W5 Poster1 Pretask
W5 Poster1 Pretask
W5 Poster1 Pretask
on personal and social consequences. For example, Some college 53.7 Gender 0.01 0.17
those who use expressive suppression may experience Bachelor’s degree 18.9% Perceived Stress Age -0.05 -1.13
distractedness, reduced responsiveness, and heightened Graduate/professional degree 2.9% R2 .002 REFERENCES
blood pressure in social interactions compared with Overall, emotional regulation strategies accounted for 7% of the
Engagement in Mindfulness Practices Step 2‡
those that use cognitive reappraisal.3 variance in perceived stress, R2 = .07, F(2,556) = 20.97, p <0.001
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Table 2. Relations of Emotion Regulation Predictors with Perceived regulation difficulties in predicting mental health and well-being.
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older). Presented at the 20th Annual Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement