SCMH 3.11.4 MSA Case Studies Rev New Dated 21MAR2018

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SCMH Section 3.11.

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

This document is a follow up document to the Measurement System Analysis Process Flow
document. This document contains a group of case studies depicting MSA examples as well as
analysis and conclusions that were made to reduce measurement system variation for improving
product quality. These case studies follow the process flow diagram below that is from the
Measurement System Analysis Process Flow document.

From this document, you will be able to obtain a basic understanding of conducting an MSA on a
measurement system.

Multiple situations may exist where an MSA needs to be conducted and it is the company’s
responsibility to work with their customer’s and determine an acceptable method to use. Multiple
documents and systems are available that will assist in this process.

Following are the five case studies:

• Mechanical (Micrometer)
• Attribute MSA (Visual Inspection)
• Attribute MSA (Go/No-Go Gage)
• Electrical device (Multi-meter)
• Software controlled device (Coordinate Measuring Machine)

For additional case studies see SAE AS13003 Measurement Systems Analysis Requirements
for the Aero Engine Supply Chain

SCMH Section 3.11.4
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Revision Date: 21MAR2018 Section 3.11

Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Process Flow Diagram (Appropriate gage selection)

- Part feature &Tolerance
- Method/systems
-Calibrated gages
- Trained operators
- Suitable environment

Determine that the
gage(s) has the
resolution for the
feature and

Perform measument
uncertanty of the


Does the gage meet
the criteria for A
- Accuracy


Is there another
gage available that
meets the criteria


Take action as

Return to Start

SCMH Section 3.11.4
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Revision Date: 21MAR2018 Section 3.11

Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Process Flow Diagram (Variation analysis)

Is there a same or 6
similar measurement Yes Is the measurement Yes
(End of process)
system? system stable?


Determine the
sources of variation
that may affect the

Is your measurement
Yes Perform an analysis
system dependent on
of your software


7B 10
Is the measurement Develop and
equipment the primary No perform a gage R&R
source of variation in the to evaluate sources
system? of variation


uncertanty analysis
on the system
(Made up of
multiple gages)

SCMH Section 3.11.4
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Revision Date: 21MAR2018 Section 3.11

Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Process Flow Diagram (Analyze results and take action)

Verify and
document that the
elements of the
MSA have been

Has critera for
Yes End of process
elements been


Take action as

Return to start

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Revision Date: 21MAR2018 Section 3.11

Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Process Flow Diagram

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Introduction to First Case Study, Mechanical MSA

This case study will be looking at a mechanical measurement.

This case study will use a micrometer to measure the diameter of a cylinder.

From this case study, you will be able to obtain a basic understanding of conducting an MSA on a
measurement system where a mechanical instrument is used to take a measurement.

Multiple situations may exist where an MSA needs to be conducted and it is the company’s
responsibility to work with their customer’s and determine an acceptable method to use. Multiple
documents and systems are available that will assist in this process.

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

First Case Study

This case study will be looking at a simple cylinder with two basic requirements. The part being

produced is a cylinder that is 1 inch tall with a 0.5 inch diameter.

Gather inputs:

Cylinder height is 1 inch tall, with a specification of ±0.1 inch.

Cylinder diameter is 0.5 inches, with a specification of ±0.005 inches.

For this case study, we will be specifically looking at the cylinder diameter.

Gage determination:

There are four measurement instruments available to choose from in the current gage inventory.

(CMM, Caliper, Micrometer, steel ruler)

When selecting the appropriate resolution of a gage it is recommended that the resolution of the gage

be 10 times more resolution than the tolerance. i.e. If the range of the tolerance is 0.01 inch; the

resolution of the gage needs to be at least 0.001 inch.

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Does the gage meet
the criteria for
- Accuracy

Gage criteria:

The gage criteria includes accuracy, linearity, and stability.

• The tolerance of the part diameter is ±0.005 inches so the accuracy of the gage should be 4

times better with a tolerance of ±0.00125 inches.

• For linearity, it is recommended to select a gage where the measurement taken is in the

mid-range of the gage. In this case, we need an instrument with a range of 0-1 inches to

measure the 0.5-inch diameter.

• It is recommended that the stability be at least 10 times better than the accuracy. The stability

of the measurement instrument can be evaluated by looking at historical calibration records.

With a new instrument, the manufacturer’s calibration documentation should describe the

stability of the instrument.

For this case study the 0-1 inch micrometer was selected.

Determine the
sources of variation
that may affect the

Sources of variation:

Determine what the possible sources of variation are with this measurement system. A fish bone

chart is a good tool to list the possible sources of variation. With this case study, it has been

determined that the operator and the environment are the primary sources of variation. With this
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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

information a gage R&R will be conducted.

Develop and
perform a gage R&R
to evaluate sources
of variation

Develop and perform a gage R&R:

A gage R&R process is started by obtaining parts, using a trained operator, a gage to take the

measurement, and having a template to record data:

• Parts – Recommend 10 parts with a minimum of 5. Parts should span the normal process

variation. Identify and label each part for recording on the template

• Trained operator – All operators that are part of the measurement process with a minimum of

2 operators. The operators should have basic knowledge and skill in measurement

techniques, and in use of the selected gage

o The operator should follow the normal measurement process

• Gage to take the measurement

o Verify calibration and proper operation

• Template to record data – record each measurement of each part by each operator

o Recommend 2-10-2 measurement. Which is 2 operators, 10 samples, 2 recordings for

each part

o Record any observations during measurement

Conduct the gage R&R and take data.

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Once the data has been obtained it needs to be analyzed. In this case study a statistical software

package was used to analyze the data. Following is a chart showing the results of the analysis:

From this analysis, it can be observed that there is a difference between the operators’


An investigation into the variation between the operators needs to be performed:

• Determine which operator was more consistent (Observe techniques,; use a master part with

known values, etc.)

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Take action as

Take Action:

After the analysis and investigation, an action plan can be made to address variation between the

operators. Some examples of an action plan may include the following:

• Training

• Better documented method

• Improve skills

• Improve ergonomics

After the implementation of the action plan re-evaluate the element(s) where a change was

introduced. In this case study, the gage R&R would need to be conducted again.

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Introduction to Second Case Study, Attribute MSA

This case study will be looking at the surface of a cylinder for surface blemishes.

This case study will use visual inspection to evaluate the cylinder for blemishes.

From this case study, you will be able to obtain a basic understanding of conducting an MSA on a
measurement system where attribute data is used to make a decision.

Multiple situations may exist where an MSA needs to be conducted and it is the company’s
responsibility to work with their customer’s and determine an acceptable method to use. Multiple
documents and systems are available that will assist in this process.

SCMH Section 3.11.4
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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Second Case Study

This case study will evaluate the surface of a cylinder for blemishes such as nicks, scratches, and

dents. We will use the same cylinder from the first case study.

Gather inputs:

Maximum Scratch Length 2mm

Defect depth less than 2 microns
Maximum - 5 defects total per part

A Pass/fail condition is determined through a visual inspection compared to a standard.

Determine the
sources of variation
that may affect the

Sources of Variation:

Determine what the possible sources of variation are with this measurement system. A fish bone

diagram is a tool that can be used to list the possible sources of variation. With this case study, it has

been determined that the operator and the environment are the primary sources of variation. The

measurement method was reviewed for controls to minimize these sources of variation.

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Develop and
perform a gage R&R
to evaluate sources
of variation

Develop and perform an attribute agreement analysis:

(With an attribute study, an attribute agreement analysis is typically referred to as an Attribute gage R&R)

A gage R&R process is developed by obtaining parts, using trained operators, and having a template

to record data:

• Parts – Obtain 30 samples with a mix of known 50% pass, 50% fail. For each group of pass/fail

at least 25% of the group should be borderline. The borderline samples will help determine the

true effectiveness of the measurement system.

• Recommend 30 parts with a minimum of 25.

• Trained operator – All operators that are part of the measurement process with a minimum of

2 operators. The operators must be trained to the visual standard.

o The operator should follow the normal process.

• Calibration/ known population.

o As attribute studies typically don’t have a calibrated gage (per NIST standards) a

“known” result must be determined for each sample by a recognized expert or by team


• Template to record data – record each measurement of each part by each operator.

o Recommend 2-30-2 measurement. Which is 2 operators, 30 samples, 2 recordings for

each part.

o Record any observations during the measurement.

o Once these have been determined and taken into consideration an attribute agreement

analysis is conducted.

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Attribute Gage R & R Effectiveness

DATE: 10/17/2017
Attribute Legend5 (used in computations) NAME: IAQG
1 Pass PRODUCT: Cylinder All operators

2 Fail GAGE: Visual Inspection agree within and All Operators

BUSINESS: ACME Cylinder between each agree with

Other standard
Known Population Operator #1 Operator #2 Operator #3 Y/N Y/N
Sample # Attribute Try #1 Try #2 Try #1 Try #2 Try #1 Try #2 Agree Agree
1 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
2 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
3 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
4 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
5 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
6 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
7 Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y N
8 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
9 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
10 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
11 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
12 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
13 Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y N
14 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
15 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
16 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
17 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
18 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
19 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
20 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
21 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
22 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
23 Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y N
24 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
25 Pass Fail Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass N N
26 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
27 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
28 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
29 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
30 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y

Typical Attribute Agreement Study Spreadsheet

As seen in the chart above, as indicated by the red highlight, the operators consistently deviated to

the “known” attribute. Upon reviewing sample numbers 7, 13, and 23 it was determined that the visual

standard was insufficient for the operators to distinguish pass from fail.

In conclusion: The visual standard was updated to include examples that better represent the three

samples that caused inconsistencies vs the “known” attribute.

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Statistical Report - Attribute Gage R&R Study

DATE: 10/17/2017
PRODUCT: Cylinder
GAGE: Visual Inspection

% Appraiser1 %Score vs Attribute 2

Source Operator #1 Operator #2 Operator #3 Operator #1 Operator #2 Operator #3
Total Inspected 30 30 30 30 30 30
# Matched 30 30 30 26 27 27
False Negative (operator biased tow ard rejection) 1 0 0
False Positive (operator biased tow ard acceptance) 3 3 3
Mixed 0 0 0
95% UCL 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 96.2% 97.9% 97.9%
Calculated Score 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 86.7% 90.0% 90.0%
95% LCL 88.4% 88.4% 88.4% 69.3% 73.5% 73.5%

Screen % Effective Score 3 Screen % Effective Score vs Attribute 4

Total Inspected 30 30
# in Agreement 29 26
95% UCL 99.9% 96.2%
Calculated Score 96.7% 86.7%
95% LCL 82.8% 69.3%

% Appraiser 95% UCL % Score vs Appraiser 95% UCL

Calculated Score Calculated Score
95% LCL 95% LCL
110.0% 110.0%
100.0% 100.0%
90.0% 90.0%
80.0% 80.0%
% Efficiency

% Efficiency

60.0% 60.0%
50.0% 50.0%
40.0% 40.0%
30.0% 30.0%
20.0% 20.0%
10.0% 10.0%
0.0% 0.0%
Operator #1 Operator #2 Operator #3 Operator #1 Operator #2 Operator #3

(1) Operator agrees with him/herself on both trials
(2) Operator agrees on both trials with the known standard
(3) All operators agreed within and between themselves
(4) All operators agreed within & between themselves AND agreed with the known standard

By looking at the statistical report, the false negative and false positive data can be observed. In this

case, you can see that the operators were biased toward accepting non-conforming parts, which

could pose a significant risk to the customer. Typical reporting for the attribute analysis would be the

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Screen % Effective Score vs Attribute of 86.7%, as seen highlighted in red above. Screen % Effective

Scores thresholds may range from 90-100% and be considered acceptable. The actual acceptable

level is based on risk, which may be determined with the customer.

The Kappa statistic is a more robust measure than the agreement analysis used above, since Kappa

takes into account the possibility of the agreement occurring by chance. Statistical software

programs can be used to calculate Kappa statistics. Here is an example using our data above.

Within Appraisers Kappa Statistics

Appraiser Response Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs > 0)
Michael Fail 1.00 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000
Pass 1.00 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000
Paul Fail 1.00 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000
Pass 1.00 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000
Jay Fail 1.00 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000
Pass 1.00 0.182574 5.47723 0.0000

In conclusion, all appraisers agreed with themselves every time achieving a perfect Kappa score of


Each Appraiser vs Standard Kappa Statistics

Appraiser Response Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs > 0)
Fail 0.732143 0.129099 5.67115 0.0000
Pass 0.732143 0.129099 5.67115 0.0000
Paul Fail 0.797980 0.129099 6.18112 0.0000
Pass 0.797980 0.129099 6.18112 0.0000
Jay Fail 0.797980 0.129099 6.18112 0.0000
Pass 0.797980 0.129099 6.18112 0.0000

In conclusion, Michael’s slightly lower Kappa score of 0.73 is attributed to his assessment

disagreeing with the “known” attribute one additional time compared with the other assessors.

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Between Appraisers Kappa Statistics

Response Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs > 0)
Fail 0.963284 0.0471405 20.4343 0.0000
Pass 0.963284 0.0471405 20.4343 0.0000

In conclusion, the Kappa statistic shows that there is strong likelihood of agreement between all

assessors (without consideration for the “known” attribute).

All Appraisers vs Standard Kappa Statistics

Response Kappa SE Kappa Z P(vs > 0)
Fail 0.776034 0.0745356 10.4116 0.0000
Pass 0.776034 0.0745356 10.4116 0.0000

In conclusion, the overall Kappa statistics of 0.776 falls short of the typical minimum requirement for

Kappa of 0.8.

Either agreement analysis or Kappa statistics draw the same conclusion that the measurement

system has issues with discriminating Pass/Fail parts versus a “known” attribute. Once the visual

standard was updated, the complete MSA was re-run and the Screen % Effective Score was at 100%

and the Kappa statistic was 1.0.

The above case study illustrates the most common use of Attribute Agreement analysis using binary

(Pass/Fail) data. The same approach applies for Nominal (distinct categories, i.e. colors) and Ordinal

(ordered scales, i.e. poor, fair, good, and excellent) measures. Statistical software programs are

typically used to set up and evaluate the results which will include an agreement analysis percentage

as well as Kappa (or similar) statistic.

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies


This process is documented by the data taken from the attribute agreement analysis.

Take action as

Take Action:

From the above data it has been determined that the operators are consistent,; however the

understanding of the standard is not clear. The standard will be clarified as a long term solution to

ensure adherence to the standard. In order to clarify the standard, further operator training will be

provided. Part magnification and better lighting conditions should be considered to reduce variation.

The attribute agreement analysis should be run again to verify the actions taken were successful.

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Revision Date: 21MAR2018 Section 3.11

Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Introduction to Third Case Study, Attribute MSA

This case study will be looking at a Go/No-Go measurement.

This case study will use ring gages to evaluate the diameter of a cylinder.

From this case study, you will be able to obtain a basic understanding of conducting an MSA on a
measurement system where attribute data is used to make a decision.

Multiple situations may exist where an MSA needs to be conducted and it the company’s
responsibility to work with their customer’s and determine an acceptable method to use. Multiple
documents and systems are available that will assist in this process.

SCMH Section 3.11.4
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Revision Date: 21MAR2018 Section 3.11

Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Third Case Study

This case study will use ring gages to evaluate the diameter of the cylinder used in the first case

study. In this case study the manufacturer wants to use an in-process check of the cylinder thickness

using simple ring gaging.

Gather inputs:

Determine the
sources of variation
that may affect the

Sources of Variation:

Determine what the possible sources of variation are with this measurement system. A fish bone

diagram is a tool that can be used to list the possible sources of variation. With this case study, it has

been determined that the operator, the environment, and technique are the primary sources of

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

variation. The measurement method was reviewed for controls to minimize these sources of variation.

Develop and
perform a gage R&R
to evaluate sources
of variation

Develop and perform an attribute agreement analysis:

(With an attribute study, an attribute agreement analysis is typically referred to an Attribute gage R&R)

A gage R&R process is developed by obtaining parts, using trained operators, and having a template

to record data:

• Parts – Obtain 30 samples with a mix of known 50% pass, 50% fail. For each group of pass/fail

at least 25% of the group should be borderline. The borderline samples will help determine the

true effectiveness of the measurement system. Given that the tolerance is 0.495 – 0.505,

borderline samples should be close to the upper and lower specification limits.

Borderline samples

• Recommend 30 parts with a minimum of 25.

• Trained operator – All operators that are part of the measurement process with a minimum of

2 operators. The operators must be trained to use the gages.

o The operator should follow the normal process.

• Calibration/known population.

o When using an attribute gage on a variable tolerance, there first must be a verified

measurement system. For this attribute agreement study, we will use the results from

the first case study (0-1 inch micrometer) and assume changes were made to reduce

the measurement system variation to an acceptable level. Using the 0-1 inch

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

micrometer all samples were measured and translated into “known” Pass/Fail results

for the sample population.

• Template to record data – record each measurement of each part by each operator.

o Recommend 2-30-2 measurement. Which is 2 operators, 30 samples, 2 recordings for

each part.

o Record any observations during measurement.

o Once these have been determined and taken into consideration an attribute agreement

analysis is conducted.

Conduct the study and take data.

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Attribute Gage R & R Effectiveness

DATE: 10/17/2017
Attribute Legend5 (used in computations) NAME: IAQG
1 Pass PRODUCT: Cylinder All operators

2 Fail GAGE: Ring Gages agree within and All Operators

BUSINESS: ACME Cylinder between each agree with

Other standard
Known Population Operator #1 Operator #2 Operator #3 Y/N Y/N
Sample # Diameter Attribute Trial 1 Trial 2 Tial 1 Trial 2 Trial 1 Trial 2 Agree Agree
1 0.5072 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
2 0.5052 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
3 0.4947 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
4 0.5043 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
5 0.4970 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
6 0.4921 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
7 0.4940 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
8 0.4951 Pass Pass Pass Fail Fail Fail Fail N N
9 0.5022 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
10 0.5014 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
11 0.4955 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
12 0.5093 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
13 0.4953 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Fail Fail N N
14 0.5085 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
15 0.4936 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
16 0.5055 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
17 0.5035 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
18 0.5045 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Fail Fail N N
19 0.5049 Pass Pass Pass Fail Fail Fail Fail N N
20 0.5002 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
21 0.4928 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
22 0.4943 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
23 0.5058 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
24 0.5013 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
25 0.4981 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Y Y
26 0.4936 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
27 0.5047 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Fail Fail N N
28 0.5060 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y
29 0.4958 Pass Pass Pass Fail Fail Fail Fail N N
30 0.4946 Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Y Y

Typical Attribute Agreement Study Spreadsheet

As seen in the chart above, as indicated by the red highlight, some operators consistently deviated to

the known standard. Upon reviewing sample numbers 8, 19, and 29 it was determined that the

borderline samples were difficult to distinguish. The operator technique caused the ring to bind up

and create a false negative (rejecting good parts).

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Statistical Report - Attribute Gage R&R Study

DATE: 10/17/2017
PRODUCT: Cylinder
GAGE: Ring Gages

% Appraiser1 %Score vs Attribute 2

Source Operator #1 Operator #2 Operator #3 Operator #1 Operator #2 Operator #3
Total Inspected 30 30 30 30 30 30
# Matched 30 30 30 30 27 24
False Negative (operator biased tow ard rejection) 0 3 6
False Positive (operator biased tow ard acceptance) 0 0 0
Mixed 0 0 0
95% UCL 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 97.9% 92.3%
Calculated Score 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 90.0% 80.0%
95% LCL 88.4% 88.4% 88.4% 88.4% 73.5% 61.4%

Screen % Effective Score 3 Screen % Effective Score vs Attribute 4

Total Inspected 30 30
# in Agreement 24 24
95% UCL 92.3% 92.3%
Calculated Score 80.0% 80.0%
95% LCL 61.4% 61.4%

% Appraiser 95% UCL % Score vs Appraiser 95% UCL

Calculated Score Calculated Score
95% LCL 95% LCL
110.0% 110.0%
100.0% 100.0%
90.0% 90.0%
80.0% 80.0%
% Efficiency

% Efficiency

60.0% 60.0%
50.0% 50.0%
40.0% 40.0%
30.0% 30.0%
20.0% 20.0%
10.0% 10.0%
0.0% 0.0%
Operator #1 Operator #2 Operator #3 Operator #1 Operator #2 Operator #3

(1) Operator agrees with him/herself on both trials
(2) Operator agrees on both trials with the known standard
(3) All operators agreed within and between themselves
(4) All operators agreed within & between themselves AND agreed with the known standard

By looking at the statistical report, the false negative and false positive data can be observed. In this

case, you can see that the operators were biased toward rejecting conforming parts. Typical reporting

for the attribute analysis would be the Screen % Effective Score vs Attribute of 80%, as seen

highlighted in red above. Further analysis with a statistical software package yielded a Kappa score of

0.79 which is less than the minimum 0.80 needed to pass.

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies


This process is documented by the data taken from the attribute agreement analysis.

Take action as

Take Action:

From the above data it has been determined that the operator method caused the rejection of

conforming parts. The method that the first operator was using was documented as standard work for

the measurement process and implemented across all operators in the process.

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Introduction to Fourth Case Study, Electrical MSA

This case study will be looking at an electrical measurement.

This case study will take a DC Current measurement at 5 Amps.

From this case study, you will be able to obtain a basic understanding of conducting an MSA on a
measurement system where an electrical measurement is made with multiple instruments.

Multiple situations may exist where an MSA needs to be conducted and it the company’s
responsibility to work with their customer’s and determine an acceptable method to use. Multiple
documents and systems are available that will assist in this process.

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Revision Date: 21MAR2018 Section 3.11

Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Fourth Case Study

This case study will be looking at a DC Current measurement at 5 Amps.

Gather inputs:

The part feature being measured is 5 Amps DC with a specification of ±20 milliamps.

There are three common methods to measure DC Current:

1.) Measure directly with a multi-meter

2.) Measure voltage drop across a bar shunt with a multi-meter

3.) Measure voltage drop across a thermally stabilized shunt with a multi-meter

Gage determination:

Without performing an uncertainty analysis, it is unknown at this point if the resolution and tolerance

is sufficient for the measurement. A multi-meter will be used and a decision will be made at the end if

the multi-meter was sufficient for the measurement.

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Measurement Uncertainty Analysis:

Does the gage meet
the criteria for
- Accuracy

Gage criteria:

With an uncertainty of ±0.0059 Amps dc, this results in a Test Uncertainty Ratio of approximately

3.3:1. With a risk requirement of 2% Probability of False Accept, this Test Uncertainty Ratio does not

meet the criteria.

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Choosing an alternate gage:

An alternate method will now be chosen to make the measurement. Measure voltage drop across a

thermally stabilized shunt with a multi-meter in the 1 V dc range.

Measurement Uncertainty Analysis:

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Does the gage meet
the criteria for
- Accuracy

Gage criteria:

With an uncertainty of ±0.00071 Amps dc, this results in a Test Uncertainty Ratio of approximately

28:1. With a risk requirement of 2% Probability of False Accept, this Test Uncertainty Ratio is

sufficient to meet the criteria.

Determine the
sources of variation
that may affect the

Sources of Variation:

In the uncertainty analysis above, all sources of variation, such as multi-meter, shunt, human factors

and environment, were taken into account.


This process was documented by the data taken from the uncertainty analysis.

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Introduction to Fifth Case Study, Software MSA

This case study will be looking at a software controlled device (Coordinate Measuring Machine)

With this case study the concentricity of the internal diameter to the external diameter will be checked
using a CMM.

From this case study, you will be able to obtain a basic understanding of conducting an MSA on
measurement system that uses a software controlled device such as a CMM.

Multiple situations may exist where an MSA needs to be conducted and it is the company’s
responsibility to work with their customer’s customer and determine an acceptable method to use.
Multiple documents and systems are available that will assist in this process.

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Fifth Case Study

25 mm

50 mm
Gather inputs:
Concentricity of the 25mm
hole to the centerline with a
tolerance of 0.013mm

This case study will be looking at a ring and checking the concentricity of the internal diameter to the
external diameter.

A 50 mm diameter ring with a 25 mm hole.

Measure the concentricity of the hole with a tolerance of 0.013 mm.

Because of the type of measurement and the tolerance, a CMM has been selected to take the
measurement. A software program has already been developed to take this measurement.

Determine the
sources of variation
that may affect the

Sources of Variation:

Determine what the possible sources of variation are with this measurement system. A fish bone
diagram is a tool that can be used to list the possible sources of variation. With this case study, it has
been determined that the part cleanliness, temperature, loading/securing technique, and CMM probe
type and calibration are the primary sources of variation. The measurement method was reviewed for
controls to minimize these sources of variation.

Perform an analysis
of your software

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Software analysis:

In this scenario a correlation study is conducted by using two different CMM’s and taking the
concentricity measurement of the part. The data between the two measurements is subtracted and
the difference should not be more than 10% of the part feature tolerance. The correlation study
showed a 96% correlation (i.e. 4% of the part tolerance) between the CMM’s.

Is the measurement
equipment the primary
source of variation in the

Primary Source of Variation:

At the start of this case study the primary source of variation was not known. In order to determine
the primary source of a variation gage studies were conducted.

A type one gage study is a best practice for determining gage error, but is not a replacement for a
variable gage R&R (also called a type two gage study). However, the type two gage study does not
separately calculate the specific gage error (i.e. the gage error will be combined with the operator
repeatability error)

A type one gage study can be conducted as the first step to determine gage repeatability error without
introducing other sources of variation. This is accomplished by taking 30 consecutive measurements
of the same part minimizing the sources of variation. If there is a known dimension of the part you can
also calculate bias.

A variable gage R&R (also called a type two gage study) can be started by obtaining parts, using
trained operators, a gage to take the measurement, and having a template to record data:

• Parts – Recommend 10 parts with a minimum of 5. Parts should span the normal process

variation. Identify and label each part for recording on the template

• Trained operators – All operators that are part of the measurement process with a minimum of

2 operators. The operators should have basic knowledge and skill in measurement

techniques, and in use of the selected gage (CMM)

o The operator should follow the normal measurement process including loading and
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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

unloading the part between each measurement

• Gage (CMM) to take the measurement

o Verify calibration and proper operation

• Template to record data – record each measurement of each part by each operator

o Recommend 2-10-2 measurement. Which is 2 operators, 10 samples, 2 recordings for

each part

o Record any observations during measurement

Conduct the gage R&R and take data.

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Type 1 Gage Study for Concentricity

Reported by: Jay M. Vospodopoulos
Gage name: CMM #1 Tolerance: 0.01 3
Date of study: 1 0/1 7/201 7 Misc:

Run Chart of Concentricity

Ref + 0.10 × Tol


0.0042 Ref


0.0030 Ref - 0.10 × Tol

1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28

Basic Statistics Bias Capability

Reference 0.0042 Bias 0.000034 Cg 2.52
Mean 0.004234 T 1 .0978021 Cgk 2.45
StDev 0.0001 71 9 PValue 0.281
6 × StDev (SV) 0.001 031 3 (Test Bias = 0)
%Var(Repeatability) 7.93%
Tolerance (Tol) 0.01 3
%Var(Repeatability and Bias) 8.1 5%

In conclusion, the percent variation coming from the gage repeatability (type one gage study) was
determined to be 7.93% and no statistically significant bias present. Based on this low variation from
the gauge, a complete variable gage R&R was conducted.

In conclusion, the total gage R&R percent tolerance of 13.92% showed an acceptable performing

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Measurement System Analysis Case Studies

Further investigation of the gage R&R ANOVA report also did not indicate any areas of concern.


This process is documented by the data taken from the Gage R&R and correlation study.

Take action as

Take Action:

From the above data it has been determined that no significant variation exists and no action needs to
be taken.

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Revision Date: 21MAR2018 Section 3.11

Measurement System Analysis Case Studies


SCMH Section 3.11.3 Measurement Systems Analysis Process Flow

Automotive Industry Action Group (2010) Measurement System Analysis, 4th ed., Detroit, Mi.

SAE International, AS13003, 2015-02

Wheeler, D.J and Lyday, R.W., Evaluating the Measurement Process, SPC Press, Inc., Knoxville, TN,


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