Blinkist - The Art of War - Sun Tzu - Summary

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4/2/2020 Blinkist: Serving curious minds.

Final summary

The key message in this book:

Warfare is a matter of life and death for the state, and so meticulous planning
and estimating must go into the conduct of war. A skilled general chooses to
fight only when he knows victory is secure; thus, he is never defeated. He is
observant, resourceful and adaptable. He imposes his will on the enemy,
deceiving and irritating him to drive him to make a fatal error.
The questions this book answered:

How can you secure against defeat and ensure victory?

Planning, calculating and comparing armies leads to victory.

Secure yourself against defeat, and wait for an opportunity for victory.
Warfare is only successful if sovereigns and generals do not cause their own defeat.

How can you achieve advantages over your enemy?

Conserve your resources through stratagems, foraging and espionage.

Deceive your enemy and impose your will on him.

The Art of War

Observe the terrain and your enemy, then adapt accordingly.
0:00 How must you manage your troops?
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4/2/2020 Blinkist: Serving curious minds.

To wage war successfully, manage your troops sternly, keep them in uncertainty
and make them fight to the death.

Suggested further reading: The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli

The Prince is a 16th century guide on how to be an autocratic leader of a country. It
explains why ends like glory and power always justify even brutal means for princes.
Thanks to this book, the word “Machiavellian” came to mean using deceit and
cunning to one’s advantage.

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The Art of War

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