Putwain2022 (PEDIR POR SEXO)
Putwain2022 (PEDIR POR SEXO)
Putwain2022 (PEDIR POR SEXO)
Control-value theory proposes that achievement emotions impact achievement, and that achievement
outcomes (i.e., success and failure) reciprocally influence the development of achievement emotions.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Academic buoyancy is an adaptive response to minor academic adversity, and might, therefore, offer
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
protection from achievement being undermined by negative achievement emotions. At present, however,
there is little empirical evidence for these hypothesized relations. In this study we examined reciprocal
relations between three achievement emotions (enjoyment, boredom, and anxiety) and test performance
in the context of mathematics, and whether academic buoyancy moderated relations between these
emotions and test performance. Data were collected from 1,242 primary school students (mean age ⫽ 9.3
years) over 4 waves within 1 school year. Achievement emotions (T1 and T3) and test performance (T2
and T4) were measured alternately. Academic buoyancy was measured at T3. A structural equation model
showed negative relations of anxiety to subsequent test performance and negative relations of test
performance to subsequent anxiety. Test performance also predicted enjoyment and boredom, but not
vice versa. A latent-interaction structural equation model showed buoyancy moderated relations between
anxiety and test performance. Test performance was highest when anxiety was low and buoyancy high.
Practitioners should consider using interventions to reduce anxiety and downstream effects on
Mathematics learning in elementary or primary school is gen- nushek & Woessmann, 2008). Furthermore, economic national
erally considered to be of critical importance to the person and for competitiveness requires a highly skilled science, technology, en-
society at large. Functional numeracy skills are vitally important in gineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce (Kärkkäinen &
adult personal and work life (e.g., managing personal finances), Vincent-Lancrin, 2013). Unfortunately, many students fail to learn
and failure to master basic mathematics skills is associated with these fundamental numeracy skills. For example, in the United
subsequent unemployment and lower earning potential (e.g., Ha- States, 19% of children were judged to show below basic mathe-
matics skills at the end of Grade 4 in 2019 (National Center for
Educational Statistics, 2019). Similarly, 21% of children left pri-
This article was published Online First October 8, 2020. mary school in England at the age of 11 years in 2019 without
X David W. Putwain and X Peter Wood, School of Education, Liver- reaching the expected minimum standard in mathematics (Depart-
pool John Moores University; X Reinhard Pekrun, Department of Psy- ment for Education, 2019).
chology, University of Essex, and Institute of Positive Psychology and Achievement emotions have been found to be critically impor-
Education, Australian Catholic University. tant for students’ academic achievement (e.g., Loderer, Pekrun, &
We have no known conflict of interest to disclose. Our work was funded Lester, 2018; Tze, Daniels, & Klassen, 2016; von der Embse,
by a grant from the Bowland Trust. We thank Emma Rainbird for her
Jester, Roy, & Post, 2018). However, few studies have been
assistance with data collection.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to David W. conducted that take into consideration the combined influence of
Putwain, School of Education, Liverpool John Moores University, IM multiple achievement emotions. Furthermore, the impact of pos-
Marsh Campus, Mossley Hill Road, Liverpool L17 6BD, United Kingdom. sible protective factors has been neglected. The present longitudi-
E-mail: [email protected] nal study with Year 5 primary schoolchildren targets these deficits
by examining joint relations between three emotions that students ment may also depend on interactions of these mechanisms with
commonly experience in the classroom, namely enjoyment, bore- task demands. Specifically, effects on achievement mediated by
dom, and anxiety, and their performance in mathematics. In addi- different styles of processing may depend on the match between
tion, we investigated whether an asset-driven psychological attri- processing style and type of task (see, e.g., Fiedler & Beier, 2014).
bute, namely academic buoyancy, is influential in protecting For example, as proposed in CVT, anxiety can facilitate rigid
students’ mathematics test performance from the detrimental in- rehearsal of learning materials, whereas enjoyment can enhance
fluences of boredom and anxiety. more creative ways of studying, implying that these two emotions
can promote different kinds of task performance. Given the inter-
Achievement Emotions play between mediating mechanisms and their interactions with
type of task, the effects of emotions on students’ learning may be
complex. However, for resulting academic achievement, it is rea-
Concept of Achievement Emotions
sonable to expect that greater enjoyment typically results in greater
Achievement emotions were defined by Pekrun (2017) as “emo- achievement. In turn, academic success would, all things being
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
tions that relate to achievement activities (e.g., participating in a equal, strengthen control and positive value appraisals resulting in
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
competition) or achievement outcomes (e.g., success and failure)” greater enjoyment (a positive reciprocal cycle; for supporting
(p. 252). Achievement emotions are multifaceted, containing af- evidence, see Pekrun, Lichtenfeld, Marsh, Murayama, & Goetz,
fective, cognitive, physiological, and motivational components, 2017).
and are distinct from moods which are of lower intensity, longer Boredom. In CVT boredom is theorized to impair perfor-
lasting, and often with no specific referent (Linnenbrink, 2006; mance and achievement by undermining interest and intrinsic
Pekrun, 2006). Achievement emotions can be experienced in a motivation, reducing cognitive resources, and promoting superfi-
variety of achievement-oriented settings, including the classroom, cial learning. Types of boredom characterized by very low arousal
tests and exams, and homework. In the present study we focused (indifferent and apathetic) may be more damaging for learning
on three classroom-related emotions: enjoyment, boredom, and than those (e.g., searching and reactant) characterized by an active
anxiety. These emotions can be differentiated by valence and search for less boring alternatives (Goetz & Hall, 2014). Students
physiological activation. Enjoyment is a positive activating emo- in English Year 5 primary school mathematics lessons do not have
tion, boredom is a negative deactivating emotion, and anxiety is a the option to choose alternative (and potentially less boring) ac-
negative activating emotion. tivities. It is likely that the more damaging types of boredom
(indifferent and apathetic) would be experienced. Lower perfor-
Relations Between Achievement Emotions and mance and success would, all things being equal, weaken value
appraisals, resulting in greater boredom (a positive reciprocal
Academic Achievement: Control-Value Theory
Control-value theory (CVT; Pekrun, 2006, 2018, in press; Anxiety. In CVT anxiety is theorized to have dual effects on
Pekrun & Perry, 2014; Pekrun, Goetz, Titz, & Perry, 2002, 2019) performance and achievement. Interest and intrinsic motivation
is a theoretical framework that incorporates the antecedents and can be undermined and working memory processes and executive
outcomes of achievement emotions. Appraisals of value (how and functions disrupted (also see Eysenck & Derakshan, 2011; Ey-
why an achievement activity or outcome is important) and control senck, Derakshan, Santos, & Calvo, 2007). However, anxiety can
(expectancy for future, and attributions of past success and failure) also facilitate more rigid information processing, such as simple
are considered as proximal antecedents of achievement emotions. rehearsal, and can increase motivation to invest effort to avoid
Achievement emotions are thought to influence cognitive and failure. Rigid information processing is unlikely to benefit students
motivational processes that, in turn, underpin performance and on the mathematics test used in the present study as the items
academic achievement. According to CVT, not only will achieve- required not only the recall of previously learnt mathematical
ment emotions influence performance and achievement, but per- reasoning but the application of that reasoning to a novel question.
formance and achievement outcomes can also influence achieve- Although increased effort will likely reduce the negative effects of
ment emotions in a cycle of reciprocal causation. anxiety, the overall effects of anxiety on academic achievement are
Enjoyment. In CVT, enjoyment is theorized to enhance aca- negative in most students; a recent meta-analysis of 238 studies
demic achievement though promoting interest and intrinsic moti- showed a mean correlation of r ⫽ ⫺.24 between test anxiety and
vation, maintaining cognitive resources, focusing attention on the achievement (von der Embse et al., 2018). Lower performance and
task at hand, and supporting use of flexible and deep learning success would, all things being equal, weaken control and negative
strategies as well as self-regulation of learning. These different value appraisals resulting in greater anxiety (a positive reciprocal
motivational and cognitive mechanisms can interact. For example, cycle).
the influence of positive affect on cognition and attention might
differ according to the degree of motivational intensity (Gable & Empirical Studies of Relations Between Achievement
Harmon-Jones, 2010). When positive affect is combined with less
Emotions and Academic Achievement
intense approach motivation (e.g., in contentment), cognition and
attention can be broadened, but when combined with high- When considered in isolation, enjoyment shows positive, and
intensity approach motivation (e.g., in enjoyment), cognition and boredom and anxiety show negative, relations with academic
attention can be narrowed to focus on the most salient task details achievement (for meta-analyses see Loderer et al., 2018; Tze et al.,
to facilitate goal pursuit. As such, enjoyment should be especially 2016; von der Embse et al., 2018). Few studies have modeled
conducive to academic learning. Furthermore, effects on achieve- enjoyment, boredom, and anxiety together, however, to account
for the concurrent relations between these three emotions and their enjoyment and achievement (s .12 to .30), and boredom and
unique contributions to predicting achievement. Three notable achievement (s ⫺.07 to ⫺.36); enjoyment and boredom were
exceptions have included enjoyment, boredom, and anxiety, to- shown to have unique effects. No studies thus far have included
gether in single analytic models. In secondary school students, more than two emotions simultaneously in a single analytic model.
Ahmed, van der Werf, Kuyper, and Minnaert (2013) found unique In the present study we address this limitation of the literature.
statistically significant relations with mathematics achievement for
enjoyment (positively) and boredom and anxiety (negatively). Academic Buoyancy
However, Raccanello, Brondino, Moe, Stupnisky, and Lichtenfeld
(2019; elementary school students) and Putwain, Schmitz, Wood,
What Is it, and How Does It Differ From
and Pekrun (2020; primary school students) found that only en-
joyment and anxiety, but not boredom, remained statistically sig-
Cognate Constructs?
nificant unique predictors of subsequent mathematics achieve- Academic buoyancy is the ability to respond adaptively to the
ment. everyday challenges, setbacks, and pressures experienced by stu-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
A few studies that have included enjoyment, boredom, or anx- dents during their studies (Martin & Marsh, 2009). Examples are
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
iety, alongside other emotions not included in the present study, periods of poor performance; dips in confidence, motivation, and
further underscore how the predictive value of discrete emotions engagement; receiving negative feedback from teachers; and the
can differ when considered together with other emotions. When demands of tests and assessments. Academic buoyancy can be
considered alongside pride, enjoyment positively and anxiety neg- contrasted with academic resilience which refers to adaptive re-
atively predicted mathematics achievement in undergraduates sponses to major adversities such as chronic underachievement
(Villavicencio, & Bernardo, 2016). Neither enjoyment nor bore- and failure, school truancy and refusal, and clinical levels of
dom or anxiety were significantly related to the mathematics anxiety or depression (Martin & Marsh, 2009). In short, academic
achievement of elementary school students when considered buoyancy is the ability to bounce back from minor adversities,
alongside surprise, curiosity, confusion, and frustration (Muis, whereas academic resilience is the ability to bounce back from
Psaradellis, Lajoie, Di Leo, & Chevrier, 2015). Another study of major adversities.
elementary school students that included the same achievement Fong and Kim (2019) showed that academic buoyancy was
and epistemic emotions found that boredom negatively predicted distinct from other cognate constructs, including grit (i.e., persis-
mathematics achievement, mediated by lower use of cognitive tency of effort and consistency of interest; Duckworth, Peterson,
learning strategies (Di Leo et al., 2019). Matthews, & Kelly, 2007) and future time perspective (i.e., the
Achievement emotions are often moderately to highly intercor- perceived connection between present activities and future goals;
related (e.g., rs ⫽ ⫺.62 to .82 in Pekrun, Goetz, Frenzel, Barch- Lens & Seginer, 2015), in a sample of undergraduate students.
feld, & Perry, 2011) because of the shared appraisal antecedents Items for academic buoyancy loaded separately from those of grit
(Pekrun, 2006). The colinearity between emotions reduces the and future time perspective in factor analysis, and correlations
predictive power for each discrete emotion; only those with stron- between academic buoyancy and the other two constructs were
ger relations to performance and achievement, or that have rela- small (rs ⬍ .27).
tively weaker colinearity with other emotions, will remain statis- An unresolved question in the literature is the extent to which
tically significant predictors. The practical corollary in classroom some level of exposure to adversity is necessary for persons to
settings is that when achievement emotions co-occur, not all may build adaptive responses (e.g., Brooks, 2006; Compas, 2004). The
exert effects of the same strength on performance and achieve- types of adversities that academic buoyancy is theorized to protect
ment; some emotions may be more practically significant for against are those experienced during routine schooling by the
performance than others. Therefore, it is vital for empirical work to majority of students (Martin & Marsh, 2009). Indeed the very
combine achievement emotions to competitively identify the most utility of the academic buoyancy construct is founded on this
robust predictors of performance and achievement. point; unlike resilience it has relevance to the majority of students.
Evidence has shown that children in primary or elementary school
Reciprocal Relations Between Achievement Emotions can experience and overcome difficulties in reading, writing, and
and Academic Achievement numeracy (e.g., Holmes & Dowker, 2013; O’Connor, Beach, San-
chez, Bocian, & Flynn, 2015), may receive negative feedback from
Studies testing reciprocal relations between achievement emo- teachers (Hattie & Timperley, 2007), negatively compare them-
tions and achievement are largely lacking, with three notable selves to higher achieving classmates (Marsh, 2007), and may be
exceptions. Over 10 waves of measurement reciprocal relations exposed to the pressures of testing (e.g., von der Embse & Witmer,
were shown between boredom and test performance (s ⫺.10 2014). These are the types of everyday academic adversities that
to ⫺.23) in undergraduate students taking an introductory psychol- buoyancy is theorized to protect against, and they are adequately
ogy course (Pekrun, Hall, Goetz, & Perry, 2014). Over five waves captured by the academic buoyancy scale (Martin & Marsh, 2008).
of measurement, Pekrun et al. (2017) showed reciprocal relations
with mathematics achievement for enjoyment (s .11 to .13),
Relations With Achievement
boredom (s ⫺.06 to ⫺.09), and anxiety (s ⫺.07 to ⫺.14) in
secondary school students. Only one study (Putwain, Becker, et al., Although academic buoyancy shows positive relations with
2018; primary school students) has modeled reciprocal effects for adaptive beliefs, affect, and behaviors in primary and secondary
more than a single emotion (enjoyment and boredom) simultane- school students (e.g., Hirvonen, Yli-Kivistö, et al., 2019; Hir-
ously. Over four waves, reciprocal relations were shown between vonen, Putwain, et al., 2019; Martin, Colmar, Davey, & Marsh,
2010, 2013; Putwain, Connors, Symes, & Douglas-Osborn, 2012), The Buffering Effect of Academic Buoyancy for
relations between academic buoyancy and achievement are equiv- Adaptive Educational Outcomes
ocal. Putwain, Daly, Chamberlain, and Saddredini (2016) showed
that domain general academic buoyancy positively predicted per- Academic buoyancy is linked to adaptive responses to adversity,
including strengthened positive and reduced negative emotions. In
formance in aggregated scores for English, science, and mathe-
addition, it is plausible that academic buoyancy would not only
matics secondary school exit examinations ( ⫽ .16), after con-
lessen the intensity of emotions such as anxiety and boredom but
trolling for concurrent relations with test anxiety. Martin (2014)
also reduce their educational detrimental impact. Low levels of
showed that greater academic buoyancy predicted higher achieve-
academic buoyancy would be expected to have little impact on the
ment ( ⫽ .07) on standardized secondary school numeracy and
negative relations between boredom and anxiety, on the one hand,
literacy tests, after controlling for sociodemographical variables and achievement, on the other. As buoyancy increases, it would be
and Big Five personality traits. expected to buffer against the detrimental impact of boredom and
However, other studies have shown that buoyancy did not anxiety such that the negative relation would be weakened. An
always predict achievement when included in more complex mod-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
less homework (or self-study) than students in secondary or higher in presecondary education. Second, we examined whether aca-
education. To capture the typical affective learning experiences of demic buoyancy moderated relations between achievement emo-
English students at this age it is preferable to focus on classroom tions and test performance. The second novel contribution of our
experiences. We focused on enjoyment, boredom, and anxiety study was, therefore, to test whether academic buoyancy could
partly because they are three of the most commonly experienced protect achievement from emotions like boredom and anxiety.
achievement emotions (see Pekrun et al., 2002). Furthermore, the Like with achievement emotions, to ensure a robust evidence base
only instrument presently available for measuring achievement for the buoyancy construct, it is essential for empirical work to use
emotions in elementary/primary schoolchildren (Lichtenfeld, younger students in primary (or elementary) schooling as well as
Pekrun, Stupnisky, Reiss, & Murayama, 2012) contains scales for older students in secondary or university education. Only one
these three emotions. When combined with the need to limit the study to date (Colmar et al., 2019) has examined academic buoy-
number of items required by participating schools, and use high- ancy in primary school students. The present study, therefore,
quality age-appropriate instruments, we took the pragmatic deci- makes a noteworthy contribution to the understanding of academic
sion to focus on enjoyment, boredom, and anxiety. buoyancy by also using a sample of students in primary education.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
The aim of the study was twofold. First, we examined reciprocal Succinctly stated, we tested the following hypotheses (see Fig-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
T1 Enjoyment T3 Enjoyment
T1 Anxiety T3 Anxiety
Figure 1. The hypothesized fully forward reciprocal model including autoregressive, cross-lagged, and
concurrent relations between achievement emotions and mathematics test performance. Paths for gender and age
are not depicted.
All data were collected in the participants’ classrooms at school by test were less likely to participate at T3, t(977) ⫽ 4.87, p ⬍ .001,
the regular classroom teacher following a standardized script. The and T4, t(734) ⫽ 6.58, p ⬍ .001. All other differences were not
survey items and mathematics tests were hosted online and statistically significant (ps ⬎ .05). Because missing data could be
prompted students where they had missed an answer. This was to accounted for by T2 mathematics test performance, they were
minimize missing data arising from participants inadvertently treated as missing at random (MAR) and handled using full-
missing an item. T1 and T2 data were collected in December 2018, information-maximum-likelihood (FIML) estimation. FIML has
and T3 and T4 data in June 2019. Mathematics tests were sched- been found to result in trustworthy, unbiased estimates for MAR
uled for approximately one week after the surveys. The project was when the variable causing missingness is included in the model
approved by an institutional research ethics committee (19/EHC/ (Nicholson, Deboeck, & Howard, 2017), even in the case of a high
01) at the first and second authors’ university. Written consent was amount of missing values (Enders, 2010), and to be an adequate
provided by the head teacher of each participating school and the method to manage missing data in longitudinal studies (Jeličič,
parent or carer of each participating student. Individual verbal Phelps, & Lerner, 2009).
assent for each participant was sought at each wave of data
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics and Item Factor Loadings
Years 3 to 6 (Key Stage 2; age 7 to 11 years). There are three All latent models were estimated using maximum-likelihood with
mathematics NCTs: one 30-min arithmetic paper and two 40-minte robust standard errors (MLR) and evaluated using the following
reasoning papers scheduled over two days using a paper-and- model fit indices: Root mean error of approximation (RMSEA),
pencil format. Each paper consisted of a series of closed-response standardized root mean residual (SRMR), confirmatory fit index
questions worth between one and three marks each that used (CFI), and Tucker-Lewis index (TLI). A good model fit is indicated
constructive and substantive styles of reasoning (Bohn-Gettler, by RMSEA ⬍.05, SRMR ⬍.06, and CFI and TLI ⬎.95 (Hu &
2019; Forgas, 2008). Questions required convergent analytical Bentler, 1999). Caution must be used, however, when applying guid-
thinking (reasoning with one correct solution) rather than diver- ance derived from simulations studies to more complex studies, such
gent and more creative thinking. The maximum score was 40 for as ours, using naturalistic data (Heene, Hilbert, Draxler, Ziegler, &
the arithmetic paper and 35 for each of the reasoning papers (the Bühner, 2011; Lance, Butts, & Michels, 2006).
exact number of questions differs in each paper depending on the
number of marks allocated to each question).1
All schools in England follow a prescribed national curriculum
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
surement, geometry, fractions and statistics, ratio and proportion, Descriptive Statistics
and simple algebra (Department for Education, 2013). As partic-
Participants reported relatively high levels of enjoyment and
ipants in the present study were in Year 5, we did not include
academic buoyancy and low levels of boredom and anxiety (see
arithmetic questions (typically taught in Years 3 and 4) because
Table 1). T1 enjoyment showed a slightly negative and T1 boredom
these are easier and may have resulted in a ceiling effect. We asked
a slightly positive skew (hence the decision to use the MLR
two primary school mathematics teachers unrelated to this study to
estimator). The internal consistency of self-report measures (Cron-
select all those items from the 2016, 2017, and 2018 reasoning
bach’s ␣s and McDonald’s s ⱖ .79) and mathematics tests (␣s ⱖ
papers that would be appropriate for a Year 5 student (questions on
.79 and s ⱖ.81) were good, and items loaded substantively on
measurement, geometry, fractions and statistics, were included).
their target factors (s ⱖ .64) in CFA (see Table 1). Intraclass
The resulting pool of items was subsequently confirmed as being
correlation coefficients (ICC1 or I) showed that the proportion of
appropriate for Year 5 students by two mathematics learning
variance attributable to the school level was relatively small for the
specialists unconnected to the present study.
classroom achievement emotions and academic buoyancy (approx-
Items were randomly selected from this pool to create two tests.
imately 3%–7%) and somewhat larger for the mathematics test
Each test was timed for 40 min (to correspond to that of a NCT
performance (approximately 12%–14%).
reasoning paper) and contained one- and two-point questions
worth 20 marks in total (the first test comprised of 17 questions
and the second test 18 questions). Responses required students to Latent Bivariate Correlations
either provide a numerical value, or choose one or more answers
from a list or menu of options. Unlike NCTs, marks were awarded To estimate latent bivariate correlations, a measurement model
for a correct answer only and no marks were awarded for correct was built that included achievement emotions (four items each for
reasoning when an incorrect answer was given. An exemplar item enjoyment, boredom, and anxiety at T1 and T3), academic buoy-
is: “A box contains 2.6 kg of washing powder. Jack used 65 grams ancy (four items at T3), and mathematics test performance at T2
of powder per wash. He uses all of the powder. How many washes and T4. The corresponding indicators for classroom achievement
did Jack do?” Participants were not provided with feedback on emotions at T1 and T3 were allowed to correlate. Mathematics test
their test score. The internal consistency for the two tests was performance was treated as a single-item latent variable with ε ⫽
excellent (see Table 1). .1 in line with estimates derived from previous empirical studies
Demographic variables. We controlled for self-reported gen- (Hoy, Tarter, & Hoy, 2006; Watkins, Lei, & Canivez, 2007).
der (0 ⫽ male, 1 ⫽ female) and age in the analysis. Gender (0 ⫽ male, 1 ⫽ female) and age were added as covariates
and treated as manifest variables.
The CFA showed a good fit to the data, 2(298) ⫽ 589.30, p ⬍
Data Analysis .001, RMSEA ⫽ .026, SRMR ⫽ .028, CFI ⫽ .982, and TLI ⫽
.977, and so we proceeded to inspect correlation coefficients (see
A latent variable modeling approach was adapted using Mplus
Table 2). Enjoyment and buoyancy were positively, and boredom
v.8 (Muthén & Muthén, 2017). Confirmatory factor analysis
and anxiety negatively, correlated with mathematics test perfor-
(CFA) was employed to check the properties of measurement
mance. Female students reported lower enjoyment, higher anxiety
models, check for measurement invariance, and estimate latent
and boredom, lower buoyancy, and lower mathematics test per-
bivariate correlations. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was
formance. Older students reported lower enjoyment and higher
used to estimate reciprocal relations between emotions and
boredom, and they showed higher mathematics test performance.
achievement, and a latent interaction structural equation model
The intercorrelations between T1 emotions (rs ⫽ ⫺.68 to .64)
(LI-SEM) was used to estimate the moderating effects of academic
buoyancy on the relations between emotions and achievement. The and T3 emotions and academic buoyancy (rs ⫽ ⫺.78 to .62)
type ⫽ complex command was used to adjust standard errors for indicate the possibility of multicollinearity in subsequent analyses
the clustering of data. Using single-level modeling and adjusting that model constructs simultaneously. T4 mathematics test perfor-
standard errors is recommended to account for nestedness when
relations between variables at higher levels are not the target of 1
Papers and mark schemes can be found at https://www.gov.uk/
investigation (Wu & Kwok, 2012). government/collections/national-curriculum-assessments-practice-materials.
Table 2
Correlations Between the Study Variables
Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
ⴱⴱ ⴱⴱⴱ ⴱⴱⴱ ⴱⴱⴱ ⴱⴱⴱ ⴱⴱⴱ ⴱⴱ ⴱⴱ ⴱⴱⴱ
1. T1 Enjoyment — ⫺.68 ⫺.36 .60 ⫺.48 ⫺.24 .44 .14 .13 ⫺.17 ⫺.07ⴱ
2. T1 Boredom ⫺.64ⴱⴱⴱ — .64ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.40ⴱⴱⴱ .45ⴱⴱⴱ .28ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.28ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.18ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.17ⴱⴱⴱ .07ⴱ .11ⴱⴱⴱ
3. T1 Anxiety ⫺.33ⴱⴱⴱ .56ⴱⴱⴱ — ⫺.24ⴱⴱⴱ .25ⴱⴱⴱ .51ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.38ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.32ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.36ⴱⴱⴱ .12ⴱⴱ .01
4. T3 Enjoyment .57ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.41ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.27ⴱⴱⴱ — ⫺.78ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.40ⴱⴱⴱ .62ⴱⴱⴱ .18ⴱⴱⴱ .16ⴱⴱ ⫺.15ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.01
5. T3 Boredom ⫺.48ⴱⴱⴱ .56ⴱⴱⴱ .27ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.75ⴱⴱⴱ — .58ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.43ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.19ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.19ⴱⴱⴱ .11ⴱⴱ .05
6. T3 Anxiety ⫺.27ⴱⴱⴱ .31ⴱⴱⴱ .45ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.38ⴱⴱⴱ .53ⴱⴱⴱ — ⫺.47ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.34ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.40ⴱⴱⴱ .09ⴱ .01
7. T3 Academic buoyancy .37ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.26ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.33ⴱⴱⴱ .52ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.28ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.36ⴱⴱⴱ — .25ⴱⴱⴱ .23ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.10ⴱⴱ .02
8. T2 Test performance .15ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.17ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.29ⴱⴱⴱ .21ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.21ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.32ⴱⴱⴱ .22ⴱⴱⴱ — .67ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.08ⴱ .07
9. T4 Test performance .18ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.19ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.33ⴱⴱⴱ .20ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.21ⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.38ⴱⴱⴱ .20ⴱⴱⴱ .69ⴱⴱⴱ — ⫺.06 .10ⴱⴱ
10. Gender ⫺.16ⴱⴱⴱ .05 .10ⴱⴱ ⫺.16ⴱⴱⴱ .11ⴱⴱⴱ .09ⴱⴱ ⫺.08ⴱⴱ ⫺.08ⴱⴱ ⫺.08ⴱ — —
11. Age ⫺.06ⴱ .10ⴱⴱⴱ .01 ⫺.01 .03 .02 .01 .07ⴱ .11ⴱⴱ — —
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Note. Latent bivariate correlations are shown above the diagonal, manifest Pearson’s correlations below the diagonal.
p ⬍ .05. ⴱⴱ p ⬍ .01. ⴱⴱⴱ p ⬍ .001.
mance was regressed onto T1 and T3 classroom emotions, and T2 ance model constrained factor loadings of items to be equal, the
mathematics test performance, and T2 mathematics test perfor- scalar invariance model additionally constrained intercepts of
mance regression into on T1 and T3 classroom emotions, in SPSS. items to be equal, and the strict invariance model additionally
Tolerance statistics were ⬎ .33 and variance inflation fac- constrained item residual variances of items to be equal. Tests of
tors ⬍3.00, suggesting that multicollinearity would not unduly measurement invariance are reported in Table 3. A decline in
bias parameter estimates. model fit of ⌬RMSEA ⬎ .015 or ⌬CFI/TLI ⬎ .01, from one model
to the next, indicates noninvariance (Chen, 2007; Cheung & Rens-
Measurement Invariance vold, 2002). All classroom achievement emotions showed strict
measurement invariance, and so we proceeded to examine longi-
A prerequisite for the modeling of longitudinal relations is tudinal relations.
temporal measurement invariance (Widaman, Ferrer, & Conger,
2010). Accordingly, we tested a series of models for classroom
Structural Equation Modeling of Reciprocal Effects
achievement emotions that included successively strict constraints
(Meredith, 1993). The configural model specified the measure- SEM was used to test the fully forward reciprocal relations model
ment model at T1 and T3 and included correlations between the (RRM) shown in Figure 1. This model was tested competitively (see
corresponding indicators at the two time points. The metric invari- Table 4) against three alternative models: a baseline model where all
Table 3
Tests of Measurement Invariance for Classroom Achievement Emotions
T1 3.16(2) .022 .006 1.000 .999
T3 3.47(2) .026 .005 .999 .997
Configural 17.89(15) .011 .012 1.000 .999
Metric invariance 22.14(18) .012 .020 .999 .999 ⫹.001 ⫺.001 ⬍.001
Scalar invariance 44.72(22) .026 .037 .996 .995 ⫹.014 ⫺.003 ⫺.004
Residual invariance 38.56(26) .018 .034 .998 .998 ⫺.008 ⫹.002 ⫹.003
T1 1.42(2) .000 .004 1.000 1.001
T3 24.81(2) .100 .020 .981 .944
Configural 67.33(15) .048 .023 .988 .977
Metric invariance 76.91(18) .047 .027 .986 .978 ⫺.001 ⫺.002 ⫺.001
Scalar invariance 85.82(22) .044 .036 .985 .981 ⫺.003 ⫺.001 ⫹.003
Residual invariance 88.38(26) .040 .035 .985 .984 ⫺.004 ⬍.001 ⫹.003
T1 2.18(2) .008 .007 1.000 1.000
T3 8.95(2) .055 .018 .990 .997
Configural 40.78(15) .034 .023 .988 .987
Metric invariance 42.26(18) .030 .024 .989 .983 ⫺.004 ⫹.001 ⫺.004
Scalar invariance 42.87(22) .025 .025 .991 .988 ⫺.005 ⫹.002 ⫹.005
Residual invariance 54.03(26) .027 .030 .987 .986 ⫹.002 ⫺.004 ⫺.002
Note. 2 statistic for all models statistically significant at p ⬍ .001. CFI ⫽ confirmatory fit index; RMSEA ⫽ root mean error of approximation; SRMR ⫽
standardized root mean residual; TLI ⫽ Tucker-Lewis index.
Table 4
Comparison of the Reciprocal Relations Model to the Baseline and Unidirectional Relations Models
directional paths were constrained to zero, a unidirectional model cross-lagged relations with prior T1 boredom and T1 anxiety. T2
where paths from classroom achievement emotions to test perfor- mathematics test performance negatively predicted T3 boredom over
mance were freely estimated but those from test performance to and above the auto-lagged relation with prior T1 boredom and the
achievement emotions were constrained to zero, and a unidirectional cross-lagged relations with prior T1 enjoyment and T1 anxiety. T2
model where paths from test performance to achievement emotions mathematics test performance also negatively predicted T3 anxiety
were freely estimated but those from achievement emotions to test over and above the auto-lagged relation with prior T1 anxiety and the
performance were constrained to zero. All models included age and cross-lagged relations with prior T1 enjoyment, and T1 boredom.
gender as covariates. The RRM showed a good fit to the data that was Relations from T3 emotions to T4 test performance. T3
superior to all other models (see Table 4). Furthermore, the RRM anxiety negatively predicted T4 mathematics test performance over
showed a significantly better fit than the other models using the and above the auto-lagged relation with prior T2 performance. T3
Satorra–Bentler scaled 2 difference test (TRd; Bryant & Satorra, enjoyment, T3 boredom, T1 enjoyment, T1 boredom, and T1 anxiety
2012) and an improved relative fit on the Akaike information criterion were not significantly related to T4 test performance.
(AIC). Lower AIC values are indicative of a better model fit, and Relations with covariates. Gender showed a significantly neg-
⌬AIC ⬎10 indicates a substantive change in model fit (Hix-Small, ative relation with T1 enjoyment and significantly positive relations
Duncan, Duncan, & Okut, 2004). The RRM (see Figure 2) was with T1 boredom and anxiety. Age was significantly negatively re-
accepted as the better fitting model. Standardized path coefficients lated to T1 enjoyment and positive related to T1 boredom.
and standard errors are reported in Table 5 and were interpreted as s
.05 to .09 indicating small effects, .10 to .24 moderate effects, Moderating Effects of Academic Buoyancy in the
and ⬎.25 large effects (Keith, 2006).
Relation Between Emotions and Test Performance
Relations from T1 emotions to T2 test performance. T1
anxiety negatively predicted T2 mathematics test performance. T1 enjoy- Interactions for Academic Buoyancy ⫻ Enjoyment, Academic
ment and T1 boredom were not significantly related to T2 performance. Buoyancy ⫻ Boredom, and Academic Buoyancy ⫻ Anxiety, were
Relations from T2 test performance to T3 emotions. T2 estimated in a single model using the latent moderated structural
mathematics test performance positively predicted T3 enjoyment over equation modeling (LMS) approach (Klein & Moosbrugger, 2000)
and above the auto-lagged relation with prior T1 enjoyment and the implemented in Mplus v.8 (Muthén & Muthén, 2017). Absolute
-.31 .12
.24 -.19
Figure 2. Significant autoregressive, cross-lagged, and concurrent relations between achievement emotions
and test performance. Paths for gender and age are not depicted.
Table 5
Standardized Path Coefficients for the Fully-Forward Reciprocal Relations Model (Standard Errors in Parentheses)
T4 Test
Variable T1 Enjoyment T1 Boredom T1 Anxiety T2 Test performance T3 Enjoyment T3 Boredom T3 Anxiety performance
T1 Enjoyment .09 (.06) .59 (.05) ⫺.31 (.07) ⫺.19 (.08) .05 (.05)
T1 Boredom ⫺.11 (.07) .04 (.06) .24 (.07) ⫺.18 (.07) .08 (.08)
T1 Anxiety ⫺.36 (.06) ⫺.03 (.05) ⫺.05 (.06) .50 (.07) ⫺.13 (.08)
T2 Test performance .12 (.04) ⫺.14 (.03) ⫺.19 (.04) .60 (.03)
T3 Enjoyment ⫺.05 (.06)
T3 Boredom ⫺.01 (.05)
T3 Anxiety ⫺.16 (.07)
Gender ⫺.17 (.03) ⫺.07 (.03) .12 (.04) ⫺.05 (.03) ⫺.03 (.04) .02 (.03) ⫺.01 (.03) .01 (.04)
Age ⫺.07 (.03) .11 (.03) .01 (.04) .06 (.04) .02 (.03) .01 (.03) .03 (.04) .05 (.04)
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model fit indices are not provided in the LMS approach. However, demic Buoyancy ⫻ Boredom, and Academic Buoyancy ⫻ Anxi-
it is possible to establish whether a model including an interaction ety) showed an improved fit (⌬AIC ⫽ ⫺4.31, ⌬aBIC ⫽ ⫺3.97)
term offers a better fit to the data using relative fit indices and explained a greater proportion of variance in T4 test perfor-
(Maslowsky, Jager, & Hemken, 2015): Akaike Information Crite- mance (⌬R2 ⫽ .01). Furthermore, a statistically significant likeli-
rion (AIC), sample-size adjusted Bayesian information criterion hood ratio test, D(3) ⫽ 22.26, p ⬍ .001, indicated a worse fit for
(aBIC), the log likelihood ratio test, and the change in the propor- the model without the three interaction terms. Structural coeffi-
tion of variance (⌬R2) explained in the outcome variable (i.e., T4 cients are shown in Table 6. A statistically significant interaction
mathematics test performance). was shown for Academic Buoyancy ⫻ Anxiety, but not Academic
A better model fit is indicated by smaller AIC and aBIC values Buoyancy ⫻ Enjoyment or Academic Buoyancy ⫻ Boredom.
(Hix-Small et al., 2004) and a larger R2 in explaining the variance To probe the Academic Buoyancy ⫻ Anxiety interaction
of the outcome. A statistically significant log likelihood ratio test simple slopes were estimated at ⫾1 SD buoyancy (Figure 3a;
(D) would indicate a worse fit for the more parsimonious model
please note that the Mplus software estimates simple slopes as
(i.e., the model without the interaction term). Because of the
unstandardized regression coefficients only). At ⫹1 SD buoy-
computational power required for the LMS approach 5,000 Monte
ancy a negative relation was shown between anxiety and per-
Carlo Integration points were used.
formance (B ⫽ ⫺3.91, SE ⫽ 1.27). This relation was weaker at
Age and gender were included as covariates. Because we were
mean buoyancy (B ⫽ ⫺1.38, SE ⫽ .34), and at ⫺1 SD buoy-
predicting T4 test performance, autoregressive relations with T2
test performance were also controlled for. Because T3 emotions ancy became nonsignificant (B ⫽ 1.16, SE ⫽ 1.25). To facili-
were predictor variables in these analyses, there would have been tate interpretation of the interaction, we also plotted relations
no benefit to including T1 emotions in the models. Hence, to keep between academic buoyancy and test performance at ⫾1 SD
the models as parsimonious as possible, T1 emotions were not anxiety (see Figure 3b). At ⫹1 SD anxiety, a negative relation
included. In the log likelihood ratio test the three additional pa- was shown between academic buoyancy and test performance
rameters, one per interaction term, equate to three degrees of (B ⫽ ⫺2.80, SE ⫽ 1.38). This relation was not significant at
freedom. mean anxiety (B ⫽ - .01, SE ⫽ .21) and became positive at ⫺1
A model without an interaction term showed a good fit to the SD anxiety (B ⫽ 2.20, SE ⫽ 1.33). The findings suggest that
data: 2(146) ⫽ 422.44, p ⬍ .001, RMSEA ⫽ .036, SRMR ⫽ performance benefited from lower anxiety combined with
.031, CFI ⫽ .971, and TLI ⫽ .962. However, the model including higher buoyancy. At higher levels of anxiety the performance-
three interaction terms (Academic Buoyancy ⫻ Enjoyment, Aca- enhancing influence of buoyancy declined.
Table 6
Standardized Path Coefficients for the LI-SEM to Predict T4 Test Performance From Interactions Between Academic Buoyancy and
Enjoyment, Boredom, and Anxiety (Standard Errors in Parentheses)
Predictor T2 Test performance Enjoyment Boredom Anxiety Academic buoyancy T4 Test performance
a 12
2 Low (-1SD)
High (+1SD)
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-2 SD -1.5 SD -1 SD -0.5 SD Mean +0.5 SD +1 SD +1.5 SD +2 SD
T3 Anxiety
T4 Mathematics Test Performance
3 T3 Anxiety
Low (-1SD)
-2 Mean
High (+1SD)
-2 SD -1.5 SD -1 SD -0.5 SD Mean +0.5 SD +1 SD +1.5 SD +2 SD
T3 Academic Buouancy
Figure 3. (a) The model-implied effect of the T3 Academic Buoyancy ⫻ Anxiety interaction on T4 mathe-
matics test performance. Anxiety is represented on the x axis and slopes plotted for ⫾1 SD academic buoyancy.
(b) The model-implied effect of the T3 Academic Buoyancy ⫻ Anxiety interaction on T4 mathematics test
performance. Academic buoyancy is represented on the x axis and slopes plotted for ⫾1 SD anxiety.
Discussion higher anxiety was related to subsequent lower test scores, and
lower test scores, in turn, to higher subsequent anxiety. Overall,
Using a longitudinal design with four alternating waves of data
this pattern of findings suggests that when multiple achievement
collection, we investigated the relations between three classroom
emotions are considered simultaneously, anxiety exerts a stronger
achievement emotions (enjoyment, boredom, and anxiety) and test
performance in the context of mathematics at primary school. effect on performance than enjoyment and boredom. It is notable
Supporting Hypothesis 1, anxiety negatively predicted subsequent that despite low mathematics test scores at T2, there was sufficient
mathematics test scores after controlling for gender, age, concur- variance with which to model relations with previous and subse-
rent classroom achievement emotions, and autoregressive relations quent classroom emotions.
with prior achievement. Enjoyment and boredom, however, were We also investigated whether academic buoyancy moderated
not significantly related to subsequent test scores. In line with relations between negative emotions that are detrimental to learn-
Hypothesis 2, test scores positively predicted subsequent enjoy- ing (boredom and anxiety) and protected test scores from these
ment and negatively predicted boredom and anxiety after control- emotions. The model including interaction terms showed a supe-
ling for prior emotions and the covariates. Thus, a positive feed- rior fit relative to a model not including interactions and a signif-
back loop over time was shown between anxiety and test scores; icant effect was shown for the Academic Buoyancy ⫻ Emotion
interaction. In partial support of Hypothesis 3, test performance trinsic motivation, and depth of learning (Fredrickson, 2001;
was highest when anxiety was low and buoyancy high. With Fredrickson & Branigan, 2005). Practically speaking, when mul-
higher anxiety, the benefit for performance shown for high aca- tiple emotions are considered simultaneously in achievement set-
demic buoyancy diminished. tings, or when the presence of unpleasant emotions is associated
with the absence of pleasant emotions, it may be more important
Relations Between Achievement Emotions and to focus on reducing anxiety in the first instance than to attempt to
reduce boredom and foster enjoyment.
Academic Achievement
In summary, we found support for our second hypothesis, that
CVT proposes reciprocal relations between achievement emo- test performance would be positively related to subsequent enjoy-
tions and indicators of achievement, such as test scores, as mea- ment and negatively related to subsequent boredom and anxiety.
sured in the present study. Emotions exert cognitive-motivational There was, however, only mixed support for our first hypothesis,
effects that influence learning and performance, and learning and that enjoyment would be positively, and boredom and anxiety
performance, in turn, reinforce the control-value appraisals that negatively, related to subsequent test performance. Our findings
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
underpin emotions (Pekrun, 2006, 2017; Pekrun & Perry, 2014). build on the body of evidence to show that anxiety is detrimental
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Previous studies have shown how achievement emotions relate to for mathematics achievement and that it is not just an outcome or
subsequent mathematics achievement in primary/elementary, sec- epiphenomenon of prior performance, but can predict lower
ondary, and undergraduate students (e.g., Ahmed et al., 2013; achievement beyond the influence of prior performance.
Raccanello et al., 2019; Villavicencio, & Bernardo, 2016) but far A minor but nonetheless intriguing point is that T1 enjoyment
fewer have examined how emotions and mathematics achievement was a stronger predictor of T3 boredom than T1 boredom. We
are reciprocally related over time (Pekrun et al., 2014, for an suspect that this finding is attributable to students’ enjoyment
undergraduate psychology course, Pekrun et al., 2014, for second- being more stable over time as compared with boredom (see the
ary school students, and Putwain, Becker, et al., 2018, for primary autoregressive effects for the two emotions from T1 to T3, .59 and
school students). .24, respectively; Table 5). The high stability of enjoyment may
A question of conceptual and applied importance is whether have made it possible for enjoyment to more continuously influ-
achievement emotions exert unique effects when considered si- ence students’ subsequent boredom. The exact reason why enjoy-
multaneously. Notably, only one study thus far has examined ment was more than stable than boredom is unclear but could be
reciprocal relations with mathematics achievement for more than a related to the differential role of perceived control as an antecedent
single emotion in tandem; Putwain, Becker, et al. (2018) examined of the two emotions. Perceived control will result in greater en-
enjoyment and boredom simultaneously and found that unique joyment and will also lead to lower boredom in most cases, but can
reciprocal effects for both of these emotions. The findings of the alternatively induce higher boredom owing to a lack of challenge
present study offer novel insights into the question of unique (e.g., Pekrun, 2006, 2018; Pekrun & Perry, 2014), thus explaining
reciprocal effects by considering three classroom emotions (enjoy- lower stability of boredom.
ment, boredom, and anxiety) simultaneously in a single analytic It could be questioned whether findings from the present study
model. When the variance shared between emotions measured would generalize to nontesting situations typically encountered by
concurrently was controlled for in this way, reciprocal relations students during classroom learning. There is evidence that domain-
with mathematics achievement were only shown for anxiety. Al- specific emotions related to learning (e.g., in math, science, and L2
though mathematics test performance predicted subsequent enjoy- learning) can influence classroom achievement (for reviews see
ment and boredom (in the expected direction), enjoyment and Horwitz, 2001; Maloney, 2016; Sinatra, Broughton, & Lombardi,
boredom were not significantly related to subsequent test perfor- 2016). For emotions related to classroom activities specifically,
mance. class-related anxiety has been shown to relate negatively to both
Thus, when these three emotions are pitted competitively class grades and test scores in mathematics (rs ⫽ ⫺.21 to ⫺.32;
against each other, anxiety exerts the strongest predictive power Lichtenfeld et al., 2012; Peixoto, Sanches, Mata, & Monteiro,
for achievement. It is important to clarify that we do not argue 2017; Putwain et al., 2020; Raccanello et al., 2019; for L2 class-
against the presence of reciprocal relations between enjoyment and related anxiety, see Shao, Pekrun, Marsh, & Loderer, 2020). In the
achievement, and between boredom and achievement. Rather, the study by Lichtenfeld et al. (2012), the magnitude of correlations
findings suggest that anxiety emerges as the most significant between classroom-related anxiety and two different measures of
(statistically and practically) of the three emotions when they are math achievement (class grades vs. test scores) did not differ
modeled together. Analytically speaking, this is a combined result (z ⫽ ⫺.40 and .43 for 2nd and 3rd grade samples, respectively;
of anxiety being related more strongly to test performance than ps ⬎.05). Overall, these findings would suggest the results of the
enjoyment or boredom and of the intercorrelations between enjoy- present study for relations between class-related emotions, notably
ment, boredom, and anxiety. The result is that insufficient unique anxiety, and test scores would be applicable to classroom achieve-
variance remained in enjoyment and boredom to predict test per- ment, such as grades based on classroom activities, as well.
Theoretically speaking, the implication is that the cognitive-
The Moderating Effect of Academic Buoyancy
motivational mechanisms affected by anxiety, specifically inter-
ference with working memory capacity and function (Eysenck & Academic buoyancy is the capacity to respond effectively to
Derakshan, 2011; Eysenck et al., 2007), may exert a stronger minor academic adversities (Martin & Marsh, 2009). Studies have
influence on performance than the cognitive-motivational mecha- shown that higher domain general academic buoyancy is related to
nisms affected by enjoyment and boredom, such as interest, in- adaptive educational outcomes in secondary school students (e.g.,
Malmberg, Hall, & Martin, 2013; Martin et al., 2013) including of test-related emotions occurring during test taking. Furthermore,
higher positive, and lower negative, achievement emotions in measures of engagement and learning during mathematics lessons
primary and secondary school students (e.g., Hirvonen et al., 2019; (e.g., on-task behaviors, cognitive strategies used, and tasks com-
Martin et al., 2010; Putwain et al., 2012). Studies linking domain pleted) may have been more sensitive to the protection offered by
general academic buoyancy to aggregated achievement in mathe- buoyancy against classroom learning anxiety, than test perfor-
matics and reading have shown equivocal results, however, with mance.
some reporting statistically significant relations but others not Third, it is known that children can overestimate their abilities
(e.g., Collie et al., 2015; Martin, 2014). We reasoned this may be (see Muenks, Wigfield, & Eccles, 2018; Salles, Ais, Semelman,
partly an artifact of reduced predictive power arising from lack of Sigman, & Calero, 2016). It is possible that participants may have
domain specificity and used a mathematics-specific measure of overestimated their academic buoyancy and believed they had a
academic buoyancy in the present study (also ensuring matching greater capacity to bounce back than was actually the case. This
specificity with domain-specific achievement emotions). may account for the diminishing protection offered by academic
Conceptually, higher levels of buoyancy could moderate (i.e., buoyancy as anxiety increased; there was less buoyancy than was
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
buffer) the impact of academic adversities on subsequent outcomes reported. This overestimation could also account for why very high
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
(e.g., Martin & Marsh, 2019; Putwain et al., 2016; Symes et al., (⫹2 SD) academic buoyancy became detrimental to performance.
2015). Accordingly, we theorized that higher levels of buoyancy If participants anticipated they would be highly able to effectively
could protect test performance from boredom and anxiety. The respond to difficulties encountered during the test but experienced
model including the interaction terms between academic buoyancy the opposite, they could be highly demotivated, reduce effort, or
and emotions showed a superior fit to the model not including even give up completely. This is somewhat akin to choking when
these interactions and a statistically significant interaction between the pressure from performing mathematics tasks becomes exag-
Academic Buoyancy and Anxiety. Interactions between Academic gerated by concerns about one’s performance overloading working
Buoyancy and Enjoyment, and between Academic Buoyancy and memory (e.g., Beilock, Kulp, Holt, & Carr, 2004).
Boredom, were not statistically significant. Fourth, a curious finding reported by Martin and Marsh (2019)
The pattern of the observed interaction partially supported our was that academic buoyancy exerted a greater protective role for
third hypothesis. Rather than protecting test performance at higher academic adversities reported 12 months later than with current
levels of anxiety, higher academic buoyancy amplified test perfor- academic adversities. This finding is in line with the view that
mance at lower levels of anxiety. With higher anxiety, the differ- some exposure to adversity is necessary for persons to build
ential benefit to performance offered by higher academic buoy- adaptive responses. It is therefore possible that the benefits of
ancy diminished. This finding suggests that academic buoyancy buoyancy play out, or accumulate, over time rather than contem-
did not protect test performance against the adverse effects of high poraneously. If this were the case, then we would have been
classroom anxiety. Furthermore, there is the intriguing finding that unlikely to observe a protective effect on a test taken one week
high buoyancy may even be detrimental for performance when after measurements of self-reported anxiety and academic buoy-
anxiety is also high. We offer four considerations to explain this ancy. In this respect academic buoyancy can be considered as a
pattern of effects. malleable trait, a lasting attribute that can develop over time and
First, buoyancy may not have protected performance because that is responsive to intervention (Martin, 2013b). Beneficial ef-
anxiety was too adverse. Although academic anxiety is often fects would occur downstream at a later point in time. We con-
considered a minor form of adversity in comparison to clinical clude the theoretical proposition that academic buoyancy can
anxiety (Martin, 2013a), it is known that high levels of academic protect subsequent outcomes from minor adversity may be valid
anxiety overlap with clinical anxiety (e.g., Herzer, Wendt, & despite having been confirmed only partially in the present study.
Hamm, 2014; Warren, Ollendick, & King, 1996; see also Pekrun Although we focused on mathematics in the present study,
& Loderer, in press). It may be that the higher levels of anxiety because we wanted to adopt a domain-specific approach, other
measured in the present study constituted more of a major than a studies on buoyancy have considered English and reading in
minor adversity to students, in which case buoyancy may not have research with primary and secondary students (e.g., Colmar et al.,
been a sufficiently strong factor to offer protection. Classroom 2019; Putwain & Aveyard, 2018). There are no theoretical reasons
anxieties may have been furthered by the subject material; math- for academic buoyancy to differentially relate to achievement and
ematics learning and reasoning is, for many students, a source of adaptive beliefs, emotions, and behaviors, in varying academic
anxiety (e.g., Maloney, 2016). Martin (2013a) and Martin and subjects. Although mathematics may be anxiety-provoking for
Marsh (2008, 2009) argue that resilience, rather than buoyancy, is some students, it is known that literacy also presents a challenge
required to respond to chronic or stronger academic adversities. for students, and reading motivation begins to decline at the end of
Second, an alternative interpretation would be that buoyancy did elementary school (see Wigfield, 1997). These are adversities that
not protect against performance because the classroom measure of buoyancy is theorized to protect against. However, we are mindful
anxiety underestimated the level of anxiety experienced during the that some subjects do present unique challenges for students and it
test. Although the mathematics test used in the present study was would be beneficial for academic buoyancy studies to broaden the
characterized as low-stakes, it is possible that a greater degree of repertoire of academic subjects considered.
anxiety was experienced during the test than was typically expe- Despite a positive bivariate correlation between academic buoy-
rienced during classroom learning. In this respect the classroom ancy and subsequent test performance, there was no first-order
measure may have reported anxiety as not being sufficiently ad- effect of academic buoyancy on performance after controlling for
verse for academic buoyancy to effectively offer protection. To current relations with emotion, the interaction with emotion, and
investigate this possibility, future research could include a measure prior achievement. The prediction made in Hypothesis 1 that
buoyancy would be positively related to achievement was not studies may follow a similar approach to test and report assump-
supported in these models. It is possible that emotions mediate tions of MCAR and MAR more completely and openly.
relations between academic buoyancy and subsequent achieve-
ment (see Putwain et al., 2015). Although we could not formally Limitations and Directions for Future Research
test this hypothesis because academic buoyancy and achievement
emotions were assessed simultaneously at T3, this interpretation is Despite the novel theoretical contributions of this study and the
supported by the strong relations between buoyancy and emotions use of a relatively understudied age group in achievement emotion
(see Table 1), combined with the relations between emotions and and academic buoyancy research, there are limitations that should
subsequent test performance. Hence, the relations with emotions be considered and can be used to suggest directions for subsequent
may have reduced the direct predictive power of academic buoy- studies. First, we were able to measure data across two alternate
ancy. In this case, academic buoyancy would represent a relatively assessments of emotions and performance. Thus, we were able to
rare example of the same variable operating as both a mediator and test the predictive power of emotions on subsequent performance
a moderator (for a related example for self-efficacy as a mediator twice but reciprocal predictive effects of test performance on
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
and moderator, see Dicke et al., 2014). subsequent emotions only once. Although this design is sufficient
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
When considering findings, it is important to acknowledge that to test reciprocal relations (Little et al., 2007; Rosel & Plewis,
the mathematics tests used in the present study contained only 2008), additional alternating waves of emotions and achievement
closed response questions that required convergent styles of rea- would allow for multiple assessments of reciprocal relations be-
soning. Some students may have employed the correct approach to tween emotions and achievement. The present design only permit-
solving a question but ultimately arrived at an incorrect answer. ted a single test for the moderating effect of academic buoyancy
Awarding marks for reasoning (as well as for proving a correct while controlling for previous achievement. Additional alternating
answer) or including open questions in addition to, or instead of, waves of academic buoyancy (alongside emotions) and achieve-
closed questions could potentially show a different pattern of ment would also allow for multiple tests of protective effects of
relations with classroom emotions and academic buoyancy. Sim- buoyancy on relations between adverse emotions and achievement.
ilarly, questions requiring creative and global processing that re- A related point is that there were unequal time intervals between
assessments. T1 and T2, and T3 and T4, were spaced apart by one
quires making new connections between concepts, which are po-
week. T2 and T3, however, were spaced apart by approximately
tentially more challenging, could also relate differently to
seven months. We were constrained by school administration to
classroom emotions and academic buoyancy than questions requir-
schedule data collection this way in order to minimize impact on
ing convergent analytical reasoning.
routine teaching and learning. Thus, we cannot make direct com-
We would also like to briefly comment on the missing data in
parisons of the size of paths from emotions to test performance
our study and how it was treated. Analyses suggested that the
(with the one week time interval) with the size of the paths from
cause of the missing data were T2 mathematics test scores (and
test performance to emotions (with the seven month time interval).
hence missing data were treated as MAR). The implication of
Second, we measured three classroom emotions (enjoyment,
MAR is that missingness was not completely random, but could be
boredom, and anxiety). Although being the first study to model
treated as random after T2 mathematics scores were controlled for
reciprocal relations in all three simultaneously, there are other
(see Little & Rubin, 2002). This situation is typical of applied achievement emotions likely to co-occur in classroom settings
research where substantive study variables or sociodemographic (e.g., hope and hopelessness). It would be useful to include addi-
correlates may influence decisions whether to continue participa- tional emotions to address the question of which emotions are the
tion or not (e.g., Lamers et al., 2012). Attrition may be higher for most meaningful predictors of achievement, when considered to-
groups of participants characterized by vulnerability, low motiva- gether. We were somewhat limited in that the only validated
tion, or where the study may pose emotional distress. In the present measure of achievement emotions available for the age group of
study, it would seem plausible that students who experienced the participants used in the present study (AEQ-ES; Lichtenfeld et al.,
T2 mathematics test as more difficult (and hence performed worse) 2012) measures enjoyment, boredom, and anxiety specifically. It
may have been less motivated to continue participating because would be a useful extension of this measure to include additional
this may have reminded them of their difficulties with mathemat- emotions.
ics. Third, from a CVT perspective, emotions influence subsequent
When the cause of the missing data is ignored, there is a danger achievement through cognitive-motivational mechanisms and
that model estimates may be biased. In the present study, the risk achievement influences subsequent emotions through control-
would be an underrepresentation of participants with lower math- value appraisals. Although it is useful to first test for reciprocal
ematics scores. However, simulation studies have shown that when relations solely between emotions and achievement, partly because
the cause of missing data is included in the algorithm used for these relations are meaningful in their own right and partly as a
handling missing data (FIML was used in the present study), precursor to investigating mediating processes, future studies
disproportional participant attrition can be corrected for to yield should additionally include cognitive-motivational mechanisms
unbiased estimates (e.g., Collins, Schafer, & Kam, 2001; Nichol- and control-value appraisals. A study that combined tests of re-
son et al., 2017). We followed a strategy to identify the cause of ciprocal effects in conjunction with the presumed mediating mech-
the missing data (T2 mathematics scores) and included that vari- anisms would offer an even more robust test of CVT.
able in our analytic models. Hence, we are confident that param- Fourth, we speculated two reasons for the inconsistent relations
eter estimates are applicable to the entire sample despite reduced shown been academic buoyancy and achievement in the extant
representation of participants with lower T2 test scores. Future literature; low domain specificity or mismatch between measures
of academic buoyancy and achievement, and the presence of cally interventions have focused on test anxiety (von der Embse,
additional variables that may either overlap with academic buoy- Barterian, & Segool, 2013), school phobia, and school refusal
ancy (e.g., grit or future time perspective; Fong & Kim, 2019) or (Lauchlan, 2003). There are fewer interventions for classroom or
mediate relations between academic buoyancy and achievement learning anxiety, and these are focused on specific forms of anx-
(e.g., perceived control; Collie et al., 2015, and Putwain & Ave- iety such as math anxiety (Schaeffer, Rozek, Berkowitz, Levine, &
yard, 2018). The correlations between domain-specific academic Beilock, 2018) and statistics anxiety (Smith & Capuzzi, 2019).
buoyancy in mathematics and students’ mathematics achievement Math anxiety interventions are germane to the present study with
found in the present study (rs ⫽ .23 and .25) were stronger than the substantive focus on classroom emotions in mathematics (cog-
correlations between domain-general academic buoyancy and nate, although not identical with math anxiety).
achievement in previous studies (e.g., rs ⫽ .13–.17; Martin, 2014; Math anxiety interventions have focused broadly on either
Putwain et al., 2015). This would lend credibility to the view that building subject mastery, reducing negative appraisals of compe-
high domain specificity between academic buoyancy and achieve- tence or physiological arousal, or the normalization of failure as
ment strengthens relations. Furthermore, in the LI-SEM, the first- part of learning (Ramirez, Shaw, & Maloney, 2018). In CVT
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
order effects of academic buoyancy were negligible; this indicates (Pekrun, 2016, 2017; Pekrun & Perry, 2014) and the integrated
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
a possible mediating role of emotions. However, from the present model of emotion regulation in achievement situations proposed
study we cannot establish whether domain-general variables that by Harley, Pekrun, Taxer, and Gross (2019), mastery, reappraisal,
overlap with academic buoyancy, such as grit and future time and failure-response beliefs correspond to ways of building per-
perspective, would reduce the magnitude of relations between ceived control or regulating emotion through cognitive change.
academic buoyancy and achievement when using domain-specific These theoretically derived mechanisms of reducing anxiety are
measures of academic buoyancy. Future studies should continue to not solely the province of psychologists and specialist interven-
explore how academic buoyancy (especially when considered as a tions. There are practical ways in which instructors can incorporate
domain-specific construct) can be differentiated from cognate con- mastery practice and adaptive responses to failure in both mathe-
structs and how relations with achievement can be used to inform matics and other subjects through directing student attributions for
understanding of overlap between similar constructs. success and failure (Perry et al., 2014) and creating a classroom
Fifth, we did not account for learning disabilities (e.g., dys- culture whereby failure is defined as a normal part of the learning
graphia or dyscalculia) in the present study. It is likely that they process (Murphy & Dweck, 2010).
would have been meaningful covariates and might explain vari-
ance in both predictors and outcomes. To collect accurate data for
learning disabilities for children aged 9 to 10 years, it would be Conclusion
necessary to use official school records rather than to rely on
When the relations between three classroom emotions (enjoy-
participant self-report; not all students at this age may understand
ment, boredom, and anxiety) and test performance were modeled
if they have been diagnosed with a learning disability or if they
simultaneously over four waves of data collection, reciprocal re-
have, what that learning disability is. To keep data collection
lations were shown for anxiety (in terms of positive reciprocal
anonymous for ethical reasons, we were unable to match partici-
relations). Higher test performance predicted higher enjoyment
pant self-report data with school records. However, it would be
and lower boredom, but enjoyment and boredom were not signif-
desirable for future studies, where ethical protocols permit, to
icantly related to subsequent test performance. Thus, when the
include information about learning disabilities.
shared variance between these emotions is considered (as is likely
Finally, our test of the moderating effect of buoyancy on the
relations between academic adversity and subsequent outcomes to happen in classroom situations where discrete emotions may
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that academic buoyancy could protect from adversity, including for achievement. We also investigated whether academic buoy-
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trinsic motivation), and behavioral engagement (e.g., participation lower levels of anxiety, suggesting that buoyancy can help students
in lessons and extracurricular activities). Future research should coping at least with mild forms of negative emotion.
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