HR Function
HR Function
HR Function
15 Financial Performance
118 Waste Management
Annexure 3: Glossary
with our expertise in fluorine chemistry, we
16 Product Offering
126 Responsible People Care – aim to deliver innovative and exceptional
Occupational Health and Safety
22 Governance
solutions for demanding applications.
142 Responsible and Sustainable
32 Responsible Growth - Our
Commitment and Approach Mr. Vivek Kumar Jain
Managing Director
40 Responsible Stakeholder
Engagement and Materiality
Since the last couple of decades, By signing the SBTi Commitment we We continuously review and strengthen
the Corporate world is being called have dedicated ourselves to develop a our internal control processes. We
upon to systematically address the science-based emission reduction target are now ISO37001 Certified for its
environmental and social implications within the timeframe and as per the Anti Bribery and Anti- Corruption
of their actions, as well as to make criteria required by SBTi. Management System; thus, becoming
a positive contribution through their one of the very few companies in India
products and solutions. Our continuous focus on Occupational to accomplish this certification.
Safety and Health ensure that our
In the above context, I am happy to share manufacturing plants are inherently safe Taking forward our pledge to promote
with you all the GFCL Sustainability and healthy and nobody gets hurt while ‘Value through Green chemistry’ and
Report and UNGC Communication working for us. GFCL has drafted the with our expertise in fluorine chemistry,
on Progress for FY2019-20. I believe services of DuPont Sustainable Solutions we aim to deliver innovative and
that long-term corporate success to strengthen our Process Safety exceptional solutions for demanding
depends on how we are aligning our Management system. We have also applications. We consistently focus
economic activities with the principles of adopted the Principles of Responsible on clean processes that aid in
sustainability and responsible corporate Care. We have adopted the ISO 26000 the development of customized
governance. At GFCL, sustainability and standards for implantation of our social solutions and at the same time being
responsible growth to deliver value to all responsibility actions. Our Dahej and environmental friendly.
our stakeholders has always been the Ranjitnagar Plants are now SA 8000
founding block of our long-term business Certified by Social Accountability Aligning our actions to our goals, we are
strategy. International (SAI). poised to build a culture of excellence
and pave the way for RESPONSIBLE
GFCL joined the growing group of Our Sustainable Procurement Policy GROWTH while ensuring a greener
leading companies that are setting and Code of Conduct for the Suppliers, future, safe and healthier workplace,
emissions reduction targets in line what Vendors and Third Parties sets our and positively impacting the community
climate science says is necessary. expectations from our business partners at large.
and forms the foundation for a long term
trustworthy relationship and how we will
conduct our business. Our procurement
processes are in compliance with the Mr. Vivek Kumar Jain
ISO 20400 standards. Managing Director
Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited
Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Sustainable development has always ISO 26000 standards. The GRI Content ensured accuracy and completeness of
been the core ethos of all our operations Index, which also contains the mapping the information disclosed in this report.
and business decisions. We are proud with other frameworks has been In addition, certain key performance It gives me immense pleasure to share
to release the first annual sustainability provided at the end of the report. indicators in the report have been
report of Gujarat Fluorochemicals independently assured by Ernst & GFCL’s Sustainability Report prepared
This report contains information for the
Limited (GFCL) which brings together the
details of our sustainability approach two plants of GFCL located in India,
Young Associates LLP, as depicted in the
assurance statement.
as per the GRI standard. This report
and performance across all aspects of
our organization and value chain. This
namely Ranjitnagar and Dahej, in
addition to our offices in India, unless We welcome your feedback and
also serves as our CoP, an annual
report contains performance information specified otherwise. The information
has been sourced from our robust
comments on this report, which will help
us enhance our future sustainability
disclosure required to be made in the development, new markets, capital
for the financial year ending 31st March
2020 (FY 2019-20), and historical internal data management systems and communications. Please reach us by implementation of the UNGC Principles, projects, operational management and
ultimately product end – use. Health
the same has been reviewed by the writing to Mr. Kallol Chakraborty, Head
information has also been included for
certain parameters. Going forward, we Company’s Senior Management, under – Group Corporate Human Resources at in the areas of human rights, labour, and safety, social and governance
issues are built into all stages of the
plan to release our sustainability reports
on an annual basis to convey our year-
the guidance of the Board. This has [email protected].
environment and anti-corruption. asset life cycle, which helps in serving
our customers and all stakeholders
on-year performance. over the longer term, wherever they
are across the world. We have adopted
This report has
Mr. Satish Kakade Responsible Care Principles across
been prepared in
Chief Executive Officer all business functions. Product Safety
accordance with the
and Stewardship actions help us to
Global Reporting
provide our Customers with inherently
Initiative (GRI)
safe products with minimal impact on
Standards: Core
the environment. We have initiated
option. It also acts as
the process of engaging with our
our Communication Tremendous emphasis and focus are business partners in this journey through
on Progress (CoP) being bestowed in the re-alignment of sustainable procurement practices.
for United Nations relationship between business growth We have taken firm steps towards
Global Compact and sustainability by the corporate a much more socially accountable
(UNGC) Advanced, world across the globe. All stakeholders and responsible people practices by
besides being of business across countries - investors, adopting the ISO 26000 standards.
aligned with regulators, business leaders, community,
UN Sustainable employees, customers – are part of this I thank all the employees and the
Development Goals change in business paradigm shift. GFCL leadership team who have taken
(SDGs), National too has been focusing on sustainable ownership of this transformation in GFCL.
Voluntary Guidelines and responsible growth for creating We will continue to work together with
on Socio-Economic value to all its stakeholders. all our stakeholders in our continuous
and Environmental endeavour to create value for them
Responsibilities Sustainable development is an responsibly.
of Business integral part of our business strategy
(NVGs), EcoVadis and we ensure that it is built into the
Sustainability complete business cycle – product Mr. Satish Kakade
Assessment as well Chief Executive Officer
as SA 8000, and
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
People: Planet: Profit: to integrate the environmental, procurement practices across the supply
chain and ensure that all our people
social, and economic dimensions of practices are in accordance to global
standards. We also ensured a structured
sustainability into our core business Stakeholder engagement to come
2,216 12% Presence strategy.
out with our “material topic” to make
in 75+
our sustainability efforts focused and
Employees wind power consumption GFCL recognizes that in order to effective.
succeed in today’s global marketplace,
countries sustainability must be embedded in
the way we do business. We strive to
It is matter of pride that we are a
signatory to Science Based Targets
36,227* 14.5% Mr. Prashant Ogale
Chief Operating Officer
integrate the environmental, social, and
economic dimensions of sustainability
Initiative (SBTi) and are working to define
our long-term Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
– Fluorospeciality and
Manhours of training reduction in purchased into our core business strategy. emission reduction targets. We are one
grid electricity Pharma Business
of the few companies in India who are
Being a signatory of the UNGC, we are in compliance with the ISO 20400 –
of the global
committed to the 17 UN SDGs as we
1.783 Polytetrafluoro-ethylene Sustainable Procurement Management
believe that business plays an important
INR 3142 crore sustainability into all our business processes through this commitment and
*This figure is for the period 1st September 2019- 31st August 2020
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Company at a
India’s largest
markets for more value-added products
chemistry, we continue to leverage while strengthen our other diversified
monomer and polymer capacity with the
aim of catering to the rising demand for 75
our core competencies to deliver our product across geographies. After
and the
Total countries where
unique products designed for We began commercial operations in achieving success in the global PTFE we operate
1989 with India’s largest refrigerant markets, we extended our presence in
diverse end-users. Our focus on manufacturing unit in Gujarat. Today, other fluoropolymer products with gradual
clean processes and a continual
commitment towards sustainable
world’s fourth we have expanded and diversified our
presence with two manufacturing units
in India (at Dahej and Ranjitnagar), a
introduction of new fluoropolymers in
our portfolio, leading us to become one
of the preferred suppliers globally. Our
India, USA,
operations drive us to align our
aspirations with the motto of largest. captive fluorspar mine in Morocco,
subsidiaries in Europe and United States
of America (USA), and an extensive
backward integration provides us with
a solid competitive base to compete in
PTFE, Fluor elastomers (FKM), Fluorinated
Major areas of
delivering value through green marketing network across the globe. We Ethylene Propylene (FEP), Perfluoro alkoxy operation
chemistry. serve customers in 75 countries and our (PFA) and Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)
integrated and advanced manufacturing markets with application in the top twenty
industries globally.
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Company at a
H2SO4 chloroform
Manufacturing Facilities
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Company at a
Renewable Energy. With a strong Industry
workforce of over 10,000 people in over
150 business units across the country
5.00% IMC Chamber of Commerce and
National Safety Council (NSC)
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Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited
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VERTICALS: Our unwavering focus and expertise in
fluorine chemistry enables us to develop
and manufacture fluorine-based products
Fluoropolymers, while complying with the applicable
regulatory requirements. Our vertically
Fluorospecialities, integrated operations and access to key
Refrigerants and raw materials have facilitated expansion
Chemicals. into a wide range of Fluoro-products for
varied applications in automotive, modern
architecture, pharmaceuticals, chemical Fluoropolymers
processing, energy and telecommunications Fluoropolymers are one of the integral building blocks of modern world.
industry. Committed to greener processes Ranging from automobiles to telecommunications, their unique properties
power inventions that lead industries towards efficiency and better
and practices, we constantly strive to performance. From chemical resistance to harsh outdoor exposure,
make our products sustainable and Fluoropolymers can withstand a broad scope of aggression, while ensuring
heat stability and good electrical properties. They are widely used in
environmentally friendly. automotive, aerospace, semiconductors, electronics and common household
appliances because of their unique non-adhesive and low friction properties
as well as their superior heat, chemical and weather resistance and superior
electrical properties compared to other polymers.
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Being the global leader in chemical sector and a responsible Board of Directors
and ethically committed corporate citizen, we consistently work Our governance extends beyond
towards achieving new benchmarks with our governance practices. regulatory and legislative requirement,
Our governance philosophy is driven by the far-sighted vision as we strive to emphasise on an
enterprise-wide culture of good
mission and credo of the Company. corporate governance with an
endeavour to ensure that decisions
are taken in a fair and transparent
manner, while considering its impact on
all stakeholders. We actively monitor
and revise our governance structure,
practices and processes from time
to time, to ensure the adoption and
implementation of best practices.
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
d of Khaitan & Co, New Delhi. Ms Vanita Managing Director of NTPC Limited. He
Bhargava has 17 years of experience was also the Chairman of the Standing
as practicing advocate at Supreme Conference of Public Enterprises
Shri Deepak Asher Court, High Court, Company Law Board, (SCOPE) for the period 2003-05. He
Members of Director & Group Head National Green Tribunal, Mining Tribunal, has been a past member of Standing
our Board (Corporate Finance) - Resigned w.e.f. Consumer Forums and its Appellate Technical Advisory Committee of the
12th Oct 2020 Authorities. Her Representative areas Reserve Bank of India, Audit Advisory
include Dispute Resolution, Domestic Tax, Board of the Comptroller & Auditor
a b c Shri Deepak Asher is a Graduate in
Environment, Indirect Tax, Infrastructure, General of India. He has in the past
Commerce and Law, and thereafter
Energy and Natural Resources, headed the CII’sNational Committee on
took up Chartered Accountancy and
International Tax, Technology, Media and Energy. He is also a Member of Advisory
Cost and Management Accountancy
Telecom, Shareholder Dispute, Domestic Board of Axis Infrastructure Fund.
as professional qualifications. He
and International.
is presently a Fellow Chartered
Accountant and an Associate Cost and j
Management Accountant. He has been g
associated, in different capacities, with
d e f g the INOX Group of Companies, a USD 3 Shri Om Prakash Lohia Shri Sanjay Borwankar
Bn. business group. Independent Director Whole-time Director
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Risk Management The following table lists out our key identified risks, potential impact and our response to manage these risks:
Today’s world is marked by uncertainty and volatility and as Risk Context Impact on Value Our response
a result a robust and effective risk management framework creation
is necessary for businesses to grow and thrive. Our success External Our business transpires across geographies, Our ability to successfully We constantly monitor the changing
not only depends on our ability to minimise impact but also Environment exposing us to various geopolitical,
social and economic risks. These risks
navigate through an
uncertain and dynamic
market environment in countries where
we operate, thereby safeguarding us
on our aptitude to transform challenges and uncertainties into are constantly evolving, creating multiple market environment creates from potential risks. Further, owing to
uncertainties. Factors such as policy an opportunity to further our diverse geographical presence,
opportunities to expand and establish our presence. To this uncertainty, access to funds, currency augment our growth, cyclic slowdowns in a geography or
end, we have an enterprise wide function backed by a qualified volatility, rising interest rates, social unrest
and increased inflationary effects might also
enhance returns and
diversify our offerings
region does not have any major impact
on our operations.
team of experts with deep domain knowledge and extensive create impediments to potential growth
industry experience. We have developed a framework and Lower market Slow economic growth across the world has Lower demand for our At GFCL, we have developed
methodology for assessing and mitigating risks. demand for
weighed significantly on consumer spending
and demand. Moreover, the outbreak of
products in the short- term
might impact our revenue,
multipurpose plants and any sudden
impact on demand due to circumstantial
COVID-19 has halted economic activities profitability and return changes can be mitigated by a
Our Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Framework is derived from COSO ERM – Aligning Risk with Strategy and owing to countrywide lockdowns in different on investments, resulting changing product mix. Moreover, our
Performance 2016 (Draft) framework established by committee of sponsoring organizations. According to this, ERM parts of the world. This has led to further in lower returns for our diverse and innovative product portfolio
is “The culture, capabilities, and practices, integrated with strategy-setting and its execution, that organizations rely decrease in consumer spending, resulting in stakeholders has helped us to establish a strong
on to manage risk in creating, preserving, and realizing value”. We have therefore adopted residual risk approach a demand slowdown in various industries. foothold in the market, thereby allowing
and a revised Risk Reporting, and its Monitoring system has been approved by the Board. In the Board’s view, one of us to minimise the overall impact on the
business, if any
the Internal Auditors of the Company have reviewed ERM and reported that there are no material or additional risks
identified which may threaten the existence of the Company.
Climate With rising awareness about climate Rising environmental At GFCL, our R&D team is dedicated
change and change, businesses and consumers concerns compel us to be to make our existing product portfolio
impact on have become more conscious than ever. cognizant of the impact environment- friendly and constantly
We also have a Board level Risk Management Environment Consumers prefer brands that showcase an of our operations on the strives to develop green technologies
risk management committee, Framework ecological concern and offer environment- environment. It has also for manufacturing. Our eco- friendly
which consists of the following friendly products and solutions. Further, given us the opportunity product range adheres to international
members: Risk an inability to abide by prescribed rules to explore and expand our compliance standards such as REACH
Identification and regulations might result in penalties, portfolio of environment- 2020. We are one of the very few
stoppage of operations and loss of friendly (green) chemicals companies working in this segment,
Shri Devendra Kumar Jain reputation. providing us an opportunity to
Chairman Determining constantly improve our offerings in this
Gross Risk segment.
Shri Vivek Jain
Managing Director Score
Competition Given the scale of our operation, we face Competitive business The industry in which we operate
Shri Pavan Jain and entry of stiff competition from domestic as well as landscape enables us to has a high entry barrier due to high
Determining Risk capex intensity, restricted access to
Director new player international players. Further, entry of new think differently and innovate
Residual Risk Assessment players in the market might reduce our better ways of serving our technology, low availability of key raw
materials and long & stringent product
Score market share esteemed customers
development & approval cycles.
Assess Further, our scale and capabilities
Mitigation for introducing specialized grades in
Risk Score each category of Fluoropolymers and
PTFE is unique in itself. This enables
us to increase our customer base and
strengthen our relationship with existing
Creating Risk customers. This, along with our ability
Rainbow to offer cost competitive solutions
provide further impetus to our products
and favourably place us against our
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Attractions, To efficiently execute our strategy A highly motivated and At GFCL, we emphasize on talent
development and in an increasingly complex and skilled workforce enables management as part of our human
retention of key uncertain environment, we need us to drive a performance resource strategy. We undertake
talents a diverse and engaged pool of driven and innovative various initiatives to better define
talented and skilled employees. culture. By offering and understand our talent supply
There is fierce competition to a congenial working and demand requirements. We
source the best talents in the environment, we aim to also undertake various initiative
industry, especially for certain motivate our employees to promote an open, inclusive and
technical or specialist positions. to aspire for professional diverse workplace. We also intend to
Therefore, it is crucial for us to success while also retaining accelerate the development of high
attract, develop and retain key our position as an employer potential employees to make them
people. of choice. future-ready. To retain and attract
skilled employees, we offer competitive
remuneration packages, commensurate
to their expertise and experience.
Product safety and Our products are used in various Our ability to provide We take pride in delivering superior
quality industries including agriculture, safe and superior quality quality products to our customers. We
pharmaceutical and automotive. products underpins the trust undertake stringent quality control
Our inability to provide safe and of our stakeholders in our measures across our value chain,
quality products as per domestic brand. right from purchase of raw material to
and international standards might delivery of finished goods, to ensure
have an adverse impact on our adherence to the highest standards of
operations and hamper our brand quality. Our quality assurance team
reputation. manages and controls all operating
parameters and deviations, if any, in
product quality, assuring the supply of
defect-free and safe products
Cost Rising price of key raw material Through our effective cost We leverage our economies of scale
Competitiveness might have an adverse impact on management strategy, our and forward and backward integration
our profitability. Further, inability endeavour is to strike the capabilities to emerge as one of the
to provide products at a cost ideal balance between most cost competitive producers
competitive price might also affordability and quality. It of green chemicals globally. We
result in loss of key customers to is likely to ensure our long- have successfully created a niche
competitors term financial sustainability. for ourselves in the chemicals and
Fluoropolymers business and we
remain motivated to explore markets for
more value-added products that ensure
competitive pricing
Business Business Continuity risks arise from This might cause disruption We have a robust balance sheet and
Continuity disruptions like natural disasters, in our operations, leading to strong liquidity position to mitigate or
pandemic, terror and unrest, which temporary slowdown reduce the impact of any unforeseen
is likely to challenge or interrupt and unprecedented challenge.
production, delay product launches Further, we have an effective business
and can ultimately impact our continuity plan in place to successfully
revenue and business sustainability. navigate through challenging times.
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Growth – Our
Commitment and
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Responsible Growth
– Our Commitment and Approach
Responsible Growth
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Responsible Growth
– Our Commitment and Approach
Our renewed focus on sustainable growth is exemplified in us becoming a signatory of the UNGC. By joining the UNGC, we have Our commitment to Safety, Health and Environment is clearly spelt out in our Integrated Management System Policy Statement.
taken a firm, important and public step to transform our business through principle – centric practices. This participation makes
a bold statement about our values, and it benefits both to the society and our own long-term success. This sustainability report GFCL Corporate Integrated Management System Policy
also serves as the CoP for the year 2019-20 and will be uploaded in the UNGC website.
This is our Communication on Progress
in implementing the Ten Principles of the
United Nations Global Compact and
supporting broader UN goals.
That we have put climate change at well. We recognize that every decision
the centre of our operations is evident of buying has a far-reaching impact on
from our commitment to the SBTi. It will the environment, economy and society,
enable us to demonstrate leadership on ranging from the use of energy for our
climate action by publicly committing to computers to the working condition
science based GHG reduction targets. of workers who have loaded our raw
We are one of the few chemical sector material at a supplier godown. What
companies in India who have committed an organization purchases and who it
to SBTi. purchases from can have far-reaching
implications, not only on the supply
We have adopted the ISO 26000 (Social chain and the end consumer, but on
Responsibility) standards to design all the wider community. The promotion
our social responsibility systems and of sustainable consumption patterns
procedure and to implement targeted is one of the legitimate consumer
activities. By adopting this standard, needs set forth in the United Nations
we have demonstrated our committed Guidelines for Consumer Protection and
to operate our business in a socially a key element in consumer protection
responsible manner. It signifies our policy. Realizing that true sustainability
respect to the society and environment, must be part of the strategy across the
which we believe will be a critical supply chain, we have adopted the
success factory for our long-term ISO 20400 (Sustainable Procurement)
sustainable growth. standards, combining them with the
company’s overall sustainable strategy,
At GFCL, sustainability extends much
risk management and more ‘traditional’
beyond our physical boundaries and
aspects of our procurement processes.
encompasses our business partners as
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Responsible Growth
– Our Commitment and Approach
We are also now a signatory to the Principles of Responsible Care and have In line with our commitment to the In today’s digital world, information flow and information technology are an important market differentiator. Our business processes
adopted the Responsible Care Policy. principles of Responsible Care, our are heavily dependent on IT infrastructure and we continuously explore opportunities to seek benefits from our information
manufacturing sites are committed to technology platform and integrate it with all business processes. We put utmost importance to our systems integrity and information
ensure a safe and healthy workplace security systems. Our data management system is, thus, ISO 27001 certified.
for, not only our workforce, but also that
Responsible Care Policy Our commitment to responsible growth is seen in our management approach while addressing the material sustainability topics.
of our contractors and any third-party
present on our premises. We have absolute clarity on where across our value chain each material topic is relevant and can impact the ESG metrics of the
Company. For effectively managing all our material topics, we have implemented the following:
The SA 8000 Standard is the world’s
leading social certification programme. 1. Robust governance and review mechanism, starting at the Board Level and cascading down to the location level.
It provides a holistic framework
2. Documented policies and procedures relevant to all locations of the Company
allowing organizations of all types,
3. Goals and targets to be achieved
in any industry, and in any country to
demonstrate their dedication to the fair 4. Resource allocation
treatment of workers. We are committed 5. Responsibility matrix
to uphold social accountability principles
across our supply chain, including all Material Topic Functional Responsibility
our vendors, contractors and business
partners. Our commitment to uphold Anti-corruption Legal and Secretarial
the UN Declaration of Human Rights is Climate Change Operations and Projects
exemplified in our Social Accountability Economic Performance Sales and Marketing, Operations, Product Development
policy. Furthermore, our Dahej and
Energy Operations and Projects
Ranjitnagar manufacturing plants are SA
8000 certified. Environmental Compliance Operations and Projects
Local Communities Human Resources
Transparency and trust are the building
Occupational Health & Safety Environment, Health and Safety
blocks of any organization’s credibility.
Nothing undermines effective institutions Process Safety & Emergency Preparedness Environment, Health and Safety
and equitable business more than Product Safety & Stewardship Product Development
bribery. We strongly believe in ethical Water Operations
business practices. We are committed
to the Principles of the UNGC, confirm
Objective criteria for measuring our performance in each of the material topic have been adopted and we regular review our
to adherence to ISO 26000 and intend
performance, which is communicated to our stakeholders through variety of platforms:
to strictly adhere to ethical and socially
accountable behaviour in all actions 1. Integrated Annual Report
we take in all the areas of business. All 2. Sustainability Report
employees are expected to adhere to 3. Returns as per statutory requirements
the various polices on ethical behaviour 4. Company disclosures through CDP and UNGC websites
which not only relates to financial ethics
but also social ethics. This commitment Awarded Certifications
to our employees, clients, suppliers,
and other business partners guides S.No. Certification Dahej Ranjitnagar Noida & Rest of India (ROI)
everything we do. It is because of our
unwavering commitment to ethics, 1 ISO9001:2015 -
transparency, fairness in all our business 2 ISO14001:2015 -
processes that today we are ISO 37001 3 ISO45001:2018 -
(Anti Bribery and Anti- Corruption
4 SA8000:2014
Management System) certified.
5 ISO37001:2016
6 ISO27001:2013
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Responsible Stakeholder
Engagement and
Materiality Assessment
Stakeholder engagement is an important aspect in formulating our
business strategy for achieving the triple bottom line objectives of
ensuring Responsible Growth which is Secure, Sustainable, Green.
It is important for us to understand all our stakeholders and their expectations in order to achieve an agreement around solutions
on complex issues and large projects. Our aim is to achieve outcomes that are beneficial for stakeholders across the business
spectrum. Our continuous interactions, communication and consultations with stakeholders enable exchange of opinions
and views, helping us in creating shared value and positive outcomes. To further strengthen our relationships, we participate
in CSR activities, community development projects and viable environmental initiatives through various social platforms to
foster effective communication and better engagement with stakeholders. Additionally, we have a Stakeholders Relationship
Committee to address any complaints or grievances.
Provide balanced and Proactively seek views, Work directly with the Building and sustaining
objective information on inputs and feedback and stakeholders throughout to partnerships leading to a
time through transparent incorporate in decision ensure that their concerns greater level of delivery
Society - extended Community, disclosures making and strategy and perspectives are and stakeholder delight
Regional Regulatory Bodies, formulation consistently understood
State Adminitration, State level and considered.
NGOs, Press
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Responsible Stakeholder
Engagement and
Materiality Assessment
In an endeavour to conduct our business in a transparent and ethical manner, we have established a robust and all-inclusive
stakeholder engagement process which helps us to develop a long-term mutually gainful relationship. Our identified stakeholders
and mode of engagement and frequency are presented in the table below:
Stakeholders Value Proposition Why are they How do we engage Key Topics & Stakeholders Value Proposition Why are they How do we engage Key Topics &
important to us with them and frequency Concerns raised important to us with them and frequency Concerns raised
Investors / Return on Funding and capital Investor meetings – Climate change Community Development Engages community Public Hearing – When Water availability
Shareholders Investment investment Quarterly Health and Environment and lasting is, in a way, our required Environment protection
Growth in General Meetings – Annual protection betterment to social license Community meeting with Pollution Prevention
portfolio, Annual Report - Annual Technology and product communities to operate and Community leaders _ Employment generation
customer base Press Briefings – As and innovation around our depends on creating Regular
and geography When required Fair business practices operations lasting value for the CSR Cell engagement with
for sustained New Product Launch community community - Regular
profitable New Capital Investments Community Development
business programmes and events –
Customers Strong Brand Helps to increase Customer visits by Sales Sustainability in Supply As per Plan
Quality market share and Marketing team - Chain and green chemistry Community Development
products Revenue growth Regular Health and Environment Newsletter – Once in Two
Competitive Technical support protection months
Price interaction - Regular Safety at workplace Regulatory Policy To ensure business Participation is Seminars Pollution Control
On time Conferences – As per New Products and Formulation continuity we need and events organized by Emission and waste
Delivery schedule Product Quality Government resulting in to comply with the Regulatory Bodies – As management
Technical Trade fairs – As per Bodies shaping future regulations and when invited Energy efficiency
services schedule business In regulated markets Making representations Community development
Required Product brochures and growth we have to comply whenever required Compliance
Product website - Regular with the same Transparent Disclosures
offerings Industry Sharing of best Understand trends Press Conferences Transparent Disclosures
Suppliers Business Cost optimization Vendor Satisfaction surveys Sustainable procurement Bodies and practices in the industry and Regional and national and information sharing
continuity Operational - Annual Ethical Business practices Media Benchmarking future trends conferences and seminars on emission, water, safety,
Capability leverage Vendor meetings - Annual Health, safety and human Collaboration Engage with industry of Industry Bodies welfare and other social
Building Lean Manufacturing Vendor capability webinars rights colleagues to discuss Memberships accountability matters
- Regular Environment footprint matters of mutual Opportunity for
Secured Business interest including Participation
Fair Payment Terms regulatory trends.
Employees Fair Wages Engaged and CEO talk - Monthly Talent Retention Appropriate media
Trustworthy Empower employees Employee Surveys – Annual Local Labour market coverage and
relationship drive business by Joint Committee forums - Welfare practices regarding company branding
Well – being achieving targets set Monthly wellness facilities
for them Company In-House Job Security Educational Future talent Fulfil present Campus engagement - Employment opportunity
Right Talent gives Magazine – Bi-annual Career Growth & Institutes supply and future talent Annual Community involvement
us competitive Let’s Talk and Stay Development R&D requirement Senior Management
advantage interviews - Monthly Fair Treatment Intellectual Lectures - Annual
E-mail Communication - partnerships to MOU
Monthly undertake R&D
HR Buddy - Continuous of product and
Ethics Line - Continuous technology
42 43
Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited
Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Responsible Stakeholder
Engagement and
Materiality Assessment
Responsibility for Engaging Stakeholder Stakeholder Engagement Undertaken to define GFCL’s Materiality Matrix
Engaging with our stakeholders is an important part of our daily work and the responsibility matrix is well defined:
We undertook a structured and independent stakeholder engagement by drafting the services of Ernst & Young (EY) as a
Stakeholder Group Responsibility for engagement consultant and to create a Materiality Matrix with an independent and objective view.
This detailed materiality assessment exercise was undertaken with the following objectives:
Employees Business Heads/ Location Heads/ HR Function
Customers Business Heads/ Sales and Marketing Heads
Vendors/Suppliers Business Heads/ Commercial Head/Logistic Head/ Procurement Head/ 2) Enhanced stakeholder 3) Strengthen external
1) Input for GFCL’s sustainability
Buyers engagement: disclosures and certifications:
Investors and Lenders Director – Finance/ Head – Banking/ CFO
Industry Associations Location Heads/ Location HR Head/Location HSEF Heads/Business Heads/ Outcome of this exercise It will provide insights into the It will guide the development
Corporate HR Head will help in identifying key evolving expectations and of the Company’s external
focus areas and adjusting perception among the different disclosures such as Integrated
Regulatory Agencies Location Heads/ Location HR Head/Location HSEF Heads/Business Heads/
commitments, targets and stakeholder groups, thereby Report and Sustainability
Corporate HR Head
resource allocation with respect enabling effective stakeholder Report, making them more
Civil Society (NGO/Media) Head – Secretarial and Legal/ Location HR Heads/ Corporate HR Head/ management; robust and relevant to
to sustainability activities;
Head – Product Communication. stakeholders’ information
It will provide more information The assessment will also help needs;
about the enablers and in better understanding of the
possible obstacles in attaining differences and similarities in The assessment will strengthen
Material Topics
sustainable growth, enabling a the expectation and priorities and streamline the adoption of
A universe of 21 material topics was Based on the above study, the following topics were identified as Material under the realignment of the focus areas. among various stakeholder other sustainability principles and
identified by us based on the following three pillars of Planet, People and Profit: groups. certifications such as SA 8000,
secondary research and consultations: ISO 26000, UNGC, SDG, etc.
44 45
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
The topic-wise scores were calculated across all the survey respondents. A final materiality matrix was developed after analysis
and discussion of the survey outcome with our core sustainability team. In this matrix, the response received from senior
management is represented on the X-axis and response from the other stakeholders is represented on the Y-axis. This approach
Organizations worldwide are
conveys the prioritization of material topics for GFCL from the business perspective v/s the stakeholder perspective. becoming increasingly aware
The top right quadrant of the matrix contains topics which are of high priority from both the business and stakeholder of the benefits of having
perspectives. These priority topics and their impact boundaries are presented in the table below (in alphabetical order):
sustainability integrated into
Sr. No. Priority Material Topics Impact Boundary
Company’s strategic framework
Within the Company
both for the customer perspective
1 Anti-corruption
2 Climate Change Within and outside the Company
Economic Performance
Within and outside the Company
Within the Company as well as the bottom line.
5 Environmental Compliance Within the Company
6 Local Communities Outside the Company
7 Occupational Health & Safety Within the Company
8 Process Safety & Emergency Preparedness Within and outside the Company
Mr. Kallol Chakraborty GFCL has earned a reputation as a across the value chain which includes
9 Product Safety & Stewardship Within and outside the Company
Head – Group Corporate people-centric organization and our contractors, service providers and
10 Water Within and outside the Company
Human Resources human capital is pivotal to our success. all business associates. Continuous
Our people are not just our greatest training and awareness programmes
The above Materiality Matrix forms the basis of our strategy for Responsible Growth – Secure, Sustainable, Green. The assets but, are key differentiating are conducted for employees and
subsequent sections of this Sustainability Report describe our approach, performance and commitments on the above material factors and play a vital role in ensuring contractors on social accountability, and
topics with a view to adequately address the information needs of all stakeholders. long-term business growth. We seek responsibility.
to bring together people with diverse
skill sets, views and backgrounds to In GFCL, the HR function plays a critical
Materiality Outcome
inculcate an inclusive culture and offer part in enabling the organization to
a conducive environment to grow and improve effectiveness, to manage
Process Safety and fulfil professional aspirations. Today our corporate governance and ethical issues
Emissions, Effluents Anti-corruption
Emergency Preparedness people practices are built on ISO 26000 beyond economic performance, and to
& waste support realignment of the organization’s
Environmental Compliance standards and we are SA 8000 Certified,
Water future direction and vision of new ways
Significance to stakeholders
Significance to Business
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Responsible Social
Accountability and People
Being a globally responsible entity, we accept that organizational Mapping of GFCL’s HR Principles with Various Sustainability Standards
success requires stable economies and healthy, skilled and educated No. GFCL’s Human Resource UNGC Principles ISO 26000 SA 8000 NVG Principles
Principles Standards Standards
workers among other factors.
1 Building safe, Healthy Health and Safety 3. Health and Principle 3 –
We believe our employees are the biggest strength and the most valuable asset. We provide a wide canvas where people are and Secure workplace at work – 6.4.6 Safety Businesses should
encouraged to unleash their innovative spirit to make the business win and grow. The Company offers not only a job but a with the involvement of all promote the well
calling - To build, to strive, to innovate, to contribute and to create a legacy. It is our continuous endeavour to attract the right employees. – Being of all
talent, support them in developing the right capabilities and skills, and encourage them continuously by providing them the right employees
culture and work environment so that they are inspired to bring out their best for achieving the Company’s as well as their own 2 Implement robust, fair, Principle 6 – elimination Condition of 5. Discrimination Principle 3 –
professional goals. This chapter includes data for our plants in Dahej and Ranjitnagar, along with our offices in Noida, Vadodara transparent and non- discrimination in respect work and Social Businesses should
and other regional offices in the rest of India. discriminatory process of employment and Protection – 6.4.4 promote the well
to attract, develop and occupation – Being of all
retain Talent needed for employees
By signing the UNGC, we have We believe that building and sustaining HR Principles and Sustainability business delivery and
demonstrated our commitment for high trust and high collaboration Standards growth.
establishing a globally recognized requires an internal and external social 3 Uphold and respect Principle 1: Businesses Human Right – 6.3 1. Child labour Principle 5 –
framework for the development, environment for sustainable business Our HR Management Principles are the Human Dignity, Equality, should support and Due Diligence – 2. Forced or Businesses should
implementation and disclosure of delivery, for which we have adopted fundamentals of operational practices and Human Rights at the respect the protection of 6.3.3 Compulsory respect and promote
environmental, social and governance the ‘10 Guiding Principles for Human in the social domain to ensure social workplace. internationally proclaimed Human Rights risk labour human rights
policies and practices. Through Resource Management at Gujarat accountability and responsibility. These human rights within their situation – 6.3.4 3. Disciplinary
this, we aim to advance the broader Fluorochemicals Limited’. principles are heavily embedded in the sphere of influence; Avoidance of Practices
developmental goals of the United foundation of the UNGC Principles, the Principle2: make sure Complicity – 6.3.5
Nations, particularly the 17 SDGs. ISO 26000 Standards and SA 8000 they are non-complicit in Discrimination and
We are now SA8000 certified and Standards and supports the Principles human rights abuse, Vulnerable groups
have reiterated a commitment to the of the India’s National Voluntary Principle 4: the elimination – 6.3.7
conventions established by the Internal Guidelines on Social, Environmental, of all forms of forced and Civil and Political
Labour Organization, the Universal and Economic Responsibilities of compulsory labour; Rights – 6.3.8
Declaration of Human Rights and UN Business. This ensures a holistic Principle 5: the effective Economics, Social
Convention on the Rights of the Child. approach towards social accountability abolition of child labour and Cultural Rights
We have also adopted the ISO 26000 and responsibility which touches the life – 6.3.8
Standards on Social Responsibility. of all our stakeholders. 4 Provide continuous Principle 6 – elimination Human 5. Discrimination Principle 3 –
learning opportunities discrimination in respect Development and Businesses should
for the growth and of employment and training in the promote the well
development of all occupation workplace – 6.4.7 – Being of all
employees employees
5 Ensure continuous Principle 3 – Businesses Employment and 9. Management Principle 3 –
two communication should uphold the Employment system Businesses should
and participation of freedom of association Relation – 6.4.3 4. Freedom of promote the well
employees and respect and effective recognition Social Dialogue – Association – Being of all
their views and opinion of the right to collective 6.4.5 and Rights employees
and involve them in bargaining to Collective
decision making Bargaining
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Responsible Social
Accountability and People
No. GFCL’s Human Resource UNGC Principles ISO 26000 SA 8000 NVG Principles Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Expectations
Principles Standards Standards
6 Establish meritocracy Principle 6: eliminate Employment and Principle 3 – At GFCL, stakeholder engagement is designed and driven with an intention that stakeholder concerns are heard, understood and
without any bias discrimination in respect Employment Businesses should responded to through transparent and continuous two-way communication. We are externally oriented, and our social responsibility
or discrimination of employment and Relation – 6.4.3 promote the well practices are based on due diligence to ensure relevancy.
in connection to occupation Social Dialogue – – Being of all
performance evaluation, 6.4.5 employees
career progression,
rewards and recognition.
7 Pay for performance Principle 6: eliminate Condition of 8. Remuneration Principle 3 –
based on internal and discrimination in respect work and social Businesses should
external parity. of employment and Protection – 6.4.4 promote the well
occupation – Being of all
Employees Regulators Management Business Partners Unions Community
8 Encourage creativity and Social Dialogue – Principle 3 –
Fair Wages Compliance Right Talent Long Right Employment
innovation to fuel growth. 6.4.5 Businesses should
Healthy and safe Transparent Retention Association Association Community
promote the well
working condition Information Productivity Fair deal Collective development
– Being of all
Training and sharing Involved, Safe Win- win Bargaining support
development Ethical and deciplined relationship Participation Minimal
9 Create an engaged work Principle 4: the elimination Human 5. Discrimination Principle 3 – Recognition corporate workforce in decision environmental
environment of teamwork of all forms of forced and development and Businesses should Participation Behaviour making impact
and camaraderie with compulsory labour; training in the promote the well
a bias for responsible Principle 6: eliminate workplace – 6.4.7 – Being of all
execution and excellence. discrimination in respect employees
Social Responsibility Organizational Context and Boundary
of employment and
10 Drive social accountability Business should work Anti-corruption – 9. Management Principle 1- Business Our social responsibility is defined in in context of our business partners Our social responsibility boundary is
and responsibility against all forms of 6.6.3 System should conduct and the following two contexts: with whom we jointly endeavour defined by the factors:
and ensure ethical corruption, including Responsible govern with ethics, to profitably grow our shareholder
1. The Organizational Context: The value. 1. The locations we operate in;
governance for extortion and bribery. Political transparency and
context of the industry in which
responsible execution and involvement – 6.6.4 accountability. 2. The regulations and laws that
we operate, including the context The Company’s business strategy
excellence. Community govern our operations;
of competition, technology and and goals are tempered in the above
Involvement and
innovation occurring in the industry context. To enable this strategy, human
development – 6.8 3. Our business partners and their
as well as the increasing and capital plays an important role to
relationship with us – suppliers,
changing customer expectations ensure that actions we take are socially
vendors, logistic partners and
resulting in operational and supply responsible. Human capital operates
service providers;
chain challenges. within the social responsibility context.
In the backdrop of the business strategy 4. The communities we operate in;
2. The Socio-economic Context: and the social responsibility context, the
The social context in which we HR strategy is built and governed by the 5. Customers we serve both nationally
operate, including the proximal policies based on social responsibility and internationally, and
communities and the challenges standards such as the UNGC, ISO 26000
which are brought in with the same, 6. The employees who work with us.
and SA 8000, driving the organization’s
the regulatory and legal context – performance.
both national and international as
well as the interest groups which
are observers of the industry. The
50 51
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Responsible Social
Accountability and People
We believe that our people are an essential asset for the Company’s overall performance. GFCL has always been a sustainability Sr. Net Employment Turnover Age Group Gender FY 2019-20
leader and aims to provide new solutions for sustainable development while continuing to shape the business responsibly and No. <30 30-50 >50 M F Total
increase our economic success. The Human Resource function has been playing an important role in this endeavour. This function
has ensured that the foundation of GFCL’s ‘Talent Acquisition and Retention Strategy’ is sustainable in the long-term and leads to Senior Management
profitable business growth. We continue to maintain this by creating a progressive work environment, bringing together the right 1 Resignation 0 3 3 6 0 6
people who are energetic, ethical, and believe in giving their best even in the most challenging situations, and by keeping them 2 Retirement 0 0 0 0 0 0
engaged, motivated by a steady and meritocratic HR framework. 3 Absconding 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Dismissal/Suspension 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Death 0 0 0 0 0 0
Talent Acquisition and Retention
TOTAL 0 3 3 6 0 6
Middle Management
Sr. New Hires Age Group Gender FY 2019-20
1 Resignation 0 6 3 9 0 9
No. <30 30-50 >50 M F Total
2 Retirement 0 0 3 3 0 3
1 Senior Management (L2 & above) 0 1 1 2 0 2 3 Absconding 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Middle Management (L3) 0 5 2 7 0 7 4 Dismissal/Suspension 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Junior Management (L4) 7 53 0 57 3 60 5 Death 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Workers (L6) 187 62 0 247 2 249 TOTAL 0 6 6 12 0 12
5 Staff (L5) 262 63 0 312 13 325 Junior Management
1 Resignation 5 48 4 54 3 57
2 Retirement 0 0 1 1 0 1
Annual Employee Hiring Rate in FY 2019-20 3 Absconding 0 3 0 3 0 3
4 Dismissal/Suspension 0 0 0 0 0 0
Location Total % Age Gender 5 Death 0 1 1 2 0 2
(India region) <30 30-50 >50 M F
TOTAL 5 52 6 60 3 63
Dahej 23% 18% 5% 0% 22% 1% Staff
Ranjitnagar 54% 33% 20% 1% 53% 1% 1 Resignation 98 50 1 140 9 149
Others 21% 8% 12% 1% 16% 5% 2 Retirement 1 0 0 1 0 1
3 Absconding 22 7 0 29 0 29
4 Dismissal/Suspension 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Death 2 0 0 2 0 2
Annual Employee Turnover Percentage in FY 2019-20 TOTAL 123 57 1 172 9 181
Location Total % Age Gender 1 Resignation 113 39 0 151 1 152
(India region) <30 30-50 >50 M F
2 Retirement 0 0 2 2 0 2
Dahej 21% 14% 6% 1% 21% 0% 3 Absconding 30 5 0 35 0 35
Ranjitnagar 15% 6% 7% 2% 15% 0% 4 Dismissal/Suspension 0 1 0 1 0 1
Others 20% 4% 15% 1% 14% 6% 5 Death 1 2 0 3 0 3
TOTAL 144 47 2 192 1 193
52 53
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Responsible Social
Accountability and People
54 55
Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited
Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Responsible Social
Accountability and People
5 Death 0 0 0 0 0 0 Employee <30 30- >50 M F Employee <30 30- >50 M F Employee <30 30- >50 M F
category yrs 50 yrs category yrs 50 yrs category yrs 50 yrs
TOTAL 0 1 2 3 0 3 yrs yrs yrs
Junior Management L1 3 0 0 3 3 0 L1 4 0 0 4 4 0 L1 2 0 0 2 2 0
1 Resignation 0 0 0 0 0 0 L2 21 0 2 19 21 0 L2 25 0 7 18 25 0 L2 22 0 7 15 22 0
2 Retirement 0 0 1 1 0 1 L3 85 0 46 39 85 0 L3 80 0 42 38 80 0 L3 72 0 39 33 72 0
L4 314 14 255 45 298 16 L4 303 20 236 47 289 14 L4 266 11 217 38 256 10
3 Absconding 0 2 0 2 0 2
L5 918 475 408 35 887 31 L5 805 401 366 38 774 31 L5 722 338 349 35 697 25
4 Dismissal/Suspension 0 0 0 0 0 0
L6 875 273 565 37 875 0 L6 866 329 512 25 866 0 L6 802 276 504 22 802 0
5 Death 0 1 0 1 0 1 Total 2216 762 1276 178 2169 47 Total 2083 750 1163 170 2038 45 Total 1886 625 1116 145 1851 35
TOTAL 0 3 1 4 0 4
Location-wise Details of Employees
1 Resignation 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 Retirement 0 0 1 1 0 1 Location. As on 31-March-2020 As on 31-March-2019 As on 31-March-2018
Our ‘Guideline HR/2 – Recruitment & Selection of Candidates’ provides details on our recruitment and selection process. The Employee category M F Employee category M F Employee category M F
policy ‘HR/64 - Guideline on Equal Employment Opportunity, Gender Equality & Protection of Human Rights’ is in place to eliminate Contractual Skilled 739 735 4 Contractual Skilled 643 637 6 Contractual Skilled 564 556 8
discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. Semi- 307 298 9 Semi- 420 420 0 Semi- 343 341 2
Skilled Skilled Skilled
Unskilled 28 25 3 Unskilled 11 3 8 Unskilled 12 12 0
Total 1074 1058 16 Total 1074 1060 14 Total 919 909 10
56 57
Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited
Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Responsible Social
Accountability and People
Hiring Young Talent Facility, Uniform and other Social Security benefits. The Company Medical insurance scheme voluntarily covers all employees and their
immediate families under a Group Medical scheme. Employees are also covered under an Accident Insurance scheme. We have well
With the growth of Company’s product defined policies in place in this regard – ‘HR/33 - Group Medical Insurance’ and ‘HR/34 - Group Personal Accident’ for all employees.
portfolio and increase in the customer
base across the globe, we have Coverage of Group Medical Insurance and Group Personal Accident Insurance
established a talent pipeline of bright
and young leaders to ensure growth Sr. No. Benefit Coverage Total Number of Employee Covered % Coverage
plans are sustained through a continuous Employees
induction of well-groomed talent.
1 Group Medical Employee, spouse, two 2216 2154 97.10
Our culture is aimed at encouraging the Insurance Dependent children
young talent to play an essential role in 2 Group Personal Accidental Death 2216 2216 100.00
our growth. At GFCL, Young Mind Career Accident Insurance irrespective of location of
Development programmes are designed employee
to guide and support the most promising
college graduates right from the start.
Through our schemes such as Leadership The above policies are a part of HR We also pay Bonus or Ex-Gratia at the rate in regularity of attendance, we have an
Trainee Scheme, Graduate Engineer Operations Manual and Employee of 20% of the basic salary. established leave policy for availing
Trainee Scheme, Management Trainee Handbook. All employees including leaves as per the entitlement. Benefits on
Schemes and Business Leadership trainees and employees on probation are account of flexi-timing system, an
Coverage of Bonus and Ex-gratia
Trainees, we induct young minds from covered under these policies.
schemes alternate Saturday extended weekend
management/technical colleges pan
All labour/workers of contractors who are also provided to employees working
India for a year. They are imparted Social Security Number of
work in our premises are also covered in specific offices. Leaves are generally of
the required training and posted to Schemes Employees
under a group accident insurance scheme, three types – privilege leave, sick leave
different locations based on manpower covered
the cost of which is borne by the Company and casual leave.
requirement. We also absorb freshly
as the principal employer. Bonus 1646
passed out Industrial Training Institute (ITI)
Ex-gratia 538
technicians as technician trainees. In addition to other employee benefits,
we also extend social security benefits to
its employees which include employer’s
Trainee Details All labour/workers of contractors who
strict consideration of competency and enough. It is the continuous focus on contribution to Provident Fund, Pension are working in our premises are also paid
experience and an assurance that they do needs and well-being of employees while scheme and ESIC coverage for employees bonus.
Trainee 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 not charge recruitment fees. Talent Hunter, providing suitable benefits that induces who are not covered under group medical
the employee referral scheme is an improved employee productivity and reimbursement scheme. We also pay We provide all the employees working
important and effective platform for hiring. builds a strong retention rate. We provide Gratuity under Payment of Gratuity Act, at our manufacturing units with uniform,
Technician 13 1 6
the best of amenities and employee 1972 to our employees. safety shoes and other Personal
Number of People Hired through centric policies. These policies and Protective Equipment (PPE) every
GET/DET 44 19 22 Talent Hunter benefits apply to the Company employees Coverage of Social Security year. We also ensure that all labour/
globally at all levels of the organization. Schemes workers of contractors are also provided
Business 0 12 0
However, due to local laws and uniform, safety shoes and other Personal
regulations, some policies and benefits Protective Equipment.
Trainees 102 134 76 vary by country and work location. Not all
Social Security Employee
Schemes Coverage Employees can also avail free
policies and benefits are available at all
locations. Provident Fund & 100% transportation facility from the nearest
Sources of Recruitment 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 city to the unit location.
Employee Pension
These benefits include Group Medical Scheme
We activate various recruitment channels Terms of Employment Insurance, Personal Accident Insurance, To facilitate better work-life balance and
Payment of Gratuity 100%
for cost effective and quality hiring. Leaves, Flexi Work schedule, Loans & encourage punctuality and discipline
We understand that providing fair
Hiring partners are engaged based on a Advances, Free Transportation, Canteen
compensation to employees is not
58 59
Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited
Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Responsible Social
Accountability and People
Details of Leaves Available to Employees All such conditions of service are also composition of remuneration to such During the reporting period the ratio
made applicable to labours/workers of persons is fair, reasonable and sufficient of the annual compensation of the
Net Employment Turnover Age Group all contractors. Plants follow the national to attract and retain the personnel organization highest-paid individual to
Casual Leave Sick Leave Privilege Leave laws regarding hours of work intervals, required for long term growth and the median annual compensation of
weekly off etc. of their respective success of the Company. all employees (excluding the highest-
Noida & Other Offices 8 10 22
countries. paid individual) was 1:47. The ratio of
Ranjitnagar 8 10 26 (level 4 and above) The policy is available on the Company’s percentage increase from the last year in
20 (level 5 and below) Over and above the conditions of service website at the link: annual compensation of the organization
Dahej 8 10 21 as mandated by the statues, we extend pdf/gfcl_nomination_and_remuneration_ highest-paid individual to the median
Office in US 2 3 Up to 3 years of service - 10 special consideration of extra leave and policy_130820191.pdf annual total compensation for all
3- 10 years of service - 15 work from home facilities under special employees (excluding the highest paid-
and genuine considerations in connection Our Remuneration Policy is market
More than 10 years of service-20 individual) was 1:1.2.
to any work life emergencies, such driven and competitive. It supports
Office in Europe 25 continuous improvements and rewards
as personal illness, illness of spouse, The ratio of salary and overall
children and family, natural calamity and performance. We participate in salary remuneration between men and women
We also ensure that all labour/workers of contractors are provided leaves as per the Factories Act, 1948. for educational purposes. surveys conducted by remuneration employee is given:
consultants and specialists to determine
In addition, we extend special leave when an employee joins or gets transferred to a new location to support them during relocation. Remuneration market salary levels in the comparative
We have the following policies in this regard: ‘HR/50 - Guideline on Working Hours’, ‘Late Attendance and Extended Alternate At GFCL, good performance is
Saturdays Off’ and ‘HR/52 - Guideline on Over Time’. At manufacturing plants, we have a standardized process for the Administration encouraged and rewarded. We pay for
of Overtime. All technicians and trainee technician in the technician grade/level, as applicable in the respective plants are covered in performance and the pay structure is
this policy. Further, all the women employees are entitled to avail child-care leave as per the Maternity Benefit Act. based on the principle of ‘Equal Pay
for Equal Work’. We believe in paying Ratio
Details of Parental Leaves for demonstrated and sustained high
performance. Individual pay levels shall
reflect employee’s contributions.
Sr. Parameter Nos. FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20
No. M F Total M F Total M F Total There is no disparity between salaries of
men and women employees. We are an
1 Total number of employees who were entitled for
parental leave
6 NA 2 2 NA 1 1 NA 3 3
equal opportunity employer without any 1 : 1.2
sexual discrimination based solely on
2 Total number of employees who took parental leave 6 NA 2 2 2 2 NA 2 2
the category of the work performed and Women Cost to
3 Total number of employees that returned to work in 3 NA 2 2 NA 1 1 NA 3 3 in line with the Equal Remuneration Act, Company
the reporting period after parental leave ended 1976.
4 Total number of employees that returned to work 5 NA 2 2 2 2 NA 2 2
after parental leave ended that were still employed We have in place a Nomination &
12 months after their return to work Remuneration Policy pertaining to
the nomination and remuneration of
5 Return to work and retention rates of employees 100 NA 100 100 NA 0 0 NA 1 1
Directors, Key Managerial Personnel
that took parental leave
(KMP), Senior Management Personnel
and other Employees in accordance
with the requirements of the provisions
These matters are covered in the Working Hours are given a day of rest following six
of Section 178 of the Companies Act,
Employee Handbook and awareness
Working hours, rest periods, shift roster,
consecutive days of work, and the 2013 and Listing Agreement. The policy 1 : 1.1
sessions are held regularly. In addition normal work week does not exceed has defined criteria for identification and
to our employees, the contract workers spread over, compensatory day off rest 48 hours. Overtime is paid as per the BASIC
selection to become Directors, appointed
are also given awareness programme on and weekly day off rest are governed by Factories Act, 1948. Overtime wages are in Senior Management on Board and
these subjects. the Factories Act, 1948. All employees calculated at double the gross salary. Remuneration Committee Approval. The
60 61
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Responsible Social
Accountability and People
Principle of Wage and Salary We ensure compliance to the law of the Our salary structure for highest governance body members and senior executives
Administration land related to wages and social security includes fixed pay, performance-based variable pay, joining/sign on bonuses,
as mentioned below: retention payments and social security payments. At GFCL, all social security benefits
The wage and salary administration of the Company is based on the following principles: and contribution rates for the highest governing body, senior executives and all other
a. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 employees are at par.
b. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948
We pay more than the statutory minimum wages even at the entry level in all
a. Respect the right of personnel to a with all applicable laws and that experience, responsibility,
c. The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 locations.
living wage and ensure that wages remuneration is rendered by and physical and mental
paid for a normal working week/ cheque/bank transfer in a manner demands; d. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
month is adequate to meet the basic convenient to employees; Category Minimum Wages Entry Level wage as on 31st Mar 2020
g. No discrimination e. The Employees’ Provident Scheme, (INR per Month)
needs of personnel and to provide Employee (in INR) Contractor (in INR per Month)
d. Not use labour-only contracting regarding wage and salary 1952
a living wage to allow employees
arrangements, consecutive due to religion, caste, sex, Skilled 8486.4 12,000/- PM 8486.40
to earn enough income for a f. The Employees’ State Insurance Act,
short-term contracts, and/or false nationality, region; Semi-skilled 8278.4 Not Applicable 8278.40
satisfactory standard of living; 1948
apprenticeship schemes to avoid Unskilled 8070.4 Not Applicable 8070.40
b. Ensure that deductions from wages fulfilling its obligations to personnel h. Pay structure based on g. The Employee Compensation
are made as per the provisions under applicable laws pertaining ‘Equal Pay for Equal Work’, Act,1923
of law, and that the employees to labour and social security and
h. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
wage and benefits composition legislation and regulations;
i. Individual salary to
are detailed clearly at the time of
e. Follow the principle of ‘Capacity to commensurate with skills
appointment and regularly at the Labour-Management Relations
Pay” and ‘Region -cum- Industry’; and experience.
time of subsequent revisions;
f. Maintain internal equity and shall We recognize the fact that employees have the inherent right to collective bargaining. We respect the rights of all our employees to
c. Ensure that wages and benefits
be classified by position based on form associations in accordance with the local laws as applicable to achieve a form of workplace democracy.
are rendered in full compliance
Through our HR guideline ‘HR/43 – Guideline on Employee Relation’, we uphold this right of all employees. This guideline is a
reiteration of the Company to uphold the principles of the following ILO conventions:
At each location, we have Work 3. Sports Committee right to exercise Freedom of Association
Committees as required under 4. Transport Committee as part of the Social Accountability
the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, Workshop. They are extensively trained
5. Cultural Committee
representing workmen, which engage on the relevant guidelines and policies
periodically with the Management to 6. Magazine Committee which are included in the Employee
discuss and resolve work and condition 7. Safety Committee Handbook.
of service-related issues. 8. Quality Circle
In addition to our direct workmen, we
Over and above this, various other These committees regularly meet and also recognize the right of association
committees are established for workers discusses issues relating to respective and collective bargaining by the contract
participation in different areas of work areas along with Management labours and participate in bargaining
life. These include: Representative. meetings. The Contract Labours are
represented by the Panchmahal Kamdar
1. Social Performance Team (SPT) All employees, contract labour and Union, which represents around 300
sub-contractor are made aware of their contract labours. The last settlement of
2. Canteen Committee
62 63
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
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Accountability and People
the Union and the contractor was signed in the operations of our suppliers As a process, all employees at Assistant For Level 5 and Level 6 employees, skills are defined for each process/job/plant. Skill matrix is being prepared for everyone across
on 1st April 2009 and is applicable till and contractors. As such, under the Manager and above levels receive the sites. The annual performance assessment is carried out which includes skill and behavioural assessment. For Level 6, skill-will
31st March 2020. No employees of the Sustainable Procurement Governance performance feedback during mid-year matrix is prepared showing the level of skill/will an employee possesses.
Company are covered under collective structure of GFCL, all suppliers/vendors review and final appraisal. For Level 4
bargaining agreements. must provide the Company a declaration and above employees, target setting Percentage of total employees by gender Percentage of total employees by gender Percentage of total employees by gender
that such right are protected for their is carried out at the beginning of the and by employee category who received a and by employee category who received a and by employee category who received a
The collective bargaining agreements workmen. Moreover, awareness training financial year. Mid-term review is carried regular performance and career development regular performance and career development regular performance and career development
provide for notice period for programmes on various aspects of out after six months where the status review during the reporting period. review during the reporting period. review during the reporting period.
implementation of significant operational human rights and right to exercise of the targets set is reviewed and if FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20
changes and specifies the provision for freedom of association and collective necessary be revised/modified. At the Employee M F Total Employee M F Total Employee M F Total
consultation and negotiation. The Union bargaining are conducted for workers/ end of the financial year i.e. March, category (%) (%) (%) category (%) (%) (%) category (%) (%) (%)
is in existence for the last 24 years. As labours of contractors who work in an annual performance assessment is L5 58.82 - 58.82 L1 65.00 - 64.71 L1 61.90 - 61.90
per the terms of employment, the notice Company premises. carried out which includes Competency L3 80.28 - 80.28 L2 91.00 - 91.14 L2 83.53 - 83.53
period for separation from services is as Assessment, Individual Development L4 68.65 41.67 67.01 L3 94.66 69.23 93.15 L3 94.82 75.00 93.63
follows: There are no operations where the right Planning (IDP), Relative rating and L5 - - 0.00 L4 97.64 83.33 97.25 L4 96.88 83.33 96.54
to exercise freedom of association and Performance/Potential (P/P) Matrix. The L6 - - 0.00 L5 99.84 - 99.84 L5 100.00 - 100.00
Particulars Notice Period collective bargaining is found to be at following Company policies are in place
significant risk. in this regard:
All Confirmed 90 Days
For GFCL employees, annual salary Trainee Details and leadership development,
Employees (Except
and effective succession
level 6) raise is based on their performance,
Sr. Trainee 2017- 2018- 2019- planning, we have taken small
Confirmed Technician 30 days market trends and through mutual
No. Category 18 19 20 but steady steps towards
(Level 6) discussion in an atmosphere of mutual
HR/20 – Guideline continuous learning and people
All Employees on 30 days gain. All employees are covered under 1 No. of 193 470 -
on Performance development by imparting
Probation (Except such annual salary increments. Employees
Management System training via various modes: On
level-6) and Development Plan Promoted
the Job, Classroom training,
Technicians on 15 days Self-study, Webinars and
1 No. of 33 81 -
probation (Level 6) E-learning platform.
Performance Management and employees
People Development upgraded
As a part of the Talent
We adhere to the provisions of section
Management Process, the
9A of the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947, in We recognize the value of a *On account of COVID-19, promotions for
individual training needs are
case of any significant change of terms performance based organizational FY 2019-20 are still under consideration.
HR/21 – Performance identified, and an annual
of employment. culture that promotes employee
Evaluation & training training plan is prepared
productivity, engagement and
development by aligning individual need assessment for Training and Education for each individual site. The
Minimum number of weeks’ notice technicians plan consists of functional,
and team performance goals with the
typically provided to employees We recognize the need to keep our behavioural and safety topics.
Company’s mission, strategic goals
and their representatives prior to people updated with varying market In addition to this, we focus
and objectives. The concept of normal
the implementation of significant requirements and believe that as on leveraging the skills of the
distribution and relative evaluation is
operational changes that could the organization grows, employees workforce and to develop their
followed for the performance evaluation
substantially affect them. grow with it and thus the training and expertise on critical subjects.
of all our employees.
development need to change along The following training related
We have adopted a digitized talent HR/22 – Performance with continuous updating of skills. A data includes our plants and
21 Days (Notice management system which is integrated Assessment of company growth cannot be delinked offices in India along with
Period) with the annual target setting and Engineer/Executive from employee growth. international operations in
performance evaluation process, cadre employees USA, and Germany. This
We recognize that the right to which helps the Company in building Since we understand that sustainability information pertains to periods
exercise freedom of association and a culture of fairness, transparency and can be achieved through high 1st September 2019 to 31st
collective bargaining may be at risk meritocracy. employee engagement, professional August 2020.
64 65
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Accountability and People
Employee Training Details Mentoring Certification Programme: It is an initiative to build tomorrow’s leaders, today. Employee Engagement At GFCL
As a process, the selected successful leaders of the Company are certified as Mentors
who are assigned to identify mentees for building the leadership pipeline. In total, 11 A challenging environment results
Location Training Man-hours Training Man- Total Training Man-hours Training Man- Total
hours Training hours Training employees were identified as mentors with 22 mentees at Ranjitnagar site and 13 mentors in greater employee engagement,
Man- Man-
and 25 mentees were identified in 2018-19. The identified mentees are undergoing specific allowing people to lead by example and
hours hours
programmes, both technical and behavioural, during the reporting period. showcase exemplary effort and talent.
AGM & Managers Executive Technicians Male Female AGM & Managers Executive Technicians Male Female At GFCL, it fuels our growth and future
Above Above success.
Dahej 736 2455 6874 14484 24089 460 24549 15.33 18.05 12.23 19.52 16.32 41.82 16.50
Ranjitnagar 397 1270 4919 1349 7398 537 7935 15.27 15.49 14.09 14.66 13.57 134.25 14.43 We believe that learning through
Noida 646 1722 1220 - 2925 663 3588 17.00 18.32 18.21 - 17.41 21.39 18.12 fun-filled activities helps employees
& Other
retain information better because
International 28 74 53 - 130 25 155 4.67 6.17 4.82 - 4.81 12.50 5.34
the process becomes enjoyable and
Locations memorable. With this consideration,
‘Teamagic’ workshop is conducted for
the employees at the corporate level to
Training Man-hours impart education through team games.
Similarly, ‘Moviemagic’ uses movies for
Training Categories Total Training Man-hours Average Training Hours
imparting leadership training, and it is a
Behavioural 5812 2.600 prevalent practice at GFCL.
Technical 10616 4.750
Safety 7821 3.499
Management System Topics 6158 2.755
Social Accountability & Social Responsibility 1567 0.701
Mentoring Certification Programme at Ranjitnagar
Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) 251 0.112
Fair Business Practices 3096 1.385
Cyber Security 906 0.405 We also identify high skilled technicians are then assigned selected subordinates
who are consistent high performers and to be trained in their field of expertise.
take them through a higher education They are recognized after they complete
In order to gauge the learning reception, developed a reliable competency model enables personal and professional
scheme for career advancement. Under the training.
pre and post tests are conducted ‘Role – Competency Continuum’ (RC2) development of the individual
this scheme, trade apprentice undergoes a
before and after the training session. framework and have adopted robust which ultimately contributes to the We believe in creating a robust talent
diploma programme and diploma holders
Training feedback is also taken from performance management practices. overall business requirement of the pipeline, for which we have initiated a
undertake a graduation programme.
the managers as a part of training organization. Leadership Development Programme
effectiveness. Based on the RC2 framework and 9-box
based on 360-degree feedback. More
grid, high potential employees are Stream Promoted Designation
than 80% of the employees of General
The dynamic nature of the markets identified as ‘Successors’ for various in GFCL upgraded in
Manager and above levels have been Teamagic at Corporate Office
requires our employees to constantly positions. Both RC2 and 9-box matrix Number of High GFCL
ITI to 2 9 covered in the 360-degree feedback.
equip themselves with new skills are actively used during the talent Potentials identified
Diploma Based on the feedback, they are
and knowledge. We thus provide review process, based on which fast Sports and other team building activities
Talent Development nurturing process. Every year, such technical projects, job rotation and Committee and specially groomed as departmental cricket competition was
employees are identified and groomed psychometric tests for leadership coaches in their area of expertise. They organized at the plants.
To replicate high performance in existing to be the leaders of tomorrow. This development. are then certified as ‘Dronacharyas’ who
employees and new hires, we have
66 67
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Accountability and People
Sports Day among others. We also welcome and integrate the employee families in Recently, a ‘Value Champion’ category has also been added to recognize employees
these celebrations. Employee talent shows are a regular feature in our work-life. who demonstrate behaviours of integrity, honesty and fair business practices.
Employee Communication
culture of all-round sustainability. To commemorate their commitment, a
3 2017-18
Total number of Spot On
Long Service Felicitation Programme is
organized across the Company.
To be connected with the grassroots,
we have several initiatives in place
like, including Quarterly CEO Town
Long Service Halls and monthly Skip Level Meetings
High Potential employees through Stay
Quality Circle Team at Dahej Interviews every quarter. For the new
2019-20 2017-18 employees, till they are confirmed, a
Across GFCL, we celebrate structured contact programme – Let’s
Talk – is in place at the Corporate
togetherness. From festivals to
conferences and ceremonies, we never
937 2018-19 level to ensure they settle in well in the
miss an opportunity to celebrate social
occasions, including the Independence 32 2019-20 762 2019-20
organization. With an aim to increase
employee connectivity and establish
2018-19 interpersonal relationship, PHRRO (Plant
Day, International Women’s Day, Diwali 2019-20
Puja, employee birthday celebration and Human Resource Representative Officer)
New Year Day, Family Day and Annual was launched at Dahej. It is a platform
68 69
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Accountability and People
wherein HR representative interact with employees to understand their personal and Women Empowerment Employee Training Details
workplace related issues and resolve them.
We strive to empower our women
Location Training Man-hours Total Female Average Training Hours Average Total Training
employees and allow them to thrive Training Man-hours Training Man-hours
professionally while ensuring their work- Hours
life balance. By signing the UN Women AGM & Managers Executive Technicians AGM & Managers Executive Technicians Female
and UNGC Women’s Empowerment Above Above
Principles, we have demonstrated our Dahej - 1 10 - 11 - 1.00 1.00 - 1 1.00
commitment to gender equality and Ranjitnagar - - 4 - 4 - 1.00 - 1 1.00
women empowerment. We recognize Noida - 15 8 - 23 - 1.00 0.50 - 0.74 0.74
& Other
women empowerment as an integral
part of our people strategy which will
International - 1 1 - 2 - 1.00 1.00 - 1 1.00
benefit not only individuals but also Locations
society at large, contributing towards Total - 18 22 - 40 - 3.00 3.50 - 3.74 3.74
economic and social development.
it represents the business globally. an ‘Equal Opportunity’ employer, business ethically and in a manner that
We respect people from different we believe in a fair and transparent is respectful to women.
background, culture, origin, religion, race
process of selection which is based on
and do not discriminate based on any Continuous training and awareness 2019-20
meritocracy and suitability to identify
individual differences – including gender, the “right candidate”. The gender ratio programmes are conducted for all
religion, caste and disability. in our Company has been steadily women employees on POSH at the
increasing and we proud to now have workplace.
We are committed to foster a culture
young lady engineers in our workforce.
where diversity and inclusion is
Non-Discrimination Practices
Employee Category FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20
GFCL and its subsidiaries are committed
L1 0 0 0 to the policy of equal employment.
L2 0 0 0 This commitment is an integral part
L3 0 0 0 Safety defense session for women employee
Permanent women employees of Company’s mission to become an
L4 2 14 16 ‘Employer of Choice’, therefore all our
L5 6 31 31 To provide our women employees a provision of special leaves in case HR policies and procedures reflect non-
L6 0 0 0 with the flexibility to meet their family of genuine requests and emergencies. discriminatory practices and provide
needs, personal obligations and life Work from Home and flexi-time facility is equal opportunity for all employees. We
responsibilities conveniently, we have available to all the women employees do not discriminate based on, but limited
We support and create awareness on Besides equal employment, all extended a special facility across under emergent situations of medical to, race, colour, gender, age, language,
employing differently abled people. The employees have equal access to locations. This is not an entitlement issues, location disturbances, parenting property, nationality or national origin,
total number of permanent employees with relevant training and skill enhancement but a special facility being extended issues, extended maternity, post-natal religion, ethnic or social origin, caste,
disability as on 31st March 2020 was 11. programmes. to the women employees associated complications etc. economic grounds, disability, pregnancy,
with the Company. We have in place
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Accountability and People
belonging to an indigenous people, activities and other terms and conditions We treat all personnel with dignity and in the digitized joining process, no debt bondage labour. We have adopted the following policies in this regard:
trade union affiliation, political affiliation of employment. We are committed to respect and do not engage in or tolerate person can complete the joining process
or political or other opinion. Emerging diversity and inclusion to drive business the use of corporal punishment, mental if his age is calculated to be below 18
prohibited grounds also include marital results and create a better future for or physical coercion or verbal abuse years by the system the moment the
or family status, personal relationships diverse employees, global customers, of personnel. No harsh or inhumane person keys in his date of birth.
and health status such as HIV/AIDS partners, and communities. treatment is allowed. Our disciplinary
status. procedure is based on ‘Principles In addition to this, all employees are HR/61 – HR/62 –
Through our HR guideline ‘HR/64 made aware on Prohibition of Child
As part of this commitment, all – Guideline on Equal Employment
of Natural Justice’ and without any
Labour in the Social Accountability
Guideline Guideline on
discrimination or prejudice.
employees are expected to treat their Opportunity, Child Labour, Gender workshops. on Forced/ Anti-Slavery
colleagues fairly, with mutual respect
and without harassment at all levels.
Equality, Protection of Minority Rights’,
we follow this commitment in order to
During the reporting period, there have
been no incidences of discrimination Contract labours engaged at our sites Bonded Labour and Human
become an ‘Employer of Choice’. The reported from all sites of the Company. are allowed only after they submit Prohibition Trafficking
We provide an equal employment policy is part of an employee handbook. their age verification proof. Clause
opportunity working environment to Declaration for acceptance and 6 (d) of the HR Guideline ‘HR/29:
all the stakeholders. This covers all Prevention of Child Labour Guideline on Management of Contract
adherence of the policy is part of the
the areas of recruitment, selection, joining process. The policy is based on Labour at Plant/Site/Office’ in the HR
We believe in protection of young and
appointment, training, learning and the following ILO Conventions: Operations Manual mentions that no
child population of the country and are The above policies are a part of HR Operations Manual and Employee Handbook and
development, promotion, Company contract labour below the age of 18
committed not to employ child labour are in reiteration of our commitment to the following ILO convention:
years will be engaged in the Company.
as per the local law on minimum age for
Sr. No. Convention/ Issue Addressed Every employee, contract labour, sub-
work. We have a ‘no child labour’ policy
Recommendation No contractor is extensively trained on the
as enumerated in the HR guideline Convention/ Issue Addressed
above guidelines which are included in
1 ILO Convention 100 and 111 Equal Remuneration and ‘HR/70 – Guideline on Child Labour’. Recommendation No.
the Employee Handbook.
Discrimination-Employment and This is a part of HR Operations Manual,
Occupation Employee Handbook (of sites) and is We ensure that no child labour is ILO Conventions 29 and 105 Forced Labour and Abolition of
2 ILO Convention 131 Minimum Wage Fixing reiterated in our commitment to the engaged by the suppliers and the Forced labour
3 The United Nations Convention to eliminate All Forms of following ILO convention on the Worst service providers and a specific clause
Discrimination Against Women. Forms of Child Labour no. 182 (1999). is mentioned in this regard in all the
As part of our non-discriminatory and/or anti force labour practices,
4 The United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All forms of service contracts/purchase orders.
we ensure the following:
Racial Discrimination Convention/ Issue Addressed
None of our operations and suppliers
No. are identified to have significant risk of
child labour or young worker exposed a. Do not retain original identification papers;
We have carried out awareness
ILO Convention Worst Forms of to hazardous work. There have been no
campaigns on social accountability b. Do not require personnel to pay ‘deposits’ to the organization upon joining
182 Child Labour incidences of child labour engagement
across locations worldwide. All the Company;
The United Nations Convention on across Company operations and in
employees have been made aware on c. Do not withhold any part of employee’s salary, benefits, property or
the Rights of the Child any of the locations of our business
anti-discriminatory practices in these documents in order to force to continue working for the Company;
workshops. The Employee Handbook associates during the reporting period.
along with the Social Accountability d. Do not take any ‘employment fees’ or costs;
As part of our recruitment process, all
pamphlets are distributed among all Prevention of Forced / Compulsory e. Allow employees to leave the workplace, after completing the workday,
prospective employees have to submit
employees. In addition to the Company Labour and be free to terminate their employment if they give reasonable notice to
their age verification document along
employees, the contract labours, sub- Social Accountability Awareness their Company, and
with their job application. All applicants We respect the dignity of labour and
contractors, suppliers, business partners Pamphlets distributed at locations after
whose age is below 18 are summarily do not allow the use of forced/bonded/ f. Do not engage in or support human trafficking.
have also been taken through the the Training Session
rejected. To further augment the process compulsory labour including prison or
training programmes.
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Accountability and People
We follow eight hours shift and six- inappropriate behaviour of security personnel can also have potentially negative Location Local Community Total Number of Employees – GM and Above
day work schedule and follows all the impacts on local populations and upholding of human rights and the rule of law.
provisions of hours of work, weekly day Noida Noida, Ghaziabad, Delhi, Faridabad, Gurgaon 62%
off rest, extra wages for overtime, leave We have outsourced the security management of our locations to third party security Dahej Bharuch, Vadodara, Surat, Narmada, Vapi 55%
etc as per the Factories Act, 1948. These agencies. Agencies that has been engaged for deploying security personnel in India Ranjitnagar Vadodara, Mahisagar, Chhota Udaipur 89%
matters are covered in the Employee are all registered under Private Security Agencies Regulations Act, 2005. All security Vadodara Anand, Panchmahal, Bharuch 100%
Handbook and awareness session personnel are deployed only after the agency has submitted a police verification
are held regularly. All employees are report.
made aware on Prohibition of Forced/ Rights of Indigenous People
We arrange training for all the security personnel wherein they are briefed on the
Compulsory Labour during the Social
relevant Company policies on being the first responder and fire security at across We believe that the rights of indigenous people should be protected, and indigenous
Accountability workshop. Contract
locations. Special training is organized for security personnel on human rights policies cultures, customs and institutions should be encouraged to flourish. We have adopted
labours are also given awareness
and procedures and their application to security. the policy ‘HR/59 - Guideline on Employment Opportunity to Sons of the Soil in
programme on this subject. We strictly
Ranjitnagar’ in this regard.
follow the Payment of Minimum Wages
Act, 1948. Declaration for acceptance Sr. No. Location Number of Security Personnel Total Participation
Public hearing
and adherence of the policy is part of Location Employment Total No from nearby % of total
Own Contractual Total
the joining process. Number villages manpower
There have been no incidences of
1 Noida 1 6 7 6 Ranjitnagar On roll + 504 310 37
violation involving the right of indigenous
Every employee, contract labour and 2 Dahej 1 41 42 38 Contract Labour
people during the reporting period.
sub-contractor is extensively trained on
3 Ranjitnagar 1 42 43 42
the above guidelines which are included
Human Rights
in the Employee Handbook.
As part of our commitment to protecting indigenous culture, we take active
participation in Panch Mahotsav celebration which celebrates the exquisite beauty We believe that human rights are the
We are a free will company and the
and magnificence of the heritage, architecture and culture of Champaner and universal birth right of every person and
employee can quit their work at any
Pavagadh in Gujarat. all are entitled to it without discrimination
point of time serving the requisite notice
of any kind. We have always respected
period as stipulated in their terms of
and subscribed to the protection of
appointment. Suggestion and grievance
internationally proclaimed human rights
boxes have been installed at various
(as enshrined in the Universal Declaration
locations through which employees can
of Human Rights). We encourage the
register complaints in this regard.
protection of human rights through
None of our operations and suppliers an organization wide policy ‘HR/63 –
are identified to have significant risk Guideline on Human Rights’, which is
of forced/compulsory labour exposed available in the HR Operations Manual
to hazardous work. There have been and the Company website.
no incidence of forced/compulsory
Recruitment at GFCL is based on the
labour engagement across Company
policy of fairness and non-discrimination
operations and in any of the locations
and in compliance with the prevailing
of our business associates during the Human Right Safety training for Security Personnel
GFCL pavilion in Panch Mahotsav labour laws. There are several policies in
reporting period.
relation to human rights issues, including:
Local Hiring to Sons of the Soil in Ranjitnagar’, We also organize rest centres for the indigenous people, neither damages
Security Practices 1. HR/51 – Guideline on Prevention,
we extend preference to the local devotees who travel on foot to visit their property in any manner. In case of
We believe that work efficiency, cost Prohibition & Redressal of Sexual
population. Through this, we focus on Mahakali Pavagadh during Chaitri any expansion or acquiring of land, we
We believe that security personnel optimization, and economic growth Harassment of Women at Workplace
hiring employees even at the level Navratri, a local festival where devotees take consent of the indigenous people
can play an essential role in allowing can only be achieved if the workplace General Manager and above locally i.e. are provided food and drinking water. through public hearing and addresses 2. HR/68 – Guideline on Equal
an operation to operate in a safe and diversity is managed properly in an from the communities surrounding our their concerns. Employment Opportunity, Child
productive manner. At the same time, organization. Through our policy ‘HR/59 manufacturing unit. We ensure that our operations do not Labour, Gender Equality and
we are also sensitive to the fact that - Guideline on Employment Opportunity occupy unauthorizedly territory of the Protection of Human Rights
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Accountability and People
There are policies in place through We ensure that there is no human rights There have been no complaints, legal Governance Mechanism
which we ensure that the Company abuse in our entire supply chain. We cases, rulings or fines against the
Our SPT is overall responsible for the
Social Accountability Risk discrimination, human rights, freedom of
is not complicit in any form of human are committed to ensure an inclusive Company in these aspects. During FY
implementation and maintaining the
Assessment association etc.
rights abuses. We are committed growth of the society and protect the 2019-20, there was no complaint received
to treat individuals in all aspects of interest of indigenous people. Awareness from any stakeholder regarding human adequacy of the SA 8000 requirements. The SPT conducts periodic written The SPT conducts these assessments
employment based on ability irrespective programme on human rights and rights violation, sexual harassment and SPT conducts a written risk assessment risk assessments once in a year based on their recommended data
of nationality, race, caste, creed, religion, campaign on human rights laws and discrimination in employment reported for all the elements of the standard, (at 12 months interval) to identify and data collection techniques and in
gender etc. We do not tolerate racial, policies are conducted on regular basis. from any site of the Company. which may affect an individual, a group and prioritize the areas of actual or meaningful consultation with interested
sexual or any other kind of discrimination or whole organization, in general. It potential non-conformance to the parties. Changes (or impending changes)
or harassment. There is no disparity Suggestion and grievance boxes are There was no comprehensive third-party meets at regular intervals with a defined in legislation governing labour, trade
SA 8000:2014 standard. It covers all
between salaries of men and women installed in various locations where human rights assessment conducted agenda to ensure healthy system union, health and safety, environmental
elements of the Social Accountability
employees, and we follow the principle of employees can register complaints in this during the reporting period since there implementation. The agenda includes: protection, pollution control, etc. are also
Management System which
equal pay for equal work. regard. was no significant project or new follow up of previous SPT meetings, assessed.
includes child labour, forced labour,
acquisition related investment during the internal/external monitoring results,
All employees are made aware about the reporting period. inputs from stakeholder engagement,
protection of human rights during Social discussion on any received complaint/
Accountability workshop. The Employee suggestion or feedback H&S Committee Awareness and Training
Handbook, which is distributed among minutes, discussion of each element
all employees, also covers aspects of of the standard, output of Workers We have carried out awareness
human rights of the Company. Not only Committee legal compliances, status of campaigns on Social Accountability
the employees but also contract labours social performance indicators, adequacy and Social Responsibility across
have been taken through the human of defined policies resource requirements all our locations worldwide. All the
rights awareness programme. All the and changes that may affect the Social stakeholders have been taken through
Social Accountability in the We expect all our suppliers to
above policies are part of an employee Accountability Management System. these programmes which are based
Supply Chain support the principles set out within
handbook. Declaration on acceptance SPT is also responsible for liaising on the protection of human rights. The
the UN Universal Declaration of
and adherence of the above policies is We take ownership of respecting with the statutory bodies to ensure employee handbook along with the
Human Rights, the ILO Declaration
part of the joining process. the environment, employees, compliance with local laws and standard Social Accountability pamphlets were
on Fundamental Principles and
customers, shareholders, requirements. distributed to all employees. In addition
Rights at Work, the UNGC and the
stakeholders, and society in to employees, the contract labours,
UN Guiding Principles on Business
order to achieve a sustainable sub-contractors, suppliers and business
and Human Rights. Contractors Training at Site
and profitable long-term
The SPT effectively monitors partners have also been taken
Total number of hours business growth. The Sustainable We recognize that improving our workplace activities for: through the human rights awareness
spent on training on Procurement Policy and Code of procurement performance is an programme.
a) Compliance with this Standard;
Human Rights Conduct for Suppliers/Vendors ongoing process and that our
apply to all purchases of goods suppliers, both large and small, are
b) Implementation of actions to
and services. It sets out how we important partners in our journey to effectively address the risks
conduct business with our suppliers become more sustainable. Details of identified by the SPT; and
and describes the expectations we our supplier social assessment have
have from our suppliers regarding been elaborated in the Responsible c) Effectiveness of systems
the way they conduct their & Sustainable Procurement chapter implemented to meet the
business. of this report. organization’s policies and the
requirements of this Standard.
% Employees
d) Holding periodic meetings to review
covered on training
progress and identify potential
on Human rights
actions to strengthen implementation
of the Standard.
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78 79
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Accountability and People
There was no complaint received from 4. Conduct Human Rights Assessments in significant locations of Operations of the Company
any stakeholder regarding violation of
guidelines on sexual harassment and 5. Increase Training Man-hours in significant locations of Operations of the Company
discrimination in employment during the
reporting period.
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Mr. Sanath Kumar This could be achieved by untiring committed go beyond the statutory Mr. Sanjay Borwankar The most common (and simple) definition letting go the control. At Ranjitnagar
Whole Time Director and effort of all the employees and requirements and have become adept in Whole Time Director and Unit of Sustainability written in 1987 by the Plant, Sustainability is integrated in
Unit Head – Dahej Plant business partners. We are Committed using the best Practices. Head – Ranjitnagar Plant United Nation’s Brundtland Commission, all the Manufacturing processes – be
to improve the site Safety performance is “Meeting the needs of the present it product development, operations,
on a continuous basis and ensuring that Our thrust and focus has been:
generation without compromising the logistics or human resources. The Unit
the results achieved are sustainable. ability of future generations to meet Leadership is also in continuous touch
• Implementation of all safety
To achieve this various Practices their own needs.” The onus is both with the surrounding community and we
initiatives with clear focus and
and systems are put in place. All on each person and organization to have been able to build a relationship
the leadership team members are understand the interdependency of of mutual respect and trust. Our Plant is
committed to do safety rounds on • Serious efforts to achieve water three Ps; People, Planet and Profit and “Zero Discharge” and we continuously
a regular basis with clear focus on conservation. modify behaviours ensuring sustainable strive to reduce emissions.
Behaviour improvement. The Mechanical and healthy future. At GFCL, we believe
integrity and quality assurance program • Proactive steps to avoid any health that the Leaders’ role in this is to
enabling us to proactively identify and Hazards. Define the Purpose by understanding
correct any potential quality issues connects between three Ps and the
With all the very best
or mechanical integrity concerns. We organization, Ignite the Change, Set Mr. Sanjay Borwankar
have also put in place the quality Priorities, Facilitate Resources, involve Whole Time Director and
systems so that all the good engineering personally and Empower people by Unit Head – Ranjitnagar Plant
standards are followed from the project Mr. Sanath Kumar
Conceptual stage. As a team we are Whole Time Director and
Unit Head – Dahej Plant
82 83
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Community Development
Introduction lives and improving the livelihood of the and approves the same with or society or a Company established b) Arial distance from the GFCL plant GFCL CSR and SDGs
people for a stronger and inclusive India. without modifications, if required. by the Company or its holding or
GFCL aims to ‘Energize, Involve and This is done by undertaking CSR projects c) Availability of health, GFCL firmly believes that corporate who
subsidiary of associate Company
Enable Communities to realize their and proactively responding to the needs c) The Board ensures that activities educational, sanitation facilities understand their social responsibilities
under Section 8 of the Act or
Potential’ through its CSR initiatives. We of the community, preferably in the included by the Company in the and backwardness in terms of begin to adequately explore how they
undertake projects and schemes for economic proximity of the Company’s CSR Policy are in accordance with accessing government sponsored can build CSR into strategy and reap
social and economic development of the operations. Schedule VII of the Act. b) Placing before the Board, the CSR development/welfare programmes the rewards of improved competitive
communities in and around the areas projects or programmes proposed etc. position in the future, not only to the
d) The Board considers the budgetary
where our plants are located. to be taken up by the Company for benefit of their shareholders, but also to
Leadership allocation proposed by the CSR d) Population of the village (presence
approval, each year. the benefit of the society at large. Our
Committee and approves the same of disadvantaged groups e.g. ST,
Vision and Objective of Top Management CSR model is based on the following
with or without modifications, if c) Overseeing the progress of the CSR SC, OBC)
Community Development principles:
required. projects or programmes rolled out
The CSR policy, programmes and
under this Policy on a quarterly e) Educational accessibility and status
At GFCL, through our CSR initiatives activities are implemented, managed a) Community Participation – All
e) The Board ensures that the CSR of facilities (Primary School, High
we continue to enhance value creation and supervised by the CSR committee basis. our projects are identified and
activities undertaken by the school and Anganwadi)
in the society and in the community in that is appointed by the Board of implemented in collaboration with
Company are in accordance with d) Defining and monitoring the budgets
which we operate, to promote sustained Directors of the Company. The Top Implementation of Programmes the public, local panchayats and
the CSR Policy of the Company. for the carrying out the projects or
growth for the society and community, Management demonstrates commitment and Projects involve mutual contribution of
in fulfilment of our role as a socially and leadership as follows: Constitution ff Location CSR people
responsible corporate. The objective of Committee e) Submitting a report to the Board Each long-term project is broken up
a) Taking accountability of the into annual targets and activities to be b) Self-Sustenance – The programmes
our CSR initiatives is to: of Directors on all CSR activities
effectiveness of the CSR activities All CSR programmes are implemented, implemented sequentially on a yearly are self-sustaining - be it skill
undertaken during the Financial
a) ensure an increased commitment and review Company objectives and managed and supervised by the basis, and the budget would have to development or environmental
Year, on quarterly basis and
at all levels in the Company, functional objectives; CSR committee. Each Location CSR be allocated for the implementation protection, and;
displaying CSR Policy on the
to operate its business in an Committee consist of at least five of these activities and achievement
\b) Taking all decisions which are Company’s website. c) Strategic partnership building – We
economically, socially and members: of targets set for each successive
compatible with the CSR guidelines; partner with specialized agencies
environmentally sustainable f) Monitoring and reviewing the year, till the final completion of the
a) Chairman of the Committee – Unit to ensure effective and efficient
manner, while recognizing the c) Ensuring that the resources needed implementation of the CSR Policy. project. The Company then takes up
Head/ Site Head implementation of our projects
interests of all its stakeholders. for implementation of CSR activities the implementation of CSR project with
Geographical Coverage of its own manpower and resources, if GFCL is one of the few large chemical
are available; b) Secretary of the Committee –
b) directly or indirectly take up Location CSR Activity and the CSR Committee is confident of its companies which is signatory and
Location HR Lead, where there is no
programmes that benefit the d) Ensuring that the CSR team Programme Selection organizational capability to execute committed to the UNGC. Our CSR
designated CSR Manager or CSR
communities in and around its work achieves its intended results and Manager, if available such projects. All projects are essentially focus areas now revolve around the
centres and results, over a period, The CSR activities are largely confined
verifying the same with the help implemented through: SDG goals and UNGC principles. As
in enhancing the quality of life and to areas in and around our plants.
of internal audits and objective c) Members – at least two employees a Company we have adopted the ISO
economic well-being of the local Selecting villages or locations for CSR a) The Panchayat members and their
reviews; not below the level of COO, HOD or 26000 standard and all our Social
populace. activities is based on the statistical involvement
Functional Head as available at the Responsibility policies, procedures and
e) Reviewing the activities once in six profile of the locality, based on
location. activities are aligned to the same. The
c) generate, through its CSR initiatives, months. demographic profile, agriculture b) In a Private – Public partnership
a community goodwill for the production, land-use pattern, incidence model following table gives a list of our key
d) Corporate HR representative.
Company and help reinforce a Roles and Responsibilities of the of basic amenities, incidence of weaker CSR focus areas and activities along
positive and socially responsible Board Roles and Responsibilities of the sections, agriculture and allied sector, c) In a Self – Sustaining model with the relevant SDGs.
image of the Company as a Location CSR Committee performance in implementation of
a) The Board considers the d) If a Partner or NGO (Registered
corporate entity. welfare/development programmes etc.
recommendations of the CSR The Location CSR Committee is Trust/Society or Company
Before finalization of the location, the
Committee and provide appropriate responsible for: established under Section 8 of
CSR Projects following characteristics are evaluated:
instructions / directions to the CSR the Companies Act) is engaged, it
Committee when required. a) Deciding the CSR projects or a) Socio-Economic condition of the has an established track record of
GFCL’s CSR activities are undertaken programmes to be taken up by the village (e.g. No. of Below Poverty three years in undertaking similar
within the territory of the Republic of b) The Board considers the CSR Policy Company either directly or through Line (BPL) families) programmes or projects.
India and are aimed at building better formulated by the CSR Committee registered trust or registered
84 85
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Community Development
Education Adhoc Teachers at High school Water Water Distribution Stand Post
Menstrual Education for adolescent girls Management Roof Rainwater Harvesting
Khel Mahakumb (District Level Sports Event) Water Storage underground tank
Seva Setu Programme (Govt. Administration Service at doorstep) Pond Desilting
Essay Competition on Environment Protection Check dam
Scholarship to meritorious Students
Notebook, School bag and School Dress, Cultural Dress Human Ophthalmologist Camp
Sanitary Pad Wending Machine health ANC And PNC Mega Camp
Ball Pen & Flower Distribution Mobile Health Care Unit
Science and Mathematics Fair Special Health Camp for Gynec, Paediatrician, Dermatology,
Dental and General Check Up
86 87
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Community Development
Social Responsibility and Core find out what social and environmental Need Assessment and Response Identification of Key Concerns/Issues
Issues: issues matter the most to them and
involve stakeholders in the decision- We follow a holistic development
Consulting Mechanism Key Issues
1. Community Outreach making process. Through regular approach that involves an intensive
and deep level of engagement, which Farmers
dialogue, we have aligned our business
Community outreach helps us to includes identification and delineation of Regular formal / information conversation Sustainable and accelerated growth in livelihoods and farm incomes
to such social and environmental needs.
engage with the local community and needs and aspirations of our stakeholder Farmer training programme and workshops Know - how on improvement of productivity and profitability
We have partnered with a wide range of
understand their needs and aspirations. communities in our locations. For on- Exposure visits Capacity development for enabling further investment
local organizations to shape and extend
It is aimed at preventing and solving going projects, such an exercise helps in Participatory rural appraisals to identify needs Easy, affordable and reliable access to inputs such as quality seeds,
the reach of our CSR programmes,
problems, fostering partnerships with gauging if the current set of interventions and Challenge fertilizers, pesticides etc.
including governments, non-profits,
local organizations and stakeholders, is valued by the communities and to Exposure visits Regeneration and replenishment of common resources like water,
multilateral organizations, and peers.
while aspiring to be a good corporate understand if any course correction is village commons, biomass and biodiversity
Engagement with the partners provides
citizen. It is a key part of our overall required. Comprehensive stakeholder Civil Society
us with world leading insights, influences
approach towards CSR and helps in engagements were undertaken in Partnerships for implementation of CSR Financial support for community development
CSR strategy, and enables to learn
maximizing impact of our projects 2019-20 comprising of 40 Participatory programmes programmes
from others and share best practices,
enabling us to efficiently help the Rural Appraisals (PRAs), covering core Discussion on community issues with civil society Managerial Support
Over the years, we have built strong
society. villages. Organizations
relationships with multiple stakeholders.
Environmental impacts
We engage with stakeholders in to
Safe products and services
Responsible corporate citizenship
Local Communities
Need Assessment site Challenges Identified Our Responses Community needs assessment activities Community development programme based on local
undertaken in collaboration with independent communities’ needs
Ranjitnagar, Unemployment of youth in the age group of 18-35 Vocational training of youth (male and parties / civil society
years. female)on market relevant skills. Organization Strengthening of livelihood opportunities
Nathkua, Formation of villages institution and regular Improvement of social infrastructure for hygienic and
Poor community sanitation and drainage Focus on Water, Sanitation and meeting healthy living environment
Kankodakui, facilities in most of the villages and urban wards. Hygiene (WASH) intervention in school Thereon
Jitpura, Public hearings Dignity of life through economic and social
Largely rainfed agriculture, leading to low Understand significance of
Assessment of direct and indirect impacts of Dignity of life through economic and social
cropping intensity. agriculture related livelihoods further
Ambetha GFCL’s
and plan accordingly.
Insufficient veterinary service delivery. social Investments on Communities empowerment
Initiative focus on integrated
Shortage of drinking and irrigation water during Water Management
summer months - March to June.
In addition to the need assessment including Governments, development challenges and enable the emergence
surveys conducted as part of agencies, research organizations and of customized solutions. Several such
stakeholder engagement, GFCL also communities. Such multi-disciplinary stakeholder consultations were held
engages in regular and ongoing engagement processes stimulate during the year.
interactions with various stakeholders deeper and nuanced understanding of
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Community Development
Quality education and Culture play a GFCL has established scholarship and informal sectors. This effort has
major role in building a bright future as programmes to provide higher education reduced poverty and vulnerability of
they are the foundation for social and for students from weaker sections. A marginalized households, enabling them Ashmita Hanshraj was blessed with a small family.
total of 20 students got benefit through to access gainful self-employment and
economic development and part of Her husband was working as a helper in a shop.
community identity. Preservation and this scholarship. GFCL jointly celebrated skilled wage employment opportunities,
World Ozone Day with Gujrat Pollution resulting in an appreciable improvement
Their income was insufficient to take care of the
promotion of culture and education,
Control Board (GPCB) at Ranjitnagar in their livelihoods. We started our family needs. She decided to enrol herself in
compatible with respect for human
rights, have positive impacts on social High School with 400 Students, where first Vocational Training Centre in vocational Skill Development Centre running by
cohesion and development. GFCL has focus was on protection of environment Ranjitnagar, Gujarat. This centre GFCL in Ranjitnagar.
taken various initiatives for enhancing and reduction on single use plastic. organizes tailoring classes to empower
quality learning and conducting various unemployed girls and women. It has After completion of the three-month training, she
In a step towards creating awareness
awareness programmes in 47 schools helped build their self-confidence, has started tailoring work independently. Her little
about women’s health, we organized self-support and self-reliance. We have
located in nearby areas, reaching about
training and awareness programmes on
contribution helps her family to live a better life.
3600 students. developed a three-month training course
menstrual hygiene for 300 adolescent which is affiliated with Ministry of Skill Ashmita Hanshraj
Ranjitnagar High School is the only girls at the school. To maintain hygiene Development and Entrepreneurship
among the adolescent girls the Ranjitnagar
school which caters to secondary and (through Jan Sikshan Sanstha). 40
Company’s CSR team installed sanitary Ta. Ghoghamba, Dist: Panchmahal, Gujarat
higher secondary education in the women have been benefitted so far in
surrounding five km radius villages, pad wending machine and an incinerator the first batch.
where 95% of the students belong to in Ranjitnagar High school. Students can
tribal and backward community. The buy a sanitary pad at subsidized cost of Achievements:
only two rupees. Also, girls and female 3. Environment
school had limited funds, therefore underground water storage tank with the along with enhanced biodiversity and
teachers are provided with easy access Total 2400 students were benefitted
through GFCL CSR initiative eight Water is an essential necessity for objective to supply safe and wholesome replenishment of water table.
to sanitary napkins in schools. by study materials. (Books, school
classrooms, Reinforced Cement any society to survive and grow. GFCL water. Total 9986 people benefitted
bags and cultural bags) GFCL along with village panchayat of
Concrete (RCC) flooring, internal road endeavours to create necessary from this scheme, eliminating water
GFCL have been an active participant
was constructed, besides provision of infrastructure and means for water scarcity for villagers and cattle. Timely Ambhetya and Galenda villages initiated
in the GOI’s national level or state Total 300 adolescence girls
computer system, furniture, 15 RO plants, conservation and bring about attitudinal maintenance of public water distribution “GO GREEN” campaign to develop
sponsored social development project benefitted from menstrual
sanitation complex, CCTV cameras, change among communities. In the system will save water and provide 24*7 forestry through village plantation
like Swachh Bharat Mission, swachhata awareness, sanitary pad wending
library and plantation support. With an current scenario scarcity of drinking and drinking water service to the community. activity. The overall density of the forest
hi sev, kala mahakhumb programme on machine and incinerator.
aim of imparting proper and valuable irrigation water is one of the biggest In line with this understanding, our is beneficial in lowering temperature,
the importance of cleanliness, hygiene
education, three teachers were hired by Total 531 students benefited problems faced by farmers and villagers. project activity provided benefit to making soil nutritious, supporting local
and sanitation. Under the stewardship
GFCL in last five years and 450 students through additional teacher support. Clean water is the best way to prevent the residents of Nathkua, Jitpura and wildlife and sequestration of carbon.
of GFCL, the initiative was driven by
have been benefitted by these initiatives. the spread of the many diseases that Kankodakui villages. Further, the
a pool of more than 2000 volunteers Government collaboration through
GFCL has supported Block level can cause havoc in a closely packed Company organized “jal aaj kal seminar”
ranging from employees and community which 2250 students were
Science- Mathematics and Environment society. With this in mind, we started for creating awareness for save water.
members to children, with the focus on benefitted.
fair giving students an opportunity to construction work for a check dam at a
promotion and education of the local
showcase their knowledge. proposed site. The dam has a storage In the wake of climate change, air
society about the benefits of these Total 1410 students benefitted
capacity of 18215 CUMT and benefitted pollution, and water scarcity every small
programmes. from awareness programmes
With continuous efforts and initiatives, effort to counter these phenomena
and educational activities a total of six villages (covering 4.37
Ranjitnagar High School has developed counts. GFCL has contributed towards
GFCL is working towards making (Essay competition and drawing with ground water and provide
as a model school in surrounding areas cleaner environment through CSR
women employable by providing competition) irrigation supply to 379.26 acre of land.
and parents prefer this government project like tree plantation. The
skills and livelihood training, career This initiative offered direct benefit to
school for higher education. From time Total 90 Women benefitted through Company has planted more than
guidance and life-skills, making them nearly 200 farmers in the region.
to time promoting learning opportunities Skill Development Centre. 2000 forestry plants in 1-acre land
economically, socially visible along
to vulnerable or discriminated groups To overcome drinking water scarcity in Ranjitnagar village. This effort
with on-the-job training in both formal Tree plantation at Ranjitnagar
has been a matter of concern, thus, during summer, we have constructed had led to increase in green cover,
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Community Development
Achievements: Through check dam and pond de- development programme. Through payments to encourage cultivation of veterinary doctor services for treatment livestock rearing, dairy farming,
silting, 2124 people got benefitted plantation and forestry initiative, various crops like maize, cotton, tuver, of cattle, besides organizing infertility, enhancing knowledge of farmers and
The water distribution channel by ground water recharge. the community benefitted from soya bean and wheat cultivation, de-worming and primary treatment cattle owners. These majorly focus on
benefitted a total 9657 villagers increase in soil nutrition, lowering along with promotion of allied activities camps for livestock along with expert empowering farmers in commercialized
through clean and safe drinking Total 5766 people benefitted of temperature, besides clean and like calf rearing and procurement of agencies. These initiatives benefitted farming with due emphasis on scientific
water. from tree plantation, green safe environment. agriculture machinery and equipment. nearly 795 cattle. management practices for resource
belt development and garden friendly, sustained and safe production.
To enhance farmer skills, capacity With a view to provide health coverage GFCL also conducted the following
building programmes are organized to the milk animals of the farmers trainings:
on various agricultural marketing of surrounding villages (Ranjitnagar,
reforms, modern marketing methods, Kankodakui, Nathkua and Jitpura), Scientific Animal Husbandry
direct marketing, group marketing, emergency veterinary services visits Training Programme
Jitpura village has a pond spread over 67 interface with commodities specialist were initiated by GFCL with help of
Green Fodder Management Training
acres for the purpose of irrigation and water and marketing personnel experts, Panchmahal District Cooperative Milk
organic farming, vermi-compost, ware Producers’ Union Ltd. Further support for Animal Husbandry Business
harvesting. Over the years, pond has filled
housing, pledge financing and scientific was provided to the Milk Cooperative
with mud, silt and plant material turning it to Training on Profitable Animal
storage of agricultural commodities in for animal treatment though veterinary
marsh and land. India. In addition to this, exposure visits doctors and benefited more than 5000
were organized for to demonstrate and animals. We organized an exposure With the help of Technical Support from
With the jointly efforts of gram panchayat enhance farmer knowledge on high tech visit to Bavaliya Moras Dairy Farm with BAIF, we organized cattle treatment
jitpura and GFCL, a drive was conducted to practices about agriculture, horticulture 50 cattle owners from Ranjitnagar and and infertility camps in Ranjitnagar
clean water resource channel and desilt the and animal husbandry. This helped Nathkua village to help them understand and Jitpura Villages. During the camp,
them to improve the quality of work the latest hi-tech animal husbandry BAIF provided technical guidance
pond. Due to this initiative, in second rain the
and implement advanced ways to do practices. and medicine to the beneficiaries for
pond has been filled up with 70% of water agricultural activities, while improving promoting better animal husbandry
which will cater to the irrigation needs of the their income and their lifestyle. GFCL CSR initiatives include regular
area in a two-kilometre radius for one year. trainings and seminars on scientific
GFCL has always been concerned
It has improved the ground water quality,
about the problems of soil fertility in the
recharge of wells and helped farmers in nearby villages. We have undertaken
growing crops. an organic farming campaign under
agriculture development in which four
Pond cleaning and de-silting - Shramdan Drive farmers were identified based on advice
(Jitpura village) of an agriculture expert and provided
training on vermi-compost development.
As a result, the farmers adopted vermi-
compost technology under the guidance
4. Wealth and Income Creation: advice, krushi mahiti kendra, organic have become more aware of the
of expert. This helped in improvement
farming, drip irrigation and various onsite technological advancements in farming
To promote sustainable farming of crop performance and yield, and
and classroom trainings and exposure and about the various government
practices, agro-based livelihoods and preservation of the environment.
visits. The programme benefited schemes.
transform rural communities, GFCL approximately 600 farmers in 4 villages. Additionally, animal husbandry plays
has built an agriculture programme Considering the needs of the farmers,
an important role in transformation
to help families obtain better yield To promote enhanced productivity, financial assistance is available across
of rural livelihood. In association with
and enhanced profitability. Almost high-tech agricultural technology, crop four villages surrounding the GFCL plant.
Government Veterinary Department,
80% population living in surrounding management and water management Financial assistance to the farmers for
we started a campaign of artificial
villages of GFCL, Ranjitnagar derives practices are made available along with livelihood and income augmentation
insemination for better breed of
its livelihood from agriculture. GFCL expert advice to farmers on agriculture. is a support scheme for small farmers,
cattle. We engaged veterinary expert
continues its effort for promoting This initiative has helped in development cultivators and marginal farmers located
for guidance on better livestock
sustainable agriculture though expert of the agriculture sector as the farmers near the plant. The scheme involves
management and also provided on-call
92 93
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Community Development
Achievements: Total 10 farmers benefitted through Total 225 cattle owner and 410 services to poor communities living and provided with free accommodation, Total 14657 people got benefitted
sustainable agriculture programme. cattle benefitted through cattle near GFCL plant areas and benefitted food, clothing and health care. from Health care equipment support
Total 2308 farmers benefitted from camp. a total of 1738 people. These camps in Community health centre.
visit by agriculture expert. Four farmers adopted organic are conducted by health professionals Achievements:
farming. Total 1118 cattle owners benefitted who provide limited health intervention Through Human Health Care
Total 415 farmers benefitted from from veterinary expert visit. Total 21748 community people got Initiative people get aware about
to underprivileged communities and
capacity building programme. Total 250 cattle owners and 5000 benefitted from Health camp. their health. People got preventive
people attend these camps to get
Farmers got aware about the cattle benefited through cattle camp Total 50 cattle owners benefitted and curative treatment at their
free check-up and treatment. Further, Total 1450 Students got benefitted
government schemes and started and emergency Care through exposure visit. doorsteps.
20 physically and mentally disabled, from programme on Health and
using new methods in their farm.
Total 295 cattle owners benefitted elderly individuals have been adopted Hygiene.
Total 18 farmers benefitted from through capacity building
exposure visit. programme.
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Environmental Care
Environment Management and on the core principle of ‘Safety in drive, review and provide direction to key environmental parameters which environmental impact in or around our Week. All our employees must complete
Compliance not only a priority but a Value’ of all social accountability, regulatory, are strictly followed and continuously plants. Environment, Health and safety (EHS)
our Company, the Management has compliance and sustainability (including monitored by top Management through training during induction. We conduct
At GFCL, sustainability goes much aggressively taken action based on health, safety and environment aspects) regular updates and surprise visits. As We believe in over-achieving our targets regular stakeholder consultation every
beyond fulfilling economic, legal or the Responsible Codes pertaining to initiatives. It also looks after the a Company that is conscious of the and compliance requirements, which 15 days with local community around our
regulatory requirements. It is one of the pollution prevention, process safety, Responsible Care related initiatives, potential risks associated with climate ensures that we are always much below plants to address any grievances related
many ways in which we create enduring employee health and safety, community activities and interventions across the change, we have become signatories of our environmental compliance limits. to environment.
value for our stakeholders, natural awareness and emergency response, Company. It identifies strategic initiatives the SBTi. During the reporting year, there were
environment and the society at large, product stewardship and security. Our and executes them in the Company no instances of monetary fines or non- We not only believe in forming policies
and become part of resolving the most Commitment to Responsible Care is along with constant monitoring of Hazard Identification and Risk monetary sanctions or cases brought and committees but also in effectively
unyielding causes through awareness part of the Company’s sustainability the progress. The Committee has 10 assessment (HIRA) is conducted every against the Company through dispute implementing actions and achieving
and engagement. We consider ourselves initiatives to positively impact People, members and is chaired by the CEO of year for both the plants for continuous resolution mechanisms pertaining to targets. We have ISO 14000 certification
responsible for mitigating not just the Planet and Profit. We formally pledged the Company. It also has representation monitoring and assessment of risks. environmental non-compliance. The for our entire Company. All our plants
social and environment impact of our our commitment to the Responsible Care from different verticals of the Company In addition, we also conduct various total monetary value of significant have conducted environmental risk
business but also helping resolve Guiding Principles in February 2020. along with some C-suite level other environmental risk and impact fines pertaining to environmental non- assessment and have implemented
various social and environmental issues officers. From each plant, two senior studies. We also make an ‘Environmental compliance during the year 2017-18 was Environmental Management System
present in our society. We aim to follow We are accountable for our products representatives including the Plant Head Aspects/Impacts, Occupational Health INR 3,25,000. (EMS). We participate in various local,
and promote sustainable business and their effects on environment and are also members. and Safety Hazards and Quality Risk & regional, national and international
this is the primary reason for conducting Opportunity Matrix’ on a regular basis One of the most important aspects of forums on the environmental topics
practices and co-create sustainable
life cycle assessment (LCA) studies. The The Committee reviews the unit level covering the different type of risks, forming policy and setting up targets in order to showcase our work and
business value for our stakeholders.
main objectives of life cycle thinking activities with the site-level teams on a their severity and control measures in is ensuring its awareness among all participate in knowledge exchange.
We measure the impact of our are to reduce a product’s resource use monthly basis. The Steering Committee place for various activities that may employees and other stakeholders,
business operations through the three and emissions to the environment as also meets every month and appraises have an environmental impact. For for which we conduct regular training With these key initiatives, we are known
key pillars of sustainability, namely well as improve its socio-economic the gaps identified, plan of action, etc. further strengthening our commitment sessions / seminars. In addition, we also in the industry for not just our products
People, Planet and Profit. Hence, we performance throughout its entire life on all related activities. It also publishes towards environment protection, our celebrate various occasions like Ozone but also for the responsible growth we
make continuous efforts to optimize cycle. This facilitates linkage between monthly Sustainability and Social key pollution prevention equipment Day, Environment Day and Safety have achieved.
efficiency across these aspects. the economic, social and environmental Accountability Dashboard for continuous has an emergency backup system. In
This encourages involvement from dimensions within an organization monitoring of our sustainability the rare case that there is a failure in
all stakeholders and ensures that and throughout the product’s entire performance. backup system, operations are stopped,
sustainable framework policies are well value chain, while also enabling and corrective actions are taken
communicated, implemented, monitored environmentally sound policies to be In our management initiatives, we immediately.
and reviewed on regular basis. In adopted. place the highest priority on ensuring
order to further strengthen this cause, environmental compliance by To manage and continuously
we have implemented a Corporate Our eco- friendly product range adheres maintaining a check system based monitor all environment and safety
Integrated Management System (IMS) to international compliance standards on our original environmental audits parameters, a monthly review is done
Policy for all our operations which such as REACH 2020. As we have as well as through environmental by top Management along with other
makes environmental protection a key operations majorly in India, REACH education and other HR development stakeholders to analyse and further
pillar in the Company’s operations applies to some of our products (such as programmes. In addition, we also focus motivate employees to improve the
and strengthens better stakeholder fluoropolymers) which we produce and on improving information disclosure, environmental performance. For
relationship. As per the IMS policy, we export in quantity greater than 1 MT to developing networks with stakeholders integrating environmental stewardship
are committed to achieve pollution the EU region. For our fluoropolymers, to propagate positive environmental principles, our APEX Committee has
prevention, waste reduction, recycling, all monomers are registered for REACH. actions, and conserving environment. an Environmental Sub-Committee
energy and resource conservation It also applies to some chemical We have developed an Environmental which, under the guidance of top
(including water) and overall substances we buy, for which we ensure Management Information System for Management, monitors and controls all
environmental protection relevant in the that our suppliers are complying with collection and analysis of environmental new environment initiatives and tracks
context of our business. REACH regulations for that product. data required to promote sound their progress on monthly basis. It is
environmental management. also responsible for resolution of any
We have taken up Responsible We have set up a SARS Committee issue/grievance from employees and
Care activities as one of the most to address climate-related issues. These management systems have also local community towards any type of
important management pillars. Based The prime responsibility of SARS is to helped us in adopting targets for all
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
integration of sustainability with by a professional management team. For finalization of energy conservation/ nominated Energy Coordinator of the
We believe that strategic energy cost saving projects, brainstorming is respective plant.
our Operations. The objective of our conservation and cost saving is key being done at all levels throughout the
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Description of Key Measures Monitoring Mechanism Outcomes / Examples used in the calculation comprises of Fuel energy input utilized to
energy consumed from fuels (Coal, generate Steam: 24.5 %
Installation and commissioning of sulphate recovery system has
Natural Gas and Diesel) and electricity
been done at the Chlor-Alkali (CA) plant to reduce the daily brine 18% Fuel Utilization Efficiency: 61 %
(renewable and non-renewable). The
sludge generation. Also, its electrolysers membranes have been
energy intensity ratio reflects the energy
changed from original to zero gaps type membranes, resulting in Rest 39% fuel energy was lost in the
consumed inside the Company.
substantial power savings at CA plant. Also, most of the critical CTs form of heat - approximately 19% in
fans have been changed with ENCON fans to save power along flue gas going out of the chimney
with various energy conservation and cost saving projects. Waste Heat Recovery Systems and remaining 20% in engine jacket
& Combined Heat and Power water cooling system. The system is
Power and steam savings through replacement of AVAM (Ammonia
(CHP) unit implemented to recover heat from gas
Vapor Absorption Machine) by Vapor Compression Systems,
82% engine jackets as hot water at 82oC,
thereby achieving substantial cost savings on account of reduced At our Ranjitnagar plant, we have three distributed and utilized this heat in place
steam and power. gas-based gensets installed (2 gensets of steam in AHF, HCFC and Effluent
Environmental consideration Monthly IMS review Desired compliances pertaining to GPCB / (Central Pollution Control of 1365 KW capacity each and one Treatment Plant (ETP) plants. The
with Unit Head Board) CPCB are being achieved through online monitoring of genset of 1021 KW capacity). The fuel recovered heat in the form of hot water
Renewable electricity
complex key parameters of water and air via centralized server of utilization efficiency of the gas-based is completely utilized to replace steam
CPCB linked to their main controlling / monitoring office. Beyond Non-renewable electricity power plant at 90% load is as below: as heating media in the plants, where
it, the Effluent Water Recycling Project has been commissioned. reduction in steam requirement to the
Utilities Loss Survey (ULS) system is in place to ensure zero lead The renewable purchased electricity Fuel energy input utilized to
tune of 72 TPD is achieved.
complex and its status are being regularly monitored throughout component covers around 18% of our generate Electricity: 36.5 %
the complex against all major utilities. total electricity purchased. We do not
sell electricity, heating, cooling or steam.
The electricity generated through CPP is Energy Consumed from Renewable (Wind Power)
Schemes Implemented for SPOT ON – For various Our Dahej plant uses Regasified used within the Company itself.
Sustainability and Overall sustainability improvement at shop Liquefied Natural Gas (RLNG) as one Wind energy consumption FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20
Performance Improvement in floor. of the fuels for its operations which
Energy Conservations: is considered as one of the cleanest Total Energy Consumption Total wind power purchased 84,014,426 100,016,014 77,364,806
fossil fuels. At Ranjitnagar plant, KWH
Details of Total Energy Consumed Fuel Type Energy (in MWh)
Advanced Process Controls – e.g. captive power generation is from Percentage of wind power 14% 16% 12%
within the Company Boundary
SCADA & Operating Guideline RLNG and process heating is also Coal 32,328,529.04
software from General Electric We have all the required energy from RLNG. We do not purchase or Natural Gas 323,146.34
(GE); This is being used for input monitoring and measuring mechanisms consume heating, cooling or steam. We Diesel 195.32
data analysis to conceive energy in place in our Company. Our energy purchase renewable and non-renewable Electricity 430,805.42
conservation scheme. consumption data for this year is electricity, the details of which are given Total Energy 33,082,676
reported below. below. Energy Consumption is monitored Consumed
Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities & Threats (SWOT) on daily basis.
is done to analyse the energy Fuel Consumption For the calculation of energy
conservation schemes. Total Purchased Electricity consumption, we have obtained the
conversion factors from government
Electronic Talent Management
Fuel Type Energy Type of purchased Energy databases and had calorific values in
System(e-TMS), Individual KPI’s
(in MWh) electricity (in MWh) place for all the types of fuel used by us.
related to energy conservation.
Monitoring of direct as well and indirect
Coal 32328529.04 Renewable 77,364.81
Quality Circle – Quality energy consumption is done on daily
Natural Gas 323146.34 electricity
Improvement Programme, Energy basis.
Non-renewable 353,440.61
conservation by waste reduction. Diesel 195.32
PRAYAS – Employee Suggestion Total Fuel 32651870.70 Total electricity 430,805.42 Energy Intensity
Schemes for Energy Optimization. Consumed purchased
Our energy intensity is 81.84 MWh/
MT of production. The energy value
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Energy Conservation Projects Emissions chairperson of the committee is the GFCL owns a CPP for generating
CEO and there are other nine members energy for the plants and a Head is
Sr. No. Energy Conservation Initiatives Outcome FY 19-20 Our management approach is to reduce represent different functions and units. appointed to look after processes
all kind of emissions, pollution, maximize The role of Sustainability Committee and overall efficiency of CPP. One
the share of renewable energy, and is to integrate both business and of his major roles is to maximize the
1 Replacement of AVAM by Vapor Compression Systems Substantial cost saving for steam and power
continuously optimize energy and sustainability priorities so that the efficiency by maintaining optimum
2 S&A CTs CW Pump - P812C main driving motor replacement from Power savings of 353 MW per annum water to reduce carbon footprints and Company can thrive. The committee also consumption of fuel. Apart from
existing 90 KW/2900 rpm to 55 KW/1440 rpm wastage. To ensure no failure occurs helps in addressing the climate-related fuel consumption, responsibilities
3 TFE1 Utilities’ (-35) oC Primary Pump’s Impellers Trimming Viz. P805C Power savings of 98 MW per annum in our pollution control equipment, issues raised in the business, managing also include managing power
for Pumping Energy Optimization a double seal mechanism is used. carbon emissions, and integrating consumption and emission
4 Stoppage of TFE-3 Utilities (-35) oC Brine supply to 8 & 9th Reactors Power savings of 2932 MW per annum Further, Preventive Maintenance (PM) triple-bottom line i.e. social, economic management of CPP.
and additional loading of TFE-1 Utilities (-35) oC Brine system, to serve of all equipment is controlled through and environmental aspects in business
the purpose of energy conservation due to reduced throughput of SAP. These equipment maintenances strategy. It also oversees the health The Head of Utility Department
Polymer complex are done as per the PM schedule and and safety dimension for the Company is primarily responsible for
5 Meeting the plant’s (-35) oC Brine system demand by operating of one Power savings of 183 Kwh in TFE-2 Utilities monitored on a monthly basis. Each in order to provide a safe workplace looking after water consumption.
(-35) oC and one (-15) oC chillers, instead of two (-35) oC chillers, to machine has a PM checklist which environment. Furthermore, he devises the
save power ensures that no equipment failure strategies for reusing and recycling
6 TFE-2 Utilities’ (-35) oC Primary Pump’s Impeller Trimming Viz. P805A Power savings of 218 MW per annum occurs. Optimization of layout of the Apart from the Board level Committee, wastewater.
& P805B distillation condensers has been taken we have also established an Apex
Committee which looks after site level The Head of Technical Department
care in design stage. Any further
7 Replacement of Condensate Extraction Pump (CEP) Pump of STG-1 Power savings of 67 MW per annum assists in optimum use of resources
changes that are required to be done sustainability aspects such as climate
with High Efficiency Pump to save Operational Power across other departments.
are taken during shutdown and these change, safety, regulatory, legal and
8 Installation and commissioning of VFD at Boiler-2 PA (Primary Air) Power savings of 126 MW per annum other issues of the site. There are site- Furthermore, the members of
points are also covered in our PM
Fan-1 level people in the Committee, and it all departments which consume
9 Installation and commissioning of bigger size Condensate Transfer Power savings of 142 MW per annum is spearheaded by the plant head. To resources are responsible for
(CST) Pump for De-Mineralized (DM) Water pre-heating and stoppage A legal compliance portal designed by facilitate and support the functions of the optimizing the use of resources,
of one pump to save power through Pumping Energy optimization KPMG named Vision 360 is in practice committee, there are Sub-Committees for minimize their carbon emissions,
10 Optimization of Service Air Usage at Ash Handling System to save Air Power savings of 58 MW per annum for last few years. In this portal all different functions, such as: and waste generation objectively.
Compressor Power relevant laws related to environment
Canteen committee to address the The Factory Manager/CSR
11 Stoppage of C-4214 Column Feeding pump by feeding of Crude R-21 Power savings of 70 MW per annum are being regularly monitored. These
reduction of food wastages, reduce committee directly reports to the
directly from C-4224 bottom to C-4214 by Pressure Difference at A&H requirements are given specific number
cooking gas consumption, etc. COO/Group Head HR on matters
process with its detailed description, location
such as green belt development,
like Ranjitnagar, Dahej, Corporate
12 Replacement of HPMV Well Glass 125 W Electrical lights with LED Power savings of 38945 KWH per annum Transport Committee addresses management of vehicular emissions,
office etc. is finalized, frequency of
Well Glass Fitting (45 Watt, Qty-110), and replacement of HPMV route optimization, optimization of and CSR projects.
compliance, department applicable, and
Halogen lights with 100W LED lights transport vehicles, etc.
person responsible are defined. This The Sustainability Committee meets at
13 Motor replacement of 90KW chilled water Compressor X-201C to 132 Power savings of 140000 KWH per annum
portal needs to be updated regularly Department level Safety least once in a quarter. In the meetings,
by the person responsible, necessary Committees the status of sustainability objectives,
14 New Energy efficient Motor installed in P-215A/B (30KW), L106 (15KW), Power savings of 18000 KWH certificates are to be uploaded. Any action plans, future strategies, and
SFD Fan of Coal Boiler (7.5KW), Active load. old conventional motors non-compliance is directly escalated to Water Conservation Committee other sustainability aspects including
with efficiency of ~85% was replaced. the next level after a specified duration. climate-related matters are discussed.
15 Energy Efficient Motor Replacement in X-201D Power savings of 24000 KWH If still there is non-compliance, then it is Along with the responsibilities of
The action plans developed are
16 Energy saving through increased production and behavioural Power savings of 2843012 KWH automatically escalated to the Board sustainability committee and apex-level
further reviewed and revised in order
changes level. committee, there are some individual
to enhance their effectiveness. Post
climate-related responsibilities given
17 Maintaining near to unity Power factor with the addition of APFC Cost saving of 16.51 Lac per annum the meeting, minutes are circulated
At GFCL, we have established a to domain experts for ensuring the
Panel /additional Capacitor banks with increased Load to receive cost among all members of the Committee
Board-level sustainability committee effective management of environmental
rebate from MGVCL to keep everyone abreast with the
(SARS Committee) which is primarily parameters. Some examples are listed
18 Traded 6368640 KWH through GEB Power Trading Initiatives in 2019 Cost savings through trading H 56 Lacs developments.
responsible to take all the sustainability below:
and climate-related initiatives. The
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
One of the prime examples of effort to of standby SO2 scrubber in the AHF have introduced cleaner fuels and We have all the required mechanisms as replacement of motors, reduced Scope 3 GHG Emissions
manage climate issue is that we have plant. efficient designs which would not only for monitoring and measurement for throughput, flash steam recovery
become signatory of the SBTi and are help us keep environment clean, but calculating GHG emissions of the systems, etc.; Parameters FY 2019-20
aspiring to obtain Responsible Care Maximizing efficiencies of in-process also ensure continuous improvement Company. This is the first year of our
scrubbers for recovery and recycle Use of condensate water for Scope 3 Upstream 132,167.17
logo. of our systems. We keep ourselves GHG emissions reporting and we have
of low volatile gases. regeneration of caustic washing / T&D
abreast of the developments in the field used The GHG Protocol: A Corporate
For monitoring the climate-related water washing columns instead of Scope 3 5,313,578.54
of clean environment and are always Accounting and Reporting Standard
issues, the Committee reviews the Continuous monitoring and fresh DI water; Downstream T&D
on the lookout for schemes and new (Revised Edition) for calculating our
unit level activities with the site-level improvement in bag filter Scope 3 Use of 2,307.12
technologies which can further improve emissions. Starting from the next year,
teams on a monthly basis. The Steering efficiencies. Recycling treated water from ETP in Sold Products
our environment. This has enabled us i.e. FY 2020-21, we shall start reporting
Committee meets every month and scrubbers. Scope 3 Total 5,448,053.83
Providing electronic detectors to remain well within the statutory limits the trend of our GHG emissions,
appraises the gaps identified, plan of (tCO2)
and alarms for corrosive gases for criteria pollutants. In addition to our considering FY 2019-20 as the base year
action, etc. on all the related activities. routine monitoring, the SPCB (State
at different locations for timely This is the first year where we have
It also publishes monthly Sustainability HCFC-22 process leads to the generation Emission Intensity
detections of leaks. pollution Control Board) does frequent
and Social Accountability Dashboard for of by-product HFC-23, having a Global calculated our Scope 3 emissions. As of
monitoring at random intervals of our air
constant monitoring of our sustainability Warming Potential of 11,700, which was now we have reported emissions data for
Providing a close loop sampling emissions and has found that we have Parameters Value three emissions categories. Going forward,
performance. system. adhered to the strict norms imposed. earlier being thermally destroyed. The
(for FY 2019-20) we intend to establish mechanisms that will
thermal destruction used to result in
We also have Corporate Integrated Since inception we always strive to consumption of utilities and emissions help us account other Scope 3 emissions.
Emission Intensity 2.288
Management System Policy in place keep a check on our air emissions and generation. We are now utilizing HFC- One of the initiatives undertaken by us to
(in tCO2/MT)
and has made ‘Responsible Care’ an 23 for producing BTFM, which is raw decrease our emissions is to increase the
integral part in conducting business and material for various insecticides, thereby Total Production 404,199.81 use of telecom, WebEx and other media for
operating facilities in a safe, environment GHG Emissions reducing several negative environmental (MT) conducting internal discussions and reviews
friendly and sustainable manner. impacts. Any leftover R23 is destroyed in in place of physical travel to our plants.
This policy covers 10 broad verticals Fuel Type Emissions (in tCO2 for FY 2019-20) the Thermal Oxidiser using RLNG. During
including Occupational Health & Safety, thermal destruction, HF gas is produced
Environment Protection, Product Quality, Scope 1 635,054.32
which is quenched in water to produce
Compliance Obligation, etc. By the Scope 2 289,821.30
20% DHF (Dilute Hydrofluoric Acid)
policy, Company seeks to achieve the Total 924,875.63
and this DHF is a raw material for Ethyl
following objectives: difluoroacetate (EDFA).
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
In order to reduce emissions caused power plant where an electrostatic vents monitoring system for continuous
by upstream and downstream precipitator has been installed in the monitoring of stacks/vents emission.
Emissions Control Cost of control
transportation and distribution emissions, power plant for removing fine particles, To control the dust emissions during
inventory measures measures
we have started using Hazira port (Surat) dust and smoke form flue gas stack. coal handling, a water spray dust
as our primary port for transportation, Dahej also has installed cyclone suppression system is in place to
which is comparatively near to our separator, bag filter, Low NOx burner and improve air quality. Further, we have
manufacturing facilities as compared scrubbing system in production process installed a dust collection system at
to Kandla port, which was used earlier. for reduction of air pollution. Ranjitnagar the limestone handling facility and
Dispersion Emissions Due to this change, we have saved road plant has a gas- based power plant made provision for water spray system
Dispersion Attainment
modelling standards travel distance (approximately 400 kms) with low NOx burner. At Ranjitnagar, on grizzley to control coal dusting. We
without any significant increase in ship Atmospheric Fluidised Bed Combustion conduct ambient air monitoring twice a
travel distance. As emissions factor (AFBC) has a low NOx design and week through third party to ensure the
for road transportation is significantly cyclone separator, dust collector, reverse quality of ambient air is within the limits
higher than that of ship transportation, pulse bag house to reduce the emission prescribed in the National Ambient Air
Comparison with this has helped us further curb our GHG to atmosphere. Both Ranjitnagar and Quality Standards.
Causal Air pollutant
emission standards Legislation emissions. Dahej have online continuous stacks/
analysis concentrations
and/or air quality executive
(sources) inventory
NOx, SOx and Other Significant Air Emissions
Air Emissions
Air Emission FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20
We have necessary measures and
Environmental Dose-effect Primary Secondary controls in place to monitor and manage Nox(Ton) 41.567 43.0295 45.93435
nonhuman relationships air quality air quality SOx, NOx and particulate matters well Sox(Ton) 18.846 32.0415 41.97999
effect estimate dose-response standards standards within the permissible limits. Each of PM(Ton) 74.516 99.63 102.5565
our plants have necessary controls and
measures in place to manage these
emissions well within the permissible Air Emissions (MT)
limits. Our Dahej plant has a coal-based FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20
Causal analysis Effects Epidemiological
(components / Public health toxicological
pathways) Environmental studies
Ideal or Population Ideal or
economical exposure economic
damage functions estimates damages
Nox (Ton) Sox (Ton) PM (Ton)
Results Effects
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Emissions of ozone-depleting per the Montreal Protocol, due to which in-house) is now available, which will be Water Withdrawal
substances (ODS) we are reducing HCFC production for used in making various Fluoro-speciality
refrigerant. Some of the extra capacity of products for which plant installation is Water withdrawal from GIDC for Dahej plant and GWSSB for Ranjitnagar plant against for the last three year is shown below:
We have modified our processes in order plant is being utilized for making HCFC in progress. This complete strategy of
to reduce our emissions from ODS. HF Details of Water Withdrawal (cubic meter)
for feed stock purpose which is PTFE. reducing HCFC will lead to lowering of
(Hydrofluoric Acid) is key raw material Since the overall HCFC production is our emissions.
Plant FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20
for HCFC and is due for phase out as reduced, more quantity of HF (produced
Ranjitnagar 161789 180380 216303
ODS Emissions Dahej 4343958 4517117 4199964
Total 4505747 4697497 4416267
Production, imports, and exports of ODS in Unit FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20
metric tons of CFC-11 (trichlorofluoromethane)
Following are some of our key it with recycled water based on its domestic water storage tanks at
responsible water consumption feasibility and suitability. both plants;
HCFC-22 (R-22) MT 14,176 17,999 20,217 principles adopted by us:
The key steps taken to reduce water Auto control water level make up
Carbon Tetrachloride MT 5,190.36 4,664.78 4,764.45
Continual improvement in our consumption are as listed below: has been implemented at all the CT
BTFM MT 67.68 104.01 168.53
specific water consumption; sump at both plants;
Increased focus on water recycling;
Ensuring a ‘near zero water leak’ At Ranjitnagar plant, we have taken
Water Management In addition to this, we have installed efforts and efforts on water reusing and
complex through the drive of ULS Substantial increase in recovery CPP and Electrical MCC block’s RCC
rainwater harvesting modules within recycling. Water is considered as raw
Our source of water is surface water and Leak Detection and Repair of steam condensate from various roof top overflow water as rainwater
Ranjitnagar plant. The area covered material for our plant operations thus
from the Narmada river through an (LDAR); processes and utilities. Steam harvesting in monsoon season,
under rainwater harvesting is 0.5 acre its utilization is directly linked with the
express pipeline for both Dahej as condensate recovery of Ranjitnagar which is being diverted to water
and a capacity of 450 cum, which helps production targets. Water conservation is
well as Ranjitnagar plants. At Dahej, Consistently ensuring leak-free plant has been improved in last reservoirs, resulting in reduced
increase the surrounding ground water a critical part of our IMS and Responsible
the water is being pumped through systems for water withdrawal from three years from 23280 cum to water withdrawal from GWSSB;
table. In order to address water-related Care Policy. Considering water as scarce
Narmada river by GIDC to their water source to our plants. 39264 cum, i.e. the condensate
risks, we have adopted a strategic resource, its consumption is being
recovery has been improved by Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)
reservoirs, which is located at about 12 approach in our operations. As part of monitored at all consumption points by
Water withdrawal at GFCL (M ) 3 68%; treated water is being used for the
kms from our plant. At GIDC reservoir’s the approach, we have taken a holistic installing water flow meters. We are also
purpose of green belt development
RCC channel, we have our own pumping view of our water management to tracking specific water consumption on a Surface water plant Auto level controllers has been at both plants (Ranjitnagar - 30 cum/
station with reliable submersible pumps encompass fresh and recycled water year-on-year basis. Surface water colony
installed at various overhead day and Dahej - 40 cum/day)
having standby facility, from where the consumption, water conservation
4467336 4655683 4362473
water is being pumped to fulfil our daily
average water requirement of about
Total Water Consumption
12000 cum/day. For interim storage, we
are also having water storage reservoirs
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Sr. No. Water Conservation Initiatives Outcome FY 2019-20 Total water intensity (m3/MT)
1 De-Ionization Water Treatment Plants to recover water from Ultra Water savings from pt. no. 1 and pt. no. 2 by 12.95325914
Filtration (UF) & RO rejects at CTs, to facilitate optimum water 2719 KLD
consumption across processes
2 Increased throughput of ERS and utilization of treated water for Total water saving of 3136 KLD
most of the CT 12.22974042
3 Replacement of Honeycomb PVC fills to improve efficiency of CTs Cooling efficiency of circulating cooling
of S&A/PTFE cooling towers water was drastically improved
FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20
4 Reduction in Steam consumption from 1.15 to 1.14 Mt/Mt of NaOH Steam savings of 0.01 Mt/Mt of NaOH
through better insulation
5 Use of Condensate water for regeneration of Caustic washing / Steam savings of 175 MT per annum
Water washing columns instead of fresh DI water in TFE-2 plant Impact on Local Water Bodies We have therefore installed wastewater reliable and so far, there have been no
(Steam saving by heating DI water up to 65 oC) / effluent treatment techniques that major interruptions in water supply from
6 Installation & Commissioning of Boiler blow down Flash Steam Steam savings of 2436 MT per annum Since there is no water discharge from are appropriate for each plant’s both GIDC as well as GWSSB. However,
Recovery our plants to local water bodies, there production processes. Our Effluent being dependent on a single source,
7 Overall Increase in Cycle of Concentrations (COC) of Cooling Helps to save treated water is no polluted / contaminated at any data is monitored online and is made water unavailability risks due to failure
Water at identified CTs local water bodies. Ranjitnagar is a available to the Regulatory Authorities in supply from GIDC and GWSSB, major
zero-liquid discharge (ZLD) plant and at (Gujarat Pollution Control Board). Latest breakage of transmission pipelines and
Dahej, the discharge of treated effluent technologies are being implemented for force majeure exists. In order to mitigate
is to deep sea through GIDC pipeline. the treatment of waste sewage water any future risks, we have built adequate
Water Recycling To improve the local water bodies, a also at STP of both the plants. These water storage to cover for any manage
We conserve water by reusing and recycling effluent water, wherever possible at both plants. Recycled water forms a significant scheme of large check-dam is being techniques include physical, chemical as minor interruptions.
portion of water consumed in our plant operations. Treated water from ETP), Reverse Osmosis and STP is recycled in process implemented in Nathkuwa village near well as biological wastewater treatment.
scrubber, CTs make up and gardening. Entire steam condensate from steam traps and heat exchangers is fully recycled back Ranjitnagar plant, which will increase Ranjitnagar plant, being a ZLD facility,
the ground water table by surrounding
Closed Water-Cooling Systems
to steam boilers. We have considerably increased our water recirculation and recycling rate. Keeping in view the Responsible its entire wastewater is treated, recycled
Care and IMS policies and guidelines, we ensure that all our facilities meet or exceed requirements for release of effluents. The area of about 3 km radius. We have and reused, and the concentrate We have a total of 29 closed water-
details of water recycled at our plants are given below: conducted evaluations of all our facilities generated from the wastewater cooling systems to cater for various
to determine proximity of our plants to treatment is evaporated in spray dryer. processes as well as associated utilities
ecologically sensitive or significantly A separate stream has been maintained operations. These CTs are of various
important biodiversity areas. Aquatic for treatment of chloro-methane effluents designs / capacities (details provided
Water Recycled in FY 2019-20
evaluations are also completed at the (biological waste) which is treated below) and are installed throughout
corporate level to determine if any of our biologically through aeration technology the complex as per plant specific
Plant Quantity of Water Recycled (m³) Water Recycled as a % of Water Withdrawal
plants are located near rare, threatened, in ETP and no waste is moved out, where requirement. These CTs are being used
Ranjitnagar 51732 23.92% or endangered species, sensitive in Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) to cool the return hot water from various
Dahej 152636 3.63% habitats, or the International Union for and Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended processes / utilities help it get reused in
Total 204368 4.63% Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red Solids (MLVSS) are been monitored. the systems.
List species. Water withdrawals from
our facilities do not exceed volume There has been no incident of non-
thresholds and/or do not extract from compliance associated with water
Water Intensity Ramsar Wetlands sites or other highly quality permits, standard and
sensitive water resources. regulations in the reporting year.
We have adopted a process-based approach to arrive at the values for water intensity. We aim to accomplish the target
of reducing specific water consumption by maximum extent possible on year on year basis. At Ranjitnagar, overall water
consumption has increased due to overall increase in production volume. However, during the reporting period, we have Water Discharge Water Management Risks and
reduced the water intensity by about 8% compared to previous year, as per details captioned below. At Dahej plant, the water Strategies for Mitigation
consumption pattern has been decreased substantially due to various initiatives taken for conservation of raw water which has The volume and nature of the
wastewater we generate depends on Both our plants have only one major
resulted in reduction in specific water consumption by 10% in FY 2019-20 compared to the previous year.
the type of production at our locations. source of water each, which have very
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CMS – 1 & 2 PLANT (5) CA PLANT (7) Case Studies on Water Conservation
I II VAM VAM New Old Flaker A-VAM Freon China 600-TR Case Study: Installation and been installed, which is being used resulted in savings of around 1800
VAM VAM Commissioning of ERS at Dahej for the reject water of the ERS through KLD raw water procurement from
3300 3200 825 1050 450 2400 2400 600 300 300 300 730 membrane separation process. GIDC in addition to other benefits.
600 600 150 150 150 500 500 100 50 50 50 120 1. Project overview:
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 5 5 5 5 With this intervention, about 4000 KL 4. Outcome & Benefits:
Counter-w Counter-w Cross-w Counter-w Counter-w Counter-w Counter-w Counter-w Counter-f Counter-f Counter-f Counter-f
Conservation of process water by effluent is being bifurcated as below:
4 3 2 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 4 efficient recovery through membrane 1) Recycling / In-house generation
separation process has been 1) Total Incoming Effluent Quantity of 1800 KLD process / raw water
designed and developed. This has from the various plants / day to ETP from effluent;
Designed system details Units A&H Plant (2) FI (1) reduced the raw water procurement = 4000 KL,
Designed system details 2) Reduction of 1800 – 2100 KLD
from GIDC and also decreased
AHF AHF Plant + Uti 2) Total Quantity of low TDS effluent effluent discharge to CETP of
associated pumping charges.
receipt / day at ETP GIDC, Dahej;
Non Acidic Acidic = 2165 KL,
2. Existing Situation:
3) Cost savings on account of 1800
Design Circulation Rate Dahej-A Complex Design Circulation 45506 m3/Hr 2250 1250 300 3) Total Quantity of high-high TDS KLD raw water procurement and
Daily, around 4000 KLD effluent is
Flow Rate of CW System
getting collected at Centralized ETP effluent receipt / day at ETP saving of water cess charges of
CT Sump Hold up Volume Total Dahej Complex Design CT 8338 m3 436 292 50
Sump Hold Up Volume in various streams depending on the = 200 KL, 1800-2100 KLD effluent discharge
Design “Delta # T” Dahej-A Complex Design “Delta # T” 5.4 C
5 5 5 influent quality parameters. We have to GIDC;
4) Total Quantity of high TDS effluent
(average value in Deg C) a total of six streams for treatment of
Type of the cooling tower Include Draught Cross Flow / w-wood, f-frp Cross Flow / Counter-w Counter-w Counter-f receipt / day at ETP 4) Savings on treatment and
the said effluent to meet the statutory
Induced Draught Counter Flow Counter Flow = 1635 KL, pumping cost of 1800 KLD of
No. of cells / fans in CT’s 3 2 2 process water from centralized
Therefore, the ERS has been installed pumping station of common
3. Intervention:
for the treatment of 2165 KLD of Low utilities;
Power Plant Polymer Complex (11) Effluent generated from various TDS effluent having design capacity of
streams is collected and separated 2400 KLD, which is used to generate 5) Overall reduction in handling of
Polymer PT-PTFE based on its quality like high Total 1800 KLD of process water, which is effluent discharge to GIDC by
CPP 5th 6th 7th 1 2 3(LP) 3(HP) being used as make-up water of most of about 40%.
Dissolved Solids (TDS) and low
Reactor Reactor Reactor
TDS. For treatment of high-high the critical CTs apart from feed to various
4950 5000 1300 250 250 250 3300 2475 1200 2475 726 1650 825 1200 TDS streams, a separate facility has processes at Dahej plant. This action has
600 700 320 50 50 50 600 500 300 500 150 300 120 300
10 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Cross-w Counter-f Cross-w Counter-f Counter-f Counter-f Cross-w Cross-w Counter-f Counter-f Counter-w Cross-w Counter-f Cross-w
3 6 2 1 1 1 4 3 4 8 2 2 4 3
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As a responsible Company, our Key improvements by Waste that levels of hazardous materials are Non-Hazardous Waste: Hazardous material and waste:
approach is to eliminate, reduce, Management Task Force: below those stipulated by standards.
reuse and recycle waste across all To prevent soil contamination, we At GFCL, non-hazardous waste is either recycled or reused by third parties. Fly Hazardous waste generated during
our operations. Our ‘Value from Waste’ Identification of leakages from have established rules regarding ash, metal scrap, plastic scrap, paper and wooden material scraps are a few major production is sent to the SPCB approved
initiative systematically collects scrap utilities line, which has resulted in the construction standards along contributors of non-hazardous waste. agencies and cement industries as
and thereby ensures safe storage / reduction of five KLD of effluent with regular inspections of various co-fuel. This reduces the use of non-
load and reduced excess water Further, we are highly committed about minimising plastic waste and littering. Hence, renewable fuel and reduces the net
disposal of all kinds of waste generated. equipment, including the gutters, floors,
consumption; the products are packaged in bulk quantity and in tankers, which considerably overall GHG emissions. All other
This is aimed at reducing the quantity plumbing, and bund walls of facilities
reduces the Company’s consumption of packaging materials. We believe in supporting waste is segregated based on their
of waste produced by our operations handling chemical substances. We are
Identification and replacement circular consumption patterns of re-using, re-storing and re-pairing rather than buying characteristic and then disposed of as
by following the principles of reuse and working to prevent soil contamination
of leaky taps in toilets which has new products; e.g. Some products are sent in drums and carboys, which are reused per the hazardous waste authorization
recycle, in an environmentally friendly from leaks by thoroughly complying
resulted in reduction in STP load wherever feasible. issued by the) GPCB.
manner. To achieve the objectives of with these rules. Regular soil sampling
by three KLD and has also reduced
waste management and reduction, we is done for plant premises as well the Classification of Non-Hazardous waste
excess water consumption; There are two methods for storing,
have designated teams at both the surrounding villages to monitor the soil
Non_hazardous Waste FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 labelling and handling hazardous
plants who continuously implement the Replaced regular water taps with quality and to confirm if there is any
material. Liquid effluent is directly
requirements of Pollution Prevention push cocks to reduce the effluent diffusion of pollutants into soil. Recycling 26,802.46 25,932.05 29,411.85 transferred to suitably designed
Code of our Responsible Care load on STP as well to reduce the Landfill 15,105 10,804 9,394
An LDAR programme has been storage tanks with dyke walls. This
management system. We have been freshwater consumption by around Total 41,907.46 36,736.05 38,805.85
implemented to locate and repair liquid effluent is transferred through
making consistent efforts to apply the one KLD.
leaking components, including valves, pumps to designated tankers supplied
waste management hierarchy to all our
pumps, connectors, compressors, and Non Hazardous Waste by authorised waste collector for co
waste. We also turn all our canteen waste to
agitators, in order to minimize the Recycling Landfill processing in Cement industries. Solid
compost, thereby reducing the burden
Refining our management governance emission of fugitive Volatile Organic hazardous waste is collected in suitably
on landfill sites. 100%
structure to further strengthen our waste Compounds (VOCs) and Hazardous designed, leak proof bags and stored
management, we have formed Waste Air Pollutants (HAPs). Our entire in approved hazardous waste godown.
Waste Generated 60%
Management Task Forces. These task manufacturing system is designed in These bags are sealed, properly
forces serve the purpose of developing a Hazardous Waste (in MT) closed piping, thus the chances for 40% labelled and sent for disposal to an
Non-hazardous Waste (in MT) approved waste collector.
structured approach for prevention and odour are very rare. 20%
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Every goods carriage carrying dangerous or hazardous goods shall display a all chemicals including raw materials, identified. Adequate training records Monitoring, measurement and As part of our collective approach, we
distinct mark of the class label appropriate to the type of dangerous or hazardous intermediates, products, and wastes. are kept demonstrating that training implementation status of Quality EHS undertake tasks such as management
goods. It ranks these chemicals by hazard, has taken place, including date, time, Management Programmes is evaluated of waste inventory (hazardous and other
from higher to lower, based on UN place, and names of the participant every month and presented in the form wastes), categorization, benchmarking
Every package containing dangerous or hazardous goods shall display the Class / Division and Packing Group, and trainer. Effectiveness of training is of Monthly Report. and target setting. We are focused
distinct class labels appropriate to the type of dangerous or hazardous goods. considering factors such as inhalation measured, in addition to tests that may on minimizing waste generation
toxicity, explosivity, flammability, be administered after the completion of Waste Management initiatives and maximizing waste utilization. To
In the case of packages containing goods which represent more than one hazard, taken by GFCL:
environmental impacts, etc from Global training, through other ways to evaluate realize our goals of efficient waste
such packages shall display distinct labels to indicate the hazards.
Harmonized Material Safety Data if the person is performing in accordance management, we also set yearly targets
Equipment process are properly
Every goods carriage carrying goods of dangerous or hazardous nature shall be Sheet. It then evaluates them based on with his or her training (field observation, for waste disposal.
maintained and monitored through
fitted with a GPS to record the lapse of running time of the motor vehicle; time storage quantity, standby storage tanks, incidents, etc.)
Leak Detection and Repair
speed maintained, acceleration and declaration etc., along with a spark arrester. instrumentation involved with storage
All documented loading procedures Technique which reduces air Spill Management
tanks, tonners, cylinders and sheds,
and checklists are in place for each emission.
Classification of Hazardous waste transported movement, exposure, considering the At GFCL we know there always exists
volume per trip, number of trips, and trip chemical, and personnel responsible
Total weight- Dahej (MT) FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 Plant has confined storage area for possibility of spillage of chemicals
distance. for loading are fully trained in the
raw material, product and waste during handling, storage and use
Hazardous waste transported- 148.6 388.73 1338.88 procedures. It also includes proper
which reduces the risk of spill, of chemicals. Significant spills are
Dahej Training is given to Company employees PPE to be worn, fall protection and
leakage and chemical reaction. considered based on severity level
and contractor employees to meet ergonomics for loaders, vapour and
Hazardous waste transported- 69850.56 86596.28 100821.11 based on chemical characteristic and as
regulations and internal Company emissions recovery, overfill protection, Generated waste is monitored
Ranjitnagar defined by ISO 14000. As a Company
requirements for safe handling of spill containment, protection from regularly and sent to disposal policy we have taken measures to
materials. Once the applicable movement of the equipment being facilities in a secured way. prevent unintentional release of
Our guidelines and procedure for from release of the material over the regulations have been identified, loaded, gas detectors as applicable;
chemicals within and outside the
managing, labelling, packing, handling route of transport and handling in the employees and contractors performing automatic or emergency shutdown We have established internal
boundaries of the factory.
and transporting of hazardous material distribution chain as well during storage the regulated functions are identified in the case of hose breaks or other technical standards to voluntarily
is based on regulations, including and handling of hazardous material and trained in those regulations. emergency, and emergency response reduce hazardous substances. With an objective of minimizing the
Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, inside manufacturing unit. Additionally, Company has established to incidents. Before loading commences, impact of spillage on-site, off-site
Opportunity to Use Waste
Explosive Rules, 2008, Manufacture, a training programme based on job the operator checks that the equipment and to protect the factory personnel,
A first step in prioritization is to identify Generated as a Raw Material for
Storage and Import of Hazardous descriptions / function of individual is the correct equipment / specification environment and public in the vicinity
hazards which are likely to occur due Other Industries
Chemical Rules, 1989 and Hazardous employee (own or contractual). For for the product, is in good condition, and of the site, we have established an
Waste Management Rules – 2016. to loss of containment associated with each training class, the time between all its regulatory required tests are up While minimum waste is being emergency response plan. The plan sets
Various training programmes are existing and new materials or wastes subsequent trainings is specified. to date. It is also ensured that adequate generated as our manufacturing out Standard Operating Procedure to be
conducted on Handling of Hazardous in transit and during off site handling. procedures are in place for proper facilities, we believe in following the implemented in case of any chemical
Chemicals on regular basis, including This includes hazards from exposure, In case of regulatory requirements loading of products so that they can be Circular Economy approach and spill in the premises. We have also
training on packaging, handling and fire, explosion etc., to the general public related to training, we follow the safely unloaded at customer site. we have identified opportunity for provided dyke walls and sandbags to
transportation of hazardous material, and also to the environment. The UN requirements of the specific regulation.
utilization of waste generated from our contain spillage. Safety Manual and
especially for the drivers. The Company international classification system and We give more emphasize to in-person We continuously work towards keeping
industry as a raw material for various MSDS readily available with Incident
lays emphasis on controlling air Central Motor Vehicles Rules, India training rather than computer-based the environment clean and safe
other industries. The Organic Solvents Officer and in Shift Executive’s Office.
pollution primarily at sources rather are useful in this prioritization. This training. Also, we have assigned for working in the plant, preventing
containing Copper solution and 5%-20% There were no significant spills in 2019-
than on end of the pipe treatment. We information is included in Material Safety responsibilities to keep training materials corrosion to the structures and
Ammonia Solution are generated from 20 from both plants i.e. Ranjitnagar and
aim at going beyond compliance on air Data Sheets (MSDS) and Transport up to date according to changes to the equipment, ensuring that the flora and
our Fluoro Intermediate Plant. Earlier we Dahej.
emission norm which is reflected by our Emergency (TREM) Cards, along with regulations or Company requirements. fauna flourish in the vicinity. There is
were sending waste to Pre-Processing
air pollution control measures. signages in local languages that continuous effort to improve and achieve Fly Ash Utilization:
Trainers are trained to give trainings industries for converting it into Alternate
installed at various designated locations the above objectives by identifying the
and they hold a competency certificate. Fuel Source. We have seen valuable We focus on maximum utilization of fly
Regular evaluations of chemical storage inside the factory. The materials are opportunities of air pollution abatement
The external trainer’s competency resources in Copper solution and ash generated from power plant and
safety and security risks are conducted. then be ranked by hazard, from higher and converting them into Environment
certificates are kept along with the 5%-20% Ammonia solution and will boiler. We are sending fly ash to brick
These evaluations consider the hazards to lower. Management Programmes (EMPs) and
training records. We have established a be selling to other industries as a raw manufacturing industries for maximum
of the material, the likelihood of implementing them systematically
At GFCL Hazardous Material training matrix for each site, to ensure material for 100% utilization after getting utilization. Following the waste
accidents / incidents, and the potential within the framework of the existing
Management activity begins with listing employees requiring certain training are due approvals. mitigation hierarchy, we adopt an on-
for human and environmental exposure Environment Management System.
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site management strategy for the fly ash generated during the operations. These are being updated considering international best Biodiversity
practices and guidelines to enhance our process of fly ash management as per law of land. To prevent dusting of stored fly ash we
have installed a water precipitating system in storage warehouse. While transporting the fly ash to brick industries we take utmost From our early days, we at GFCL flora and fauna was found in the area. Few of the Initiatives taken include:
care by covering the vehicle entirely with tarpaulin, beside continuously tracking it. have always encouraged taking Base line study for the evaluation of
positive steps towards environment, the flora and fauna biodiversity of the GFCL is working on Miyawaki
which includes protecting the terrestrial environment of the study area Methodology, a Japanese
Fly ash generation and disposal
atmosphere and aquatic environments, was done within 10 Km radius of GFCL methodology of dense plantation
Total weight- Dahej (MT) Unit FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 proven to work worldwide,
conserving resources and managing site which indicated no adverse effect
waste, properly managing chemical on flora, fauna, natural habitat etc due irrespective of soil and climate
substances, protecting biodiversity, to its operation. Training programmes for conditions. Some highlights of this
Waste generation MT 160.82 297.65 390.08
and protecting soil environments. Our the conservation and sustainable use of methodology which include
Landfill MT 0 0 0
Reuse in cement and brick kiln MT 160.82 297.65 390.08 efforts for ecosystem and biodiversity biodiversity are arranged by GFCL. Apart
1) Approximately 30 times denser,
Dahej management contribute towards the from that, promoting public education
as compared to conventional
Waste generation MT 24,289 22,215 26,451 achievement of UN’s SDG 15 - “Protect, and awareness of the conservation
plantation techniques.
restore and promote sustainable use and sustainable use of biodiversity is
Landfill MT 0 0 0
of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably also done by GFCL during environment 2) Up to 30 times or more
Reuse in cement and brick kiln MT 24,289 22,215 26,451
manage forests, combat desertification, day and ozone day celebration. During carbon-dioxide absorption as
and halt and reverse land degradation plantation drives in and around plant compared to conventional
and halt biodiversity loss”. Each worksite areas and in the neighbouring villages forest.
is striving to enhance its initiatives importance of biodiversity is explained.
Project overview: 90%. The entire process is natural and Outcome & Benefits:
aimed at achieving these goals. At an 3) Around 30 different native
biological. Th special microorganisms
organization level all key decisions and We have always taken extra steps species planted in the same
‘FOODIE’ is a fully automatic thrive in high temperature and are Saving in cost of collection,
initiatives for biodiversity are taken by for ensuring no damage is done to area in cluster plantations.
composting machine, which converts effective even in high acidic or salty transportation & disposal of
SARS committee, which is headed by our biodiversity due to the Company’s
all kinds of organic waste into conditions. The ‘FOODIE’ has a waste.
operations, this is done by various Controlling Noise levels- Continuous
compost within 24 hours at our U-shaped composting tank, with a CEO.
Help in creating zero garbage in initiatives including continuous noise monitoring is done in all
premises and solves our canteen humidity sensor, heater, mixing blades factory. Ranjitnagar has a total area of 54 monitoring and regulating noise operation and non-operation areas
waste management problems and an exhaust system.
Acre of which 38 % is green belt, while level within plant and around factory and noise levels are maintained
completely. ‘FOODIE’ satisfies the 3R Preserving landfills space
Dahej has 101.4 Acre total area with premises. Units have installed below as defined in The Noise
Principle: Reduces garbage at source, When organic waste is added to it,
Protects the environment. 11% green belt. Our Dahej plant Lies in continuous fugitive pollution monitoring Pollution (Regulation and Control)
Recycles organic waste into compost, moisture is sensed by the humidity
industrial area and Ranjitnagar plant devices running all the time to monitor Rules, 2000. Necessary enclosures,
Reuse compost for garden, plants. sensor, due to which the heater turns ON Reduces water pollution.
in non-Industrial area. Apart from this, and control the air pollution outside buildings, sheds are made in the
and the composting tank gets heated.
Problem Statement / Existing Intervention Highlights: GFCL regularly monitors the impact Company. Also, training to villagers plant areas where noise level do
Due to this, the water content in the
Situation: of its operations on the surrounding and young minds in the school is given not meet the standard criteria.
organic waste is evaporated and it goes
out to the atmosphere as water vapor ecosystem by conducting periodic on this subject. Ambient Air quality is
Handling and managing left out food Conservation steps for flora and
through the exhaust system. As any environment impact studies through monitored in neighbouring villages and
material and vegetable remains was fauna inside campus. - There is
organic waste contains 70-80% water external experts. It also carries out the same was found to be within the
a huge challenge. It generated bad Organic continuous drive to increase tree
content, we achieve 70-80% volume environment impact assessments for all permissible limits in a recent evaluation.
odour and had the potential to affect waste plantation on continuous basis. It is
reduction at this stage itself. greenfield and brownfield projects to
the health of people responsible for made sure that native species are
understand and mitigate their impacts
handling and managing of waste. used while planting the trees.
At the same time, special on the surrounding environment and
microorganisms then decompose the ecosystem. Tree plantation of 2000 native
Project / Intervention: Fully Automatic
organic waste into compost within 24 Mechanized trees in which 90% survival rate
hours. That’s how we achieve 85- Composter Both the plants had their assessment
‘FOODIE’ is a fully automatic and was observed. There are over
90% volume reduction. The process to identify the representative spectrum
highly compact composting machine 10,000 trees of various sizes in the
is completely noiseless as there is of threatened species, population and
which uses special microorganisms to Ranjitnagar plant and some are as
no crushing or grinding involved. The ecological communities as listed by
break down and decompose all kinds old as the plant itself.
blades are just for evenly mixing the IUCN, ZSI, BSI and in Indian Wildlife
of organic waste into compost within Final
waste. Protection act, 1972. As per study
24 hrs with a volume reduction of 85- Compost
conducted, no endangered or listed
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For GFCL “Safety is A Value-Not just A Priority” to be lived in all our In short, our stakeholder’s expectations are -
endeavours. The Company is committed to ensuring the health and safety Employees – Safe and Health Management – Rigour in Community – None of their
of its employees, contractors, customers and the public while meeting Workplace so that they can return implementation of all Occupational members gets hurt or ill due to
Company’s business needs. GFCL is certified under OHSAS 18001:2007, ISO home without getting injured or Health and Safety policy and Company operations. Engaging with
9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO45001. In accordance with its provisions, falling ill procedure and achieve an incident the Company to partner in making
free workplace workplace safer and healthier
the Company ensures adherence to the standards and regulatory norms, Regulators – compliance to all
thereby providing a safe and healthy working environment. Laws of the lad regarding employee Contractor - Safe and Health Shareholders – Continuity of
health and safety and transparent Workplace so that their labour operations without any incident
information sharing working in our site can return home and upholding the reputation of
Gujarat Fluorochemical Limited has Commitment to Responsible Care is part green supply chain. GFCL advocates without getting injured or falling ill the Company by establishing best
taken up Responsible Care activities as of the Company Sustainability Initiative EHS as a line function as well as a in class occupational health and
one of its most important Management to positively impact Planet-People-Profit. responsibility. Employees, supervisors Safety system.
Pillars. Based on the core principle of and managers are directly responsible
Responsible Care we have aggressively Over the years, Occupational Health for ensuring their own safety and
acted on Pollution Prevention, Process and Safety has been extensively the safety of colleagues, thereby
Safety, Distribution, Employee Health promoted as a part of the Company’s promoting a safe and healthy workplace
Occupational Health and Safety (OH and S) Framework and Governance Structure
and Safety, Community Awareness culture. It is also clearly reflected in and protecting the neighbouring Our OH and S Framework is based on the principles of Responsible Care, taking into consideration the business environment we
and Emergency Response, Product Company policies on sustainability, EHS, communities. operate in and taking into consideration our stakeholder expectations.
Stewardship and Security. Our responsible care, climate change and
Operational Top Free
Management Operations
Healthy and Compliance Implementation Healthy and Incident free De-risked Business
Chemistry Commitment 2. Good
Safe Working of Health Safe Working operation Business Resources Unit Felt
involved Health
condition Transparent and Safety condition operations Leadership
Hardware 3. Compliance
information Awareness and
Responsible Care
Training sharing Training communication Secured
Real time investments Report on results Evaluation of
Participation reporting Partnership
Locations put improvement Results of plan
Local plans in place, implementation.
Complaince Reputation
Institutions review targets, re- Evaluation of
evaluate systems incidences, audits
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Our Operations are governed by We believe that the foundation of our Our OH and S management system Finally, our objective is to ensure that % Meeting schedule Compliance of OH and S related Committees
various regulations and our OH and S safety culture is the top Management at our sites in Dahej and Ranjitnagar “Nobody who works for us gets hurt or for the year 2019-20
framework and our processes are built to Commitment. They help in establishing are based on international standards ill”. In doing so we positively impact SDG
Plants Dahej Ranjitnagar
comply with the same. We manufacture the safety environment whilst their like ISO 45001, ISO 26000, SA 8000. GOAL 2 and 8. There were no reported
Chemicals of various nature, through the decisions, actions and behaviours We follow the PDCA process based on cases of work-related ill-health in Unit Apex Committee 100% 100%
process of advanced chemical reactions set benchmarks for safety, through continuous monitoring of our results FY 2019-20 Plant Safety Committee 100% 100%
requiring chemical installations adding the systems and processes they put against targets and international
to the risk in operations. Wherever we in place, promote and support and, benchmarks for continually improving The OH and S framework is
operate, we believe that the confidence finally through their ‘felt leadership’. our OH and S systems and processes. implemented through a well-structured
the community bestows on us is our They provide the policy framework, the governance structure which ensures the
licence to operate. organization and resources across the linkage of the Top Management to the
Company to ensure safe and health shop floor.
The SARS is constituted by the
Managing Director to drive OH and S
across the Plants. This Committee is
headed by the CEO and COO of the
1. Awareness and training 7. Emergency Action plan-
mock drill etc. Businesses and the top Leadership team
2. Employee involvement- members constitute the Committee.
Safety committee, 8. Contractor Safety-
suggestion scheme Contract, training, review,
Both Dahej and Ranjitnagar have an
meetings Apex OH and S Committee with the Unit
3. Safety SOP-JSA, work
Head as the Chairman of the Committee.
permit system 9. Occupational Health-Job
health risk, precaution All Head of Departments (HODs) are
4. PSM-Risk Assessment/ members of this Committee. The various
measure, health checks SARS Corporate
and assessment/ Plants in the Unit also have Plant OH Steering
on controls/reporting of
infrastructure/ PPE matrix and S committee headed by the Plant
hazards Committee
1. Safety philosophy and linkage to sustainability standards Head. This line governance structure is
10. Construction safety-
5. Felt Leadership-
2. Safety Systems (PDCA) contract management, supported by Functional committees in
training, audit,etc line with the Responsible Care Code. All
3. Safety Organization observations
11. Mechanical integrity these committees meet once a month as
4. Safety Survey and gap analysis 6. Unsafe act and Unsafe
a routine. Shop Floor employees are an
condition/near miss 12. Product safety
5. Safety and Health target tracking integral part of these committees. At the
13. Distribution safety Plant Level, the Unit Head as “Occupier’
6. Legal framework Ranjitnagar Unit Dahej Unit
14. Security of the Plant is the ultimate authority Apex Safety Apex Safety
Unit Felt to all Occupational Health and Safety
Leadership Management systems. Responsible Care Code Responsible Care Code
Committees Committees
1. Safety meetings and reviews 1. Audits
2. Safety matrix and results 2. External audits and reports
3. Community involvement and communication 3. Incident Accident investigation and RCA
4. Compliance
5. Improvement Plan
4. Cardinal Safety rules/ Penalty
5. Leading and Lag indicators 50% Ranjitnagar Plant Safety
Plant Safety
Plant Safety
Plant Safety
Plant Safety
Plant Safety
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GFCL’s Felt Leadership for Occupational Health and Safety Programme Risk Identification and Assessment through Process Safety Management Implementation
At GFCL safety is a commitment of the culture and capabilities to mitigate To build commitment of all Managers Safety, Health and Environment impact standards provide the framework for measures. Using this approach, the
Top Leadership and not only seen in risk and create safer, more productive in GFCL, across Dahej and Ranjitnagar, management of our chemicals and the safe construction and operation of process design, process technology,
boardroom presentations but also on the work environments. The Top Leadership we have processes is done through a well- our plants as well as the protection of process changes, operational and
floor of the Plants. Our Leaders realize team underwent a “Felt Leadership” structured Process Safety Management people and the environment. Our experts maintenance activities and procedures,
that the zero goal probably looks very programme to build leadership 1. Health, Safety and Environment System (PSM). The major objective of have developed a plant safety concept non-routine activities and procedures,
different at the front line than in the capability to lead OH and S across Targets as individual KRA PSM of highly hazardous chemicals is to and implementation check for every emergency preparedness plans and
boardroom and know that he or she Plants. prevent unwanted release of hazardous plant, considering key aspects of safety, procedures, training programmes, and
2. All Managers have been assigned a chemicals, especially into locations that health and environmental protection other elements that affect the process
won’t get anywhere without establishing
Personal Safety Action Plan could expose employees and others – from conception to implementation are considered for evaluation.
a commitment to employees first.
to serious hazards. Our process safety – and stipulates specific protection
3. STOP rounds have been made
GFCL Leadership has drafted the
compulsory for all Managers and
services of Dupont Sustainability
Services (DSS) to help us in The Health, Safety, Environment and Fire (HSEF) team continually makes
implementing various aspect of OH Mechanical improvements in safety & security through analysis of feedback and incident reporting.
Integrity The Company conducts external audits including process safety audits and audit on
and S management at our Plants.
GFCL and DSS has signed a three- site emergency preparedness. Cross-site audits to strengthen the implementation of
year contract. Using an Integrated our HSEF systems are also conducted across the sites.
Operating Management
HSE Framework, DSS will help plants Procedure of Change
While conducting any Process safety action and/or reviews it is always ensured that
to integrate processes, technology,
shop floor workmen are part of the team.
governance, mindsets and behaviours, GFCL and DSS - Signing Contract Process Safety
Classification of actions on Process safety
Pre Startup Emergrncy Process Safety actions taken during 2019 -2020 Dahej Ranjitnagar
Safety Action
Reviews Planning No. of PSSR conducted 90 23
No. of HIRA conducted 100% 28
% of Processes for which HIRA completed 100% 100%
Information % of Work Permit Audited 50% 100%
Manhours of Chemical Handling Training 900Hrs 2276 hours
Our trained experts regularly conduct Review of HIRA are done whenever No. of Personnel trained in
there is conducting HIRA
1. Hazard Identification and Risk
Analysis 1. Change of Technology
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Hazard Mitigation process Sr. Plant Name Process Identified Hazard Mitigation Action
no. Description
Based on various Processes safety assessment, plants chalk out a detailed mitigation plan based on the hierarchy of controls.
4 Dahej Production Hazards identification: Liquefied gas. Process Control System, Detectors, Fire Fighting
of- Tetrafluoro System, Trained Firefighting team, Emergency
Hierarchy of Controls Extremely flammable.
Ethylene (TFE) Handling Procedure and training
Hazard Controls Inhalation: In high
Elimination Remove Hazards concentrations may cause
asphyxiation. Symptoms
Substitution Replace Hazards
may include loss of mobility/
Engineering Isolate Hazards consciousness. Victim may not
be aware of asphyxiation. In
Exposure Controls low concentrations may cause
narcotic effects
Warnings Promote Awareness
Administration Manage Behaviours 5 Dahej Production of Health hazards: Antidot available at OHC, HF handling kit is available
Anhydrous at plant and OHC, Trained OHC team. Emergency
SKIN: Both liquid and vapor
PPE Wear Protection Hydrogen Response procedure and training
can cause severe burns, HF will
Fluoride (AHF)
penetrate skin and attack underlying
Few examples how risks have been controlled or mitigated is given herein below – tissues.
Sr. Plant Name Process Identified Hazard Mitigation Action EYES: Both liquid and vapor can
no. Description cause irritation or corneal burns.
1 Dahej Chlorine Potential acute health effects of 1. 2 nos. of emergency blowers in Cl2 bullet area to 6 Ranjitnagar Transport of Major possibilities of toxic chemicals Elimination: Management had decided to stop
Production exposure to Chlorine: - suck all leaked Cl2 gas. Toxic chemicals release during transportation can procuring such toxic chemicals and eliminated risk
like AHF from lead to an emergency situation, involved during transportation.
Skin Contact: irritant, tissue 2. Suction hoods are provided to suck leaked Cl2 port to Site. since these substances are toxic.
destruction gas to HYPO tower during heavy leakage.
7 Ranjitnagar Specific Chloride Hazards arising out of the process Substitute: Management have decided to procure
Eye contact: irritant, permanent 3. Cl2 sensors/detectors are placed around the
based catalysts material handling and its use, during less hazardous material from market compare to
damage and possibly blindness bullets which can immediately detect 1PPM leaked
required for maintenance and failure of process earlier.
Liquid may cause pain, burning, Manufacturing vessel etc. Chemicals pose the
thirst, abdominal cramps, nausea, 4. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and of HCFC-22. hazards due to handling methods
and Online ALR are installed near bullet area. and process parameters such as
pressure, temperature, vacuum
Vomiting. Irritation and swelling 5. Automatic Sprinkler system is there around the effects etc.
of the throat causes difficulty bullets.
breathing. 8 Ranjitnagar At Petroleum Fire and explosion inside the plant. Engineering control:
6. Bags of sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3) are also
Storage area Chemicals / Gases are transferred by closed
available at bullet area to neutralize Chlorinated
water. system, i.e. pipelines. The firefighting equipment and
application are kept ready in the plant on Auto mode.
7. Emergency Procedures and Drills: Emergency Enough quantity of water storage is available at the
Response Drills are conducted regularly to give plant. Electrical fittings are flame proof & industrial
all affected personnel the opportunity to practice type wherever necessary etc.
the emergency response procedures.
2 Dahej Chloromethanes Fire and Exposure Process Control System, Detectors, Fire Fighting 9 Ranjitnagar Tank farm Major possibilities of toxic release Warnings
Production System, Trained Firefighting team, Emergency & Chemical are in drum storage and handling M.S.D.S. of chemicals Cautionary Notice, Safety &
Handling Procedure and training Storage area Area, where any accidental release Security Instruction at the gate.
3 Dahej Production a. Health Hazards: Irritation, Process Control System, Detectors, Fire Fighting of storage/process chemicals can
lead to an emergency, since these Administration
of - Vinylidene frostbite, ejection of liquefied gas System, Trained Firefighting team, Emergency
fluoride (VDF) Handling Procedure and training substances are toxic, flammable, Process is carried out under qualified supervisors
b. Fire Hazards: Extremely and reactive Checking of person at the entry by security Guards.
flammable, thermal Security Guards available round the clock at key
decomposition positions
c. Ecological Hazards: Slightly Personal Protective Equipment :
harmful to fish
Provision of PPE, Oxygen Cylinder & SCBA Set.
d. LEL:5.8% & UEL: 20.3%
132 133
Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited
Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
All employees including contractor labour and visitors are given required PPE. The % of employees covered under Annual Employee Participation and
requirement of PPE is established after an assessment of health risk involved in the Health Check-up in 2019-2020 Communication
process is done. Hard hat and safety shoes are compulsory for all inside the plant.
Dahej Ranjitnagar
Workers participation in Occupational Training is also given to all contractor Talk before they start work. Safety Oath
Employees are empowered to report any unsafe act and condition including any 100% 100% Health and Safety is one of the building labour who come to work in our plants. Taking is compulsory for all employees.
work process hazard through the participation in the Plant Level Safety Committee, blocks of our implementation strategy.
Unit Apex Safety Committee, Safety Suggestion Scheme, Ethics Line, Suggestion Box As already mentioned, all committees Manhours spent on generic Health and To build awareness and encourage
% of contractor labour covered under
etc. We have a well-structured system of reporting near misses and unsafe acts and have worker representatives. These Safety training (except Work Hazard) workmen to take initiative in all areas of
Annual Health Check-up in 2019 - 2020
conditions. committees in the Plants are formed for Contractor Labour in 2019-2020 Occupational Health and Safety, both the
Dahej Ranjitnagar under the direction of the Plant Head. plants at Dahej and Ranjitnagar organizes
Data of unsafe acts and near miss incidents Employees are communicated about various related celebrations like:
Dahej Ranjitnagar
100% 100%
Data for 2019-2020 Dahej Ranjitnagar Occupational Health and Safety issues
675 3126 1. Safety Day/ Week
continuously in various manner:
No. of Near Misses Reported 143 120 2. Environment day
All employee health data is maintained
No. of Unsafe acts Reported 1,422 460 1. Safety and Health processes and 3. Ozone Day
in the Occupational Health Centre and Manhours spent on Specific Work
risk awareness programmes is part
is secured to ensure confidentiality. Hazard – activities/situations for 4. HTM Awareness week
The employees and workmen are empowered to remove themselves from work of the new employee Induction
The access to such Information is only Contractor Labour in 2019-2020 5. Traffic safety week
situations that they believe could cause injury or ill health. They have the Right to Programme
available to Factory Medical officer.
Refuse as per the GFCL Cardinal Safety Rules and they are protected from any 6. Safety Month
2. Signing of the Cardinal Safety Rules Dahej Ranjitnagar
retaliation as such behaviour is not considered as insubordination. 7. Yoga Day
3. Participation in HIRA and incident 1506 512 8. National Fire Week
Occupational Health Services investigation
There trainings are generally conducted Such programmes also see participation
Both the plants, Dahej and Ranjitnagar, are supported by fully equipped Occupational 4. Participation in Mock Drills in the vernacular language and during from Contract Labours. During
Health Centre which operates 24/7. The Occupational Health Services is headed working hours. such programmes, employees are
All employees are given training of encouraged to participate in various
by a Qualified Medical Professional. These Centres are equipped with Oxygen
work-related SOPs and copies of these A regular feature in our plants is the Tool events like Poster Competition, Slogan
Generator Machines, AED., Pulse Oximeter, B P Instrument, E C G Machine, Ambu
are shared with them. Warnings and Box Talks before the start of work. Not Competition, Quiz programmes, Essay
Bag, Oxygen Cylinder, Thermometer, Nebulizer, Stretcher, Dressing Tray, Burner, O2
signals are appropriately placed across only our workers, but even Contractor Competition, etc.
Mask, IV stand, Bed, Examination table, oxygen trolley, Stethoscope & Kidney Tray,
the Plants for general information. Labours also have to undergo Tool Box
Ambulances, dressing room, Audiometry chamber, medicine store with anti-dots. A full-
time ambulance is also available in both the Plants. We have received OHSAS 18001
certification for all our Plants in India. OHC – Ranjitnagar
Manhours spent on generic Health and
Occupational Health Centre Personnel deployed and qualification Safety training (except Work Hazard)
Designation Qualification No. in Dahej No in Ranjitnagar for own employees in 2019-2020
134 135
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Our Company covers all employees under the Medical Insurance Scheme through the Number of Contractor Safety Meeting Audits of work sites are conducted for
employee and his family is covered for medical expense reimbursement for most of Held during the year 2019-2020 the purpose of health and safety hazard
the illnesses. We also cover all employees under an accident insurance scheme also, identification. During these surveys,
which covers accident beyond the workplace. All contractors must be compulsorily Dahej Ranjitnagar assessments are made for compliance
covered under the Accident Insurance Scheme if they have to be deployed in our to applicable building and fire codes
12 12
premises. and the detection of unsafe hazards. We
have a three-layer system of audits –
For ensuring a comfortable work environment, noise and illumination surveys are Manhours on Contractors Training
conducted in the Plants periodically. on Safety and Health during the Year 1. Layer One Audit: Internal Audit
2019 - 2020
Levels as checked on Dahej Ranjitnagar Statutory Limit 2. Layer Two Audit: Cross Functional
Dahej Ranjitnagar Audit
Noise Level (average in Db) - peripheral 70 51 75
Noise Level (average in Db) - Proximal 77 70 85 675 hrs for 3126 hrs for 3. Layer Three Audit: Third Party Audit
Illumination (Lux) – Uncovered area 150 110 100-150 contractor contractor
worker. 8 hrs worker The Audit procedure also include
Illumination (Lux) – Machine area 300 225 200-300
for contractor auditing of –
owner in every 1. Firefighting equipment
Our Company also conducts various trainings on well- being like – stress
management, Yoga for better health etc. 2. Control Mechanisms and Safety
Community Engagement at Dahej Community Engagement at Ranjitnagar
Mitigating Community Impact
Particulars Dahej Ranjitnagar
We believe that we own to the
No. % No. %
community around a safety and
healthy operations so that their life is The number and percentage of all 2187 100% 1003 100%
not impacted in any way. We ensure employees and workers who are not
continuous community involvement in employees but whose work and/or
our Occupational Health and Safety workplace is controlled by the organization,
management process. We hold meeting who are covered by such a system
with community elders to appraise them
of any risk and actions taken to mitigate The number and percentage of all 2187 100% 1003 100%
Contractor Training at Dahej
the same. Before we go in for an employees and workers who are not
Wellbeing Training at Ranjitnagar
expansion or process change, we keep employees but whose work and/or
our community informed through ‘Public workplace is controlled by the organization,
Contractor Safety Hearing’ process. Our Plants undertake who are covered by such a system that has
Environment and Social Impact Study been internally audited;
Contractor Safety is an integral part of our Occupational Health and Safety
periodically. We are also active in the The number and percentage of all 2187 100% 1003 100%
Management system. We have a stringent system of Contractor Pre- qualification
“Mutual Aid Programme”. employees and workers who are not
process and all contractors before they are assigned any work in our promises must
go through this pre- qualification process. As a process, all Contractors must follow the employees but whose work and/or
The Plants undertake community
Plant Occupational Health and Safety systems and procedure. Like our employees, all workplace is controlled by the organization,
awareness programme on safety
contractor labours are provided Induction Training and certified by the Occupational who are covered by such a system that has
health through the distribution of safety
Health and Safety Department of the Plant before they can start work. been audited or certified by an external
booklets and awareness campaigns in
Schools and community centres.
Contractor equipment also undergo a checking process by Plant Safety Personnel
before they can be used in our premises. Tool Box talk is conducted daily with
Contractor Labour. We conduct contractor safety meeting regularly. Contractor Training at Ranjitnagar
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
We made concerted efforts in sanitizing Way Forward 3. Target Behaviour Change at shop public, information on chemical
the surrounding Villages, Offices and floor level by continuous behaviour related health or environmental
Government Premises using sodium 1. Design and Implement a process interventions by way of training and hazard and to recommended
hypochlorite for cleaning & disinfecting of Safety and Hazard Knowledge awareness, unsafe act identification. protective measures.
purposes. of workers assessment and have
focussed training to improve score. 4. To recognise and respond to 6. To extend Knowledge by conducting
Additionally, the Company distributed community concerns about or supporting research on health,
Hand Sanitizers, PPE kits, Food Packets 2. Digitise the complete Occupational chemicals and our operations. safety and environmental efforts of
to Contract Labour, Migrant Labour and Health and Safety Management our products, process and waste
System 5. To report promptly to officials, materials.
employees, customers and the
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Sustainability Message
on Sustainable
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Responsible and
Sustainable Procurement
GFCL Sustainable Procurement Strategy forms an indivisible part of the Company’s overall commitment to sustainability. It Keeping in view the business imperatives GFCL operates in, the Company has prepared a well-defined business plan which has the
exemplifies our approach to positively impact environmental, social and economic outcomes by making responsible purchasing following supply chain considerations:
decisions. As part of the sustainable procurement strategy, GFCL ensures that transactions are transparent, risks are lowered,
purchases are cost effective and stakeholder relationships enhanced. While doing this, we also ensure minimal impact on the 1. The markets we serve,
natural environment.
2. Material and services we require within the cost, quality and delivery challenges we have to meet;
Our supply chain sustainability is increasingly being recognized as a key component of corporate sustainability. For us, it is the
3. The regulatory framework within which we need to operate, and
management of environmental, social and economic impacts and the encouragement of good governance practices throughout the
lifecycles of goods and services. 4. Understanding our stakeholder requirements.
The Supply Chain Function of GFCL, which is responsible for ensuring implementation of sustainable procurement policies,
Our Sustainable Procurement Process in context
processes and practices, has identified the following stakeholders and their expectations:
By integrating the UNGC Ten Principles and adopting the ISO20400, ISO26000 Standards into our supply chain processes and Stakeholder Expectations
practices, we advance our corporate sustainability and promote broader sustainable development objectives. By integrating
the above sustainability standards in our procurement policies and practices, GFCL endeavours to manage risks for sustainable Vendors/Suppliers/Business Partners Competitive Price
environmental, social and economic development while addressing all the issues related to Human Rights, Labour, Environment and On time Payments
Ethical practices in the context of the business and stakeholder expectations. Technical Support
Fair Dealing
Regulators Compliance
Vendors Regulators Organization Community Transparent Disclosures
Price Compliance Quality GHG emission Ethical Business Practices
Payment terms Ethical Practices Cost Spillage Organization Good Material Quality
Technical support Transparent reporting Delivery Participation On time Delivery
Compliance Development Reduced Supply Chain Cost
Operational Compliance
Community Lower GHG Emissions
No/Less Spillage
Opportunity of Business Participation
Support in Community Development
Based on the business environment and stakeholder expectations, Sustainable Procurement strategy is formulated covering
policies, targets and deliverables while understanding the opportunities and challenges. Vendors are identified, evaluated and
service contracts are signed based on the capability and performance monitored to ensure business delivery.
Business scenario Sustainable Vendor Contract condition Measure
procurement Identification Performance GFCL has identified the risks associated with Sustainable Procurement and has put in place a Mitigation Plan which is also a part of
Business Plan Quantity/Quality/
strategy the Sustainable Procurement strategy.
Material and Pre-Assessment Time Delivery schedule
Service requirement Policy on sustainability Payment Terms adherence Our Sustainable Procurement policy, process and practices covers all aspect of Sustainability – Environment, Social, Health and
Cost challenges Communication parameters Sustainability Supply Quality Safety, Logistics, Fair and Ethical practices.
Sustainability Target Sustainability requirements assurance
requirements Education records Compliance Sustainability rating
Stakeholders Opportunities Ability and Exit Clause improvement
and regulatory and Challenges competence Compliance Status
Human Right Issues Labour Issues Environment Issue Fair Operating Issues
142 143
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Responsible and
Sustainable Procurement
GFCL SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT The Sustainable Procurement Policy Declaration on Fundamental Principles c. Monitor and improve the
and Code of Conduct for the suppliers, and Rights at Work, the UNGC and the sustainability performance of
vendors and third parties, which UN Guiding Principles on Business and suppliers
applies to all purchases of goods and Human Rights.
services, sets out how we will conduct d. Build supplier relationships that
business with them and describes GFL intends to integrate sustainable create long-term, sustainable value
our expectations regarding the way development into our procurement
strategy, our day-to-day operations and We expect our Vendors and Service
they conduct their business. Our aim
relationships with Suppliers, Vendors Providers / Contractor and their
is to ensure that the way business is
and Service Providers. All our group contractors to abide by this policy and
conducted throughout our supply chain
companies are required to identify, prevent code and help us reduce environmental
Environmental Logistics conforms to our own standards and is
and manage risks pertaining to Health and social impacts by establishing and
Aspect Aspect legally compliant at all times. It outlines
and Safety, Social Responsibility and operating state of the art standards
our expectations with regard to ethics,
Environment in their supply chain. This will for sustainable supply chain. Non-
business integrity, human rights, health
help the Company and all its Suppliers, adherence to this code may lead to
and safety, environment, the local
Vendors and Service Providers to: discontinuation of business relationship.
community and quality of product and
Our policy is available on GFCL website
a. Meet the demands of customers at
We expect all our suppliers, vendors and other stakeholders to assume
Social Fair and Ethical responsibility for its supply chain Our Procurement Practices are
and service providers to support
Aspect Practices governed by the above policy. Detailed
the principles set out within the UN
Aspect b. Identify legal, financial and moral SOPs is defined for each phase in the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
risks associated with sustainability Sustainable Procurement cycle.
the International Labour Organization
in the supply chain
Safety and
Healthy Aspect
Identify Material and Services need Identify Material and Services need
Our Business Partner details & Procurement Practices
GFCL does not procure any item from North Korea or any conflict regions. Our Sustainable Procurement policy explicitly restricts
Manage the contract Define requirement including
use of conflict minerals (Tin, Titanium, Tungsten and Gold). GFCL has always supported local suppliers from India with the objective
ESG impact risk
of supporting socio-economic development in the country.
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Responsible and
Sustainable Procurement
Scope of Sustainable Procurement The Operational Hierarchy for Sustainable Procurement is given as below:
The Sustainable Procurement function supports the business by providing raw material, packaging material, spares, services, capital
equipment etc. to enable business to deliver as per the customer requirements. GFCL believes in localization of suppliers and as
such most of its suppliers are from India.
GFCL has categorized into 3 different categories based on two criteria:
Sustainable Procurement 2. Chief Finance Officer of the 4. Group Chief Commercial Officer
Governance Structure Business
5. Members of the Supply Chain Team
The Management demonstrates 3. Unit Head or Site Head/Functional who are involved in Purchase Working Group Working Group Plant level - Vendor
its commitment to sustainable Head as the case may be Plant level – Plant level – evaluation based
leadership by taking accountability Vendor evaluation Vendor evaluation on 20400/Vendor
of the effectiveness of the based on 20400 based on 20400 identification, RFQ
sustainable procurement process (Other) (RM-PM) (Services/Contract (RM-PM)
and review company objectives
and functional objectives, providing
resources and periodically reviewing
achievements vis-à-vis targets taken.
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Responsible and
Sustainable Procurement
Building capabilities – For In been sought. Moreover, GFCL extended As a policy, GFCL is emphasis more
house Team and Suppliers/ a supporting hand to its vendors for to get sustainable Policy adherence An auto-generated consolidated
Vendors creating awareness on sustainable declaration sign from High Risk High audit report (in PDF format) will
procurement by conducting multiple Value and Medium Risk Medium Value be sent to supplier’s registered
The implementation of the Sustainable webinars. supplies, although we are sending and e-mail id comprising both supplier
Procurement Policy at GFCL was asking declaration sign from Low Value evaluation and auditor evaluation
initiated through a structured programme The policy was also circulated among Low risk regular suppliers. Our target to When all the questions are
of communication and capability the Company’s procurement and a get all declaration from High Risk High attempted, click ‘Submit’ to
building of the in-house team and the declaration of adherence was sought. Value and Medium Risk Medium Value complete the assessment
suppliers and vendors. The policy was This team too was taken through an Supplier by 15th December 2020. A copy of the
circulated amongst suppliers and a awareness programme on Sustainable report will
declaration to adhere with the policy has Procurement. be sent to
Enter the designated
details auditor and also
Particulars Suppliers covered (High Risk high Value & Own Employees An auto-
An audit is the Audit user/ Await
Medium Risk Medium Value against each
generated admin (GFL) instructions
2018-19 2019-20 2018-19 2019-20 planned and question in
self-assessment from the
scheduled by the respective
Number % Number % Number % Number % report (in PDF company
the GFL team. fields
format) of the representative
Sustainable Procurement Policy 432 100 432 100 42 100 42 100 evaluation An on-site or
The assessment
communicated will be sent to remote audit
URL will open
Sustainable Procurement 49 11.34 93 21.52 42 100 42 100 your registered will be executed
up in the
Adherence Declaration e-mail id by the auditor
Supplier web browser
Sustainable Procurement 0 0 186 10.3 0 0 33 79 as per the
receives the consisting of all
Awareness Programme Attendance schedule
audit schedule the questions of
email with the the assessment/
Digital Platform for Supplier will be progressively used to cover all self-assessment checklist
A copy of the report will
Assessment on Sustainable existing and new suppliers, in evaluating URL/Link
be sent to designated
Procurement and reviewing their performance on all
sustainability criteria. auditor and also the
Click on ‘Start
Adherence to environmental, social Audit user/ admin (GFL)
Assessment’ button
and ethical codes of conduct form
placed inside the
an important part of the Procurement
e-mail body
process and it helps to build a
competitive advantage for the company
as well as its business partners.
To ensure conformity to ISO20400 This platform covers various Supplier Sustainability Providers, have been fully briefed on
standards, the Company underwent a sustainability dimensions and requests Assessment the Company’s Policy of Sustainable
third-party audit and launched a digital the respondent to answer questions Procurement and Code of Conduct and a
supplier Audit tool with the help of DQS- on those dimensions and upload GFCL has always pre-assessed all formal commitment (in writing) is sought
AUDIT ORGANISER 4.0 (Enterprise Audit confirmatory documents and do self- suppliers before engaging based from them to ensure compliance to
Management). rating. Based on the response, GFCL on their capability. This assessment these standards. Decision to continue or
conducts audit and gives ratings. The has now been extended to cover start business with the supplier is taken
GFCL has partnered with DQS to sustainability parameters. Each
platform covers all aspects of our considering the audit score and other
implement the DQS-NEXT Supplier Audit Suppliers, Vendors and Service
Sustainable Procurement strategy. factors.
Management Platform for its Business
partners. This will help the Company
managing a wide range of audit-related
activities, data and processes in a single,
centralized application. This platform
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Responsible and
Sustainable Procurement
Beyond price and delivery, GFCL has initiated an evaluation of suppliers on sustainability parameters also. the Company has linked GFCL conducts regular audits (Via DQS-NXT) as a part of its supplier evaluation programme. In case of any significant negative
the supplier sustainability rating with its 10 material topics and has categorized vendors in 3 levels: impact, GFCL has a supplier and contractor blacklisting policy. Till date, Our supplier assessments have not identified any
significant negative social or environmental impacts nor has any supplier been terminated from operations on this account”
Level Materiality Topic addressed by the Vendor Minimum Rating
Green Procurement Initiative
Basic Anti-Corruption
Climate Change GFCL has established ‘Green Procurement’ guidelines with an objective of promoting environmental management throughout the
Economic Performance entire supply chain and for ensuring more environmentally responsible products.
Occupational Health & Safety
Environmental Compliance We intend to continue being a leading company in the practice of “environmental management,” and contributing to a healthier
Human Rights global environment as a good citizen of the Mother Earth. During the reporting period, various initiatives were adopted as part of
Advantageous Energy 4 Green Supply Chain:
Local Communities 1) Import of bulk raw materials from local ports, which resulted in reduction of fuel costs and GHG emissions
Process Safety & Emergency Preparation
Product Safety & Stewardship Product Earlier Now Approximate distance reduced
Distinguish Supplier having reporting based on GRI standard 4.5 Methanol Kandla Hazira 350 kms
Fluorspar Mumbai Hazira 500 kms
During the reporting period, GFCL covered 50 suppliers (High Risk High Value) which is approximately 40% of the annual purchasing Chloroform Kandla Hazira 350 kms
volume of 2019-20 for Social and environmental performance through DQS-NXT Audit platform.
2) a) Importing coal at Dahej port instead of getting from Nagpur, leading to significant reduction of fuel costs and also reduced
Summary of Non DQS-NXT Audit GHG emissions.
Details 2019-20 b) using Indonesian Coal in which the ash percentage is much lower than Indian coal.
Number %
3) Disposal to fly ash to brick manufacturers thereby reducing pollution.
40% of Existing High-Risk High Value Suppliers as per ISO 26 63.42 4) Procurement of salt from local suppliers to avoid fuel costs from distant places.
20400 covered under Self-Assessment through DQS-NXT
40% of Existing High-Risk High Value Suppliers as per 15 36.58 5) Compulsory use of tarpaulins for bulk materials Salt, Coal, Gypsum to avoid air pollution during its transportation.
ISO 20400 covered under Self-Assessment through
Other than DQS-NXT 6) Usage of higher capacity vehicles in place of small capacity vehicles to reduce emissions and fuel consumption.
40% of Existing High-Risk High Value Suppliers as per ISO 9 21.92
7) Stopped hiring vehicles that are more than 5 years old
20400 covered by GFCL Audit through DQS-NXT
40% of Existing High-Risk High Value Suppliers as per 0 0 8) Increase in the sale of HCL to local customers leading to reduction in fuel consumption.
ISO 20400 Suppliers covered by GFCL Audit through
Other than DQS-NXT 9) Discontinuing printouts of office documentation leading to savings of paper and environmental conservation.
10) Discontinuation of plastic cups at canteen and offices and replacement with ceramic cups areas to avoid plastic and paper
Details 2019-20 consumption.
Number % 11) Sourcing of bulk raw material such as Salt, Supluric Acid, Sulphuric Acid from Sulphur based source from nearby location
sources at Dahej instead of getting it from distantly located source like Kutch, Morbi and Bhavnagar, Panoli, Kutch etc.
Other High-Risk High Value Suppliers covered under 20 6.29
Self-Assessment through DQS-NXT
Other High-Risk High Value Suppliers covered by GFCL 8 2.52
Audit through DQS-NXT
As a policy, GFCL does not audit Supplier publishing their Sustainability report. 18 such High risk and High value suppliers have been identified who are
not a part of the GFCL Audit process.
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Vehicle Tracking System will do real time monitoring of GFCL • Implementation of Sustainability /
outgoing vehicle, with this initiative GFCL Materiality Topic as selection
As part of green initiative to reduce
carbon emission and reduce risk of
GFCL is committed to reduce carbon
emission and reduce hazard risk to the
criteria for New High-Risk High-
Value suppliers
At GFCL, we believe that long
hazards, we are also in the process of
integrating our logistics systems through
• Declaration on Sustainable
term sustainable profitable
a GPS vehicle tracking system. Through
this system we will be tracking outward
Way Forward
Procurement policy for 100% new
Raw Material, Packing Material and
business growth can be
vehicles for ensuring safe driving and
safe handling of material
• To Implement Vehicle Tracking
System covering 70% of Outgoing
Contractor / Service providers from
January 2021 onward
achieved by creating value
across the full length of the supply
vehicles till March 2021 (applicable
only for tankers)
• Site Audit of 10% High-Risk High- in the three areas - finance,
chain and ensuring prompt emergency
response in case of any incidence on • Implementation of Sustainable
Value suppliers during FY 2021-22
environment and social
road. Procurement / Sustainability Rating
for all High Value High Risk TIER 1
aspects. The Marketing teams
GFCL is using third party service
provider LCS Services India Pvt Ltd, who
suppliers till FY 2024-25
across all locations globally
are in complete sync with the
Organizations road map on
Mr. Kapil Malhotra We take anti- competitive and anti- trust we are handling, we are committed
Senior Vice President - seriously and follow all guidelines to deliver on our promise of the high
Marketing as per international standards. While standards needed to safeguard
reaching to our customers we ensure the health and safety of customers.
that correct and right information of our Our regulatory affairs teams ensure
products is shared with them. Wherever compliance with applicable laws. All
we have warehouses, we ensure that our product data is shared regularly
we follow all provisions to ensure social with our customers on an ongoing basis.
responsibility and accountability. We have never faced any compliance
issues in connection to marketing
We understand that our customers Communication and Labelling.
entrust us with the marketing and
distribution of the products they buy
from us and expect us to preserve the
quality and safety of these products
whilst under our care and custody. Mr. Kapil Malhotra
Irrespective of the product categories Senior Vice President - Marketing
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
We understand that marketing activities and customer expectations
are dynamic. Traditionally, profit maximization has been the primary
objective of marketing activities and product price, quality and delivery
were the customer expectations. However, as part of our overall Product Information Service Storage Distribution End Use
sustainability strategy, we have adopted a much broader and more Product Authentic Technical Product Product Reuse-
inclusive approach in our marketing activities. Safety Information Support Safety Handling Recycle
Cost of delivery
We have adopted a Responsible Marketing Policy to ensure that consumer, social 1. Training of Employees of the Sales
following issues through Responsible and environmental issues associated with marketing function are addressed in a and Marketing Team: All employees
Marketing responsible manner. The Policy covers various aspects such as: have been extensively trained on
Responsible Marketing Policy and
Pricing issues
n Fair Marketing Practices: Anti–Trust and Anti–Competitive Practices
Economic Environme
they have also given a declaration
Product issues of adherence to the same. The
Product safety and customer health and safety
Promotion issues trainings cover aspects of Anti-Trust
Dispute resolution and redressal and Anti-Competitive Behaviour,
Distribution issues Fair Business Practices, Product
For the customers and other stakeholders of the Marketing function, we have Essential Services Communication protocol and
identified the material issues across the complete product life cycle and addresses
authenticity, etc.
them through the various Responsible Marketing actions. Data and Privacy Protection
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
2. All our Sales and Marketing Team members are required to mandatorily sign the declaration of acceptance and adherence to Marketing Communication and
the Responsible Marketing Policy after completion of the training. Authenticity
3. The Responsible Marketing Policy has been communicated to all our customers and it has also been publicly disclosed on the The marketing communications function
GFCL website. at GFCL is responsible for four major
verticals: Product Promotions, Brand
4. A systematic audit has been conducted to assess risk associated with the Implementation of Responsible Marketing.
Management, Web Assets Management,
and Customer-centric Communications.
Region Domestic Europe Americas The department’s functions are
in alignment with the Company’s
Responsible Sales and Marketing
% of employees given training on Responsible Marketing 100 100 100 Guidelines.
% of employees who have signed Responsible Marketing 95 100 100 Being in the B2B space, we strive to
Policy acceptance reach the influencers, decision makers
and thought leaders in Fluoropolymers,
Fluorospeciality and Refrigerants Audio-Visual content, corporate, Business Teams, R&D, Technical Service,
industry through a myriad of channels. subsidiary and product websites, and Quality, HR, and Compliance explaining
Anti-Competitive, Anti-Trust and Management (CRM) software. This gives the Company an effective digital platform
Organic content and sponsored content social media platforms. In addition, clear process flow, contribution and
Monopoly Practices to address customer queries in a more efficient manner. We have a very streamlined
are leveraged in combination to attain there are direct communication accountability governed by the Content
complaint handling and feedback process. Feedbacks from customers are registered
Our Responsible Marketing Policy business goals of demand generation channels such as emails, conversations, Editorial Board. Content published on
in our CRM software. All the complaints are also raised through the CRM and the
covers the Company’s philosophy on and brand visibility across digital and contracts and sales presentations. Our all external platforms, including sales
Gujarat Fluoropolymer Research Centre (GFRC) team resolves the queries in a timed
the matter on Anti-Competitive and non-digital platforms. Some of the paid product communications take utmost collaterals, websites, social media,
manner. Our Marketing teams also visit the customers regularly to ensure smooth
Anti-Trust practices. We are committed marketing channels used by us are: care of representing the claims, as and print media goes through rigorous
delivery of products and to ensure that their complaints have been resolved. GFCL has
to engaging in fair and vigorous received high ratings from our customers on account of our excellent customer service. appropriate, are substantiated through plagiarism tests through plagiarism test
a) Digital Platforms: LinkedIn, Emailers,
competition, in compliance with all testing, based on sound statistical and tools.
Search Ads, Display Ads, Product
anti-trust and competition laws and scientific principles, or approved through
Customer Satisfaction Rating Summary web portals (Apps and web) We have not faced any incidents of
regulations globally. Because the anti- the Company business unit’s claims
trust and competition laws vary from approval process with the appropriate non-compliance with regulation and /or
b) Print Platforms: Industry periodicals,
country to country and are complex, our Customer The overall quality The overall quality of statement on the product’s performance. voluntary codes concerning marketing
Product magazines (print format)
employees are required to consult their Satisfaction Rating of products Technical Support communication, including advertisement,
business unit’s assigned legal counsel Summary c) Events: Customer Conferences, Marketing communication does not promotion, and sponsorship in the
whenever their business activities might Product exhibitions, Leadership publish, advertise or post content that reporting period. There have been
be regulated by these laws. Panel discussions and Speaker propagates deception or other unfair no incidents of non-compliance with
Year 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
talks methods of competition, makes false regulations resulting in a fine or penalty
We have no legal actions pending or or deceptive statements about the or warning or non-compliance with any
completed during the reporting period Overall Rating (%) 81 92 96.84 90 93 97.8
Company’s products, make false or voluntary codes in the reporting period.
regarding anti-competitive behaviour Content Authenticity deceptive comparisons of the Company
and violation of anti-trust and monopoly and any competitors’ products, criticizes
Marketing communications represents Product Health and Stewardship
legislations in which the organization or discredit a competitor or its products,
Customer Order, Delivery Service Business Out Look our products and services truthfully, and Product Information/Labelling
has been identified as a participant. misrepresents the quality/ effectiveness
Satisfaction Rating & Sales support fairly, accurately, and professionally
across all indirect communication of a product or presents GFCL’s All of our products and activities
Customer Relations channels. These include advertising, products as those of another, such as by are assessed for health risk and
packaging, product literature, simulating a competitor’s packaging or environmental aspects/impacts
Meeting customer requirements Year 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 labels, packaging, advertising copy, trademarks. as per ISO 14001 and ISO 45001
is essential for the Company’s environmental claims, customer surveys, management systems. For health
inclusive and sustained growth. In Overall Rating (%) 88 93 98.14 87 93 97.8 We follow stringent internal SOPs for
technical datasheets, product selection and safety assessment we use HIRA
this regard, hawse have implemented all channels of communications by
guides, statement of compliances, and for environment assessment we Customer Relationship involving functional heads for review
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), use environmental aspect and impact
and approval of the content, from
156 157
Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited
Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
evaluation sheet. These assessments products, it is imperative to strike a iv. Analytical methodologies We constantly endeavour to improve product safety through the implementation of the Green Chemistry Principles
are done for all products and covers balance between sustainability and provide real-time process
actions taken to mitigate issues. Our performance. We are committed to monitoring and control to
Sr. No. Topic Description GFCL example
MSDS cover information related to Green Chemistry and offer environment- minimize hazards.
storage and handling, toxicological data, friendly products by embracing
special hazard arising from material sustainable technologies for safer c) Life cycle thinking: 1 Waste Prioritize the prevention of We produce material in batches and continuous operations. Our
or mixture, fire-fighting measures and products and developing processes that Prevention waste, rather than cleaning broad product portfolio ensures consumption of produced material for
i. Products are designed to
exposure control/personal protection. use greener alternatives. We endeavour up and treating waste after it specific applications in order to reduce waste.
recycle, reuse and safe
to align our processes with the Principle has been created. Our plan
We are one of the largest producers disposal after end of life. Most of our processes operate in a close loop to minimizing losses or
4 of the twelve principles of Green ahead is to minimize waste at
of fluoro-polymers, fluoro-specialities, every step. leakages.
Chemistry – ‘Design safer chemicals and ii. Process and product analysis to
refrigerants and chemicals. Sustainability products: Design chemical products that assess environmental impacts. We also convert the scrap or industrial waste PTFE into value added
is at the core of our process design are fully effective yet have little or no product for the polymer industry to help recycle valuable material
which ensures manufacturing of toxicity’. iii. Use life cycle thinking in all
and help in energy balance.
environmental-friendly products. We are engineering activities.
committed to implement green chemistry E.g. –
principles to reduce or eliminate the use Approach iv. Design evaluates choices on
recycle, reuse or disposition. 1. ETP: Water recycling through RO
or generation of hazardous substances.
a) Maximize use: 2. PTFE scrap into micro powder products
Every GFCL product is developed,
v. Continuous improvement
manufactured, stored and distributed i. Reactions are designed to 3. ZLD
and innovations to achieve
after thorough consideration has been maximize the incorporation 4. Process water recovery and re-use
given to reduce environmental and of all materials into the final
human impact by: product and use of recovered We are doing continuous adaptation of 2 Atom Reduce waste at the We recover most of the unreacted chemicals and re-use in
materials. greener technologies to comply with Economy molecular level by subsequent processes. The recipes are optimized for the material
Proper raw material selection
revisions in regulations from global maximizing the number of properties.
ii. Inorganic solid initiators are
Proper product design integrity environment protection agencies. We atoms from all reagents
used for better conversation & E.g. – Reduced use of surfactant, CTA and wax in our fluoro polymers
have implemented various innovations that are incorporated into
Proper manufacturing and storage reaction rate. after balancing final product properties.
and improvements covering green the final product. Use atom
issues chemistry principles. economy to evaluate reaction
iii. Design of products & processes
ensures no waste generation. efficiency.
Anticipated use, re-use and disposal
Application of green chemistry principles iv. Quantify and minimized the use 3 Less Design chemical reactions The considerations are given during the development of product.
also enable us to safeguard our of utilities. Useful product recovered from vents Hazardous and synthetic routes to be as HAZOP and other studies ensure elimination of potential hazards &
employees, assets and communities by new technology. Chemical safe as possible. Consider define action items.
v. Minimized use of natural Synthesis the hazards of all substances
by finding creative and innovative
resources. Recovery of Surfactant from handled during the reaction, E.g. Eliminating PFOA and PFOS using alternate chemicals and
solutions. Our globally competitive
wastewater. including waste. technology routes.
technologies ensure waste reduction, b) Reduce/eliminate hazards:
recovery of chemicals, their reuse,
energy conservation, and replace i. Design ensure all material and Improvements 4 Designing Minimize toxicity directly by New product development processes ensure the product
hazardous chemicals. The scope of energy inputs and outputs are Safer molecular design. Predict qualifications to global regulatory requirements like SVHC, ROHS or
green chemistry is not only to consider non-hazardous. Wind power usage with grid power Chemicals and evaluate aspects such FDA etc. through design. Impact-aspect or risk assessment studies
hazards from chemical toxicity but also and CPP as physical properties, and improvement actions ensure min environmental /social impacts.
ii. Reactions possess little or no toxicity, and environmental
include product life cycle, its design,
toxicity to human health and De- bottlenecking of TFE by process fate throughout the design
manufacture, use, and ultimate disposal.
the environment. improving efficiency. process.
With global environmental regulations
iii. Used processes minimizes the Improvement on COC of cooling
becoming more stringent and end
potential for accidents like water (increased from 6 to 9 COC)
consumers’ consumption pattern shifting
explosions, fires etc.
towards commitment to sustainable
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Sr. No. Topic Description GFCL example Sr. No. Topic Description GFCL example
5 Safer Choose the safest solvent We reduce, recover and re-use programmes ensure cleaner air and 10 Design for Design chemicals that We ensure that the chemicals are treated and safe to discard.
Solvents available for any given step. water. This also help us reduce waste to minimum. We use water- Degradation degrade and can be
and Minimize the total amount based polymerizations which avoids solvents. discarded easily. Ensure that Ex:
Auxiliaries of solvents and auxiliary both chemicals and their 1. Development of new generation refrigerant gases such as R407 and
substances used as these E.g. degradation products are not R410
make up a large percentage 1. Vent Recovery /R-125 – Polymer – Clean Air toxic, bio accumulative, or 2. Reduction of our carbon footprint by special techniques
of the total waste created. 2. Thermal Oxidizer – chemical – Clean Air environmentally persistent.
6 Design for Choose the least energy- Site has defined goals to reduce and optimize use of energy and substances. 1. Vent Recovery /R-125 – Polymer – Clean Air
Energy intensive chemical route. natural resources in every process. Most of the process waste are 2. Thermal Oxidizer – chemical – Clean Air
Efficiency Avoid heating and cooling, treated, recovered and reused. We developed technologies and 3. Tergitol Recovery project – Clean Water
as well as pressurized and producing products with lower pressures than market use.
4. Recovery of fluoro surfactant – Clean Water
vacuum conditions (i.e.
ambient temperature and E.g.–
12 Chemistry Choose and develop HAZOP, Risk Assessment, PSSR, Impact – aspect, SO etc. studies help
pressure are optimal). 1. Installation of energy efficient membranes for Caustic production
For Accident chemical procedures that are us identify potential risk opportunities. Also, DCS/PLC control systems,
2. Use of energy efficient fans in all cooling waters Prevention safer and inherently minimize interlocks etc. helps avoid any risk of accidents.
3. Zero gap Electrolyzer in CA plant the risk of accidents. Know
the possible risks and assess Ex - DuPont Safety hand holding – Site Safety
4. Use of VFDs to save energy
them beforehand. Loss of containment study
7 Use of Use chemicals which are Not Applicable.
Renewable made from renewable
Feedstocks (i.e. plant-based) sources, PTFE micro powder business is a unique solution, which support Case Study on Resolving produced both at our and the customer conditions by constantly guiding all
rather than other, equivalent environment by recycling the industrial waste PTFE into saleable Customer Issue (PTFE end. To curb this problem our GFRC team our activities through consciously
chemicals originating from products. Thus, saving energy by not land filling the valuable scrap Micropowders) came up with a solution. Our research recognized and adopted a set of
petrochemical sources. material. team has developed a process where standards. Our QA and QC teams ensure
We transform raw materials and natural we could turn PTFE waste into PTFE that product quality, packaging, and
resources into the essential chemicals Micro powders. PTFE Micro powders has labelling of the products are strictly
8 Reduce Minimize the use of temporary Our polymers are additive free systems, without any protecting
and materials needed to support global a broad range of applications and it has following the customer specifications,
Derivatives derivatives such as protecting additives. As continuous improvement we are reducing the number of
population growth and urbanization. a high demand in the market due to its applicable international guidelines, and
groups. Avoid derivatives treatments.
We take a holistic approach to reduce diverse applications which range from regulatory requirements as applicable.
to reduce reaction steps,
E.g.– Optimization of initiators, surfactants, wax, CTA to reduce waste and are aligned to the UN SDGs. plastic, coating and paints, rubbers, inks
resources required, and
washing step including steam washes. Our stakeholders expect us to reduce and lubricants. We continuously update the product
waste created.
environmental hazards and produce health and safety information in the form
products which have no compliance We have processed PTFE waste of the of MSDS available on the Company’s
9 Catalysis Use catalytic instead of We use solid inorganic catalyst for almost all processes to
issue. processors throughout out the world. It website. We regularly share technical
stoichiometric reagents in eliminate formation of by-product, reduce activation energy, lower
has always been a win-win situation - datasheets, material safety data sheets,
reactions. Choose catalysts polymerization temp and relatively lower cycle time. We have taken considerable efforts to processors get rid of waste and we turn and processing guides on regular basis.
to help increase selectivity, reduce waste and one such example
E.g.– that waste into a useful product that has Also, our technical manager regularly
minimize waste, and reduce of that is PTFE Micro powders. During a market value. We are committed to visits customers and share product-
reaction times and energy 1. PFA, FEP, PVDF, PTFE etc. polymerization the processing of PTFE back in 2016 promoting a pollution-free environment related information.
demands. 2. To the possible extent used catalysts are regenerated and re-used. a considerable amount of waste was and maintain safe and healthy working
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Our product labels are prepared as per the applicable regulations of the region. The Responsible Marketing and any IP information in these reports and where the warehouse operations is part of the rental agreement is communicated the
products are packed with proper labelling and barcoding wherever required. We Sustainable Consumption hence we cannot access any such data. Company’s Responsible Marketing policy and has to accept and declare that they will
follow the CLP (Classification, Labelling, and Packaging) system for all customers. follow the same so far as fair, safe and socially responsible behaviour is concerned,
Labels are also continuously updated as per the changes and updates in the required We endorse Sustainable Consumption We use cookies and similar technologies especially on protection of human rights, no child labour, etc.
regulation. Labelling on the Fluorospeciality chemical / intermediates finished product as part of Responsible Marketing to give the user a better user experience
follows the six elements of Globally Harmonized System (GHS) chemical labelling approach. To contribute to sustainable and to help collect data. The text in
consumption, we ensure to: a cookie often consists of a string of Region Domestic Europe Americas
requirements system:
numbers and letters that uniquely
a. Promote effective education identifies your computer, but it can
% of warehouse operations with 100 100 100
empowering consumers to contain other information as well. We
Declaration of Social Accountability
understand the impacts of their ensure personal data protection through
and Responsibility
choice of products and services our Cookie Policy (
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Responsible and
Ethical Business Practices
Adherence to good corporate governance practices and managing Step 3 – Identified High Risk Activities
Any instance of non-compliance of any
of the provisions of the CoC is treated
its affairs in a fair, honest, ethical, transparent and legally compliant as a breach of ethical conduct and is
Based on the above FMEAs, we have identified 24 possible high risk activities.
manner is an integral part of the philosophy of GFCL. viewed seriously by us. We also have
a Whistle-blower Policy which is a
Step 4 – Implementation of Mitigation Plan mechanism to reinforce implementation
We are committed to the prevention, overall sustainability strategy and an important material topic. We have taken a step of the CoC which encourages each
A mitigation plan has adopted to contain the risk of bribery and corruption by way Director and Officer of the Company
deterrence and detection of fraud, wise approach to de-risk the possibility of bribery and corruption across the different
of: to take positive actions which are not
bribery and all other forms of corrupt functions of the Company.
business practices. We conduct all only commensurate with the Company’s
a) Communication of Company policy to all stakeholders
our business activities with honesty, belief but are also perceived to be so.
integrity and the highest possible ethical b) Training and awareness to all employees This policy provides all employees
Step 1 – Functional Exposure to Stakeholder Engagement and Directors of the Company and its
standards, and vigorously enforce our
c) Putting in place financial and non-financial controls subsidiaries a mechanism to report
business practice, wherever we operate, Each function is mapped vis-à-vis the various stakeholders on the engagement
of not engaging in bribery, corruption or improper acts and provides adequate
level. The more the engagement, higher is the possibility of exposure to corruption
extortion with any government officials safeguards against victimization.
and bribery. Based on the above, a functional Stakeholder & Bribery Risk Matrix
or any person for or on behalf of the Policy Framework
has been drawn up. We have a ‘Zero Tolerance’ approach
We have formulated a Code of Conduct (CoC) to ensure that the business of the to all forms of fraudulent acts. We strive
We are committed to conducting Step 2 – Function wise Process FMEA Company is conducted in accordance with the highest standards of ethics and values, to maintain the highest standards of
our business in compliance with all while complying with the applicable laws and regulations. The CoC encourages each governance, personal and corporate
applicable laws and regulations, Operational processes of each function have been identified and each of the and every Director and Officer of the Company to act in accordance with the highest ethics and compliance with all laws
including anti-bribery, anti-corruption processes are evaluated through a Process Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) standards of personal and professional integrity, honesty and ethical conduct while and regulations. We value integrity
laws, Indian Prevention of Corruption to calculate the Risk Priority Number (RPN). working at the Company’s premises, at offsite locations, at the Company’s sponsored and honesty while dealing with all
Act, 1988 while being committed and business and social events, and/or any other place where they represent the Company. employees, customers, suppliers and
aligned to the UNGC Principles, ISO other stakeholders. We are committed
The policy on Company Related Party Transaction, which is available on Company to support government, law enforcement
26000 standards, National Voluntary
website ensures the mitigation of the risk associated with money laundering. There and international bodies to combat any
Guidelines on Social, Environment and Function Location Number of Number of Processes %
has been no reported case of money laundering during the reporting period. financial crime.
Economic Responsibilities and continue Processes covered under Risk compliance
to improve these practices over the Assessment for Independent Directors of the Company have given the declaration and confirmation to the Our HR Operations Manual has the
years. Bribery, Corruption Company as required as required by the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI regulation 2015, following guidelines to ensure corruption
and Unfair Business confirming that they are not aware of any circumstance or situation, which exists or may
Our commitment is further consolidated and bribery free operations which is also
Processes be reasonably anticipated, that could impair or impact their ability to discharge their duties
with the signing of the UNGC, ensuring available on our Company website
with an objective independent judgement and without any external influence.
that our Social Responsibility systems
Dahej, 14 10 71 1. HR/65 - Guideline on Prevention of
and procedures are in consonance with Operations
Ranjitnagar Corruption & Bribery
the ISO 26000 standards. We are also
certified with ISO 37001 (Anti -bribery Human Noida, 12 10 83 Declaration by the CEO under Clause D of Schedule V of the Listing 2. HR/66 - Guideline on Code of
Management Systems). Our overall Resources Dahej, Regulations: Conduct
values of ethics and integrity while doing Ranjitnagar
business are enshrined in the Company’s I, Vivek Jain, Managing Director of Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited, declare 3. HR/67 - Guideline on Prevention of
Commercial Noida, 12 05 42
Statement of Fair Business Practice. that all the Board and Senior Management Personnel have affirmed compliance Fraud
with the Code of Conduct for the Board and Senior Management Personnel for
Stakeholder Engagement Level vis-à-vis Ranjitnagar 4. HR/68 - Guideline on Conflict of
the financial year ended 31st March, 2020.
Business Process Evaluation to Identify Interest
Safety, Dahej, 8 05 63
Risk Assessment of Bribery, Corruption Health and Ranjitnagar 5. HR/69 - Guideline on Whistle-blower
and Other Unfair Business Processes Environment Date: 30th July 2020 Vivek Jain
Place: New Delhi Managing Director
Doing business in a fair, transparent,
and ethical manner while complying We will continue to conduct such Functional Process FMEA to identify the bribery,
with all applicable laws is part of our corruption and unfair business practices risk.
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Responsible and
Ethical Business Practices
We take systematic steps to implement commitment to zero tolerance of time to time, to ensure the adoption and 1. Established procedures which enable to take appropriate disciplinary action against personnel who violate the anti-bribery
our anti-corruption system, by doing the corruption; implementation of best practices. policy or anti-bribery management system.
e) Consequences: ensure that Our Board of Directors are accountable 2. They are also made aware that personnel shall not suffer retaliation, discrimination or disciplinary action (e.g. by threats,
a) Detailed procedures: develop appropriate measures shall to shareholders and other stakeholders isolation, demotion, preventing advancement, transfer, dismissal, bullying, victimization, or other forms of harassment) for:
detailed procedures that support be taken if the anti-corruption and are responsible for setting and
our anti-corruption commitment programme is violated; implementing sound corporate a. refusing to participate in, or turning down, any activity in respect of which they have reasonably judged there to be a more
and cover forms of corruption such governance practices throughout our than low risk of bribery that has not been mitigated by the Company; or
as bribes, gifts, entertainment f) Monitoring and continuous operations. Our Board of Directors
improvement: carry out regular b. concerns raised or reports made in good faith, or based on a reasonable belief, of attempted, actual or suspected bribery
and expenses, donations and are committed to assure adherence
reviews of the anti-corruption or violation of the anti-bribery policy or the anti-bribery management system (except where the individual participated in
sponsorships, political contributions, to the highest standard of corporate
programme including internal the violation).
facilitation payments and conflicts governance in the conduct of our
of interest; audits, provide resulting reports to business.
top Management and the Board and Total number of governance body members to whom the Company’s anti-corruption policies and Fair Business 16
b) Responsibility: The Functional take necessary actions to improve We strive to promote good governance Practices Policies and procedures have been communicated
Heads have the responsibility to the system. practices to create transparent dialogue
devise, implement, monitor and across the Company vertically, enabling % coverage 100%
improve the programme under the proper channels of communication
Ethics and Fair Business Practices
oversight of top Management; with respective stakeholders. The Total Number of employees to whom the Company’s anti-corruption policies and Fair Business Practices Policies 2216
Governance Mechanism
Board members are entrusted with the and procedures have been communicated
c) Business partners: communicate responsibility to make overall strategy
At GFCL, governance extends beyond
our anti-corruption commitment to and policy decisions and supervise
regulatory and legislative requirement. % of employees to whom anti-corruption and Fair Business Practices policy and procedures have been 100%
our business partners and obtain their implementation. They work as a
We strive to emphasis on an enterprise- communicated
anti- corruption standards of them; team with a shared vision and are fully
wide culture of good corporate
governance with an endeavour to ensure aligned to the Company’s mid-term
d) Awareness and education of We initiated trainings pertaining to anti-corruption policies and Fair Business Practices policies and procedures from FY 2018-19, and
that decisions are taken in a fair and strategy and purpose.
employees: provide communication such trainings haves been given to all governance body members and employees.
and training to ensure that our transparent manner, while considering its
Ethics Committee is part of our
employees understand the impact on all stakeholders. We actively
governance structure which ensures
Company’s policies and procedures monitor and revise our governance Trainings pertaining to anti-corruption policies
the formulation, implementation and
as well as the Leadership’s structures, practices and processes from
review of the Fair Business Practices
Policy across the Company. Details of
the composition and area of operation of
FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20
the Committee is given in our Integrated Management
Annual Report FY 2019-20. Content
System Topics Location Male Female Training Man- Male Female Training Man-
Hours hours Hours hours
Trainings and Communications on
Anti-Bribery, Corruption and Fair
Fair Business Prevention Noida & ROI 56 14 2 140 104 20 2 248
Business Practices
Practices of Corruption,
Every existing governance body member, bribery for Dahej 823 11 3 2502 967 11 2 1956
employee, business partners and those employees,
who join the Company have to sign a fraud, whistle- Ranjitnagar 315 3 3 954 346 4 2 700
declaration stating that they have read, blower, equal
understood and declared compliance. All employment Vadodara 60 0 1 60 53 5 2 116
the above stated guidelines are included opportunity
in the Employee Handbook of all
Company locations. All employees are Total 1254 28 9 3656 1470 40 8 3020
trained on various policies which cover
the following aspects:
168 169
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Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Responsible and
Ethical Business Practices
Trainings pertaining to anti-corruption policies undergo periodic IT security audit and our IT infrastructure and usage is governed by the IT Security Policy.
International We have performed a vulnerability assessment and penetration testing audit for our cyber security and network security devices
like Unified Threat Management (UTM)/ Firewall switches and endpoint (anti-virus).
FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20
Management GFCL’s Penetration Testing Process
System Topics Location Male Female Training Man- Male Female Training Man-
Hours hours Hours hours
Enumeration Attack Surface Analysis
170 171
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Responsible and
Ethical Business Practices
All relevant employees are trained on information security and data privacy aspects.
government minister, bureaucrats and e. Accurate cost code is mentioned in evaluating the tenders and
International statutory authority. The policy of anti- clearly in the bill; approving the award of a contract;
bribery and anti-corruption guidelines
FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 debar from such inducements. All such f. Significant financial transactions f. Ensuring that separation of duties
Management lobbying is closely monitored by the shall be audited on a sample basis is implemented while awarding
System Topics Location Male Female Training Man- Male Female Training Man- Ethics Committee and if any violation of by external auditors. contracts, so that personnel who
Hours hours Hours hours policy or bribery is reported by third party approve the placement of a contract
Over and above the financial controls, we are different from those requesting
or employee of the Company, proper
have also adopted various non-financial the placement of the contract and
Cyber & Data Introduction America 4 1 2 10 5 1 2 12 investigation and appropriate subsequent
controls to ensure that the procurement, are from a different department or
Security to cyber actions are conducted by the Committee.
operational, commercial and other non- function from those who manage
security and financial aspects of our activities are the contract or approve work done
its importance, Operational Procedures to properly managed. Examples of such under the contract;
Types of Counter Bribery and Corruption non-financial controls include:
Hackers and Europe 8 2 2 20 7 2 2 18 g. Signatures of at least two persons
malwares, We have adopted various financial and a. Awarding contracts only to those to be on contracts, and on
Its Counter non-financial controls and incorporated business associates who have documents which change the terms
measure them into respective SOPs to ensure that undergone a pre-qualification of a contract or which approve work
all our transactions across functions are process under which the likelihood undertaken or supplies provided
Total 12 3 4 30 12 3 4 30 ethical. of their participating in bribery is under the contract;
also assessed;
Various financial controls have been h. Signing of contracts as per the
Personal Data Privacy of Employees Political Donations and Lobbying adopted to ensure that all financial b. Assessing the necessity and delegation of authority.
transactions are timely, accurate, legitimacy of the services to be
We recognize that personal data protection and privacy is no less than a fundamental We are apolitical and we advocate
and without any possibility of corrupt provided by a business associate i. All tenders and other price-sensitive
right of an employees and misuse of such data is a human rights violation. We believe government policies. Political donations,
behaviour. These include: to the company, specially whether information are kept under restricted
that employees have rights in relation to their own personal data processed by the if they are made, are as per Section 182
any business associate has any circulation and accessible only to
Company, and as employees of the Company they have responsibilities for the of the Indian Companies Act, 2013. The a. Verification that the payee’s relations with any employee of the appropriate people.
personal data of others (i.e. clients, customers and colleagues) which they process details of donation to the Electoral Trust appointment and work or services Company or with any government
in the course of their work. The HR Operations Manual has the HR Guideline Number and political parties in the year 2019-20 carried out have been approved by official or public representative;
HR/75 – ‘Guideline on Confidentiality of Employee Personal Data/Information’. All is given in our Annual Report FY 2019- the Company’s relevant approval External Assurance and Internal
employees must compulsorily sign a declaration of compliance in this regard at the 20. Lobbying activities are generally mechanisms; c. Prior to releasing payments, Audit
time of joining the Company. limited, however, we have had several assessing whether the services
b. At least two signatures are required It is because of our unwavering
situations over time where we have were properly carried out and
All our Business Associates with whom we share employee personal data also must on payment approvals, one being commitment to ethics, transparency,
sought dialogue with local or central whether any payments to be made
sign a non-disclosure agreement. at least at the level of General fairness in all our business processes
authorities around areas of concern. to the business associate are
Manager; that today the Company is ISO 37001
These have included: reasonable and proportionate with
(Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption
% of employees covered under Personal Data Privacy policy 100% regard to those services;
Dialogue at ministerial level c. Appropriate supporting Management System) certified. We
communication documentation to be annexed to underwent a pre-audit and a final audit
d. Awarding contracts, only after a fair
Dialogue with senior bureaucrats payment approvals; as part of this certification process.
and, where appropriate, transparent
Number of Business Partners who have access to Employee 6
Dialogue with senior Statutory competitive tender process between
Personal Data d. Cash payment to be made only An internal sustainability and ethics
Authority at least three competitors has taken
if one of the signatories is at Vice assessment were undertaken across all
% of Business Partners who have access to Employee Personal Data 100 % President level as mentioned in the Company’s locations in FY 2018-19
In most cases all such interactions are
and have signed Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality agreement Clause (b) above, with a clear e. At least two persons of different by an external agency – Sharp & Tannan
handled by Company’s senior officials.
directive that cash payments is functions are required to participate Associates.
Our policy prohibits any gratification by
way of gifts, entertainment, etc. to any
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Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited
Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Responsible and
Ethical Business Practices
Governance Mechanism to Address Concerns about Ethics, Protection to Whistle Blowers and ‘Right to Refuse’ In case of an investigation, an appropriate investigation resource is assigned to the During FY 2019-20, we received three
matter by the Ethics Committee. For concerns that are substantiated, disciplinary complaints from our investors related to
actions may be taken which may vary from warnings to separation from service. non-receipt of dividends, shares, etc. and
Ethics Line Portal all the three complaints were resolved
We prohibit retaliation in any form against anyone who raises a business conduct as of the end of year.
Reporting platform concern in good faith, even if the report is proved to be not a material fact or cooperates
in a Company investigation. All employees have the right to refuse an instruction or
Ethics Officer Way Forward
Ethics Line email Investigation Team direction given by any superior which they feel is against the Fair Business Practice
Whistle Blower
Constituted by Ethics Officer Policies.
1. Progress implementation of Fair
Process Business Practices by:
We encourage employees to identify and report any risk of corruption, bribery, fraud,
Action taken feedback
174 175
Our ESG Goals
Social Performance - Trend & Target Data
Year Trend Targets
No 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023
1 Leadership
Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited
– Own
F Number of Human Rights violations addressed 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
- Contractors and suppliers
3 Child Labour
A Number of Child Labour - Own operations 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
B Number of Child Labour - Contractors & 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
4 Forced/Compulsory Labour
A Number of forced/Compulsory labour - Own 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
B Number of forced/Compulsory labour - 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Contractors and suppliers
C SA8000 Audit score NA NA NA 4 4 NA 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.8
D Number of manhours lost due to industrial 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
*Please note that offices include all the Domestic and International Offices located in Baroda, Chennai, Hyderabad, US and Europe.
Our ESG Goals
Environment Targets:
Environmental performance Trend and Target
Trend Target Trend Target
Years 2018-19 2019-20 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2018-19 2019-20 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023
Direct total GHGs (tonnes CO2 equivalent) 22,673 27,857.93 26,750 26,250 26,000 569,531 607,192 602,000 601,000 600,500
Carbon dioxide (CO2) (tonnes) 8,801 13,747 12500 12000 11750 3,29,626 2,75,653 275500 275250 275000
Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited
Indirect total GHGs (tonnes CO2 equivalent) 8,801.36 13,746.85 12,500 12,000 11,750 3,29,626.10 2,75,653.97 275,500 275,250 275,000
Acid gases and VOCs
Sulphur oxides (SOx) (tonnes SO2) 4.11 1.73 4.25 4.15 4.10 6.980 481.22 11.50 11.00 10.50
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) tonnes NO2) 6.31 2.50 6.50 6.45 6.40 3.33 519.99 3.80 3.70 3.60
Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) (tonnes 13.60 10.27 14.00 13.75 13.60 7.82 1104.3 9.00 8.70 8.50
Hydrochloric acid (HCL) (tonnes HCL) 0.003 0.03 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.039 0.0045 0.0040 0.0035
Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) (tonnes HF) 0.008 0.003 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.25 0.090 0.085 0.085
Spills and discharges
Sabotage spills – volume (thousand tonnes) [J] Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Sabotage spills – number [J] Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Operational spills – volume (thousand tonnes)
Dahej 0.0 0.0 No Significant No No 0.0 0.0 No No No
Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
b % of Safety Observations 92 75 83 80 50 80 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
2 Lead Indications
a No of Near Misses 32 75 54 65 143 65 157 20 72 173 22 80 190 25 88
b No of Unsafe Conditions Not 170 Not 153 812 153 893 100 170 982 110 187 1080 121 205
rectified Available Available
c Total hrs training - 2908 hrs 2024 hrs 2648 hrs 3956 hrs 5297 hrs 4455hrs 5826hrs 500hrs 4900hrs 6408hrs 550hrs 5390hrs 7048hrs 605hrs 5929hrs
d Total hrs trainning - contract 4000 hrs 2631 hrs 4500 hrs 2761 hrs 5000 hrs 3994 hrs 5500hrs 250hrs 4394hrs 6050hrs 275hrs 4833hrs 6655hrs 302hrs 5316hrs
e % of employees involved in 20 20 35 25 40 55 50 10 75 100 25 100 200 50 150
identfying unsafe conditions
g No Of spot On Recognition 5 5 36 11 50 46 40 10 36 80 25 75 200 50 150
for Safety Samrat
Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
hours (employees only)
b Occupational Illnesses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
per million working
hours (Contractor labour
c % of own employee 100 % 100 100 % 100 100 % 100 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
medical health Check
up completed
d % of Contractor Labour 100 % 100 100 % 100 100% 100 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
medical health Check
up completed
e No of Work Place 12 4 12 2 12 2 13 6 6 14 7 7 15 8 8
Hygiene audit done
Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
6 Security
a No of security Trained 0 0 0 0 48 42 38 10 42 42 11 45 47 12 50
on Human Rights
b No of Security audits 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 4
c No of security Trained 25 18 45 22 52 24 48 0 26 35 10 45 45 15 50
on fire fighting
7 Emergency Response
a No of Mock drills 11 9 6 10 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
b No of people involved in 233 120 109 108 112 125 240 240 240 275 275 275 300 300 300
Mock drills
*Please note that Offices include all the Domestic & International Offices located in Baroda, Chennai, Hyderabad, US, Europe.
Annexure 1: GRI Index
GRI Indicator detail Chapter Page ISO26000 SA8000 NVGSEER SDG UNGC
Reference No. Reference Reference of Business Advanced
General Disclosures
GRI102-1 Name of the organization. About the report 4 -
GRI102-2 Activities, brands, products, and services. Company at glance 8,9 -
GRI102-3 Location of the organization’s headquarters Company at glance 11 -
Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited
GRI102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker Message from CEO 5 7.3.4 Principle 8 19
GRI102-15 Key impacts, risks, and opportunities Governance 28-30 7.3.2 Principle 2, 19
Principle 5
GRI102-16 Values, principles, standards, and norms of behaviour Governance, Responsible and Ethical 22, 4.2 - 4.4 Principle 1 SDG-16 12,13,14
Business Practices 166-
GRI-102-17 Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics Governance, Responsible and Ethical 27, Principle 1 12,13,14
Business Practices 166-
GRI102-18 Governance structure Governance 24-27 6.2.2 ; - 1,20
GRI102-19 Delegating authority. Governance 26 7.4.3 - 1,20
GRI102-20 Executive-level responsibility for economic, environmental, Governance 26,27 Table 2 - 1,20
and social topics
GRI-103-3 Evaluation of the management approach Responsible social accountability 48-51, 3,4,5,6,7,8,12
and people practices, Responsible 84- ,13,14,15,16,1
Community Development, Responsible 85, 7,18,19
People Care – Occupational Health and 126-
Safety at GFCL, Responsible Marketing, 127,
Sustainable Procurement 166-
GRI-413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact Responsible Community Development 84, 6.8.4 - Principle 4 SDG-10
assessments, and development programs 85, 6.8.9
GRI-413-2 Operations with significant actual and potential Responsible Community Development 84-87 Principle 8 SDG-1
negative impacts on local communities SDG-2
GRI-414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteria Sustainable Procurement 148 6.6.6 - SDG-5,8,16 2,6,7,8
GRI-414-2 Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions Sustainable Procurement 151 6.6.6 - SDG-8,16 2,6,7,8
GRI-415-1 Total monetary value of financial and in-kind political Responsible and Ethical Business 172- 6.6.4 Principle 7 SDG-16
contributions Practices 173
GRI-416-1 Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product Responsible Marketing 157- 6.7.4, 6.7.9 Principle 2,
and service categories 158 Principle 9
GRI-416-2 Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and Responsible Marketing 157- Principle 2 SDG-12
safety impacts of products and services 158
196 197
Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited
Sustainability and UNGC Communication on Progress Report - 2019-20
Annexure 3: Glossary
AFBC - Atmospheric Fluidised Bed Combustion EHS - Environment, Health and safety HR- Human Resource PVDF - Polyvinylidene fluoride
AHCl - Anhydrous Hydrogen Chloride EMP - Environment Management Programme HSEF - Health, Safety, Environment and Fire R&D – Research and Development
AHF - Anhydrous Hydrogen Fluoride EMS - Environmental Management System ICC - Indian Chemical Council RCC - Reinforced Cement Concrete
APA - Asian Polymer Association ERM - Enterprise Risk Management IDP - Individual Development Planning RLNG - Regasified Liquefied Natural Gas
AVAM - Ammonia Vapor Absorption Machine ERS - Effluent Recycling System IMS - Integrated Management System RO - Reverse Osmosis
BEE - Bureau of Energy Efficiency ETP - Effluent Treatment Plant ITI - Industrial Training Institute RPN - Risk Priority Number
BMA - Baroda Management Association FEP - Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature SARS - Social Accountability, Regulatory, and
BOD - Biological Oxygen Demand FGI - Federation of Gujarat Industries KMP - Key Managerial Personnel
SBTi - Science Based Targets Initiative
BPL – Below Poverty Line FICCI - Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & LCA - Life Cycle Assessment
Industry SCBA - Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
BSC - British Safety Council LDAR - Leak Detection and Repair
FKM - Fluor elastomers SCOPE - Standing Conference of Public Enterprises
CA - Chlor-Alkali LTIFR- Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate
FMEA - Failure Mode Effect Analysis SDG - Sustainable Development Goals
CDC - Carbide-Derived Carbons MGVCL - Madhya Gujarat Vij Company Ltd
GABA - Gamma aminobutyric acid SPCB – State Pollution Control Board
CDP - Carbon Disclosure Project MLSS - Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids
GCHR – Group Corporate Human Resources SPT - Social Performance Team
CEP - Condensate Extraction Pump MLVSS - Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids
GE – General Electric STP - Sewage Treatment Plant
CFO – Chief Financial Officer MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheets
GFCL - Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited SWOT - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats
CHP - Combined Heat and Power NGO – Non-Governmental Organization
GFRC - Gujarat Fluoropolymer Research Centre TDS - Total Dissolved Solids
CII - Confederation of Indian Industry NSC - National Safety Council
GHG- Greenhouse Gas TFE - Tetrafluoro Ethylene
CoC – Code of Conduct NVGs - National Voluntary Guidelines on Socio-Economic
GHS - Globally Harmonized System and Environmental Responsibilities of Business TREM - Transport Emergency
COC - Cycle of Concentrations
GIDC - Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation ODS - Ozone-Depleting Substances TSS - Total Soluble Solids
COD - Chemical Oxygen Demand
GOG – Government of Gujrat OHC - Occupation Health Centre UF - Ultra-Filtration
COO – Chief Operating Officer
GOI – Government of India PAT - Perform Achieve and Trade ULS - Utilities Loss Survey
CoP - Communication on Progress
GPCB - Gujrat Pollution Control Board PFA - Perfluoro alkoxy UN - United Nation
CPCB - Central Pollution Control Board
GRI - Global Reporting Initiative PHRRO - Plant Human Resource Representative Officer UNGC- United Nations Global Compact
CPP - Captive Power Plant
GWSSB - Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board PM - Preventive Maintenance USA - United States of America
CRM - Customer Relationship Management
HAPs - Hazardous Air Pollutants POSH - Prevention of Sexual Harassment UTM - Unified Threat Management
CST - Condensate Transfer
HCFC – Hydrochlorofluorocarbon PPE - Personal Protective Equipment VDF - Vinylidene fluoride
CT – Cooling Tower
HF - Hydrofluoric Acid PRA - Participatory Rural Appraisal VOCs - Volatile Organic Compounds
DHF - Dilute Hydrofluoric Acid
HiPO - Recommended for High Potential PSM - Process Safety Management System WHO - World Health Organization
DM - De-Mineralized
HIRA - Hazard Identification and Risk assessment PTFE- Polytetrafluoro-ethylene ZLD - Zero Liquid Discharge
DSS - Dupont Sustainability Services
HOD – Head of Department
EDFA - Ethyl difluoroacetate
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a K&A creation |