16 Practice Test Questions 4
16 Practice Test Questions 4
16 Practice Test Questions 4
A self-fulfilling prophecy
where subordinates
perform better when Pygmalion
expected to do so by
their superiors is known
as what?
This is a multivariate
technique used to evaluate Structural
the causal (predictive)
influences or test causal
hypotheses about the modeling
relationships among a set
of factors. (SEM)
The ________
hypothesis states that Catecholamine;
depression is the result
of decreased levels of dopamine;
both ________ and norepinephrine
particularly ________.
The catecholamine
hypothesis is to Depression;
________ as the psychosis
dopamine hypothesis
is to ________. (schizophrenia)
Evidence of genetic
etiological influences
is strongest for what
Disorder? Disorder
BASIC ID is utilized by Lazarus' Multimodal Therapy,
what therapeutic which looks at Beliefs, Affective
approach to assess the responses, Sensations,
Images, Cognitions,
interventions that will Interpersonal relationships, and
work for a particular Drugs (biological functions,
client? nutrition, exercise)
Research indicates
lesbians' disclosure of
sexual orientation is
associated with
increased ________.
In cases of Adequate
litigation, what is record keeping
considered the key
defense for a and
psychologist? documentation
Broca's area is
located in the
Left frontal;
________ lobe, while
Wernicke's area is in
the ________ lobe. temporal
What is likely to Outburts of aggressive behavior, as
occur as a result of the hypothalamus is associated
with regulating the release of
a lesion in the hormones from the pituitary and
other endocrine glands, maintaining
medial the body's homeostasis, and
mediating aggressive responses
A person whose
________ has been
severed will not be able
to name an object he
cannot see but has felt
with his left hand.
Preferably at the
At what point is conclusion of
debriefing to occur when participation, but no
research involves later than at the
deception that results in conclusion of data
participant distress? collection
Stroop color-naming
task has been used to Automatic
study what cognitive
process/phenomenon? processing
This is a present-oriented,
structured and time-limited
treatment that integrates
biological and
psychosocial approaches. (IPT)
The incidence of
Disorder begins to differ
for males and females
at what age?
6 years
Symptoms of what
personality disorder tend
to remit with age, to the
point that many people
with such a diagnosis no
longer meet diagnostic
criteria? Disorder
A whisper being Weber's Law, a
audible in a library psychophysical laws
that explains the
reading room, but not relationship between
in a busy cafeteria is physical stimuli and their
explained by what? psychological effects
According to research on
organizational justice,
________ justice is the best
predictor of work performance
and of counterproductive work
behavior, while all justice forms
are related to organizational
citizenship behaviors.
True or False: The risk False- the risk is
for depression for about the same
biological offspring is
highest for those who whether they have
have two parents with one or two parents
depression? with depression
Experiential/creative (refers to
What are the three how unfamiliar circumstances
components of and tasks are dealt with),
analytical (methods used to
intelligence according process and analyze
to Sternberg's triarchic information), and contextual
model of intelligence? (how people respond to
Psychopharmacological Somatic therapy,
therapy, ECT, and which refers to
psychosurgery (e.g., treatments involving
lobotomy) are all forms manipulation of the
of what? body.
Super's ________
illustrates the Arch of
psychological and
socioeconomic variables
that shape one's career. Determination
According to the National
Comorbidity Survey (NCS)
findings, what is the
median delay in getting
Nearly a
treatment across all
psychological disorders? decade
According to this type of
psychotherapy, feelings are
acknowledged and accepted as
uncontrollable and the focus is
on taking constructive action,
not the alleviation of discomfort
or the attainment of some ideal
feeling state.
Kluver-Bucy Syndrome,
characterized by reduced
fear and aggression,
increased acquiescence,
and hypersexuality, is
associated with damage to
what brain structure?
This is the procedure
used to determine
what items will be
retained for the final
version of a test? analysis
According to Sue and Sue,
________ is a culturally
influenced characteristic of
communication that refers
to rate of speech, pauses,
loudness of voice, and
other vocal cues.
Typically, a ________
level of anxiety contributes
to better task performance;
however, the optimal
anxiety level for complex
tasks is ________ than it
is for simple tasks.
A sequence of
behaviors, in which
each behavior serves as
reinforcement for the
previous behavior, is the
outcome of what?
studies utilize Meta-analysis
what technique?
A researcher utilizing
paired-associate and
serial learning tasks is
interested in what? learning
According to dual process
models of persuasion, careful
consideration of an argument is
characteristic of the ________
route, while reliance on
heuristic criteria is
characteristic of the ________
An approach to feminist
therapy that emphasizes
the role of the mother/son
versus mother/daughter
relationship in creating Therapy
gender differences in
behavior is called what?
A ________ therapist
defines the reality of
their patients
according to their own encapsulated
cultural assumptions.
A ________ facilitates
the flow of information
between involved
parties and helps them
progress toward an
acceptable compromise.
According to ________,
training in organizational Bandura's
settings is most effective Social Learning
when trainees possess
prerequisite skills. Theory
According to Mahler's
object-relations theory,
________ represents
development of a permanent Separation-individuation
sense of self and a
permanent mental
representation of the other.
Hydrocephalus is the
result of a build-up of Cerebrospinal
________ in the fluid (CSF);
________ of one's
brain. ventricles
Psychological Services, a
________ of clinical and counseling
psychological services includes
direct users, third party purchasers,
sanctioners, and public/private
facilities and organizations
receiving psychological services.
What is a primary
concern for a Criterion
measure of
performance that is contamination
subjectively scored?
What procedure
summarizes and identifies
key variables that describe
the consequences of HR
programs to improve
decision making? analysis
When a reliable job Criterion deficiency
performance measure (something in the
has low validity, it is
usually the result of criterion used is
________. missed)
What condition is
associated with individuals
having amyloid plaques Parkinson's
and neurofibrillary tangles
and in some cases when
advanced, dementia?
A predictor with a
criterion-related validity
Low (many
coefficient of .46 will be applicants to
most useful when there is
a ________ selection ratio choose from);
and ________ base rate. moderate
The ability to
perceive and
identify objects by Stereognosis
touch is referred to
as what?
The complete cessation
of eating is called
________, while Aphagia;
________ refers to
excessive eating and hyperphagia
severe obesity.
What schedule of
reinforcement produces
the phenomenon where
responses are slow at the
beginning of a time period
and then faster just before
reinforcement occurs?
An employee's level
of organizational
commitment has the
highest correlation
with what? turnover
Variance, range, and
standard deviation are all
________, representing
the amount of difference in
responses from a
population or sample on a
topic of investigation. variability
What court case defined Larry P. vs Riles, which
the relationship between banned the use of IQ
standard intellectual tests in the placement of
assessments and minority children in
placement in Mental special education
Retardation classes? classes
A ________ is a person
appointed by the court to
represent and make
decisions in a legal
proceeding for a minor or
other person deemed legally
incapable of doing so.
ad litem
When is habituation When the intensity
most likely to be a of the punishment
problem when using is gradually
punishment to increased over
modify behavior? time
The ________
hypothesis states Catecholamine;
drugs that increase
________ levels will norepinephrine
alleviate depression.
According to the Ohio
State leadership
Behavior, as
studies, consideration opposed to
and initiating structure personality or
are descriptions of a
leader's ________. attitude
According to
attachment theory, a
An internal
patient's transference
is a manifestation of
what? model
What theory predicts
that cognitive events act Bandura's
as intervening variables Social Learning
in the acquisition of a
new behavior? Theory
What behavioral technique
involves identifying and
applying punishments for
undesirable behaviors and
indentifying and applying
reinforcements for
desirable behaviors?
Unpleasant feelings of
physical restlessness as
a side-effect of taking
antipsychotic medication
are referred to as what?
What is the primary Intergenerational
source of stress for conflicts arising from
refugees and
immigrants once they different degrees of
arrive in their new acculturation among
country? family members
Addictive disease
According to the process (long-term use
biopsychosocial model, causes brain
the ________ accounts dysfunction, which
for relapse among results in personality
substance abusers. and social problems)
True or False:
Transsexualism is
included in the
diagnosis of Gender
Identity Disorder?
In item response theory,
the probability that an
examinee with a given
level of the ability
measured by the test will
answer the item correctly
is referred to as what?
What term, according to
Donald Super, refers to
the individual's mastery
of tasks at each
developmental stage? maturity
What demographic
has the highest
admission rates to
state/county inpatient
mental hospitals? men
True or False: Factor False- they are
analyses of tests designed relatively
to measure psychomotor
skills have revealed these independent, as
skills are dependent on there is no general
one another? psychomotor factor