Block at Pipe B2 = 1.7
4 Height of thrust block away from pipe H1 = 2.00
5 Height of thrust block pipe H2 = 1.70
6 Height of pipe centre from bottom h = 0.75
7 Restraint Length required for Lrestrained = 29.76 m
Check for SBC = 29.13/(2.00*2.00) 7.28 <8 OK
Factor of Safety = 1.32 1.32 >1 OK
Dimensions OK
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
Wp = = 12.87 Kg/cm2
a = = 23 O
Internal dia of Pipe = = 110 cm
Effective dia = = 121.56 cm
Friction factor = = 0.4
Angle of internal friction = = 30 O
X-section Area of pipe A = 11605.70 cm2 = 1.16 Sqm.
Thrust = 2 p A sin(a/2) = 58264 Kg
TH = 58.26 T
As per CPHEEO Manual Clause No. 6.16.18 Pg. 161 about 50 % thrust will be taken by the longitudinal
stress in the pipes.
So remaining thrust may be resisted by concrete block
29.13 T
Thrust Block Design by Bearing area method
Bearing area required at the trench wall= (TH / SbxSf) 3.64 m2
Let the size of Block be as shown in figure
Ratio of Width/Height B1/H 1.00
Width B1 at Trench Wall ROUNDUP(1.00*(3.64/1.00)^0.5,1) 2.00
Width B2 at Pipe ROUNDUP( 1.7,1) 1.7

Height H ROUNDUP((3.64/1.00)^0.5,1) 2.00

length L 2.00 2.00
Average Area of Thrust Block proposed = 2.00*(2.00+ 1.7)/2 3.700
Friction between thrust block and soil
Earth Cover = 0.3778
((1/3*2.00*( 1.7^2+2.00*2.00+
(( 1.7^2)*(2.00*2.00))^0.5))* 2400/1000)-
i) Weight of Concrete Thrust Block (((3.14/4)*( 1215.6/1000)^2)* 2400/1000) 13.68
3.14*(( 1100+2* 9+ 8.8)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(ii) Wt. of pipe resting on thrust block 7850/1000*(2.00+ 1.7)/2 0.46
3.14*(( 1100+ 9)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(iii) Wt. of lining of pipe resting on thrust block 2200/1000*(2.00+ 1.7)/2 0.13
3.14*(( 1100+2*( 8.8+ 9)+
40)/1000)*( 40/1000)* 2200/1000*(2.00+
(iv) Wt. of outer coating of pipe resting on thrust block 1.7)/2 0.60
(v) Weight of water in pipeing on thrust Block 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*( 1.7)*10 16.16
(vi) Weight of earth on top of thrust block ( 1850/1000)* 1*3.700 6.85
Total weight = W= SUM(13.68 to 6.85) 37.87
a) Total Force available considering frictional resistence of soil
= m*W .4*37.87 15.1483
b) Lateral Resistence of soil against the block
= g s(H /2)B1(1+sinq)/(1-sinq)

= ( 1850/1000)*(2.00^2/2)*2.00*(1+SIN( 30*3.14/180))/(1-SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 22.20

c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free to yield away from the soil mass
g s*h*((1-sinq)/(1+sinq))

( 1850/1000)*( .3778+ 1215.6/1000)*(1-SIN( 30*3.14/180))/

= (1+SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 0.983
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
Total Resistence = 22.20+15.1483+0.983 38.33

Check for SBC = 29.13/(2.00*2.00) 7.28

Factor of Safety = 38.33/29.13 1.32 >1
Provide Reinforcement tor 8 mm bars
@ 150 mm c/c on all faces.

To match C.G. of thrust block and pipe

Equating Weight of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. 50% of total wt = 6.839
of Thrust block
Volume of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. = 2.850 m3
Location of pipe should be such that C.G. of pipe should match the C.G. of Thrust Block. Therefore,
Height of pipe centre from bottom of thrust block 'h' = 0.77 m

Restaining Method -Friction between Soil and Pipe

(i) Unit Weight of contained water in pipe Ww= 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*10 9.50 T/m

(ii) Unit weight of prism of soil over the pipe We= ( 1850/100)* 1* 1215.6/1000 22.49 T/m
(iii) Unit weight of pipe Wp = 0.639 T/m

As per force balance equation in the direction of the pipe leg M11 Pg. No. 148 Clause No. 13.8
L1 = Sf ((PA(1-cos(θ))]/μ[We+Wp+Ww]

= ( 1*(8.58*100)*1.16*(1-COS(RADIANS( 22.5)))/(( .4*(9.50+22.49+0.639)))) 5.81 M

As per the force balance equation in the direction of the resultant unbalnced thrust force
Pp= ( 1850/100)* 8*(TAN((45- 30/2)*3.14/180))^2+( 0*TAN((45-26/2)*3.14/180)) 49.33
L2 = Sf[ PA sinθ/2]/μ[We+Wp+Wp+Ww]
= 1*(12.87*100*1.16*SIN(RADIANS( 22.5/2)))/(0.3*(9.50+22.49+0.639)) 29.76 M
So maximum of two i.e. 29.76 m on both side of the bend is required to be restrained.

1 As per CPHEEO manual Clause No.6.16.18 Pg.161 it is evident that Where steel pipes with welded joints are used,
full anchorage is not generally necessary, since the longitudinal continuity of the pipe is capable of distributing the
forces into the ground.

2 About half the thrust will be taken by the weight of the concrete and the remainder by the longitudinal stress in the

3 As per AWWA M11 Clause No.13.8 Pg. 148 it is mentioned that Restrained or harnessed Joints may be used to
resist thrust forces through the development of friction forces between pipe and the soil surrounding it.

4 An undisturbed section of trench wall adjacent to the fitting and centered in the direction of thrust shall be excavated
to dimensions providing the minimum bearing area calculated from the formula given above.

5 Thrust block excavations shall be keyed a minimum of 300mm into undisturbed soil.
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
6 The thrust blocks shall be of concrete M15 or grade as specified in IS 456, cast on site with surface reinforcement of
5 kg/m2.
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm

B2=1700mm B1=2000mm



Ht Ht=2377.8mm



Section AA
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
3 plate thickness = 8.8 mm
4 inside lining = 9 mm
5 outside coating = 40 mm
6 Outer Dia meter of Pipe 1215.6 mm
7 Density of concrete = 2400 kg/m3
8 Density of Cement mortar coating 2200 kg/m3
9 Density of outer coating 2200 kg/m3
10 Density of Steel = 7850 kg/m3
11 Degree of Angle of bend a in degrees = 11.5 O
12 Working Pressure in the pipe line (WP) = 8.58 Kg/cm2
13 Test pressure in the pipe line (TP) = 12.87 Kg/cm2
14 Factor of safety adopted (over Testing pressure) Sf = 1
15 Grade of concrete = M 15
16 Grade fo steel = Fe 415
17 Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil (Sb) 8 T/m2
18 Earth cover above bend = 1m
19 Density of soil g s = 1850 Kg/m3
20 Angle of Internal friction of soil q in degrees = 30 O
21 Friction Fcator m = 0.4
22 Soil Cohesion Cs = 0
Dimensions of Thrust block
1 Length of thrust block L = 1.70
2 Width of thrust block away from pipe B1 = 1.70
3 Width of Thrust Block at Pipe B2 = 1.7
4 Height of thrust block away from pipe H1 = 1.70
5 Height of thrust block pipe H2 = 1.70
6 Height of pipe centre from bottom h = 0.75
7 Restraint Length required for Lrestrained = 15.28 m
Check for SBC = 14.96/(1.70*1.70) 5.18 <8 OK
Factor of Safety = 1.41 1.41 >1 OK
Dimensions OK
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
Wp = = 12.87 Kg/cm2
a = = 12 O
Internal dia of Pipe = = 110 cm
Effective dia = = 121.56 cm
Friction factor = = 0.4
Angle of internal friction = = 30 O
X-section Area of pipe A = 11605.70 cm2 = 1.16 Sqm.
Thrust = 2 p A sin(a/2) = 29921 Kg
TH = 29.92 T
As per CPHEEO Manual Clause No. 6.16.18 Pg. 161 about 50 % thrust will be taken by the longitudinal
stress in the pipes.
So remaining thrust may be resisted by concrete block
14.96 T
Thrust Block Design by Bearing area method
Bearing area required at the trench wall= (TH / SbxSf) 1.87 m2
Let the size of Block be as shown in figure
Ratio of Width/Height B1/H 1.00
Width B1 at Trench Wall ROUNDUP(1.00*(1.87/1.00)^0.5,1) 1.40
Width B2 at Pipe ROUNDUP( 1.7,1) 1.7
Height H ROUNDUP((1.87/1.00)^0.5,1) 1.40
length L 1.70 1.70
Average Area of Thrust Block proposed = 1.70*(1.40+ 1.7)/2 2.635
Friction between thrust block and soil
Earth Cover = 0.5578
((1/3*1.70*( 1.7^2+1.70*1.70+
(( 1.7^2)*(1.70*1.70))^0.5))* 2400/1000)-
i) Weight of Concrete Thrust Block (((3.14/4)*( 1215.6/1000)^2)* 2400/1000) 9.01
3.14*(( 1100+2* 9+ 8.8)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(ii) Wt. of pipe resting on thrust block 7850/1000*(1.70+ 1.7)/2 0.43
3.14*(( 1100+ 9)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(iii) Wt. of lining of pipe resting on thrust block 2200/1000*(1.70+ 1.7)/2 0.12
3.14*(( 1100+2*( 8.8+ 9)+
40)/1000)*( 40/1000)* 2200/1000*(1.70+
(iv) Wt. of outer coating of pipe resting on thrust block 1.7)/2 0.55
(v) Weight of water in pipeing on thrust Block 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*( 1.7)*10 16.16
(vi) Weight of earth on top of thrust block ( 1850/1000)* 1*2.635 4.87
Total weight = W= SUM(9.01 to 4.87) 31.13
a) Total Force available considering frictional resistence of soil
= m*W .4*31.13 12.4525
b) Lateral Resistence of soil against the block
= g s(H /2)B1(1+sinq)/(1-sinq)

= ( 1850/1000)*(1.40^2/2)*1.40*(1+SIN( 30*3.14/180))/(1-SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 7.61

c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free to yield away from the soil mass
g s*h*((1-sinq)/(1+sinq))

( 1850/1000)*( .5578+ 1215.6/1000)*(1-SIN( 30*3.14/180))/

= (1+SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 1.094
Total Resistence = 7.61+12.4525+1.094 21.16
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm

Check for SBC = 14.96/(1.70*1.70) 5.18

Factor of Safety = 21.16/14.96 1.41 >1
Provide Reinforcement tor 8 mm bars
@ 150 mm c/c on all faces.

To match C.G. of thrust block and pipe

Equating Weight of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. 50% of total wt = 4.503
of Thrust block
Volume of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. = 1.876 m3
Location of pipe should be such that C.G. of pipe should match the C.G. of Thrust Block. Therefore,
Height of pipe centre from bottom of thrust block 'h' = 0.65 m

Restaining Method -Friction between Soil and Pipe

(i) Unit Weight of contained water in pipe Ww= 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*10 9.50 T/m

(ii) Unit weight of prism of soil over the pipe We= ( 1850/100)* 1* 1215.6/1000 22.49 T/m
(iii) Unit weight of pipe Wp = 0.639 T/m

As per force balance equation in the direction of the pipe leg M11 Pg. No. 148 Clause No. 13.8
L1 = Sf ((PA(1-cos(θ))]/μ[We+Wp+Ww]

= ( 1*(8.58*100)*1.16*(1-COS(RADIANS( 11.5)))/(( .4*(9.50+22.49+0.639)))) 1.53 M

As per the force balance equation in the direction of the resultant unbalnced thrust force
Pp= ( 1850/100)* 1*(TAN((45- 30/2)*3.14/180))^2+( 0*TAN((45-26/2)*3.14/180)) 6.17
L2 = Sf[ PA sinθ/2]/μ[We+Wp+Wp+Ww]
= 1*(12.87*100*1.16*SIN(RADIANS( 11.5/2)))/(0.3*(9.50+22.49+0.639)) 15.28 M
So maximum of two i.e. 15.28 m on both side of the bend is required to be restrained.

1 As per CPHEEO manual Clause No.6.16.18 Pg.161 it is evident that Where steel pipes with welded joints are used,
full anchorage is not generally necessary, since the longitudinal continuity of the pipe is capable of distributing the
forces into the ground.

2 About half the thrust will be taken by the weight of the concrete and the remainder by the longitudinal stress in the

3 As per AWWA M11 Clause No.13.8 Pg. 148 it is mentioned that Restrained or harnessed Joints may be used to
resist thrust forces through the development of friction forces between pipe and the soil surrounding it.

4 An undisturbed section of trench wall adjacent to the fitting and centered in the direction of thrust shall be excavated
to dimensions providing the minimum bearing area calculated from the formula given above.

5 Thrust block excavations shall be keyed a minimum of 300mm into undisturbed soil.
6 The thrust blocks shall be of concrete M15 or grade as specified in IS 456, cast on site with surface reinforcement of
5 kg/m2.
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 0-3250 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm

B2=1700mm B1=1700mm



Ht Ht=2257.8mm



Section AA
Dimensions of Thrust block Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Palari Solankiya to BPS-1-MS1100mm-Chainage0-3250m
Degree of Angle Length of thrust Width of thrust Volume of the
Test Pressure Height of thrust block
of bend a block block Block
Degree Kg./cm2 L (M.) B1 (M.) B2 (M.) H1 (M.) H2 (M.) h (M.) V (CUM)
90 12.87 5.00 5.00 1.70 2.70 1.70 0.75 36.57
75 12.87 4.30 4.30 1.70 2.70 1.70 0.75 27.93
60 12.87 3.70 3.70 1.70 2.60 1.70 0.75 20.77
45 12.87 3.75 3.75 1.70 2.00 1.70 0.75 17.65
22.5 12.87 2.00 2.00 1.70 2.00 1.70 0.75 5.70
11.25 12.87 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 0.75 3.75

Palari Solankiya to BPS-1-MS1100mm-Chainage3250-6450m

90 12.02 4.60 4.60 1.70 2.70 1.70 0.75 31.50
75 12.02 4.00 4.00 1.70 2.70 1.70 0.75 24.54
60 12.02 3.40 3.40 1.70 2.60 1.70 0.75 17.86
45 12.02 2.80 2.80 1.70 2.50 1.70 0.75 12.27
22.5 12.02 1.90 1.90 1.70 2.20 1.70 0.75 5.52
11.25 12.02 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 0.75 3.75

Note:- As per clause 10.15.4 of Contract Agreement

The thrust blocks shall be of concrete M20 or grade as specified in IS 456, cast on site with surface
reinforcement of 5 kg/m2.

The thrust blocks shall be cast directly against the undisturbed soil. If this is not possible, the backfilled
soil at the contact surface shall be compacted well to full satisfaction of Engineer so that anchor block
is not displaced during operation and testing.
ain Project

Weight of the
W (Kg.)
87759.43 ok ok ok
67020.79 ok ok ok
49851.55 ok ok ok
42351.56 ok ok ok
13678.63 ok ok ok
9005.83 ok ok ok
75602.84 ok ok ok
58900.30 ok ok ok
42868.37 ok ok ok
29443.25 ok ok ok
13244.03 ok ok ok
9005.83 ok ok ok

on site with surface

ot possible, the backfilled

eer so that anchor block
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
3 plate thickness = 8.8 mm
4 inside lining = 9 mm
5 outside coating = 40 mm
6 Outer Dia meter of Pipe 1215.6 mm
7 Density of concrete = 2400 kg/m3
8 Density of Cement mortar coating 2200 kg/m3
9 Density of outer coating 2200 kg/m3
10 Density of Steel = 7850 kg/m3
11 Degree of Angle of bend a in degrees = 90 O
12 Working Pressure in the pipe line (WP) = 8.01 Kg/cm2
13 Test pressure in the pipe line (TP) = 12.02 Kg/cm2
14 Factor of safety adopted (over Testing pressure) Sf = 1
15 Grade of concrete = M 15
16 Grade fo steel = Fe 415
17 Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil (Sb) 8 T/m2
18 Earth cover above bend = 1m
19 Density of soil g s = 1850 Kg/m3
20 Angle of Internal friction of soil q in degrees = 30 O
21 Friction Fcator m = 0.4
22 Soil Cohesion Cs = 0
Dimensions of Thrust block
1 Length of thrust block L = 4.60
2 Width of thrust block away from pipe B1 = 4.60
3 Width of Thrust Block at Pipe B2 = 1.7
4 Height of thrust block away from pipe H1 = 2.70
5 Height of thrust block pipe H2 = 1.70
6 Height of pipe centre from bottom h = 0.75
7 Restraint Length required for Lrestrained = 100.77 m
Check for SBC = 98.65/(4.60*2.70) 7.94 <8 OK
Factor of Safety = 1.44 1.44 >1 OK
Dimensions OK
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
Wp = = 12.02 Kg/cm2
a = = 90 O
Internal dia of Pipe = = 110 cm
Effective dia = = 121.56 cm
Friction factor = = 0.4
Angle of internal friction = = 30 O
X-section Area of pipe A = 11605.70 cm2 = 1.16 Sqm.
Thrust = 2 p A sin(a/2) = 197300 Kg
TH = 197.30 T
As per CPHEEO Manual Clause No. 6.16.18 Pg. 161 about 50 % thrust will be taken by the longitudinal
stress in the pipes.
So remaining thrust may be resisted by concrete block
98.65 T
Thrust Block Design by Bearing area method
Bearing area required at the trench wall= (TH / SbxSf) 12.33 m2
Let the size of Block be as shown in figure
Ratio of Width/Height B1/H 1.70
Width B1 at Trench Wall ROUNDUP(1.70*(12.33/1.70)^0.5,1) 4.60
Width B2 at Pipe ROUNDUP( 1.7,1) 1.7

Height H ROUNDUP((12.33/1.70)^0.5,1) 2.70

length L 4.60 4.60
Average Area of Thrust Block proposed = 4.60*(4.60+ 1.7)/2 14.490
Friction between thrust block and soil
Earth Cover = 0.0378
((1/3*4.60*( 1.7^2+4.60*2.70+
(( 1.7^2)*(4.60*2.70))^0.5))* 2400/1000)-
i) Weight of Concrete Thrust Block (((3.14/4)*( 1215.6/1000)^2)* 2400/1000) 75.60
3.14*(( 1100+2* 9+ 8.8)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(ii) Wt. of pipe resting on thrust block 7850/1000*(4.60+ 1.7)/2 0.79
3.14*(( 1100+ 9)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(iii) Wt. of lining of pipe resting on thrust block 2200/1000*(4.60+ 1.7)/2 0.22
3.14*(( 1100+2*( 8.8+ 9)+
40)/1000)*( 40/1000)* 2200/1000*(4.60+
(iv) Wt. of outer coating of pipe resting on thrust block 1.7)/2 1.02
(v) Weight of water in pipeing on thrust Block 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*( 1.7)*10 16.16
(vi) Weight of earth on top of thrust block ( 1850/1000)* 1*14.490 26.81
Total weight = W= SUM(75.60 to 26.81) 120.59
a) Total Force available considering frictional resistence of soil
= m*W .4*120.59 48.2375
b) Lateral Resistence of soil against the block
= g s(H /2)B1(1+sinq)/(1-sinq)

= ( 1850/1000)*(2.70^2/2)*4.60*(1+SIN( 30*3.14/180))/(1-SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 93.06

c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free to yield away from the soil mass
g s*h*((1-sinq)/(1+sinq))

( 1850/1000)*( 3.77999999999998E-02+ 1215.6/1000)*(1-

= SIN( 30*3.14/180))/(1+SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 0.773
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
Total Resistence = 93.06+48.2375+0.773 142.07

Check for SBC = 98.65/(4.60*2.70) 7.94

Factor of Safety = 142.07/98.65 1.44 >1
Provide Reinforcement tor 8 mm bars
@ 150 mm c/c on all faces.

To match C.G. of thrust block and pipe

Equating Weight of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. 50% of total wt = 37.801
of Thrust block
Volume of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. = 15.751 m3
Location of pipe should be such that C.G. of pipe should match the C.G. of Thrust Block. Therefore,
Height of pipe centre from bottom of thrust block 'h' = 1.13 m

Restaining Method -Friction between Soil and Pipe

(i) Unit Weight of contained water in pipe Ww= 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*10 9.50 T/m

(ii) Unit weight of prism of soil over the pipe We= ( 1850/100)* 1* 1215.6/1000 22.49 T/m
(iii) Unit weight of pipe Wp = 0.639 T/m

As per force balance equation in the direction of the pipe leg M11 Pg. No. 148 Clause No. 13.8
L1 = Sf ((PA(1-cos(θ))]/μ[We+Wp+Ww]

= ( 1*(8.01*100)*1.16*(1-COS(RADIANS( 90)))/(( .4*(9.50+22.49+0.639)))) 71.26 M

As per the force balance equation in the direction of the resultant unbalnced thrust force
Pp= ( 1850/100)* 1*(TAN((45- 30/2)*3.14/180))^2+( 0*TAN((45-26/2)*3.14/180)) 6.17
L2 = Sf[ PA sinθ/2]/μ[We+Wp+Wp+Ww]
= 1*(12.02*100*1.16*SIN(RADIANS( 90/2)))/(0.3*(9.50+22.49+0.639)) 100.77 M
So maximum of two i.e. 100.77 m on both side of the bend is required to be restrained.

1 As per CPHEEO manual Clause No.6.16.18 Pg.161 it is evident that Where steel pipes with welded joints are used,
full anchorage is not generally necessary, since the longitudinal continuity of the pipe is capable of distributing the
forces into the ground.

2 About half the thrust will be taken by the weight of the concrete and the remainder by the longitudinal stress in the

3 As per AWWA M11 Clause No.13.8 Pg. 148 it is mentioned that Restrained or harnessed Joints may be used to
resist thrust forces through the development of friction forces between pipe and the soil surrounding it.

4 An undisturbed section of trench wall adjacent to the fitting and centered in the direction of thrust shall be excavated
to dimensions providing the minimum bearing area calculated from the formula given above.

5 Thrust block excavations shall be keyed a minimum of 300mm into undisturbed soil.
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
6 The thrust blocks shall be of concrete M15 or grade as specified in IS 456, cast on site with surface reinforcement of
5 kg/m2.
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm

B2=1700mm B1=4600mm



Ht Ht=2737.8mm



Section AA
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
3 plate thickness = 8.8 mm
4 inside lining = 9 mm
5 outside coating = 40 mm
6 Outer Dia meter of Pipe 1215.6 mm
7 Density of concrete = 2400 kg/m3
8 Density of Cement mortar coating 2200 kg/m3
9 Density of outer coating 2200 kg/m3
10 Density of Steel = 7850 kg/m3
11 Degree of Angle of bend a in degrees = 75 O
12 Working Pressure in the pipe line (WP) = 8.01 Kg/cm2
13 Test pressure in the pipe line (TP) = 12.02 Kg/cm2
14 Factor of safety adopted (over Testing pressure) Sf = 1
15 Grade of concrete = M 15
16 Grade fo steel = Fe 415
17 Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil (Sb) 8 T/m2
18 Earth cover above bend = 1m
19 Density of soil g s = 1850 Kg/m3
20 Angle of Internal friction of soil q in degrees = 30 O
21 Friction Fcator m = 0.4
22 Soil Cohesion Cs = 0
Dimensions of Thrust block
1 Length of thrust block L = 4.00
2 Width of thrust block away from pipe B1 = 4.00
3 Width of Thrust Block at Pipe B2 = 1.7
4 Height of thrust block away from pipe H1 = 2.70
5 Height of thrust block pipe H2 = 1.70
6 Height of pipe centre from bottom h = 0.75
7 Restraint Length required for Lrestrained = 86.76 m
Check for SBC = 84.93/(4.00*2.70) 7.86 <8 OK
Factor of Safety = 1.42 1.42 >1 OK
Dimensions OK
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
Wp = = 12.02 Kg/cm2
a = = 75 O
Internal dia of Pipe = = 110 cm
Effective dia = = 121.56 cm
Friction factor = = 0.4
Angle of internal friction = = 30 O
X-section Area of pipe A = 11605.70 cm2 = 1.16 Sqm.
Thrust = 2 p A sin(a/2) = 169859 Kg
TH = 169.86 T
As per CPHEEO Manual Clause No. 6.16.18 Pg. 161 about 50 % thrust will be taken by the longitudinal
stress in the pipes.
So remaining thrust may be resisted by concrete block
84.93 T
Thrust Block Design by Bearing area method
Bearing area required at the trench wall= (TH / SbxSf) 10.62 m2
Let the size of Block be as shown in figure
Ratio of Width/Height B1/H 1.50
Width B1 at Trench Wall ROUNDUP(1.50*(10.62/1.50)^0.5,1) 4.00
Width B2 at Pipe ROUNDUP( 1.7,1) 1.7

Height H ROUNDUP((10.62/1.50)^0.5,1) 2.70

length L 4.00 4.00
Average Area of Thrust Block proposed = 4.00*(4.00+ 1.7)/2 11.400
Friction between thrust block and soil
Earth Cover = 0.0178
((1/3*4.00*( 1.7^2+4.00*2.70+
(( 1.7^2)*(4.00*2.70))^0.5))* 2400/1000)-
i) Weight of Concrete Thrust Block (((3.14/4)*( 1215.6/1000)^2)* 2400/1000) 58.90
3.14*(( 1100+2* 9+ 8.8)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(ii) Wt. of pipe resting on thrust block 7850/1000*(4.00+ 1.7)/2 0.71
3.14*(( 1100+ 9)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(iii) Wt. of lining of pipe resting on thrust block 2200/1000*(4.00+ 1.7)/2 0.20
3.14*(( 1100+2*( 8.8+ 9)+
40)/1000)*( 40/1000)* 2200/1000*(4.00+
(iv) Wt. of outer coating of pipe resting on thrust block 1.7)/2 0.93
(v) Weight of water in pipeing on thrust Block 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*( 1.7)*10 16.16
(vi) Weight of earth on top of thrust block ( 1850/1000)* 1*11.400 21.09
Total weight = W= SUM(58.90 to 21.09) 97.98
a) Total Force available considering frictional resistence of soil
= m*W .4*97.98 39.1926
b) Lateral Resistence of soil against the block
= g s(H /2)B1(1+sinq)/(1-sinq)

= ( 1850/1000)*(2.70^2/2)*4.00*(1+SIN( 30*3.14/180))/(1-SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 80.92

c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free to yield away from the soil mass
g s*h*((1-sinq)/(1+sinq))

( 1850/1000)*( 1.78000000000003E-02+ 1215.6/1000)*(1-

= SIN( 30*3.14/180))/(1+SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 0.761
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
Total Resistence = 80.92+39.1926+0.761 120.87

Check for SBC = 84.93/(4.00*2.70) 7.86

Factor of Safety = 120.87/84.93 1.42 >1
Provide Reinforcement tor 8 mm bars
@ 150 mm c/c on all faces.

To match C.G. of thrust block and pipe

Equating Weight of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. 50% of total wt = 29.450
of Thrust block
Volume of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. = 12.271 m3
Location of pipe should be such that C.G. of pipe should match the C.G. of Thrust Block. Therefore,
Height of pipe centre from bottom of thrust block 'h' = 1.11 m

Restaining Method -Friction between Soil and Pipe

(i) Unit Weight of contained water in pipe Ww= 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*10 9.50 T/m

(ii) Unit weight of prism of soil over the pipe We= ( 1850/100)* 1* 1215.6/1000 22.49 T/m
(iii) Unit weight of pipe Wp = 0.639 T/m

As per force balance equation in the direction of the pipe leg M11 Pg. No. 148 Clause No. 13.8
L1 = Sf ((PA(1-cos(θ))]/μ[We+Wp+Ww]

= ( 1*(8.01*100)*1.16*(1-COS(RADIANS( 75)))/(( .4*(9.50+22.49+0.639)))) 52.82 M

As per the force balance equation in the direction of the resultant unbalnced thrust force
Pp= ( 1850/100)* 1*(TAN((45- 30/2)*3.14/180))^2+( 0*TAN((45-26/2)*3.14/180)) 6.17
L2 = Sf[ PA sinθ/2]/μ[We+Wp+Wp+Ww]
= 1*(12.02*100*1.16*SIN(RADIANS( 75/2)))/(0.3*(9.50+22.49+0.639)) 86.76 M
So maximum of two i.e. 86.76 m on both side of the bend is required to be restrained.

1 As per CPHEEO manual Clause No.6.16.18 Pg.161 it is evident that Where steel pipes with welded joints are used,
full anchorage is not generally necessary, since the longitudinal continuity of the pipe is capable of distributing the
forces into the ground.

2 About half the thrust will be taken by the weight of the concrete and the remainder by the longitudinal stress in the

3 As per AWWA M11 Clause No.13.8 Pg. 148 it is mentioned that Restrained or harnessed Joints may be used to
resist thrust forces through the development of friction forces between pipe and the soil surrounding it.

4 An undisturbed section of trench wall adjacent to the fitting and centered in the direction of thrust shall be excavated
to dimensions providing the minimum bearing area calculated from the formula given above.

5 Thrust block excavations shall be keyed a minimum of 300mm into undisturbed soil.
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
6 The thrust blocks shall be of concrete M15 or grade as specified in IS 456, cast on site with surface reinforcement of
5 kg/m2.
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm

B2=1700mm B1=4000mm



Ht Ht=2717.8mm



Section AA
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
3 plate thickness = 8.8 mm
4 inside lining = 9 mm
5 outside coating = 40 mm
6 Outer Dia meter of Pipe 1215.6 mm
7 Density of concrete = 2400 kg/m3
8 Density of Cement mortar coating 2200 kg/m3
9 Density of outer coating 2200 kg/m3
10 Density of Steel = 7850 kg/m3
11 Degree of Angle of bend a in degrees = 60 O
12 Working Pressure in the pipe line (WP) = 8.01 Kg/cm2
13 Test pressure in the pipe line (TP) = 12.02 Kg/cm2
14 Factor of safety adopted (over Testing pressure) Sf = 1
15 Grade of concrete = M 15
16 Grade fo steel = Fe 415
17 Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil (Sb) 8 T/m2
18 Earth cover above bend = 1m
19 Density of soil g s = 1850 Kg/m3
20 Angle of Internal friction of soil q in degrees = 30 O
21 Friction Fcator m = 0.4
22 Soil Cohesion Cs = 0
Dimensions of Thrust block
1 Length of thrust block L = 3.40
2 Width of thrust block away from pipe B1 = 3.40
3 Width of Thrust Block at Pipe B2 = 1.7
4 Height of thrust block away from pipe H1 = 2.60
5 Height of thrust block pipe H2 = 1.70
6 Height of pipe centre from bottom h = 0.75
7 Restraint Length required for Lrestrained = 71.26 m
Check for SBC = 69.76/(3.40*2.60) 7.89 <8 OK
Factor of Safety = 1.37 1.37 >1 OK
Dimensions OK
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
Wp = = 12.02 Kg/cm2
a = = 60 O
Internal dia of Pipe = = 110 cm
Effective dia = = 121.56 cm
Friction factor = = 0.4
Angle of internal friction = = 30 O
X-section Area of pipe A = 11605.70 cm2 = 1.16 Sqm.
Thrust = 2 p A sin(a/2) = 139512 Kg
TH = 139.51 T
As per CPHEEO Manual Clause No. 6.16.18 Pg. 161 about 50 % thrust will be taken by the longitudinal
stress in the pipes.
So remaining thrust may be resisted by concrete block
69.76 T
Thrust Block Design by Bearing area method
Bearing area required at the trench wall= (TH / SbxSf) 8.72 m2
Let the size of Block be as shown in figure
Ratio of Width/Height B1/H 1.30
Width B1 at Trench Wall ROUNDUP(1.30*(8.72/1.30)^0.5,1) 3.40
Width B2 at Pipe ROUNDUP( 1.7,1) 1.7
Height H ROUNDUP((8.72/1.30)^0.5,1) 2.60
length L 3.40 3.40
Average Area of Thrust Block proposed = 3.40*(3.40+ 1.7)/2 8.670
Friction between thrust block and soil
Earth Cover = 0.0578
((1/3*3.40*( 1.7^2+3.40*2.60+
(( 1.7^2)*(3.40*2.60))^0.5))* 2400/1000)-
i) Weight of Concrete Thrust Block (((3.14/4)*( 1215.6/1000)^2)* 2400/1000) 42.87
3.14*(( 1100+2* 9+ 8.8)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(ii) Wt. of pipe resting on thrust block 7850/1000*(3.40+ 1.7)/2 0.64
3.14*(( 1100+ 9)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(iii) Wt. of lining of pipe resting on thrust block 2200/1000*(3.40+ 1.7)/2 0.18
3.14*(( 1100+2*( 8.8+ 9)+
40)/1000)*( 40/1000)* 2200/1000*(3.40+
(iv) Wt. of outer coating of pipe resting on thrust block 1.7)/2 0.83
(v) Weight of water in pipeing on thrust Block 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*( 1.7)*10 16.16
(vi) Weight of earth on top of thrust block ( 1850/1000)* 1*8.670 16.04
Total weight = W= SUM(42.87 to 16.04) 76.71
a) Total Force available considering frictional resistence of soil
= m*W .4*76.71 30.6824
b) Lateral Resistence of soil against the block
= g s(H /2)B1(1+sinq)/(1-sinq)

= ( 1850/1000)*(2.60^2/2)*3.40*(1+SIN( 30*3.14/180))/(1-SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 63.78

c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free to yield away from the soil mass
g s*h*((1-sinq)/(1+sinq))

( 1850/1000)*( 5.77999999999999E-02+ 1215.6/1000)*(1-

= SIN( 30*3.14/180))/(1+SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 0.785
Total Resistence = 63.78+30.6824+0.785 95.25
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm

Check for SBC = 69.76/(3.40*2.60) 7.89

Factor of Safety = 95.25/69.76 1.37 >1
Provide Reinforcement tor 8 mm bars
@ 150 mm c/c on all faces.

To match C.G. of thrust block and pipe

Equating Weight of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. 50% of total wt = 21.434
of Thrust block
Volume of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. = 8.931 m3
Location of pipe should be such that C.G. of pipe should match the C.G. of Thrust Block. Therefore,
Height of pipe centre from bottom of thrust block 'h' = 1.05 m

Restaining Method -Friction between Soil and Pipe

(i) Unit Weight of contained water in pipe Ww= 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*10 9.50 T/m

(ii) Unit weight of prism of soil over the pipe We= ( 1850/100)* 1* 1215.6/1000 22.49 T/m
(iii) Unit weight of pipe Wp = 0.639 T/m

As per force balance equation in the direction of the pipe leg M11 Pg. No. 148 Clause No. 13.8
L1 = Sf ((PA(1-cos(θ))]/μ[We+Wp+Ww]

= ( 1*(8.01*100)*1.16*(1-COS(RADIANS( 60)))/(( .4*(9.50+22.49+0.639)))) 35.63 M

As per the force balance equation in the direction of the resultant unbalnced thrust force
Pp= ( 1850/100)* 1*(TAN((45- 30/2)*3.14/180))^2+( 0*TAN((45-26/2)*3.14/180)) 6.17
L2 = Sf[ PA sinθ/2]/μ[We+Wp+Wp+Ww]
= 1*(12.02*100*1.16*SIN(RADIANS( 60/2)))/(0.3*(9.50+22.49+0.639)) 71.26 M
So maximum of two i.e. 71.26 m on both side of the bend is required to be restrained.

1 As per CPHEEO manual Clause No.6.16.18 Pg.161 it is evident that Where steel pipes with welded joints are used,
full anchorage is not generally necessary, since the longitudinal continuity of the pipe is capable of distributing the
forces into the ground.

2 About half the thrust will be taken by the weight of the concrete and the remainder by the longitudinal stress in the

3 As per AWWA M11 Clause No.13.8 Pg. 148 it is mentioned that Restrained or harnessed Joints may be used to
resist thrust forces through the development of friction forces between pipe and the soil surrounding it.

4 An undisturbed section of trench wall adjacent to the fitting and centered in the direction of thrust shall be excavated
to dimensions providing the minimum bearing area calculated from the formula given above.

5 Thrust block excavations shall be keyed a minimum of 300mm into undisturbed soil.
6 The thrust blocks shall be of concrete M15 or grade as specified in IS 456, cast on site with surface reinforcement of
5 kg/m2.
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm

B2=1700mm B1=3400mm



Ht Ht=2657.8mm



Section AA
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
3 plate thickness = 8.8 mm
4 inside lining = 9 mm
5 outside coating = 40 mm
6 Outer Dia meter of Pipe 1215.6 mm
7 Density of concrete = 2400 kg/m3
8 Density of Cement mortar coating 2200 kg/m3
9 Density of outer coating 2200 kg/m3
10 Density of Steel = 7850 kg/m3
11 Degree of Angle of bend a in degrees = 45 O
12 Working Pressure in the pipe line (WP) = 8.01 Kg/cm2
13 Test pressure in the pipe line (TP) = 12.02 Kg/cm2
14 Factor of safety adopted (over Testing pressure) Sf = 1
15 Grade of concrete = M 15
16 Grade fo steel = Fe 415
17 Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil (Sb) 8 T/m2
18 Earth cover above bend = 1m
19 Density of soil g s = 1850 Kg/m3
20 Angle of Internal friction of soil q in degrees = 30 O
21 Friction Fcator m = 0.4
22 Soil Cohesion Cs = 0
Dimensions of Thrust block
1 Length of thrust block L = 2.80
2 Width of thrust block away from pipe B1 = 2.80
3 Width of Thrust Block at Pipe B2 = 1.7
4 Height of thrust block away from pipe H1 = 2.50
5 Height of thrust block pipe H2 = 1.70
6 Height of pipe centre from bottom h = 0.75
7 Restraint Length required for Lrestrained = 54.54 m
Check for SBC = 53.39/(2.80*2.50) 7.63 <8 OK
Factor of Safety = 1.36 1.36 >1 OK
Dimensions OK
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
Wp = = 12.02 Kg/cm2
a = = 45 O
Internal dia of Pipe = = 110 cm
Effective dia = = 121.56 cm
Friction factor = = 0.4
Angle of internal friction = = 30 O
X-section Area of pipe A = 11605.70 cm2 = 1.16 Sqm.
Thrust = 2 p A sin(a/2) = 106778 Kg
TH = 106.78 T
As per CPHEEO Manual Clause No. 6.16.18 Pg. 161 about 50 % thrust will be taken by the longitudinal
stress in the pipes.
So remaining thrust may be resisted by concrete block
53.39 T
Thrust Block Design by Bearing area method
Bearing area required at the trench wall= (TH / SbxSf) 6.67 m2
Let the size of Block be as shown in figure
Ratio of Width/Height B1/H 1.10
Width B1 at Trench Wall ROUNDUP(1.10*(6.67/1.10)^0.5,1) 2.80
Width B2 at Pipe ROUNDUP( 1.7,1) 1.7
Height H ROUNDUP((6.67/1.10)^0.5,1) 2.50
length L 2.80 2.80
Average Area of Thrust Block proposed = 2.80*(2.80+ 1.7)/2 6.300
Friction between thrust block and soil
Earth Cover = 0.0878
((1/3*2.80*( 1.7^2+2.80*2.50+
(( 1.7^2)*(2.80*2.50))^0.5))* 2400/1000)-
i) Weight of Concrete Thrust Block (((3.14/4)*( 1215.6/1000)^2)* 2400/1000) 29.44
3.14*(( 1100+2* 9+ 8.8)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(ii) Wt. of pipe resting on thrust block 7850/1000*(2.80+ 1.7)/2 0.56
3.14*(( 1100+ 9)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(iii) Wt. of lining of pipe resting on thrust block 2200/1000*(2.80+ 1.7)/2 0.16
3.14*(( 1100+2*( 8.8+ 9)+
40)/1000)*( 40/1000)* 2200/1000*(2.80+
(iv) Wt. of outer coating of pipe resting on thrust block 1.7)/2 0.73
(v) Weight of water in pipeing on thrust Block 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*( 1.7)*10 16.16
(vi) Weight of earth on top of thrust block ( 1850/1000)* 1*6.300 11.66
Total weight = W= SUM(29.44 to 11.66) 58.70
a) Total Force available considering frictional resistence of soil
= m*W .4*58.70 23.4812
b) Lateral Resistence of soil against the block
= g s(H /2)B1(1+sinq)/(1-sinq)

= ( 1850/1000)*(2.50^2/2)*2.80*(1+SIN( 30*3.14/180))/(1-SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 48.56

c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free to yield away from the soil mass
g s*h*((1-sinq)/(1+sinq))

( 1850/1000)*( 8.78000000000001E-02+ 1215.6/1000)*(1-

= SIN( 30*3.14/180))/(1+SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 0.804
Total Resistence = 48.56+23.4812+0.804 72.85
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm

Check for SBC = 53.39/(2.80*2.50) 7.63

Factor of Safety = 72.85/53.39 1.36 >1
Provide Reinforcement tor 8 mm bars
@ 150 mm c/c on all faces.

To match C.G. of thrust block and pipe

Equating Weight of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. 50% of total wt = 14.722
of Thrust block
Volume of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. = 6.134 m3
Location of pipe should be such that C.G. of pipe should match the C.G. of Thrust Block. Therefore,
Height of pipe centre from bottom of thrust block 'h' = 0.98 m

Restaining Method -Friction between Soil and Pipe

(i) Unit Weight of contained water in pipe Ww= 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*10 9.50 T/m

(ii) Unit weight of prism of soil over the pipe We= ( 1850/100)* 1* 1215.6/1000 22.49 T/m
(iii) Unit weight of pipe Wp = 0.639 T/m

As per force balance equation in the direction of the pipe leg M11 Pg. No. 148 Clause No. 13.8
L1 = Sf ((PA(1-cos(θ))]/μ[We+Wp+Ww]

= ( 1*(8.01*100)*1.16*(1-COS(RADIANS( 45)))/(( .4*(9.50+22.49+0.639)))) 20.87 M

As per the force balance equation in the direction of the resultant unbalnced thrust force
Pp= ( 1850/100)* 1*(TAN((45- 30/2)*3.14/180))^2+( 0*TAN((45-26/2)*3.14/180)) 6.17
L2 = Sf[ PA sinθ/2]/μ[We+Wp+Wp+Ww]
= 1*(12.02*100*1.16*SIN(RADIANS( 45/2)))/(0.3*(9.50+22.49+0.639)) 54.54 M
So maximum of two i.e. 54.54 m on both side of the bend is required to be restrained.

1 As per CPHEEO manual Clause No.6.16.18 Pg.161 it is evident that Where steel pipes with welded joints are used,
full anchorage is not generally necessary, since the longitudinal continuity of the pipe is capable of distributing the
forces into the ground.

2 About half the thrust will be taken by the weight of the concrete and the remainder by the longitudinal stress in the

3 As per AWWA M11 Clause No.13.8 Pg. 148 it is mentioned that Restrained or harnessed Joints may be used to
resist thrust forces through the development of friction forces between pipe and the soil surrounding it.

4 An undisturbed section of trench wall adjacent to the fitting and centered in the direction of thrust shall be excavated
to dimensions providing the minimum bearing area calculated from the formula given above.

5 Thrust block excavations shall be keyed a minimum of 300mm into undisturbed soil.
6 The thrust blocks shall be of concrete M15 or grade as specified in IS 456, cast on site with surface reinforcement of
5 kg/m2.
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm

B2=1700mm B1=2800mm



Ht Ht=2587.8mm



Section AA
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
3 plate thickness = 8.8 mm
4 inside lining = 9 mm
5 outside coating = 40 mm
6 Outer Dia meter of Pipe 1215.6 mm
7 Density of concrete = 2400 kg/m3
8 Density of Cement mortar coating 2200 kg/m3
9 Density of outer coating 2200 kg/m3
10 Density of Steel = 7850 kg/m3
11 Degree of Angle of bend a in degrees = 22.5 O
12 Working Pressure in the pipe line (WP) = 8.01 Kg/cm2
13 Test pressure in the pipe line (TP) = 12.02 Kg/cm2
14 Factor of safety adopted (over Testing pressure) Sf = 1
15 Grade of concrete = M 15
16 Grade fo steel = Fe 415
17 Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil (Sb) 8 T/m2
18 Earth cover above bend = 1m
19 Density of soil g s = 1850 Kg/m3
20 Angle of Internal friction of soil q in degrees = 30 O
21 Friction Fcator m = 0.4
22 Soil Cohesion Cs = 0
Dimensions of Thrust block
1 Length of thrust block L = 1.90
2 Width of thrust block away from pipe B1 = 1.90
3 Width of Thrust Block at Pipe B2 = 1.7
4 Height of thrust block away from pipe H1 = 2.20
5 Height of thrust block pipe H2 = 1.70
6 Height of pipe centre from bottom h = 0.75
7 Restraint Length required for Lrestrained = 27.80 m
Check for SBC = 27.22/(1.90*2.20) 6.51 <8 OK
Factor of Safety = 1.27 1.27 >1 OK
Dimensions OK
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
Wp = = 12.02 Kg/cm2
a = = 23 O
Internal dia of Pipe = = 110 cm
Effective dia = = 121.56 cm
Friction factor = = 0.4
Angle of internal friction = = 30 O
X-section Area of pipe A = 11605.70 cm2 = 1.16 Sqm.
Thrust = 2 p A sin(a/2) = 54435 Kg
TH = 54.43 T
As per CPHEEO Manual Clause No. 6.16.18 Pg. 161 about 50 % thrust will be taken by the longitudinal
stress in the pipes.
So remaining thrust may be resisted by concrete block
27.22 T
Thrust Block Design by Bearing area method
Bearing area required at the trench wall= (TH / SbxSf) 3.40 m2
Let the size of Block be as shown in figure
Ratio of Width/Height B1/H 1.00
Width B1 at Trench Wall ROUNDUP(1.00*(3.40/1.00)^0.5,1) 1.90
Width B2 at Pipe ROUNDUP( 1.7,1) 1.7

Height H ROUNDUP((3.40/1.00)^0.5,1) 1.90

length L 1.90 1.90
Average Area of Thrust Block proposed = 1.90*(1.90+ 1.7)/2 3.420
Friction between thrust block and soil
Earth Cover = 0.2178
((1/3*1.90*( 1.7^2+1.90*2.20+
(( 1.7^2)*(1.90*2.20))^0.5))* 2400/1000)-
i) Weight of Concrete Thrust Block (((3.14/4)*( 1215.6/1000)^2)* 2400/1000) 13.24
3.14*(( 1100+2* 9+ 8.8)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(ii) Wt. of pipe resting on thrust block 7850/1000*(1.90+ 1.7)/2 0.45
3.14*(( 1100+ 9)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(iii) Wt. of lining of pipe resting on thrust block 2200/1000*(1.90+ 1.7)/2 0.12
3.14*(( 1100+2*( 8.8+ 9)+
40)/1000)*( 40/1000)* 2200/1000*(1.90+
(iv) Wt. of outer coating of pipe resting on thrust block 1.7)/2 0.59
(v) Weight of water in pipeing on thrust Block 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*( 1.7)*10 16.16
(vi) Weight of earth on top of thrust block ( 1850/1000)* 1*3.420 6.33
Total weight = W= SUM(13.24 to 6.33) 36.89
a) Total Force available considering frictional resistence of soil
= m*W .4*36.89 14.7544
b) Lateral Resistence of soil against the block
= g s(H /2)B1(1+sinq)/(1-sinq)

= ( 1850/1000)*(1.90^2/2)*1.90*(1+SIN( 30*3.14/180))/(1-SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 19.03

c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free to yield away from the soil mass
g s*h*((1-sinq)/(1+sinq))

( 1850/1000)*( .2178+ 1215.6/1000)*(1-SIN( 30*3.14/180))/

= (1+SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 0.884
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
Total Resistence = 19.03+14.7544+0.884 34.67

Check for SBC = 27.22/(1.90*2.20) 6.51

Factor of Safety = 34.67/27.22 1.27 >1
Provide Reinforcement tor 8 mm bars
@ 150 mm c/c on all faces.

To match C.G. of thrust block and pipe

Equating Weight of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. 50% of total wt = 6.622
of Thrust block
Volume of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. = 2.759 m3
Location of pipe should be such that C.G. of pipe should match the C.G. of Thrust Block. Therefore,
Height of pipe centre from bottom of thrust block 'h' = 0.81 m

Restaining Method -Friction between Soil and Pipe

(i) Unit Weight of contained water in pipe Ww= 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*10 9.50 T/m

(ii) Unit weight of prism of soil over the pipe We= ( 1850/100)* 1* 1215.6/1000 22.49 T/m
(iii) Unit weight of pipe Wp = 0.639 T/m

As per force balance equation in the direction of the pipe leg M11 Pg. No. 148 Clause No. 13.8
L1 = Sf ((PA(1-cos(θ))]/μ[We+Wp+Ww]

= ( 1*(8.01*100)*1.16*(1-COS(RADIANS( 22.5)))/(( .4*(9.50+22.49+0.639)))) 5.42 M

As per the force balance equation in the direction of the resultant unbalnced thrust force
Pp= ( 1850/100)* 1*(TAN((45- 30/2)*3.14/180))^2+( 0*TAN((45-26/2)*3.14/180)) 6.17
L2 = Sf[ PA sinθ/2]/μ[We+Wp+Wp+Ww]
= 1*(12.02*100*1.16*SIN(RADIANS( 22.5/2)))/(0.3*(9.50+22.49+0.639)) 27.80 M
So maximum of two i.e. 27.80 m on both side of the bend is required to be restrained.

1 As per CPHEEO manual Clause No.6.16.18 Pg.161 it is evident that Where steel pipes with welded joints are used,
full anchorage is not generally necessary, since the longitudinal continuity of the pipe is capable of distributing the
forces into the ground.

2 About half the thrust will be taken by the weight of the concrete and the remainder by the longitudinal stress in the

3 As per AWWA M11 Clause No.13.8 Pg. 148 it is mentioned that Restrained or harnessed Joints may be used to
resist thrust forces through the development of friction forces between pipe and the soil surrounding it.

4 An undisturbed section of trench wall adjacent to the fitting and centered in the direction of thrust shall be excavated
to dimensions providing the minimum bearing area calculated from the formula given above.

5 Thrust block excavations shall be keyed a minimum of 300mm into undisturbed soil.
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
6 The thrust blocks shall be of concrete M15 or grade as specified in IS 456, cast on site with surface reinforcement of
5 kg/m2.
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm

B2=1700mm B1=1900mm



Ht Ht=2417.8mm



Section AA
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
3 plate thickness = 8.8 mm
4 inside lining = 9 mm
5 outside coating = 40 mm
6 Outer Dia meter of Pipe 1215.6 mm
7 Density of concrete = 2400 kg/m3
8 Density of Cement mortar coating 2200 kg/m3
9 Density of outer coating 2200 kg/m3
10 Density of Steel = 7850 kg/m3
11 Degree of Angle of bend a in degrees = 11.25 O
12 Working Pressure in the pipe line (WP) = 8.01 Kg/cm2
13 Test pressure in the pipe line (TP) = 12.02 Kg/cm2
14 Factor of safety adopted (over Testing pressure) Sf = 1
15 Grade of concrete = M 15
16 Grade fo steel = Fe 415
17 Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil (Sb) 8 T/m2
18 Earth cover above bend = 1m
19 Density of soil g s = 1850 Kg/m3
20 Angle of Internal friction of soil q in degrees = 30 O
21 Friction Fcator m = 0.4
22 Soil Cohesion Cs = 0
Dimensions of Thrust block
1 Length of thrust block L = 1.70
2 Width of thrust block away from pipe B1 = 1.70
3 Width of Thrust Block at Pipe B2 = 1.7
4 Height of thrust block away from pipe H1 = 1.70
5 Height of thrust block pipe H2 = 1.70
6 Height of pipe centre from bottom h = 0.75
7 Restraint Length required for Lrestrained = 13.97 m
Check for SBC = 13.67/(1.70*1.70) 4.73 <8 OK
Factor of Safety = 1.55 1.55 >1 OK
Dimensions OK
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
Wp = = 12.02 Kg/cm2
a = = 11 O
Internal dia of Pipe = = 110 cm
Effective dia = = 121.56 cm
Friction factor = = 0.4
Angle of internal friction = = 30 O
X-section Area of pipe A = 11605.70 cm2 = 1.16 Sqm.
Thrust = 2 p A sin(a/2) = 27349 Kg
TH = 27.35 T
As per CPHEEO Manual Clause No. 6.16.18 Pg. 161 about 50 % thrust will be taken by the longitudinal
stress in the pipes.
So remaining thrust may be resisted by concrete block
13.67 T
Thrust Block Design by Bearing area method
Bearing area required at the trench wall= (TH / SbxSf) 1.71 m2
Let the size of Block be as shown in figure
Ratio of Width/Height B1/H 1.00
Width B1 at Trench Wall ROUNDUP(1.00*(1.71/1.00)^0.5,1) 1.40
Width B2 at Pipe ROUNDUP( 1.7,1) 1.7

Height H ROUNDUP((1.71/1.00)^0.5,1) 1.40

length L 1.70 1.70
Average Area of Thrust Block proposed = 1.70*(1.40+ 1.7)/2 2.635
Friction between thrust block and soil
Earth Cover = 0.5578
((1/3*1.70*( 1.7^2+1.70*1.70+
(( 1.7^2)*(1.70*1.70))^0.5))* 2400/1000)-
i) Weight of Concrete Thrust Block (((3.14/4)*( 1215.6/1000)^2)* 2400/1000) 9.01
3.14*(( 1100+2* 9+ 8.8)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(ii) Wt. of pipe resting on thrust block 7850/1000*(1.70+ 1.7)/2 0.43
3.14*(( 1100+ 9)/1000)*( 9/1000)*
(iii) Wt. of lining of pipe resting on thrust block 2200/1000*(1.70+ 1.7)/2 0.12
3.14*(( 1100+2*( 8.8+ 9)+
40)/1000)*( 40/1000)* 2200/1000*(1.70+
(iv) Wt. of outer coating of pipe resting on thrust block 1.7)/2 0.55
(v) Weight of water in pipeing on thrust Block 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*( 1.7)*10 16.16
(vi) Weight of earth on top of thrust block ( 1850/1000)* 1*2.635 4.87
Total weight = W= SUM(9.01 to 4.87) 31.13
a) Total Force available considering frictional resistence of soil
= m*W .4*31.13 12.4525
b) Lateral Resistence of soil against the block
= g s(H /2)B1(1+sinq)/(1-sinq)

= ( 1850/1000)*(1.40^2/2)*1.40*(1+SIN( 30*3.14/180))/(1-SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 7.61

c) Lateral resistance of soil when the thrust block is free to yield away from the soil mass
g s*h*((1-sinq)/(1+sinq))

( 1850/1000)*( .5578+ 1215.6/1000)*(1-SIN( 30*3.14/180))/

= (1+SIN( 30*3.14/180)) 1.094
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
Total Resistence = 7.61+12.4525+1.094 21.16

Check for SBC = 13.67/(1.70*1.70) 4.73

Factor of Safety = 21.16/13.67 1.55 >1
Provide Reinforcement tor 8 mm bars
@ 150 mm c/c on all faces.

To match C.G. of thrust block and pipe

Equating Weight of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. 50% of total wt = 4.503
of Thrust block
Volume of Thrust Block above and below pipe centre. = 1.876 m3
Location of pipe should be such that C.G. of pipe should match the C.G. of Thrust Block. Therefore,
Height of pipe centre from bottom of thrust block 'h' = 0.65 m

Restaining Method -Friction between Soil and Pipe

(i) Unit Weight of contained water in pipe Ww= 3.14*( 1100/1000)^2/4*10 9.50 T/m

(ii) Unit weight of prism of soil over the pipe We= ( 1850/100)* 1* 1215.6/1000 22.49 T/m
(iii) Unit weight of pipe Wp = 0.639 T/m

As per force balance equation in the direction of the pipe leg M11 Pg. No. 148 Clause No. 13.8
L1 = Sf ((PA(1-cos(θ))]/μ[We+Wp+Ww]

= ( 1*(8.01*100)*1.16*(1-COS(RADIANS( 11.25)))/(( .4*(9.50+22.49+0.639)))) 1.37 M

As per the force balance equation in the direction of the resultant unbalnced thrust force
Pp= ( 1850/100)* 1*(TAN((45- 30/2)*3.14/180))^2+( 0*TAN((45-26/2)*3.14/180)) 6.17
L2 = Sf[ PA sinθ/2]/μ[We+Wp+Wp+Ww]
= 1*(12.02*100*1.16*SIN(RADIANS( 11.25/2)))/(0.3*(9.50+22.49+0.639)) 13.97 M
So maximum of two i.e. 13.97 m on both side of the bend is required to be restrained.

1 As per CPHEEO manual Clause No.6.16.18 Pg.161 it is evident that Where steel pipes with welded joints are used,
full anchorage is not generally necessary, since the longitudinal continuity of the pipe is capable of distributing the
forces into the ground.

2 About half the thrust will be taken by the weight of the concrete and the remainder by the longitudinal stress in the

3 As per AWWA M11 Clause No.13.8 Pg. 148 it is mentioned that Restrained or harnessed Joints may be used to
resist thrust forces through the development of friction forces between pipe and the soil surrounding it.

4 An undisturbed section of trench wall adjacent to the fitting and centered in the direction of thrust shall be excavated
to dimensions providing the minimum bearing area calculated from the formula given above.

5 Thrust block excavations shall be keyed a minimum of 300mm into undisturbed soil.
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm
6 The thrust blocks shall be of concrete M15 or grade as specified in IS 456, cast on site with surface reinforcement of
5 kg/m2.
Design of Thrust Block
Name of Project: Narmada Canal Based ER Transmission Main Project
Design Data Palari Solankiya to BPS-1
Chainage 3250-6450 m
1 Type of Pipe = MS
2 Internal diameter of pipe line D = 1100 mm

B2=1700mm B1=1700mm



Ht Ht=2257.8mm



Section AA

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