2018 Literacy Test
2018 Literacy Test
2018 Literacy Test
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) 2018
You are not permitted to use cellphones, audio- or video-
recording devices, digital music players or e-mail or
text-messaging devices during the assessment.
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Section I Writing a Series of Paragraphs page 2
1 Task:
Write a minimum of three paragraphs expressing an opinion on the topic below. Develop your
main idea with supporting details (proof, facts, examples, etc.).
an adult who is interested in your opinion
The lined space provided in the Answer Booklet for your written work indicates the approximate
length of the writing expected.
Does homework improve learning?
Multiple-Choice Questions
1 Choose the sentence that does not belong in the 3 Which option tells how to make the following
following paragraph. sentence correct?
(1) The Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guide What’s clear is that when people exercise,
program provides service dogs to Canadians they increase the amount of a particular
with disabilities. (2) Puppies attend a training protein, that acts like fertilizer for the brain.
school after spending their first year with a
foster family. (3) The foster family teaches a Remove the second comma.
puppies basic obedience and exposes them to b Remove the apostrophe in “Whatʼs.”
everyday experiences. (4) The puppies can be
taught many tricks. (5) A puppy wearing a green c Replace the first comma with a colon.
Lions Foundation jacket is likely training for a d Replace the period with a question mark.
future of service.
a after sentence 1
b after sentence 2
c after sentence 3
d after sentence 4
Section Reading page 4
Read the selection below and answer the questions in the Answer Booklet.
Read the selection below and answer the questions in the Answer Booklet.
Not surprisingly, the Brothers Dubé spent the summer of 2013 preparing for their 7
performance, practising three hours each day in the basement of their Ottawa home and
planning for a fun playlist that included a makeshift hockey-stick guitar they had built.
Lots of practice means that they spend significant amounts of time together, and, like all 8
brothers, they do argue occasionally. Jan says it can be frustrating sometimes but points out
that “we all know we can yell at each other, and no one will hold a grudge.” He can’t imagine
playing in a band without his brothers: “It’s pretty fun. It’s like a family journey for us.” The
brothers have had lots of support from their dad, who helps his sons maintain balance in their
lives with their music, their charity efforts and, of course, their homework.
The next step, after opening for the Beach Boys, was the release of a couple of extended 9
play, or EP, albums (recordings with more than just a single song but less than a full album).
A tour could also be in the cards—but only when they’ve finished school.
The Brothers Dubé are in no rush: “We don’t want to become really big really fast. We have 10
time on our side,” Liam said. “We’re not looking to be famous or be the next [band like]
Nirvana or Foo Fighters . . . . We just love playing music.”
Section III Reading (continued) page 6
Multiple-Choice Questions
1 Where are the Brothers Dubé from? 4 Which word is closest in meaning to
“philanthropy” as used in paragraph 5?
a Ottawa
a talent
b Toronto
b popularity
c California
c generosity
d Tennessee
d imagination
7 What does paragraph 8 emphasize about the 9 Why did Liam say “We have time on our side”
boys? (paragraph 10)?
a their passion for music a The brothers practise daily to improve their
b their ambition to be famous
b The brothers balance school, charity work and
c their ongoing sibling tension
d their strong personal relationships
c The brothers have played music since they were
8 What is the function of the dashes in d The brothers have many years in which to build
paragraph 5? a career.
a to add emphasis
b to set off a definition
c to indicate a shift in topic
d to indicate an interrupted thought
Section Reading page 8
Read the selection below and answer the questions in the Answer Booklet.
“I’m learning so much working on that new hotel—following the wiring layout, setting 5
the switch boxes, running the wire. Mr. Morrison is really patient and knowledgeable.” He
glanced at the screen. “Planning your future?”
Olivia slouched back in her chair. “So many of these Grade 11 courses seem irrelevant. When 6
will I use them? Besides, I don’t want to sit all day—I want to do something.”
“Like what?” 7
“Well, my favourite class is transportation,” said Olivia. “I’m thinking of getting into auto 8
body repair. Our careers teacher told us that skilled trades will make up 40 percent of new
jobs in the next two decades.”
“In that case, you should consider co-op courses and apply for OYAP, the Ontario Youth 9
Apprenticeship Program. Even before graduation, you could start accumulating hours to
become certified in auto body repair. Why don’t you research it?”
Olivia clicked her way to the OYAP admission requirements. “I need to be 16 and have 16 10
credits. That’s no problem.”
She delved deeper. “Look at all the potential apprenticeships—carpentry, welding, early 11
childhood education, horse grooming!”
“To get my electrician certification, I need 9000 hours of on-the-job and in-class training,” 12
said Anton. “What does auto body repair require?”
“It says 7200. I’d better get started. Where do I sign up?” 13
Section IV Reading (continued) page 9
Multiple-Choice Questions
1 What do the verbs in paragraph 1 suggest about 4 Which of the following events occurs first?
a Olivia decides to sign up for OYAP.
a She is excited.
b Olivia tries to choose her Grade 11 courses.
b She is curious.
c Anton completes a four-credit co-op placement.
c She is nervous.
d Olivia and Anton research OYAP admission
d She is discouraged. requirements.
2 What does the dash in paragraph 5 introduce? 5 What does the word “delved” (paragraph 11)
indicate about Olivia’s actions in paragraphs 11
a a change of topic to 13?
b a list of examples
a She reacts with surprise.
c three unrelated ideas
b She skims the screen quickly.
d a long pause in the conversation
c She slouches more in the chair.
d She searches the site more thoroughly.
3 Why does Olivia state that “skilled trades will
make up 40 percent of new jobs” (paragraph 8)?
Open-Response Questions
6 What do Anton’s words and actions reveal about his character? Use specific details from the selection to
support your answer.
7 Why is the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program a good option for some students? Use specific details
from the selection to support your answer.
Section Writing page 10
1 Name an event you would like to attend. Use specific details to explain why you would like to attend
this event.
Read the selection below and answer the questions in the Answer Booklet.
Units of Power
1 kilowatt (kW) = 1000 watts
1 megawatt (MW) = 1000 kilowatts
1 terawatt (TW) = 1 billion kilowatts
ake 1 cake
B The typical Ontario household uses between 800 and 1000 kWh a month.
DID YOU KNOW? Electricity consumption does vary by appliance model and use. You can use a
plug-in energy meter to find out exactly how much energy your appliances use.
Section VI Reading (continued) page 12
Multiple-Choice Questions
1 What trend does the “Household Energy Usage” 4 What is the purpose of the asterisk (*) beside
graph demonstrate? the word “Conservation” in the upper‑right box?
2 What information is provided in the “DID YOU 5 Why does the selection include information
KNOW?” section at the bottom of the page? about surfing the Web, baking a cake and
ironing shirts?
a Energy usage is linked to consumer purchases.
a It compares renewable sources of energy.
b Energy usage varies according to the size of the
household. b It shows how to reduce energy consumption.
c Energy usage per household is typically c It ranks household activities in order of
constant from month to month. importance.
d Energy usage depends primarily on the time of d It provides real-life examples to explain energy
day when the appliance is used. consumption.
3 Which statement describes the organization of 6 Which graphic feature of this selection could
the pie chart? demonstrate whether the Green Button Initiative
has been successful?
a The sections are ordered alphabetically.
a the percentages in the pie chart
b All sources of renewable energy are grouped
together. b the line in the “Household Energy Usage” graph
c All sources of fossil fuel energy are grouped c the bars in the “Household Energy Usage”
together. graph
d The sections are ordered clockwise from largest d the number of shirts in the “How Much Energy
to smallest percentage. Is in a Kilowatt Hour (kWh)?” text box
page 13
The following April 2018 OSSLT questions are not being released this year:
Components Questions