Unit 6 - Network Security

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Unit 6- Network Security

 Define Network:

 A network is a series of points or nodes interconnected

by communication path.

Define Security:

 Security is “freedom from risk or danger”.

 The ability of a system to protect information and
system resources with respect to confidentially and

Network Security:

 Network security means any activities designed to protect

your network.
 Network security handled by a network administrator.
Network Security Services:
1. Message confidentiality:
• It means that the content of a message when transmitted
across a network must remain confidential, i.e. only the
intended receiver and no one else should be able to read the
• The users; therefore, want to encrypt the message they send so
that an eavesdropper on the network will not be able to read the
contents of the message.

2. Message Integrity
• It means the data must reach the destination without any
adulteration i.e. exactly as it was sent.
• There must be no changes during transmission, neither
accidentally nor maliciously.

3. Message Authentication:
• In message authentication the receiver needs to be sure
of the sender’s identity i.e. the receiver has to make sure that
the actual sender is the same as claimed to be.
4. Message non-reproduction
• Non-repudiation means that a sender must not be able to deny
sending a message that it actually sent.
• The burden of proof falls on the receiver.
• Non-reproduction is not only in respect of the ownership of
the message; the receiver must prove that the contents of the
message are also the same as the sender sent.
• Non-repudiation is achieved by authentication and integrity

5. Entity Authentication
• In entity authentication (or user identification) the entity or
user is verified prior to access to the system resources.
 Cryptography

 Cryptography is the science of using mathematics to

encrypt & decrypt data.

 Cryptography enables you to store sensitive information or

transmit it across insecure networks. So that it cannot be
read by anyone expect authenticate user.

 Cryptography is the science of coding & decoding message

to keep the message secret.

 Example
Plaintext: recent trends in IT
Cipher text: Jhhnvirujhhnv
 Basic Model of Cryptography

1. Plaintext:
 The original message to be encrypted, known as the

2. Cipher text:
 The output of the encryption process known as the
cipher text.
3. Encryption Algorithm:
 It is the set of rules that convert plaintext into cipher
text by using encryption algorithm.

4. Decryption Algorithm:

 It is the set of rules that convert cipher text to plaintext

by using decryption algorithm.
 Types of Cryptography

1.Symmetric Key Cryptography:

 This is also called as Private or Secret key


 Here, both the information receiver and the sender

make use of a single key to encrypt and decrypt the

 The sender applies a key to encrypt a message while

the receiver applies the same key for decrypt the
symmetric encryption
2. Asymmetric Key Cryptography

 This is also called as Public-key cryptography.

 In public key cryptography two different keys are used for

encrypt & decrypt the message or data.

 One key is public key & another key is private key.

 The public key is public to everyone & the private key is

only known to the receiver.
 Types of Cipher Text
1.Substitution Ciphers:

 It is a technique in which the letters of the plaintext

are replaced by other letters or numbers or symbols.
 Example:
f -> g
o -> p
l -> m
w -> x

2. Transposition Ciphers:

 It performing some sort of permutations on the

plaintext letters, that is reorders of the symbols or
 Example- ABC 3!
3. One Time Pad OTP) / Vernam cipher:

 One-time pad is an encryption technique that

cannot be cracked, but requires the use of one-
time pre-shared key.

 It follows following algorithm:

1. Write each plaintext alphabet as number (e.g.-

A=0, B=1, C=3, …… Z=25)
2. Give any alphabet to the plain number.
3. Again, give number to that alphabet.
4. Add plaintext number & plaintext alphabet
5. If sum>=26 subtract 26 from it.
6. Convert each number of sums into alphabet.

 Example:
A B C D E………. Z
0 1 2 3 4…………25

Plaintext H E L L O
Number 7 4 11 11 14

Key (give b a x y c
any 1 0 23 24 2
Add 8 4 34 35 16
(7+1) (4+0) (11+23) (11+24) (14+2)
Subtract 8 4 8 9 16
(26-34) (35-26)
Cipher text I E I J G

 Cryptographic Attacks:
1.Passive Attack:

 In passive attack there is no modification in packet or


 System resources are not changed in passive attack.

 Victim does not get informed in passive attack.

2.Active Attack:
 In active attack there is modification in packet or

 Victim gets informed in active attack.

 System resources can be changed in active attack.

Question Bank

1. Define the term Secret key. (2m)

2. Define following terms- a) Encryption b) Decryption (2m)
3. What is cryptography? Explain types of cryptography. [4m]
4. Short note- one-time pad. [4m]
5. Explain the term cipher text. [2m]
6. Explain different types of cipher text in cryptography. [4m]
7. Explain symmetric key signature & public key signature.
8. What is security attack. [2m]
9. Define the term digital signature. [2m]
10. Difference between private key & public key
cryptography. [4m]
11. Explain the term: 1) active attack 2) passive attack

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