The Course Outline Avaya Aura SIP Trunking PDF

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Avaya Aura SIP Trunking Training

5 Day Course | Lecture & Demo

This class is suited to those who are new to administering Avaya systems and would like to
know more about the SIP protocol. This is not a class for marketing or salespeople; it is a class
for administrators, architects, and engineers.
Students will learn how to plan, implement, and troubleshoot the Avaya Aura SM and SMGR as
needed to support SIP trunking. Students will learn how to use Wireshark to perform much of
the troubleshooting and testing.
Training is offered at the customer's site, online through our virtual platform, or at our training
facility in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Telecom training classes can be customized to meet a
customer's learning needs and scheduling is flexible. Contact us for quotes!
1. Pre-Aura Architecture
Phase 1 IP Enabled Definity
Phase 2 Multi-Connect Telephony
Phase 3 IP Connect Telephony - Downsize the Port Networks cabinets for rack mount
Simplex Server
IPSI Restart process following connectivity loss to the active server
ESS Overview
ESS Registration and Database Sync
ESS Remote Location During Normal Operation
ESS Remote Location No Service Interval
ESS Recovery
LSP vs. ESS (Local Survivability Processor) vs. (ESS Enterprise Survivable Server)
Phase 4 - Processor Ethernet (PE)
Phase 5 Add XEN
Avaya Acquires Ubiquity Software
Phase 6 - Migrate to an IMS Based Platform
Avayas Legacy Software Still Impacts Current Systems
Service Platform Vocabulary
Avaya Aura and the Xen Hypervisor
System Platform (SP) Network Architecture - avpublic and avprivate
System Platform (SP) Web Console
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Avaya AURA SIP Flow

Avaya Aura Call Flow with Media

2. Avaya Aura Architecture

Avaya Aura Components
Communication Manager (CM) - Evolution Server and Feature Server
How the Comm Profile Impacts Call Processing
Avaya Call Processing H323 to SIP
Avaya Aura Call Flow with Media
H.248 Ephemeral to Ephemeral Hairpinning
Avaya Aura Call Flow with Media to PSTN GW
H.248 Ephemeral to PRI
Direct IP and the Avaya Shuffle
Avaya Aura SIP Call Flow Through Single SM and CM
Avaya Aura Call Flow with Single MGW
Avaya Aura Entity and Entity Link
Sequencing CM-ES (Evolution Server)
Sequencing CM-FS (Feature Server)
4G Architecture
VoLTE and IMS Extremely Disruptive Technology
3. Aura Routing Configuration Overview
The Big Picture of Avaya Architecture and Associated Technology
Avaya Aura Call Flow with Media
SIP Messages
Trust Chain
The Attach (1 of 2) Call Flow
The Attach (2 of 2) Required Configuration
Dial Tone
Dial Station 2001, Originating Half Call
Dial Station 2001, Between the half calls
Dial Station 2001, Terminating half call
Dial Station 2001 Established Dialog
Avaya SIP Trunking Originating Half call
Dial Station 2001, Originating half call
Avaya SIP Trunking, Terminating Half Call
PSTN SIP Trunk Terminating is Avaya Aura
4. Session Manager Routing Essentials
Session Manager Data Structure and Call Processing
Configure Session Manager
SIP Entities & Entity Links
Routing Configuration
SM Routing: Domains
Home / Elements / Routing / Domains
SM Routing: Locations
Home / Elements / Routing / Locations
SM Routing: Adaptations
RFC 3261 SIP and SIPS URI Structure
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SIP Response
// Home / Elements / Routing / Adaptations
SM Routing: SIP Entity
// Home / Elements / Routing / SIP Entities Adding CM as a SIP Entity
// Home / Elements / Routing / SIP Entities Adding Remote PBX as a SIP Entity
SM Routing: Entity Link
// Home / Elements / Routing / Entity Links
SM Routing: Time Range
// Home / Elements / Routing / Time Ranges
SM Routing: Routing Policy
// Home / Elements / Routing / Routing Policies
SM Routing: Dial Pattern
// Home / Elements / Routing / Dial Patterns
SM Routing: Regular Expression
// Home / Elements / Routing / REGEX
Implicit Users

5. Regular Expression
Regular Expression
Home / Elements / Routing / Regular Expression
Regular Expression Metacharacters
Common REGEX Variations
6. CM Call Routing Essentials
Communication Manager 6.2
CM Configuration for SIP Trunking Quick Start
License and Capacity
IP Networking and CAC
CODEC Configuration
Signaling Group
7. SIP Essentials
SIP User Agent
SIP Requests (Methods)
SIP Responses Status Codes
SIP a Peer-to-Peer Signaling Protocol without Proxies
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Contact URI A Temporary URI That Indicates Where a UA is Currently Located
Add a SIP Proxy
A SIP Relay Point
Add Telephony Features
Assign a SIP Domain
Adding DNS resource records to point to SIP domain
No Trust!
Configure SIP Communications Profile Adding Users and Passwords
REGISTER (unauthorized)
SIP REGISTRATION Authenticate the User Agents
Challenge in the 401 Response
401 Unauthorized (Challenge)
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Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
REGISTER (authorization)
Analyzing the SIP REGISTER Response
Session Manager (SM) - traceSM
SIP Traces Session Manager - traceSM results and traceSM100
SIP Call Routing
SIP Loose Routing
SIP Routing Showing Loose Routing
SIP Routing using E.164 User-ID
Defining a SIP Transaction
How SIP proxies impact SIP Routing

8. Via, Record-Route, Route

INVITE Learning the Route Set (2 of 2)
SIP Dialog begins with the ACK Making sure the other guy knows that I know
Ending the Dialog BYE Transaction
Routing a SIP Request
Avaya Aura Via Header
9. Avaya SIP Headers
Defining the SIP Dialog
Components of a SIP Dialog
Defining a reINVITE
Start Line
SIP Dialog ID
Command Sequence
Via branch parameter
P-Preferred Identity: and P-Asserted Identity
10. Session Description Protocol (SDP)
Session Description Protocol (SDP) RFC 4566
Why SDP Only Establishes of the Media Channel
Media Always Flows Opposite the SDP
Session Description Protocol (SDP)
The v=0 version header
The o= origination header
The s= session name header
The c= connection information header
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The t= time header

The b= bandwidth header
The m= media header
The a= attribute header
RFC 3264 Offer/Answer
Anti Glare and the SDP Offer/Answer Model
RFC 3264 - Placing a Call on HOLD
RTP Relay in Avaya MGW
Hairpinning - Occurs after a reINVITE (The Avaya Shuffle)
Direct IP

11. Avaya SIP Tracing Tools

Session Manager (SM) - traceSM
Session Manager (SM) - traceSM results and traceSM100
System Manager (SM) - GUI SIP Trace Viewer
//SMGR / Home / Elements / Session Manager / System Tools / SIP Trace
12. System Manager Essentials
Avayas Talk about the SMGRs Function
SMGRs Function (The fine print)
Avaya Aura System Manager (SMGR) Versions
System Manager (SMGR) Maximum Capacities
System Manager (SMGR) // SMGR / Home
Common Avaya Logins admin, craft, root, admin, cust, manager
System Manager (SMGR) Central management of products and user profiles
System Manager Log On
// SMGR / Home / Administrators / User Services / Password
// SMGR / Home / Administration / Security / Policies
// SMGR / Home / Communication Manager
// SMGR / Home / Elements / Inventory / Manage Elements
13. User Management
Managing Users with System Manager
User Management
Creating a New User Profile
Identity Tab
Membership Tab (Assigning Roles)
User Profile Example of a Role with limited access
Applying User Profiles to the half-call model
User Profiles Identity Profile tab (always required)
User Profiles Communication Profile tab (enables voice & messaging)
User Profiles Session Manager Profile (link found within Communication Profile tab)
Endpoint Profile (link found within Communication Profile tab)
14. RFC 3263 Locating SIP Servers
Override the Entity Link using RFC 3263
SIP and the DNS
DNS root zone has 13 named authorities
How a Zone file appears in Linux Bind9
How $ORIGIN Impacts the Zone File
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Sample Zone File Organized into a Table (strictly for teaching)

SOA Record The Start of Authority
NAPTR Naming Authority Pointer
RFC 3263 Locating SIP Servers NAPTR, SRV, A-record, INVITE
Local Host Name Resolution
Included in Session Manager Local Host

15. IP Network Regions

Network Regions
Triggers to create a separate NR
change ip-codec-set
Verifying Near End IP Network Region
Configuring a network region
IP Network Map for IP Telephones
Configure the C-LAN IP Network Region Assignment
IP Interface of C-LAN 1a03 <to be> used for SIP Signaling Group 3
Define IP Network Regions
ip-network-region n
change ip-network-region 2 (pages 1 and 3)
change ip-network-region 1 (page 4)
16. Engineering SIP Adaptations
How Adaptations are Applied to SIP Messages
Home / Elements / Routing / Adaptations
Analysis of Avayas canned adaptations
Adaptations Case Study
Modify Adaptation to deliver Contact-URI not AOR
Defective INVITE prior to Adaptation
SIP INVITE after adaptation is applied
The Contact-URI now Looks Correct
17. DHCP Scope
DHCP Scope (RFC 2131 & RFC 2132)
DHCP Process Voice and Data VLAN
DHCP Linux Configuration File
Introduction to Avaya VoIP
Avaya 4600 series phone and DHCP
18. HTTP Support for Avaya Phones
HTTP Request Example 96xxupgrade.txt
Avaya 46xxsetting and 96xxupgrade data flow
HTTP Methods
HTTP Status Codes (
HTTP backup of phones
9600 series SIP backup/restore Personal Profile Management (PPM)
9600 series H.323 backup/restore (except 9610 which is special)
Configuring apache web servers
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19. AVAYA 46xxsettings.txt & 96xxupgrade.txt

Differences between files Behavior by phone model post DHCP
AVAYA 46xxsettings.txt & 96xxupgrade.txt
20. IP Phone Types & Configurations
Process a 9600 series phone undergoes from power-on
Configuring Avaya phones for a SIP REGISTER
96xx Phone Types & Configurations
Setting up a station in SMGR - The basics
Avaya One-X 9650C SIP
IP Phone Backup & Restore
21. SIP Security
General Security Principals
Avaya Integrates EJBCA Open Source
Avaya Aura Security Technology Essentials
Hashing Algorithms
One Way Algorithms
Symmetric Key: A Single Key Secure in Both Directions
Public Key Encryption: A Pair of Keys = Secure Communications in One Direction
Public Key Encryption: A Pair of Keys Authenticates in the Reverse Direction
SIP Security
Public Key Encryption: Four Keys = Secure Communications in Both Directions
PKI when Direction is Public to Private
Public Key Encryption (For Authentication)
A pair of keys authenticates in the reverse direction but is not private
A Digital Certificate Example
Understanding PKI Certs and the signature line!
Understanding Avaya PKI Certs and Self Signing
Verifying a Certification
Public Key Encryption: Four Keys = Secure Communications in Both Directions
Types of Certificates
A PEM Formatted Digital Certificate
TLS Connection Establishment
Adding, Viewing, & Removing A Trusted Certificate
Replacing An Identity Certificate
HMAC: Hashing Message Authentication Code
22. Managing Events
Alarming & Logs
Viewing Alarms
Changing Status of an Alarm
Exporting Alarms
Searching for Alarms
Home / Services / Events / Logs / Log Viewer
23. Managing System Data
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Database Replication Service

Synchronization Managed via Audits

24. Synchronization
Synchronizing CM with System Manager

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