Caesar Cipher

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1. What is cryptography?

Cryptography is derived from the word Kryptos, meaning secret, in Greek. It is a secure
communications technique that keeps information secure and that allows the contents to be
accessed only by the sender and its intended recipient of a message.

2. What are the goals of encryption?

The goals of encryption are:

 Confidentiality - ensures the message is concealed by encoding it 

 Integrity - ensures that the content of the message received was not changed or is the
same as the content of the message sent
 Authenticity - prove and verify the identity of the sender
 Non-reputation - proves the authorship of the sent message

3. What is the difference between "encryption" and "decryption?"

Encryption is the process wherein the sender encodes the message or information into an
unrecognizable message that only the receiver can access it while decryption is the process
wherein the receiver converts the encrypted message back into the original message.

4. In which real-life situations do we use the process of encryption and decryption?

In real-life situations, email encryption uses the process of encryption and decryption. It is a
means of protecting the content of emails from those trying to access the data of a party outside
of the email conversation. Emails sent were encrypted by the computer and only the person with
the required private key can decrypt the email and read its contents.

5. Give at least 2 examples of cryptosystems and describe how each works.

Caesar Cipher
Caesar Cipher, also known as a shift cipher, is one of the earliest and simplest encryption
techniques. This technique was named after Julius Caesar who used this to negotiate with
his officials. In this technique, it replaces each letter in the message with the letters in the
alphabet with fixed positions and the encryption key is the length of the shift we use.
Encrypted message: ERLMJ (ANGIE)
Key: (encryption key: 4)
Transposition Cipher 
A transposition cipher is moving each letter into a different position while maintaining its
identity. It is simply moving the letters around.

6. Compare and contrast symmetric and asymmetric cryptosystems.

Symmetric encryption uses only a single key to encrypt and decrypt messages, whereas
asymmetric encryption uses a public key pair and a private key to encrypt and decrypt messages
when communicating.

7. Explain the procedure on how the public key and private key of an RSA cryptosystem are

The process followed in the generation of keys are:

 RSA Modulus (N)

o Select two large primes, p, and q.
o Compute for N=p*q and R=(p-1)(q-1)
 Derived Number (e)
o Number e must be greater than 1 and less than (p − 1)(q − 1).
o There must be no common factor for e and (p − 1)(q − 1) except for 1. 
 The public key
o The number pair (n, e) forms the public key of the RSA and is made public.
o Interestingly, since n is part of the public key, the difficulty in factoring a large
prime number means that the two primes (p and q) used to obtain n can not be
found infinite time by the attacker. 
 The private key
o From p, q, and e, private key d is determined such that it is relatively prime to R
and ed= 1 (mod R).
8. Explain how the public key is used to generate the ciphertext from the plaintext.

Two separate keys are used for encryption and decryption in this cipher which is the public key
and the private key. The public key can be used to encrypt the message then you share the public
key with others who want to send you a message while the recipient is kept in the dark about the
private key to assure communication security between the sender and the receiver.

9. Explain how the private key is used to retrieve the plaintext to ciphertext.

The sender uses just a single key to encrypt a message and the receiver applies the same key to
decrypt the message. In this cipher, the plaintext and corresponding ciphertext are even known to
the attacker. There must be a pre-shared key for the sender and receiver. The common key from
all other parties is kept hidden and is used for encryption as well as decryption.

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