Story Point Estimation
Story Point Estimation
Story Point Estimation
• Very few software development projects start without • A User Story is a simple statement about what a user wants to do
some concept/metric of how long and how much time with a feature and the value the user will gain.
the development will take • Consider a User Story as a thin vertical slice through the system.
• The Estimator's challenge is to "quiz" that out of the • User stories are written from the user perspective in a way that
can be easily understood.
metric • Technical jargon is avoided.
• I have always felt more confident in my answer when • Acceptance Criteria is usually written at the same time.
the estimation team's size metric/proxy and the • The Project Owner is responsible for the user stories
development team's effort proxy were the same
• Written by the Sponsor
• I believe there is more estimation error from poor • Reviewed by the project team
sizing than from estimation models or processes • Usually written on cards
• The fact that this is a briefing about User • Story on the front
Stories/Story Points in no way a critique of Lines of • Acceptance Criteria on the back
Code or Function Points or any other size metric
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• A User Story identifies: • User Stories are owned by the Product Owner
• The User • Written by the Product Owner or a surrogate of the Product Owner
such as a Business Analyst.
• What the user wants to do with a feature
• The product owner ultimately approves the User Story.
• Value gained by the user
• User Stories are written from feature lists with the intention of
• So a User Story can use the following format: filling the product backlog.
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Story Points Rate The Following From 1 - 10
• A "User Story" is a simple statement about what a user • Simply give each dog a value between 1 and 10. 1 is least
wants to do with a feature and the value the user will gain and 10 is most. Numbers can be repeated
from that feature. • Don’t over think the question
• A "Story Point" is a methodology to assess the relative
weight/effort level of a User Story
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Things To Consider When Counting SPs Some Drawbacks To Story Points
• Number of interfaces with the outside world • Story Points are team dependent!
• Most agile teams do not function in a vacuum and must • Members of different teams will have different levels of
consider the needs of the rest of the organization. experience leading to different perspectives related to how
• Certain tasks and artifacts may be required by the hard a story is.
organization or by governance that the team will have to
support. • Points don’t easily scale across different projects.
• This could vary depending on the story or the product. • How one team’s points can vary.
• Complexity of the Code • "Inflation" can occur as soon as the second sprint
• Number of required tasks • Teams often blame not delivering the Story due to a faulty
• Depending on the story certain formal or informal tasks may count. That is usually not the reason!
not be necessary. • As a consequence a natural inflation appears during the next
• Regulation can play into this count.
• There may be more checks and balances to a story due to governance
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• Review a group of stories as a teams • Each team member gets a deck of Planning Poker Cards
• Discuss the complexity of the story and the activities that will • Assign one team member as the Scrum Master to read the
be needed to implement the story. story out loud and negotiate a consensus
• Consider unknown technology and new processes required.
• Each person selects a card representing the points they
• Each team member selects a number from their Planning want to assign but do not let anyone else see it.
Poker deck of cards
• Everyone exposes their card when directed by the Scrum
• The team discusses until they agree on a point value. Master
• If the team can’t agree, the story is sent back to the Product
Owner to be rewritten.
• If everyone has the same number the story is assigned the
points chosen.
• If a story point cannot be agreed upon the problem usually
resides in the story itself. • If not, the people with the lowest and highest point value
explain reasoning for their point selection.
• Re-voting takes place and is repeated until everyone
• The following slide contains four easy User Stories
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Story Point Velocity And Why Should I Care About Velocity?
• Velocity measures how much of something can be achieved • Velocity Measure provides a way to translate a Size into a
over a fixed period of time; e.g. how many Story Points are duration
completed during a Sprint
• Every estimate starts with a Size estimate (Lines of Code,
• You could do this at the User Story level but you have no relative Function Points, Use Case Points, Ideal Days, Story Points,
measure between User Stories Hot Dogs in a bucket!)
• Velocity is a “team” measurement – not the individual
• Iteration Duration / Completed Total SP = Velocity • Size / Velocity = Duration
• Iterations needed = Total SP / Velocity
• Don’t change the duration and use the same result • Every estimation process requires a relationship between a
volume measure (Size) and productivity – how much size
can be done over time
Quiz: A project has a total size of 365 Story Points. The team
has a velocity of 25/SP per iteration • Velocity can be sued as a TEAM productivity measure.
How many iterations will the project take?
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