Catalogue 2022 Global

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Frontpage picture for honoring all of the
healthcare providers on the frontline
in the fight of the COVID-19 virus.

Saving more lives — together

We believe working with partners is

the best way to achieve our mission.

From the beginning, Laerdal has worked

with doctors, nurses, educators, re-
searchers and leading industry organisa-
tions. Mutual respect and shared values
have been the foundation of these
relationships, but the key to long-term
success has been the complementary
nature of our missions.

Innovation focused on impact

Laerdal has been influential in furthering

research and implementing practices
that support our core research princi-
ples including the Utstein Formula for
Survival, the Chain of Survival, and the
Circle of Learning.

We use evidence-based knowledge

to develop and continuously refine
our product and service solutions. We
believe we can make the biggest impact
on helping save lives by our efforts to
improve educational efficiency and local

A shared goal
Helping save 1 million more lives. Every year. By 2030.
This is the audacious goal Laerdal has established. Nothing less.
The key word is “helping”. No-one at Laerdal would claim they
were saving lives; our role is to develop educational and
therapy solutions and services that help train and equip those
who do from lay people, ambulance dispatchers, and community
first responders through to healthcare workers on ambulances
and in hospitals. Laerdal can only do this by working with
partners in professional associations, NGOs and government
bodies to develop the necessary programs and actions for
widespread implementation.

The guiding stars for this collaboration are the Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs), established by the UN in 2016,
with SDG3 for good health and well-being at its core.
In addition to having a goal of reducing maternal, neonatal
and child mortality, SDG3 also addresses accidents and non-
communicable diseases including sudden cardiac arrest.

Laerdal Services Emergency
Laerdal Services......................................................................8 Care & Trauma
RQI Laerdal
- the complete simulation provider.....................40
Resuscitation Quality Improvement Program....10 SimCapture............................................................................42
Laerdal Scenario Cloud...................................................44
NEW SimMan 3G PLUS..............................................46
Hear tCode SimMan 3G ...........................................................................48
SimMan 3G Trauma .........................................................49
HeartCode.............................................................................12 SimMan Essential.................................................................50
SimMan ALS..........................................................................50
SimMan Vascular..................................................................52
BLS & SimBaby with Tracheostomy.....................................56
NEW Laerdal-SonoSim
Resuscitation Ultrasound Solution 2.0 ................................................58
SonoSim Starter Edition.................................................59
Laerdal-SonoSim Procedure Trainer........................59
SkillGuide.................................................................................16 Respiratory Care Solutions.......................................60
SimPad PLUS with SkillReporter...............................16 Mechanical Ventilation E-Learning.............................60
QCPR Training app............................................................18 TruVent.....................................................................................60
Anniewhere...........................................................................18 ASL 5000 Lung Solution.................................................61
NEW TeamReporter app............................................20 TruMonitor.............................................................................62
SkillReporter app................................................................21 SimStart....................................................................................63
Resusci Anne QCPR.........................................................22
Resusci Junior QCPR........................................................24 SimJunior..................................................................................64
Resusci Baby QCPR..........................................................25 Resusci Anne Simulator...................................................65
Little Anne QCPR..............................................................26 Resusci Anne Advanced SkillTrainer........................66
Little Junior QCPR.............................................................28 MegaCode Kelly..................................................................67
Little Baby QCPR...............................................................29 MegaCode Kid......................................................................68
Little Family QCPR............................................................30 Laerdal ALS Baby................................................................69
Mini Anne................................................................................31 Next Generation Harvey
Mini Anne Plus......................................................................31 The Cardiopulmonary Patient Simulator..............70
Newborn Anne...................................................................32 UMedic.....................................................................................71
Extri Kelly.................................................................................71
Resusci Baby QCPR Airway Head............................32 Crash Kelly..............................................................................71
Resusci Junior QCPR Airway Head..........................32
Resusci Anne Accessories..............................................33 LLEAP Overview................................................................72
Head Section Model.........................................................33 SimPad PLUS System.......................................................74

Resusci Manikins and Feedback Devices
Accessories and Consumables...................................35

AED Trainer 3.......................................................................36

Laerdal AED Trainer 2......................................................36
HeartStart AED Trainer..................................................37

Nursing Maternal & Newborn
& Patient Care
NEW Nursing Anne Simulator.................................78 Obstetric Solution SimMom
Nursing Anne........................................................................80 and MamaBirthie.................................................................88
Nursing Kelly.........................................................................81 SimMom...................................................................................90
Nursing Kid............................................................................82 SimNewB................................................................................92
Nursing Baby.........................................................................83 MamaBirthie..........................................................................94
Interchangeable MamaNatalie.........................................................................94
Catheterization and Enema Trainer..........................84 Buy One Gift One Program.........................................95
Fundus Skills and Assessment Trainer......................84
In-Service Home Care Training Simulator............84 PROMPT Flex.......................................................................96
Premature Anne..................................................................97

Sister-U Multi-Uterus-Trainer......................................99
Careplus Preterm Wrap.............................................. 100
Nifty Feeding Cup...........................................................100

Skills Proficiency Medical Devices
SimCapture CPRmeter 2........................................................................120
SimCapture for Skills........................................... 104
CPR Barrier Devices
Clinical Skills Trainers Laerdal Pocket Mask......................................................122
Modular Skills Trainer.....................................................106 Laerdal Paediatric Pocket Mask............................... 123
Laerdal Face Shield.........................................................124
Airway Management Trainers
Pediatric Intubation Trainer........................................ 107 Ventilation
Laerdal Neonatal Intubation Trainer..................... 107 Laerdal Upright Resuscitator..................................... 125
NG Tube and Trach Care Trainer............................ 108 Laerdal Silicone Resuscitator (LSR)....................... 126
Laerdal Infant Airway Management Trainer...... 108 Laerdal Silicone Masks..................................................127
Laerdal Airway Management Trainer.................... 109 The BAG II Disposable Resuscitator.................... 128
Deluxe Difficult Airway Trainer................................ 109 Thomas Tube Holders..................................................129
Pneumothorax Trainer.................................................. 110
AT Kelly Torso....................................................................110
Cricoid Stick Trainer.......................................................111 Suction Units
Choking Charlie................................................................111 Laerdal Compact Suction Unit
(LCSU) 4..............................................................................130
Arrhythmia and Blood Pressure Trainers Laerdal Suction Unit (LSU)........................................ 131
Blood Pressure Training Arm..................................... 112 V-VAC Manual Suction Unit...................................... 132
SimPad Blood Pressure Trainer................................. 112 Penguin Suction Device............................................... 133
12-Lead Task Trainer.......................................................113
HeartSim® 200................................................................113
Symbio Rhythm Simulator.......................................... 113 Defibrillation
HeartStart Consumables..................................134-135

Venous & Arterial Access Trainers

Laerdal IV Torso................................................................114 Immobilisation
Chester Chest...................................................................115 Stifneck Select Collars
Multi-Venous IV Training Arms................................. 115 - Adult and Paediatric....................................................138
Pediatric Multi-Venous IV Stifneck Extrication Collars........................................ 138
Training Arm Kit................................................................116 BaXstrap Spineboard....................................................139
Arterial Arm Stick Kit.................................................... 116 HeadBed II
Laerdal Intraosseous Trainer...................................... 116 Head Immobilization Device..................................... 140
Sta-Blok Head Immobilizer........................................ 140
PadPack Alignment Pads.............................................. 140
Neonatal Manikins & Trainers SpeedBlocks Head Immobilizer............................... 141
Baby Umbi...........................................................................117 Laerdal Pedi-Pad Spineboard Pad.......................... 141
Baby Stap..............................................................................117
Baby Hippy..........................................................................117

Laerdal Services
Helping you make the most of your training
Laerdal offers comprehensive Educational and Technical Services designed to
support healthcare professionals successfully implement and sustain simulation
training programs for maximum lifetime value.

Our team of educators and technicians have years of industry related experi-
ence, with the ability to provide a wide range of options to help you maintain
your simulation equipment and gain the critical skills necessary to optimize
performance and learning outcomes.

From maintaining your equipment to best practice instruction, Laerdal’s Service

Solutions have you covered – around the globe. When you purchase a Laerdal
simulator, you expect highly reliable performance. You should expect the same
level of performance from your service team. That is what you get from our
Technical Support Representatives, Field Service Engineers and Educational
Services Specialists.

With delivery options that range from onsite to live virtual, to self-directed
eLearning, we offer comprehensive service programs that meet specific
product and training needs.

Educational Services
Our Educational Services Solutions include instructor-led classroom training in your own environment,
instructor-led classroom training in our facility, virtual classroom training, eLearning and a full suite of on-demand
support materials. We have a professional team dedicated to helping you identify the right blend of ongoing
competency development for your team, and we’ll support you through every step of the way.

Onsite Courses Offsite Courses Virtual Courses eLearning Courses

Onsite training led by a Offsite training by a Virtual trainings led by a eLearning training that
Laerdal expert educator Laerdal expert educator Laerdal expert educator participants can access
at your organization, in a Laerdal facility where through a collaborative from anywhere, anytime.
where you will address you join a group of virtual classroom, offering
specific objectives in your like-minded peers with refresher, onboarding or
environment on your similar objectives. orientation training.

Technical Services
Our Technical Services Solution include everything from product installation and preventive maintenance, to
extended warranty coverage, troubleshooting and repairs. The team can even support the build-out and operation
of your clinical lab. With professionally trained technical engineers around the globe, we are here to help. 

Simulator Preventative Extended Specialty Network Services

Installation Maintenance Warranty Options Technical Services Connect all your
Designed to A simple way Continues the Brings professional simulation equipment
provide you with to control costs Laerdal standard expertise to deliver securely to one
professional set up through annually manufacturer solutions that meet dedicated simulation
of your simulator scheduled routine warranty coverage unique technical network. Future-
and basic in-service servicing. for your manikin, maintenance or proof your network
operator training at patient simulator or service needs. setup and simulate
your facility system. without connectivity

Resuscitation Quality Improvement®
RQI Programs

Resuscitation Quality Improvement (RQI) programs provides a high-reliability platform for simulation-based
mastery learning, implemented through low-dose, high-frequency quality improvement sessions that measure
and verify competence, to help healthcare providers retain life-saving skills.

Innovative competency-based program for high-quality CPR

and improved patient outcomes
Many healthcare providers do not perform CPR as Fortunately, you don’t have to invest hours every day
a normal part of their daily practice, and some may to improve and maintain your proficiency. Brief and
rarely perform CPR after their bi-annual training. regular practice in CPR – low-dose/high-frequency
As CPR compression and ventilation skills degrade education – has been shown to lead to better skills.
from lack of use and practice, so does the overall The American Heart Association’s Resuscitation
effectiveness of CPR. As the quality of CPR degrades, Quality Improvement (RQI) Program is a ground-
this can literally become a matter of life and death breaking new approach to maintaining competence
for your patients. in CPR.

Available RQI programs (depending on region):

RQI Healthcare Provider (BLS), RQI ALS, RQI PALS,
and RQI for NRP 8th Edition - launching late 2021

For more information about RQI
Verified & confident
Advancing CPR education
High-quality CPR
RQI helps ensure your staff has the confidence and
competence to perform high-quality CPR when it matters
the most.
Low-dose, high-frequency
Frequent but short refresher training sessions make it easier
to fit training into your schedule while preventing skills decay.
Objective skills feedback
Standardized skills training is completed on a Simulation
Station featuring real-time, audiovisual directive feedback for
high-quality CPR skills.

Safety and convenience

Leveraging digital learning technologies
Self-directed learning at any time
With real-time guidance from our software and responsive
design, healthcare professionals can conduct self-directed
training at their own pace on a variety of devices.
True Adaptive Learning
Innovative algorithm adapts education course in real time to
each learner’s level of expertise.
RQI Analytics
Solution provides insight into skill performance that can be
analyzed, visualized, and discovered.

The ROI of RQI

Training that saves time, and money
Short training sessions at your convenience
Allow your healthcare providers to conduct 10-minute
training sessions, on their floor of the hospital, when it
suits them.
Reduced investments and maintenance
The RQI subscription model reduces capital investments,
lowers future maintenance costs, and provides support on
anything from equipment to software.
Automated eCredential
Certificates from RQI, available in the course language, are
simple to administer and keep track of employee credentials.

HeartCode® Complete

A path to training success

In an ever-evolving world, traditional healthcare education models may no longer be the most effective.
Widespread healthcare staff shortages drive the need to optimize time and resources while delivering
consistent, high-quality resuscitation to save more lives.

Deeply rooted in the latest science, the American Heart Association’s (AHA) HeartCode Complete programs
offer a flexible and efficient way to conduct resuscitation training. Self-paced eLearning is combined with
self-directed hands-on skills training to help learners acquire and demonstrate life-saving skills.

Safety and convenience Verified performance

Leveraging digital Transform your CPR training
learning technologies
HeartCode Complete reduces expenses while
Self-directed learning
allowing instructors to focus on quality improvement
With real-time guidance from our software, health-
measures and team training.
care professionals can conduct self-directed training
at their own pace. Objective skills feedback
Standardized skills training is completed on a
True Adaptive learning
Simulation Station featuring real-time, audiovisual
Innovative algorithm adapts education in real time to
directive feedback for high-quality CPR skills.
each learner’s level of expertise to deliver the most
efficient learning path. Streamlined administration
Monitoring and tracking course completion status
Anytime, anywhere, on any device
and renewals can be automated, taking much less
Featuring responsive design, the eLearning portion
time to manage compliance.
can be accessed online anytime, anywhere on a
variety of devices.

For more information about HeartCode Complete:
HeartCode® Blended Learning

Streamline resuscitation training

Organizations today are faced with many challenges for training and managing learners with diverse backgrounds
and learning needs. Incorporating eLearning into your resuscitation training offers consistency in educational
content and higher convenience in training delivery.

Deeply rooted in the latest science, the HeartCode blended learning programs from the American Heart Asso-
ciation (AHA) and Laerdal Medical offer an online delivery method for cognitive learning that meets the needs
of today’s learners.

Blended Learning
Flexible CPR training Basic Life Support (BLS) Training
The AHA’s BLS course trains participants to
Self-paced eLearning
promptly recognize several life-threatening
eLearning enables healthcare professionals to
emergencies, give high-quality chest
conduct their CPR training in a self-directed, self-
compressions, deliver appropriate ventilations,
paced manner.
and provide early use of an AED.
True Adaptive learning
Learners are engaged on the most efficient Advanced Cardiovascular
learning path using an Innovative algorithm that Life Support (ACLS) Training
adapts education in real time to each learner’s The AHA’s ACLS course builds on the
level of expertise. foundation of lifesaving BLS skills, emphasizing
Convenient access to content the importance of preventing cardiac arrest,
Featuring responsive design, the eLearning portion early and continuous high-quality CPR, and
can be accessed online anytime, anywhere on a high-performing teams.
variety of devices.

For more information about HeartCode Blended Learning
Simulation & Training


For more than 60 years, Laerdal Medical has been dedicated

to suppor ting the advancement of Resuscitation Science and
helping implement what has been shown to work.
Our lifelike and durable products have prepared generations of
medical professionals and lay responders around the world to
save lives and improve patient outcomes.

QCPR Feedback Solutions

The hand-held SkillGuide device provides a tethered “plug and
play” feedback option that can be used for standalone training
and as a supplement to QCPR Training app, SkillReporter app, or
SimPad PLUS with SkillReporter. SkillGuide is compatible with
Resusci Anne QCPR, Resusci Junior QCPR, Resusci Baby QCPR,
Little Anne QCPR, Little Junior QCPR, and Little Baby QCPR.

123-30050 SkillGuide with extension cable

SimPad PLUS with SkillReporter

SimPad PLUS with SkillReporter provides QCPR feed-
back on a rugged, Laerdal-dedicated SimPad PLUS
tablet. The device features multi-manikin connectivity,
CPR timeline view, ShockLink device compatibility,
and CPR for Teams mode. SimPad PLUS with
SkillReporter is compatible with Resusci Anne
QCPR, Resusci Junior QCPR, Resusci Baby QCPR,
Resusci Anne Advanced SkillTrainer, and
Resusci Anne Simulator.

206-300xx SimPad PLUS with SkillReporter

206-50050 SkillReporter (SimPad PLUS) SW License

16 Resuscitation Training
For more product information please visit: 17
QCPR Training App

Monitor up to six manikins at a time or train one-to-one with our QCPR Training App. Stay on
top of every participant’s progress and end the session with an exciting QCPR Race.


Anniewhere is a web solution that enables instructors to teach CPR skills remotely and in
classrooms. Learners join the classroom through the QCPR Classroom app providing real-time
objective feedback to both instructor and learner.

18 Resuscitation Training
QCPR SimPad Plus TeamReporter
Features SkillGuide QCPR Training Classroom with SkillReporter app SkillReporter app

QCPR Feedback X X X X X X

Compression depth X X X X X X

Compression rate X X X X X X

Recoil X X X X X X

Ventilation rate X X X X X X

X 1 X 1 X 1 X X X
Ventilation volume
Hand placement X 2 X X X

Multi-manikin mode X X X X X

Wireless connectivity X X X X X

AED Training / ShockLink Compatible X X

Session Assessment X X X X X X

Complete session data X X X

Session timeline X X X

Session video X

Data Export X X

CPR for Teams algorithm X X

Feedback on “OK” or “Too much” volume. Other feedback options provide more robust ventilation volume data.
Not when used with Little Anne QCPR and Little Junior QCPR
TeamReporter app

TeamReporter is a video-based app specifically designed for High-Performance CPR training. By providing
real-time CPR feedback, tips for improvement, and video-based debriefing, the TeamReporter app is your
organization’s “assistant coach” that enables you to build, train, and retrain High-Performance CPR teams.

Key features include real-time QCPR feedback, auto-generated highlights video, complete post-event data,
session video synched to timeline, access to full session video, and ShockLink compatibility

810-04150 TeamReporter (per instructor) Compatible manikins*

• Resusci Anne QCPR
Subscription options: • Resusci Anne QCPR AED
1-year • Resusci Junior QCPR
3-year • Resusci Baby QCPR
5-year • Resusci Anne Advanced SkillTrainer
• Resusci Anne Simulator
Free trial and online ordering available at * Bluetooth-enabled model

20 Resuscitation Training
SkillReporter app

With the powerful combination of SkillReporter and the QCPR Resusci manikins, instructors can now help
healthcare responders train to perfection through psychomotor skills acquisition, classroom efficiency, and
individual objective feedback.

Key features include multi-manikin connectivity (1-6 manikins), multiple training modes (compression only,
ventilation only, CPR), multiple views of real-time QCPR feedback, and data export to CSV.

Compatible manikins*
• Resusci Anne QCPR
• Resusci Anne QCPR AED
• Resusci Junior QCPR
• Resusci Baby QCPR

* Bluetooth-enabled models

For more product information please visit: 21

Resusci Anne QCPR
The world’s first resuscitation manikin is now smarter than ever. Now
app compatible, Resusci Anne QCPR helps elevate CPR training to a
new level of precision and proficiency. By training with the same proto-
cols, equipment, and techniques used in real emergencies, professional
first responders can perfect both individual skills and teamwork.

Resusci Anne QCPR is available in the following main configurations

Torso Full Body Name Description

171-00160 171-01260 Resusci Anne QCPR QCPR adult manikin for use with feedback devices

172-00160 172-01260 Resusci Anne QCPR AW QCPR adult manikin with airway head for use
with feedback devices

173-00160 173-01260 Resusci Anne QCPR AED QCPR adult manikin for use with feedback devices,
ShockLink and your own defibrillator

174-00160 174-01260 Resusci Anne QCPR AED AW QCPR adult manikin with airway head for use
with feedback devices, ShockLink and your
own defibrillator

22 Resuscitation Training
Available feedback solutions
include: SkillReporter app,
TeamReporter app, SimPad
PLUS with SkillReporter and
For more information
see page 16 - 21

310210 Face Skin (6-Pack)
310220 Face Skin, decorated (6-Pack)
152250 Airways (24-Pack)

15120103 Manikin Face Shields (6 rolls of 36 each)

For more product information please visit: 23

Resusci Junior QCPR
Resusci Junior QCPR (5-year old boy) is a professional-grade
resuscitation manikin designed for pediatric high-performance
RJ QCPR Airway Head
CPR skills and team training. Designed to be feature flexible,
Upgrade Kit is a do-it-yourself kit
Resusci Junior QCPR can be upgraded to add new features,
for replacing the standard head
enabling first responders and teams to train for a variety
with the newest Airway Head for
of scenarios.
the training of pediatric airway
management skills.

182-50010 Resusci Junior QCPR

Airway Head Upgrade Kit

181-00150 Resusci Junior QCPR

183010 Junior Faces (6-Pack)
183210 Airways, complete (25-Pack)
Available feedback solutions
183211 Airways, complete (100-Pack) include: SkillReporter app,
15120103 Manikin Face Shields TeamReporter app, SimPad
PLUS with SkillReporter and
(6 rolls of 36 each)
For more information
see page 16 - 21

24 Resuscitation Training
Resusci Baby QCPR
Resusci Baby QCPR (3-month old baby) is a professional-grade
resuscitation manikin designed for pediatric high-performance CPR
skills and team training. Designed to be feature flexible , Resusci
Baby QCPR can be upgraded to add new features, enabling first
responders and teams to train for a variety of scenarios.

161-01260 Resusci Baby QCPR

162-01260 Resusci Baby QCPR with Airway Head

143600 Resusci Baby Faces (6-Pack)
161-10005 Disposable lung (10-Pack)
Available feedback solutions
161-10550 Disposable airway (5-Pack) include: SkillReporter app,
15120103 Manikin Face Shields TeamReporter app, SimPad
PLUS with SkillReporter and
(6 rolls of 36 each)
For more information
see page 16 - 21

For more product information please visit: 25

Little Anne QCPR
Now with QCPR feedback technology, to help instructors
improve CPR training quality, efficiency, and learner engagement.

020300 Little Anne Airways (24-Pack)
020301 Little Anne Airways (96-Pack)
310210 Manikin Faces, Light (6-Pack)
123-01050 Little Anne QCPR, Light 310215 Manikin Faces, Dark (6-Pack)
123-03050 Little Anne QCPR, Dark

Available feedback
solutions include:
QCPR Apps and
For more information
see page 16-19.

123-30050 SkillGuide with Extension Cable

26 Resuscitation Training
Upgrade your Little Anne

The Upgrade Kit contains everything

you need to enable your Little Anne to
become QCPR compatible.

123-60750 Little Anne QCPR Upgrade Kit

All existing Little Anne manikins

manufactured after February 1999
124-01050 Little Anne QCPR 4-Pack, Light
are compatible with the Upgrade Kit.
124-03050 Little Anne QCPR 4-Pack, Dark

For more product information please visit: 27

Little Junior QCPR Upgrade your Little Junior

Now with QCPR feedback technology, to help instructors

improve CPR training quality, efficiency, and learner engagement.

The Upgrade Kit contains everything

you need to enable your Little Junior
to become QCPR compatible.

128-60750 Little Junior QCPR

Upgrade Kit

Available in Light and Dark

Skin Tones

Available feedback
solutions include:
QCPR Apps and
For more information
see page 16-19.

128-01050 Little Junior QCPR, Light

128-03050 Little Junior QCPR, Dark
129-01050 Little Junior QCPR 4-Pack, Light
129-03050 Little Junior QCPR 4-Pack, Dark
128-50750 Little Junior QCPR Upgrade Kit

183210 Junior Airways (25-Pack)
183211 Junior Airways (100-Pack)
15120103 Manikin Face Shields
(6 rolls of 36 each)

123-30050 SkillGuide with Extension Cable

28 Resuscitation Training
Little Baby QCPR
Little Baby QCPR is a realistic and affordable BLS manikin for
pediatrics. By utilizing gamified learning and objective feedback,
Little Baby QCPR improves training quality, learner engagement,
and classroom efficiency.

133-01050 Little Baby QCPR, Light Consumables

133-03050 Little Baby QCPR, Dark 130-10150 Baby Anne Airways 24-Pack
134-01050 Little Baby QCPR 4-Pack, Light 130-10450 Baby Anne Faces 6-Pack, Light
134-03050 Little Baby QCPR 4-Pack, Dark 130-10550 Baby Anne Faces 6-Pack, Dark

For more product information please visit: 29

Little Family QCPR
Little Family QCPR is a convenient package of age-specific
CPR training manikins with a wheeled carry case for ease
of transport and storage.

All three manikins have QCPR feedback technology to help

instructors improve CPR training quality, efficiency,
and learner engagement.

136-01050 Little Family QCPR, Light

Available feedback
136-03050 Little Family QCPR, Dark solutions include:
QCPR Apps and
For more information
see page 16-19.

30 Resuscitation Training
Mini Anne
Help train lifesaving CPR skills with our inexpensive,
easy-to-use solution. The Mini Anne kit includes an
inflatable manikin with an integrated adult/child
compression clicker and a simulated AED trainer.
Together with the free instructional video, this is
the perfect way to learn CPR from the safety of
your own home.

103-00050 Mini Anne

Mini Anne Plus

Mini Anne Plus is a cost-effective solution for teaching quality
CPR using durable and reusable manikins. Ten individual
manikins are included in each set, increasing student hands-on
time during training. The innovative new pump bag
provides a simple, hygienic inflation method.
Mini Anne Plus includes everything to get your CPR
programme up and running in one convenient bag.

106-00350 Mini Anne Plus, Light 106-00150 Mini Anne Plus 10-Pack, Light
106-00450 Mini Anne Plus, Dark 106-00250 Mini Anne Plus 10-Pack, Dark

For more product information please visit: 31

Newborn Anne
Newborn Anne is a manikin designed for skills
training in neonatal resuscitation. With anatomical
accuracy and product features designed to focus on
the critical resuscitation skills required in the first ten
minutes of a newborn’s life, Newborn Anne meets the key
components of the Neonatal Resuscitation Program and
most other neonatal clinical training curricula.

220-25050 Newborn Anne

250-21050 Airway Lubricant (45 ml)
240-00250 Simulated Umbilical Blood
220-00150 Newborn Anne Umbilical Cords (4)
220-00350 R/L IO Leg Skin and Leg Replacement Kit

Resusci Baby QCPR Airway Head

Do-it-yourself upgrade kit for Resusci Baby QCPR manikins.

162-20050 Resusci Baby QCPR Airway Head

Upgrade Kit
161-10005 Resusci Baby QCPR Disposable
Airway (10-pack)
162-20051 Resusci Baby QCPR Airway Tube
w/ Flow Valve (2-pack)

Resusci Junior QCPR Airway Head

Do-it-yourself upgrade kit for Resusci Junior QCPR manikins.

182-50010 Resusci Junior QCPR Airway Head

Upgrade Kit
182-40010 Replacement Lung for Resusci
Junior QCPR Airway Head (5-pack)

32 Obstetrics & Paediatrics

Resusci Anne Accessories
Add-on modules for Resusci Anne manikins
Designed to be feature flexible and upgradeable over
time, Resusci Anne can help first responders train to per-
fection in a wide range of resuscitation skills.

316000 Resusci Anne Airway Head Upgrade Kit

312000 Rescue Module with Soft Pack

312050 First Aid/Trauma Module

with Soft Pack

090050 Bleeding Control Leg Module

312052 Left Leg Assembly with Wounds

150-10150 IV Arm Resusci Anne Manikin 312053 Right Leg Assembly with Wounds

Head Section model

010900 Head Section Model

For more product information please visit: 33

ShockLink enables users to safely integrate live defibrillators into
the training environment, creating more realistic and impactful
training sessions. ShockLink is compatible with a range of
Philips, Zoll, Physio-Control, Corpuls, Mindray, and Schiller
defibrillator models.

185-10050 ShockLink System

198-80150 ShockLink Training Pads ShockLink app
198-80450 Pediatric Training Pads Multi
198-80850 Zoll ShockLink Training Pads
185-80950 Zoll ShockLink Training Pads

198-80950 198-80850

34 Resuscitation Training
Resusci Manikins and Feedback Devices
Accessories and Consumables
Resusci Anne QCPR QCPR AED Manikins
Cat no Consumables Cat no Accessories
152250 Resusci Anne Replacement Lungs 198-00150 AED Trainer 3
(24-Pack) 940050xx Laerdal AED Trainer 2
310220 Resusci Anne Faces (6-Pack) 07-10900 Standard Adult Training Pads
185-10050 ShockLink System
Accessories 198-80150 ShockLink Adult Pads
150-10350 RA Ventilator Adapter 198-80450 ShockLink Pediatric Pads
090050 Bleeding Control Legs 198-80850 ShockLink Zoll adapted
310300 Hard Arms and Soft Legs rectangular pads
312000 Rescue Module 198-80950 ShockLink Zoll adapted
312050 First Aid / Trauma Module triangular pads
150-10150 IV Arm Left
150-10160 IV Arm Right
Cat no Miscellaneous Consumables
15120103 Manikin Face Shields
Resusci Junior QCPR (6 rolls of 36 each)
Cat no Consumables 250-21050 Airway Lubricant (45 ml)
020310 Valves, Complete (50-pack) 152400 Manikin Wipes (50-Pack)
182-40010 Replacement Lung - AW Head 152401 Manikin Wipes (1200-Pack)
181-30010 Airway Complete (12-pack)
183010 Junior Face mask (6-Pack)

Resusci Baby QCPR

Cat no Consumables
082305 IO Leg Replacement Pads (5-pack)
161-1000 Disposable Airway (10-pack)
161-10550 Airway Complete (5-pack)
143600 Resusci Baby Faces (6-Pack)

QCPR Manikins
Cat no Accessories
170-30050 SkillGuide
123-30050 SkillGuide
with extension cable
202-300xx SimPad PLUS with SkillReporter
810-04150 TeamReporter app

For more product information please visit: 35

AED Trainer 3
A fast, accurate response from trained responders when
treating the cardiac arrest patient is essential if successful
patient outcomes are to be achieved.

The AED Trainer 3 is the ultimate preparation tool for

trained responders facing cardiac arrest.

198-00150 AED Trainer 3, with carry case

198-00650 AED Trainer 3,
without carry case
198-10450 AED Trainer 3 soft bag

989803150181 HeartStart Training Pads III 198-10050 Hard Carry Case
989803150201 HeartStart Training Pads III 198-10250 1GB Operating System Card
Interconnect Cable w/software
945090 AED Trainer LINK Pads M5089A External Manikin Adapters
198-00350 Remote Control (with (5-Pack)
CR2025 3 V battery)

Laerdal AED Trainer 2

The Laerdal AED Trainer 2 offers an affordable alternative
for educating the layperson and healthcare provider
in the effective use of an automatic external
defibrillator (AED).

The realistic AED trainer simulates the HeartStart FR2

AED in appearance, operation, and voice prompts.

94005001 Laerdal AED Trainer 2

945051 Remote Control

945055 Programming Kit
945030 Carry Case AED Trainer 2

198-80550 AED Trainer Pads
M3871A Standard Pediatric Training Pads
945090 AED Trainer LINK Pads

36 Resuscitation Training
HeartStart AED Trainer
The HeartStart AED Trainer simulates how the
HeartStart HS1 will operate during a real-life
sudden cardiac arrest event.

M5085A-ABA HeartStart AED Trainer

M5073A Adult Training Pads Cartridge

M5093A Replacement Pads Adult
M5074A Infant/Child Training Pads Cartridge
M5094A Replacement Pads Infant/Child

For more product information please visit: 37

Simulation & Training

Emergency Care & Trauma

Our simulation and training solutions are designed to

enhance clinical decision making and interprofessional team
training in emergency care and trauma.
They also feature responsive physiology that enable realistic,
accurate practice.

Laerdal – the complete simulation provider
Simulation shouldn’t be complicated. Every simulation center, large or small, should experience
the seamless integration of simulators, software, AV technology, data-driven feedback, and educational
content. With Laerdal, you’ve got the tools you need to deliver the best training possible.
And, better training means better patient outcomes.

The definitive learning
management solution for simulation
SimCapture is a complete LMS for healthcare
simulation. It allows you to effectively manage,
record, and assess simulation training, on-site, in-situ,
and remotely.

Best of all – it seamlessly integrates with

all Laerdal simulators and software.

Patient simulators
Improve learning
with immersive simulation

The next best thing to a human patient

Conduct realistic training sessions with a variety
of patient simulators, from infants to geriatrics,
for every training need.

Control every parameter

Easily adjust and control the simulator’s physiology,
in your simulation center or in-situ. Seamlessly
integrated with SimCapture.

Educational content
Curated scenarios,
made by experts, ready for you

Expand your curriculum with hundreds of high-

quality, expert-validated scenarios from Laerdal and
partners. All available for your entire organization -
with just one single license.

40 Emergency Care & Trauma




Sales offices, product

development &
manufacturing sites

Where you are, we are

World-class service and training to help you

succeed with simulation training
With Laerdal as your partner, your organization has access
to a comprehensive portfolio of services to support your
simulation journey. Find everything from instructor-led
on-site training, to simulator installation, preventative
maintenance, and more.

Take simulation further

Together with experts in their field, we have created a
range of completely integrated upgrade options that can
be combined with different patient simulators to further
enhance your simulation.

For more product information please visit: 41

A learning management solution for healthcare simulation and education

SimCapture allows you to effectively manage, record, and assess

simulation training, on-site, in-situ and remotely. Capture audio, video,
annotations, patient monitors, and simulator data in a single web-
based interface.

The solution enables medical schools, nursing schools, and hospitals to

deliver high-quality training, education, and quality improvement programs.

Over 500 healthcare institutions in more than 35 countries use

SimCapture to generate reports and statistics on performance and trends
to improve administration, track usage, and learning outcomes.
And, since SimCapture is mobile-friendly, you can do this anywhere and

42 Emergency Care & Trauma

Turn data into insight Improve clinical Get the optimal Deliver
Through debriefings, assess- competency experience training from anywhere
ments and evaluations, Get measurable outcome SimCapture helps you With worldwide access,
SimCapture creates data by aligning metrics with improve simulation pro- learners can access content
that is meaningful and educational objectives in gram efficiency through and training right from
actionable. Ideal for your simulation programs. resource and capacity man- their mobile devices. They
research or learning needs Standardizing assessments agement, scheduling, ROI can access their sessions
analysis at the individual for formative and summa- data, ease of evaluation and for debriefing, complete
and course level. Utilize tive evaluations creates flexible workflows. self-evaluations and view
consistent and data-driven continuity in your simula- their scores and reports
feedback to impact quality tion program that makes from anywhere.
outcomes in the clinical experiences repeatable, SimCapture also allows
and education settings. and therefore equitable. learners to view recordings
of other simulation sessions
and debrief from their

Capture everything from anywhere

Capture data in your simulation room with regular
AV system, in-situ with Ultraportable or the SimCapture App
– or let your students drive their learning experience through
self-recording and peer-to-peer practice

AV System Ultraportable SimCapture iOS App SimCapture for Skills

Services: 227-00950 SimCapture Pro Cloud

We are committed to helping our users and instructors (Annual Subscription)
gain the knowledge and insights they need to best use our
SimCapture solution. That’s why we offer an extensive
227-10950 SimCapture Ent Cloud,
Implementation Service package, including Technical (Annual Subscription)
Installation and Educational Services. 227-20950 SimCapture Ent + CCM Cloud
Our Educational Services offer both on-site
(Annual Subscription)
instructor-led courses as well as virtual sessions
to ensure your training is at your convenience. Subscription includes: 1 node, hardware (node) repair or
replacement if needed, latest software updates, access
Audio/ Video Solution: to SimCapture app (where available), and access to two
Laerdal offers turn-key solutions that include on-line consultative sessions to ensure successful usage
predesigned Audio/Video packages to fit your needs of the solution.

For more product information please visit: 43

Laerdal Scenario Cloud
Curated scenarios. Made by experts. Ready for you.

Laerdal Scenario Cloud is a content delivery platform providing added

value to your simulation equipment that can help you boost productivity
with expert-authored, validated scenarios for learners of all levels and
backgrounds. With Laerdal Scenario Cloud, you can improve educational
outcomes with pre-programmed content mapped to clinical guidelines.
With support from industry-leading experts, you will ensure consistent
educational experiences while spending less time authoring content.

44 Emergency Care & Trauma

Find hundreds Work better together Ready when you are
of clinical scenarios
Organize scenarios in personal Scenario allocation is now a
Expand your curriculum with a collections based on patient thing of the past. Synchronize
selection of high-quality, cases, curriculum goals, or other your collections across all your
expert-validated scenarios from themes. In upcoming releases, LLEAP and SimPad devices by
Laerdal and partners. All available you will be able to share and simply signing in to your account.
for your entire organization - collaborate on collections with
with just one single license. colleagues in your organization.

Get Started with Laerdal Scenario Cloud

Choose the annual subscription plan
that is right for your organization:

215-01050B Small Plan - Full access for up to 5 users

215-02050B Medium Plan – Full access for up to 15 users
215-03050B Unlimited Plan – Full access for 16+ users

For more product information please visit: 45

SimMan 3G PLUS
Built on decades of expertise, SimMan 3G PLUS offers a fully
immersive simulation experience with heightened realism.

Designed to represent a diverse range of patient scenarios

to help prepare learners for real-world situations, SimMan 3G
PLUS introduces interchangeable face skins for diversity
training and full articulation for realistic patient handling.
Now you can also train with real clinical devices, in compliance
with current guidelines.

Training individually or in a team, learners can practice critical

skills such as decision-making, team communication, and patient
care. With this improved and realistic feature set, learners
encounter complex medical cases all in a risk-free environment.
SimMan 3G PLUS ensures that when it’s real, they’ll be ready.

212-03350 SimMan 3G PLUS, Light

212-03150 SimMan 3G PLUS, Medium
212-03250 SimMan 3G PLUS, Dark

400-102xx Laptop Instructor - Patient Monitor

400-092xx Tablet-PC Instructor - Patient Monitor
400-095xx Rugged-Tablet Instructor - Patient Monitor
400-293xx All In One Panel PC Instructor
- Patient Monitor

46 Emergency Care & Trauma

Available in Light, Medium,
and Dark Skin Tones

For more product information please visit: 47

SimMan 3G
An emergency patient simulator that can help improve critical
time management, decision making, communication and hand-overs
between departments.

Delivering high quality simulation experiences requires training to take place

at the right time and place, and requires the most appropriate equipment.
In order to meet new challenges and facilitate the growing demand for in-situ
and multidisciplinary training, the need for flexible training solutions is critical.

212-02350 SimMan 3G, Light

212-02150 SimMan 3G, Medium
212-02250 SimMan 3G, Dark
400-102xx Laptop Instructor - Patient Monitor
400-092xx Tablet-PC Instructor - Patient Monitor
400-095xx Rugged-Tablet
Instructor - Patient Monitor
400-293xx All In One Panel PC
Instructor - Patient Monitor

xx = Language versions

48 Emergency Care & Trauma

SimMan 3G Trauma
SimMan 3G Trauma is designed to train emergency medical personnel in trauma
situations such as hemorrhage control. The durable configuration provides you
with the flexibility to perform simulations in the environment that suits
your needs.

219-020xx SimMan 3G Trauma Manikin and accessories

400-102xx Laptop
Instructor - Patient Monitor
400-092xx Tablet-PC
Instructor - Patient Monitor
400-095xx Rugged-Tablet
Instructor - Patient Monitor
400-293xx All In One Panel PC
Instructor - Patient Monitor

xx = Language versions

For more product information please visit: 49

SimMan Essential
A realistic, full body adult patient simulator, SimMan Essential
offers comprehensive clinical functionality to teach
the core skills of airway, breathing, cardiac and circulation

213-02355 SimMan Essential, Light

213-02155 SimMan Essential, Medium
213-02255 SimMan Essential, Dark

214-02355 SimMan Essential Bleeding, Light

214-02155 SimMan Essential Bleeding, Medium
214-02255 SimMan Essential Bleeding, Dark

400-102xx Laptop Instructor - Patient Monitor
400-092xx Tablet-PC Instructor - Patient Monitor
400-095xx Rugged-Tablet
Instructor - Patient Monitor
400-293xx All In One Panel PC
Instructor - Patient Monitor

xx = Language versions

SimMan ALS
SimMan ALS provides a mobile, durable solution that SimMan ALS LiveShock
will meet the training needs of pre-hospital and
in-hospital emergency care providers - from basic SimMan ALS LiveShock is a combination of a unique
assessment to advanced life-support skills. From SimMan ALS chest skin and an integrated ShockLink
pre-hospital, on-scene assessment and management unit that enables the use of a live defibrillator with
to definitive care in a hospital, SimMan ALS can fulfill real pads or paddles. No need for separate training
the unique training requirements of emergency pads or paddles.
healthcare providers.

235-02350 SimMan ALS, Light 400-102xx Laptop Instructor - Patient Monitor

235-02150 SimMan ALS, Medium 400-092xx Tablet - PC Instructor - Patient Monitor
235-02250 SimMan ALS, Dark 400-095xx Rugged-Tablet Instructor
- Patient Monitor
235-03350 SimMan ALS Live Shock, Light 400-293xx All In One Panel PC
235-03150 SimMan ALS Live Shock, Medium Instructor - Patient Monitor
235-03250 SimMan ALS Live Shock, Dark 400-01050 LLEAP Software License
400-970xx Network Switch
204-301xx SimPad PLUS LLEAP
xx = Language versions

50 Emergency Care & Trauma

Available in Light, Medium,
and Dark Skin Tones

Available in Light, Medium,

and Dark Skin Tones

For more product information please visit: 51

SimMan Vascular
SimMan Vascular has all the functionality of the
SimMan family including Mentice’s VIST technology
to extend the immersive training course potential
to endovascular specialists, cath-lab teams and
pre-hospital care providers.

Clinicians can diagnose and treat the patient

simulator through the entire patient pathway,
from an incident at home, in the ambulance,
to the emergency room, and to the cath-lab,
helping to improve both protocols and patient

222-02050 SimMan Vascular

52 Emergency Care & Trauma

Bridge the gap between simulation and real clinical
equipment. The VitalsBridge simulator interface
makes it possible to use your own clinical
patient monitor during simulation training.

405-00150 VitalsBridge Model 100

405-00250 VitalsBridge Model 200
405-00350 VitalsBridge Model 300
405-00500 VitalsBridge FM

For more product information please visit: 53


Advanced training in all aspects of pediatric care

SimBaby is a tetherless simulator designed to help healthcare providers
effectively recognize and respond to critically ill pediatric patients.
The SimBaby simulator represents a 9-month-old pediatric patient
and provides a highly realistic manikin that meets specific
learning objectives focusing on initial assessment
and treatment.
246-00050 SimBaby, Light
246-00150 SimBaby, Medium
246-00250 SimBaby, Dark

54 Obstetrics & Paediatrics

Assess capillary refill time

Test pupillary light reflex

Check bilateral pulses

For more product information please visit: 55

SimBaby with Tracheostomy

Help improve tracheostomy care training

and critical care for pediatric patients.

SimBaby with Tracheostomy is a 9-month-old pediatric simulator

with a controllable tracheostoma. It allows you to train for specific
learning objectives on initial assessment and treatment, in addition
to realistically simulating tracheostomy care.

Improving patient outcomes

It takes a team
Allow PICU teams and in-hospital care providers Adjustable tracheostoma
to experience correct insertion of tracheal tubes Control the tracheostoma size so that learners can
on a pediatric patient. Increase their proficiency to practice on realistic tracheal tube insertion.
act quickly during high-stress experiences.

Care at home
The best place for long-term care is at home. Train
parents and caregivers on correct procedures so
that cannulated babies are well cared for in their
own homes.

56 Obstetrics & Paediatrics

247-00050 SimBaby Trach, Light
247-00150 SimBaby Trach, Medium
247-00250 SimBaby Trach, Dark

Available in Light, Medium,

and Dark Skin Tones

For more product information please visit: 57

Laerdal-SonoSim® Ultrasound Solution 2.0
The New Laerdal-SonoSim Ultrasound Solution (LSUS) 2.0
provides an easy-to-use and highly realistic ultrasound
training and proficiency assessment tool for individual and
team training.

Version 2.0 delivers a new ultrasound interface along with

new features to increase flexibility and control of ultra-
sound images while running simulations.

390-01350 LSUS 2.0 for SimMan, probe, software tags

390-02450 LSUS 2.0 for SimMom: torso skins, light chest
skins gravid and non-gravid, probe, software, tags

Annual Subscription allows access to all available ultrasound content.

390-01550 LSUS 2.0 3 Year Subscription for SimMan

390-02550 LSUS 2.0 3 Year Subscription for SimMom

Existing Laerdal-SonoSim Ultrasound Solution customers will have the

ability to upgrade to Laerdal-SonoSim Ultrasound Solution 2.0.

390-01500 LSUS 2.0 Upgrade Kit for SimMan

390-02500 LSUS 2.0 Upgrade Kit for SimMom Early
& Late Stage Pregnancy

58 Skills Proficiency
SonoSim® Starter Edition
The SonoSim® Starter Edition is the most comprehensive
way to provide remote ultrasound education.
The cloud-based platform provides the freedom
to learn anytime, anywhere.”

390-00575 SonoSim Starter Edition

390-100-5034 SonoSim LiveScan hardware

Laerdal-SonoSim Procedure Trainer

The Laerdal-SonoSim Procedure Trainer allows learners the ability to perform
ultrasound guidance with real-patient data on multiple body physiologies and
20 real ultrasound data sets. This trainer gives users the opportunity to
develop the critical psychomotor skills that will serve as a foundation
for future ultrasound-guided interventions in a safe,
simulated, and highly realistic ultrasound
environment using only a laptop,
simulated transducer, needle
and training torso.

310-00050 Laerdal-SonoSim Procedure Trainer

(For customers who do not have the Laerdal-
SonoSim Ultrasound Solution)

310-00150 Laerdal-SonoSim Procedure Trainer Upgrade

(For customers who do have the Laerdal-
SonoSim Ultrasound Solution)

For more product information please visit our web; 59

Respiratory Care Solutions
A comprehensive training solution
Our Respiratory Care Solution is the only training program that offers everything you need to get learners
up to speed quickly from basic to advanced ventilation management. Unlike traditional simulation training,
you don’t need sim-rooms, classrooms, or scheduled training sessions to start your program.
This systematic step-by-step solution ensures competence and consistency and enables you to track
progress along the way.

Effective respiratory care training in 3 steps

Step 1: Prepare your learners

Mechanical Ventilation e-Learning

Our mechanical ventilation e-learning module is designed 

to help your learners better prepare for respiratory care
training. This adaptive learning solution will get learners up to
speed on the basics of mechanical ventilation before training
on a simulated ventilator or an actual ventilator.

Mech-Vent-Bundle 1 year subscription for unlimited numbers

of users. Applicable when bundled with
TruVent and/or ASL 5000 Lung Solution

Mech-Ventilation 1 year subscription for unlimited numbers

of users. Applicable when sold as a
stand-alone solution

Step 2: Build competence

TruVent is an innovative virtual simulation app to teach
ventilation management safely without the need for a
ventilator or a simulator. With TruVent, learners with limited
experience can gain the basic skills needed to operate
a ventilator with ease.

TruVent-001 Annual Subscription

for 1 Instructor + 1 Student
TruVent-002 Annual Subscription
for up to 16 Users
TruVent-003 Annual Subscription
for Unlimited Users

60 Skills Proficiency
Step 3: Master advanced ventilation
ASL 5000 Lung Solution

ASL 5000 Lung Solution

Advanced Ventilator Management Training for SimMan 3G
PLUS, SimMan 3G, SimMan 3G Trauma, SimMan Essential/
Essential Bleeding, SimMan ALS, Nursing Anne Simulator, and

This collaboratively developed solution integrates IngMar

Medical’s ASL 5000 Breathing Simulator for high-fidelity
management training in respiratory care, critical care,
pulmonology, anesthesia, and emergency medicine. It can
simulate any respiratory condition you may encounter,
on any ventilator in any mode of ventilation.

420-11950 ASL 5000 Lung Adapter,

adapter and LLEAP plugin
420-11955 ASL 5000 Lung Solution
Adapt.Plugin, ASL5000

For more product information please visit our web; 61


Give healthcare providers a realistic platform to learn from

TruMonitor is a stand-alone training solution that allows learners to
interpret vital signs as they will in real clinical settings. With TruMonitor,
your learners will experience realistic training scenarios, with an
emphasis on diagnosing and improving critical decision-making skills.

Instructors can create and control different scenarios to conduct true-

to-life medical simulation training. Students will learn how to react to
changes in vital signs, how to interpret ECG, how to perform pacing and
defibrillation and more relevant actions can be introduced as the
scenario evolves.

With only two tablets (iOS or Android), instructors and learners can
experience a training solution that takes ACLS training to the next level.
TruMonitor is a cost-effective alternative to using real equipment and
can be used in any training situation – onsite, in-situ, in the classroom,
or remotely – regardless of student and instructor location.

TruMon-001 Annual Subscription

for 1 Instructor + 1 Student
TruMon-002 Annual Subscription
for up to 16 Users
TruMon-003 Annual Subscription
for Unlimited Users

62 Skills Proficiency

Increased realism with a simulated AED and defibrillator monitor

SimStart is a portable and affordable training solution to simulate the
use of an AED or a defibrillator monitor. Integrate SimStart with any
Laerdal manikin or patient simulator to achieve a more comprehensive
and realistic simulation training. SimStart can also serve as an easy entry
point for organizations looking to get started with simulation training.

Track vital signs

Add AED or defibrillator monitor to your simulation scenarios
to provide learners with a lifelike learning situation.

Capture data
Capture, store and track progress of every learner. All events are
automatically registered and logged with LLEAP simulation software,
providing richer debriefing and reporting.

Improve performance
Realistic training combined with data analysis provides a good
foundation for quality improvement initiatives.

285-00001 Complete SimStart Solution

For more product information please visit our web; 63

SimJunior Available in Light, Medium,
and Dark Skin Tones *
SimJunior is an interactive pediatric simulator, designed by * Part numbers listed represent light skin
Laerdal with the American Academy of Pediatrics to meet tones only unless otherwise specified.
See your local representative for details and
the education and training needs of healthcare providers. part numbers for other skin tone versions.

232-05050 SimJunior, Light Optional

232-05050B SimJunior, Medium 200-30850 SimPad Headset + Microphone
232-05050T SimJunior, Dark 400-20050 Keyboard+Mouse USB (IE)
212-29650 Headset+Mic with USB
204-30250 SimPad PLUS Link Box 200-31050 SimPad clip on
400-01050 LLEAP Software License 204-30101 SimPad PLUS Only
400-102xx Laptop 204-301XX SimPad PLUS LLEAP
Instructor - Patient Monitor
400-092xx Tablet-PC
Instructor - Patient Monitor
400-095xx Rugged-Tablet
Instructor - Patient Monitor
400-293xx All In One Panel PC
Instructor - Patient Monitor

xx = Language versions

64 Emergency Care & Trauma

Compatible with

Resusci Anne Simulator SimPad PLUS (LLEAP

and SkillReporter) and
TeamReporter app.
Resusci Anne Simulator has been designed for the unique
training needs of emergency care, in both pre-hospital and
in-hospital environments - transforming the simulation
exercise into a mobile and dynamic learning experience for
both the instructor and the student.

150-22000 RA-Simulator AED Link, IV-arm left, Consumables:

BP arm right (incl. ShockLink) 205-10250 Adult IO Leg Skin
150-23000 RA-Simulator AED Link, IV-arm right, 212-15250 Tibial IO Pad (10-pack)
BP arm left (incl. ShockLink) 252090 Airway Lubricant Spray Can (180ml)
150-27000 RA-Simulator Paddle, IV-arm left, BP arm right 375-50550 Vein System, MV Arm
150-28000 RA-Simulator Paddle, IV-arm right, 152400 Manikin Wipes (50-pack)
BP arm left

For more product information please visit: 65

Resusci Anne Advanced SkillTrainer
Resusci Anne Advanced SkillTrainer offers high quality,
yet relatively low cost, advanced skills training.

151-22000 Resusci Anne Advanced SkillTrainer

Compatible with
AED Link, IV-arm left (incl. ShockLink) SimPad PLUS (LLEAP
151-23000 Resusci Anne Advanced SkillTrainer AED Link, and SkillReporter) and
IV-arm right (incl. ShockLink) TeamReporter app.

151-27000 Resusci Anne Advanced SkillTrainer IV-arm

left (for defibrillator with paddles)
151-28000 Resusci Anne Advanced SkillTrainer IV-arm
right (for defibrillator with paddles)

252090 Airway Lubricant Spray Can (180ml)
375-50550 Vein System, MV Arm
152400 Manikin Wipes (50-pack)

66 Emergency Care & Trauma

Available in Light, Medium,
and Dark Skin Tones

MegaCode Kelly
The advanced life support manikin for realistic training
focusing on a wide variety of advanced lifesaving skills SimPad Plus System
required for operation.
for pre-hospital emergencies from advanced airway See pages 74-75 for
scenarios to IV therapy. more information.
Sold separately.
200-05050 MegaCode Kelly Advanced (SimPad Capable), Light
200-05050T MegaCode Kelly Advanced (SimPad Capable), Medium
200-05050B MegaCode Kelly Advanced (SimPad Capable), Dark

203-05050 MegaCode Kelly Basic (ECG Capability), Light

203-05050T MegaCode Kelly Basic (ECG Capability), Medium
203-05050B MegaCode Kelly Basic (ECG Capability), Dark

250-21050 Airway Lubricant (45 ml)
312029 Replacement Skin and Vein System – Male
200-00250 Cricothyroid Membrane Tape (1 Roll)
212-10250 IO Leg Skin
212-15250 Tibial IO Pad

For more product information please visit: 67

MegaCode Kid
MegaCode Kid is a realistic manikin for training in a wide range Available in Light, Medium,
of pediatric advanced life saving skills in pre-hospital emergencies. and Dark Skin Tones

231-05050 MegaCode Kid Advanced (SimPad Capable), Light

231-05050T MegaCode Kid Advanced (SimPad Capable), Medium
231-05050B MegaCode Kid Advanced (SimPad Capable), Dark

231-15050 ECG Kid

(SimPad ECG Capabilities only)
SimPad PLUS System
required for operation.
Consumables See pages 74-75 for
250-21050 Airway Lubricant (45 ml) more information.
Sold separately.
375-70150 Replacement Skin
and Vein System

68 Emergency Care & Trauma

Laerdal ALS Baby
The Laerdal ALS Baby is a portable skill trainer for realistic
infant resuscitation training. It represents a three-month-old
infant with an anatomy that offers exceptional realism for HeartSim 200 Cardiac
individual training. Rhythm Simulator

It also offers the opportunity to practice advanced resuscitation

skills, including airway management, professional rescuer CPR,
IO access, and 4-lead ECG monitoring.

08003040 Laerdal ALS Baby (Manikin only)

08003140 Laerdal ALS Baby 200 (Complete)

260010 HeartSim 200 Cardiac Rhythm Simulator

250-21050 Airway Lubricant (45 ml)
082305 Leg Replacement Pads (5-Pack)
082025 Lungs/Stomach (6-Pack)

For more product information please visit: 69

Next Generation Harvey®
The Cardiopulmonary Patient Simulator
Next Generation Harvey is a full-size manikin that realistically simulates nearly any
cardiac disease at the touch of a button by varying blood pressure, pulses, heart
sounds, murmurs and breath sounds. New features include 20 additional patient
scenarios – some with faster heart and respiratory rates – for a total of 50
conditions, 10 comprehensive standardized patient cases for teaching and
assessment, and enhanced physical exam findings. Also new, additional bilateral
arm pulses and laptop to support UMedic and future LLEAP integration.

HARVEY The Cardio Patient Sim w/ 1yr OEM Warranty

Venous and Arterial Pulses Precordial Movement Cardiac Auscultation Pulmonary Auscultation

70 Nursing & Patient Care

UMedic Cardiology Curriculum
The UMedic Multimedia Computer Curriculum is a patient-
centered system that has been shown to enhance the learner’s
bedside examination skills while also teaching patient
histories, laboratory data and treatment. Bedside skills
in UMedic are taught through video demonstrations of Next
Generation Harvey®, The Cardiopulmonary Patient Simulator, a
full-size manikin that simulates the physical findings of essentially
any cardiac disease.

UMedic can be used linked to Next Generation Harvey,

The Cardiopulmonary Patient Simulator, or independently to
provide a comprehensive curriculum in cardiology

Extri Kelly
Extri Kelly is a durable, rugged, fully articulated
training manikin ideal for extrication and rescue exercises.

101-10001 Extri Kelly

Crash Kelly
Crash Kelly is a durable, rugged training manikin with
an intubation head for advanced airway management
training and realistic articulation allowing the manikin
to be placed in various settings for extrication
or rescue.

201-10001 Crash Kelly

250-21050 Airway
Lubricant 45 ml

For more product information please visit: 71
A single, intuitive interface for all Laerdal simulators
With LLEAP, instructors have control over the patient simulator's physiology, giving a seamless
and immersive training experience for the learners. Fully integrated with Laerdal’s simulators,
accessory products, Laerdal Scenario Cloud, and SimCapture, LLEAP allows you to control the
physiology of the simulator and every other parameter of your training session - both in-situ
and in simulation center settings.

72 Emergency Care & Trauma

Easy Operation & Control
Control at your fingertip
Adjust the simulators physiological features like
vital signs, sounds, and many other features at the
touch of a finger. You can also start, pause, or fast
forward your simulation.

Remember everything
Add time stamped actions to the data log,
bookmark important events and capture notes
throughout the simulation.

Patient monitoring
Choose your patient monitor setup. Choose from
intensive care monitors, basic monitors, monitor
defibrillator, and AED

Scenarios to support your learning objectives

Reduce scenario development time and scenario
purchase costs. Scenarios designed for LLEAP or
SimPad PLUS simulators can be shared with
minimal or no additional development time. Use
self-authored scenarios or Laerdal Scenario Cloud
content for a standardized, reproducible training


LLEAP Standard
A full LLEAP license unifies the control of all PC
operated Laerdal simulators and brings simplicity
to running simulation training. Includes simulated
patient monitor, monitor defibrillator and AED.

LLEAP Fundamentals
LLEAP Fundamentals allows you to conduct
training using task trainers and standardized
patients with a simulated patient monitor.

LLEAP Lite is free to download and allows you to
practice using LLEAP. Test your scenarios from the
comfort of your own PC.

For more product information please visit: 73

SimPad® PLUS System
SimPad PLUS is an operating device used to control
Laerdal manikins and simulators and can be used with
task trainers and standardized patients. It allows
instructors, new or experienced, to deliver highly
effective simulation-based training.

Key features of the SimPad PLUS

- Mobililty

- Quick set up time

- Intuitive touchscreen interface

- Control of patient vital signs and physiological parameters

- Optimal data capture for effective performance debriefs

74 Emergency Care & Trauma

When simulation tools are easy to use,
teaching becomes more effective
With its intuitive touch screen interface,
mobile design, easy-to-operate scenarios
and integrated data log, SimPad PLUS
will help you achieve learning objectives
with greater ease.

204-300xx SimPad PLUS System

Includes: SimPad PLUS Handheld Remote Control, 400-092xx Tablet-PC Instructor

SimPad PLUS Link Box, Lithium Ion Battery, AC - Patient Monitor
Adapter and Power Cord, USB Cable, Ethernet 400-095xx Rugged Tablet Instructor
Cable, Wrist Strap, SimPad PLUS Protective Sleeve, - Patient Monitor
SimPad PLUS Name Tags, Manikin Strap, Headset, 400-102xx Laptop LLEAP Instructor
Microphone and Quick Start Guide. - Patient Monitor (Touchscreen)
400-293xx All-In-One Panel PC (US)
Note: Instructor - Patient Monitor
The LLEAP for SimPad PLUS Software (204-50150)
is required for operation. 204-30001PP SimPad PLUS Protection Plan
204-30002PP SimPad Protection Plan
xx = Language versions Renewal 2 year Extension

For more product information please visit: 75

Simulation & Training

Nursing & Patient Care

Realistic practice is the key to developing proficiency in

patient care skills. Our manikins and trainers are designed
to train learners in the care and management of
a variety of in-hospital patients.

Nursing Anne Simulator
One Simulator - Many Patients
Designed based on input from leading nursing educators from
around the world, this engaging and robust modular platform
enables nurses to practice a wide range of competencies both Available in Medium and
as a skills trainer and as a highly realistic patient simulator. Dark Skin Tones
Learners can safely and realistically practice core nursing skills
from basic assessments and critical thinking to advanced

320-05050 Nursing Anne Simulator, Medium

320-04050 Nursing Anne Simulator, Dark
322-05050 Nursing Anne Simulator Geriatric, Medium
322-04050 Nursing Anne Simulator Geriatric, Dark

78 Nursing & Patient Care

Nursing Anne Simulator
- Accessories and Consumables
From a skills lab to in-situ training, Nursing Anne Simulator’s
modular platform makes patient interactions more realistic to
what would be experienced in real healthcare environments.
Adding accessory modules can help expand training for added
realism in specialized care and cultural diversity of patients.

Accessories: Operation and Patient Monitoring Options:

320-29050-D African Descent Skin, Front 204-301xx SimPad PLUS LLEAP
320-21250 Dark Curly Hair Wig 400-102xx Laptop Instructor
322-10550-M Geriatric Upgrade Kit, Medium - Patient Monitor
322-10550-D Geriatric Upgrade Kit, Dark 400-092xx Tablet - PC Instructor
320-24050-M Wound Assessment Care Kit, Medium - Patient Monitor
320-24050-D Wound Assessment Care Kit, Dark 400-01050 LLEAP software License
320-25550-M Staged Wound Feet Set, Medium
320-27050-M Mastectomy Skin, Medium xx = Language versions
320-28050-M Male Genitalia Kit, Medium

320-22550 Subcutaneous Injection Pads (50)
250-21050 Airway Lubricant (45ml)
375-51001-M Multivein Arm - Female

For more product information please visit: 79

Available in Light, Medium,
and Dark Skin Tones

Nursing Anne
SimPad PLUS System
Nursing Anne is a manikin designed for scenario-based can be used for
training for the care and management of basic patient operation. See pages
handling skills to advanced nursing skills. 62-63 for more
Sold separately.

325-05050 Nursing Anne (SimPad Capable), Light

325-05050T Nursing Anne (SimPad Capable), Medium
325-05050B Nursing Anne (SimPad Capable), Dark

325-20050 Nursing Anne (Non-SimPad Capable), Light

325-20050T Nursing Anne (Non-SimPad Capable), Medium
325-20050B Nursing Anne (Non-SimPad Capable), Dark

200-21050 Manikin Lubricant (45ml)
300-00750 Simulated Blood 3 fl. oz - Red
325-00750 Breast Exam Module

325-00650 Mastectomy Module 325-00450 Fundus Skills and 325-00550 Wound Care
Assessment Module Assessment Set
- Female

80 Nursing & Patient Care

Nursing Kelly
Nursing Kelly is educationally effective for clinical training
SimPad PLUS System
in basic to advanced patient care and management skills. can be used for
operation. See pages
62-63 for more
300-05050 Nursing Kelly (SimPad Capable), Light Sold separately.
300-05050T Nursing Kelly (SimPad Capable), Medium
300-05050B Nursing Kelly (SimPad Capable), Dark

300-20050 Nursing Kelly (Non-SimPad Capable), Light

300-20050T Nursing Kelly (Non-SimPad Capable), Medium
300-20050B Nursing Kelly (Non-SimPad Capable), Dark Available in Light, Medium,
and Dark Skin Tones

250-21050 Manikin Lubricant (45ml)
300-00750 Simulated Blood 3 fl. oz - Red

300-01050 Wound Care and 375-81001 Arterial Stick Arm

- Male

For more product information please visit: 81

Nursing Kid
The clinical skills training manikin for in-hospital
SimPad PLUS System
pediatric professionals designed to realistically represent can be used for
a six-year-old. operation. See pages
62-63 for more
Sold separately.
350-05050 Nursing Kid (SimPad PLUS Capable), Light
350-05050T Nursing Kid (SimPad PLUS Capable), Medium
350-05050B Nursing Kid (SimPad PLUS Capable), Dark

Consumables Available in Light, Medium,

300-00750 Simulated Blood and Dark Skin Tones
350-00750 Thigh Injection Pad
375-70150 Skin and Vein System - Pediatric

277-00001 Pediatric Trauma 231-00101 Pediatric Intraosseous

Modules Leg

82 Nursing & Patient Care

Nursing Baby
Nursing Baby is a full-size infant manikin that realistically
SimPad PLUS System
simulates a 6-month old patient. It is specifically designed can be used for
for training professionals in the practice of basic and operation. See pages
62-63 for more
advanced infant patient care procedures. information.
Sold separately.

365-05050 Nursing Baby (SimPad PLUS Capable), Light

365-05050T Nursing Baby (SimPad PLUS Capable), Medium
365-05050B Nursing Baby (SimPad PLUS Capable), Dark

365-00201 Infant IO Leg Available in Light, Medium,
365-00101 Infant IV Leg and Dark Skin Tones
365-00301 Infant IV Arm

For more product information please visit: 83

Interchangeable Catheterization and Enema Trainer
The Interchangeable Catheterization and Enema Trainer is
a life-size female pelvis with interchangeable genitalia designed
Female Pelvis for practicing urologic and rectal access gastrointestinal care

375-21001 Catheterization and Enema Trainer

325-00250 Dorsogluteal Injection Pad - Female

325-00150 Ventrogluteal Injection Pad - Female

Fundus Skills and Assessment Trainer

The Fundus Skills and Assessment Trainer features the normal
anatomy of the status-post or postpartum female abdomen
designed for training fundus assessment and massage skills.

375-22501 Fundus Skills and Assessment Trainer

300-00750 Simulated Blood - Red
375-22950 Urinary Valves, Fundus

In-Service Home Care Training Simulator

The In-Service Home Care Trainer is a life-size male pelvis
with interchangeable genitalia designed for practice of urinary
catheterization and enema procedures with the addition of
stoma and wound care.

375-20001 In-Service Home Care Training Simulator

300-00150 Thigh Injection Pad
300-00250 Ventral Gluteal Injection Pad - Male
300-00350 Dorsal Gluteal Injection Pad - Male

84 Nursing & Patient Care

For more product information please visit: 85
Simulation & Training

Maternal & Newborn

One of the most impor tant objectives during labor and

delivery is recognizing the potential risks to mother and baby.
We provide solutions that build competency to ensure teams
and individuals deliver high quality patient care, manage
adverse events and impact patient outcomes.

Obstetric Solution SimMom and MamaBirthie
SimMom and MamaBirthie combined provides One of the most important objectives during labor
an impactful simulation toolkit, which can be used and delivery is recognizing the potential risks to
at different stages of the Circle of Learning to both the mother and baby. By building a well-
support a complete learning experience. trained team, confident in their abilities to manage
adverse events whilst communicating with respect
to the mother, you ensure better outcomes for
both patients.

When it comes to labor,

it’s all about delivering respectful care
Hybrid simulation can improve patient outcomes
and patient satisfaction, as it combines skills assess-
ment in both clinical treatment and communication
with a standardized patient.

MamaBirthie is ideal for practicing interaction and

active listening in role-play settings. By using it for
peer-to-peer training sessions, students build engage-
ment for respectful care, effective communication,
and risk management.

88 Obstetrics & Paediatrics

The ideal solution when caring for two

SimMom MamaBirthie

• An advanced, full-body simulator available in • Simple simulator that can be worn on a

both manual and automatic delivery modes standardized patient or mounted on a table
• Covers all stages of labor - from antepartum • Ideal for practicing maneuvers and skills training
to postpartum independently or peer-to-peer
• Provides opportunities for enhanced in-situ • Train skills including abdominal and vaginal
training with cross-functional teams to work examinations, normal birth, vacuum-assisted
collaboratively delivery, shoulder dystocia and breech
• Train for the low-frequency, high-risk incidents • Practice on communication and collaboration
• Prepare learners to recognize and respond to with the mother through role play
potential high-risk births and postpartum • Use MamaBirthie as a skills trainer to best
complications such as PPH prepare learners for high fidelity simulations
• Controlled wirelessly with LLEAP, Laerdal’s on SimMom
simulation software

For more product information please visit: 89

SimMom is a tetherless, advanced full body birthing simulator
with accurate anatomy and functionality to facilitate multi-
professional obstetric training of birth management, with both
manual and automatic delivery modes.

Providing an opportunity for cross-functional team training

in any environment from ER to Labor and Delivery, SimMom
enables both novice learners and healthcare providers to
practice and prepare for realistic events so that more lives
can be saved.

Take your simulation training further

Make the most of your SimMom with a range of integrated

upgrade options to enhance your simulation.

Add a flat abdominal skin to your SimMom to allow greater

versatility in addressing simple general women’s healthcare.

The optional Laerdal SonoSim Ultrasound Solution for SimMom

integrates diagnostic training and assessments.

VitalsBridge FM allows you to view and interact with vital

signs from both fetal and maternal patient simulators and
a commercially available patient monitor, increasing
simulation realism.

377-03050 SimMom Tetherless, Light

377-03250 SimMom Tetherless, Dark
377-05350 Automatic Delivery Module 2 for SimMom Tetherless

377-21050 SimMom Flat Belly + Foam

350-00250 Laerdal SonoSim Upgrade for SimMom

405-00500 VitalsBridge FM

90 Obstetrics & Paediatrics

For more product information please visit: 91
Advanced training in neonatal resuscitation
SimNewB is a newborn tetherless simulator co-created with
the American Academy of Pediatrics, designed to help
improve neonatal resuscitation and to meet the specific
learning objectives of neonatal resuscitation protocols.
Developed in partnership with the
Focusing on the first 10 minutes of life, SimNewB provides American Academy of Pediatrics,
realistic training for critical interventions such as lung SimNewB neonatal simulator will
recruitment maneuvers and advanced airway management. allow for new opportunities to
integrate the latest technologies into
neonatal training programs.
296-00050 SimNewB, Light
Pairing SimNewB and educational
296-00250 SimNewB, Dark
content developed and validated by
organizations such as the American
Academy of Pediatrics, like Neonatal
Resuscitation Program™ scenarios,
allows learners to master the skills
needed to care for neonatal patients
and ultimately improve patient

92 Obstetrics & Paediatrics

For more product information please visit: 93
Educating learners and improving competencies demands
a wide range of high quality training tools. Identifying and
managing potential adverse events can help ensure safe
patient care.

MamaBirthie is ideal for training in birthing assessment and can

be used for basic skill acquisition and competency development
for all stages of labor. It can be used as a tabletop model for
demonstration or worn to facilitate simulation.

360-00033 MamaBirthie, Dark

360-00133 MamaBirthie, Light

Available in Light and

Dark Skin Tones

MamaNatalie is a cost-effective way to deliver high impact in
your obstetric simulation program. Learners can train on nor-
mal delivery and post-partum complications including post-par-
tum hemorrhage to improve management of skills and commu-
nication from ambulance to delivery room. MamaNatalie
comes with NeoNatalie newborn simulator, enabling learners to
rehearse newborn resuscitation and train on birth asphyxia.
Together they are designed to facilitate an engaging roleplay
that will make the learning sessions memorable and efficient.

340-00233 MamaNatalie Complete, Dark

340-00333 MamaNatalie Complete, Light

Available in Light
and Dark Skin Tones

94 Obstetrics & Paediatrics

You can make a difference
Every day, approximately 7000 babies and 800 moth-
ers die from preventable birth-related complications.
The majority of these deaths occur in low-income
countries. In many of these countries, fewer than half
of women benefit from skilled care during childbirth.

We are committed to helping save the lives of

mothers and newborns in low-income countries by
providing the tools and training needed to provide
better quality care.

Buy One Gift One Program:

For every MamaNatalie and MamaBirthie bought

through Laerdal Medical in high-income countries,
another one is donated to help save lives at birth in
a low-income country. Thanks to the contributions
to Buy One, Gift One, more than 4000 simulators
have been donated to help train thousands of health
workers in the Helping Mothers Survive program in
40 countries. With your contributions, we can help
ensure mothers and newborns receive quality care
where it’s needed the most.

To learn more visit:

For more product information please visit: 95

Patient safety initiatives aimed at addressing PROMPT Flex is ideal for addressing high risk, low
the potential for adverse events and medical errors frequency events and reducing complications. The
are being implemented in many labor and delivery versatile and modular design provide the user with
departments. a comprehensive experience in all stages of birth
and complexity. Suited for all learners in both pro-
fessional education and healthcare providers.

LIM-80100 PROMPT Flex Birthing Simulator - Standard, Light Expand your PROMPT Flex training
LIM-80200 PROMPT Flex Birthing Simulator - Standard, Dark opportunities by adding different modules,
LIM-80106 PROMPT Flex Birthing Simulator - Advanced, Light such as PPH, C-Section, Cervical Dilation &
LIM-80206 PROMPT Flex Birthing Simulator - Advanced, Dark Effacement.

96 Obstetrics & Paediatrics

Premature Anne
Premature Anne is a realistically proportioned 25-week
preterm manikin developed in collaboration with the
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Premature
Anne is designed to facilitate the training of healthcare
professionals in the initiation of proper care and
resuscitation of preterm infants.

Developed in partnership with the

American Academy of Pediatrics,
Premature Anne will allow for new
295-00050 Premature Anne, Standard
opportunities to integrate the latest
technologies into preterm infant
290-00050 Premature Anne, Task Trainer
training programs.
290-00150 Premature Anne Task Trainer Twin Pack

Pairing Premature Anne and

educational content developed and
validated by the American Academy
of Pediatrics allows learners to
master the skills needed to care for
preterm infants and ultimately
improve patient outcomes.
Premature Anne supports the
Neonatal Resuscitation Program™.

For more product information please visit: 97

NeoNatalie is an inflatable simulator designed to teach basic
neonatal resuscitation skills. Developed to meet the key
requirements for teaching the initial steps of resuscitation in the
first ten minutes of a newborn’s life, NeoNatalie is an effective,
cost-efficient tool to enhance your training program.

104-10001 NeoNatalie Basic, Dark

104-10002 NeoNatalie Basic, Light
104-10005 NeoNatalie Complete, Dark
104-10006 NeoNatalie Complete, Light

PreemieNatalie Available in Light

PreemieNatalie is a realistic sized preterm baby simulator. It supports and Dark Skin Tones
training in correct breastfeeding positioning and attachment, nasogastric
and orogastric placement and tube feeding.
• Realistic size of a preterm baby (1.6kg, 32 weeks gestational age)
• Train correct breastfeeding positioning and attachment
• Train in correct nasogastric and orogastric placement
and tube feeding
• Use with MamaBreast Breastfeeding Simulator to practice
essential newborn care and Kangaroo Mother Care
• Use with MamaNatalie Birthing Simulator to
practice preterm labor and delivery as well
as twin births

107-10133 PreemieNatalie, Dark

107-10233 PreemieNatalie, Light

98 Obstetrics & Paediatrics

MamaBreast is a wearable simulator that allows highly
realistic simulation of breastfeeding and breastmilk

460-00033 MamaBreast Breastfeeding Simulator

Mama-U represents a postpartum uterus after birth.
It supports training in treatment of postpartum
hemorrhage and uterine balloon tamponade insertions
and other postpartum uterus interventions.
The model is ultra-portable and can be used
as a tabletop model for task training, or inside
MamaNatalie for a complete birth simulation.

450-00033 LM Mama-U Postpartum Uterus Trainer

340-00433 MamaNatalie Complete & Mama-U (Dark)

340-00533 MamaNatalie Complete & Mama-U (Light)

Sister-U Multi-Uterus Trainer

A multi-uterus trainer with realistic anatomy representing
the uterus between pregnancies.

Sister-U can be used for a variety of interventions such as

vaginal examinations, IUD insertion and removal, and for
inspecting anteverted and retroverted positions of the
uterus, as well as family planning and menstrual hygeine

Sister-U was developed in collaboration with the Indian

Federal Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and global

440-00033 Sister-U Multi-Uterus Trainer

For more product information please visit: 99

CarePlus Preterm Wrap
CarePlus is a pre-term wrap designed to help parents
provide continuous and quality skin-to-skin care to
their newborns.

The ergonomic wrap design keeps the baby securely

in place with little strain on the shoulders and back of
the parent.

950-00033 CarePlus Preterm Wrap

950-00133 CarePlus Preterm Wrap 10-pack

Nifty Feeding Cup

Nifty Feeding Cup is a reusable product for feeding
breast milk to newborns with breastfeeding difficulties.

It is a simple to use, easy to clean and culturally

appropriate feeding solution which allows the infant
to control the pace of feeding. Nifty Feeding Cup has
been developed and designed through a collaboration
between the University of Washington, Seattle
Children’s hospital, PATH and Laerdal Global Health.

960-00033 Nifty Feeding Cup 3-Pack

960-00133 Nifty Feeding Cup 50-Pack

100 Obstetrics & Paediatrics

NeoBeat is a reusable, consumable-free, and easy-to-use heart rate
meter that provides an accurate and continuous display of newborn
heart rate.

NeoBeat takes seconds to put on a newborn’s abdomen, and the

instantaneous heart rate can help guide neonatal resuscitation.

• NeoBeat uses dry electrodes to pick up an ECG-based signal,
which is recommended by The International Liaison Committee
on Resuscitation (ILCOR) 2015 guidelines as the most reliable
way to measure newborn HR.
• Current available methods in low resource settings include
stethoscope or umbilical cord palpation, both of which either
require a second pair of hands or interruption in care. NeoBeat
takes seconds to put on the baby and provides
a continuous and instantaneous digital display
of the newborn HR.
• NeoBeat comes with a mountable charging
stand for quick and easy access to the device.
• NeoBeat is reusable and consumable-free.

532-00033 NeoBeat

Available in select markets.

Contact your local representative for more information.

For more product information please visit: 101

Skills Proficiency

Key to the Circle of Learning, skills proficiency enables health-

care providers to build confidence and competence and
ensure the highest quality patient care. Using skills trainers
with LLEAP on SimPad PLUS, or with SimCapture for Skills
helps educators build or adapt standardized training scenarios
into the learning curriculum.

SimCapture for Skills
Optimizing evaluation of learners' performance to achieve skills mastery
SimCapture for Skills is a solution for efficient, objective digital
Hybrid learning builds competence assessment and evaluation of peer-to-peer and individual skills
practice, resulting in better program outcomes.
Deliver, track, and monitor
skills development Bridge faculty instruction for students with simple, cloud-based
access to content on any web-enabled device. When combined
from anywhere. with any hands-on skills trainer, SimCapture for Skills facilitates
hybrid learning and helps students build their competence up to
skills mastery.
Build proficiency
Improve readiness for practice
Learners build a connection and progress with their future
clinical career by:
• Accessing the content, training, and other resources from
their mobile devices or laptops.
• Refining their skills practice on any skills trainer either by
themselves (with self-recording feature) or with a partner.
• Receiving performance-specific analysis of their skills application.
• Improving their readiness at their own pace and from anywhere.

Instructors optimize teaching delivery and support learners by:

• Communicating instructions, guidance, and exercises at scale
(individually, selected group, or entire class).
• Evaluating learners’ self-recorded, skills practice videos.
• Gaining actionable insights on learners’ progress, such as
frequency of practice and individual/group challenges.
• Leveraging data to provide precise feedback for improved practice.

104 Skills Proficiency

Ensure measurable progress
Keep education accessible, interactive,
and objective
SimCapture for Skills enhances training with its innovative
digital, cloud-based platform and learner-driven features

Actionable insights
Train, track, and monitor skills practice from anywhere. All
data is automatically collected and arranged into useful
reports for learning needs analysis and precise feedback.

Objective evaluation
Ensure objectivity in assessment and evaluation by creating
tailored skills checklists and leveraging the video and data

Bridge faculty instruction from anywhere

Provide all supporting resources as well as assign skills to stu-
dents, based on training needs in SimCapture. Learners are
then empowered to access content and training right from
any web-enabled device.

Support clinical skills acquisition for remote learners

One of the biggest barriers for students to practice their skills is resource con-
straints. Often, they lack access to task trainers, lab space and faculty supervision.

SimCapture for Skills allows for flexibility with onsite and offsite options. It can sup-
port clinical skills acquisition and can be combined with affordable skills trainers for
scalable training options.

Virtual training – accelerated by the pandemic, here to stay

The move to a blended learning environment has been a steady trend in healthcare
education that’s been accelerated by the pandemic.

SimCapture for Skills makes virtual course delivery more effective by combining
hands-on activities with efficient assessment and evaluation methods​.

For more info:

For more product information please visit our web; 105
Modular Skills Trainer

Achieve skills mastery from anywhere

The Modular Skills Trainer is a 16-in-1 portable solution for skills
practice and competency development. Designed to fit the needs
of today’s nursing schools, learners can practice individually or
in groups to transition from beginner to skills mastery.

Practice a wide array of patient care skills:·

· Nasogastric Tube Insertion
· Wound Care
· Tracheostomy Care
· Central Line Dressing Change
· Ostomy Care
· Urinary Catheterization & Enema
· Injections
· Intravenous Catheterization & Phlebotomy
· Suppositories (rectal & vaginal)
· Perineal Care
· Oxygen Therapy
· Nasal Swab
- G-tube Care

Available as part of the SimCapture for Skills with

Modular Skills Trainer combined solution

106 Nursing & Patient Care

Pediatric Intubation Trainer
Anatomically accurate reproduction of a pediatric torso
designed for teaching the differences in pediatric and adult
anatomy for airway management procedures.

• Anatomically accurate airway allows sizing and insertion

of various airway adjuncts: Oropharyngeal and
nasopharyngeal airway insertion
• Endotracheal tube insertion and securing
• Bag valve mask ventilation
• Tracheal suctioning
• Manually generated carotid pulse
• Closed chest compressions

255-00001 Pediatric Intubation Trainer

250-21050 Airway Lubricant (45 ml)

Laerdal Neonatal Intubation Trainer

Laerdal Neonatal Intubation Trainer allows teaching of
intubation skills on the newborn baby. Robust and realistic,
this model allows students to undertake training that is
directly transferable to the clinical setting.

• Realistic anatomy of a newborn baby

• Intubation (oral and nasal)
• Bag-Valve-Mask ventilation
• Correct tube placement can be checked
by practical inflation test

250-00101 Laerdal Neonatal Intubation Trainer

250-21050 Airway Lubricant (45 ml)

For more product information please visit our web; 107
NG Tube and
Trach Care Trainer
Torso task trainer designed for
instruction in the care of patients
with respiratory conditions and the
practice of gastrointestinal care
procedures via nasal and oral access.

Features include anatomical landmarks,

trachea, esophagus, simulated lungs,
and stomach.

375-10001 NG Tube and Trach Care Trainer

250-21050 Airway Lubricant (45 ml)

Laerdal Infant Airway Management Trainer

Realistic practice is the key to developing proficiency in airway
management skills. The Laerdal Infant Airway Management
Trainer provides the realistic anatomy of a three-month-old
infant for teaching and practicing basic and advanced
airway management skills.

• Practicing of oral and nasal intubation

• Practicing use of LMA (Laryngeal Mask Airway)
• Correct tube placement can be checked
by practical inflation test
• Bag-Valve-Mask ventilation can be practiced
• Sellick Maneuver can be performed
• Stomach inflation
• Realistic tissue simulation

250-00250 Laerdal Infant Airway

Management Trainer

250-21050 Airway Lubricant (45 ml)

108 Skills Proficiency

Laerdal Airway Management Trainer
Realistic practice is the key to developing proficiency in airway management
skills. The Laerdal Airway Management Trainer realistically simulates an adult
airway, and the lifelike upper torso and head can be used to demonstrate and
practice intubation, ventilation, and suction techniques. In addition, it can be
used to demonstrate upper airway bronchoscopy and bronchoscopy guided
endotracheal intubation.

250000xx Laerdal Airway Management Trainer

xx = language versions

252090 Airway Lubricant (180 ml)
252800 Concentrated Simulated Vomit

Deluxe Difficult Airway Trainer

The Deluxe Difficult Airway Trainer is designed for training
the management of difficult airways and features a manually
inflatable tongue to simulate obstructed airway.

261-10001 Deluxe Difficult Airway Trainer

250-21050 Airway Lubricant (45 ml)
261-00250 Neck Skins (pkg. 6)
200-00250 Cricothyroid Membrane Tape (1 roll)

For more product information please visit our web; 109
Pneumothorax Trainer
The Pneumothorax Trainer, with bilateral tension pneumothoraces and
decompression portals in each axilla and subclavian region, is specifically
designed for training professionals in the practice of chest decompression.

• Anatomical landmarks aid in site location

• Bilateral midaxillary and midclavicular sites available for decompression
• Heimlich Abdominal Thrust Maneuver may be performed

260-05001 Pneumothorax Trainer

200-00150 Bladder Replacement Kit
200-01850 MidAxillary Bladder
200-02450 Pneumo Pad - Left
200-02550 Pneumo Pad - Right

AT Kelly Torso
The AT Kelly Torso combines central Central venous access and
chest decompression training with the added feature of airway

260-00001 AT Kelly Torso

260-00950 Bladder Replacement Kit
260-01050 Replacement Central Line Tubing
260-00350 Pneumo Pad - Right
260-00450 Pneumo Pad - Left
250-21050 Airway Lubricant (45ml)

110 Skills Proficiency

Cricoid Stick Trainer
Needle and surgical cricothyrotomy skills can be practiced on
this model with interchangeable rigid and soft tracheas.

261-01001 Cricoid Stick Trainer

261-01150 Replaceable Trachea – Rigid
261-01250 Replaceable Trachea – Soft
261-01350 Replacement Neck Skin

Choking Charlie
Choking Charlie is an adult torso designed specifically for
training students in the performance of the Heimlich Abdominal
Thrust Maneuver.

102-00001 Choking Charlie

102-00150 Simulated Boluses (4-Pack)

For more product information please visit our web; 111
Blood Pressure Training Arm
Lifelike, adult arm with an electronic trainer designed for
training the procedure of NIBP measurement.

375-40501 Blood Pressure Training Arm

381402 Deltoid Injection Pad, Adult

SimPad Blood Pressure Trainer

The SimPad Blood Pressure Training Arm allows for practice of
non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) measurement. Auscultated
and palpated blood pressure simulation is possible.

375-42050 SimPad Blood Pressure Trainer

200-00550 Blood Pressure Cuff Assembly

112 Skills Proficiency

12-Lead Task Trainer
Adult male upper torso with anatomically accurate landmarks designed to
realistically simulate airway management scenarios and train students in the
proper utilization of 12 lead ECG devices, including the proper connection of
patient cable, acquisition and interpretation of 12 lead ECG, and understanding
and utilizing the AMI algorithm and local protocols relating to treatment
of suspected or confirmed AMI.

260-20001 12-Lead Task Trainer

250-21050 Airway Lubricant (45ml)
260-00350 Pneumo Pad - Right
260-00450 Pneumo Pad - Left

HeartSim® 200
The HeartSim 200 is a battery-powered ECG rhythm
simulator designed to provide basic, modified, and pediatric
rhythms with variable pulse rate and strength. This product
offers all the necessary rhythms to conduct ACLS course in
one compact, convenient unit.

260010 HeartSim 200 Cardiac Rhythm Simulator

292021 Heartsim 200 Link Cable

Symbio Rhythm Simulator

Easy to operate, the Symbio Rhythm Simulator is designed to
meet both your training and equipment testing needs.

9851-008 Symbio Rhythm Simulator

For more product information please visit our web; 113
Laerdal IV Torso
The Laerdal IV Torso allows practice of intravenous
access techniques for both advanced cardiac life support
and trauma, delivered by organizations around the world.

The Laerdal IV Torso enables the practice of IV access to the:

• External jugular vein
• Internal jugular vein via the anterior, central
and posterior approach
• Subclavian vein
• Femoral vein

• A pulse bulb enables the instructor to create a palpable

pulse in the manikin’s arteries
• Long catheters can be placed into the training model
• Realistic tissue simulation
• Both Neck Pad and Femoral Pad are replaceable
• Pads can be replaced without use of any tools

090019 Laerdal IV Torso

092001 Neck Replacement Pad
092003 Femoral Replacement Pad
092103 Simulated Blood

114 Skills Proficiency

Chester Chest
Lifelike model of human torso with detachable right arm
designed for the insertion care, and removal of common
long-term vascular access routes.

VT-2400-STD Chester Chest Std Arm, Light

VT-2400-ADV Chester Chest Adv Arm, Light
VT-2402 Chester Chest Std Arm, Dark
VT-2412 Chester Chest Adv Arm, Dark

Available in Light and

Dark Skin Tones

Multi-Venous IV Training Arms

Lifelike adult arm reproductions with replaceable
skin and veins designed for peripheral intravenous

270-00001 Male IV Arm Kit (S)

270-00001B Male IV Arm Kit (B)
270-00001T Male IV Arm Kit (T)
375-50001 Female IV Arm Kit (S)
375-50001B Female IV Arm Kit (B)
375-50001T Female IV Arm Kit (T)

250-21050 Airway Lubricant (45 ml)
300-00750 Simulated Blood – Red
312029 Replacement Skin/Veins - Male
325-00350 Replacement Skin/Veins - Female

For more product information please visit our web; 115
Pediatric Multi-Venous IV Training Arm Kit
Lifelike arm reproductions with multi-vein system designed
for peripheral intravenous therapy.

375-70001 Pediatric IV Arm Kit (S)

375-70001B Pediatric IV Arm Kit (B)
375-70001T Pediatric IV Arm Kit (T)

Arterial Stick Arm Kit

Lifelike adult male arm reproduction with infusible arteries
designed for training the proper arterial puncture procedure
for blood gas analysis.

375-80001 Arterial Stick Arm Kit (S)

375-80001B Arterial Stick Arm Kit (B)
375-80001T Arterial Stick Arm Kit (T)

250-21050 Airway Lubricant (45 ml)
300-00750 Simulated Blood – Red
375-80150 Replacement Skin/Arteries
381402 Deltoid Injection Pad, Adult

Laerdal Intraosseous Trainer

The Laerdal Intraosseous Trainer is designed for training
in infant intraosseous infusion techniques.

080015 Intraosseous Trainer

082305 Leg Replacement Pad 5/pkg.

116 Skills Proficiency

Baby Umbi
Baby Umbi is a reproduction of a female newborn infant
designed for the practice of umbilical catheterization.

250-00501 Baby Umbi

240-00150 Umbilical Cord Set (pkg/3)
240-00250 Simulated Umbilical Blood

Baby Stap
Reproduction of a neonatal infant positioned for
the practice of lumbar puncture techniques.

375-34001 Baby Stap

375-34150 Replacement Tubing

Baby Hippy
Reproduction of the lower torso and limbs of a
female newborn designed to train professionals in
diagnosing both congenital hip dislocation and hip

375-35001 Baby Hippy

For more product information please visit our web; 117
Medical Devices

Medical devices are essential to safe and effective treatment

during an emergency. Our products are preferred by health-
care providers for excellent performance, lasting value,
and reliability.

CPRmeter 2
The CPRmeter 2 with QCPR technology provides real-time
coaching and summative feedback to help rescuers optimize CPR
performance in a clinical setting. Combined with the CPRmeter
app, organizations can now drive quality improvement initiatives
with detailed and sharable insights on CPR performance.

801-00249 CPRmeter 2

801-10850 Patient Adhesives
(10 x 3-Pack)

Spare Parts
801-10360 Battery Hatch w/ Landyard
Replacement A (3-pack) Q-CPR Quick Review events statistics

801-10370 Battery Hatch

Replacement B (3-pack)

801-10150 Red Sleeve

120 Resuscitation Training

CPRmeter app

By rotating the view within the app, providers

can examine visual feedback of their clinical or
training performance. This detailed view delivers
insights on the depth, release, rate, and force
of each compression. In addition, providers can
annotate important events such as obtaining
Return of Spontaneous Circulation.

Users can view and

export stored sessions on
a CPRmeter 2 device

For more product information please visit: 121

Laerdal Pocket Mask
The Laerdal Pocket Mask’s design, filter and one-way
valve makes it a quality choice that provides protection
during CPR.

820006xx Pocket Mask Polybag Consumables:

82000733 Pocket Mask with strap, Hard Case 820410 One-way valve 1/Pack
(English) 820411 One-way valve 100/Pack
820011xx Pocket Mask Hard Case 820700 Update kit, 1 each of filter
82001933 Pocket Mask without wipe & gloves, and one-way valve
Hard Case(English) 830110 Headstrap adjustable x10
820032 Pocket Mask Hard Case White, 820610 Filter Pocket Mask 1/Pack
Private Label 820611 FIlter Pocket Mask 10/Pack
829911 Pocket Mask Hard Case yellow or green,
Private Label
829940 Pocket Mask Soft Pouch, Private Label
820040xx Pocket Mask Soft Pouch (Blue)
820041xx Pocket Mask Soft Pouch (Black)
820042xx Pocket Mask Soft Pouch (Camouflage)

8300xxxx Pocket Mask with O2 nipple

xx = language code

122 Medical Devices

Laerdal Paediatric Pocket Mask
The Laerdal Pediatric Pocket Mask makes CPR on pediatric
patients safer. With the low resistance one way valve, and
circular silicone mask for pediatric features, providers can
provide better, safer CPR to pediatric patients. The Pediatric
Pocket Mask is an excellent companion for providers that
often come in contact with infants and children.

820050 Laerdal Paediatric Pocket Mask,

w/ gloves and wipe in blue/yellow soft pouch
820052 Laerdal Paediatric Pocket Mask,
w/gloves in red and black soft pouch
820053 Laerdal Paediatric Pocket Mask,
without gloves and wipes in Blue/Yellow soft pouch
820054 Laerdal Paediatric Pocket Mask,
Gloves & wipe, Polybag

820410 One-way valve Pocket Mask 1/Pack

820411 One-way valve Mask 100/Pack

For more product information please visit: 123

Laerdal Face Shield
Laerdal Face Shield features a high-quality filter with CPR
instructions printed on it, and gives providers the confidence to
begin CPR. The small packaging fits into wallets, pockets and hand
bags for readiness whenever an emergency should occur.
The Laerdal Face Shield comes packaged in either key chain
form or disposable sleeves and is sold in packs of 50.

460000xx Laerdal Face Shield x 50

460008 Keyring w/LFS x 25 Yellow, English
460009 Keyring w/LFS x 25 Multicolour,
460014 LFS, refill for keyring x 50
460016 Keyring w/LFS x 25 Blue, English
460017 Keyring w/LFS x 25 Camouflage,
460018 Keyring w/LFSx25, QCPR, English
4699xx Keyring w/LFS Private Label

124 Medical Devices

Laerdal Upright Resuscitator
The Laerdal Upright Resuscitator for Newborns has an
innovative design that has been shown to help deliver
more adequate ventilations per event than a standard
resuscitator design.

85605xx Laerdal Upright Resuscitator

For more product information please visit: 125



Laerdal Silicone Resuscitator (LSR)

The Laerdal Silicone Resuscitator (LSR) enables medical
personnel to facilitate assisted ventilation of patients in
pre-hospital, in-hospital and post-hospital care.
The LSR comes in adult, pediatric and preterm sizes.

Adult 860052xx LSR Pediatric Standard

870050xx LSR Adult Basic without Mask Child with Mask, in Carton
in Carton 860053xx LSR Paediatric Complete with Masks,
870051xx LSR Adult Complete with Masks, in Compact Case
in Carton 860055xx LSR Paediatric Complete with Masks,
870052xx LSR Adult Standard with Mask, in Display Case
in Carton 860056xx LSR Paediatric Standard. Term with Mask,
870053xx LSR Adult Complete with Masks, in Carton
in Compact Case
870055xx LSR Adult Complete with Masks, Preterm
in Display Case 850050xx LSR Preterm Basic without Mask,
in Carton
850051xx LSR Preterm Complete with Masks,
Paediatric in Carton
860050xx LSR Paediatric Basic without Mask, 850053xx LSR Preterm Complete with Masks
in Carton in Compact Case
860051xx LSR Paediatric Complete with Masks, 850055xx LSR Preterm Complete with Masks
in Carton in Display Case

xx = language code

126 Medical Devices

Laerdal Silicone Masks
Depending on the shape and size of your patient, there
is a Laerdal Silicone mask that fits. An airtight seal between
the skin and the silicone enables the proper administration
of air. The Silicone masks are completely transparent for
visibility of the patients’ nose and mouth, fit standard
15/22mm connectors and are compatible with the
Multi-Function Mask Cover.

860220 Child Silicone Mask 3-4

with Multi-function Mask Cover
860221 Child Silicone Mask 3-4 without Mask Cover
865200 Multi Function Mask Cover for Mask 3-4
870220 Adult Silicone Mask 4-5+
with Multi-function Mask Cover
870221 Adult Silicone Mask 4-5+ without Mask Cover
872220 Adult 4-5+ & Child 3-4 Silicone Mask
with Multi-function Mask Covers
875200 Multi-Function Mask Cover for Mask 4-5+

For more product information please visit: 127




The BAG II Disposable Resuscitator

The BAG II Disposable Resuscitator is Laerdal’s option for disposable ventilation. For lung ventilation on
patients, without clean up and the risk of cross-contamination, The BAG II Disposable Resuscitator is the
top choice. The BAG II has 3 different options for ventilation bag volume: adult, child or infant.

Single units
845111 The BAG II Resuscitator Adult with mask 5
845141 The BAG II Resuscitator Adult with mask 4
845151 The BAG II Resuscitator Adult mask 5 with inflation port
845152 The BAG II Resuscitator Child mask 3 with inflation port
845121 The BAG II Resuscitator Child with mask 3
845131 The BAG II Resuscitator Infant with mask 1

Multipacks (12-Pack)
845211 The BAG II Resuscitator Adult with mask 5
845241 The BAG II Resuscitator Adult with mask 4
845251 The BAG II Resuscitator Adult with mask 5
with inflation port - pack of 12
845252 The BAG II Resuscitator Child with mask 3
with inflation port - pack of 12
845221 The BAG II Resuscitator Child with mask 3
845223 The BAG II Resuscitator Child with mask 2
845231 The BAG II Resuscitator Infant with mask 1

845240 Laerdal Disposable PEEP Valve Assembly (qty. 10)
845255 Laerdal Disposable Mask 1 with inflation port (qty.20)
845256 Laerdal Disposable Mask 2 with inflation port (qty.20)
845250 Laerdal Disposable Mask 3 with inflation port (qty.20)
845260 Laerdal Disposable Mask 4 with inflation port (qty.20)
845270 Laerdal Disposable Mask 5 with inflation port (qty.20)

128 Medical Devices

Thomas Select Tube Holder Thomas Tube Holder

Thomas Tube Holders

Our Thomas Tube Holders secure advanced airway devices,
such as Endotracheal Tubes and Supraglottic Airway devices,
after insertion into the trachea or esophagus to reduce
the risk of accidental extubation.

600-40000 Thomas Select Tube Holder Adult (qty. 1)

600-42500 Thomas Select Tube Holder Adult, 25-Pack



600-10000 Thomas Tube Holder Adult (International) qty.1

600-20000 Thomas Tube Holder Pedi (International) qty.1
600-30000 Thomas Tube Holder Adult green (International) qty.1

For more product information please visit: 129

Laerdal Compact Suction Unit (LCSU) 4
The Laerdal Compact Suction Unit (LCSU) 4 suction unit
combines rugged design with lightweight portability, an
essential tool for every first responder.

880051 LCSU 4, 800 ml Complete unit

880052 LCSU 4, 800 ml, RTCA Complete unit
88006103 LCSU 4, 300 ml Complete unit (UK)
88006140 LCSU 4, 300 ml Complete unit (EUR)
88006203 LCSU 4, 300 ml,
RTCA Complete unit (UK)
88006240 LCSU 4, 300 ml,
RTCA Complete unit (EUR)

886100 300 ml Disposable Canister with tubing (Qty.1)
886102 800 ml Disposable Canister with tubing (Qty.1)
886104 800 ml Disposable Canister without tubing (Qty.6)
886105 Patient Tube 1.8 m (6’) Disposable (Qty.1)
886106 Vacuum Tube (Qty.1)

130 Medical Devices

Laerdal Suction Unit (LSU)
The Laerdal Suction Unit (LSU) is a portable, powerful and
highly reliable suction unit designed for optimal preparation
in emergency situations.

The LSU is available as a reusable or semi-disposable

option, depending on your requirements.

780000xx LSU w/Reusable Canister

78002001 LSU w/Bemis Canister
780030xx LSU w/Serres Suction Bag Canister System

xx = country code

57151 Serres Suction Bag 1000 ml, blue lid
57151-2 Serres Suction Bag (36-Pack) 1000 ml, blue lid
57300 Serres Canister 1000 ml, Transparent
5833181 Serres Suction Tube 1.8 m, CH 25, LSU
780422 Coaxial Vacuum Connector 33 cm, 10-pack
781200 Aerosolfilter for LSU Reusable canister
781204 Serres Vacuum Tubing LSU
781205 Serres Vacuum Tubing Clear Inlet
781206 Serres Vacuum Connector

For more product information please visit: 131

V-VAC Manual Suction Unit
The V-VAC Manual Suction Unit is lightweight, weighing less than
0.3 kgs, and easily portable. It is small enough to fit in EMS bags,
or first aid kits, and is ready to go when you are. As soon as you
squeeze it, the Manual Suction Unit provides a powerful suction
range between 170-280 mmHg and 70 Liters per minute (LPM).

985000 V-VAC starter kit with catheter

985100 V-VAC trainer’s kit with catheter
985300 V-VAC Manual Suction Unit without catheter
985400 V-VAC Trainer’s Kit without catheter

132 Medical Devices

Penguin Suction Device
Babies’ nasal passages can become blocked for many reasons
including exposure to viruses or irritation from allergens.
Clogged nasal passages can interfere with babies’ ability to feed,
and in very young newborns, their ability to breathe.
Designed to clear babies’ airways, the Penguin is made of one
piece of silicone making it easy to clean and durable, able to
withstand hundreds of uses. The Penguin was developed to
support basic newborn resuscitation courses like Helping
Babies Breathe.

98600060 Penguin Newborn Suction Reusable

For more product information please visit: 133

HeartStart HS1 First Aid Defibrillator Consumables:
M5070A Battery for Heartstart HS1
M5071A Adult SMART pads, Heartstart HS1
M5072A Infant/Child SMART pads,
Heartstart HS1

M5073A Adult training pads Heartstart HS1

M5093A Replacement Adult Training pads
M5094A Replacement Infant/Child Training Pads

HeartStart FR3 Consumables:

801-10850 Patient Adhesives containing (10 x 3-Pack)
989803149981 SMART Pads III, 1 set
989803149991 SMART Pads III, 5 set
989803150161 Primary battery, FR3 LiMn
989803150241 FR3 Rechargeable Battery For Clinical Use

134 Medical Devices

HeartStart MRx Consumables:
40457C Printer Paper (10 rolls/pack) M3501A HP adult defib pads iec &
801-10850 Patient Adhesives (10 x 3-Pack) Aami compatible
989803138171 MRx 75mm printer paper 10 rolls M3504A HP pedi pads-5 pair
989803138181 MRx 75mm printer paper 80 rolls M3538A MRx Battery rechargeable
989803158211 Adult Electrode Pads 1 pair Li-Ion 14,8V
989803158221 Adult Electrode Pads 5 pairs M3713A Adult Heartstart Pads 10 sets
M1191B Reusable Adult SpO2 finger sensor M3716A Adult Radiolucent Heartstream
M2202A Adult Radiotransculent Foam Pads
Electrode M3717A Pediatric Pads HS-4000, 5 sets/case
M2524A ETCo2 Pediatric Smart Capnoline
Single purpose
M2526A ETCo2 Adult Smart Capnoline
Single purpose

For more product information please visit: 135

Medical Devices


Stifneck Select Collars - Adult and Pediatric
The Laerdal Stifneck select extrication collar is four different
collars in one. Stabilize spinal patients correctly and easily
with 4 different sizing options that all lock quickly
and safely into place.

980010 / 98001033 Stifneck Select Extrication Collar

980012 /98001233 Stifneck Select Green Extrication Collar

980020 / 98002033 Stifneck Pedi-Select Extrication Collar

Stifneck Extrication Collars

The original Stifneck with outstanding motion restriction and optimal sizing. Others may look like
the Stifneck collar, but there’s only one original.
980000 Stifneck Set
980100 / 98010033 Stifneck Baby, No-Neck Extrication Collar
980200 / 98020033 Stifneck Paediatric Extrication Collar
980300 / 98030033 Stifneck No-Neck Extrication Collar
980400 / 98040033 Stifneck Short Extrication Collar
980500 / 98050033 Stifneck Regular Extrication Collar
980600 / 98060033 Stifneck Tall Extrication Collar

138 Medical Devices

BaXstrap Spineboard
The Laerdal BaXstrap Spineboard provides the highest
quality and most comfortable care for patients requiring
immediate emergency spinal care. As one of the lightest,
most rigid boards on the market, the BaXstrap Spineboard
prepares providers for any situation. The durable and
uniquely contoured design, matched with our private
labeling option, makes the BaXstrap Spineboard the
premium spine board on the market.

984000 Spineboard accessory kit with sewn loop ends

984100 Spineboard accessory kit with speed clip ends
984300 Spineboard accessory kit with Best Straps
982500 BaXstrap Spineboard, Yellow
982600 BaXstrap Spineboard, Green

For more product information please visit: 139

HeadBed II
Head Immobilization Device
The HeadBed II Head Immobilization device is
a disposable, water resistant Head Immobilizer
that allows for quick and easy patient assessments
due to its open ear design. The HeadBed II provides
immobilization with most spineboards and fits adults,
children and infants.

982000 Headbed II

Sta-Blok Head Immobilizer

Easy to Use, Adjustable, Comfortable, and Stable

700-00001 Sta-Block Immobilizer(Pkg.30)

PadPack Alignment Pads

Padpack alignment pads enable neutral alignment during
immobilization by padding between patient and spineboard.
Padpacks provide safety and security and can help avoid
the need for on the fly solutions to stabilize patients for

982100 PadPack Alignment pads (10-Pack)

140 Medical Devices

SpeedBlocks Head Immobilizer
Immobilize a patients head in 4 easy steps.
Place the head on the base, adjust the blocks, lock them
into place and fasten the head and chin; your patient is
immobilized in a matter of minutes. The reliable handle-
locking mechanism with a quick release lock enables
providers to lock patients securely into place, regardless
of the head shape or position.

983090 SpeedBlocks Starter Pack (Qty.1)

983060 SpeedBlocks Universal Base (each)
983092 SpeedBlocks Block Set (each)
983096 SpeedBlocks Strap + Pad Replacement Set

For more product information please visit: 141

A Global Commitment
Norway: Denmark: Ôsterreich:
P.O. Box 377 Njalsgade 19 D Zweigniederlassung Ôsterreich
N-4002 Stavanger 2300 KøbenhavnS Opernring 1
A-1010 Wien
Tel. +47 51 51 17 00 Tel. +45 80 333 112
[email protected] [email protected] Tel. +43 (1) 3152384 Fax. +43 (1) 3152385
[email protected]
Australia: Far East:
(ABN 47 003 817 490) 159 Kampong Ampat, Hong Kong:
PO Box 52 - 8 Stamford Road, KA Place #07-01/02 Laerdal CHINA LTD.
Oakleigh,Victoria 3166 Singapore 368328 Unit 3101, 31/F Tower 1, MEGABOX
Enterprise Square 5 38 Wang Chiu
Toll free Call 1800 331 565 Tel: (065) 6282 1912
Road, Kowloon Bay,
Toll free Fax 1800 635 835 Fax: (065) 6282 1203
Kowloon Hong Kong
[email protected] [email protected] Tel. +852-31682518
[email protected]
Belgium and Luxembourg: Finland:
Mechelsesteenweg 277 Asiakaspalvelu Italy:
B-1800 VILVOORDE Teknobulevardi 7 LAERDAL ITALIA S.R.L.
01530 Vantaa Laerdal Italia Srl
Tel: +32 2 253 36 96,
Via della Beverara 48/3b
Fax: +32 2 253 36 90 Puhelin +358 (0)9-612 99 80
40131 Bologna
[email protected] [email protected] Tel. +39 051-355587
Fax +39 051-355598
The Netherlands:
[email protected]
3812-RV AMERSFOORT 1 rue des Vergers - Bâtiment n° 5
69760 Limonest Poland:
Tel: +31 33 422 06 00 Laerdal Medical Poland Sp. z o.o.
Fax: +31 33 422 06 99 Ul. Hutnicza 6
Tél. +33 (0)47 25 20 252
[email protected] 40-241 Katowice
[email protected] Tel.: +48 32 4937020
Fax: +48 32 4937022
[email protected]
305 Milner Avenue, Suite 703 Toronto Lilienthalstr. 5
ON M1B 3V4 Canada 82178 Puchheim

Tel. +1 (416) 298-9600,

Tel. +49 (0)89 / 864 95 40
Toll free 888/LAERDAL (523-7325)
Fax +49 (0)89 / 864 34 84
ou en français (800) 567-9987
[email protected]
Fax +1 (416) 298-8016
[email protected]

142 Resuscitation Training

A Global Commitment
Japan: South America: USA:
Sumitomo Fudosan Sanbancho Bld.2F Al. Mamoré, 503 167 Myers Corners Road,
6-26 Sanbancho, Chiyoda-ku conjunto 143-144 P.O. Box 1840, Wappingers Falls,
Tokyo 102-0075 Bairro: Alphaville, Barueri, São Paolo New York 12590
Brazil 06454-040
Tel: +81-120-309-060 Tel: 877-LAERDAL (523-7325)
[email protected] Tel: +55 11 4193-8007 Fax: (800) 227-1143 [email protected] [email protected]
1,2F Hyochun Building Laerdal Texas:
9, Nambusunwan-ro 333-gil Spain: LAERDAL MEDICAL CORP.
Seocho-gu, Seoul 06725 LAERDAL ESPAÑA P.O. Box 38, 226 FM 116,
C/ Teide, 3 Bajo Gatesville,TX 76528
Tel: +82 267148800 Poligono Industrial los Alamillos
Fax: +82 267148899 28703 San Sebastian de los Reyes
Tel. (800) 433-5539,
[email protected] MADRID
+1 (254) 865-7221,
Tel: (0034) 91 659 17 54 Fax +1 (254) 865-8011
Fax: (0034) 91 651 86 25 [email protected]
Malaysia: [email protected]
Unit 2-1, Level 2,
The Podium, Tower 3
UOA Business Park No. 1
Jalan Pengaturcara U1/51a
Värmdövägen 84
Seksyen U1, 40150 Shah Alam
131 54 Nacka

Tel: (60-3)7782-7002 Tel. +46 (0)8-55614610

Fax: (60-3)7782-7003 [email protected]
[email protected]
United Kingdom:
LAERDAL NEW ZEALAND Ltd Laerdal House Goodmead Road
PO Box 11952 Ellerslie Auckland Orpington BR6 0HX UK
1542 New Zealand
Tel. +44 (0)1689 876634
Tel : +64 800 523 732 Fax +44 (0)1689 873800
Fax : +64 800 528 852 [email protected]
[email protected]
Offices &
For more for information about
global contacts please visit:

For more product information please visit: 143

At Laerdal, we work towards a future where no one should die
or be disabled unnecessarily during birth or from sudden illness, trauma
or medical errors. Our solutions are used for quality education
and therapy in emergency and critical care.

All Rights Reserved. 150222 v4

© 2021 Laerdal Medical AS.

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