Prorpt - S012018050017 - Echo 1 Project
Prorpt - S012018050017 - Echo 1 Project
Prorpt - S012018050017 - Echo 1 Project
CHAPTER /TOPIC: Topic 7, 8
1. Student is required to organize Echo workshop
2. Mode: Grouping
3. Submission of notes in hard copy
4. Date of Submission: During class on 23/12/2021 (Thursday)
** If you have any difficulties in submitting the assignment according to the date
given, please come and discuss with me.
Your team part of the organizer for this Echo workshop. Your audience was paramedic staff
and you as organizer have to conduct the Echo workshop. Each presenter must present 10
minute and slide not more than 20 slide. Topic given is below:
Report will be evaluated based on the rubric attach
Understanding X6 Show complete Show substantial Show some Show very limited
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
knowledge to the topic knowledge to the topic knowledge to the topic knowledge to the topic
given given given given
Explanation X4 The explanation was The explanations The explanations The explanations failed
interesting, engaging provided clear provided some clear to express clear
and provided clear information information information
Presentation design X3 Makes excellent use Makes good use of Uses fonts, color, Uses fonts, color,
& layout features of fonts, color, fonts, color, graphics graphics but graphics but these often
graphics to enhance to enhance the occasionally these distract from the
the presentation presentation distract from the presentation content
presentation content
Originality & creativity X5 Presentation shows a Presentation shows Presentation shows Presentation lacks of
large amount of some original thought. little original thought. evidence of original
original thought. Idea Work shows new Work displays few new thought. Work displays
are creative ideas ideas no new ideas
Eye contact Student maintain eye Student maintain eye Student maintain eye Student reads all of
contact with audience, contact most of the time contact most of the time report with no eye
(5 marks)
seldom returning to but frequently returns to but frequently returns to contact
notes notes. notes.
Voice Student’s uses a clear Student’s voice is clear Student’s voice is clearly Student’s mumbles go
voice and correct not too fast or slow. some of the time and too fast or too slow,
(5 marks)
precise pronunciation of Pronunciation most pronunciation most incorrectly pronounces
term. words correctly of term. words correctly of term. terms and speaks too
Attire Formal clothing with Appropriate clothing and Appropriate clothing and Inappropriate clothing
very good gestures and uses gestures and body need to improve use of and does a gestures but
(5 marks)
body movement movement gestures and body not appropriate
Presentation Presented within the Remained close to the Exceeding or failing short Greatly exceeding or
length allotted time allotted time of allotted time failing short of allotted
(5 marks)