Linear Motion Devices: Screw Jacks
Linear Motion Devices: Screw Jacks
Linear Motion Devices: Screw Jacks
rends in the last few
ACTUATORS.....................................................A257 the assembly to your ma-
decades have led de- BEARINGS........................................................A268 chine. Similarly, you can
signers to rethink CONTROLS.......................................................A271 get an actuator that is syn-
concepts of industrial mo- LINEAR MOTION DEVICES ADVERTISING .......A272 chronous-belt-driven for
tion. Companion gains in the linear actuation, motor-
control theory and hard- ized, and with integral
ware allow schemes for geared speed reducer. You
complete motion systems not previ- can also get electrohydraulically actu-
ously possible. And motion technolo- linear part of its path, with or without ated devices that use the precision of
gies from fields as diverse as national special attachments. digital control with the high force of a
defense and medical diagnostics are • Plastic drive tape. hydraulic cylinder. You can get any
available for exploitation in other • Sliding-action leadscrew (usually such packages with integral control
fields. The primary effect is that to- acme screw), with nut. hardware and software.
day’s designers must consider not just • Ball-bearing leadscrew (ball-
industrial “power transmission” along screw) with nut. The balls recirculate
shafts and through reductions, but into and out of the load zone.
Screw jacks
also the broader concept of industrial • Planetary roller screw, in which One of the older conventional actu-
motion and control. And linear mo- a nut engaging several planetary ation packages, the screw jack, comes
tion is an essential part of it. threaded rollers mounts on a in a single housing containing the in-
Many modern processes call for threaded shaft. The threaded rollers put rotating shaft, the output linear
unattended operation, exceptional also engage the shaft. Axes of shaft, motion shaft (screw), all bearings,
precision, high throughput, flexibility nut, and rollers are parallel. Threads and the lubricant. The user connects a
for short runs, and total manufactur- on the nut and planetary rollers are of motor and the load attachment. There
ing integration. Often in such cases, the same helix angle. are three major types.
humans can’t perform well enough. • Recirculating roller screw, in Machine-screw jack. In the com-
Modern sensors and controls, coupled which a nut engaging several grooved mon machine-screw jack, Figure 1, ro-
with diverse and precise linear and rollers mounts on a threaded shaft. tation of the input (worm) shaft turns
rotary motion devices, combine to fill The rollers also engage the shaft. Dif- the worm gear and drive nut, which
the needs. Thus, designers must con- fers from the planetary roller screw in connects rigidly to the worm gear.
sider linear motion as an integral part that rollers recirculate into and out of The leadscrew (also called the lifting
of industrial motion and control. the load zone. screw or stem) is of acme or modified
The major componentry of linear • Skewed rollers on a rotating cy- square-thread form. It is threaded
motion systems can be categorized as: lindrical rod (traction motion on a through the drive nut and converts
• Actuators. threadless rod). rotary motion of the nut to linear mo-
• Support systems (bearings). • Fluid-power cylinder with direct- tion, if the screw is kept from turning
•Control systems and components. driving rod, rodless cylinder, or cable with the drive nut.
Many equipment manufacturers cylinder. Rolling-element bearings support
supply complete systems that include • Electric solenoid. the input shaft and worm gear to mini-
all major types of components. • Electric linear motor, such as lin- mize frictional loss. Thrust bearings
ear induction motor or linear step support the load. The stem cover stores
motor. lubricant and helps protect the stem
ACTUATORS • Adapted electric rotary motor. A from damage and contamination.
Common linear actuation devices common type has no shaft. The rotor Machine-screw jacks come in many
for single-axis motion include, but are also serves as the mating nut on a stock sizes with load ratings from less
not limited to: leadscrew with axis coincident with than 1 to more than 250 tons. A jack
• Various complex linkages such rotor axis. can mount stationary so the stem re-
as a walking beam or slider-crank Preceding listing order does not im- ciprocates, or an external nut can be
mechanism. ply relative importance. used so the stem rotates and the nut
• Gear rack and pinion set. Many linear actuation devices (attached to the load) reciprocates.
• Plate or disc-cam drive with come as complete packages. For ex- Most machine-screw jacks are self-
fixed-axis follower. ample, you can get a motorized ball locking. Thus, the load remains sta-
• Cylindrical-cam drive with fixed- screw powered through spur or worm tionary in the event of a power failure.
axis follower. gearing, and fully self-contained so The major limitation of machine-
• Chain, belt, or cable drive in the that you need only mount and wire screw jacks is low efficiency, typically
998 PT Design A257
Figure 3 de-
picts a typical
lifting ar-
called a T-sys-
tem. It shows
how one motor
can power sev-
eral synchro-
nized lifting
points by us-
ing couplings
and right-an-
gle gearboxes.
Selection of
the best ar-
rangement for
an application
is usually
based on space
Figure 1—Typical machine screw jack. availability and motor
25% or less. Sliding between drive nut Here are some guide-
and screw generates heat. This heat- lines:
ing restricts duty cycles of machine • Keep screw load di-
screws to 5 to 7 1/2 min/hr at full load. rection parallel to the
Ball screw jack. If an application screw axis as much as
calls for the advantages of a machine- possible. Figure 2 — Typical ball screw jack.
screw jack, but needs a longer duty • Keep the span between drive
cycle or higher efficiency, a better components as short as practical. • You can include other torque-sens-
choice may be a ball screw jack, Fig- That keeps interconnecting shafting ing devices into a jack or a motor to pro-
ure 2, or a roller-screw jack. See also short and limits the chance of a criti- tect the whole system from overload.
discussions “Ball screws” and “Roller cal-speed problem. To select a screw jack, use a system
screws” which follow. The heart of a • When nec essary, use pill ow- design manual having illustrations,
ball screw jack is an assembly com- block supports, dynamically balanced column strength charts, power and
posed of a screw and nut, separated shafting, or both, to help avoid criti- torque data, and sample calculations.
by a recirculating series of balls. The cal-speed vibrations.
ball screw jack works like a ball bear- • Select shaft cou-
ing and has similar life predictability. plings with high
Rolling friction of the ball screw, strength-to-bore ra-
compared with sliding friction of the tios (such as gear cou-
machine screw, generates little heat. plings) to minimize
This allows higher lifting speeds in system inertia.
the ball screw jack and much better • Use three and
efficiency, typically 92 to 95%. The four-way miter boxes
higher efficiency reduces input power whenever possible,
requirement to about two thirds that to shorten intercon-
of a machine-screw jack for a given necting shafts.
load. Besides higher efficiency than • Use limit
machine-screw jacks, ball screw jacks switches to restrict
have a lower ratio of starting to run- extremes of stem
ning torque. Because of low rolling travel, or connect ro-
friction, many ball screw jacks can be tary switches di-
back-driven. See the discussion on rectly to one unused
back driving under “Ball screws.” side of the double-
Roller-screw jack. You can also extending input
improve on a machine-screw jack’s shaft of a jack.
advantages by using a roller-screw • Use a slip cou-
jack. See the discussion under “Roller pling between motor and jack input Figure 3 — Typical screw jack system
screws” which follows. shaft to provide overload protection. arrangement.
997 Power Transmission Design A275
Get more life out of ball screws The ball screw on the
right has seen many
Many ball screws are hours of service, but it
repairable. Common B — Chipped and is more economical to
problems, such as loss of broken lands on this repair it than to
ball screw are not discard it. After
repeatability due to wear
severe enough to repair, it will look like
can be fixed by regrind- scrap it.
ing the ball thread the assembly at left.
grooves and then using
larger balls in the ball-
screw assembly. If a mi-
nor crash bends the
screw a bit, it can often
be straightened to its
original accuracy
and returned to
service. Surface C — Before repair,
brinnelling of ball
problems such as
screw threads is seen
spalling, brinelling, in the foreground as
chipping, or feath- vertical “dashes.”
ering, Figure A, Figure A —
can be reground Common forms of
and replated. All of wear or damage
these repairs may on the threads of
prove more eco- ball screws.
nomical than re- are the first to wear. Thus, new,
placement with a larger balls are used at every level to
whole new restore preload and repeatability.
ball-screw as- The secret to proper ball replace-
sembly. ment: for every 0.003 in. of wear, use
To deter- a 0.001 in. larger ball. The screw is
mine when a also straightened because a bow as
ball screw little as a thousandth of an inch can
needs repair, put excess moment on the ball nut,
and approxi- ceptable lash is which can later result in failure.
mate how
D — A close-up
0.002 to 0.004 in. • Level 2 (seven days) adds re-
much repair, For diameters grinding of the ball nut to the steps
view of the inside of the
measure its ball nut shows spalling of the two ranging from taken in Level 1. Ball-nut thread
diametral middle threads. 0.5625 to 0.6250 grooves wear faster than the screw
backlash, or in., the acceptable threads because they are subject to
lash. Diametral lash (not axial back- lash is 0.004 to 0.008 in. more ball travel.
lash) is a measurement that can be As noted, a ball screw with 80% or • Level 3 (seven days) adds re-
taken in the plant. The ball-screw more wear is likely irreparable. Four grinding of the ball screw threads,
assembly is placed in V blocks. An repairs is about the maximum for and as required, rebuilding of the
engineer lifts the ball nut vertically any ball screw. After that, bury the journal diameters with eutectic
and with a gage, measures the play ball screw with honors. spraying and grinding them back
between the ball nut and screw. For Levels of repair. When a ball to size.
a preloaded assembly, a diametral screw arrives at a repair facility, it is • Level 4 (14 days) adds regrind-
lash of 0.0005 in. indicates a wear inspected and evaluated for the type ing of the ball nut and ball screw.
factor of 50%. Minimal, or Level 1, of needed repair. This process can This level may cost 55% of a new as-
repair is needed to bring the screw take up to three or four days. sembly, but the repaired ball screw
back into use. A lash of 0.0035 in. In general, there are four levels of will have a normal new-screw life.
represents 80% wear and indicates cost-effective repair. While each suc- When the repair cost goes over 65%,
either a Level IV repair or a dead ball cessive level adds cost, this cost is buy a new assembly.
screw. Similarly for nonpreloaded still less than a new ball-screw These four levels of repair are clas-
assemblies, a diametral lash of 0.009 assembly. sified by the most common repairs
in. is 50% wear and needs Level 1 All repair levels involve the same and do not cover all contingencies.
and 0.015 in. is 80% wear and needs four basic steps: inspect, clean, re-
Level IV or replacement. ball, and straighten. Excerpted from an article by
For ball-circle diameters ranging • Level 1 (three days) repairs loss Thomson Saginaw Ball Screw Co., in
from 0.03934 to 0.04875 in., the ac- of repeatability due to wear. Balls the June 1996 issue of PTD.
997 Power Transmission Design A277
nut or screw rotating when a thrust
load is applied to the other member of
the assembly. However, not all ball Figure 5—Typical
planetary roller screw.
screws can back drive. The thread’s
In this style, roller
helix angle determines if the assem- screws remain in
bly can back drive. Generally, a ball constant contact with the
screw with a helix angle of 6 deg or threaded haft. In another
more will back drive; those of 4 to 6 style, roller screw
deg are marginal; those under 4 deg recirculate into and out
probably will not do so. Be aware that, of the load zone.
in some situations in which you would
not expect back driving, continuous
machine vibration with the ball screw increased significantly. Roller screws nipulators, and movement of prisms
unpowered and unrestrained might are more costly to produce than ball in laser measurement machines.
cause slow back driving. screws and they are applied mostly These curved linear systems con-
In many situations, you would not where application requirements of sist of slides or races, and rings (360
want the ball screw to back drive. For load-carrying capacity, axial stiffness, degrees of rotation) or segments of
example, should power fail on a lift, it linear speed, or acceleration and decel- rings (90 or 180 degrees of rotation).
could be disastrous for the load to run eration rates are especially stringent. One type of slide uses opposing fe-
back. You must assure that either the Overall, roller screws are similar to male bearings with V-shaped outer
ball screw cannot back drive or, if it ball screws in preload configuration, rollers in a two-and-two arrange-
can, that you provide a holding means backlash, lost motion, left-hand and ment. The bearings ride on a track
such as a spring-applied, electrically right-hand thread, back driving, effi- with matching V-shaped rails. A car-
released brake to prevent screw rota- ciency, torque, and power require- riage plate on top of the two-and-two
tion on power loss. ments. bearings is the mounting platform,
Variations. Many variations in Figure 5 shows a planetary roller Figure 6. Thus, the carriage assembly
ball screws and optional equipment screw. effectively runs on eight line-contact
let you adapt them to special require- points on a track with varying circum-
ments. For example, hollow screws ferential diameters.
are available for situations where low
Linear slides and races For a fixed segment of a ring, fixed
system weight is important, such as Not all linear motion applications center carriage plates are the most
in actuators on aircraft. consist of straight lines. Some appli- popular. A bogie carriage, Figure 7, is
cations require an oc- used around S-bends, slideways with
casional curve or the differing bend radii, and curves where
circular motion of looseness in the movement between
pure radial move- straight and curved sections is not de-
ment, such as that sirable. The bogie carriage runs on
found in tool changing swivel bearings, which operate on a
mechanisms, mea- principal similar to that used in train
surement of turbine and tram bogies to negotiate bends in
blades, rotating ma- the track.
Figure 4—Bidirectional 1-piece ball screw
needs no joint to connect and synchronize Fixed center carriage with
left and right-hand screws. two-and-two bearing support
Roller screws
Figure 6 — V-ball bearing systems use opposing female bearings with V shaped outer
The first roller screws appeared in rollers in a two-and-two bearing support arrangement. A fixed center carriage uses the
the early 1950s. However, only in the two-and-two arrangement to support the mounting plate. Two of the V bearings have
last decade or so has their popularity eccentric studs to facilitate adjustment.
997 Power Transmission Design A279
and continue to seal.
Magnetically coupled rodless cylin-
ders make slots and dynamic seals
unnecessary; the piston couples mag-
netically to the external carriage.
Recent versions of these rodless
cylinders can now handle tipping or
transverse loads. Most vendors offer
fully pre-engineered, out-of-the-box,
bolt-it-down, hook-it-up systems. Op-
tions include position sensors, posi-
tion and velocity controls, end-of-
stroke bumpers, shock absorbers, and
other snubbing devices, brakes, ex-
ternal and guides.
997 Power Transmission Design A281
as a servo system stationary; the primary, with the
with a closed position moving part of the system.
loop. Figure 14 shows The thrust produced in an ac linear
such a servomotor motor is approximately proportional
system in which the to the face area between the primary
linear measuring sys- and secondary parts. A modification
tem could be an en- of the single-coil primary system is a
coder feeding position dual-coil system, in which a primary
data back to an ac part mounts at either side of a flat
vector drive. (For secondary. In effect, that doubles the
more on vector drives, working face area and thus the thrust
see the “AC vector” of a similarly sized single primary
section in the Ad- system. In most applications, the dual
justable Speed Drives primaries are fixed and the secondary
Figure 13—Typical speed-thrust curves of Product Department in this hand- coil is with the moving part of the sys-
linear induction, force, and step motors. book). tem. Thus, you would consider first a
The linear induction motor in Fig- single-coil primary system for long-
The primary is a wound structure, ure 14, sometimes called an asynchro- stroke applications; a dual-coil pri-
much like a conventional motor sta- nous linear motor, is a single-coil mo- mary for shorter-stroke, higher-
tor. The secondary is a metallic struc- tor — the primary part (similar to a thrust applications.
ture, much like a rotor. Either struc- stator in a rotary motor) holds the Linear force motor. Like the lin-
ture can be the moving part of a linear windings. The secondary part (like a ear induction motor, you can think of
induction motor. rotor in a rotary ac motor) consists of a linear force motor as a conventional
The motor can operate directly iron and short-circuit rods of copper dc motor that has been slit axially and
from line current with a fixed speed or aluminum. The magnetic field in rolled out flat, Figure 15. It comes in
thrust characteristic. It can also oper- the secondary is generated by the cur- moving-magnet, moving-winding,
ate in an open loop from an ad- rent induced by the moving and alter- brush, and brushless types, and with
justable-speed source for adjustable- nating magnetic field of the primary. various core materials.
speed applications. And it can operate In most cases, the secondary coil is Brush-type motor is the least ex-
pensive. Operating from direct cur-
rent, each motor has a stationary coil
assembly and moving magnets. The
motor cable does not move in this con-
figuration. Velocity goes to 1 m/sec;
and acceleration to 0.5 g. Above these
values there is excessive arcing and
rapid deterioration of the brushes.
These motors are excluded from clean
room and vacuum applications.
Brushless, aluminum-core linear mo-
tor operates from three phase power,
with a moving coil and cable. In applica-
tions requiring short travel lengths, the
coil can be stationary and the magnets
moving. The core of the primary en-
closes the windings in aluminum. There
is no magnetic attraction between the
two motor parts. Therefore, it may re-
Figure 14—Typical ac linear servomotor. It could be powered by a vector drive that quire a double-sided magnet assembly
receives position and speed information from the linear measuring system. to close the magnetic circuit effectively.
997 Power Transmission Design A283
quiring the use of a larger motor for a equivalent rotary conversion systems. method is to provide not one flat sur-
given force. • Long stroke. Travel length is lim- face, but two, butted at an angle to
These motors are suited to applica- ited only by platen length — and in- each other to form one V-shaped way.
tions requiring high acceleration, syn- creasing length does not lessen per- A companion V-shaped way mates
chronized speed or acceleration, and formance. with it. A variation of this technique
high detent forces and reliability. • Multiple motion. By overlapping uses a continuous V-shaped way with
Linear step motor. This motor, trajectories, more than one forcer can companion wheels or sheaves with
Figure 18, provides the same incre- operate on one platen at one time. mating circumferential cross sections.
mental point-to-point precision as its They roll on and are guided by the
rotating counterpart. way. The wheels, however, make such
A linear step motor has a toothed,
BEARINGS a system a rolling-element system.
magnetic pole structure on the stator As with any other power transmis- Dovetail ways are another variation
(platen) and on the slider (forcer). sion system, a linear motion system of the V-shaped way.
Platen and forcer tooth structure al- must be supported and guided. Gen- By replacing the flat way with a
most match. For example, the platen erally, moving parts exert some force, cylinder with axis parallel to the di-
may have 11 teeth in the same length and the force must be resisted for the rection of motion and making the
in which the forcer has 10. By sequen- system to remain stable. That is the companion moving piece a cylindrical
tially energizing two coils that oper- chief reason for any bearing: It must rod, you create a sleeve bearing. Now,
ate in conjunction with a permanent bear a load. For information on bear- however, you can use short, well-
magnet (oriented parallel to the axis ings for rotary systems, see the Bear- aligned sleeve bearings in series to
of motion), the step motor can be ings Product Department in this support the linear-motion device.
made to move in one-quarter-tooth- handbook. Such a bearing looks like the sleeve
pitch increments. You can get ex- Linear-motion bearings are of bearing used to support and guide ro-
tremely fine resolution (to 25,000 many types, some much like rotary tary motion. However, it supports ax-
steps/in.) with microstep controls. bearings. One of the most common ial motion, and the mechanics of mo-
tion may differ. A major difference:
the hydrodynamic oil-film “wedge”
that develops between a rotating
shaft and a sleeve bearing above a
certain minimum rotary speed isn’t
there when the shaft moves axially.
Well-lubricated linear-motion sleeve
bearings can serve well at low speed.
Chief among the differences in lin-
ear sleeve bearings are type of bear-
ing material. Common bearing
bronzes are often used, and so are
graphites. So, too, are metal sleeve
Figure 18—Linear step motor works on bearings with solid-lubricant inserts.
same principle as rotary step motor. Here, ways to classify bearings is by type of Another type is the ceramic linear
four sets of teeth on forcer are spaced in bearing-to-load contact: bearing—a metal sleeve coated with a
quadrature so only one set at a time lines
up with any set of platen teeth.
• Plain bearings. Surfaces slide on hard ceramic. Solid plastic or metal-
each other or on a lubricant film be- backed plastic sleeve bearings are
tween them. also in common linear-bearing use.
Linear step motors are well-suited • Rolling-element bearings. Ele- Rolling-element bearings. You
for positioning applications requiring ments such as balls or rollers between can gain the advantage of lower
high acceleration and high-speed, moving surfaces provide the lower re- rolling friction and, thus, higher
low-mass moves. Motor systems offer: sistance of rolling friction instead of speed capacity by substituting
• High throughput. Linear step sliding friction. rolling-element linear bearings for
motors are capable of speeds to 100 Plain bearings. The simplest lin- plain linear bearings, much like you
ips, and low forcer mass allows fast ear-motion plain bearing to visualize can with rotary bearings. For exam-
acceleration. is the flat way, perhaps the oldest de- ple, you can put rolling elements be-
• Mechanical simplicity. vice that lets one machine element, tween the simple flat-way plain mat-
• Reliability. Few moving parts such as the bed of a planer, move eas- ing surfaces to reduce friction. With
and in some models, air bearings, ily on another. However, it is also dif- proper restraining systems, the ele-
make for long life and low mainte- ficult to make well, because nearly ments could be balls or rollers. Like-
nance compared with rotary systems. perfect flatness is hard to maintain wise for more complex systems such
• Precise open-loop operation. Lin- over a long distance. Early machine as V and dovetail ways. Ball, roller,
ear systems allow open-loop unidirec- ways were hand-scraped by crafts- and crossed-roller systems are in ser-
tional repeatability to 1 micron men to remove high spots. The flat vice there. Also, the flat way bearing
(0.00004 in.). way must also have a means to keep can become more like a box beam with
• Small work envelope. Most linear the payload from running off due to cam-follower bearings or similar
step motors need less space than any transverse load. A common bearings on two or more sides to guide
Shafting surface
997 Power Transmission Design A285
997 Power Transmission Design A287