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Individuals use emotional regulation (ER) strategies

when dealing with various life circumstances. However,
Comparing Emotional Regulation Strategies to Predict Satisfaction with Life and Perceived
the methods individuals use to regulate emotions can
impact life satisfaction and stress levels.1 Two common Stress
ER strategies include cognitive reappraisal (changing
how one thinks about an event) and expression
suppression (concealing one’s reaction). Past studies Mobolanle Adebesin1, Meagan M. Graydon, M.A.1, Daniel J. Knoblach, M.A.1, Taylor B. Crouch, M.A.1, & Carlo C. DiClemente, Ph.D.1
have shown cognitive reappraisal predicts higher life 1 University
satisfaction and lower stress as compared to expression
of Maryland, Baltimore County
suppression. The current study investigated these
PARTICIPANTS ƒ Emotion Regulation Questionnaire:
relationships using data obtained from a doctoral
dissertation study involving a national convenience
ƒ Data were derived from a national sample of young adults
10-item questionnaire; Responses recorded on a 7-point Likert scale
Each predictor of interest had significant, independent
contributions to perceived stress.
sample of young adults completing the survey on the (1=strongly disagree, 7=strongly agree) • In regards to cognitive reappraisal, for every one standard
(N=561) who completed an online survey. Participants were • Results from this study suggest that individuals who use
internet (N = 561). We hypothesized that emotion deviation increase in endorsement of cognitive reappraisal
recruited via online advertising and through fliers located at • Cognitive Reappraisal Subscale (6-items): cognitive reappraisal report higher levels of life satisfaction
regulation strategies used would predict reported life strategies, there was a 0.22 standard deviation decrease in
college campuses and in the community. and lower levels of perceived stress, while those who use
satisfaction and perceived stress. Results of multiple Sample item: “When I want to feel more positive emotion (such as perceived stress above and beyond the other predictors in
ƒ See Table 1 for demographic information. expression suppression report opposite outcomes.
regression analyses revealed that cognitive reappraisal joy or amusement), I change what I’m thinking about.” the model, B = 0.22, t(556) = -5.41, p <.001, f2= .05.
positively predicted life satisfaction (β = .33, p<.001) and • Compared to expression suppression, cognitive reappraisal
Demographics N = 561 has been found to be more adaptive in terms of mental
negatively predicted perceived stress (β = -.22, p<.001). • Alternatively, in regards to expressive suppression, for every
Expression suppression had an inverse relation with
Gender • Expression Suppression Subscale (4-items): health, well-being, and stress outcomes.3,4,5
Male 58.5% Sample item: “I control my emotions by not expressing them?” one standard deviation increase in endorsement of • Young adults could benefit from learning constructive ways
both outcomes [life satisfaction (β = -.18, p<.001), expressive suppression there was a 0.18 increase in
perceived stress (β = .18, p<.001)]. These results Other (e.g., gender non-conforming) 1.2% to regulate their emotions, such as cognitive reappraisal, in
perceived stress above and beyond the other predictors in order to reduce stress and improve life satisfaction.
support the importance of understanding young adults’ Age (Mean) 20 (SD = 2.2)
ƒ Perceived Stress Scale: the model, B = 0.18, t(556) = 4.26, p <.001, f2= .03. • A limitation of this study is that the relationships reported
emotion regulation strategies in order to assist them to Race
manage stress and build lives that have higher levels of 10-item questionnaire; Responses recorded on a 5-point Likert scale between variables is based on correlational data. Clinical
White (Non-Hispanic) 50.6% (0=Never, 4=Very often) trials involving the use of cognitive reappraisal and
emotional well-being. Black/African American 11.0% Life Satisfaction expressive suppression are encouraged to support
Sample item: “In the last month, how often have you felt difficulties
Hispanic/Latino 13.7% were piling up so high that you could not overcome them?” causation claims.
Overall emotional regulation strategies accounted for 12.3% of
•Individuals regulate their emotions in many different the variance in life satisfaction R2 = .12, F(2, 556) = 39.21, p
<.001. Future Directions:
ways; two specific ER strategies are2: Environment ƒ Satisfaction with Life Scale: • Data from this study was collected at one time period;
•Cognitive reappraisal, which involves modifying Urban 45.5% 5-item questionnaire; Responses recorded on a 7-point Likert scale Table 3. Relations of Emotion Regulation Predictors with Life however, it may be valuable to follow young adults over
how one views a situation. Rural 16.2% (1=strongly disagree, 7=strongly agree) Satisfaction time to determine any changes in outcomes.
•Expressive suppression, which involves concealing Suburban 36.7% Sample item: “In most ways my life is close to ideal.” • The practice of mindfulness, found to be linked with
one’s emotional response to a situation. Education Life Satisfaction positive reappraisal in older adults7, Future studies should
Less than high school 1.2% Predictor B t-value examine whether mindfulness would be a relevant activity
•Some forms of emotional regulation are more
beneficial than others due to the impact they can have High school graduate 22.5% RESULTS Step 1 (Covariates) ‡ in increasing cognitive reappraisal in young adults.

on personal and social consequences. For example, Some college 53.7 Gender 0.01 0.17
those who use expressive suppression may experience Bachelor’s degree 18.9% Perceived Stress Age -0.05 -1.13
distractedness, reduced responsiveness, and heightened Graduate/professional degree 2.9% R2 .002 REFERENCES
blood pressure in social interactions compared with Overall, emotional regulation strategies accounted for 7% of the
Engagement in Mindfulness Practices Step 2‡
those that use cognitive reappraisal.3 variance in perceived stress, R2 = .07, F(2,556) = 20.97, p <0.001
Yes 23.7% Cognitive Reappraisal 0.33 8.24** 1. Saxena, P., Dubey, A., & Pandey, R. (2011). Role of emotion
Table 2. Relations of Emotion Regulation Predictors with Perceived regulation difficulties in predicting mental health and well-being.
•In another study, cognitive reappraisal had a significant Expressive Suppression -0.18 -4.35**
Stress Journal Of Projective Psychology & Mental Health, 18(2), 147-155.
positive correlation with positive indicators of mental
health (e.g., life satisfaction and positive affect); METHODS Perceived Stress
'R2 .12** 2. Cutuli, D. (2014). Cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression
strategies role in the emotion regulation: an overview on their
whereas, expressive suppression was correlated with *p < .05; **p<.001 N = 561
ƒ We examined the relationship between emotion regulation Predictor B t-value ‡At Steps 1 & 2, B standardized coefficients and t-values modulatory effects and neural correlates.Frontiers In Systems
negative indicators (e.g., depression, anxiety, and Neuroscience, 8175. doi:10.3389/fnsys.2014.00175
strategies, cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression, on Step 1 (Covariates) ‡ represent effects at that respective step, not for full model
negative affect).4 3. Butler, E. A., Egloff, B., Wlhelm, F. H., Smith, N. C., Erickson, E. A., &
reported life satisfaction and perceived stress.
Gender 0.15 3.50 Gross, J. J. (2003). The social consequences of expressive
ƒ Multiple Linear Regression with hierarchical entry was used to Each predictor of interest had significant, independent
•Ability to regulate emotions is also associated with Age -0.05 -1.19* suppression. Emotion, 3(1), 48-67. doi:10.1037/1528-3542.3.1.48
examine the effects of the emotion regulation strategies, contributions to life satisfaction.
lower reported perceived stress. Furthermore, 4. Hu, T., Zhang, D., Wang, J., Mistry, R., Ran, G., & Wang, X. (2014).
Cognitive Reappraisal and Expression Suppression, on Perceived R2 .02* • In regards to cognitive reappraisal, for every one standard Relation between emotion regulation and mental health: A meta-
emotional regulation mediates the relationship between
Stress and Life Satisfaction. Step 2‡ deviation increase in endorsement of cognitive reappraisal analysis review. Psychological Reports, 114(2), 341-362.
trait mindfulness and perceived stress across age.5
ƒ Covariates (gender and age) were entered in Step 1 strategies, there was a 0.33 standard deviation increase in doi:10.2466/03.20.PR0.114k22w4
Cognitive Reappraisal -0.22 -5.41**
ƒ Predictors (Cognitive Reappraisal and Expression life satisfaction above and beyond the other predictors in 5. Prakash, R. S., Hussain, M. A., & Schirda, B. (2015). The role of
•Emotional regulation moderates the relationship
Suppression) were entered in Step 2 Expressive Suppression 0.18 4.26** the model, B = 0.33, t(556) = 8.24, p <.001, f2= .12. emotion regulation and cognitive control in the association
between perceived stress and well-being
between mindfulness disposition and stress. Psychology And
(happiness/depression) in adult males, but not females. 'R2 .07**
Specifically, males who reported high stress and high
Measures / Variables: • Alternatively, in regards to expressive suppression, for every Aging, 30(1), 160-171. doi:10.1037/a0038544
one standard deviation increase in endorsement of 6. Extremera, N., & Rey, L. (2015). The moderator role of emotion
emotional regulation also reported higher levels of *p < .05; **p<.001 N = 561
ƒ Covariates: expressive suppression, there was a 0.18 decrease in life regulation ability in the link between stress and well-
happiness and lower levels of depressive symptoms.6 ‡At Steps 1 & 2, B standardized coefficients and t-values represent being.Frontiers In Psychology, 61632.
ƒ Gender: Categorical variable; Responses were coded into satisfaction, B = -0.18, t(556) =-4.35, p <.001, f2= .03.
effects at that respective step, not for full model doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01632
•Taken together, these studies illustrate that it is four categories (1=male, 2=female, 3=other (e.g., gender
7. Garland, E. L., Gaylord, S. A., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2011). Positive
important to understand how a person regulates his or non-conforming), 4=refused to answer) reappraisal mediates the stress-reductive effects of mindfulness:
her emotions and the role they have in stress and life ƒ Age: Categorical variable; Responses option were coded An upward spiral process. Mindfulness, 2(1), 59-67.
satisfaction. into 18 distinct age spans (e.g., 17 and under and 71 and doi:10.1007/s12671-011-0043-8
older). Presented at the 20th Annual Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement

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